I don't think so. She's never indicated it hurts. Sometimes she even sticks pliers and stuff in there if her voicebox jams. It's probably fine. Don't you think sticking your fingers in a girl's mechanical voicebox would be exciting?
it weirds me out a bit tbh i would get tingly in my neck if i tried and want to stop im getting uncomfortable just thinking about it
isnt that // I dont entirely know how mechanical voice boxes work but does that like lead inside or mess with anything internal or does it just pick up vibrations
Are you asking if it touches slimy inside parts? If you stuck your fingers in there, you would probably only be touching mechanical parts. It presumably works through vibrations.
i dunno, do you have an incense or candle burning and the lights dimmed and one of those plastic bath pillows? if not then i think you could do better! it sounds nice though >>233597 i love them but yeah some people can't stand them or it makes their body uncomfortable
While my experience is mostly lmited to the ones orthodoxes use, they do when used in bulk or badly ventilated room make me feel somewhat ill
buy some bath milk or scented bath salts when you get a chance they really improve the bath experience even just epsom salt bath is much nicer than just water
holy shit i got like 200 zip/rar files in my dl folder
wrapped up work 20 minutes early had some concerns i might have to stay late what with some unexpected things i had to take care of but i still got done early thank goodness
Good work moon!
wow nice timing kannagi what is up
>>233617 A // I'm a little stressed pretty hectic day! How are you?
>>233624 Do you have a lot of work to do at home? >>233626 No, haha. Just me. She doesn't play any mobage. Yet.
Oh I totally misread your post damn! well one day! she shall know the fun of the luck of the roll and gacha'ing all the cuties. >>233627 I have // I can't take work home so everything has to be done to a tight deadline at work and if you make a mistake some director comes down and gets upset. someone got fired the other day for 1 mistake out like 7500 forms. with a little e-mail saying "you made a big mistake :)" like that smiley face feels so horrible!
It's alright. It has good music and some voice acting along with cute designs, but the gameplay is basically a PAD derivative so it's not terribly engaging.
I really like painted nails. Fish doesn't paint hers, though. I feel like it'd be weird to ask her to and I don't think they'd really suit her either. Thinking about her hands with painted nails, something feels off about it.
Kyaaaaa I 1cc'd new 2hu on second try I still got it I am the fucking strong This adrenaline rush is amazing I havent felt this alive in a while thank you based ZUN for making a good 2hu again >>233648 I beat normal difficulty with no cintinues, this that simplified enough >>233649 no thanks im good i feel amazing enough right now
I am too anxious for headphones in public. It feels like I am blind in a audio sense and makes me scared I won't notice someone telling me to move or calling out to me or something.
>>233663 That's the trick. You don't need to be listening to anything
If I'm at the shop alone, I wear headphones to make sure weirdos don't talk to me, but I always take them off to talk to the clerk because policy says they have to talk to me and I don't want to make it awkward for them by being unfriendly.
Also who the fuck talks to strangers in public? That nearly never happens in the UK.
>>233667 such a dumb policy I don't need help don't bug me just let me get my stuff done
>>233670 If only they were all a sunfriendly as me
Last night I had an extra movie ticket so I wanted to see if a homeless guy would go with me but I didn't pass by any on the way to the theatre.
>>233669 It's really not. Most customers are from a generation that values pretending to be nice to each other. They don't want to look standoffish.
>>233668 Haha! I can't walk down the street without someone trying to talk to me. Everyone in Florida is a friendly or angry old person that wants to talk to someone because they're lonely.
I work retail and only smile at the customer Most of the time I don't know the store well enough to help them find one super specific item so I try not to offer help
>>233724 Various things. The latest debate was that I said it was slutty how she stopped being friends with protagonist-kun as soon as she met the hot guy. A certain anime friend tried to justify it as that argument about whether games should be moe or not.
>>233727 I guess the others just don't get how sluts do their thing.
