Making premature new threads while I am in the middle of a conversation, in the middle of typing out a post, is a good way to annoy me in a way that I won't forget by tomorrow. Or the day after that or the day after that.
He does this sort of thing on a regular basis. It annoys me when I am talking about something and it gets cut off by a new thread. And even if it's a stupid topic, I don't really want other people deciding if what I'm talking about is worthy of conversation.
Maybe I'll just cut off his stupid conversations and give that same excuse.
>>252883 I just believe in paying back all my debts.
>>252890 That's kind of petty, but I can understand that. I still remember lots of things people did that bothered me a lot. Going back like 14 years even.
/moe/ a deathnote just dropped on your front lawn what are you gonna do with it
>>252891 I am petty, yes. When someone does something I don't like, I let them know first. Then if they continue to do it I don't really see why I should continue to be nice to them.
>>252902 If someone won't even trouble themselves to make a minor concession, why should you pay their comfort level any heed at all?
>>252898 Just because you don't like something someone does (and alao tell them about it) doesn't mean they have any obligation to stop. For example, it really bothers me when you guys talk about FEH, but i dont bitch about it because that would be assholish.
>>252903 that sounded sick until the arrest part can we do it without getting caught >>252904 because the world isn't a hugbox that requires everyone to heed your whims and /moe/ isn't either petty theft doesn't deserve the death penalty
>>252909 a lot of people are stupid and get worked up over trivial things that doesn't just apply to you but every single person that cares it's so easy to swap threads for the majority
there is only one person i can think of that it actually affects in any significant way here >>252916 it's easy to link posts from previous threads the issue is just that people are too lazy to do it
>>252915 Swapping threads kills the conversation. It's very rare when a conversation can successfully make the jump.
Moreover, I don't think asking for a little respect is an unreasonable request or something that can be dismissed as simply being trivial or petty.
>>252912 No fucking idea, well maybe its because I have an @ in the name field Also it's not a trip I'm to lazy to manually type in my trip on my phone
just a funny thing I noticed oh right name >>252919 oh nice >>252921 who do believe I >>252922 oh right misquote ask and ye shall recieve
>>252912 that's from cloudflare, it's a filter that prevents bots or spiders from skimming cloudflare protected servers for emails by censoring email fields
>>252915 Well the reality is that 9 out of 10 conversations get killed by the thread transfer. I don't really think that's a worthy trade-off since TN's motive in doing this sort of thing is just because he wants his name on all the new threads.
i find it particularly aggravating when i'm in the middle of a good, immersive conversation too and not the back-and-forth slower paced kind because those are so difficult to come across and keep going so well too it's like having a conversation at a cafe and someone comes and trips and knocks over the table you're sitting at it's such a huge interruption
>>252927 that's what you get for thinking with your dick you filthy slut try to show a little more restraint next time.
>>252924 i think it's more like you're having a conversation at a cafe and a friend of the other party invites you to come to the bar with them both now you're all together but the scene has changed dramatically
>>252937 also the koume that looks like this these are my final requests as a dying man >>252943 >>252942 that we put our things on a chart it was auts as heck
Are you asking about that image, which is somehow being used for virtue signalling? Or are you asking about the phrase "virtue signalling"?
virtue signalling is when you espouse the moral highground typically sjw views in order to gain social credits even when you don't actually care
Or more often than not it's what people start saying is going on when they don't want to admit that people they don't like could possibly have respectable opinions on things.
>>252952 no that one is newer the one he's talking about is like a radial graph judging each poster's character alignment and intensity of the alignment
>I don't like this person but they're saying something sensible and/or respectable that if it was a person I like I would agree with them on >They must be virtue signalling!
I fucking hate that phrase.
>>252953 oh the alignment chart I don't have that one
jammy it might thunderstorm on the 2nd but it should still be fun even so bring a bag in case you wanna buy cute things there'll be loads of vendors and stuff
>>252955 It's overused but I think it does describe an actual thing in a unique way. Though when I think of it, I think of religious people who don't practice what they preach. I know the phrase is used a lot in political contexts though.
Sure but that absolute overuse of it completely redefines its purpose. It feels as if it's not actually a discussion point it's just an ad hominen to discredit someone who's trying to fight or support a decent cause just because there's plausible or implausible evidence that they don't earnestly support the cause and just want brownie points.
>>252961 i can understand political contexts but i'm seeing it in places where i'm like wtf does that even mean i think that it's just an easy thing for someone to use as filler when they don't have the right words to describe what they don't like about what a person is doing
>>252963 Well, as tilde is pointing out, it has reached buzzword status as well. If you are seeing it on /cgl/ it is probably just people shitposting at each other. Though girls in general have a really bad habit of doing it trying to seem like they are better people than they are. Fake bitches will virtue signal every chance they get.
>>252962 When used like that, it's basically just people bickering over politics questioning each other's motives. Political argument has become increasingly uncivil and annoying in the past few years so I don't blame you for being irritated by it.
