>>225167 Yes, and it's annoying now that we're in two threads because a new one was made mid-conversation. I think I may have to do something to fix this problem.
>>225180 You say that, but if Rika and I posted in one thread, along with several other posters, your thread would die and our thread would be where all the posters post.
/moe/ isn't culturally able to manage multiple threads. That's just not how it works.
>>225192 and side threads when tje main thread is filled with one topic that would flood any other can be good at times
I don't disagree that being capable of doing multiple threads is a good thing, but /moe/ isn't capable of that. It won't really work. A thread will get a few replies and then die and only one of them will be active.
i use multiple threads and it works because my threads are very specific branches like just for me and a couple others to talk about something specific, or to get away from a thread that's too high-energy, which can be a problem given internationality sometimes because a relaxing morning to one can be a high-energy lunch break for another stuff like that two main threads doesnt really work too well i don't think having a transition period where there's still some lingering activity is bad as long as no one's feeling get hurt, although the conversation can suffer a little bit from stiff intrusions it might sound like it's about respecting the last thread but it's actually also the key to succeeding with a new thread noticing that opportune time when there's a settling down and people can kind of migrate like between a wedding reception and an afterparty you gotta be able to read the mood and know when to reorganize
Trying to move the main thread like this can kill everything. like it seems to have just did
is the 900 posts and the size of the thread really the issue or just a mild inconvenience if it's actually an issue for a reason i dont see then maybe we can fix that up
The issue is that there was a conversation someone didn't really like and they wanted to kill it so they could talk about something else. Since splitting the threads like this kills the conversation generally, it's a surefire way to get rid of a conversation you don't feel like participating in.
>>225201 fuck i love bjork she reminds me of me except more crazy
>>225200 My theory on it is that TN just likes being the thread creator guy for attention.
>>225206 he's been doin really good lately give him some benefit of the doubt not without a few uneasy days either bet he just is tryin to relax but isn't so wound up as we americans are
I also enjoy creating threads for attention. But then I forget because I am enjoying the attention I already was receiving
>>225202 I kind of resent the spin you're putting on it here. I use split threads when I figure there's at least a few people around that don't want to participate in the in the current active thread's dialogue.
Wouldn't you gain though? She's like... well, I don't know her pocket situation but she's probably more bank than lots of us.
>>225212 she's so cute not even physically cute just her personality i love everything about her did you fuckin do you remember that fuckin dude that tried to mailbomb bjork the crazy fat motherfucker
>>225209 Well, it might not apply to you, then. I'm talking about the issue at this instance in time. I'm not saying that that is the case every time someone makes a thread.
but bjork is physically cute and then she goes around wearing dresses made out of bells and the cute multiplies. >>225213 what I DIDN'T know this but then again, I'm like a casual I would play joga and hyperballad on repeat
>>225215 i think she's physically cute too but that's not the style of cute i mean when i say she's cute her cuteness is a different level >>225215 HAHA oh yeah it's old as fuck crazy dude recorded himself on video every night talking about his plans to mailbomb bjork because he wanted to be the single-biggest factor in her life -- the thing that kills her that's how much he obsessed over her he thought it was the most intimate expression and he like put it together on camera over months and then mailed it to her and killed himself and the feds tracked it down and stopped it fuckin crazy
do you know how angry i would be if that had happened
I'm not even a Bjork fan but I remember that being a thing.
>>225221 Deshou? Ugh, life is so unfair. I have to go on this free trip to Hawaii with my girlfriend AND I have to stay up late a few nights. Life is so hard.
wtf autocorrects to 23rd
>>225223 wow Kirara your life sucks dude hahahaha so glad I'm not you haahaha get fucked
Yeah it's a total mercy on the rest of us that we get to be us and all this shit happens to Kirara instead.