She totally started neglecting the MC after she got her target and then she changed her appearance to meet his feedback and she's moving in on him even though she knows he has a girlfriend. It's totally slutty.
That's not what happened at all. The division between the MC and her started after they started talking about video games and realized they had disagreements on what was valuable in video games.
I don't even think she knows Normal-kun has a girlfriend especially considering she thinks Normal-kun's girlfriend is MC's girlfriend.
>>233727 I don't need to justify it. If you went back and paid attention to when the two of them started interacting in person with each other they started spitting venom at each other after they found they had disagreements they couldn't come to terms with each other on. Anything else is just your own headcanon.
Yeah. I think you're definitely the sane one here. Especially in how you're discussing it!
>>233735 You're still being totally crazy here. You're ignoring stuff that happens in the show for the sake of inserting your own fantasies into the story to try and prove somethign that isn't true.
>>233749 Well for me, this sort of attitude where it's "oh others disagree with me but YOU agree with me and it makes me feel so happy that you agree" feels pretty rude to the people it's obviously focused on.
as rika clearly indicated she wanted validation that someone shared her perspective i did it made her happy because it meant someone saw where she was coming from
you're just so angry and so vemous right /// venemous right now that you're fuck i can't spell // that you're lashing out at me and then being an asshole for literally no reason
venomous i think? oh no autocorrct isnt here
>>233754 Masturbating for just three minutes doesn't sound very fun.
>>233758 You can be convinced there's no reason all you want. I feel like there's grounded reasons for me to be irritated.
>>233761 no matter what you say, what you did was really rude and super fucked up and i'm gonna spoil something important for you actually no a bunch of things i'm gonna spoil everything i can for you in the future because you're being a piece of shit
>>233763 Spoiling every thing you can for them isn't a good idea because other people will get caught in the crossfire.
>>233763 Go ahead. I've told you before that getting spoiled on things doesn't really diminish my enjoyment of stuff. If you want to "play my game", feel free to.
>>233775 Yeah I learned to swim at age two or three.
>>233776 That's pretty young My family had a pool so I learned early
>>233777 It was (and probably still is) common in Florida for kids to be taught to swim at a very young age in irder to reduce chances of drownin. *drowning
showing, not telling having characters which are interesting enough to be mediums for you to show, not tell
plot doesn't even have to be good if you get that down replace the 20% that would go to plot with aesthetics, character design, good voicing for the immersion so then you've got like 40/40/20 of sound, execution, and aesthetic immersion
A good art direction that can show a lot without anywhere being explicitly said A well paced script that doesn't waste the audiences time
>>233809 >A well paced script that doesn't waste the audiences time every scene should have a clear purpose if you take a look at it and its purpose is exposition, it doesnt need to be there if it's purpose is to save frames and illustration costs WHILE doing immersion then that's just industry standard but it still sucks
An interesting world which is well explored Fights with interesting character motivations and drama backing them up Designs of characters, environments, mecha, etc that serve to build the shows world in a consistent way that serves the shows themes and tones
>>233812 What was fun about it? Cause don't get me wrong, I think Lain is a great anime, but I would not describe it as fun.
