Thread #233917
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made in abyss jigoku shoujo jikan? 18 if was supposed to be today but i don't see it bahamut is missing as well? or maybe im just seeing the wrong schedule
I see the new jikan I think
dead anime
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let's get it over with
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well let's see made in abyss jigoku shoujo jikan? It really seems like some things aren't airing this week. We usually have more per night.
Whys this week so dead nothings airing
anime died
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Yeah, looking at my files from last week, Bahamut and Altair should have also aired tonight.
what order of anime
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Is tilde around? I don't see him. I think made in abyss jigoku is the best order. Then Jikan or something if you guys want to watch it.
yes tilde ios here
ok lets go
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>>233941 Why isn't he posting in this thread?
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just orange
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If tilde isn't here is there any point in going orange? orange for made in abyss where is tilde?>>233949 Yes, I accidentally did make tilde mad earlier. Did he say he would be watching anime? I don't really understand what is going on.
orange Did you make tilde mad or something hes not oranging lets assume hes ready>>233948
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So did you talk to him and ask him if he wanted to anime?
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Oh, I see. Do you know what's going on now? Is he in the thread?
let's have a seance with the spirit of tilde
>>233963 probably dont know though
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This sort of thing really pisses me off sometimes. I don't understand why I need to put a disclaimer under every post of mine that I am merely stating my opinion. I also don't understand the obsession some posters seem to have with wanting to see me be humbled. I'm sorry tilde, for having opinions, and I completely regret voicing one of them earlier today. okay that should take care of it orange for made in abyss okay let's start
well she seems like a nice character
she kinda looks like a katanagatari character
blue whistle is cute
bap against the table looks painful
the manga for this is more lewd right
neat location wood walls are cool
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That girl has pretty sharp eyes for being so blobby.
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They're just rocks aren't they?
they just said that they are tools of the past they just don't know how to operate them
by the name and looks her sun sphere is probably a lamp
i guess shes gonna lose the whistle somehow
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Do they have nighttime underground?
ugh i haven't watched from the start but they were explaining even last episode that there's some sort of magical barrier that carries light down or something
naruhodo ne
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cliffhanger that answers nothing
ok jigoku
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okay jigoku shoujo! okay let's start!
i am gonna fucking lose it
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>>234020 Over what?
over things taking long or not starting on time
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Oh yeah, sorry about that. We're having issues tonight.
they are making a scene at a funeral well that's sad looking
oh screw them then
she's not a ghost?
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>my mom said web designers make a lot of money why is his mom telling him lies
maybe that's the case in japan yeah screw these kids
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He should have stopped the car immediately. Also I don't think an aluminum can would stop a brake pedal like that.
>why are you the only one to survive gee im sure they could find out that he was the only kid with a seatbelt
those little shits deserved to die
we need to go edgier but im not quite sure who's gonna be grudeged to hell this episode
I thought this girl was a hell person earlier
same but i guess this is the past where they kill her they really are enthusiastic about killing
guess they can't swim
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I guess the theme of this episode is kids doing stupid stuff.
oh the boy is going there
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never move to the coutryside they are all insane assholes
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IT would have worked out for the best if everyone had guns.
please specify that is just an opinion
so now she takes people to hell too? where are the jigoku shounen
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See it really would have been better if everyone had guns.>>234067 She may take Emma's place or something. I really don't know. I thought there could be only one hell girl.
how is havign guns gonna help you against a fire stream are you gonna shoot fire to death
ika you up for jikan
sure i dont mind
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Which episode is it?
5 i beliveve
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okay jikan ep 5 okay lets start
i really hate recaps
wow he just kicked a dog
he looks so lame with his bowtie and suspenders
oh what the hell kids should stop being assholes
what an amazing plan
it's that simple? really
evil dude
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That last scene was the first part of this show that was worth the time to watch.
really now she looked like the fight is over he just provoked her
that was pretty funny
ok that seems like a lot of bs if they randomly sped up and slowed down how are the sped up held in place not that a card chain makes sense in the first place
and 5 cards left does he actually have a limit
this is silly she should super age but i guess she doesn't age but at least gow lots of hair
it's kinda nice that she doesn't fall for the talk
questionable physics im not sure why i question this show so much
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thanks for anime!