Having a girlfriend sure is rough. I'd have to be responsible
>>225236 tbh it is life without a girlfriend is already rough i don't understand people who buy into the illusion that having that will make it better no it's like saying man life without money sure is hard let me go get a loan for a fuckin dodge viper i'm sure i'll have more money that way
>>225237 I always find it funny when people think getting a gf will magically make them happy and solve all their problems
>>225236 It is a lot of responsibility. There are a lot of little things that go into it. I was thinking about this earlier.
I played PS4 with Jan earlier and I decided to stop at 6:30 so we could eat dinner together. It's kind of weird to think about how you end up doing stuff like that. It seems like such a little thing but it completely changes the course of the evening.
>>225238 spoiler you're the one having to solf // 23rd? solve the gf's problems
>>225266 Wellington Yeah there's some cuties But the hottest guys would probably be at like beach places or in the south island because there's all this nature and shit there
>>225268 yeah we have good everything to do with farms
>>225285 well first I'd have to know what you're defining as hot and what's defined as cute
>>225287 yeah but I don't find boys hot so I don't have any definition for that
>>225286 by your definition of those things, you find such an image, and i determine if it meets my definitions if not, we try again >>225286 you just said they had hot boys you fuckin queer bitch
Anyway, I think it's "possible" to be both, it's just unlikely in a guy probably. In girls, more often. Guys don't really aim for cute. They just happen to get it.
i think i'm pretty cute though i'm sure i'm just annoying to many tastes are fickle i suppose i'm okay with being my own biggest fan though at least that way ill have one
TalesofNukes !5cY5Lovers
Wow I got left behind in other thread for like an hour, go me
>>225306 you didn't miss anything we were just talking about the differences between cute boys and hot boys
Besides, it's not like anything's going to happen while I'm living with my mom. >>225353 Wait hold up Why would I rent a daki Do you mean renting OUT a daki to someone else? Because there's no way in hell I'm renting someone else's daki
tbh just be yourself don't hide shit from people, but also dont be // use that as an excuse to be a slob watch some genshiken if you feel self-conscious about your hobbies
Don't mistreat them. Or else someone will find out and you'll have the cops come after you. You'll end up changing your name and hiding out forever
sometimes i treat my waifu like a punching bag and leave her in the other room and ignore her for my entire life while i'm on the computer just like i do my punching bag
someone more clever could have crafted a better setup and execution there but i don't think it was too bad at least three stars
/moe/ my tourettes is really killing me and i want to shout a bunch of really inappropriate comments at you guys but it's not even that you've done anything it's just a really strong compulsion worse than usual i feel a little relieved just saying that though less pent up
>>225566 There's a lot of ways You could find a long cat in the wild Fuse a cat with a sausague dog Buy a long cat Stretch out a regular cat
Oh Taneda Risa is returning to work after her hiatus since September 1st last year. She went on it for treatment from an unspecified illness, but apparently it was just a pregnancy?
Not that a pregnancy is nothing to sneeze at but that was a bit of misdirection from her agency. Well it looks like there's still no confirmation but being out of work for the time she was is a little suspect I guess.
I tend to get dizzy when I do that. Its a side effect of my meds.
I don't take meds though I
By "it's a side effect" I mean I could do it without the dizzy ness or headache back before I took these meds.
Ah ok That sucks yeah
I used to be able to read in the car on roadtrips and what not.
Arrggghhhh I want to sleep but my mind isn't tired enough so I know if I try I'll just end up being bored and possibly remembering things I dont want to think about for hours while failing to sleep.
At least you're just bored. My brain is keeping me awake in bed on sheer anxiety.
>>225628 I'll be bored and or anxious and or depressed. My mind's feeling more tired now though.
Might not take my stimulants tomorrow since i dont need them for anything and I'll sleep better if i dont.
Gonna make an attempt to sleep. >>225628 hopefully your anxiety subsides soon I've been lucky and haven't been having nearly as much anxiety as usual
>>225635 hard to describe a mix of frustration with my current life and sadness from the past dwelling on what's already transpired prevents me from doing much of anything
>>225636 what do you want /// what's so frustrating about it?
What about your past is stopping you
it isn't very /moe/ suffice it to say i will get over this eventually, anyways.