>>233815 i agree the characters are the vehicles through which we explore that world in the most intimately connected way, so their design should really prime us for the experience i think that some mecha shows have this flaw because the world of the plot has some themes but then the design is just so oriented around the mecha that there feels like a big disconnect and it feels like the show jumps in and out of moods and you lose focus
same with some of the sports and car anime >>233818 yeah, when the mecha bring the flavor and emotion of the story that's going on behind it into focus, it's really good it's not mecha, but kill la kill does this so well with all the fight stuff the designs and feelings all reflect the whole texture of the show so well that it feels indulgent, instead of breaking immersion or just feeling an uncomfortable jolty shift or like oh man how many episodes is this arc gonna drag on for a la dragonball super fuckin a
>>233817 The best mecha shows tie their design into the world Something like VOTOMs is a great example of this. The Armored Troopers are just as dirty and cheap as the locations Chirico visits
>>233817 Exactly, you wouldn't stick dirt and grime in Kill La Kill because it wouldn't fit
i should try doing market research through an imageboard platform i can like, invite ten people to a by-invite temporary board like this and say okay i'll give yall some cash dollars or amazon giftcards to sit here and talk about X topic for a while and i could loosely moderate and prompt new points once it slows down, like every five or ten minutes for like an hour
and then i've got so much data and it'd all be 100% confidential and reports would only be made in aggregate, not sharing any personal information
the anonymity of names would be super helpful too >>233820 oh, for one session yes because a conversation has to be facilitated. ten is an extremely large focus group individuals don't count as the sample population in a focus group the focus group is the individual sample unit i'd do like ten or fifteen sessions of it, trying to get people from varying areas but not too varied an ideal group size is about four to six, but i don't know how that'd transition to the image board style
>>233816 The intrigue was pretty fun. Trying to understand where everything fell when so much of the show was about -was hidden in subtlties. The set pieces were pretty great too and the character eccentricities were fun to watch.
>>233801 Good characters good art either exciting or comfy
>>233821 Many of those characters were suffering though, that's why I don't really consider that show to be "fun".
And then another example of an anime that I (and many others) would not consider to be fun is Texnolyze. Which happens to be an anime that many people consider to be good.
i'm doing great i hope you are all having a wonderful evening
>>233836 How many more days you hqve left before your next day off?
well i got lucky and i didn't have to close tonight so i got off early and monday i get to go in late my prayers were answered my next day off is tuesday but i still have to unload the truck and order a new truck tuesday moreing at like 2am
Not to forget snow hitler I should do one next winter and see if it is broken down there are though lot of kids in this region so, any snowman would get broken
>>233840 oh yuu get to have a weekend how exciting
>>233845 you moved right do you like your new place
>>233847 >smashing a snowman Why? Just to be dicks?
Yeah. The Italian boats currently in game are a carrier that was never completed, a battleship that was captured by the Brits before she could fight, and a pair of heavy cruisers that were bullied to death by Warspite without putting up a fight. Oh I guess there's also Libeccio. I don't know what she did when she was alive, but since she was an italian destroyer, probably not much.
Do you know why the new Italian navy has glass bottom boats?
>>233894 I just got back and was looking at this post like it was a setup for a punchline and sat here like an idiot trying to think of what the pun or joke was going to be
It is a set up for a punchline, but usually jokes like this go Person A: do you know why X Person B: no, why Person A: punchline
because seven was a bitch
Anyways, it's so that they can see the old Italian navy.
oh that's pretty good i think there's probably a better execution but i'm not sure what it is
>blue pick a GOOD anime This is the only time I watch anime
>>233913 who's asking is it lightswitch >>233915 oh neat did you bring your trash over to their place to throw away instead of throwing it away at your own damn place
it's too late we're already watching tsuredure children and they can't do anything about it >>233914 nah, I'm at a friends place.
Tsuredzure is a good adaptation though so it's fine.
one of my old friends is on steam playing a game WITH HIS LADY right now and i really want to send him a message asking if he's played huniepop with his girl yet because i know she's gonna say "what's that can i play it" but i don't know if that's in good humor or i'm being incredibly rude
>>233990 I've been trying for a long time to get it sorted out. I don't really understand what the problem is. It's like he wants me to include a disclaimer that my post is an opinion every time I express an opinion.
>>233999 I'm involved now. I specified that I hadn't seen the new episode and then was purposefully spoiled without remorse because I agreed with Rika about something. It was very disrespectful and I'm very upset that someone I considered a close friend is willing to treat me like dirt.
>>234005 I don't think there's a problem in asking my opinion on something about an anime I'm watching. The fault lies in the person that freaked out.
