I had lots of crazy dreams last night. I had a Princess Principal type dream where I sabotaged a bunch of German bombing blimps. There was another one that was wild too, I remembered it like ten minutes ago and now I don't.
I had a crazy dream last night, too. I dreamed that I was fighting aliens with a sword and the aliens were all like, animal-humanoids and stuff. They came to Earth because they thought furries were their people or something. A bunch of them and a bunch of furries got killed.
Oh I remember the other dream now. I was playing a video game and it had routes and I beat it before I intended to bygetting a secret ending and the protagonist married the default girl, who happened to look like Yun from New Game. But then that screen faded away and it said I had unlocked the secret fujo ending and it showed the game's two best looking guys embracing each other instead.
I think my most interesting one is an ordinary dream about family visit to my brother's place when he still lived in porvoo that slowly turned into an eldritch apocalypse story like radio going "bees are gone" and all weird stuff hinting at it and then just suddenly BAM all Cthulhu and shit
It's easy to be like, "oh it's just ToN" But some people just don't watch many movies.
Fish didn't watch a lot of TV growing up. She only really watched documentaries. I don't think it's surprising given the circumstances under which she was raised.
I haven't seen Crystal Skull definitely and not because it's bad but because that was already beyond the "Can't Watch Long Things" singularity point. But I can't remember anything about Indiana Jones other than whips, music, and things that became memes.
The church here wasn't a church for hmm couple decades soviets turned it into a movie theatre, as this region was part of the territory we were forced to "rent" to them.
Shame since it is a beautiful old stone church, but the soviets smashed the decorated glasses and replaced the roof with an ugly copper shit. and who knows whatelse they vandalized
The new anime is divided into two six-episode parts with the first six episodes being the movies, but with additional content, and then a continuation, I believe.
>A UV Index reading of 11 or more means extreme risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure. Take all precautions because unprotected skin and eyes can burn in minutes. the warning for the UV index today
>>236915 why dont we clone your skin and make suits with it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>236915 haha i bet you have almost never been in high UV index though
I've avoided sunburn pretty easily without protection since I was like in 5th grade. I can survive UV of about 8 or 9 for more than an hour without getting sunburn.
hi moe im alive i need to write some sort of project plan draft and i've had it in my head good all day but as soon as i sit down and start wording it out to send to important people my brain freezes up and i dunno how to use my words
god damnit how did you remove subtitles from screenshots in the cccp pack again haaa I should wrirte this down somewhere
On the other side of things I'm confused as to why I can't get subtitles in my screenshots from stuff I watch on MPC. There's been some good moments in shows I've watched that are made better with the subtltle bit.
I'd love to live on a blimp land only few times a year and just restock using a cable elevator fuck you landlobbers I live in the air in no man's space
would have to arm it quite well, though in case of air pirates
I heard of an airship prototype for some company which would do transatlantic flgihts but I guess it didn't happen the type of ship was featured in one Archer episode, though so I thought it had become reality
That would be quite a feat, though >land on a moving airplane >somehow board it without decompressing it >rob everyone >leave I mean you wouldn't even get that much booty but just DOING IT and also >how are you going to prevent it yeah...
You'd have to somehow force the plane to be still so you need guns on your ship and then fly at the same speed next to it and then somehow extend a bridge connecting your door to the plane's door and compress that to the same level and then force themt o open the door since you can't actually opent he doors from the outside that easily...
>>237031 raid Air Force One and ransom the president
And unlike what you see in movies and fiction pirates didn't really fight a lot they just shew up looking all scary and intimidating and the ship they chose just went "okay better give them our shit and live to tell the tale" Which is why no one robbed the duthc, cause their trade ships were practically war ships well they did rob them too, but quite rarely
and also most pirates were privateers, so working with the backing of one nation against others.
my mastodon instance got DCd from everyone else, so posting died down But on the upside, the local timeline stopped moving at all because of it so I got to advertise my account
>>237075 the allergen in cats is the pet dander hairless cats like sphynxes and cornish rexes don't have that but there are also some breeds that just don't dander
Yeah that is logical, but I doubt it is a hairless cat also who the fuck bred the hairless cats monster
those weren't bred they were naturally developed in that way, albeit in a shared human ecosystem norwegian forest cats also were not bred but are natural
>>237095 He has like raelly big claws >>237096 wow I guess that just happens I wonder how many times I walked up and down when I still lived with my mother in that two store house.
