>I've got some orbs, let's roll to see if I can get Elise >No greens >Choose a red >Summer Leo help >Roll again >Two greens >Roll them >5* hawkeye help >Summer Xander what
I guess I can L40 all my other 5* So I can have multiple competent teams for Arena Assault. I've left Cordelia, Lukas, and ?MaRtH? at Level 1 since I got them
Wait this song on mogra right now Wasn't that Ginuwine
I thought about doing that kind of thing a while back but my only source for Renewal 3 was Jakob and I didn't want to sacrifice a decent 5* for it. Oh wait, I have Fae now. I can use her. If I only had Heavy Blade, it'd be perfect. I want to Aether/Heavy Blade/
i really really want to use caeda but her attack is just so low her atk with a brave blade+ is only 33 even if i give her death blow or something, she'll barely have enough attack to damage most enemies even if she hits them 4 times
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>251223 yeah, i need aether if i had aether, my Alm would be perfect I have three 4* Chroms I might have to 5* one of them for Aether eventually
Really cool thing I learned was that those Turn 1 Seals trigger on every stage of Tempest Trials. Which sounds obvious enough. But this makes Quickened Pulse SO GOOD.
I don't understand how Hardy Bearing works. It says it disables skills that change the unit's attack priority and if unit has 100% HP at the start of a battle, enemy skills that change attack priority are also disabled.
But I've noticed that Vantage isn't disabled by it.
Disabling your own Vantage is ridiculous so you wouldn't really put it on your Vantage having characters. But I don't get what it does if it isn't affecting Vantage at the very least. I thought it was a Breaker & Vantage counter. Breaker, Vantage, Desperation, Brash Assault, all kinds of shit that should be working on.
Wait, I think I just figured it out. I looked at the skill again and it says the start of battle. I was thinking beginning of the stage but it's probably the start of the individual battle. I'll have to test it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if i get aether, summer xander with infantry pulse on Alm's team will be devastating since Alm has heavy blade too unlimited aether works
i haven't figured out what A skill to put on xander yet though fury would make him do more damage but armored blow would mean he can attack almost anything without repercussions
I don't need any of those seals. It'll just give me +300 feathers for my efforts. I can rush for the 5 orbs with Oboro though Oboro's not terrible. Not a bad person to have. I only have a 3* I think
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i missed +1 speed i'm gonna have to grab that one
i might just autolevel an oboro up i have two 4* oboros hmm
Well, I don't have Hardy Bearing so I might as well not bother with thinking much about it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i actually have a level 22 4* oboro she was the first 4* i got i think -hp/+def
>>251247 you can see the nausea physically that he's feeling when that armored unit shows up and he's forced to have delthea soften it his spirit crushed
Today, we're going to aim for the rest of the Living Story 3 map currencies. Blood Ruby will take some time but I can get pretty high on the other two.
>>251297 This event has not been nearly as ridiculous with LBAS RNG (so far) but the map complexity is very hard. er very high This is E-3, in a seven map event. E-2 is pretty similar too. E-3 goes all the way to Q for node names, and E-2 goes all the way to O. If I wasn't doing the event mostly on easy, this thing would be a very time consuming resource hog.
>>251304 Yeah, pretty much every map looks like the final map of an event. I'm glad I'm just doing it on easy. This would really be a month long undertaking on any other mode.
>>251312 It's fine since it's on easy. On another note, they have done a really good job with CG this year. Between the summer CG and the festival CG, lots of boats have really good looking seasonal CG. They also must have locked Shibafu in a room and beaten him until he sorted his issues out, because his art looks good again. They even made him re-do Mikuma's swimsuit CG.
Oh yeah My favorite Welsh rock band is from Cardiff. So I guess there's that.
>>251323 I'm glad they're showing the game some love. I think the game probably well the franchise is probably more healthy with both games sustaining it.
Especially since you have to leave the house to play the arcade.
The puzzles in Catherine were frustrating in places, I felt that way from time to time too.
I think it helps them to have both games healthy, but at the same time the fandom will probably propel itself anyway. Touhou had a ton of secondaries because not everyone likes games like that.
>>251331 I almost wish Catherine had different gameplay because the game was great in terms of story and art but I dislike puzzle games.
speaking of merch, my corrin shipped. I don't think I told you guys I ordered Corrin.
i thought the gameplay was really clever although a little bit poorly presented like introducing roundabout tactics that you've probably already learned better ways to do
>>251334 I didn't dislike the puzzles but i do think it was really heavy handed in it.