Yeah but you shouldn't have been dragged into it not on ///>>234004 the question was fine just the resulting stuff
I dont think shes a slut though she doesnt know but if she did then she'd be one
>>234013 nice >>234012 sammy you about to go on a train but i have a question to ask you about the liveboard experience when you are able to sit down and be a degenerate with me
specifically what kind of time investment would be needed in order to make a single-session time limit liveposting board that was by invite only like if someone were to want to conduct a focus group by image board and hand out 10 keys to 10 participants that were only good for that one hour time slot
just like a rough estimate of whether that's a small little tweak or something like taking several people several weeks worth of work to slap together
>>234025 kind of i think the live-messaging imageboard format is actually really great for focus groups because of the interfacing and channel segregation it's already put in place what posts are respondent posts and which aren't, and even to which they're responding, including multiples
it's a limited demographic at the moment that can use it functionally, but there's definitely a consumer demographic well available to it and current market research firms don't exploit this at all the platform is better for its function, the reach to participants is vastly larger and it's more accessible, and it's already in a better format than current archiving purposes of digital records can obtain of analog* recordings* sorry i dont know why i messed that up
>>234027 That's an interesting way to use the software. I don't see why it wouldn't work, the only challenge I see is educating normies on how to use it quickly enough.
>>234041 i wasn't thinking of normies when i had this thought i was thinking of maria talking about his preferences in mecha anime
but alternatively, if i got a platform like that up and running and servicing non-normie things, the transition for norminess i would just do on my own and re-appropriate the linguistic entropy fromt // the conversation into the imageboarding format through an automated process ( i think i might be able to do this ) and then process the data that way it would only take a couple steps on top of the transcription process to plug in some properties around who the respondent is responding to, including multiples
sorry i know no one wants to hear about this nonsensessense
>>234051 Not an edit. She's from isekai cellphone.
I actually just googled it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>234018 oh hmm i wonder how easy the privacy would be time limits are not particularly hard but man i havent touched any of the curfew code in years
im gonna miss my train woo
>>234059 i mean the anonymity of an imageboard is privacy enough provided i was hosting the server and let the users pick an unchangeable name at their discretion, whatever they want it'd be fine current focus group standard would even let me know who they are but i imagine the imageboard environment is more paranoid than the normies
it's okay though it's just kind of a loose question more to get my own brain thinking about things don't sweat it bud thanks for you are help thank you for being a samurai when we need it most in the desperate and disparate times
sometimes i get distracted from the human element by working on the computer all day long so long and then when i'm out exercising or working on errands or housework i think "wow i would annoy me" which is okay i guess but i dont want to be like that
i've eaten so much today already but i'm still so hungry everything sounds good ssssss or i could make hash browns and pickled eggs i'm gonna get so chubby i wish i had some broccoli cheddar soup and a baguette
it's okay i did both and both i also fried the bread in butter i hope a i get a diabeetus and go blind
Is frying bread in butter really that good?
it's not as good as frying it in bacon grease sometimes i buy bacon just so i can cook my eggs and bread in bacon grease and then add gravy on top of the eggs if i die tell god i made him a steak
That all sounds like a bit much for me. I tried frying potatoes in bacon grease a couple times but I didn't feel like it made it particularly better or worse.
Honey soy ribs are the best dinner
>>234112 Fried potatoes are so much better and crispier than cooked potatoes
I love frying potatoes, it might be my favourite way of making them. Cook them that way for a bit then salt and grate cheese over them.
i like slow roasting theme // them on a stovetop like in a broth with a meat not like a beef stew, more like a pot roast
>>234115 With meat sounds really good Beef stew with those little soft onions is really good
>>234116 Yes. And don't get me wrong, I'm still pretty cheesed about the way you singled me out in that whole affair. Like fuck, I don't care about your opinions. But the way you structure the way you say things is pretty infuriating to deal with. How many times do I have to say that in different ways before one gets through.
