>>235500 are you excited for the new GuP movie and the video game I'm really really excited for it I love GuP and I want a good tank game
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the gup game is just WoT isn't it?
>>235515 No it's a whole new game It's set in the same battlefields from the show I think it has its own drift physics and stuff too >>>/watch?v=QyT0Uv3rpTM Does this look like the WoT engine?
>>235580 yeah there is a screen I guess and then a western armchair which makes it weird as fuck imo a jap general usually had that screen and then a japanese style chair not an armchair
>>235699 well save it for later atleast >>235697 sausage though suits you I think the best anyone else using it I might make fun of
>fish playing red dead redemption >sees ttwo guys chasing someone down >brutally kills them >they were lawmen >"Oh no, I killed those nice people" >kills the guy they were chasing >loots and leaves
though the "watakshi" or something would kinda suit a caricatyre? of rika too
tsch what geimu? >>235720 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH count yourself lucky I like you as a friend that would have been perma ban from my lists to even associate with metal haters outside of family
red dead redemptipn he mentioned it a couple times
Like there was this one girl in my local karaoke club who 100% threw herself at me and man I kinda think i should have accepted it but she didn't like metal
she never sang any metal songs even the "lighter" ones Nope none nada still didn't prevent me being //
>>235733 Also I kinda think we've had a cold war or something of the sort going on for atleast good time I dunno I just feel like something like a "common ignoring of the other" >>235738 Yeah me neither but i just kinda feel like a "MAD" thing has been happening recently which most likely was cause d by my lack of housing
so I kinda wanna man I am bad at this us to restore relations?
I am not ging to deny it since 2016 october I most likely have been a fucking pain to deal with but that just reflected unfortunetaly for you lot my shitty life situation
and that wasn't something IW anted to do but it just happened
>>235747 Be careful about letting Fish hear you say that.
>>235737 That's fine, I'm always willing to extend the olive branch. Though I'm not particularly angry with you right now anyway. It rubs me the wrong way when you are mean to people but I can't recall a time recently when you have been mean to people.
>>235750 Man does it change your expression on shit when you have been one for 10 months >>235751 thanks say if you have any "demands" for me to finish this "peace agreement" go fire at me
>>235753 I don't really have any demands for you. I think it would be nice if you could be nice to people even if you think they're being stupid. But it's really up to you.
>>235759 The tetons are calling me. The thing is, though, Fish'd prefer to go somewhere with water. And I'm fixing to go far from the water. But I'd rather go somewhere she'd be happy.
I think I didn't drink enough water as I was walking yesterday and now my body is low on electrolytes or something or I just had a terrible sleep I guess
how could you ever sleep terribly when you get to share a bed with someone as cool as kannagi
I'm actually still unsure what your question with homewards was, but I'm not gonna shit up this thread with it. The Olympics are possible though, don't worry Nobody will take the 100m dash from you
Team Liquid. Newbee got completely shut down in the first game, fought valiantly but constantly from behind in game two, and had a close game in game three.
>>236030 It kind of felt Newbee were underperforming for a lot of game one. They weren't reacting quickly, they failed to put constant pressure on a farming Alchemist and just let Liquid have free reign over the map in that game.
wow what happened
sorry my pc is kaput
Gimme a sec and I'll put them together. Game 1 - Newbee: Nyx, Bloodseeker, CM, Bat, Lina - Liquid: Nature's Profit, Slardar, Lich, Lifestealer, Troll Game 2 - Newbee: Lich, Legion, Sand King, Queen, AM - Liquid: Earthshaker, Veno, AA, Necro, Alch Game 3 - Veno, Rhasta, Sand King, Centaur, DP (Newbee) - Liquid: Earthshaker, Lich, Dark Seer, Necro, Jugg
>>236035 I'm not sure but I'm fairly certain Invoker was not banned once this set. I don't even think he was banned often versus Liquid. Miracle is known for being amazing on it, yeah, but I actually feel the games where he got drafted Invoker these -in this tournament he underperformed. In those three respective games he played Troll, Alchemist, and Jugg. Often he wasn't even playing much in the mid lane this tournament actually. Him and Matumbaman would swap between safe and mid whenever their heroes benefited more from one in particular.
i assume invoker was banned game 1?
thanks for the details bud
Newbee's bans for game one were Wisp, Earthshaker, Huskar, Veno, and Morphling. The Huskar and Morphling bans were Miracle bans specifically.
the guy who ran those people down in Virginia is getting second degree murder and malicious wounding among other charges he's a 20yo white supremacist from ohio
So driving down from Ohio to Virginia isn't enough to prove forethought huh.
