>maid heh noice good one Kirara you're on fire today buddy really made me laugh I showed my mum, she almost fell over from laughing so hard at it my dad guffawed, and now he wants to give you a job I actually popped over to show the prime minister your sick joke too, and he loved it Kirara you're now prime minister really good one, top stuff
I can't read that's why we gotta steal literacy rates from other countries
Hey /moe/ I'm trying to remember the name of this old black and white anime I saw once. It was set in feudal Japan and had a boy with swords for arms Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
>>250264 a question about qooapp do I have to wait until qooapp picks up the update
it seems starlight stage has an update right now
>>250267 I am gonna vote either green or red Really just for optics though, my goal can not be achieved through the state because it requires the state's removal.
beat navy haha (im in the US army) >>250278 its fine just keep getting tasked out to random stuff im going to PA predeployment training in september
that was some other dude whos name escapes me now faceguy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sefti is navy
>>250280 That's cool. Do you like being in the army? What sort of work are you doing at the moment? >predeployment training So you haven't been deployed anywhere before?
>>250282 Oh yeah that was his name. I guess the internet onboard his ship isn't doing too well
>>250283 armys fine yeah theres a lot of stupid stuff but its easy and i get to do cool stuff sometimes right now im packing connexes for deployment that my brigades doing and pulling medical coverage for air assault i just sit there and watch people repel and tie ropes no i havent deployed i havent really been in long enough to
>>250280 what about your phonegames are ya winnin son
>>250285 almost i need 7 chaos claws in fate go then ill consider myself won
>>250284 >air assault Are you just doing medical stuff, or have you gotten to jump out of a helicopter too? Did you meet any funny people in the army?
i literally sit there in my truck and watch them unless someone gets hurt i can take the air assault course and its worth promotion points but i havent had the chance yet
what do you mean by funny though? theres a lot of weird people i saw someone with a my little pony tattoo
i think i told this here i dont remember if not but 2 females ate C4 plastic explosives they got sent to the er they had projectile vomiting and diahrrea it
>>250290 >eating c4 I guess they were kamikazee training
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i guess you could say they had explosive diarrhea
i got to do the officers water confidence course which is just a zipline into water and a balance beam with stairs over water oh and a rope thing you slide across that was fun
The line goes around two corners on the fifth floor
you picking up the new 2ds xl? (at)koi-
>>250298 i float like gravity never had a cavity >>250301 oh ok thats cool too have you thought about serving your country in the US Army? There are openings and uncle sam is waiting
whos yur waifu is she cute what can she bring to the table >>250318 that sounds alright I would probably think there is one but there's no point stressing over it
wow umm i can see that anime girls tummy also shes got a tramp tat
we were talking about not getting enough sleep and the quality of different soap. then we got into her max level facebook pet game and how they went bankrupt and how creative industries are trash and then she mentioned anime and my favorite game since I said I wanted to make them then we got into IoT because my favorite game is battle network
what a ride
she wants to do fashion design and said someone stole her thing but with cheaper fabric and sold it in random boutiques so she's not a fan of sharing her work with other designers.
she sounds interesting
She's pretty cool. there's something I want to say but dont read this too far She reminds me of CF in some ways. She doesn't have the aura. But I think its the way she talks.
gonna hang out with her?
After getting off the line, I have no idea where she is.
this is the kind of place where your phone would go full FIRE EMBLEM so I'm not even gonna play >>250367 one was a facebook game, the other sounded like an mmo but both games are dead and I think she just watches anime.
some bitch on the contractor forums is trying to put together a gofundme to get other contractors to help her daughter stay in college so she doesn't have to drop out ??? this is the second time she did it too, another for her cousin?? she's workin the same job what the fuck why would i give you shit to help you take care of your daughter i had to drop out of college for unfair reasons too but i'm not being a bitch about it
haha oh no im fucked One of the guys here is being told to take a urine test I just came back from the bathroom. I would have held it in lol great job e me
they won't hold that against you I mean really why would they
He said dont come out without filling the cup and im like oh no
>>250385 what dmv has more than three people working the counter?
