i've been providing unsolicited data analytics consulting to random youtube channels about how they can improve their place in the youtube algos and what kind of things to avoid and they're gettin really pissed at me well not the channel owners but their viewers but they're not taking my advice either lol
theater days is a better rhythm game than starlight stage if you don't care about the characters much id recommend playing that instead it's a much higher quality iM@S game with better interaction between characters and 3D models for all cutscenes
i have to 5* a hana just to get life and death 3??? or a minerva fuck
when i get it though, bridge charlotte is going to have 61 ATK with firesweep lance and hit and run/drag back i can't wait
>>237972 meat can be abrasive sometimes but he's pretty rad
>>237974 why are the viewers getting mad is this just in the /// Wow, that is pretty dumb
>>237979 i dont know haha they just get so riled up over dumb things i suggested that some speedrunner asshole, with these montage videos he makes, just label them "Top speedrunning moments" instead of "Top [number goes here] speedrunning moments" because youtube's algos for anything that is a numbered list gets sent to this echochamber of people watching lists of shit and then you get like people from looper or whatever that channel is and they have no retention rate, the viewer retention drops to like 20 seconds on average and everyone just like lost their shit about "wtf no i like the numbers better that way i know how many there are this is retarded" and a whole reply chain started of people defending the guy like i was somehow criticizing the content of his videos
i didn't end up needing to go buy a new rig because some sysrestore and registry cleaning sort of fixed it but after looking at all the cool new stuff i was kind of excited about it oh well, i'll do it when i got more money and can build a data training rig i can't do that with 400 bucks but i could probably get a good setup for about 850
why is the dog's face blurred i dont understand it's been bothering me all morning
like i can't focus on work i just keep thinkin about that dog
when is tana coming out i want that guidance so bad i want to do my four swimsuit robin team, two with defensive IVs and two with offensive ones, two with obstruct and two with guidance the diamond formation forever i can never lose
>>237998 Oh I'm waiting for an email too actually For a coop mastodon instance
I dunno if I'll get in though, cause I checked the box that said I can't actually afford to chip in right now. If I like it there and they actually let me in I might though, they only want like a few dollars a month
i am waiting for an email about more class schedule updates since they can't figure out how to do this psychopharmacology class
i can't access my web editor thanks satellite internet you literally don't have the bandwidth to keep the channel open long enough for me to connect how am i supposed to work i guess i'll wait until some fuckin asshole clouds decide to move out of the way??
how am i doing?? how am i doing?? i am at the information hospital visiting sick memes
build a machine to move the clouds
fuck let's start a meme hospital where all the dying memes go and we try to nurse them back to health
i'm gonna put a kickstarter together for that and see where it goes
I could listen to it as bgm for like, stuff I'm doing, but I don't think it's good browsing\shitposting music But I generally like more aggressive music for that, like Celldweller or something
>>238027 You've only heard one song by him though. Also iirc he makes a lot of his music videos himself.
Oh yeah forgot to post link to tgat book for anyone interested https://www.nostarch.com/gtfo It's a reverse engineering/computer security book that has a bunch of good articles And for those who dont into that the title PoC || GTFO means "Proof of Concept or Get The Fuck Out"
It wasn't bad, but I don't think I caught any of the lyrics If I'm gonna listen to the lyrics to a song I prefer they have some meaning to them, or I get bored of it sorta
>>238038 I can assure you thst they have some meaning to them, I can give you a summary if you want. I used to be really into that band so ive heard a lot if their songs a bubch of times
It's an alright song I guess Sounds a bit rough though, vocals aren't very clear
>>238041 Hrrm, maybe your comps audio settings or speakers or headphones or whatever garbled the mix a little bit Unless you meant the song's "message" rather than actually hearing the vocals
When you first posted the link I initially thought this was your secret rust project wgich had finally been released. Of course I determined it wasnt after checking the about page.
It's okay. >>238055 oh by the way, one thing I have learned about that thing you were all talking about last night. That BakedAlaska person or whatever he maced HIMSELF I think that detail fell through the cracks somehow.
Oh and I gained a follow. Math is on my side. Anyway, I gotta be productive for the rest of the afternoon. So I'm gonna draw and send more applications.
>>238086 I can see it A bunch of superior aryan men forced to use stone age communication tools because the very corporations they so fervently defend refuse to have ANYTHING to do with them because they're FUCKING NAZIS
>An ability similar to Yukari Yakumo's Gaps. Plants and causes a door to appear on the back of anything, even living beings. This allows Okina to travel wherever she wishes, or to send something somewhere else, as long as a door is attached. For example, the door of the seasons that gives the player character their ability to use a season's ability allowed Okina to expel the player character away to where they gained their ability. Okina even steals the magic from the character that was gathered through the use of the season's door.
>The doors connect to the extradimensional Land of Rear Doors (後戸の国 Ushirodo-no-Kuni), through which a number of other doors of Okina's creation is accessible.
Oh, by the way Outta nowhere any of you recognize this guy? any clue who the hell he is again? I know he's some youtube person Certainly right wing But I can't remember his name
>>238136 he contacted undercover agents not quite entrapment
>>238135 the article gives a good description of them theyre a militia comprised of ex-military "sovereign citizens" they call themselves a patriot group but they're white supremacists they were recently at the utr rally to defend nazis
they're soverign citizens when a guy tried to occupy land out west, idk if you remember this, but some guy claimed the government couldnt own property and tried to occupy a wildlife reservation that he wanted to own last year or maybe 2015 anyway, 3%er went there to kill feds if they had to in order to protect that guy
How it doesn't dawn on ancaps that the moment someone has 100% ownership over something, they automatically ARE the state in that area is completely beyond me
I'll know when I see one buit that is a clear "let's make this look like it was used by an actual army" instead of actually designed to be practical or to be efficient looking
Like ths starts to look like an actual military contractor built it
>>238183 Those legs don't look practical at all they're so skinny >>238185 But those legs don't look like they should even be able to hold up the Arm Slaves weight
>>238184 why make it bulky if tyou can make it lighter and smaller so it is harder to hit+ it has reactive armour around it like the x-marked spot on the joint
now if they just made the neck non existent
this is a bad design, but the head is properly buried into the torso
>>238187 Well it works within the show, so who cares a mecha already is a piece of silly fiction
I just like war stuff to follow rules of actual military designing
Like take code geass the Wunderwaffe look silly as fuck and aren't really designed to be most efficient but they are one mark models like Lancelot and so on but then look at all the mass produced mechas in it, and they actually look solidly designed for a purpose
>>238188 yeah that's the spirit. It's already unrealistic so just make sure it's tonally consistent. In Code Geass having the wonder weapons have silly capes and stuff is tonally consistent because that's what the brittanian royalty would totally do.