For it ot be premeditated murder, the state needs to prove that he planned the killing in advance. If he were charged with first degree murder, the defense would argue that sure he planned to come down and take part in the protests, but the decision to kill people was a spur of the moment decision.
>>236053 do you think he'll get life without parole?
>>236063 In the end his life will be ruined without considerable effort and attempts for reconciliation though. An offense like that on a criminal record isn't the best.
>>236063 he's a 20yo white male republican he'll get a lenient sentence
Okay, well it was pretty mean to spoil him like that and not say sorry. I know I kind of created the situation, but you guys road tripped together and should be nicer to each other.
>>236085 fuck i know a dude who collects this shit i think there was a Barbie one too?
>>236084 I understand I was being fairly venomous about it. It wasn't an intentional act. At the time I was feeling particularly persecuted about my opinion on the matter here and I wasn't particularly sympathetic to the offense other people were feeling there.
>>236086 Yeah there was Loving the lunch box handle
I remember watching a video of someone restoring one of those to operating condition. They even buffed it up a bit to be closer to modern functionality.
>>236087 It's okay to be mean to me because I think I'm annoying to you, but you shouldn't be mean to Kirara.
I'm still feeling like I'm being particularly focused in on here. It came out the way it did because I felt like I was being treated poorly in the discussion. Even if they're friends of mine I get bristly when I feel I'm being mistreated.
I may be an outside but I think it was hardly you who was being treated poorly in that conversation
>>236094 Ika's opinion of Mori-san is the same as yours.
I didn't know that until-or did I. If you knew it was the both of us that thought that way when you were talking with Kirara about it, then why was a singled out person in the dialogue.
>>236100 I'm fairly confident it was "certain person".
its okay to not like things but don't be a dick about the things you don't like .mp5
>>236101 Okay. So I didn't know Squid agreed with me until after. So therefore I wouldn't have known if Rika knew, so by process of elimination it would have had to be me.
>>236096 If anything I think the conversation on it in the thread we watched it was actually civil.
I'm naturally a little bit codependent so when people disagree with me I look for people who agree with me. I thought Kirara would probably agree with me on the matter.
>>236102 I guess I just assume that there's a lot of hostility anytime you and Rika disagree on something.
I'm not going to say I'm making considerable progress on not flaring up when she words things in a way which bites at me, but I'm trying. And I actually kind of feel that particular disagreement was settled into a decent "agree to disagree" matter when we were watching.
I just don't like feeling like I'm being singled out on something.
I understand that you felt singled out, but I think it seemed like you totally lost it and were lashing out at everyone you could. I wouldn't have gotten upset if you had explained that you didn't intentionally spoil me. Instead, you were like, "Oh, well that's a damn shame!" It was really uncool and your attitude about it really made me angry.
sorry to cut away from that business it sounds like you guys are doing important stuff but i want to ask anyway what are you are guys' specs is ddr4 a worthwhile upgrade? it's not reverse compatible, and i'm sitting here with 12 gigs of DDR3 i dont really want to just waste that's the only thing besides the processor that's good on this pc but the usb and sound card ports are so fucked i'd rather replace the crap it's a quad core processor but meh actually i think it's six-core >>236109 how's ddr4 i bought this heap of crap when ddr3 was still new
i5-6600K GTX 1070 16GB DDR4 RAM
>>236108 I don't really know how to compare it to DDR3. I've never worked in something that would stress RAM speeds to the point where the upgrade is noticable I think. So I can't particularly voice for that upgrade. If you want to get your motherboard upgraded though you're probably going to have to go with DDR4 RAM unless you can find a pretty oldish motherboard model. There's a decent chance you would be able to pass on the processor if you wanted to.
So do you guys think we can get everything smoothed over? At least the problems between you two.