Yeah, can see that getting any paperwork from the cops here was impossible in the past too had to take a day off, cause it might take 8 hours of queuing
I remember a job I was applying for , one guy tested positive for weed and they were like >okay buddy just come back in a month and we'll have some work for you
Nowadays it ain't that bad you book a time from the net or just pop up there and wish for the best I popped up to get a new passport and it took me just 5 mins
but I did go there 5 mins after it opened not something a person with a job could do student perks
>arrive home >notice on the door that says the apartment community is switching to a new online system >you have 5 days to cancel your autopayments with the old system and register for the new system
wow and I bet the new system is a bitch to use
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
idek i'm still looking for the place to cancel my autopayments on the old site
Wait, this thing they gave me says "on the first day of September, you will be able to enroll in the new resident portal to make your payment for September, 2017" so i have to go online and set it up on september 1st? the new site doesn't have anything that would let me set anything up right now
what a horribly handled transition
it seems like every apartment complex is really bad at handling things like this, at least in my experience my last apartment was so bad I actually just wrote checks because leaving that at the office was more reliable than trying to use their autopay system they charged me three times for one month once through that thing
>>250407 how horrifying the online system here has always worked perfectly
the new system is like a system named after the company that owns my community so i guess they just suddenly demanded we switch over or something this is actually the first time i've ever had a real complaint about my apartment or the community
Maybe they cut out a middle man to save costs? Most likely the company owns multiple sites, so they finally went "what if we save long term and run the service ourselves?"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe it looks like an attempt to centralize it all which i guess is reasonable from the perspective of a company but it's still weird
Still just is so confusing to me you just don't use bank service to directly pay your landlord? but rather through some weird service?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you can some places and with some things my community wants payment through the automated online system though i could set up my bank to make payments through that system but it'd be a pain
And of course I doubt your banks have good online services, aye?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
my bank's online system is really good i remember when i used a different bank it was crappy, but that was like 8 years ago
so there are good online bank services so why the middle man? or middle ste?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
idk probably makes it easier to track since the company has like 50 sites across the US instead of just paying directly, it goes through my account with them
I guess it does serve a purpose can't really say much about it, scne I don't really know how stuff works there I only have the finnish view of bank business
This weekend is MOGRA's birthday celebration event. Three days of streams. Apparently Taku Inoue is gonna be on in an hour. Wonder if they're gonna take the stream down for him.
>>250415 I've never had trouble with my bank I'm also with a credit union and their service is top notch
I mean, you could just set up a e-bill system and offer that as a service, instead of just direct transfer with a unique indexing number e-bill is always personal and easy as fuck to track, but it does cost the billing company a bit to use it, if I am not mistaken. But as some companies already do, they save you 1-3€ for using it instead of paper bills but even then a bill is always paid with a direct transfer from you to billing company, with the index number giving them the ability to sort it out which of course is automated with bots
Well the driver found the place easily and eventhough his finnish was kinda still "accent heavy" he had the "can't take a compliment" national perk completely unlocked
she was on the other side of the pillar
the pillar saying use of cellular devices is prohibited
go to lunch with her
>Domo, Taku Inoue desu
Happening. C'mon don't take the stream down.
wait is it happening now god wwhy I should have brought headphones
It's three days of streams man. Today is the first day.
>Starts with a Radio Happy mix H A P P E N I N G
Mogra wwould have literally made this AGHHHHHHHG I WANNA LISTEN TO RADIO HAPPY
Can US courts go like "Oh and the prosecution presented such a trash case, I award the accuse $x in damages" or something? Like if their case is just complete garbage and clearly this was just an attempt to harass the person
Is weird to think, that about on average once a month in every EU country, someone wins the national lottery or its equilevant and several million €s and also about average once every month, someone wins the Eurojackpot with the pot being anything between 10-100 million€s
>>250442 we call it frivolous lawsuit when there's no case or a dead case to be made and people are trying to draw it out and legally harass people to drive up their legal fees or to harass them for other reasons and yes they can be awarded some sum of money for the frivolous lawsuit, but probably still not enough to cover lost work hours, legal fees, transportation, emotional stress, et cetera from the debacle
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Sup Samu
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Uber is doing an ice cream sandwich promo in my area in ten minutes
>>250457 ring them up and debate the driver over whether or not they count as true sandwhiches
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
FUCK I'm just outside of the ice cream zone
no one cars tripfag i hope a mod bans you for off-topic
>>250460 Yeah we only accept the most elite of elite anime discussers around these parts
Does it trigger if the date is too far into the future, or does that just cancel the use? I can't remember if this was tested
>>250483 There was the example about it not working if you write "$name dies in Paris at $timefiveminutesfromnow" if they're not in paris Or anywhere near there
>>250483 dont even start asking how anything works it's so pointless
At least you leave with a glorious metaphor for beauracracy.