THis house keeps spooking me i bet it has goats in it >>237132 Hee when was even the last they posted here?
>>237131 it lacks any real gimmick which Im assuming is because its trying to go bacm to the first series roots
theres a school but its just a school
>>237134 That's a damn shame >the first series' roots For less than half a second I thought you meant season 0.
by which i mean duel monsters not season 0
A friend of mine found a bunch of his old decks recently and we've been playing every few weeks or so. Only with super old cards though, no pendulum summoning or xyz or any garbage like that.
>>237126 Hi. Hello. Good evening. This is a ROBBERY.
so will I fry myself and my computer if I attach another HDD to it while it is on?
>>237143 No, but it can potentially cause issues with the drive if you don't do it properly And it's not always posdible to do it properly depending on the OS and BIOS settings tl;dr If you have to ask, you shouldn't do it.
No, it's nothing particularly crazy. I just wonder how often she would decide to reject the player character as avatar of self In favor of someone who works on your behalf.
>>237201 I do not know. I did not think the Persona 5 protagonist worked for me but I did not think he was me either. I have not played many video games.
I think that's definitely the case with a game like Persona or Disgaea where the main character has a really well-defined personality.
I wouldn't call the Persona MC well defined given the dialogue options. I think every player will manifest a slightly different character depending on their choices
>>237206 Even in games of choice there are definitions. You just get the ability to choose different kinds. You can let it define 'you' or you can go with something completely out of your personal range. Most of the time it's just archetypes of friendliness and who or what you choose, if any at all, to be good toward.
>>237243 thanks im havin trouble trying to present as much detail as needed but not over-explain things and it makes my tone of voice just nervous and awkward and i think i end up carrying out explanations that sound like excuses for too long
>>237250 I've never had the opportunity to wear one. It's not every day you run into a real life maid uniform that's fit for you!
>>237251 You could buy one. Do you think they are very cute?
1-5 7 8 10 although 4 is just a fetish There is no reason to put your maids in heels.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
"hahaha yes my maid work harder under worse conditions yes hahaha you are poor and i am not!"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
[in russian accent]
>>237247 I don't really know, I say silly things. I guess the primary appeal of dressing up as a maid is that it looks cute. That's a maids spirit. It looks cute. Of course, this is wholly disconnected from the reality of being a maid.
>>237257 I would just remove 4. It's not that it's too sexy. It's sexy. That's the point of 4. >>237261 It's like the kind of outfit you'd see at a strip club or something.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
don't answer that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
4 isn't really sexy it's supposed to be sexy but it's not it's trying way too hard
>>237261 less is more Or in this case, more is more
>>237269 >Somewhere in Florida, there is a man coming home to his girl wearing a maid outfit and being served food and receiving massages >he begrudgingly sighs
sword, spear, axe or mace you are best at mace and ax
>>237275 ancient mace or blessed mace ancient has better dmg but no blocking bonus
>>237289 What's the downside of having a ranged weapon? You mean in addition to my mace?
not really bows are less dmging but can fire every range crossbows need to be reloaded but deal more dmg you are better at bows 31 vs 22 in skill also you are now PEAK ATHLETE as a gnoll tyou can't get any better iat hp, str, speed or magic
Maria attacks with blessed mace 44% theobald blocks with battleaxe 60% hit chance is 34% Maria hits doing 66 points theobald hits gladiator named Tout dealing 38 extra damage to both chainmail and blockspell prevent 6 damage both so theobald takes 98 damage and is in coma Tout takes 35 damage from the impact and is in coma
>>237308 During the last supper, Jesus tried to wash Peter's feet and he was like what dude why and he said, you have no part of me if I don't do this, so he went all in and said to wash his head too. Then Jesus said, he already had a bath so he didn't need that. I can only imagine it as the most awkward conversation between them. >I have to serve you. >but no, not all that >just this dude
maria do youiw ant to kill the last standing elf with bow or with your mace?
>>237315 do you want to hit him against the lizard man or agains the other gnoll?