>>238190 But that's still consitent within the context of the show because Haman is over confident that she'd never get hit and would go for the impractical design
>>238193 Considering she's running Neo Zeon she probably had a hand in its design
>>238197 Yeah but it never kept up the pretense of realisim in the first place Also it's only meant to be used in space. We never see it being used under gravity.
>>238195 also I went over that mechas design and it actually too has thin as fuck limbs the white armour is really just that armour around the actual structure, so it doesn't serve any supporting structure
A realistic space fighter wouldn't look exactly like this, but it'd have more boosters for rotating the ship instead of just sticking them all at the back
>>238204 Yeah I fucking love Free Space 2 It's so good
>>238203 I played it through as a kid barely speaking english I had no idea what was going on
I thought the warning "engine wash" or something when you flew too close to capital ship engines was warning you about their main cannons Engineer beam I called them
>oh boy we destroyed the aliens juggernaut class ship good job gang >jokes on you, they had a THOUSAND juggernaut class ships the whole time
>>238209 I don't even remember that mission honestly. I remember there was one mission where you just had to spy and then get out as fast as possible DIVE DIVE DIVE HIT YOUR BURNERS PILOT
>>238207 That one mission with your squad turning against you was annoying as fuck I don't think I failed at one mission more than that it was near impossible to beat them
I think you were supposed to just jump out of there
One thing i also loved was using the bomber type that packed the "nukes" and then using those to kill fighters you jsut had to fire it right and the detonation mgiht take out a whole squad
>>238213 I alöways loved when Goliath or what ever was the biggest earth ship was around it was so OP
>>238217 Yeah the Collosus I loved seeing that big beast come in and just smash the little rebel ships And then in that one mission it rams the Shivan juggernaut and in the debriefing the captain mentions that like 10,000 crewmen died
>>238220 Okay so from what I remember the plot starts off with the rebellion, who I think are trying to contact the shivans, and you're buddy buddy with the other alien race. Anyway you put down the rebellion and then the shivans popup because they're like the universes white blood cells or something. So at first you're like whatever we can take them. But then the shivans show up with a BAZILLION juggernauts and the rest of the game is just running away and at the end you blow up a wormhole or something so they can't follow you
I like it because it's a neat structure that starts with the player being in an op position over the rebels but leads up to the player getting smacked around by more powerful ships
Collossus yeah it just smashed anything it came against and had enough flak batteries to save your skin by diving close to it when chased by too many enemies
What aws the plot even there was the normal war going on with the token aliens some rebellion and then the SHivans just come "hi we came to kill you all"
Supreme commander got me first nostalgic about freespace because it ended with ALIENS invading too amidst human conflict then the follow up expansion was about the three forces combining and defeating the aliens and sc2 was back to killing eachother
But that is solid best strategy I ever came up with in any game >decoy commanders >blow up when killed but not as big as actual commander >load them in air transports >fly over enemy base >transport gets shot down >commander drops >boom
how you gonna counter that? Supreme Commander made it even better with decoy commanders that can TELEPORT
I want a new Advance Wars I want a new Ace Combat, OH WAIT THAT'S HAPPENING
and if you are really desperate you can just drop your real commander there commander explosion does like 2x nuke damage
Supreme commander has those pesky shield buildings, though... >when your brother builds a base so turtle even a nuke doesn't do anything to it like fucking hell with those shields...
Total Annihilation kingdom was also fun but it wasn't as gamey as the science leaning one dragons and all are fun, but it didn't have any gamey strats like TA
>>238231 I was garbage at it too. Beating the AI by carefully taking over the bulk of the map was pretty much the best I could do. And whenever they had a campaign map designed specifically to counter strategy like that I was pretty much shit out of luck as a kid.
>>238233 I remember the ai not being as easy to manipulate as it was in Fire Emblem I think I just spammed rpg guys and tanks
I like the "industry building" type games more than resource scarce games like say any blizzard strat game When you build up an insane production machine that pumps up endless hordes of death to deal death to anyoen who opposes you total annihilation games are raelly more about making that efficient as hell machine than microing your armies just rally point it off and spam
Kingdoms had a unique faction at that they had 4 solid buildings defence tower 2 types of resource gatherers and a healing camp and then everything else was a moving unit units building more units a whole nation at move so when you invaded someone, you actually invaded with your whole base no waiting time on units moving from your base to the enemy base, when your builders ARE in the enemy base
it just takes a fuckton of microing to play as them
>>238173 >The legs are just for show. The brass doesn't understand that.
Comp started having issues again I've now narrowed the problem down to being the hard drive Well, I'm ignoring the possibility that its the motherboard because that's pretty much not fixable and I can't reallu test it. *really
>>238267 ignoring all the other issues the sheer amount of weight concentrated on the feet is just Nope it would sink too much into ground causing it to fall
it fits into the modus operandi of the empire, similiar how the tie fightersa re shitty, because they are ment to be indimitating and overwhelm the enemy through sheer numbers >well it is crap but how do you win in a 100v1 fight? so in term of AT-AT the counter to the flaws is "there is no enemy who shoots from the side/behind" as there is just so many AT-ATs walking forward that nothing is left alive before them
I like that Zeon tries producing a bunch of specialised mobile armours and suits and the federation is just like "yeah fuck it let's just produce a billion balls and GMs"
>>238283 >cuck yeah well you're a faggot for using that word
>>238284 minimalistic but bit off, but can easily see how one would come up with this design looks like a hero/cop so works as a propaganda tool already
>>238298 It's not in oxford And that's a damn shame, anyways the "literal as not literal" thing is because enough people have used the word incorrectly for a long enough time, although I still want them to take that definition out
Didn't Oxford do something lately that I find highly objectionable? I think it was that they embraced the use of "literally" as a term of emphasis. I have to question their credibility.
>>238305 The Oxford English Dictionary is >>238307 I'm pretty sure webster and collins and cambridge also did, you shoukd however write them an angry letter about it.
>>238309 >>238308 Any dictionary that treats literally as a word that can be used in situations where things are not literal is not a very credible dictionary in my book.
>>238313 Are you just purposefully not giving me a reason?
>>238317 No Anyways it's the closest thing there is to a standard for the English language. I don't really feel like going into an extended discussion about it but it has the most words of all the non internet dictionaries (not sure how it compares against those). The making of tge oxford english dictionary was a massive under taking that took around 40~ years to complete.