How am I supposed to have any discussion with you without peppering my posts with disclaimers about the things I say being my opinions? You totally read my tone wrong on a regular basis. I am not trying to shove my opinion down your throat when I say something.
i shouldn't butt in but, uh, >>234119 you know how i mentioned to you how your posts are perceived compared to how your tone actually is it's kind of the same for yuu but i might say a little bit even worse than yours extend a bit of leniency and i think you'll get the same
I guard my leniency with stuff like that really carefully. It's hard for me to trust people not to take advantage of it once given out.
I know how this happened I cant wait to go home and sleep
>>234130 fuckin seriously fam you're australian you're supposed to be a history nerd
you at least play age of empires because you don't have enough bandwidth to play anything else
>>234133 >Australians >history nerds Why are aussies history nerds? I remember australian history being really boring in school
>>234135 just almost every one of them i met was mayonaisse was invented by hannibal's trip on the carthage mountains when all their food was going bad so they shoved all their eggs and perishables into the vinegar to make it last and it did and then obviously you know hannibal proceeded to invade and conquer carthage
>>234136 Mayonaise beats ketchup then. It just outlasts it.
wow is that your only comment on that post marsh and sugoi are both rolling in their pre-emptive graves
Ohayou! I wonder what I shall do today. I might walk into to town, possibly get my hair cut/styled if I can get the courage to walk into the hairdressers.
I could do with moving around, sitting down all week and at home is probably messing up my legs.
i'll probably say fuck it and pass out before then
Just got home It's 4:38 here
wow here2
what the fuck are yo doing up so late
shitposting on /moe/ obviously
it 740pm how amI tire
I went over to my friend's house and watched touhou m1 Grand Prix 7 with his brother while he played the "drink when ever someone is being stupid" drinking game while watching isekai smartphone
>>234184 u'r clearly full of hot air and made of rubber
>>234185 if i played that i might actually be drunk right now
Anyways I went over there around midnight But he got pretty drunk from the drinking game and just drinking so he couldn't take me home until a bit ago
Although there are other people he drinks even more around He got really drunk on new years We were staying the night at a friend's house and after i went to bed he kept pounding on my door, so i threatened him with a nerf gun and got him to stop
well you gotta show them who's boss and push them around a little bit, but playfully that way they learn to respect you and that you feed them and shit so when they get older, they just crawl in your lap and kill whatever fucking pest walks in the house
oh and that also means prepare for being scratched and bitten, you treat that shit like it's nothing if anything, try and encourage it and it will dye down as they age
neother english wili is up to speed are you using a jp one >>234266 as expected
map looks long as heck if nothing else
>english wikis lol
i doubt even wikiwiki is up to date you need to check a nico steamer or a restream of one only E-7 looks retarted though E-5 is a bit stupid but evryting else seems ez enough
I know fujinami is a yuugumo but how badly did you want her? I thought she looked like a low tier yuugumo but she seems to have some good personality traits going on? >>234278 well theres that huh
i got 4 of her non farming spring anyway
i farmed for her in winter anyway after like 40 tries or some shit
i have a random kai maruyu so i only need two non kai maruyou to max her considering the new meta shit that i found out like 3 weeks ago >TCI cap is at 50 anyway
oh right I was supposed to talk to you about alttp now that i actually played and finished it
oh shit what did you think i know even some dank ass tenk no one else knows about but i don't do discord and sign into twich and shit
After playing it I can see the hype and why so many people love it but I also have some qualms that are more or less a result of the time it came out >>234315 no I did not
I still have my save so I can go back and do that sometime I suppose
I started liking the game in particular after dark world started >>234317 I missed quite a few things because im the type who goes and 100%s after i beat the game casually
>>234318 It was pretty alright however i misinterpreted the sign I thought it meant "save your magic for puzzles" and not "you need a full meter or you cant kill the boss" >>234320 yeah i went in ... wait uh ire is normally after right
mire is crystal 8 6 that shit you flute to and lift a rock to enter
okay good because mire gives you cane of somaria which allows you to sorta cheese ice palace or you can just hover or bomb jump lol
>look up nigger fuck you
yeah ok i went in the numerical order >>234321 i was very sad i forgot about the forest and went that long without fast travel had no idea where other dark world portals were either
I had to look up a few things but i tried to keep it as low as possible >>234321 yeah i figured youd say that
the ganon fight was the last thing the game did to mess with me and make me sad though
i was doing fine but then got knocked off and found the silver arrow message and was like "you are shitting me" >>234327 yeah yeah just perfect timing your spins but i wouldnt have known that was possible without looking it up
>needing silver arrows
dude the timing is a spin attack with like half a second
but it's untuitive so i guess whatev
yeah and then getting the bomb requires saving the blacksmih for some rwason?