>>236108 I don't know too much about computers. I don't even remember what ram I use.
there it goes three minutes i have to replace it tomorrow morning for sure i just want to make sure i get something good
i want one of those neural net processors but I've only got about 500 dollars
>>236107 I probably did lose it pretty bad. Being singled out in the past has led to some pretty miserable situations for me in the -redundancy-for me, so I'm a bit sensitive over it. I'm sorry for spoiling what I spoiled for you, and thank you for listening to my side of the story of it.
im glad yall are talking i want a happy moe
I'm not particularly good at being happy.
i want a safe moe*
>>236111 Do you have any idea which part(s) are causing the shut-downs?
>>236116 fan, psu, or usb port failures i need a new motherboard prolly i need a new keyboard maybe too i use mine to heck
Just the fan and PSU could probably set you back only 15-200 USD I think. 150-200 even. The new motherboard might throw another 150-200 on top of that, plus more if you need DD4 RAM.
>>236112 I'm not going to create a situation where you're singled out and bullied!
Yeah i think i might just get a laptop i could use that better if i become homeless again anyone want 12 gigs of ddr3
I don't think I'd be able to put them in a good home.
>>236119 Thank you. I should clarify those aforementioned situations aren't ones from my times here though at least. Like I said I am trying to fight my knee-jerk reactions to how you word things. I understand it's not intentional and just part of you. My temper is difficult and gets the best of me.
>>236119 you've become a pretty good person im happy for that
I'm glad we were able to talk something out! I hope that things will be peaceful in the future.
I guess it's a bit too late for the game though, isn't it?
>>236133 i got another invention dude invisible toothpaste
>>236135 I was thinking that too at first, but I think it's a trick of the eye. The part of the chair that boosts it off the ground is just entirely concealed by her dress.
>>236142 that makes no sense If you have invisible teeth, you'd have to use the tooth paste to guide you on where you're brushing But now you've just taken away another visual indicator away from the brusher
https://nypost.com/2017/08/11/everything-is-lamer-in-canada-including-sex/ >Three-quarters of young men and women struggle with bad sex lives, according to a University of New Brunswick survey of Canadian people ages 16 to 21. gee whiz maybe it's because they're children
I've had a bad sex life since I was sixteen.
Also it's a bit surprising that New Brunswick struggles that badly that young.
bad sex describes my entire life
>>236164 >including 18-21 Does that count as children now?
No, oil jumped out of a pan all over my stomach a bit ago and got me kind of bad. I wasn't paying attention when it happened.
Whenever I start panfrying something shirtless and the first little spit pricks start to hit I usually go to put a shirt on. Mostly since I'm scared of that very thing.
I mean im not being physically forced to go as much i will be emotionally scorned by what is my effective landlord in the meantime >>236201 >>236203 dont get your hopes up
>>236229 No way! I don't want to keep Fish is suspense. If I delay, then it means it'll be even longer until I get a reply back, and I don't want to wait for that.
>>236248 i work sunday and monday usually as well but the 1st is my birthday so i chose those days instead maybe if he doesn't think he can do 1st/2nd i'll ask for 3rd/4th
>don't attack the adds they only aggro to the healer i have to kite them >i literally have 5 adds and the boss attacking me at the very moment this is spoken why even imply someithing that is being proven false right in front of you people are fucking dumb
to clarify the healer said that to me, the tank he stopped healing me to type that
>>236423 alive on the outside, dead on the inside!
Rei how you doing today
>>236444 Okay I guess My trip out to my friend in the middle of nowhere 's place got canceled so i hung out with most of the same people in a different place.
>>236461 Eh, I guess. This is the place I go to the most. Their living room is a fucking wreck so its kind of a pain to do stuff there sometimes. There's piles of manga magazines and books and magic cards and rpg books and boardgames every where in the room. Often precariously balanced.
>>236510 >piles of manga magazines and books They sound like cool people
>>236511 I have to brace my self against a wall when walking over to put a game in the PS4 because of the really long step I need to take in order to get over the stacks of things without knocking other nearby stuff over.
I clean up stuff there sometimes but he'll often bitch about it Even if im throwing away garbage
Maybe I'll draw a map of the room in ms paint tomorrow to give you an idea if how much of a cluster fuck it is.
>>236516 Not there anymore Also that would be sort of rude And one single photo would not do it justice, unless it were taken with a wide angle lens from the ceiling
We had it a long time ago. This is likely the spammer that spammed pinkchan. Pinkchan was posted everywhere and advertised as a board for normies so they were probably found like that. We were most likely mentioned there and the spammer got here from there.