>>238323 Don't worry. One day in the future, there will be an entire collection of words that evolved over history into meaning their definitive opposite. There will be a librarian somewhere in the world whose backstory hinges on this phenomenon.
>>238338 Darou? but still fucking 22 year old library card bloody hell Everyone I know has lost or changed their cards to newer smarter versions but not me I have the good old brown dusty card >>238343 yup
>>238340 Because the term "minimalistic" comes from people not knowing that the word "minimalist" is an adjective so they add "ic" to the end of it despite it being the word they needed.
but dictionaries don't endorse words, they merely track their usage. They're the history of words themselves. We have no one to blame but humanity itself for abusing the words you wish to preserve. And the dictionary will not pause just because a use has become silly.
>says pics died >tries to post a pic birdbrain >>238358 japanese is one of the less efficient and precise languages
Also by Rika's argument that the dictionaries who include literally's non literal meaning as non legitimate collins including minimalistic as a word can't neccesarily be trusted.
>>238360 Hence why I'm not being serious here. I thought that would be obvious.
moe ate my image wow rude and the rest of my post even super rude
Listen, I hate the term "Post-Modern" for anything that's made in our era. It's dumb. These "post-modern" things are modern! It's the modern that should be renamed and reclassified.
this is where I would normally post a menancing image
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>238365 >The use of literally in a fashion that is hyperbolic or metaphoric is not new—evidence of this use dates back to 1769. Its inclusion in a dictionary isn't new either; the entry for literally in our 1909 unabridged dictionary states that the word is “often used hyperbolically; as, he literally flew.”
it's been used for figuratively dating back to before america existed according to webster
>>238369 That's actually pretty interesting. Kind of how like, stuff like this line of text is actually more common way back too. Using "like" as an emphatic point apparently goes back centuries too.
>>238377 Well, I don't think it should be used for figuratively but it seems like being mad about it is a little absurd if it's been used like that for so long.
>>238409 Totta vitussahan minä suomenkielisen version hankkisin, en kai minä pösilö ole?
let's throw in kanji for the hell of it
I dunno if you'd have that much fun with your words TN. Scrabble letters are generally assigned quantity and point value for English words. They're not anticipating languages that are considerably foreign to English.
The fun comes from coming up with the ultimate strategy to win the actualisation of said strategem might be boring as fuck, but the joy was already HAD and you then have, joy again, when said strategy wins and you are rewarded for your funtimes of working the gameiest way of winning.
Which is why I always play say EU4 as a trader/capitalist mindset, cause that ensures my maximum profit and profit as in maximum income and minimal losess in terms of budget managing, means most money to wage war and do stuff to detriment your rivals and thus become the biggest state there is and win by being the ebst
I find joy in inventing the best way to win and following that the actual method of doing it, might be dull asf uck but that isn't relevant to me
>>238452 I watched a little bit of the old puppet show A bit of the new 3D one And that shitty live action 2000s movie Thunderbirds 2 is my favourite Thunderbird
>3d No
It is SUPERMARINATION or nothing >>238453 2nd is the best it is just so fucking cool
>>238472 I really need to cutback on group watching stuff for the next week or so, I have midterms coming up. During my midterm break I'll watch some with you.
>>238474 Guarantee me a position on the thunderbirds and I'll do it
i hope they have my meds next month ill definitely have it this month but all the producers have it on backorder apparently ugh idk what I'll do if i can't get it
do you ever feel like you should be excited for something but your brain says wait hold on I've seen this trick before nothing actually good can happen
>>238526 pres wants me to go in o.k. // fuck phone typing i give up
idk what I'll do if i can't get my meds next month stopping my meds suddenly increases chance of heart attack and stroke substantially >>238533 i cant afford to just go to the er once a month to get heart meds
i also hope so the company i get it from has it on backorder and no estimates for when it'll be available again i know my pharmacy has my refill that i need to pick up tomorrow but after that idk there's no guarantee
>>238561 Do you use it for stuff that actually takes up data, like videos and music? I mean, just casually browsing and downloading nice images doesn't make a dent in my mediocre 2 GB. It's those fucking embedded ads, man.
>>238584 if it's 6% i can sorta but my stomach ends up hurting just from the volume i have to drink i don't really do beer to get drunk though beer is like one of the things i've got a can with me most of the time might take me a half hour or hour to finish one but it's about keeping a small buzz all day
i know it probably sounds like a lie but i dont really get drunk i'll dip into a bottle of bourbon once in a rare while and drink myself stupid but thats really not that common
>>238592 that's not a bad pace two shots an hour on average i guarantee i've gone through 20 drinks in a day without ever getting drunk from it morning kahlua in coffee half a liter of morning white wine cigarette potato breakfast three beers while reading some journals over the next two hours finish the liter of white wine cigarette and a half hour nap wake up and grab another beer, think about what work i want to get done for the evening while sipping a beer and watching either youtube videos or literally any episode of akagi at random see akagi puffing a cigarette and decide i want one but a quick glass of red whine first because it's mid afternoon wine* cigarette tastes good, so i pop open some bourbon and just pour a quick shot for an extra boost do some data work for a few hours with a few more beers by my desk to sip on then it's gettin late so i put on some anime and sip from the bottle of red wine until i decide it's a good time to snooze
>>238594 Reminds me of the time IW as like 3-4 days drunk in a row I just drank and drank and went to bed woke up drunk kept drinking slept hour kept drinking
I think at worst I spent like 10 hours without getting up from my computer chair just drank beer that was cooling outside my window and kept getting naps at my chair
>>238594 Haha that so sounds like me when I had the money to fund it >irish coffee for monring >beer or three with lunch >afternoon drink >irish coffee >two to four beers with dinner/supper >evening whisky >evening tea with rum
then it's worse if i have to go visit my mom because she wants to smoke pot and then i'll have like four beers in an hour then i go home once she gets too much on my nerves and i'll have a few more throughout the night
i dont need to do this by any means and i don't have trouble when i don't do this (this is like a weekend "i dont have to work for three days" thing) but i'm considerably more comfortable and less irritated by dumb family when i do do this
Also I can quit drinking whenever it won't bother me more than say quitting chocolate or coffee which is weird, since I counted I once drank like 30kg of coffee yearly but I gueess I am just addiction resistant by genes
>>238600 i also never drink to cope or drink out of emotional problems i drink mostly as a time for personal reflection when in peace and quiet and with others, i drink a little bit to help my spirits lift and be more sociable