that was weird >>234331 yeah i didnt have improved sword until ganon and then i had gold sword and it was cake which made me feel bad since fighting ganon without it was actually really fun
oh shit did you not get tempered sword for the longest time nigger you did low% so props
pro tip knocking mothula into spikes deals no damage
>>234330 master sowrd is just blue thing red is tempered if you had mster you would have had to spin attack every phase at gannon
yeah i did
speaking of which how would you rate spin attack as a thing yoi shojld use all the time i was gojng to ask that and then i fought ganon who requored it so
depends on the situation if you have ms against ball and chain guard then use spin attack otherwise spin is p slow ganon with legit master sowrd requires spin attacks regardless 12 for phase 1 12 for phse 2 4 for phase 3 (1 for each side of wall being knocked down) and 24 for phase 4 so better get yo torch glitch on if you don't have half magic and potions
i went without half magic until ganon too since the upgrades flr thay and sword are next to each other
didnt even notice the powder in the witxh shop after she had it i thought it was decoration >>234338 which is that
aw shit nigga
how'd ya do trinexx
trock boss fire rod and ice rod rquired
very carefully
didn't whip out no hammer? hammer does tempered sword damage
haha without half magic and tempered swork as in with normal magic and mastered sowrd you are SUPPOSED to struggle and fail to kill the boss to tell you yo there is an upgrade somewhere
well there is a saharshala tablet that tells you that you want the medicine of magic, i.e. green/blue potion(s) there is the bitch door to respawn at as well if you figured that shit out
i think i just grabbed like two blue potions and kept trying over and over
yeah i used that it helped >>234346 i didnt even know it was called a bitch door so clearly its fine
>using the bitch door
its how i nabbed tbe blue potions to use at the noss
i'll need to get a 3ds to finish it i got to the dark world and thorugh a part of it after like an hour dark palace seemed easy as fuck if anything albw is easier to do blind than alttp albw is some casual shit
hey kannagi check out this cool video www.youtube.com
>>234361 i thought about it last night and i was like why doesn't marsh open up a digital class or webinar to teach people how to be more australian i bet you could make a lot of money
>>234383 I don't have too many plans, My mom wants to go for a walk with me later but I don't know when. >>234384 The cat summoning gacha is a tricky thing!
my cousin and his unit are getting suddenly moved to guam he is a captain in the air force he was a pilot they say there's no reason to worry but still
Yeah they're having another one today aren't they?
You're gonna have a civil war, dude Get a red and black bandana
That is kinda scary. What is going on? Neo nazis protesting about anti-white racism or something?
>>234405 yeah they want to #UniteTheRight they're marching around a college campus chanting neo-nazi slogans and carrying torches and attacking people that don't agree
it terrifying
>>234405 They're uniting the right under a common, fascist cause And that isn't hyperbole, that's the stated fucking goal
>Blood and Soil (German: Blut und Boden) refers to a racist ideology that focuses on ethnicity based on two factors, descent blood (of a folk) and territory. It celebrates the relationship of a people to the land they occupy and cultivate, and it places a high value on the virtues of rural living.
