We actually have a full list tonight. That's nice.
liquid going 3-0 was neat
>>236273 It was some really astounding performance from them in the last game. I kind of feel the first two were partially on Newbee seemingly cracking under the pressure. Like that first game was a total stomp over Newbee. It wasn't until the second game that Newbee felt like they were actually playing the game.
But that last game was so close until the final bit. If MEERACLE hadn't gotten saved and Manta'd to live in that fight around the Roshan pit the finals would have defintely gone to at least a game four. And a victory like that might've been what Newbee needed to amp themselves up and actually play the game. It just feels a bit like Newbee got lazy over the day of rest they got while Liquid were able to carry on the winner's high from their lower bracket run.
I'm still happy to see Liquid win it though. Kuro's a great guy and the whole team really feels like they deserve the victory. They might've played "easy" games in this set but their run in the tournament was a struggle against some amazing teams. It also maintains the West-East pattern and the Pattern MUST be maintained.
i feel kinda like they played really agressive and a bit sloppy at the same time but china couldn't handle that i guess
Yeah, they should have saved the recap episode for now.
I htink last episode ended with them going off to fight.
The first half of it was the onsen trip for fanservice points. Then yeah the second half was them setting up that giant stadium event and all the characters taking their places to prep for the fight.
a fun reunion
Oh man he's got a Centaur Stand.
oh he cant see stands without a stand
I think his stand is just invisible
i think it looks like a direct copy paste from jojo the part3 stand that traveled in reflective surfaces
Hah hah hah the fujos are going crazy over the two of them duking it out.
>>236307 Wow, she's really improved her range. I didn't even recogize it as her.
oh no the 4th wall
>>236311 Yeah, though she was also Akane from Kuzu no Honkai last season. From the few clips I saw of her in it, it was closer to her usual vocal range but a total change of character from what you'd normally expect of her. Which in itself produces entertaining stuff.
Poor oji-san. He can't outgame his creator so easily.
If I were a fictional character I'd like to think that I would understand that my author didn't know that my world was real when she was writing it. He's being kinda unreasonable.
Some things are beyond reason. He obviously carries this grudge about his daughter's death. I can respect that.
I REALLY like this girl.
well too bad ded
she's really calm about the being shot thing is that the daughteru or a cosplayer
he was quite smooth instead of jumping forward he pulled back
>Attempted to kill herself >Attempted Oh yeah I guess she would have to be in one of those Sleeping Sickness comas to do all these dream shenanigans. So I guess she's not actually dead yet.
Well that was something else. I guess a simple moral conclusion story would have been a bit too close to some of the other stories of this show. So instead they just went for an outright dream smorgasbord.
It's probably worst for Endeavor because deep down he knows all he really did was poo his pants.
I doubt that Deku or the others really care who gets the credit.
>>236407 this is exactly the problem they should be just happy that people are saved this is exactly why heroes are dead and stain kills them all
>>236408 Yeah, it must really dig at Endeavor to know the kid who resents him and won't ever bow his head to him was able to accomplish where he failed.
Still, I feel there isn't wrong with feeling pride in your work. Holding your head high with your accomplishments is the right of those who manage those accomplishments. Being inable to do that because of the vigilantism barriers is a little depressing.
endeavor can be somewhat happy that his son is good at the thing but he might have an issue that the use of excessive force might be pinned on him i guess?
>>236415 No one wanted to take him because he has a bad personality.
I think they did a really good job with this guy and his seiyuu. With showing how he's got a cute personality and way of talking despite looking a bit brutish.
uravity sounds kinda rude
he's kinda strangely soft in this training
Hah hah Fourth King is serious about community work.
D'aw Earphone-chan gets to help out with some hostage situations. That must be enheartening.
death arms
sirius is cute
She's a pretty good sempai.
What a cheerful sea captain. These side characters are being a lot of fun.
>>236458 I think any self-respecting fish hero would want to work on the ocean.
she's not a fish hero? just good ears
Hm. I can't remember if this would be a filler episode or not but it is kind of padding. And there's a certain arc they've promised us in the OP that hasn't come yet. And we're getting close to the end of the season. Though my memory of the pacing might just be wrong since it's been a while since I read the manga and the arc doesn't take as long as I think it should.
I was trying to figure out why episode six of this show wasn't, y'know, where it should be, AFTER EPISODE FIVE. THEY'VE FUCKED AROUND WITH THE FILENAME SO IT SHOWS UP AFTER THREE. This is so fucking annoying.
I might do that. Still wouldn't have helped trying to find this episode though, unless I somehow predicted their episode six fuckery with my renaming. It was stupid before this episode but now it's outright devious.
Kinda sucks for Mary. I'm not calling her a small fry, but she's really caught up in a huge mess because she was unfortunate enough to encounter Yumeko.
Though at the same time it's kind of her fault. She chose to mess with Jabami. Everything after that was a long slide of misfortune though.
such a smile
the manga room had a more clean and sterile look but i guess this makes more sense being in the basement and all
I would load zero. And then if I got the gun with six I'd just shoot her instead.
They really played the tension of that episode well with the slow pacing. It took so long for anything to happen but it still felt tense the whole way through.
i wonder how safe is it is to blindly reach in a box with potentially 2 loaded guns