Nice the elf took 64 dmg and the gnoll took extra 8 2 are in 5 month coma the gnoll is in e4 and final member is in 3 TOTAL ELIMINATION
Now me and my brother shall fight together >total elimination oh okay
>>237320 Well you will rise to the 3rd division easily with your weapons and max stats rest is up to skill and welp you have 90-90 on your mace... wait no that was wolf you have 35-31
>>237317 Right? It's like he completely messed up the timing. Jesus serving people always sounds poetic in some way and then this happens and it's like "didn't you already have a shower, fam?"
>>237321 I shall fight until I die in combat and ascend to valhalla
well you are 22 but that means you will need an apprentice to the Sith Empire soon
or do you want me to speed skip few years?
>>237325 Does that mean I don't get an apprentice? I'd like an apprentice
>>237326 I like a good year difference between the master and the apprentice
>>237347 this is a fucking 615 costing super god rabbit YOU DON'T FGET THIS EVER i have run like 100000000000000000 runs of this game and i have never sawn a 600+ costing gladiator
>>237349 >>237346 We shall conquer the gladiator games together my apprentice
>>237349 I am getting you a bow do you want 1550 costind 2d6+2 or 1d10+5 1913 costing I have 2101 money so the latter will leave you with no armour but you have maria to defend for you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>237353 hmm i will trust maria to defend me let's go with 1d10+5
>>237355 btw my luck will spout you doing more 1-3 rolls than rest
im gonna be worried all night long about what my email response is gonna be and it's just gonna be "okay let's continue this discussion moving forward" completely bland i think i might work myself too hard and worry too much
this rejection is gonna hurt because it's something i actually care about ive been careful to keep things i care about internalized for the last few years but i guess i've gotten weak and made a mistake and i'm going to suffer for it
To answer your question though, I don't think he physically threatened anyone in the moment, no He would likely not have caused physical harm during the rally
>>237570 We should kill literally every single person who intends to kill people for their race Stalin's one redeeming trait was he bashed the fucking fash
>>237580 I see a pattern of escalation happening right now. I'm troubled by violence on both sides of the fense. fence too
>>237581 It's hard to take that statement seriously since there are a lot of people who will call you a nazi for simply disagreeing with them. Like I said, I don't know his politics but political violence is abhorent regardless of the cause.
>>237584 Me too. Both sides want it to escalate. Stormfront is talking about how its a war and antifa wants to meet them in kind. It's getting bad.
I only want it to get violent because they're literally organizing for the expressed purpose of purging the united states of all non-whites If you're willing to defend that I don't know what to say I don't know how you CAN defend that
>>237590 Philosophy doesn't matter when they bottom falls out. If law and order gives way, both sides will visit violence on whoever isn't fighting for them. I don't really tihnk it will get to that, but I am deeply troubled.
>>237591 Are they actual nazis? I can't tell anymore to be honest.
>>237595 I'm thinking about getting a firearm. It's against the terms of my lease but I worry about this stuff a bit.
>>237595 Considering they marched in solidarity with people wearing hitler quotes, swastika armbands, throwing nazi salutes and chanting BLOOD AND FUCKING SOIL, I think it's safe to say they may have some amount of sympathy for the 1920s NSDAP, yes, Rika
If you can't tell those are nazis, you could look at Aushwitz and ponder whether those Jews were really there against their will or not How the fuck can someone quote hitler, do the salute, chant blood and soil, and walk around with a swastika on their arm and have you go "Oh I don't know, they could just be regular conservatives"
>>237601 For now. It'd make me feel safer. I don't think anyone is going to come after me or anything anytime soon. I'm not paranoid. I just want to be ready for anything.
>>237605 My impression is that they are being edgy and overreacting to the diverse politics of the left. I don't really know their politics though.
Their politics don't really matter to me, anyway. I see dangerous zealots who want violence on both sides. I don't see anyone as being better than anyone else. Both sides are bad.
some are edgy but there were llegit nazis there and nazi-sympathizing paramilitary organizations
Yes, when these people say "Jew will not replace us" and chant "blood and soil", they are merely being exuberant When they call for purging all the non-whites from the continental united states, they are just having a laugh That's why they organize rally after fucking rally to promote this message to the general public, because they don't want it to actually happen
Are you actually insane? What, you think the soviet flags are ironic too?
What the fuck would it actually take for you to go "OK, that IS a nazi."?
>>237608 And the far left feeds their cause by being openly anti-white and calling them nazis no matter what they do. The problem isn't one side. The problem is both sides and the current political climate.
