Thread #249982
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Yes anime
gamers konbini sakurai wars I think that's all
Believe so. We can get Bang for Gamers! too.
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yah I'd like to do that first. Bang and Ika are missing though.
I'll see if either of them are around.
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okay so where is bang "let me know when you're watching gamers but make sure to do it telepathically because i haven't left any avenues open for you to tell me when gamers is and i don't bother looking at the board" gonzales?
I sent him a message on Steam but no response yet.
He won't make it. Power on without him.
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Did he give a reason why he wasn't going to make it? can we just save it for later?
Gave no reason, but the "In-game - PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS" is probably a good place to start.
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Let's start wiht Konbini then. That will give him time to catch up. okay let's start
All right.
I wonder what kind of Key AIDS she's got.
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I think she's healthy. She's just being a teenager. This isn't the keyaids kind of show.
yeah she's just randomly taking pills
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That doesn't mean she's terminally ill. It's more likely to be a misunderstanding. This show isn't SHIT so I'm sure they won't use keyaids as a plot device.
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>this show isn't shit i wouldn't be so confident
You're full of awfully strong feelings about your opinions tonight huh.
shes dying
That shading they did on her lips for what I can only assume was lipstick looked really, really bad. Though the colouring in this show is all kinds of lousy to begin with.
Geez girl rein in your complex.
Oh well okay.
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Yukarin is the best.
she has a flower pin in her pocket?
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Is bang still screwing around?
He's probably still playing games
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Playing that meme game cannot be more fun than watching anime let's do sakura quest okay let's start
Gaymaquest>>250036 anime is the best
>>250034 He's allowed to do whatever he wants for the sake of fun and fulfilment. I don't see why you're getting so worked up about it. Ready.
wat time i messed up okay thanks
4;:00 4:05 4:10
I guess Angst-chan finally had enough.
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>>250036 Because he asked to get included in gamers and then immediately made himself unavailable.
And he's perfectly happy to not be included today, and not including him didn't have to interfere with how you arranged things tonight.
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Of course I'm going to try to include him if he asks to be included.
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That little girl's VA is very talented at bratty voices.
This town really likes its treasure hunts.
some peisodews of thsi are pretty boring
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yeah that one was dull let's watch gamers okay lets start
Reaaaady.>>250079 Good going dork.
okay last ep was great
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well let's see what happens with all this.
I guess he's stuck with a girlfriend now.
well at least this new misunderstanding should clear some of the old ones
big mistake but i guess he's a normie now himself
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yeah can't blow up normies when you are one
Hah hah hah. Even with them dating all these misunderstandings are still persisting. How impressive.
the art of touching a woman
Her drink is really something else.
that doesn't look like a healthy drink
i wish it was less misunderstandings and more video games
Oh she didn't even realize what an abomination of a drink she'd made.
She's actually a little in touch with what's actually happening under these piles and piles of misunderstandings.
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Tendou is a real spaghetti queen.
not sure how to feel about this
Despite all the deredere within her she's managed to find some small stockpile of tsun within herself.
you've lost it a long time ago
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Having an overdeveloped sense of dignity makes you do weird stuff sometimes.
I guess he's fated to lose pretty much anything he goes up against her in.
she's not really properlly dressed for physical activity?
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It's fine. I'm sure she knows how to move in it.
hahaha also having long hair is a disadvantage here i guess
are they getting kicked out og the pool for that haha
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>>250103 Amano is a born loser though so he also has a terrible disadvantage.
What is she doing here.
yeah why is she here
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>>250106 >>250107 Being a homewrecker. I'm not sure which home she's attempting to wreck. But she's definitely trying to be a homewrecker.
I don't even think she's trying. That didn't look like intent to me that just looked like stupid.
Eto eto
eto eto
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Amano and Tendou are both such weirdos. They kinda work though.
how embarassing
I guess their bizarre relationship has a chance of working out yet.
fire tactics
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Fire Tactics is pretty good. That episode was a nice break from the drama and misunderstandings. I'm sure those will be back though.
Well the first half of the episode was dedicated to doubling down on pretty much all of the misunderstandings that had come to a head last episode. So yeah, probably back in full force.
Wow that's a Game Gear. Talk about old-fasioned.
well that's a rare console she has there
Fashioned even.
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Are game gears rare consoles?
I've only met one person to ever have one. And it wasn't even his it was borrowed off a step-brother. I think for its time when you compare it to whatever Nintendo had out with pretty much the bulk of all kids had one of, that's a pretty low occurence.
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My brother had one. I wonder if it is at my parents house. I wonder if it still works. I wonder if I could sell it for a billion dollars.
I don't believe they're that rare.
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not that rare 6 (six) batteries required
Ive never heard of fire tactics
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Yeah, looks like they're like 15 bucks online. Not even worth going to look for it.>>250129 It's obviously fire emblem.