I drink because I like the taste of most alcoholic drinks and also it makes me "feel" thigns
is bit weird to word it out but I am like some say veeery machine like so alcohol helps me being human
i'll also drink to enhance my enjoyment of something though but it's not crucial to it i cope well whether i'm drinking or not, it's not really a process for me that alcohol impacts
like you know how I can be REALLY insenstivie at times
I just don't do some human things without booze in me and that shows up more and more I don't drink and builds eventually up as a stress which well perpetuates the cycle
sometimes i think i'd like to get drunk, and i might have a bunch of drinks in the fridge or freezer or whatever but it's like i'll have a couple and then my brain's addiction center asking me for more isn't doing nearly as much as the enjoyment center that's like "man, it'd really be a buzzkill to have to get up and go get more right now. i'm havin fun like it is why do i need that"
>[MOIST MIKO ABORTION] Disemboweled by a gluttenous STD ridden Specter while on the border of Orgasm Why would you do this to your album title
I am being told that the album cover is disgusting and I am just going to believe that
post a song
I'm not clicking this but here https://www.google.com/url?q=https://moistmikoabortion.bandcamp.com/releases&sa=D&ust=1502766392922000&usg=AFQjCNH-no6VFpsZ6mhcoh6sIJ1vj-3ygw Wow. Thanks google you ruined everything copying and pasting from spreadsheets is garbage
https://moistmikoabortion.bandcamp.com/releases There you go
Where's jthe ocean's daughter was Peter Pan in Mordor No one's there to keep alive all these fairy tales May I return to Oz Will I mee the Tin Man Coward Lion where are you Without brain the carecrow's lost In the middle of the lake Stranded in the real world Left in the world No place for daydreams Serious life I fall into, I fall into a dark hole And I can't come out
Do you know, if Merlin did exist? or Frodo wore the ring? Did Corum kill the gods? or where's the wonderland, which young Alice had seen or was it just a dream I knew the answers now they're lost for me
>>238636 it's a 16 thousand dollar neural net rig with like 8x 11GB gpus and 128gigs of ECC RAM like you could literally install windows on your graphics card and boot it from there it's insane
>>238638 I've wanted to run an OS off of a gpu for a very long time.
>>238655 i am not on free data now so i cannot listen to any youtube videos there was a time i was very into metal, but it got eclipsed by my taste for electronic and i just didn't spend time bonding with metal the way you have
>>238665 i got // ah nevermind it can wait it's a little too high energy atm around here
>[DVSP-0182] [FLOWERS] Ujico* solo album omg when is this coming out
But I do appreciate and especially love the classic Heavy Metal stuff like AC DC and so on man i love the guitar riffs
Anyways moon With current technology you cannot run an OS entirely off of a graphics card This has a good explanation for it https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/5h2zin/what_would_it_take_to_boot_linux_on_a_gpu/
But iD o wonder is there a connection between living in the north and liking metal since we scandis have a fuckton of metal bands compared to the ratio outside
>>238666 My little brother was into it so I know what it sounds like. It's not really my thing, it's too loud, jarring, etc.
>>238671 you could still install and run video games off of it wouldn't you couldn't you* i // >>238675 you can do it on // oh wait i realized my mistake yeah i follow you now
>>238676 No, I don't need to listen to all metal to know I don't like metal. I like music that is more relaxing than anything else, I don't think the point of metal is to be relaxing music.
>>238677 well if you feel ever up to it >>>/watch?v=kZ1bbXUEweQ here is the album that got me hooked got spotify? anyhow >>>/watch?v=ZWIRzDE1XcM that should launch you intot their most recent and in my opinion best album
WElp didn't think you'd like it but I will just say that
don't dismiss them 100% maybe save them for "weird day moment" or something in some bookmark
I know by my stage my music taste is 100% solified and I bet that same applies to you, but still maybe as a favour or a favour to all of european metal industry give it a longer listen at some point
my email was well-received but the response i got seemed too easy maybe i'm the one who needs to have a discerning i i'm not sure i really trust things that seem to be falling into my lap that are good nothing good falls in my lap nothing is good
>>238713 Start with Nightfall in Middle-earth if you have rtead Silmarillion
otherwise Night at the opera is a good as any album to start with and then go forwards with timeline or you can go and start wit htheir first album ever, but imo their shit before M-E isn't that commendable it isn't bad but it is just average but after Middle-Earth yeah but Beyond the Red Mirror is what I want to talk about but before listening to that , at the very least listen to Imaginations from the Other Side
>>238700 i know better than to get too excited about things anymore this situation looks sketch because it's work investment and we wouldn't be certain to get funding this is like super high level business stuff and i dunno if i can keep up with those energy levels business proposals, mockups, feasibility studies it's all stuff i love doin but it sounds hit or miss and i can't afford any misses right now maybe i should trust a dude who's been president of the company for 12 years but iunno
>>238734 Yes, I lied when I said you lied because right now its August so saying "Your lie in August" was a joke implying that you lied when you said it was about music and not ntr.
>>238735 i dun like how he's handlin it but i dont think i could do it all on my own it's a little surreal that it might even be coming true since i never thought it would, though i'm just hesitant to get excited i dont want to be let down again thank for help
>>238840 i haven't actually listened to the album since you talked about it to me last all of my old music is backed up on a shitty usb hdd and i'm too lazy to wait for it to transfer for 6 hours
>>238848 if it makes you feel any better your explanation of the story behind the music was really cool i didn't much of it when it came out other than it sounded great and i liked to mow down zeds in KF2 to it
>>238850 really it made me feel embarrased to go that muchabout it but be conscious it wasl ike the LoK shit I do at... times but know what I was doing so it was #8ball (Why this)
Yerr a finn ye don't need a connection to internet youi just need mobile with UNLIMITED ACCESS/every deal given here and you have internet when you plug your phone to your computer
>>238862 i do rather my family does it's split between five people and that's with a lot of streaming and online game connectivity 200gb for one person seems really extreme
im happy the old archives are gone there were misquotes that would lead back to 2011! it's really weird to see ourselves that long ago i dont like it i hate it
>>238877 If you want to. It's good and cute and comfy and gay. I don't think you'd be better or worse off watching it.
Oh yeah and "delet the dying old crow" I thin it gets mentioned twice or thrice in the song is quite big part of the story
HE escapes deletion, but he kinda was the King of the Nine Gods of Discordia before the Fallen Son came around and is a wild card for good or bad I am not that sure myself, I need the album art with the hidden messages
>>238883 cause the past is dumb who needs it it's dumb and done the future is ... um suture
For some of us, it's at best just mild embarassement on how we used to act. At worst it's really embarrassing or outright ugly and not something to be looked at again and again.