Is it really surprising that "punch a nazi" ended up with a nazi running a car through a bunch of people? Political violence is something that feeds itself.
>>237618 Much better we sit back and do nothing I'm sure if Blue and Imats do a good enough job arguing their case for not getting fucking killed, this will be fine
>>237628 Kind of funny that you bring that up. The reason nazi germany played out the way it did, and the reason Hitler was able to seize power, was because he profited off the violence between the facists and the communists. Both sides fought each other and the situation escalated until the general population said "okay, fuck this" and got behind the nazis.
The far left contributes just as much as the far right. Both sides are bad.
Yeah, I'm aware of it And I'm saying he would have gotten into power far easier if the commies had just sat back and let him In fact I'm arguing that the entire state should be fought, but that's a separate issue altogether here
>>237632 No, sane people will not pick a side unless forced to. Sane people prefer stability. They will not pick and extreme until that stability is gone.
Pre-nazi Germany destabilized to the point where people picked a side because they had no stability left.
Yes, Rika Fascism is capitalism's death throes, you're right That's what you're seeing And the only actual options you have now as profit is declining, is to side with the fash or fight them
>>237635 No, facism is what happened when retards couldn't stop fighting each other. I hope that the retards stop fighting each other in America before something bad happens.
>>237595 I worry we'll see a lot of people using the chaos as an oppurtunity to commit violence against people they personally dislike with ideology as an excuse
>>237650 because you're talking about shit i don't care about and it's annoying i finally got off work after 10 and a half hours and i'm greeted with the same dumb topic again
>>237666 Sorcerer Rika, hp 17 str 2 speed 15 mana 14 I canät remember which are the max stats but with fucking 235 and monthly 47 you are at near peak also just age 21 *20 is youngest without cheating
>>237656 sure what does it mean if i'm his apprentice though
>>237666 Also you'd be kirara's apprentice #2 since he is still the Sith Master ATM though we'd be at an awkward Druid and Sorcerer team
the fate of the rest of my career lies in the hands of tomorrow morning how am i supposed to go to sleep i hope everything ends up shitty so i can just go back to making doll clothes and selling them on etsy at least i had fun doing that
>>237711 probably. my ilk doesn't get a lot of opportunities if i had like just 20k sittin in a trust fund or some shit i could probably self start but i live paycheck to paycheck but my entire education is around data structures with equipment that costs 16,000 to buy some people can just do that and start up i'd never be able to save that much i can't get a loan nobody would invest in me
>>237714 You can keep doing what you're doing. There will be other opportuniries. Sometimes you have to try a few times to get an idea to sick, even if it is a good idea.
i know i can do a lot if i only have a chance i want a lambda blade they're like 16 grand i would be able to make so much money with one of those i bet i could turn 16 grand in three months if i had one of those suckers but how am i supposed to get one that's more expensive than a car
I don't know a lot about your field, but the stuff I did understand sounded good to me. I work with recordings from time to time, and a browser system that could jump from line to line would be very nice.
But the road to success if paved with various failures. if things don't go well for you this time, I hope you don't give up.
>>237709 i don't even know what you're talking about but i'm sure it's going to be alright you'll still be alive even if they tell you that you're stupid or you don't know what you're talking about
>>237725 yeah i know and i hope they do tell me i'm a fuckin idiot so i can just say screw it and go to hobby lobby and buy 500 dollars worth of fabric and yarn and start crafting again i'd be so much happier i'd be happierest doing data training and machine learning but i'd put dolls at number two
>>237728 i haven't had my meds in like almost a year bud it's so hard just to think straight and clearly i can't even read my own notes from my medicated self they're too complex
>>237785 thank you i've known her since i was 14 it's been a long time coming here's a picture of me and her
>>237786 wow that's a long time to be in such /// that's a long time to know her I guess sometimes the childhood friend really does win >here's a picture of me and her Sick mohawk dude
when it all fucks up you put your head in my hands it's a souvenir for when you go o o o o o oh oh oh
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
tell me tell me you'll meet me tell me tell me you'll keep me will you meet me more than halfway up?