>>251333 The problem is that she's not figuring out where to go quickly enough She plays a lot like me where she just solves the puzzles with instinct instead of thought
topics here are pretty fluid and quickly changing we all kind of hang out here while also browsing other chan boards and drop little ideas we come across here and have discussions about them or just comment on things or other social processing kind of stuff >>251339 that's kind of how the puzzles are designed to be done, but there is a little pressure to look a couple levels ahead what's really hard is that arcade rapunzel version minigame that thing gets intense
>>251358 I could manage on the money side for quite some time. Eventually it would run out and then I'd have no skills and employment history. That's the scary part.
>>251360 I could take it easy every day forever and not get bored.
You kinda have to be doing something with it or actively learning something to not be considered one.
>>251370 does having a vocation exclude you from being a neet? she mostly just watches anime and plays games all day now if i didn't make her leave the house she'd probably become a hikki lol
>>251372 i think so, yeah i don't really care enough about the topic to make distinctions but it got pricked into the conversation awkwardly so i was trying to stamp it out
I could NEET it up every day until the end of time and my level of boredom would not be any higher than it is now. In fact, I have trouble taking it easy sometimes because I'm too tired to play games and stuff when I get home.
>>251382 No, higher. I would not be any more bored if every moment I had was free time than I am now.
>>251377 list of people that are not in employment, education, or training business owners consultants contractors elected officials tailors barbers the united states president
do you see why this is a stupid fucking criteria
They have jobs though
that's not employment
>>251386 And the term NEET is wasei eigo When Japanese people use it, they don't consider the distinction of "being employed" and "having a job".
Why's it stupid Most of those aren't even neets Barbers are wage slaves like everyone else, dude
>>251387 why do those things count as jobs but being a researcher doesn't or an inventor or an investor or literally any other way people make a living and pursue goals in their lives
>>251390 In the context of the term, I think being those things count as long as someone's paying you for it and you're actively doing things in it. But say if you were some backyard inventor just doing and making things in your infinite free time. And you aren't really doing anything that makes money from it and surviving on the back of someone else, that counts as being a neet. I think rather than "employment", it's more like "professional" in that you get paid for whatever you're doing.
>>251390 You're being autistic right now Also some of those are jobs (sometimes)
>>251398 It's time consuming, but completely lacking in productivity It's "a lot of work" to ram my head against the wall too, but that doesn't make it work
>>251395 >>251399 You have no idea what you're talking about right now
>>251397 you're the one saying being a marine biologist is NEET because it's not employment, education, or training but that other things that aren't employment but are jobs and are not NEET you pricked this stupid conversation on semantics in the first place, you don't have a leg to stand on to call anyone autistic
>>251401 She has a degree in marine biology But as ffar as I know, she makes no money from it because she has no job
>>251404 They're both bad news! Catherine is less evil than Katherine though. Katherine represents Order which is always bad.
>>251401 Also by being autistic, in some contexts I am better able to recognize autistic behavior
And besides, arguing what is or isn't a NEET is just semantics anyway It's a group of people, the term itself says who is and isn't in it Employed, in education or training? You're not a NEET End of
>>251410 She was doing her best, though. She was a little messed up. It's a little bit a woman's job and nature to control her man, so I didn't have a problem with it. Men need that.
>>251411 The only reason you would even consider transferral of money to someone 'work', or the process of finding someone to transfer money to 'work', is a HEAVY capitalist bias.
>>251413 That's not the only thing investors do But you wouldn't know that
>>251412 No way. Anyone who tries to reduce my autonomy through force is evil. Some men need that and Vincent did, but Katherine just decided for the two of them that Vincent couldn't have any freedom anymore. That's morally repugnant.
>>251414 So what else is necessary to be called an investor?
>>251415 Katherine was a sperg and too heavy handed so she did it wrong. And how badly it went was amplified by how messed up and chaotic Vincent is. Katherine was still the best thing he had going in his life though.
Female control is supposed to be a lot more subtle and less heavy handed. More like putting a limiter on the man!
>>251416 investing is the only requirement but to be a good investor you're gonna have to do feasibility studies, you'll want to know how to perform data analysis and you're going to have to do a lot of formal business meetings and things
>>251416 It's not so much that those things have more requirements but that there are investors who do more than just throw money.