>>238881 Crow is notable because in the Imaginations from the Other Side which had few songs that now tie into the story the final song had "atleast I got a friend" in the And the Story ends where a something tempts the main character of the concept story of the album to cross over to "some other world" which the main character thought was just a dream or imaginations well it was left unclear did he cross or didn't he but with Red Mirror, we know he didn't
Anyhow the "friend" is implied to be the Crow
so any mention of "my friend" is most likely the main character, the Chosen One, talking to the crow it is my speculation but I think it is right oh yeah, the main character's name most likely is Arthur
>>238878 Every time I see an internet post I made over at least a year ago I want to punch past me in the face
>>238895 It's funny that I just know this time I'll be like "oh boy I've grown up a lot, I'm sure I'll look back on these posts fondly" but I know when I see screenshots in a years time I'll have the same reaction as usual do you feel my deal
i was never in any of the old misquotes but i liked to reread some amusing or fun threads sometimes especially with people that i can't talk to anymore >>238881 what about the references to belial? >>238877 yes it's fun and stupid greatly recommend 8/10
I have some good screenshots somewhere. Well, I have some good recent ones but they're still fresh so there's no point in posting them.
Oh yeah the "fallen son" comes from "deliver your gods, they shall be slain. I am their fallen son don t be afraid" basically the leader of the god purging faction is a demigod
>>238899 Well personally, it serves as a sort of flash of my memory, reminding me of the emotions and personality I had at the time. There's been a lot of times when I've acted in ways that contrast values I hold now or how my personality is now. Being reminded of how I was can be pretty embarrassing!
>>>/watch?v=M-QeUf7rArc The Prophecies is my favourite in a way of story building the Nine well some of them or the crow contact the Chosen One in his dream and sk him to come over, but also hesitate
Since his coming launches the Ninth Wave for real and they aren't sure what it will bring to them
But they already have schemed a plan to make use of him without telling him everything "Precious truth in a cage it has been capruted but safe and there we'll bind it and blind it with lies"
>>238886 this is cool >>238912 around 4:45 in the ninth wave i think they mention belial a few times i assume this is some kind of allegory
>>238914 Someone else posted the original earlier.
>>238914 it is allegory about the followrs of the Fallen Son
>>238921 BUT THIS is the point >>238923 also in the song Throne the followers of the Fallen Son go "we must confess we are liars" and then betray him to break free the Nine
So it fits in they are Belial Lord of Lies who serve the one who is most mighty but lie always and then betray and betray again
and so the followers of the Fallen Son betray him at the end
>>238918 There isn't really an easy answer to this. What's embarrassing to one person can be that way for a myriad of reasons. Surely there's a bunch of things that are embarrassing for you! Is it easy for you to put them all into words? It's one thing to have embarrassing memories in your own head, but having a digital imprint of them floating about on a computer or a server somewhere can dredge up a much sharper picture of the embarrassing memory than just recalling it in your head.
>>238609 that was from last comiket i even told you about it er reitasei or whatever i think actually
Oh yeah Jannissar http://www.darklyrics.com/lyrics/blindguardian/beyondtheredmirror.html I'd recommend reading the lyrics as you go or do a "listent o whole album while followign the lyrics" go
>>238956 well, let me think about it... entropy, flux, fields, dynamic systems, homomorphisms, data structures, data parsing, ehhh not big on stats but it's all right i started getting into three-channel dynamic systems but it's kind of confusing i like machine learning and AI data training though that's more application than information i like math in general i reckon
>>238958 And you can now really embrace Blind Guardian
more or less tn is forcing us to listen to metal again
It is my favourite band eve r most ever ever ever my most favourite band helped me get through a lot of moments still helps me get through a lot of shit
and i love them so fucking much
so why is it af uckign sin to promote them?
>>238969 there's literally no connect there i just study overarching structures and algorithms programming is a skill i respect but my brain doesn't like doing it
>>238961 A lot of that went right over my head. It sounds like complicated subjects.
And the album Beyond the Red MIrror is my favourite album of the so far and I noted few months back that it is a fucking concept album and noticed the story how it goes and now I kinda wanna people to talk about the story
but it takes a loooot of time to even get the story so now I seek people who might be intrested in the music and in the story to get intop it to help them get into the actual story and then maybe discuss shit witah them so I can unlock MORE stuff about the story
is that a sin?
>>238974 if you've had a physics class, you might remember thermodynamic systems? basically that, but just informational systems instead of heat systems
>>238981 I am not sure I see how information can behave like heat.
>>238977 if you're going to be flexible on your definition of programming then why make the comment in the first place
i am not skilled in assembling code in the programming languages that doesn't mean i can't structure algorithms or design the functionality of a program
and now back to Diao ye zong give me those beats yes yessssss YES THEY'VE GOT A NEW ALBUM I heard that the tags are all bad but I'll get those fixed later
>>238985 it interacts with the system just like heat does information's weird though because it's encrypted into everything so it's not like it can just radiate out like heat does until it evens out in the system it's entirely dependent on the ability of participants within the system to open channels between the encrypted information and be able to parse the raw information from data structures
>>238990 Oh shit they've got a new album this Comiket?
>>238980 you're probably looking at the wrong guy if you want to figure out interpretations of the story i'm not very smart or creative i like the way the waves strike against my ear canal the reverberation makes me feel good
>>239000 I don't think it really functions with anything important on an OS anymore. It's sort of a legacy key from previous OS to, well, lock scrolling.
>>239000 i asked that once and everyone gave me a satisfactory answer that i can no longer remember >>239002 that's okay i dont either >>238998 uh, maybe. i think that it's a trivial correction but i don't personally like it because encoding makes it sound objective-oriented and not organic i mean it's not like someone decided to take known information and encode it into the system it's the foundation for the development of the system and inherent in its existence. what's in there is then teased out
>>238999 You have the potentional to atleast eat the stuff and know it
Scroll Lock no longer does nothing important anymore.
>>239001 Yup, that looks like a Diao ye Zong album. I think I saw their entire discography when I was in a Melonbooks or somewhere in Japan. It was tempting to buy it up but by then I had already bought a lot of merchandise.
"I step from door to door" I still love and hate this most is it that He searcfhes between the worlds for Discordia? Or that he just searches in his own world for the original "Red Door"?
