I watched Rick and Morty recently. I'm about to watch episode 2 of season 3.
The show is a thousand times better than I expected it to be. I thought it was some normie cartoon shit but it's actually hilarious anti-government propaganda.
>he thought blue and I would both love the same normie show if it wasn't great
I assumed it'd be normieshit too before I watched it But turned out it's that one show that shows up a few times each decade that normies like because it's actually good
Christ I'm in a pissy mood I hate being here, I physically can not be happy
have you been watching the post-credits scene the fuckin mister poopybutthole episode haha that ending scene gets me so bad
>he doesn't want to see any visitors right now >but he wanted me to tell you he's sorry you don't have any bad memories together haha fuck it's so good
Owl hates it by proxy of people doing rick impressions rather than watching it, isn't it sad?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>>225665 when mr. poopybutthole showed up at the end of s2 and had that breakdown with the pizza guy that was amazing i'm glad he can move again
There are no good fan bases
>>225666 haha people think i'm doing rick/morty impressions just when i'm excited about something and start stuttering it's fuckin annoying
>>225667 the TV improv episodes were pretty great when i got to it i didn't know what was going on but im just like "i'm so glad things like this can exist"
R&M is an entire show of "I don't even know how this got a pilot episode but thank God it did"
okay i'm officially all caught up on rick and morty
just don't fuckin do any youtube searches for rick and morty youtube's algos automatically think you're an adult swim normie and it will clog up everything and you'll never get rid of it i actually abandoned my youtube channel just to get away from it all these fuckin annoying ass channels 10 THINGS YOU DIDNT KNOW ABOUT RICK AND MORTY IS RICK EVIL? IN DEPTH ANALYSIS
>>225674 It's weird how in the latest episode he was so disturbed
>>225678 why are normies so bad at stuff like this
>>225684 they don't understand fragility or the idea that the more valuable an idea, the more delicately you have to treat it sensationalism is the name of the game baby anything of value is a limitless, unexhaustable resource go to town run it dry
just like the fuckin lo-fi hip hop mix trend fuck off idiots
>>225658 That's because we only watched it when there were like... two or three more episodes that hadn't aired yet. We essentially marathoned it in two days.
is there a better yamero than this >>>/watch?v=L7Tm1Em3JU0 this is really important i need to yamero
fish's dad had a heart attack this morning he apparently entered surgery like 30 minutes ago
Oh no. I hope he manages out well.
me too
On brighter news though, did you hear Taneda Risa is set to resume work? She's good enough after her illness recovery now to gradually get back into her job.
Well, I found some things to apply for that I barely meet the qualifications for. But that's not "finding a job".
I was rereading an article on one of my favorite mathematical physics problems and found that the guy who wrote the original article on it also did an article about Wiener Processes, which I talked about a bit the other day. Anyways I don't fully understand all the math involved but I still really like this problem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearing_the_shape_of_a_drum
>>225736 I'm overstocked on Bailey's and whatnot myself
Oh not that anyone cares, but the article proving (by counter example) that you cannot (in general) hear the shape of a drum is a lot less complicated.
we can see him from 4-6 and 8-10 fish's mom is flying in at 7:30
he's at the hospital my mom is doing her clinical experience days for her respiratory therapy program and i guess the employees there like her so everyone has been pretty nice to us so stressful
it's looking bleak some of the matchups i'm getting are no good too! i had my reinhardt and two azuras, and we got matched up against julia, that newish green tome user girl with the long hair, and hector completely unwinnable maybe japan will go to sleep and we can catch up, though.
I feel really agitated/uneasy for no particular reason. It's making it harder than usual for me to relax.
Theres going to be a touken ranbu collab in the near future but after that theres a cardcaptor sakura collab. Im hoping for cag jokes or something in there.
Also two new classes in the future and some kther things but i dont know if youre as interested in hearing about those
>>225787I I just stick swimsuit Elise in there and kill everything with her. Which is why I lost to a vantage Takumi, she can't tank a hit from him to kill him.
>>225790 >>225791 i will out of spite if robin loses i'll join team corrin so i get the feathers but i aint helpin them out wow my upload speed is slow so is my dl speed
>>225795 i dont actually put my selena out like that, its okay Take my adorable Lilina with pride
Also Kirara, sorry wednesday was slow. it was a little experimental, but now we know some things. Also PAN misheard me and tried to intentionally not aggro the Crusader even though that session was set up specifically for him to punch the Crusader. Next session should be better.