from 730 to now most of that was waiting oh and that lady who watched "5000 anime" is married and has two kids
Worth a shot. A little funny though that her being married with kids has turned her from a girl to a lady in your head.
I never asked her name
I thought she was much younger but nah
>>250497 damn I should have realized when you said she maxed out Facebook games
>>250501 I got the feeling myself when she said that people used Facebook for games and would actually add people as friends specifically for that. She had the older demographic to her but I didnt know how much.
Look at all these completely wasted Asians. It's a good thing they've got a different set of DJs for each day of the stream because these guys don't look like they'll be in any state to do shit tomorrow.
>>250506 We're into the overtime part of the stream anyway, so there's not much le- Oh I thought we were actually done but they were just changing over to the New Game!! ED. OP? Yeah actually the OP.
I want to go home and mogra but I have multiple things to attend tonight this sucks
>>250512 Oh yeah I need to work on beating this. I have a 5 star Roy. Maybe I should train him up.
>>250513 haha i don't think it's the most efficient look how much he dumped into that roy i thought that was a really cool challenge but that last armored unit he needed delthea's help cause roy a hoe
i dont have any dancers or singers i tried to get ninian in the hero fest but it ended with me at 5.75% chance to draw from the focus but i didn't get anything i was so upset >>250520 i have one three-star olivia i almost want to send her home and put her out of her misery
I put the time and effort in to make a five star Olivia. This is partially because i also failed at Ninian.
I have triangle adept on her. She is to kill green units. Unfortunately she has problems clearing Nino off the board sometimes.
i sure would like ninian for a dragon team ive got fae, nowi, young tiki, old tiki does fortify dragons apply to non-dragon dragons? naga and falchion does
Masked Marth is basically Lucina. You can turn her into a health battery pretty easily and cheaply.
i wonder why marth wearing a mask somehow has very similar stats to lucina this is very weird i think there's something suspicious going on with that masked marth
It's surprising Lucina didn't get that stuff given her overwhelming popularity.
they blew their load too early on the spring festival i think they underestimated the viability of the summer seasonal release or didn't plan for it i mean, lucina and camilla right there on the first even event* i hope there's something fun for halloween. i wonder if japan cares about halloween or not
An issue they will run into soon if they don't plan for it is that not every event can be Awakening or Fates. They need to meme some of the older characters so they can get good events too.
i want a fae wearing a pumpkin outfit for halloween armored unit
i'd also love a kimono olwen but hey i think shiki might have copyright issues there
Oh I have a question I should probably know. When you select hide thumbnails, does it not load the images at all? Or does it load the images behind the scenes and just not show them?
i'm like 80% sure it doesn't load them i used that a lot on my bike trip and remembered i could load full pages without stuttering issues
then again that might have been browser stuttering issues as it resized the page to accomodate the images as they loaded im not sure
>>250556 that image reminds me where's that one picture of trumps tie when it blows up in the wind and he -- what was it he had it was so fuckin dumb like he couldn't use the flap in the back to hold it together so he had some other roundabout thing going on there that looked ridiculous
>>250547 one of them likes to play fetch when she's in the mood brings over her little mouse toy and just drops it right at your feet and stares at you until you throw it
oh yeah it was scotch tape HAHA oh god that gets my every time
I'd undestrand taping it, if your thin end of the tie came just enough to reach the loop or didn't reach it at all I have one super short tie that has that problem, but >>250560 you can clearly see his tie comes way below the loop point
he's not good at tying his tie remember when it was really long during a debate and people made fun of it?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
guy eats his steak with ketchup and plates everything in gold he is
i am not making any comment about his character it's just funny as shit to tape a tie
I just think it is more embarrasing for the rare tape glimpse than the occasional loose dingly
i get really tripped up when someone uses "that" too many times in a sentence >the only thing i can say is that i hope that there is a way that we can make it so that these services are more available to people that don't have that opportunity
>>250577 Good luck with the packages. I hope you find some good ones to handle. That reminds me that I have a package coming down the line soon so please handle my package carefully.