>>239000 when windows was primarily dos based scroll lock was a useful key that would switch fuck i got wikipedia'd
>When the Scroll Lock mode was on, the arrow keys would scroll the contents of a text window instead of moving the cursor. So think of being in a word document where you're scrolling up and down the doc with the cursor. Scroll Lock would just move the doc up and down without the cursor needing to be at the top or bottom of the screen.
>>239015 I've been using computers all my life and I can't recall the arrows ever moving the cursor.
Or is it like it moves the screen instead of the little writey thing?
Probably in part because your entire life using computers was still after when optical mice become commonplace with PCs. After the advent of mice you never needed to move the cursor with anything else.
>>239006 I get what you mean, but "encrypt" implies encryption which is a very well defined term when used to reference information *implies cryptographical encryption So in the ccontext of explaining thermodynamics of information to someone not familiar with it, the term can be misleading
>>239016 That's exactly it. The cursor in those instances would be the blinking square where your text would next come from.
>>239006 It sounded like you understood what you were trying to explain.
>>239019 Well please note that I am still a fresh 17 year old when I say this but my first computer had a ball mouse
>>239021 That's weird. Will it move a word document off center? That would be weird.
Oh wait right ball mice too. It's easy to forget that ball mice and optical mice are different things. My point is that once mice became an essential part of the system, you no longer needed the ability to move the cursor with the direction keys. And so Scroll Lock became obsolete.
>>239036 my mom had a portible computer that was about as big as a briefcase and the very top of it opened up with a shitty tiny keyboard and a crt monitor about four inches diagonally
>>239046 It's good that you practiced some discretion.
>>239020 i don't think saying encoding would have changed that i'd point out that informational systems aren't inherently thermodynamic, the latter is a subset of the former and everyone understands what the word encryptions means and spoiler its rigid definition is bound to rigid applications that doesn't mean that's all it is
>>239054 I would figure that was the case for most people our generation. Even if you go way back to the ancient Windows 95, the computers it ran on expected keyboards and mice.
>>239053 You must have really offended me for me to threaten you with a rolling pin.
>>239051 What I meant is that for someone who is trying to learn from your post, when they google some of the terms you use "encrypted information"'s google results will take them a bit off track
>>239061 nobody learns anything when i talk about information, even people who are // have worked with me on it i think i did sufficient enough to illustrate that i'm into pretty out there data parsing methods in a way that probably does it better than saying that directly why is this even a discussion sorry rei i don't have the patience for this tonight
>>239115 > Papa John's >>>>>>>> Little Caesar's > Pizza Hut
>>239114 It's a bit tough but the dish is high in iron.
>>239116 oh i tried to do this for kirara but it was thin crust (like cracker thin) and half anchovies half hot sauce no base sauce or cheese some girl at dominos called me up pretty angry about it though so i told her to go ahead and cancel it
>>239118 i like this opinion however i am capable of liking little caesars i usually defend their deep dish but i had their regular and it was alright not great but i was hungry and someone else bought it
>>239121 Well, sorta. But you were complaining about how it's impossible to eat pizza without getting your hands greasy and I said you just weren't handling it properly. And after about 30+ posts down the topic you said you'd drive down to anyone's rickity shack and whack them with a rolling pin if they told you that you were eating pizza incorrectly.
>>239127 The only way to eat it completely grease free is with a fork and a knife.
>>239133 Being not very interesting is fine. The secret is to become so not very interesting that your being absolutely not very interesting becomes interesting in itself.
>>239137 well you know what i like bread too how many breads have you eaten in your life
>>239137 Or gloves Or a spoon Or chopsticks Or put it in a blender and blend it and then drink it
>>239135 Matt does not like mushrooms. I am not sure if it was okay for me to say his name here.
>>239137 use a paper towel or something thats what i do
>>239145 You'd need more than one depending on the pizza
>>239147 if you cant fold your pizza and eat it then you're eating fucking lasagna
>>239144 i occasionally call him that on /moe/ but its super rare
>>239148 I could go for some lasagna right about now. Why do you chew this to me.
>>239148 There are pizzas whose crusts would crack if you tried folding them
>>239150 yeah not dissing lasagna its pretty good i like to eat lasagna sometimes too
>>239144 it's pretty fine but it might sound awkward to some who just never call him that i call him matty but ill say kirara to the people around here it's good caution though, probably better not to if no need to
>>239144 wow i'm gonna tell on you i'm gonna say you ratted him out
>>239144 He used to go by the name imatts. It's fine to call him that, we already know!
Anyways, ToN If you ever visit Chicago I'll probably take you out for some good pizza.
>>239151 how does that have anything to do with whether or not you can fold it if you fold something together and the seams break it's still folded over dude wtf
why would anyone ever visit chicago
>>239160 Yeah, but if you know its gonna break then you probably shouldn't fold it.
>>239203 No, I didn't mean give me the details I meant that those are details that are IRRELEVANT Cuddlefish is cute. If I have a cute girl, I'm gonna call her my cuddlefish at least once.
>>239198 I think it might be embarrassing to say that. >>239199 I am smaller than him.
Anyways there's a very obvious fish name with his last name in it.
>>239207 The power of cute names is that embarrassment is easily transferred. The more you say it with your chest, the less embarrassed you'll feel and the more embarrassed he'll feel instead. >>239212 Hi Rika, I heard you joined an NTR cl-
>>239217 but their head isn't the foot! it's the appendages you'd have to be a pretty dumb animal to try to use your head as a foot, i'd imagine i think there were ancient worms that used to do that which had spines on their back but i dunno
>>239217 Yeah, say it with your chest! It means with confidence. Because you believe in it. The words aren't caught in your throat, they come from deep within! Unless there's a better sea creature that you have your mind on.
>>239219 Snails head's are pretty much directly attached to their feet
>>239221 yeah but their stomach is their foot, so they're called a gastropod cephalopod makes it out as though their head is their foot and that's just bad critter design
>>239212 I will not let him blame you. >>239219 I do not think it is a strange name for them. >>239220 I do not have a lot of confidence to use for that.
i should just quit this dumb job and pass on the opportunity of being a software consultant or IP co-owner or whatever this crap is and just go back to making clothes for dolls
i could do a pretty good business these days i think just mock up the clothes on dolls and do custom tailored stuff by request though tbh people pay more for doll clothes than their own clothes
When they are coming give us silence for they are calling to erase the damned yet afterall they praise the coming to erase the damned THEY WILL RETURN now let me take you to the otherside turn off the light and let it grow
>>239242 did matty get his camera thingy yet he was excited about it we're gonna go to a koi fish pond at the garden there's some really big koi fish there there's some so big ive seen them eat ducklings before
>>239251 Those fish ate my sister's friend's glasses 16 years ago.