>>251418 So they don't work Some of them do But some bourgeois work on the floor of one of their stores too, that doesn't mean bourgeois work
>>251417 Yeah, that's how that control should be. The woman needs to make the man want to limit himself. Katherine was terrible that.
Katherine is too Order for me. Catherine is too Chaos for me. If I had to choose, though, I'd rather have Chaos.
Neutral is the best, though.
>>251420 some don't, sure some people start investing with a very small some and do some really in-depth research about every investment they make and can, over their lifetime, come out with a sizeable sum of money the ones that do that, it seems like just as much work as most other jobs
And besides, all of those things are only necessary because of the system surrounding them They're artificial
If a king said I HAD to sit in a movie theater for 24 hours before opening a business, that doesn't mean that day in the movie theater is productive, or work. It is artificial
>>251424 Man just shut the fuck up with your commie bullshit It's fucking obnoxious as hell
You don't have to be a commie to recognize that there being red tape doesn't mean your working through it isn't work.
>>251428 thanks sorry to spaz like that but it's really frustrating when it's derailing to clarify a point that didn't need clarifying the whole answering questions that nobody asked thing i do it too so i'm being hypocritical but i need to do that too
>>251434 What I'm saying is that the series is // has three alignments neutral, chaos, and order Order is represented by YHWH and similar entities depending on the title and means complete loss of freedom Chaos is represented by Lucifer typically and represents anarchy Katherine is Order and Catherine is Chaos both are evil
I remember when I was a fervent Law alignment when it came to smt Those were the days
>>251434 i liked Katherine a lot. like, i felt like she was being a bitch a lot but i kind of understood why i really liked the story i actually started to like Catherine at a certain point that i dont remember when, but i think in the way that it was intended that she was supposed to be relief and escape from the smothering but SADLY i didn't get to play it myself and // entire myself and the person i was sharing playing it with did a lot of immersion breaking and it sullied it a bit
>>251451 She started it. Soon I'm setting Elise up for the express purposes of bullying Nino.
my ankle is really fucked up idk what happened to it
>>251454 same i was trying to salvage my hard drive from my PC and had to pry it out with a fuckin hammer because acer prebuilts are unremovable the whole metal case with broken stuff fell and scraped up my ankle the hard drive doesnt even work it sucks
if you ever do decide to dump dollars for orbs, you can buy google play cards, $100 card for $80 i don't really care to spend that much on orbs, but some people do and get a good deal >>251462 i'd say maybe it's just a sore tendon but you run a lot so you prolly already know what that feels like
>>251455 that sucks idk what happened to mine but it hurts to put any weight on it
feels more like i ppulled a muscle but i don't remember doing anything i didn't run this morning
>>251484 throw a wet sock at him that should kill him
>>251486 that's insane and terrifying >>251485 until he comes down
i don't think it's that insane
i checked the laws, sort of. it looks like trespassing easily applies, breaking and entering could if it's padlocked but i dunno how much it's being policed there's probably scrappers that have already broken in
how would that possibly kill it
>>251488 if i get arrested then i get kicked out of school im fine with going if there aren't typically police there
>>251484 Spray it with an ammonia based cleaner Insects breathe through holes they have all over their body, it will inhale the ammonia vapor and be knocked unconscious Maybe
I don't understand why swordboys has to be so disappointing. making good fujoshit is not that hard. There seem to be a lot of girls in Japan that just have irredeemably shitty taste and want mary sue boys that are completely overembellished and look like they just walked out of a tales game or some shit. You just have to copy Free to make good fujoshit, that's all you need to do.
why would they make a house with ceilings too high for a broom to reach anyway how are you supposed to sweep the ceiling that way
>>251538 Well, just look at her. She's some short haired edgy demon looking slut. She's looking pouty or edgy or whatever too. Hopefully Granblue will lighten her up quite a bit or this is an event I won't like.
is it really demon looking if she's expressly a dragon?
I can't imagine she'll be dour the whole time. I can't get a huge feel for her personality through a card with four voice lines I dont use but she has a friend who seems pretty chipper at least
>>251537 do you have a bright flashlight or a laserpointer their wings are light sensitive so whatever's shining at them, they'll flap that way i know that there's a big fat sun on the other side of it but maybe
She also has glowing dark energy claws. I don't think there's too much difference in an edgy dragon and a demon. Either way she's not a very appealing character.,
I washed my car and went for a swim. Today's activities are now complete. It seems kirara spent the whole time I was doing that trying to kill a hornet.