oh yeah kirara/imats you should check the can corn event to laugh at how retarded it is the nico streamers didn't even finish cuz they can't figure out the routing lol
there was already a bug that resulted in clearing the cache for shiplocking purposes at first E-7 didn't let you have a locked ship at all which wasn't supposed to happen
also i just noticed i grabbed the wrong multivitamins at the store these are mens 50+
>>234450 what skills should i plop on my green robins i was thinking of murdering a swimsuit robin for the hp/def skill because it's rad and seal atk and threaten attack
>>234474 a gun isn't the same kind of leverage with a grenade i can unpin it and hold it in my hand what the fuck is anyone gonna do then, try and beat the shit out of me? yeah right they're just gonna walk tf away
i'm legit thinking about getting some riot control grenades i actually already have explosive ones but some of the functional grenades are way cooler i'd love to just have a dozen or so tactical grenades whenever i need it
>>234481 Congratulations on 1ccing the new game. I'm sure you're happy that it isn't LoLK retarded Aun is still the best girl. Girl with hat is kinda cute. >Girl with hat as a distinguisher of any touhou character
>>234504 Okay, before I actually listen to this incredibly hollow piano opening, where do you find these songs >on youtube yeah but like why are you autoplaying these
>>234522 yo enjoy the // what's the word whatever it is, that thing enjoy it >>234527 no that's not the one but that can also be enjoyed kind of too in certain circumcisions if you // circumstances if you like that i guess
im supposed to be writing a business proposal so i can launch my new career as a software consultant but i'm drinking wine at 10am instead because it's saturday and i'm afraid to take risks of doing anything good with my life >>234555 i did a whole transcript of putting m'lady as malady one time and didn't even realize it that client must have been so confused
>>234550 make sure to spread it evenly for everyone
Though in a transitional socialist state, you'd likely just get an even ration for logistical reasons The USSR probably didn't consider your individual alcohol tolerance, but your local community will probably be fine with letting you grab one more bottle, cause there's gonna be people who need less, and people who don't drink at all
Also the political compass test asks you like "A significant benefit to a one party state is increased efficiency in coming to decisions" or something, right? But that's just true You can't possibly think more points of view makes the process quicker
Whether it's the right decision, and whether you value that efficiency over diversity of thought isn't even addressed I hate those questions
>>234577 Oh okay I just thought you'd enjoy Curious
i thought of it because i was eating these wasabi ranch snap peas and the stuff you get all over your hands, the powder, was really annoying and i was like man i wish there was an easier way to wash this off than doing it myself
now that is too far do yoyu know how many peopple died from that
wasn't it like 25? man that was fucked up
if the number is less than 1 i will be super upset
i probably drink like three gallons of fluids a day at least gallon of whole milk, gallon of water, and then divvied up gallon between juices, sodas, and liquor
>>234615 probably dude ive been doin this since i was like 12 obv not liquor back then but i was still drinking so many fluids i probably have a kidney disease or some shit but i'm thirsty af if i don't drink a glass of water every hour i probably go through way more than a gallon of water a day i dunno how many cups are in a gallon 16 right yeah if you count sleep then i guess that's about how much i have >>234614 fuck it sounds like you do it too we should drink fluids together sometime
>>234624 tbh the fact that you even listened to that and remember it is satisfying enough to me i didnt think anyone even did not that it's a rare song but still
>>234631 well watch that video and maybe it'll motivate you
i kinda want to just up and go on a trip was supposed to go to hawaii but you know maybe ii should just pack some shit and go to the tetons
>>234639 ive been livin in the country for two months i need the internet to work but otherwise i'm datacapped af and it's slow satellite internet most of my day is planting radishes and rutabagas and i'll get to turnips probably in september and then taking care of like four dozen feral cats because i need them around to weed out all the rabbits and mice but fuckin raccoons came up one night and ate some of the kittens not even joking i had to clean up all that shit it was horrible i need those cats to protect my crops
and then i'm trying to get another centipede farm going but i haven't found a single centipede since ive been out here??? so it's fuckin hard i need the centipedes to keep my household safe
i could live in a cabin im pretty sure so could jan
we should, as a group of like five or six, invest in a plot of land out in montana and me and jan, the poorest moes, can go build a cabin up there and expand and take care of it and make it like a four or five room resort cabin and then yall can come chill out there at your leisure free of charge
everyone in my family talks about my "crazy uncle" who has agent orange issues and is really fucked up in the head and neurotic but after living with him for a couple months he's the most normal person in my family or at least the person i can understand and communicate with the best he seems really high functioning and well-adjusted and i think it's the rest of my shitty family that's all fucked up
i get along with him great
>>234740 >nobody with a boombox blasting RATM Bad praxis Get MAD
I've probably gone off the deep end, but if I have, the only thing that's actually changed is I now know what I believe I haven't actually changed much on my base stances, I've just realized where they take me.