Hope heis fine since it is actually told in news overhere, it seems like it is going to be big
he told me that it'd die out before it got to him it's going to destroy Louisiana though
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Hurricane Jan? I'm shaking
>>250587 yeah but it's already fuckin up a lot of flights last time this happened it fucked up schedules for weeks >>250588 Hurricane Jan? I'm shakin his hand
Time for this shitposter to sleep Good nairo and naito also
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
what if you dipped like a thousand wind turbines into a hurricane and pumped air into its low pressure zones and vacuumed its high pressure zones what would it take to take out enough energy to neutralize it
That kinda depends when the hurrican suddenly increases in scale, it has fed off of some warm air zone it just passed through but if it just keeps decreasing as it moves it is just feeding on itself and eventually dying off
hurricane afterall is just a normal storm just exponentially worse
>>250631 It isn't even expensive here all, except prepaid, are practically unlimited packs unless you don't want it
yes while unlimited wouldnt cost much more than im paying, i currently have no income and would rather have an actual internet connection my service doesnt allow hotspots unless you pay extra and even then they dont allow them with unlimited plans because of their cheap service
300gb is really enough for a phone if you ask me I use my phone to connect my computer and I can't get that filled >>250635 Yeah 300 for computer could be nasty if you want to mass dl something or play a lot of internet games but even then you need to push quite hard as a single user to fill it
Needs quite a lot of investment to make infrastructure nationwide as good as we have. and also bit prodding from the state to force the companies to do it
Louisiana got really fucked up by it because Louisiana is below sea level, but yeah, I guess you're right that that area doesn't get as many as Florida does by a long shot.
It's just a category 3. That's not particularly bad for a place like Florida but it could be bad for Texas. The coast will be ravaged pretty badly and there will be a lot of property damage.
Gas prices will probably rise a bit but that's the only way it'll affect us, I think.
I finished the remaining chess endgame puzzles I'm really bored
So there was a class action lawsuit against Redbull for not giving wings in a metaphorical sense, in that the drink doesn't really help boost mental or physical performance. An false advertising kind of thing. Redbull paid out to avoid the hassle. Each claimant was entitled to about $10.
And then there was another lawsuit for not giving wings in a literal sense. Some stoner cunt tried base jumping with no equipment after drinking a case of energy drink Oddly enough, that one didn't pay out
>>250685 not a thing all it's got really is every transcript and matching audio file that i've worked on in the past 20 months i was kind of thinking of using that for data training but there are confidentiality things that would probably not allow me to do that anyway it's a matter really of whether the confidentiality of a recorded conversation and the normalization process for its ambient noise data would fall under the same breach of confidentiality issues or not
it probably had a few bad resumes and about a half dozen half-assed business proposal starts a lot of notes that i wrote to myself in notepad so i wouldn't forget stuff my ENTIRE COLLECTION of frontier airlines advertisements and other market research stuff that i only played around with and nothing too professional
a lot of photos and old sentimental things that i'm too avoidant to go back any look at anyway so i guess i'm not too worried about it or else i'm at least telling myself i'm not but i dunno
>>250687 At first I read 20 months as 20 years and I thought you were super old
>>250693 yup but not really in that way and hdd space was really small would be cheaper to record audio on recorders and then just transcribe those sure text would be on computers, but the audio file would remain on the casette at best it would be digitized to a disk, but even that would be silly disk or casette, both have about same shelf life afterall, it would just a waste to transfer the audio from the original recording format
I'm not sure. I had a stomach ache all day too. I moved some heavy stuff this morning at school so I thought maybe it was related to insufficient nutrition but it's kept up all day even after eating multiple times.
i met a cute guy at the gas station and he asked me if i'm a gamer and i told him i used to be he wrote his summoner name on a piece of paper and gave it to me doushiooooo
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
when summoning always take care to cast protective seals
oh oops. I meant it the opposite way really. the worse I feel, the more I want to. enough to almost do it! when I feel good I feel like doing other stuff.