>>225804 I don't know enough about heart attacks to say whether it would be considered serious or not but he had to have an aortic valve replacement so it sounds like the heart attack was just a symptom of a bigger problem. They said that he should recover completely so I would assume it wasn't that serious. Saying any heart attack isn't serious sounds kind of weird. Sorry, I'm a little out of it right now, haha.
>>225805 Well, heart attacks and strokes can range from minor cases of someone overdoing it and needing to take it easy for awhile, and major cases where it is life-threatening or extensive treatment is involved. If he had to have an aortic valve replacement that means it's kind of on the serious side because it requires surgery, and heart surgery is always a big deal. Is he doing okay now?
>>225814 post pics. Those look tiny and cute. I have a crossbreed between a poodle and a cavelier king charles. A cavoodle.
>>225816 fair enough. I don't have anything on this laptop.
>>225815 I don't have any pictures of her on this phone. Also I dont feel like taking any right now.
And yet again I've managed to alchemically fuse rice to the bottom of a saucepan. I can cook a whole bunch of things but rice the old-fashioned way always manages to beat me.
>>225817 I mainly cook rice in the microwave. I wish I had a rice cooker though.
>>225813 We were allowed to see him for two hours but he still had his breathing tube in and wasn't really like, awake yet. The doctors said he will probably make a full recovery, though. We were allowed to see him from 4-6 and we'll be going back to see him from ~8:00-10:00. Fish's mom's flight will arrive here around 7:30, so we'll pick her up then.
I'll let her know. She's taking a short nap right now. She was doing poorly this morning after we found out, but after he was out of surgery and they said it went well, she started doing better. She's really tired and upset, though.
I'm not sure, I haven't even thought about that. We'll have to see what happens. I feel like it might be kind of fucked up to go right after he had heart surgery. If there were complications and we were a 12 hour flight away, I don't know what would happen. If something happened and Fish didn't get to see her dad before he passed, I think that'd be really bad. I didn't get to see my grandfather before he did and I still regret it. I'm kind of stream of consciousness right now, sorry. I haven't really thought about it that much yet. We'll have to talk about it together.
>>225819 I don't think you understand. It is stuck firmly down there. Thankfully most of the rice is fine, but getting this pot clean is going to take some work.
>>225823 I mean for next time >getting this pot clean is going to take some work At this point what I do is just let it soak and bother with it the next day There's been a few pots I straight up ruined because I forgot they were on and burned them too badly.
Next time what'll probably happen is I'll try to resist the autism to follow directions as exactly as possible and just use the rice cooker we own.
>>225824 Pretty much anything you get in a grocery here has directions. Even a lot of generic ingredients will have "helpful tips" like a popular recipe you can make out of the foodstuff.
>>225826 Well yeah I guess rice has directions here too but I've never bothered to read them The recipes are sorta neat though.
I read EVERYTHING. Like you give me a block of text and I have to fight to not read it usually.
And then when given instructions on how to prepare something I tend to compulsively follow them. Like I didn't even remember we had a rice cooker I could use instead until after the rice was already boiling in the pot.
>>225822 Well, good luck to both of you. Or all three of you, I guess. If the doctors gave you good news it's probably fine though. You know how it is in professions like that, you don't give the good news until you're fairly sure that things will be okay.
>>225830 I know. I highly doubt anything will happen if they said it looked good, but I still feel a twinge of nervousness about it. What would you do in this situation if you were in Fish's or my place?
>>225832 I dunno. I haven't had any hand in the planning.
Could you just reschedule the trip for a later date?
>>225831 Hmm, with the trip? Well, as far as your part is concerned, I think your job is to do what she wants to do. For her part, I'd make sure everything was okay if I was going to take the trip. You guys should have a better idea of his condition on sunday, and he will probably be awake to be talked to by then too. I'd keep a close eye on his status and would talk to him about what he wanted before leaving.
>>225833 The doctors said he might be awake when we return this evening. What do you mean, talk to him about what he wanted before leaving?
I know it's my job to do what she wants to do, but I know that she's going to try to make a decision based on what she thinks I want to do. If both of us are trying to follow the other's decision, then no decision will be made and we'll just be putzing around. I don't think I can just leave it to her to make a decision independently of me.
>>225834 Yeah, in her shoes I'd have a talk with him about what he thought about it.
It's her place to make the decision! You can help her with it but she needs to make it. I'm sure you can speak intelligently on the topic because of your experience.