In most situations questioning motives like that is a waste of time. Why the fuck does it matter if their heart is behind it. Just take the fucking help you can get.
syrup sandwiches
We talking maple or whatever that weird Aunt Jemenna Cricket's syrup is.
Oh Kakegurui had come out earlier tonight. We could have watched that.
Oh that's a shame, that would have made a good fourth show. The charity thing may still be going tomorrow though so I guess there will be time.
Depends really. A lot of anime shows air super-late at night. If the charity started running at a time to encapsulate late-airing shows today it likely won't be running to encapsulate late-airing shows tomorrow.
late night anime is real neet hours
this is early anime fuck that's not what i meant to say
Oh the last day of the MOGRA birthday stream has been running for three hours already. I forgot the do the last day early. Guess I miss out on this one too.
>>252973 Wouldn't it have been cleaner to have the more intense bits to go inwards while the more spacious outer area is the less intense bit? That way it'd be way less cluttered
It's not the chart's fault we're all so neutral and not extreme.
>>252987 Prinnies are all horrible sinners who everyone bullies every day. So I guess it works!
>>252988 This is my true form. Most of the time I'm in good enough form to just be perfectly normal though.
>>252989 they're also cute enough to be in 80% of the fanart
Exploding prinnies is fun
>tfw every prinny rebellion fails
one day
They wouldn't be Prinnies if they succeeded.
>>252990 My final form is probably some lovecraftian aspect of anxiety. Who the fuck knows what is going on, Even I lose san points trying to figure it out
>looking through folders >all my old pictures of astolfo saved I should have seen coming
curry demon prinny is best one
red moon red moon
moe money moe problems
>>252996 You become a creature which is literally omnipresent, existing everywhere at once. But never in plain sight, always appearing just off the corner of your eye, that kind of shadow-y movement that makes you think something is there and compels you to take a glance.
Alternatively you become the absolute fact that yes, you did leave the stove on when you left the house.
gfonna make some food I got these tiny spring roll like things It's not a lot of food but it's good for a morning thing cause I'm never hungry when I wake up
>>253028 or that effect when you get up too fast and you see these firefly kind of things maybe throw in some pins and needles for fun that's the drug of the future
I get that pretty often. Some times even get dizzy during it too.
>>253021 I heard a rumour you're a communist now is this true
>>253033 Sometimes I'll look at a light and look away and pretend it's like a laser targeting thing
>>253036 oh yeah that's cool too we're all gonna love lain in the future
>>253037 >in the future Hold up I already love Lain Don't you?
y-yeah I-I would never leave my lain because she's some 2-edgy-deep-4-U shit I-I love my Lain
He seemed like such a wholesome person when I first came across him too Like he just posted Kemonos but then suddenly he started ranting about niggers and completely lost his cool from then on, was really hostile to people
I figured he'd just had a really rough day, but he didn't seem to ever recover properly
>>253050 yeah he didn't seem all that bad for a while and then you mentionend it it's a trap even first you come for the friends then you stay for whatever else he does
well that was a thing played league with some local anime nerd i found around here he invited me over to his place next week so i guess i made a friend irl i haven't done that in like years
>>253075 it was all right. he seems exactly like almost every person i have on steam so it was natural feeling i don't play league either but i made an exception to make a friend >when i'm talking with tilde about league huh
>>253102 I'm just under the overweight cut off weight for my height Also I looked it up, of the two main types of fat tissue, one has pain feeling nerves and it is not known if the other type does. So some fat has pain nerves
>netflix saying they are having problems with my billing information Nigga I didn't sign up for another month I ain't signed up for a subscription, I paid for a month at a time and I ain't done it this month
someone on my TL is incredibly upset that people are trying to "ruin a good boxing match" by bringing up the fact that the boxers are either racist or wife beaters
Dude boxing is a sport we probably shouldn't even have anyway because of what it does to the participants Them being trash humans just means it's arguably moral
I dunno really though, people should be allowed to box if both parties wanna, but I don't think you should make money from sports to begin with Putting money in stuff perverts it
we pay these people to take on serious life changing injuries from a young age that not only impedes their brain development but also causes brain damage it's barbaric
Yeah, it's not a good thing at all But since it is in place, I think we can say that it's good that the two boxers aren't actually good human beings Like it'd be bad if it was like a Jadist or something in there, someone who'd never hurt anyone
Though there's a change they're like that because of the sport to begin with so it's not that black and white either
The democrats winning is GENERALLY better than the republicans winning But you shouldn't want or support either of them because they're both bad for you
That's basically how I am on boxing It's BETTER that the boxers are pieces of shit than if they weren't But there shouldn't be any paid boxers at all
the whole thing is a shitshow really needs to go the way of the something that went exctinct fuck I can't think
>>253171 but they're bad because we paid them to destroy their brains so that they didn't develop the mental facilities necessary to operate at the level we expect people to operate at
>>253177 football is the same way these people sustain massive brain trauma from an early age that damages their ability to make decisions and control themselves - this is a scientific fact we then train them to be aggressive so we have people with reduced self control being trained to be aggressive
Really, any sport or whatever should be allowed to be a thing people do if everyone involves just wants to
Idealized society, I mean Removing it completely isn't even a good idea in current society Making things people wanna do or see illegal with capitalism around just creates a black market, like every time
>>253247 which of the persona 2's is he in because while i technically started eternal punishment i played more of innocent sin though even then that was only like an hour or two
oh innocent sin or eternal punishment he's in both of them
The anarcho primitivists are right We must destroy technology until we can destroy capitalism
my dad is a primitivist he was telling me the other day that the internet is the reason the world is fucked up and we should get rid of all the technology and go back to the way things were in the 1700s (even though there's technology there) also he doesn't want a police force but is against guns
>>253305 i didn't know -- >>253308 it's dangerous to take home stray beds they could be carrying diseases >>253305 i didn't know the hotel was gonna plop a 250 authorization onto my card on top of the cost of the hotel it kinda put me in a tight squeeze because there's almost a week left til pay day do you think you could spot me a thing for gas and things i need
you can't even drink the fuckin water out here it's ridic you gotta buy either bottled water or those big office-style water jugs
>>253307 Did they charge you already? That's weird, usually you don't get charged until after your stay.