For some reason I'm arguing with some guy online owned him or her four times in a row and they just keep coming back by focusing on // moving the goalposts it's to the point where I'm just like i'm not going to reply anymore and have a nice weekend it's a little sad because I can see a younger version of myself in the dude
>>250883 i like to infiltrate other people's comfort zones, not drag them into mine y'know wham sayn
Yeah I 'm picking up what you're putting down mang.
bringing other people into dota is a chore i tried doin it with eku too many times and man i never had fun once and just tried to help others have fun but they weren't havin it i'm able to have fun as long as everyone else is havin fun regardless
I don't get it man Eku just can't get DotA it seems. I'd play with him if he still talked to me or wanted to play but I don't really keep in contact with him anymore.
My friend that brought me in got me while I was fresh. I hadn't played any other game like it before. It was a way for a couple of friends to spend time doing something different together. Now I don't even play with any of them anymore, hah hah hah. They've all gotten bored/found new passions/busy with work.
And I still play DotA.
he's too excitable sometimes in dota gets lost in the chaos he doesn't really talk to me much either though i wish i would i miss him he's an old friend to me
that one friend of yours, c_whatever, he was a tool i dont like him
Yeah I remember that. Don't worry 'bout it.
he wasn't even good he would fuck shit up and blame others for not netting his mistakes no sense of leverage just relied on basic bitch bullshit to get mmr which i had done all the way to 5.3k prior to that but then wanted to explore alternate possibilities he just had no fuckin manners either
>>250892 After I stopped talking with the people from Meguca over Discord regularly, we just kind of fell out. Man there's some people there I earnestly like but I can't handle 90% of the people in that social circle. They're all total assholes.
i owe eku a lot of gratitude but i dunno it is what it is i guess
>>250895 There's a new guy I've been playing with a bit frequently over the past year, who's a real nightmare. Takes the game in a serious, almost no-fun way to an extreme. I don't even think he really enjoys the game, he just enjoys getting mad about playing it. He'll seriously go all in on flaming a team mate if he decides they're not playing to the finesse manner he expects of everyone, including total randoms the matchmaking has paired us with. But on the other hand he's got some pretty stellar mechanical skills, even if his actual decision-making is pretty garbage. And in the end I'm pretty apathetic to who I play with so what the hell.
He's got a friend who's much more chill about playing and while not being particularly good, is fun and enjoyable to play with. And playing with the crazy guy means I'm always playing with the fun guy so what the hell.
i mean i play serious, no-fun dota when i play comp but then i get invited to play with you and your friends who are having fun but then that one dude gets pissy when it's not turning out his way so i step it up and tell him to ditch the treads he's building on PA and go for phase instead, save the belt of strength for basher because that's going to be significant here and the dude just fuckin loses it wants to take it seriously but doesn't want to accept serious criticism i'm down to have fun i'm not down for you to have fun and fuck over other people then lament them for not taking it serious when you don't take them serious ceeday that was it wasn't it fuck that idiot
He doesn't even really play DotA anymore.
good he fuckin sucked at it and i'm gonna go on his steam profile and tell him that right now
Please don't it'll pro-
Oh wait you don't even have me on Steam anymore there's a good chance he doesn't even remember you. No way he'll track this back to me.
it's too late i already did i told him how he sucked dick at dota and also how, according to tilde, he also sucks dick at sucking dick
Damnit words don't put Moon in my mouth.
if words don't put moon in your mouth, then what does
Nothing, really. My mouth has been moon-free since its inception.
