That's okay, we have like 5 more minutes until we start. I just got the threads started early today.
Is it okay with you guys if I cut out stuff like travel to speed things up?
I was going to have you guys go back to StB and he was going to direct you towards SB but would you prefer to just go straight after StB? It'll probably save like 30 minutes to an hour.
If you figure you can compact any information we might've been able to get from it, yeah.
Also hearing about the new system you've been working on triggered my New Toy Syndrome pretty hard and I want to give it a try. But also playing two or three games at once would probably be a lot of work for the various people. So cutting corners like that is probably a compromise.
>>251805 I still need to get about 250 feats together for the character creation and then finish the bestiary and revise the continent's geography. I'll probably be done by the time we're done with Cthulhu. You guys are coming up on the end now.
As a reminder, Chicago enables Felicity to see the invisible beast.
Only Felicity can see it, though, so she'll have to help the others attack it if they want to do so.
As I mentioned, the spirit animals remain in the waking world so the abilities will be the same there. If anyone needs me to remind them of their animal's ability, let me know.
"throw a bomb that way" will be an effective tactic
mine is the hint system right
also i have one small and two surprise bombs right
Will we get our points back soon? I'm pretty much completely tapped out.
we're coming up on the end of the current part of the main quest so when we inevitably return to the mansion we'll get em back, and that should be soon that sentence might be a little backwarda
Surely he wouldn't explode you on a horse for no reason! You're just traumatized from that time he may have tried to explode someone who happened to be near you!
also we went to the enemy territory correct? that's the -got it, no goofing off
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah this is SB's encampment archie is here somewhere
it's kind of funny that chicago told you guys time was of the essence because you didn't want SB to realize he could call the hiintacabiit into the waking world but you all decided to take a nap
sb also thought he could command a deity as soon as he summoned it so I think we're counting on him being a little thick in the head
>>251927 I'm gonna practice my powers of bullshittery and just say after all the events of the dreamworld petered off and we were "safely" back in the waking world, it unsurprisingly came to be that we were all just completely tired. Because y'know we'd been running around a weird world fighting monsters and snake gods and whatever. That would take it out of anyone.
>>251932 You do have the tommy gun but not the GUN You are still slightly singed
It is because I made it up on the spot. Just because it makes sense and reason doesn't excuse the fact that it's covering up details that completely slipped my mind from last week.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Would Victoria's tommy gun have been included in the ammo re-stocking or are we out of luck since she procured it in a dream world and no one was planning to suddenly have a tommy gun along.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i want to say you're out of luck because that makes sense but i am going to say that it was restocked because that's more fun
Don't set the explosives in the cave. We need to go in the cave. Just blow up a building or something.
thatt is a problem
Do we have any inclination of how deep the cave runs, Kirara? I imagine if Felicity could hear people from outside the mouth of it, the people are at least not too deep. But that says nothing for the cave.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah, it's not particularly deep, you figure.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if everyone's ready, feel free to start za plan
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
thomas can blow up one of those buildings with a small explosive if he wants
might as well really
how close am i to them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you can probably blow one up with a good throw
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
or just say you're gonna go set one to blow up and then blow it up spend 1 explosion to blow up a building flawlessly i guess
Thomas always explodes things flawlessly
Except when the explosive never reaches its target.
it's a little slow when it comes to moving, but it's going to keep following >>252066 it's possible to get around it and move past it, but it'll keep coming after everyone unless someone kites it or something
A cave with an exit on the other side will have air moving through it because of air pressure and stuff. A cave without an exit on the other side will have stagnant air.
Oh, no, you can't feel anything like that. You'll have to come out the way you came.
Chicago mentioned that you can kill it or destroy the tome with which it was summoned to get rid of it, but I'm sure you can figure out another way to deal with it.
hmm The best way things could play out is if we get Archie and whoever out of the cave and then cave the cave in with that thing in it. And then go kill SB and his book.
I'm not sure if we could do all that stuff in time though.
I wonder if we could control the thingy if we had the tome.
We'd need to get past the creature first for that anyway. Like, dodge past it then run deeper into the cave. Hopefully take care of SB before it can get caught up to us. With a nutjob like Archibald it might be easier to get the creature back under control with the tome.
Either way if we start shooting we're probably gonna attract both the people we had run out, plus alert Strafting Booze to our presence.
Could you imagine if this guy doesn't remember anything and we just murder him and he has no idea why
Didn't. Balls. Guess that's a two then. Man my rolls these past few sessions have been rather frustrating.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't have your firearms skills deducted in my notes but if you used two points previously, you can have 1 point back from them if you only used one before, then you get 1 back too i guess
Well it would still be a three on that base roll of a two either way.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well let's say you didn't use any points for that roll then so you'll still have that 1 point
All right. Maybe my luck will improve from hereon out.
Oh I see. Time to gamble, I guess! gambling did not pay off, what a shame.
Oh no it's happening again.
if you guys roll poorly you know what that means
Is the monster thing holding Samuel up securely or is it a kind of "single arm that could be structurally compromised by hitting it with something" sort of thing?
It's not really that messed up compared to what we've already seen. I had the chance to brace myself since I was the one doing it too. He shot me with lightning, TWICE. He doesn't qualify as a person anymore.
Why didn't you just read the book? I'm sure there was a way to stop it that way.
Yeah I was trying to write stuff out like that but then you all were hitting the book and burning the book and now there's not much left to do with a pile of ash.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
indeed reading it would have helped
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
though by the time ton pulled himself away from the book with the knowledge he needed, samuel and archie could have been dead
I gave plenty of opportunities for Thomas to read the book. Destroying the book is more in-line with VV's low stability safety preference though, so she wouldn't be inclined to read it.
Blowing random stuff up and talking to evil fish is perfectly fine, but destroying evil books and removing abominations from the world is too crazy for you?