Thread #237402
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an anime!?!?!
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princess principal ballroom knights and magic I think that's all I see?
i love having so many threads aaaaa
There's also a new episode of Fate/Apocrypha.
okay so it is this thread
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Yeah. This is the thread I linked.
is this the standard start time for monday
>>237423 we're about 20 minutes later than usual I'm ready with Knights
though so ugh
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okay let's start with knights and magic the order will be knights and magic fate princess principal ballroom orange for knights okay lets' start!
Ready.>>237427 Hey get back here we have Mar Or does he not orange up.
I only have time for 3 shows\ lets hold fate actually letes hold ballroom
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>>237430 Isn't he one that doesn't orange?
>orange nani
People should just conform to the standards that people use.
>>237435 what are you trying to say
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I was kinda looking forward to this episode.
The mockbattle is gonna be fun
Oh that was the thing he was experimenting with last episode. I guess he tinkered it enough to get it under control.
what a noise
Oh man that's sick
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D's character developed so much.
>>237456 I'm so proud of him
is he really just gonna stand there
nice jump
why did they leave him alone
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He built a flying robot so early in the series. Looks like it runs out of energy fast though.
Crazy ojii-san
dwarf man
Oh he brought some sanity back into that senile old man.
Inspirational passion and spirit
Oh shit succession
I feel they're being a bit comedic with their gradutation.
holy shit he's like half his size
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He should make a gorilla with a lion mane.
like father like son
The dad should take the silver one because it's the same colour as his grey hairs
Oh no
feels like a dick move to make a gold and silver one
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Can you really make them the same color though?
he could at least make it something less i sulting and not having a strict hierarchy of gold>silver
he should have made them gattaiable
>>237518 This would be the perfect compromise
a wealthy old man and his grandson trashing old fords to decide who gets the gold porse and who gets the silver one
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Thanks for anime /moe/s!
I guess it's about time we got the PLOT.
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Pretty good episode.
Oh maybe we're done with the making robots arc.
>>237545 I think next is the kaiju arc
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F/A now>>237538 thanks for anime okay let's start!
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that car looked comically small
I like Mordred. She's a lot of fun.
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>>237563 European cars are like that.
Delicious, fresh, mage hearts.
she could have at least microwaved that
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tonight how fast
I really, really like Shakespeare. He's pretty Shakespeare-y.
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He's fun.
wew he's not very useful
hanging gardes of babylon gardens
Giant floating fortresses are really romantic.
i guess they can just drop the garden right on top of their castle
is rider even in a position to fight he's been in the torture chamber all this time
berserker is like an angry dog
Fran is consistently cute.
how upbeat
crap what time are we i closed it
Oh shit Astolfo's mount is a fucking hippogryff. That's pretty kakkoii.
poor old man all lonely again
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okay let's do princess principal okay lets start
principal princess
lockpicking training
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She should just attach a skeleton key to her pinky finger. She's a robot after all.
af if she's doing a good job of teaching she just gave a lock and set a time limit
oh isn't ghost street where speedwagon lived
I can see why she has people calling her Dorothy.
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>>237695 The street does kinda look like where Speedwagon lived.
are you an immigrant
that was a loud bang how hollow is that hand
Hah hah Beato. Oh no Beato.
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Beato is having a rough time.
as expected of beato
thbats what you get for being a booly
wow hidoi
oh no her face is all bloated
Huh, is her mother that one woman in the group of people giving them orders? They looked similar.
surely he hides it in his hand
is that a snake staff
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Beato gets stuck doing the worst stuff. She's not even a spy. what are the rest of the spies doing? Dorthy er Beato is just a half-robot girl with no spy skills.
isn't that the left hand?
>>237733 I dunno, Dorothy was the one that had to pry open a dead, decomposing man's mouth to pull out a false tooth. Ange also is the one that has to do all the dirty work killing people too it seems.
Hes gonna be DEAD
i wouldn't call that patched
>It's only logical that a daughter should carry her father's debt Uhhhh.
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That was a pretty common thing in England a couple of hundred years ago.
haha that voice
Oh no she was the one that was shallow in the end.
oh rip mentioning her is probably gonna get her cover blown or something
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I hope he doesn't get shot or something.
He's totally getting shot or somet- Oh well I guess that's something.
awwww im angry now
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Beato is too good for this world.
Hah hah Beato please.
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I really like Beato. What a sad episode.
its funny cause he really is late the late father of hers
wow you can't say that he just died
that was sad
so is ballroom getting watched or saved since ika is gonna leave
saved for tomorrow
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Yeah, I guess Ika is back to his school schedule. I will be more strict about starting on time so we can get 4 in.
yeah that would be really nice
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So everybody make sure to be on time starting tomorrow! thanks for anime!
I'm always on time. It's an addicting drug. Thanks.