Thread #246568
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oh boy I love anime
Ah, that's what felt off. Sorry Maria I don't know what's wrong with the anime pipeline but a bunch of shows are being slow to come out and things are a little haphazard. It looks like Knight's and Magic is one of the shows that have hallen prey to that.
>>246575 Yeah I'm confused about Knights and Horriblesubs at the moment. It's weird because someone straight up uploaded Knights on youtube but it's not on Horriblesubs
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I don't see knights and magic. Is it out?
Will you be available this time tomorrow?>>246577 It should be, according to its usual time. But HorribleSubs or CrunchyRoll or something is delaying a bunch of shows lately; we've seen this happen with other shows too. But yeah it isn't right now.
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So no, it's not out.
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kakegurui ballroom princess principal yeah i guess fate
ballroom kakegurui fate princess principal
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>>246578 Yeah I'll be here this time tomorrow if you wanna just delay it until then
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also Ika is probably going to be difficult tonight so we won't be watching at least ballroom.
>>246581 We also have Hell Girl.
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okay we're starting with kakegurui because ika wants to leave after one show okay lets start
probably will sleep after kake no ballrooming
Oh this one is actually relatively normal and easy to find.>>246585 Well we've still got four shows if we want to do as much as we can anyway.
Oh not only did she load nothing she marked her gun.
Making an eye blind as payment for ad ebt feels a bit unnecessary. Just pluck the thing out.
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So it's probably the president's fault that she's so messed up.
Kaichou is into eyes
Well okay.
she was quite insane on her own
Oh yeah I forgot things were getting gay with these two last time.
She has some pretty creative ways to pick specific guns.
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I'm glad that they recognized that the guns would weigh different based on their load.
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You can also see the rounds in the chambers of guns like that. The writer seems to not have taken that into account.
Yeah, but the have to stick their hand blindly into box to pick out a gun. I presume if you try to spin the chamber to see all the possible bullets loaded, the other side would chew you out for playing unfairly.
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This girl annoys me. I can't wait for her to be done with.
she's getting really heated
Man she's not even excited anymore. She's just pissed.
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Yumeko is as annoyed by her as I am.
This character really lets her seiyuu's voice range shi- Well that's just fucking gross.
Mary's developing into a pretty good partner character too.
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silly omake from that volume end
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Oh it's time for the token idol arc.
hahhaa okay lets ballroom
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ozen pins quite the nasty design are you sleeping ika? oh ballroom ok
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ballroom okay lets start
Oh what good fortune.
The MC for this show benefits crazy from the charity of everyone around him. He hasn't paid a yen for the dancing lessons or the suits he's worn. Hopefully he's got properly tailored pants this time though.
Hah hah pop-up changing room.
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Well, part of it is because he's a prodigy, I think.
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Forget that other girl, he should just stick with this partner.
she looks like she's gone for the ice bitch look
She's not really a washboard though. Sure she's not particularly stacked, but washboard is a bit too far.
well she doesn't wear a bra if they keep dancing i guess the MC will get all flustered when he notices that she started wearing one
of course there's an app for that
tapping intesifies
Oh no
oh nooooooooo
they will throw off the sense of balance
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Wow she's just going to go with it huh.
the smile feels a bit forced
he keeps stealing people s routines
SIMMERING with rage.
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Stealing people's moves and their girls.
Oh now it's tango time
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He is good at pissing people off.
Oh no
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By sabotaging their competition they managed to stay in the fight.
cheating bra pad sabotauge
well at least mako's abck to normal
i guess being in the same heat with good dancers is disadvanategeous since the scoring is relative?
Oh going on the aggressive.
It keeps happening.
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Wow, is this a shounen dance battle?
>>246654 It looked for a moment like they were swinging their respective partners like weapons at each other.
really he sabotauged a whole heat with bra pads and then pushed out the top guy from the floor
Yeah he was laying it on a little thick there. And he's still being pretty unrepetant about it all.
oh no makeup ruined
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You shouldn't call your sister a washboard!
hyodo's gradma gonna catch his partner CHEATING ON HIM
are you up for more ika?
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the posture feels wrong what show next?
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jigoku shoujo thanks for aniem ika okay let's start!
Sorry had to go help unload stuff. Good to go now.
a direct continuation how rare
he;s going to send her to hell for giving the wrong meal
she wants to send the future itself to hell
if she sends someone to hell then they can then both meet together there in the afterlife
Man she played the long con for it.
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You should really stay away from people wit that mark. Most of them turn into sociopaths after they do it.
the senile old lady didn't have a chance to turn
hmm is he telling the truth or using her to remove him and advance himself
she's not as good at hiding that was quite the comical sound effect
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I guess this guy is a rare guy who isn't a sociopath even though he did it. Or maybe he's just playing her.
now she can send the guy too and meet her husband in hell!
or the twist is that she's still playing him
She's become Jigoku Shooooujo.
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wow no hesitation
wait who's voice is saying vengance is granted i though it was the hell girls but it was the old hell girl this time?
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Surely they won't replace Emma Ai.
heaven isn't even real
When someone's worked long and hard, it's only fair to let them retire when they want.
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Sucks to be that guy. His girlfriend is going to jail (and hell) and he's going to hell too and he bought a ring he can't do anything with.
but he gets to be with his wife in the afterlife wow this kid
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>>246725 I doubt the onis or whatever would let them have a nice house or anything. Or let them see each other! In this show hell is usually just wandering alone and suffering forever. let's do princess principal next okay let's start
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oh this wasn't as neat as i though the spacing made me thing she left the phone tp her brother but there's 3 notes
Hah hah hah. Ange does some really good acting. Also is there any point to Dorothy taking a fake name when Dorothy is already not her given name.
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This part of the OP is really good.
I really like the whole bit of the TV size. The build-up at the beginning is really cool too. I wonder if the full version is out yet.
poison gas jack the steampunk brother of jack the ripper
Wow rude. I do laundry all the time.
are you a boy?
why is that one girl skacjubg off
How very Beatoppoi
everything is falling apart lazy brits and their work breaks
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You don't send all the funding to the laundry girls.
Oh it's this guy again.
that manager had quite the face nice cover there hime
Princess please.
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I guess she can't stop being a princess.
she's gonna work them to the bone
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They're going to quit being spies and get into the laundry business.
There's a lot of things you can just apply common sense and logic to and improve things. Though it's understandable to not care about that with a poor laundry factory.
conveyer belt laundry
>lets go under cover >5 girls show up on the same day, buy the laundry and fix it up in one night that sure isn't standing out
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>>246769 They also have the advantage of having worked there. It's women's work and all of the owners were presumably male so they wouldn't know how to actually streamline the work. And the opinions of the girls would be dismissed outright for coming from a woman.
i can't belive beato is fucking dead
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>246778 She can be rebuilt.
is she implying something there
wow dirty tactics wow
little lambs laundry
why is she doing nothing at all
It wasn't even thanks to all their hardwork that they're gonna catch this guy. He got unlucky with a fellow army man trying to be helpful.
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Wow they wouldn't have caught him at all if not for that coincidence.
how do they get the uniforms back to the owners oh they have the name written in
he's gonna gas the laundry
Hah hah Princess. Points for trying.
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Looks like they got some bad luck too.
what's the issue exactly
rain and no more singing
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I guess they have a laundry mill now if the spy thing doesn't work out. thanks for anime!
Sustainable income if they ever find themselves out of a job. Mhmm, thanks.