I can send you a little bit. Is like $50 enough?
>>253309 not charge, but it's being held as an authorization yeah, $50 would be enough. i really just need to make sure i have gasoline, water, milk, eggs i could probably cover it anyway but i have like $30 and that makes me nervous
Yeah, no worries. Better to have a safety net just in case.
>>253311 It means a certain amount of money in your account is "reserved" for the hotel.
>>253312 >>253311 yeah they charged for the room because i did a pre-payment plan for a better deal (non-refundable) but then they have like a $250 security hold in case you fuck up the room and since i did the non-refund pre-purchase, that counts as paying for the room then i thought they'd do it at check-in but because of this special pre-pay deal they do it early
i'll get it back some time next month though which is cool i'll have 250 bucks flop in outta nowhere >>253312 thank you, i really appreciate that. there's an earnestness to living this fuckin far away from anywhere, and not having gasoline could really fuck you up don't want to get stranded hope that's not a burden on ya, i know you just shelled out for the trip and also a camera too
>>253313 It's not a burden on me, I'm fine. I have Fish supporting me as well, so my money goes further than it used to now, plus I am usually financially secure. I don't mind helping out my friends.
I usually am financially secure too I also had to spend 800 bucks at microcenter this month unexpectedly on this new laptop so that put me way behind too also paid like a bunch of my mom's bills she couldn't cover i'm a little surprised i was able to do all these things and still finance a trip
i made an IRL friend the other night he wants to invite me over to play video games this week we played legal legends last night for a couple hours and hung out on discord he was just an average nerd like us but a little bit on the normie side, but not completely he was shit talking attack on titan pretty hard so that was cool
i should fuckin download dame dame log horizon and watch it with him he said he loves log horizon
That's cool, haha. Is he someone that lives near you?
Oh, I sent the money, by the way.
thanks i mean, about as "near" as it gets out here in a town like 35 minutes away basically neighbors
i had just met him at a gas station, he's like "uh, am i wrong or do you look like a gamer" and i'm like yeah you're fuckin wrong games are for nerds do i look like a nerd and he's like "well i didn't mean it that way" he took out a piece of paper and wrote down his summoner name and asked me to add him it was so cute
>>253322 Haha, that's funny. Asking some random if they're a gamer is kind of weird so he's probably a good person.
>>253324 we're out in the fuckin sticks everyone here is either so rednack that their skin is almost black from the sun or they're someone who don't look like they work in the sun repairing cars 18 hours a day and in those cases there aint shit to do out here but either play video games or do meth so i guess it's a toss-up
he's cool though i had a lot of fun
hello yes this is church-ton
please leave a message at the peer >>253323 daoka where mogra is it
>The main difficulty with using explosives to modify hurricanes is the amount of energy required. A fully developed hurricane can release heat energy at a rate of 5 to 20x1013 watts and converts less than 10% of the heat into the mechanical energy of the wind. The heat release is equivalent to a 10-megaton nuclear bomb exploding every 20 minutes. According to the 1993 World Almanac, the entire human race used energy at a rate of 1013 watts in 1990, a rate less than 20% of the power of a hurricane. wow
>>253361 yeah those kids were assholes, never letting that rabbit have his own froot loops like they'd straight up steal it from him
I mean it's not like froops are any good let the rabbit have his garbage and go eat something with some fibre
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Using the search function in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, researchers electronically scanned articles for the phrases “meaning making,” “making meaning,” “make meaning,” or “made meaning.” idk why but this made me laugh really hard i found it in a scientific article
about what article about what*
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was a content analysis comparing the usage of certain terminology between scholarly and practitioner journals and also with public policy and policy journals
And I also remembered that I am mad about TN threads and not posting in them. So here's a new thread if you'd like to use it. >>253373 → >>253373 → >>253373 →