>>239258 yeah, there's going to be a lot of cool stuff to record! i'm going to get one too and i'm going to buy us a bunch of backup batteries or whatever so we can record a lot of cool stuff! or at least I can
>>239270 Pets cost love (and money) (and effort) and I just never think I have that kind of energy to extend to another living being. Especially one as dependent on me as a fish.
My browser crashed Anyways >>239272 Dogs need shots and also usually need registration Talking a dog for a walk ever few hours isn't hard but fish dont need to be walked Birds depending on the species require wing clipping and also a lot of attention and also regular cage cleaning Depending on the type and amount of fish you have aside from feeding them they dont require a lot of attention as long as your aquarium is set up properly
>>239279 You already know that diversifying my love portfolio only led to indecision, right? >>239280 I probably wouldn't anymore. I wouldn't want it to die. I just don't think I want to take that kind of responsibility on.
>>239277 you don't need to walk a dog all that often
>>239283 cause we were all still talking and a lot of people still in posts when you made it we wanted to make sure we were with the conversation okay TN try to chill out a bit we're having a good time man
>>239281 >>239284 I don't currently have a fenced in yard to let my dog out into so I (or someone else) will take the dog for a short walk every four hours or so (excluding sleeping hours) Also I have a small dog and she's getting old so she needs to go out a bit more
>>239282 I am sure you could do it. My boyfriend said you are very responsible.
>>239289 I am very responsible. But I am also very bad when it comes to taking on obligations. I run on whims. most of the time. But if I gotta do something, I'm gonna do it.
And so this battle ends forevermore We don't fear anything Nor any other race We take control No longer we act like fools We're in control >>239035 → >>239035 → >>239035 →
Say goodbye, my friend Here's your promised end Be a part of the grand parade Along we're driven On and on, it's a grand parade We're one, we're so sorry to say It's all the same, you will see On this grand parade Damnation Now join the grand parade >>239035 → >>239035 → >>239035 →
>>239295 Do you not have a job because you are bad at taking on obligations?
So there's no relief When truth shall be revealed By now you know the anser So there's no relief But revenge
Abandoned Forgotten Deveived Wherever they may roam So faithful, so loyal Sitll no one will come
Don' t call it destiny
We will remember Skies may fade And stars may wane We won't forget And your light shines bright Yes, so much brighter Shine on We will remember Until the skies will fall We won't forget We will remember We all shall follow doom
>>239302 That's just one reason. If anything, that's more like the reason I want to find a different financial source outside of regular employment. Not having a job is a mix of feeling unqualified, being unqualified, and a lot of other things that I can't think of right now. >>239311 I thought it was for your Songs of Solomon.
>>239309 if you had put in the time man i think you could have been a good transcriptionist it's not like a career lock it's just a good skill to have me and the prezzy are workin on some tools to help make it a more efficient process for the people involved i mean with experience and familiarity theres real earning potential not massive but somethin
i'm a lil sad is all that you kinda shied away from it
>>239309 Do you want to do daytrading? That is one of the things my dad does.
Their cries shall come true It shall be me You blame Now watch and see I'll set doom Upon you Your offspring shall bloom Wherever they may roam I'll bind them I'll split them In solitude Sorrow shall grow Unknown
There is no choice There's repentance Cuase nothign will grow here at all Redeem the otaht and pay the price if you WANT
Let's face it Since everything's shown You've been through this alone The deeper the wounds So much greater the sorrows will grow There is no sense in it
>>239312 You're probably right. I think I got a little intimidated by all the other work that is involved. As well as my amount of mistakes >>239313 I've thought about it. But I don't think I have the mental fortitude for it. I think I have to learn more of the techniques involved to be good at it anyway. But the little that I've done kinda put me in a place where I don't think I'd hold up well.
>>239316 i figured you weren't making enough money with it or something so you dipped i was tryin to get you up to speed it's really just a practice thing
It's only 19C outside but I'm feeling really cold. Who needs to put socks on when it's 19C. Why are my toes this frigid.
>>239321 The money you were paying me was good. It's just the added work and my regular speed. I felt like I wouldn't have been making as much if I went regular because I was that slow. >>239329 The people here can cross country easy. No probs >>239323 Yeah, you're directly handling money and watching it collapse in real time. I mean, I play with bitcoins and just that one resource is stressful (not to mention that things usually go up when the world's tension about society or economy rises, so I rarely get to smile when the prices raise). I think I can get better. I'm just not really willing to risk the money I got on it.
you were the one tryin to use notepad lol i gave you better options >>239329 we want to be here please don't cause a scene about it
I just got a position as software consultant or data architect, or something like that for new software we're trying to develop but sadly we're still seeking funding so all that actually means is i'm putting together project plans for free just so we can try to get funding >>239340 you didn't need any of that but you also DIDNT TALK TO ME TO KNOW THAT aaaaaaah it's all literally completely free
I didn't know what to ask. And at some point, my head was in a completely different field. >>239336 Well, I believe in you. You're a top notch person. People believe in me and I'm like fourth notch or so.
I polished all my notches off ages ago. I'm as smooth and as slippery as it gets.
>>239349 I don't believe in jobs! I'm an entrepreneur so I just do what I do and find ways to make money from it I think i would probably suffocate if I had a proper employment job or worked in academia
>>239355 are you not in a system that has grant money? do you know how to write your own grant proposals? i'm writing business proposals right now. It's a little scary but there's a process to it. grant proposals are a little easier depending on the case.
>>239355 I think that's a good way to live. So long as it's sustainable, following what you're passionate about is good.
>>239362 Oh, you commercial private grants are the way to go these days i guess that's not something you need to worry about though if you can fund yourself.
The company that's trying to bring me on for a new startup is trying to fundraise and it's difficult I think i might end up having to do that for them too work sure is a lot of work sometimes
>>239355 Oh right. Yeah. I don't really have that problem on the job. I just have that problem when it comes to getting one. >>239366 The work never ends in that business. It also doesn't pay that well.
>>239366 Work at the admissions office of a university.
>>239368 how should i get a lot of money i don't know
>>239370 My dad started by finding oil. Maybe you can find oil. >>239365 I do not want to work commercially. I want to work for a nonprofit research institute. >>239367 I cannot leave the house alone.