I can't support things I used to because they were in conflict with ideas I hold higher, and I simply didn't realize
i don't have much energy these days but when i see people gettin rowdy i wanna step it up and show them how it's done because they're bein fuckin retarded i'll show 'em how to stage a real revolution
Yeah Like I said, I didn't change too much on a basic level
It's like The roots and stuff are still there, but some of the branches got swapped out cause the ones that were already there were from a different tree I've always blamed capitalism for a lot cause I've always seen it as a terrible thing, but it didn't really click for a long time that it's not salvagable
>>234772 i dunno about lawns but i got a garden to take care of it's a bitch and a half i need to plant more stuff to get value of the time i'm spending i just wanted to plant radishes but it was a lot of work just for a few radishes, so now i've also got rutabaga and turnip i might do some rhubarb or something also
nobody on moe cares about plants they're all filthy kingdom animalia-ists
"Just do like we do in Norway", yaknow? That was my general view, but I realize now that it literally isn't possible for everyone to be Norway It can't be done, because Norway is Norway because someone else is getting fucked over
i haven't really mess with a garden in a while it's more work but at this point i don't think i'd mind it lawns are just keeping things tidy pretyt much
nothing like having a raccoon in a about to collapse garage when you gotta take trash and shit out
It also doesn't help that I've always had a sweet spot for the hammer and sickle, and the general shallow gist of communism's ideals >>234784 Oh, sorry
yo those fuckin raccoons dude you think they're cute but i fuckin hate them i'm gonna stomp their shit next time i see one
>>234783 no it's fine you can post them i just wanted to voice that they're not cute when you gotta deal with them like these fuckin idiot raccoons they're just hanging out making a ruckus in the shed and i have to go out there at 3am and go try to kick them out of the shed but it was just three or four baby raccoons and they just looked at me when i was trying to scare them off they didn't howl or anything the just backed up intot // into the corner with these beady eyes and looked at me wondering what i was doing like how is that cute at all, they were tiny as fuck and like the size of kittens it's fuckin disgusting
Really though, the way I got where I am makes me a bit of an odd one out in every commie circle I've come across so far I got here through ACTUAL NATIONALISM dude
I was at least approaching the fucking fash at some point Most people I've talked to so far about how they arrived at communism has been like "Well I've always been pro-worker but I just didn't really engage with politics much" Nigga I was IN THERE, deep I voted FrP, for fuck's sake, I was not a good boi
i'll just see if hardcore nico streamers finally clear a shitty event
>>234833 my cat probably makes me take half of that per day on most days he's gone back to sleeping by my head on my pillow when i sleep
i take like 11 naps a day i probably don't sleep but like 40 minutes at a time ever i actually took a nap during this little discussion we had and nobody would have noticed
sometimes i wish i could sleep a whole night but i just can't cats, raccoons, email notifications, work stress, fuckin hot as fuck nights that i wake up in sweats it just doesn't happen the alcohol probably doesn't help in regards to staying asleep either but it's actually kind of functional this way i like it. it took me a bit to adapt but i do like three hour chunks and snooze any chance i get
>>234835 oh not me if i drink i stay up all fuckin night i actually drink an energy drink or a cup of coffee if i want to go to sleep if i drink alcohol i stay up so late and then wake up like an hour later because hangover