was that an intentional switcheroo i didn't even catch that until after i posted somehow
Yeah. I think my brain fast-forwarded through the sentence and was gonna type it like that anyway. But I caught it before it went permanent and figured it would be funny to do anyway.
i have that problem that causes that part of the brain that does that thing that jumps to different parts of the sentence that have that same word over in it a lot and that can really confuse the brain sometimes
I think my brain kind of skips over unnecessary context some times. Like I could have just said "Damnit don't put words in my mouth" since the context for you was already there.
i'm suffering again but my suffering will be over in a month or so i have a new job lined up same company, similar position, and amazing schedule
>>250914 wood u rather???? be suffering or see buffering
Fuck my fingers are fucking cold as fuck. It's only like 13C outside but it feels like my fingers are in the lower single digits. I hate having what feels like a broken heating system installed in my body.
>>250934 i just wanted to make a jab at you actually i will get around to watching it eventually
>>250928 Bitch please I've been on the tops of mountains in ~-30C weather I think I know something of winter. Just because I know it's fucking shitty doesn't mean it makes being cold any more pleasant. I fucking hate feeling cold no matter how cold it actually is. I'd rather be so hot I feel like my only option is to strip down to nothing before feeling cold.
i'm so hype and i'm seeing alison wonderland and elohim in dallas on sept. 30
>>250950 Take your seasonal elitism and shove it up your arse. I never said shit 'bout seasons I just hate feeling cold regardless of weather it's summer or winter or the two intermediary seasons that might as well be the same fucking thing just in different directions. Feeling cold feels like garbage and feeling warm feels nice. That's all there is to it.
>>250955 hey guess what you fat fuck i've got a few choice words for you do you know what they are
One of my friends played nothing but some cooking flash game and the sims. I don't know how much the sims she played but it was probably like 2000 hours.
>>250964 it's the friends, family and community you'll never have.
>>250980 it was a typo he meant acquire 'em gotta acquire' em all
>>250982 You made fun of my typing You shall receive no help from me
Aspire to acquire a empire.
oh i got an item in pubg that's moving at 600-700 dollars on steam the most expensive one out there atm hopefully it holds until the 29th and i can turn some fat bank
>>250972 at what point does it become too many shoes?
>>250985 they make those?? i was wonderin where you were storin all your fat but now i know
>>250986 She filled up her cloest with shoes, so she started just putting them in her room. Her room was full of shoes too. The walls were just lined with shoes. She had a lot of shoes.
>>250987 6/10 better than average but pretty lame tbh
>>250991 That's because women see shoes as the same as any other clothing item. You own lots of shirts, right? And you have different shirts that you think go well with different pants, right? It's like that with shoes.
>>250993] i only own lots of shirts because of laundry i own like 10 black t shirts that are exactly the same brand and everything
>>250993 I see. I don't think I have that many shirts though And all my jeans look the same.
I have something like maybe three pairs of pants I wear regularly tops. And all my shirts are pretty much the same, just monochrome shirts of varying colours. All I do when I'm picking out an outfit is choose a shirt that doesn't look horrid with my pants I'm wearing.
>>250988 i have work shoes dress shoes sport/running shoes work boots tall boots slippers and slip-on shoes and i'm thinkin about gettin snakeskin cowboy boots because denim is totally in style right now
i own 3 (three) pairs of grey Haggar slacks
>>250988 well that does sound lije she undeniably had too many shoes but what if it was just her closet?
alright this cinderella's time is almost up i love you all /moe/ please post cute anime girls for me to save next time
>>251062 Not really that great, a bit better than usual though. The other day I realized that my sense of how I feel had shifted, so what should be "feeling somewhat shitty" became my new "okay, I guess"
I fucked up on some stuff I need to get done, so I've been irritated about it.
>>251063 Well you do get used to stuff like that. Dunno if that'll get better but it's good that you're at least able to deal with it how it is. >>251069 I never said it was a good thing necessarily. I think it's how most people with long term depression function though.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i wonder what happened to kannags hi rei
The shortest straw has been pulled for you
>>251066 Getting used to anhedonia isn't really a good thing. Although I have some ideas for some styff to do that might help
You know, in business, my philosophy is basically this, and this is something that I live by, and I always have, and I always will: Don't ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been, ever, for any reason whatsoever.