>>237796 >>237797 i used to run while listening to this album a lot
my friend is finally coming to terms with the fact that his latest car was a retarded purchase he really argued with me, saying that he would fix it up, keep it in mint condition, and have it gain value and become a "classic car" years from now >>237800 a 98 integra with a salvaged title >>237801 i fucking know right this RETARD REALLY THOUGHT ANY ASIAN CAR WOULD EVER BECOME A CLASSIC AND HE REALLY THOUGHT HE WAS A MECHANIC CARS ARE DEPRECIATING ASSETS
>>237802 he bought it for $2000 has spent another thousand in repairs it still runs like shit but he has convinced himself that it is a fun car because its loud legitimately told me "it can go fast, it just has to slowly build up to the speed" almost killed him right then and there
>>237806 ive kind of held myself back a lot, and have been trying not to shit on him too hard but he's come to terms with the fact that he's gonna have to sell it at a loss so i might SHIT soon, hopefully with him realizing how right i was about everything i said about that shitbox
>>237808 try not to be too brutal i mean he just wasted like $1500 at LEAST s
>>237808 say I told you so and have a giggle. Let him learn from the pain.
>>237809 on a very serious note there are several craigslists ads in our area right now of integras in much better condition, with clean titles, for less than $2000 god GOD
side note why the fuck would anybody willingly choose to be a car guy what an expensive hobby
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>237812 Because it's a common male hobby? It's considered an easy in with people?
>>237813 oh silly me but i mean you can be into cars without buying them
>>237812 i know a guy that became a car guy after he retired he's got a lot of freed up finances his wife passed away several years ago both his kids are already on their own career path he's long since retired and spends little on his housing
he's got a 59 ford galaxie and it's the most beautiful car i have ever fucking seen
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>237814 How else would you learn without a massive project though?
>>237817 i'm not trying to destroy you i'm just saying that being a car guy is like one of the end games for life it's not something you just decide you want to do
>>237816 i feel like all cars are massive projects you could be satisfied with owning just one
>>237816 become a mechanic there are like 5 gorillion auto shops near me hiring
>>237818 iiiii dont know man when im an old man im sure ill have things im more proud of, than cars or any material possession for that matter (no hippie)
>>237821 you're right on that point and i think he would probably agree the car being something he worked on in his free time after getting it from a junkyard by the time you're that age you have a lot more to be proud of than material posessions, i guess
i probably won't have anything to show by the time i'm his age i probably won't even get to his age
>>237822 you should probably get a nice car, in that case
>>237823 the 96 accord i got for $700 and fixed for $1400 is good enough for me
i need a new car but i dont want something too nice because im a shitter and will surely damage it pretty badly over time but i also demand something that at least looks like a modern day car
>>237833 the past is the past the present is ever encroaching on the future you cannot go back you can only hold form and stare forward towards the ever unknown
>>237835 that's the fucking spirit one day someone is going to look back and see these events and think man, what a good time it was to be alive it might just be you or me but it's the magic of nostalgia
>>237840 I watched this movie and I generally liked it but tbh I don't think I got it Those tunnel scenes were great though Was he just pretending to love the girl or did he love her but shoot her anyway because it was his job
>>237852 does the mage gain a stat bonus from wearing as little clothing as possible or something
>>237853 Possibly That is actually not far from how it works for arcane casters in D&D.
>>237851 because that's all that is being seeded for this 20 year old anime
>>237855 RIP I wish I knew some good xdcc places to recommend but i cant think of any if the top if my head.
I use nibl
There's this other thing I use sometimes that I can't remember the name of right now But it's not dcc or torrenting It's relatively obscure and a lot of people from /g/ use it
Well, like a few dozen maybe, but there's also a few dozen terabytes of stuff available on that specific sub network
Do people still use usenet
isn't usenet now called google groups
>>237860 I believe so, I don't though. Cause it doesn't come free with my internet service, and I don't currently feel like paying for it.
Going to bed now Oyasumi /moe/ Hopefully when I wake up I will be more responsible than I was last monday
its too late who care just go to bed and tomorrow you get a surprise it's a surprise what the surprise is what matters now is you need to be well rested to handle the surprise no matter what it is
i'm at the comfy point in this job where i am satisfied with the positioned i've earned but also don't fear losing it my resume now will look good enough that losing my job could potentially result in getting an even better job so i mean ig et work stressed it's a fucking restaurant but at the end of the day it's always like "lol whatever i'll be here tomorrow"
>>237882 What's sent is sent. Relax because you can't do anything more. You seem like you take your work seriously, it'll probably be fine anyway.