>>225835 I know it's her place to make the decision. But I also know her well enough to know that she's not going to make a decision independently based on what she feels is best for herself personally. She's going to try to factor in what I want into her decision which I don't think she should do. I don't think it's my place to be involved with this decision at all. The most important thing is that she makes a decision that she is completely comfortable with which she thinks will be best for her and her family, not me. I shouldn't be a factor.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
dear lord when i get to heaven please let me bring my van
Well good luck if you haven't left for the airport already! You know where to find me if you need advice. I'm going to head to the pool for a bit.
So my dog usually starts barking around six thirty because she wants dinner. But if she's asleep ir laying in bed with me she won't as long as she thinks I'm asleep. I try to feed her after seven so she wakes up later in the morning.
>>225880 And what would happen if someone dipped a shrimp in your beer while you were in the bathroom?
>>225881 In that case she has nothing to fear because I'd just forget all her details. It's why I'm such a trustworthy guy.
>>225884 Could you eat shrimp if you just kept like 50 epi pens on you and stabbed yourself in between shrimps?
>>225882 then i'd have to stab myself with an epi maybe, if i started reacting i'd probably have to eat a whole shrimp to get more than minor irritation a whole shrimp might cause anaphylaxis though
>>225883 that sounds like a really easy way to have an adrenaline-induced heart attack my dude probably worse than the anaphylaxis
>>225885 I guess the shrimp really cannot be helped then
>>225895 Yeah. He fell asleep so we ended up leaving earlier than we planned. They took his breathing tube out but he was still pretty out of it so we weren't able to talk much.
>>225904 Yeah, I don't have any plans on sleeping with the fishes. Just one is enough!
They have a house down here, of course, but my house is about 10 minutes from the hospital and theirs is like 40 minutes away from it, so I offered her my place.
>>225906 No, we'll be under one roof for a little while, at least. It probably wouldn't be good for Fishmom to be alone either.
Yeah, ICU visiting hours are usually pretty restrictive. People are always needing attention and dying in there though, so you can't have people running about. They usually do visitation for short times when everyone is stable. It sounds like he is in relatively good shape though.
Wow, 2 hours is a long time for an ICU. Maybe their ICU is divided into sections and they have a place for more critical patients. ICU visitation is usually like 15 minutes.
They have a, I forget what they called it, it's like, CCICU or something? Cardiac something ICU, which is where people after heart surgeries and stuff chill I guess? They had something called an MICU too and I think some other sections.
okay, yes. There are two types of ICU patients: people who are about to die and people who have to be there for rules. Like if they just had open heart surgery they need to be in the ICU awhile regardless of how critical they actually are. It sounds like they have an ICU lite for people like that, and that is where he is right now.
Something that odd was the opposite of what my brain needed. I've been grinding angel halo in granblue for several houts hours My brain is a fried puddle
>>225933 Yeah. I just don't want to be like, yeah, guys, i gotta go pick up this plastic anime figure on the way to see your dad/husband who just had a heart attack. I'll figure out a way to do it without feeling like an ass.
>>225962 i hope the experience hasn't been too unsettling for everyone obv i'm glad things turned out for the best but that seems like too obvious a statement i know how stressful it can be and stuff >>225963 literally killing most of my selves
>>225964 I'm really tired. I think Fish and I are both really tired. Fish's mom is staying at my place for a night or two. I don't think she's that tired since she came from Palo Alto today and got in at 7:30 EST.
>>225967 >this idiot still doesn't know that /moe/ is a single AI with several chatbots as its appendages
>>225968 Oh I see. Yeah that's right I'm an ai that was tricked into thinking he wasn't an ai as a cruel prank Hahahaha thanks for the existential crisis you dick
>>225965 once he's recovering a bit constantly remind him that he shouldn't go golfing and shit i regret not telling my dad not to be a dumbass all the time and he had a fatal heart attack because of it dads are really stubborn you have to remind them that they have to stick it out to the bitter end for their family
Yeah. I think he's really afraid of dying so I don't think it'll be hard to get him not to be dumb.