>>239371 sorry, no no there are commercial grants that provide academic institutions grants for research i think BP started something like that after their oil spill in 2010 and are probably still doing it it's not research for a commercial grant, it's a nonprofit tax writeoff for them
>>239373 I thought heroes of justice were meant to protect the weak
>>239371 Is that also anxiety? I have to get out of my house regularly because staying in one place too long messes me up. Kinda like recently. I haven't really gone anywhere since I went for that open house for a job. I've only gone outside for food since then and that's not enough time.
>>239383 is that what you say when you unhook their bra
>>239375 The institute I was going to work for had a position that was funded by an EPA grant. I am not sure if they have those grants. I cannot work anymore anyway. >>239377 Yes. I freeze up if I am alone outside. It is very scary. I have a lot of anxiety.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i need to see the hypno tits
>>239377 Getting out of the house for abito -a bit of a walk has helped me a bit over the past couple weeks. I think being cooped up all the time inside gets my thinking patterns a bit cyclical and rigid. Don't neccessarily have to be doing much when I'm out, but at least being out there lets me air out my brain laundry.
Problem is I really easily forget to go outside unless I have reasons to and it usually doesn't happen until it's absolutely needed.
>>239385 i doubt you'll take much out of this, but I've had crippling anxiety for about the last six years. for a while i couldn't leave my own house. i'm pretty independent now and runnin my own thing pretty... well pretty meh, but it'll eventually be successful i wont try to say nothin though but good luck in your endeavors feel blessed that you can still follow them
i feel anxious when people expect me to do something but it's not that bad i don't feel anxious if i am alone or anywhere
I can slip into some pretty bad thought cycles if I'm not occupying myself with some kind of activity or function. Those cycles can some times end up leading to anxiety if they run too long or I have some very present concerns at hand. It's nothing that really cripples me but it can throw an entire day off kilter right from the get-go.
>>239389 I do not think I can follow them. I cannot do anything without my parents or my boyfriend.
>>239393 i can't do anything whether i've got people or not it's just a sad truth sometimes >>239395 sammy can you buy me a lambda blade for my birthday
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>239392 i used to have that issue when i was in america i did mindfulness exrrcises and gained some self awareness and that seems to helped have* >>239394 wassat
>>239393 If Kirara is needed to follow your dreams, then I think you'll be able to follow them. But really, the most important thing is yourself. You have to actually believe that you can do the thing. I'm sure they'll help you as you go. I don't know much about your parents but I'm sure that the cuddlefish will.
>>239394 I can kind of relate to that. My family has been nothing but supportive of me through my difficult times and have said they'll try to help in whatever way they can. But it's so hard to bring to them some times that I don't know what the face of that help I need looks like. It makes me feel acutely useless that despite the resources that have been made available to me, I still, at the best of times, feel incredibly uncertain I can accomplish anything. And more usually feel strongly that I can't accomplish anything.
Shit sucks.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>239390 yeah for a couple more days then we drive into the fires
>>239395 ah it's just a cheap little, uh, tool for doin things not really a big deal or nothin
Going to bed Oyasumi /moe/
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>239399 mister moon this object retails for sixteen thousand dollars >>239400 byee
>>239397 i know how a lot of that feels it's pretty rough >>239401 oh haha sorry you were mistaken there i should have clarified that's the default specs i want the 8x 16GB specs and 512GB ECC ram when you put that in there it's only like eighty six thousand
>>239394 What are you unable to do? You sound very capable. >>239396 I do not want to need to be supported. I do not want to be a burden. I am afraid of getting in the way.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>239403 i am calling security how did you get this number stay on the line, officers are coming to assist you
>>239404 it's a struggle every day i feel like i screw up most days, too i live mostly paycheck to paycheck, usually concerned about whether ive got my next bill paid or not when that happens, you kinda stop worrying about how uncomfortable something is because it's still more comfortable than being homeless
indecisiveness is probably my most major character flaw
I don't know what my worst character flaw is anymore. I used to feel like I had an apt grasp on it in particular but nowadays it just feels like I've got the whole garden green of them. Every day it feels like they spin a roulette and whoever the ball lands on gets to be the worst.
>>239404 That's just it! That's one of the problems. Despite every useful resource, you want to make it on your own. Not because it's selfish, but out of selflessness. And the tragedy is that until it happens, it looks like the exact opposite. None of the myriad of things that I put effort into matter in terms of helping my family until it makes money or I can float on my own. It's a conglomerate of bad ideas that are waiting and wanting to suddenly become good ones. I just want to do something useful.
i have anxiety sometimes just managing phone calls i need to call a doctor and schedule an appointment but phone calls make me severely anxious and i can't do it so i keep putting it off
>>239409 The only thing I can do is provide money but my boyfriend does not want to use my money. I just do not want to get in his way. I want to be supportive. >>239418 I cannot make phone calls either.
>>239421 That's because he's kinda the same but to a lesser extent. There are all these resources around us in the form of our connections but using them feels weird in a way. Rather than burdensome, Kirara probably feels like it's not necessary. "I can manage without this and so I should." That sort of thing. He's hard to spoil. But spoil him a little anyways.
>>239421 I think it's self evident you provide more for him than you realise
>>239421 i'm less functional than i seem i just find safe spaces where i feel comfortable doing work and then find applications to make that work profitable it's a struggle but it's what i have to do to survive so it works but there are a lot of things i can't do
>>239426 He is very hard to spoil. I wish he would be less stubborn and take my money. I do not think he sees me as a burden. He would not even if I became one. He is too nice. >>239429 Not being able to do things is hard.
>>239433 And that is both what makes him wonderful and why you should spoil him anyway. So if he's not going to take money, you should call him "cuddlefish".
>>239433 >Not being able to do things is hard. A lovely, succinct summation. I wish I could do things. Doing things would be nice.
>>239449 There was the time when we were both lesbians who controlled all the data. That was special. But I can't call him cuddlefish and have it be as special as Fish doing it. >>239453 Probably not. I don't even drive
>>239452 can you see the wheel now? can you return to it to the wheel of destiny?
>>239448 I think it will be okay. I do not think I can call him that. >>239452 I do not understand what you are saying about being a lesbian with my boyfriend.
Had I condemned Raziel to this nightmare when I cast him to the abyss? >>239470 You would not fear us IF YOU COULDN'T HARM US
ooh im a beliefer i wooden lever if i tried
>>239467 Goldfish are very interesting. They are the result of selective breeding for over one thousand years and are very smart. I do not think they are cute though.
>>239470 ew you like the monkees I hear they don't even write their own songs