i don't stress about work it's just some bullshit i can do pretty much any bullshit job and it doesn't matter to me i don't even care what goes on for those 10ish hours of my life
well i used to care a lot more because i needed to break the threshold and keep it for long enough that i could use it now that i have a year of management experience on my resume, i'm doing better than most dudes my age so it's like fuck it i'll stack some paper and take a fat holiday and get another job to do it all over
my favorite way to find music recently has been to just look up concert dates at my favorite venues and listen to all the bands i've never heard of the upsides are great a lot of it is dope music and the best case scenario (which happens a lot) is that i have a show i want to go to that's coming up soon the only possible downside is burning all my money on drinks and tickets for all these nights downtown
i listen to youtube mixes with no rhyme or reason and based entirely on the artwork in the video thumbnail
>>237888 it depends on how much money you're burning dude you should put some aside not for anything in specific just because if you're doing so then i think whatever is left over is freebie $$
i am currently putting about 500 dollars a month towards debt and 500 dollars a month towards bills when the debt is paid, that 500 just goes to my own savings account instead of my mom's that still gives me a grand a month to blow on shows and what not and i don't even spend it all
i'm not putting shit towards debt, though i really should any free money that would go to debt gets sucked up into paying for someone else's basic needs and shit >>237893 wow im envious i got like a bunch in student loans and stuff, but then some personal debt and i still need to pay my taxes and then i need to pay this year's taxes
i probably go to 3 shows a month and spend about 150 each time averaged out because some shows i spend 40 bucks and some shows i spend 300 last time i went out i paid for both ubers, the train, all the drinks, and two dinners lol
oh and the 3 tickets
fuckin big baller bang over here
i just have my priorities straight friends and memories > petty things
and i got this dope ass kandi bracelet from this dude named RJ last time i went he's gonna be at Something Wicked so maybe i'll see him again
at least we went and ate mediocre tex mex that one time
oh no i meant recently yeah that time whoakun came to dallas was p cool maybe yours was mediocre i remember mine being pretty good
i don't remember it being special honestly i think i had the enchilada platter or some bullshit it was alright. whoakun is cool though would like to meet up with him without eku
yeah fuck eku tbh but let's not because some buttmad will tell him i said that or maybe his very ego is tingling rn
didn't we also get breakfast or something
i feel like i remember getting pancakes
or maybe that was just with whoa?? i remember riding around in his aztec
oh yeah i gave eku all my figs didn't i
yeah i don't think buying them in the first place was a good idea they don't fit into my lifestyle they're things you own for the sake of owning them
wall of bangposts
i haven't actually talked to whoakun in while like 2+ weeks maybe he's doing army shit i think
>>237910 i feel like we might have wa9t no maybe i got breakfast by myself that time i dunno
i do remember you giving your gay ass anime figs to eku and they're probably in better hands now tbh but alsow hy did you spend money on anime figs
that was years ago my dude i am a different person than i was 6 months ago, let alone 3 years
constantly moving forward be the aggressor in life
i dunno how yall get so goddamn shitfaced
>>237918 that's fair enough i'm pretty much the same person i was 6 months ago though except 3 years ago i was a different faggot
>>237922 have you seen drunk moon probably drives better than sober moon and acts more normal
>>237921 "growing up" is a concept i put a lot of thought into more than i need to maybe? but i still think i have room to grow just hopefully not physically goddamn i'm fat
i think part of becoming responsible is getting all the bullshit out of your system in the first place just trying to arbitrarily aim for responsibility off of constructs that you assemble yourself makes you kind of weird and neurotic it's way better just to indulge all the compulsions that don't feel responsible and get it out of your system so you dont need to anymore in my mind, anyway, and at least for me >>237928 those are pretty good goals i think they're good, positive goals i think that's better than positioning responsibility as "not X" "not wasting money on things i don't need" "not slacking off" et cetera do what positively motivates yeah
i think you're buildilng constructs it's not like i put easily quantifiable goals out there i just look for concepts like "stability" "non-dependence" "friendliness"
it's ignorant to think you have ever run out of room to grow as you said
"memories" is maybe one of the goals i have that can lead to a fault i idealize certain things, maybe but whatever
>>237929 >>237925 lol no i really don't need to grow anymore i don't wanna buy new shirts, fuck
but nah i've been about stable at this size since i last saw you anyways wear the same clothes i would like to be more fit though i want to learn to dance too