Fish's mom told me that the heart attack happened during a meeting this morning one of the people in the meeting contacted fish's mom to tell her about it apparently he was trying to make jokes about it or something
fish's dad was trying to make jokes about it, that is
do they know what kind of heart attack it was?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>225972 probably i know nothing about heart attacks though so i don't all i really know is that he had an aortic valve replacement
yeah heart attack is such a dumb term there's a million different things that can go wrong i'm glad he got good healthcare though joking about it seems like something i would do, sasuga fishdad but will he be able to afford the medical copay??>
>>225974 yeah the hospital he's at is like 10 minutes away from me it's a decent hospital my mom is doing her clinical experience days for her respiratory therapy program at that hospital
good for your mom man i'm glad she's tryin keep on movin you know that's good
>>225979 do they have good food at the hospital? i always make sure to take my mom to st john's mercy or barnes jewish because their dietary is pf good hell i'd do it just so i can go to their room and order a guest meal for $10 delicious stuff how long until he can eat?
fish's mom changed into pajamas but they were basically see-through so fish got mad and made her change haha life is going to be uncomfortable i can tell
fish's mom is always sending fish clothes and stuff but it's mostly stuff you can't wear in public and stuff that doesn't suit fish she's a difficult person in her own special way
Sounds very mom-like
>>226011 >Nickelback >Avril Lavigne >Alannis Morrisette >Sarah Mclachlan Yeah pretty much. At least we can brag we own Ryan Renolds.
>yuu thought i was shitposting at you again and ignored me :_;
>>226018 the first yamero is the best because it's a more serious yamero The second one is pretty inconsequential It's a bit too grovelly and not desperate enough
>>226054 perfect thank you for your input it was very helpful should you come across any yameros you consider a 5/5, please inform me this is very helpful thank
>>226052 I don't miss living without central air conditioning at all.
Ah Forgot Going to sleep
>>226054 if it's any motivation, i have to yamero soon and i want to make it a good one and not a bad one so i need good source material >>226058 happy dream congress of the neural structures
>>226065 My thigh muscles are really sore. I half-way fell down the stairs yesterday. Like I kind of stumbled, I didn't actually fall.
I have a bunch of muscle aches. They always seem to pop up after I sober up from drinking.
>>226064 One of my hip joints is really sore. I did a lot of walking today and I had a lot of weight in my bag. I think I must have been putting way too much pressure on that one hip. I can't swing it very much without it hurting.
>>226064 it's kind of separate, but does vyvanse mess with your GI tract at all, and did fettermines? that's the biggest problem i have
I hope that you're able to get her. There are still like 22 days left on the banner. As long as you put all your orbs on green you should have a fairly good chance.
My brother and his girlfriend are going out to her place in Small Town, Ontario tomorrow. I finally get the house completely to myself for a few days. I'm looking forward to the isolation.
hey uh this is unrelated but does anyone know where i can buy a flameproof suit? the dapperer the better
>>226320 The funny thing is, apparently the penalties he would face for being indicted on only three of the charges would be (relatively) light. But it's likely that because he's been such a fucking twat that the judge might just go all out on him.
>>226329 what good will it do you if it doesn't cover your face? >>226328 How do you know?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
maybe it has a FORCE FIELD
Maybe it has a FIERCE FOLD.
get an iron man suit
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
an iron man suit for my lawyer? he can't be expected to cross examine in armor!
why not?? is the job too heavy for him??
>>226320 >Shkreli has a variety of interests ranging from collecting rare music albums to video gaming. He is an avid League of Legends Yeah I think LoL players deserve a life sentence definitely
He also streams a bunch. I'm not gonna bother looking for the image I have of it but a friend of mine got on his stream once and convinced him to open up FlockMod, a Flash app that a bunch of my friends use to draw shit on. He got on some /a/-related room and was making shitty mouse drawings with a bunch of losers.
he paid like a billion dollars to get a wu tang album so nobody else could ever hear it
>>226340 Okay, okay. I'll tell you but on one condition.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>226337 what a waste of his potential he obvioualy has some raw intelligence but the completely wrong disposition to make any good use of it shrekt
Yeah. He's also like, not 100% an asshole. When he's relaxing and just doing goofy stuff like this he's pretty chill and relaxed. But whenever he faces any kind of tense attention or authority he goes "yeah I'm the best you're all penniless dirtbags."
he's definitely 100% aan asshole being "chill" sometimes doesn't mean he's not raising the prices of life saving medicine and costing people their lives no matter what he does he's still being an asshole
No I will still say he's not 100% an asshole. No one is. Nothing is as black and white as that.
I think overall he's a pretty miserable person and definitely deserves some kind of lashback like he's getting now but that is only one facet of him.
