Thread #250757
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18if abyss jigoku jikan bahamut altair (it's 1000mb today for some reason, maybe fixed by now) leftovers?
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THere are no leftovers. Let's do: bahamut abyss jigoku shoujo 18if
Okey dokes.
lets abyss first
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You need to wait a minute if we're going to do abyss first. My downloads are still going.
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it shoould be fine now lets made in abyss okay lets start
>unmovable the inmovable
it's a hippo!
Those are some pretty bugs.
well that's nasty
is that a cg hippo
everyone is spying on them
Aizen kind of paints a funny picture with how she's always hunchbacked over.
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to tall for most things
ouch that crack
kinda rude to attmpt to rip the mothers letter
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She's being really nice this episode.
She's a certain kind of always "nice".
tough love kindly grandma
I like this OST.
wow she was born with glasses
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So her mom wasn't really dead that time huh
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yes, bahamut okay lets start
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gabby being lazy in her room
This ED is the catchiest of the series for me.
Favaro please.
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She's really stubborn.
Theyre gonna abduct her
I guess he's gone back to asshole king mode.
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He's pushing her away because he knows the black knights are after her.
Oh shit Papa Favaro.
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Nope it's just scoundrel Favaro.
that was. great scsne
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The ED for this is great. I was getting tired of Nina's whining this episode though.
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yes, that's what's next okay lets start
well this is an interesting episode
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when the budget runs out
Not that there's really been much of a budget anyway.
even his voice is assholish
well this isn't going well wew
well rip
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This is just one of those episodes that lumps the bad stuff on and on.
how hi tech
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I think the latter half of the series is like a greatest hits kinda thing. So this is an old episode that's getting re-aired. You can kinda see it in the animation too, it's just a little bit outdated. and the computers are old because it's not 2017
To be fair it's also not much different from the new content. The differences are pretty subtle. I wonder if that's the credit of the effort or the credit of the lack of effort.
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You can see a lot of difference in the way Emma Ai is drawn. This has a lot of the old scenes in it too like the scenes at her house.
hah he doesn't even find it strange
These penances are a lot more elaborate than the ones in the new content.
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Yeah, it had more horror elements in the past.
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oh my it's the best ED I hope they go into the full ED here. nope what a shame
Doesn't seem like it.
0 budeget episode
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It was billed this way as at the start It was always going to be 6 new episodes and 6 classic episodes.
Feels a little bit of a waste to bait into it and then go "nope you get the same ol' ED here".
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>>250835 It's a re-aired episode. The original went right into the ED. That was a really good ED too. It's one of my favorite anime EDs.
Yeah, but the same studio is still animating, so I figure they've got the creative rights to the material still. Would be even more lazy and cheap to probably not have to edit in the new ED too. Alright orange up if you want I'm gonna relieve myself.
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I need 2 minutes then 18if
that's 20 minutes in total!
rika minutes
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okay 18if okay lets start
Okay ready.
Oh she's kind of pretty cute.
well that's an inteteresting start
i guess he's in amusic video now
This is a pretty QUALITY episode. I guess too much budget went into the last one.
I guess he can't hear anything without his headphones.
Okay well this is something.
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I guess the nice thing about a show like this is when you run out of budget you can just play it off as artistic.
No one will know the difference. I'm just kidding it's pretty damn obvious when they run out of budget/time.
subbing this was probably easy
You're probably easy.
wow why are you so mean
music for the deaf?
This series handles some pretty serious topics in a pretty nice way. It doesn't really patronize or child-ize the things it handles.
well that was an interesting escalation
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Oh, there's some confirmation for what we've been thinking for awhile now.
catman feels really smug this episode
catman is the final boss
final episode with no budget the blind person episode where the screen is black
Even if this show seems to go from lack of budget to lack of budget it still manages to make some really good stories happen. I really like it. Plus then there's episodes like last week's which was practically a piece of art in itself. I guess next week is the token idol episode.
thanks for anime
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Yeah, it was a good episode despite being a low budget one. thanks for anime!