Oh yeah, I forgot church isn't like synagogue in the level of how much you aren't supposed to use cell phones. Cause some may argue using electronics on tthe sabbath (especially in the sanctuary in the synagogue) is explicitly against Jewish law.
>>236574 he must be riding around on one of those hoverboards
>>236576 you can go through @teacupchan's follows to see some of the people I'm seeing it from. I'm not saving it or anything although I guess I'm liking some of it. You could go through the likes on that account.
Lol at that last line Although actually a good portion of the 613 mitzvot are n't really things that ought to be done anymore Not even gonna get into just the weird shit from the Torah that soukdn't be done snymore The quintessential set oof examples of course being the "Why can't I own a Canadian "letter. http://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/areasontosmile/2011/11/dear-dr-laura-why-cant-i-own-a-canadian.html
Time to go back to dleep Can barely krrp eyes open
>>236533 This would be better in reverse. Gay Space COMMUNISM Fully Automated Luxury Sounds like a really long RPG name
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
blue did you see the black pyromancer protecting old white people from nazis
I am literally being told that wanting to kill someone for intending to kill an innocent third party makes me as bad as them Literally the anti-nazi resistance was just as bad as the nazis
It's probably a Caribbean thing. The word 'manners' gets used almost uniquely in the phrase 'mind your manners'. But you either hear 'decorum' or 'home training' USUALLY the term only comes up when you're talking about someone who doesn't have it.
It's just one of those things. When you're talking about "being proper", you want to use "more proper" words, I think. Like how when we want to talk about vocabulary, we don't use the word vocabulary. We use vernacular. Even though it's not a 1:1 But yeah, home training is probably more Caribbean than black. Is most often used in the statement: "You don't got no home training?" It sorta goes beyond having "manners" and is more guided to how much you ARE CASTING SHAME ON YOUR FAMILY BECAUSE WHO THE FUCK RAISED YOU TO BE THIS
Seeing the same people who always go on about how corporations should be allowed to refuse service to anyone now throw a bitchfit because youtube won't pay them anymore is fucking hilarious I can't not laff
Not so fun when the voluntary transaction doesn't include you, I guess
Businesses need to have a lightbulb moment and actually advertise with refusing to serve anyone their staff recognizes from nazi rallies "We won't serve nazis, and you can fuck off if you have a problem with that. Everyone else welcome" Watch that Soros money flow in like crazy
Amazing I want to see this There's plenty of areas in the US with mostly minorities, they could easily get a lot more people if they just advertised that way "Nobody seen with someone in a rally shouting 'blood and soil' steps in. We'll shoot"
There's also the issue that cops might just conveniently take a while to show up if you ever need them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's more that if you are good to them they will be good to you being neutral to them probably won't make them dislike your business
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but that's not why they do it they do it because police are viewed as extremely important in the US and are widely respected by the majority of people despite their disposition towards violence
It's weird that the US has a more pro-police culture than we do, considering the most controversial a cop has done here that I remember is shoot a woman who had a knife to a kid's throat In the US, that's a good case
God damnit that I don't have or can't find if I did have, a chord to connect my final hdd it has all my movies and good chunk of my favourite animu too
it's funny that people think they'll make more money from me by not including movies i want to watch on netflix when them not being on netflix means i'm going to pirate them
Yeah that is a fucking retarded thing the stream services are doing they are being more like cable, with monthly/quarterly lists of series/movies just leads me to go to pirate stream sites to watch the movies I want to watch then.
>>236712 It's not a double standard! You like lolis so it's natural to assume it!
>>236711 I thought 2 was pretty good except for the pacman scene.
>>236711 yeah the flick felt like they were trying too much to make it as good as the firsto ne and the result was close, but felt kinda "wrong" or "forced"
Oh, I must have forgotten it No wait, I actually just skipped through the last like 10-15 minutes of the movie cause I was bored and wanted to just see the end
So actual censoring happening on all major social platforms right now is just /pol/ crap to you? Oh well, shows how much people really care about their freedom of speech
no you doof i mean that my mom is talking about shit that you guys were yesterday
>>236749 Don't really matter since they never have had freedoms on the level of the west Japan is close, but they have quite restrictive legislation if memory serves, though it is rarely enforced.