>>251098 So if Eom is Moe backwards does that mean Moe means start of message?
>>251099 It means that beginnings are moe and that endings are the reverse of moe. Youth is considered moe often, wheras it's harder for old people to be moe.
/moe/ is the beginning of everything.
What is the best Ace Combat song?
>>251102 >>>/watch?v=vGjwXI0n5-I This is my personal favourite. I love that slow build up and the break into the clickity clacky things and the spanish guitars. <<here comes the snow>>
>>251103 Nice choice. I've always been partial to >>>/watch?v=LY0FvYWz1sw but that was my first Ace Combat game and is the only one I ever played online. I actually used to play the demo stage a lot at uni since they had a 360 set up in one of the buildings and you could download demos onto it. There's also the less than subtle >>>/watch?v=ZI1CVbW9r6g which I like but in a very different way. What about Armored Core songs?
>>251104 Yeah, that's a good one. I should get 6 sometime. Although I'd really like to get 7. That reminds me, I think my uni has some arcade machines set up in one of the buildings.
Liberation is a very slow build up. >Armored Core songs. Hold up I forgot the names of the songs I liked
>>251104 >>>/watch?v=lh_DSU1Brik I think this is my favourite FA song because I've heard it so many times replaying the Occupation of Arteria Cranium >>>/watch?v=AhsRrlFPR_M This is my favourite song from VD. Which are yours?
>>251110 I think I might agree. I've just heard For Answers a lot more though because it's so much better As in, the game's better than 4. Nineballs theme is quite noisy. I think I like it.
>that 4 song That's the song they use in the final boss isn't it? I felt really bad for Joshua
>>251109 >>>/watch?v=YoGMJHbV4Wk I prefer Armored Core 4's soundtrack to for Answer's. I'm not sure what my favourite song would be though. Maybe >>>/watch?v=7QHZvT5EBOM I feel like it is the generic choice to make so I'd rather not choose it. >>>/watch?v=j1JoQ3PSbhQ I like most of the songs in 4 really. No. The song they used for the last boss was >>>/watch?v=LlGCvq5Rqj4 Which is also really good.
>>251110 Oh yeah now that you mention it, that is the last theme. It just sounds a bit similar I think. I just realised that the prototype Joshua used, the three barreled gattling gun thing, gets reused in one of the satellite cannon missions on FA. I always wished you could buy the giant gattling cannon but I guess it'd be op
TFW Lost Planet is one of the greatest fucking games ever created
Nah it's all nostalgia by now, no fucking game in 2017 and beyond will ever come close to the feeling of piloting that shit that's why Overwatch is a Zero sum game 😆
Something about the laser chainsaw padding my kills doesn't compare to any kill made from 2008-2017
Y'all didn't even play LP1 and 2... If you did you would feel that hard
y'all first FPS was Wolfestein: the new order
Just wanna remind /mu/ that I love yall, even the touhou nazi.
I don't think it's a map thing, I think it's just a gameplay loop issue Every round of PUBG is very similar to the last, you just drop somewhere else and get RNGd a different gun
All the streamers are retarded WHEN DEY ADD 2 MAPS ALL i give af aboot
So none of yall play LP2 I think i'm old af being 24 fucking years old
I don't even really play anything anymore I've really become a left lib, all I do is shitpost about the horrible capitalist system and smoke pot
I'm like Nikolai in cod zombies, in that I only care about vodka and how drunk it can get me
>>251144 Not really. I still really enjoy it after over 50 hours in it. But that's partially due to playing with people I know a lot of the time and playing in different ways. >>251149 You're not much older than me. I played the Lost Planet 2 online multiplayer demo.
You'll play them when your own thought process will be simulated. Anyway tittyfall2 be the most realistic portrayal of our lives 2025 so just watch me destroy shit and be the martyr
>>251166 I am so glad I'm in the titanfall timeline