I mounted a stupid big tv on a wall we've all been so productive today
i shot it like forty times with darts aand it wouldn't die
eventually i took apart my shoe rack and turned it into a long range killing machine
>>251686 We don't have Little Caesers here I'm gonna assume that's a good thing
>>251689 Ikr He does it with chess too We play, once *well once I'm not sure if im good or not though Maybe all my friend s are just garbage at chess Oh yeah, we played with a mario chess set too
>>251691 It probably wasn't actually five dollars It was probably like 3 dollars How much do you guys pay for energy drinks out of curiousity Over here it's like $3 a can
ES is like 1€ and its main competitor from rival store is same price ED is maybe 2,50 and battery and red bull area bout same price, of course ED and the first two are 0,5 and battery is 0,33 and red bull isthat wacky size 0,2?
>>251687 >forfeiting in EDH lol what kind of loser
Unless you guys are playing some bullshit unfun decks like tap-down Merieke, I can't understand why you would early forfeit the most casual MtG format
What about cereal, yoghurt, and fruit. It's really good but not really classified there.
>>251719 What's it to you if they don't want to add milk to their cereal. What if they're lactose intolerant, are you just going to say "well enjoy your dry cereal then"?
There are places where avocado is less expensive than butter, you know.
This is more of a past thing though. It went up in price now. but yeah, avocado was poor man butter now it's the symbol of wasteful spending but that's a different story than what my point is
whenever i got drunk i always used to message saku on steam like "maine lobsters don't have claws" for some reason
my grandparents showed me pictures of their trip to maine once and they had lobsters and they didn't have claws in the pictures so i thought that they didn't have claws i guess
there are lobsters without claws they're sold for their tails but maine lobbos definitely got claw boppers
That hero battle was tough. Thank goodness for Corrin folded 1000 times. I almost typed tank goodness for Corrin folded 1000 times that would have been a good typo.
>>251713 you didn't include juice cereal? i had a friend named rose who couldn't drink milk so she made cereal with apple juice or orange juice i thought it was fuckin weird but i tried it at a hotel and it was actually good
>>251769 No, I was struggling with lunatic. I don't know if I can do infernal because I wasn't playing when Xander's map so I don't have him. And I don't have a super good brave bow+ user.
>>251768 what the fuck that's only a step above water
why are posts disappearing it's freaking me out >>251773 dude it's fuckin good try it with apple juice
oh i see now sorry for bringing it up
>>251774 alright but if it's shit I'm calling you out
>>251781 honey bunches of oats is my favorite cereal i think well at least of the generic cereals i had as a kid as an adult now i'll get that kashi cereal with yogurt it's tasty as fuck
>>251785 I was the last person to give up on you. Every time you were given a chance you immediately threw it back in everyone's faces by acting like a retard. You're done here, surely there's some other small board you can go harass for a few cheap laughs.
You know she kind of looks completely high out of her mind there.
Holy shit Kirara I just realised your trip says Aidoru. Has it always been like that? >>251861 >>251863 I knew it was pan but I only just saw the captain
There really aren't any guides I see for infernal that will help me either. I was able to do lunatic without a guide though it did take a lot of troubleshooting and team changing.
how much time is left on it? i haven't tried i just got innes to 40 but he doesn't have the SP for it right now my best advice is that wings of mercy or escape route are really really crucial because spacing is so strange on that map
Two days left. I also disagree on the value of wings of mercy/escape route. And that is because the volume of units is so high that if you aren't killing 2-3 units per turn you will get overwhelmed and die. There's no time to be teleporting around.
I couldn't really take utility along on lunatic. Everyone had to be pretty much full time killing, except for Olivia, who was full time dancing. That map is crazy.
Yeah, it makes you watch guides or fail a billion times. On a map where you can't lose a single unit and mages randomly pop up in the middle of your units, it leads to problems.
actually merrick himself might do well but i dont like him enough to invest or a gtome user with some speed
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's also ridiculous that they put enemies with bowbreaker on a map that you almost need bows to complete but is also insanely difficult already
Oh, I see. I splatted the red tome users with Corrin and Cain.
The most high stress moment for me was at the very end when the brave axe horse attacked Corrin. Foruntately he had been debuffed by dark breath. Dark breath is really nice.