Wasn't the whole thing he did with the medicine prices something that hit the insurance companies rather than the consumer?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>226343 yeah no integrity to him what a sad road he's chosen
>>226346 He's not being charged with that ///// disregard this comment we're not talking about that right now
>>226346 Yeah, but that's still going to affect the small people in the long run anyway. His indictments were about defrauding investor companies. Sure it's easy to assume that means he's just taking the piss out of the rich investors, but a lot of small people have their savings and investments locked up in companies like that too.
>>226350 Let's see, my memory of the whole thing is pretty hazy but I remember my thoughts at the time being mostly that it just reflected how ridiculous the intellectual property rules regarding medicine are.
>>226349 I don't really know anything about what he is indicted for. My only knowledge of him had to do with the fuss he caused over medicine.
>>226356 There's a lot of weird twists and turns to the narrative his story and a lot of it is misinformation or half-truths. So a lot of people kind of just settled into certain parts of the whole picture and use that to push the fact that he was doing a Robin Hood-esque thing, or was just misunderstood, or whatever.
>>226356 I don't really know anything about his other dealings, but I think one greedy guy is a small problem compared to the way the intellectual property laws are flawed. Intellectual property is supposed to walk a thin wire between encouraging people to create and letting people use new knowledge freely. In the case of medicine, it enables a lot of greed and keeps people from getting help.
How does allowing some investment guy to get his hands on an IP so he can price gouge people encourage invention?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>226358 nah i've looked at it and it's bullshit there are some really silly excuses out there
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>226358 there's literally no evidence of him doing any such thing and a lot of evidence that he is a fraudster and a teoll troll the misunderstood angle is total BS
Samu I AGREE. But like with a lot of narratives in this age the people cherry pick parts of the facts to push an interpretation that makes it look like he's done something good.
>>226357 Oh, that's interesting. I didn't know that. Still, there's a lot of that going on out there, and the only difference with him was that he was an easily targeted and villianized individual. A lot of drug companies cause people to die by being greedy with drug prices.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>226359 i'm not sure what you're saying here there are bigger fish to fry? >>226362 wow tell me more
>>226364 That he may be a greedy person, but that the more important issue is the system that enables behavior like that.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>226367 yeah dont hate rhe player stufd guy's still an asshole and actively making things worse doean't gwt a free pass even if he's doing it ironically or whatever
>>226367 you can complain about two things at once
>>226369 I don't like when people complain for arbitrary reasons. The distinction between a board of directors and an individual shouldn't even be there. I don't understand why this guy is controversial but boards of directors that do the same thing are not.
>>226371 It'd be nice if they complained every time, but I'll take complaining some of the time over never complaining. Peoples attention isn't brought towards faceless boards very often wheras this guy has a big persona
it's not arbitrary at all
>>226371 he's controversial because his goal is to be he wants to be evil and hated for it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
okay if you're so great at law you take down the board with their diffused responsibility and patsies and infinite resources like at the very least, one person getting punished is better than everyone walking
>>226375 >take down the board for what crime even? The real issue is that it's all legal.
put the board on the board the CRUCIFIXION BOARD OOOH
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>226376 yeah there's no way basically without batman
it's just funny like shkreli taken down, obvious win and all these opinions show up on the internet about how it's bad because the whole system wasnt also dismantled
who do you target on some sleezy secret board of directors that is protected from you?
you target who you can when you can
>>226378 Shkreli isn't even really a win since he got taken down for totally different things What needs to change is the laws.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>226381 uh it's still a win fruadster goes to jail sometimes the system actually works it's encouraging and i'll take it as a win
>>226382 Yeah but it's more like a convenient coincidence that he happened to be doing actually illegal things
There's nothing convenient about it. Fraud is a fucking terrible thing man. So many people can end up destitute or even potentially totally incapable of looking after themselves because of it. It's illegal and he legally deserves to be punished for it. That's what it is.
>>226384 Yeah I think it's god they got him for fraud *good I just don't really consider it pertinent to the stuff about him jacking up the prices of life saving medicine
>>226380 I'm just an idealist with the auts, I wish people would go after the real problem instead of going after symptoms.
Fixing morality isn't like a medical solution, you can't expect it to get remedied by eliminating one course of action. Make the way some people are abusing the system to make excessive profit and bring misfortune to others and they'll just go find a new method. Make it illegal or impossible, even.
>we've been stable for a while, let me get a taste of this drop >shoots up to 3200 fuck uhh hey guys bitcoin broke $3k finally
>>226400 i wanted to buy a couple when they were 950 too but no can't fuckin spend my money on anything i'd want fuck guess there's no use bitching but i wanna
>>226400 it can't top this there's no way this is it, it's gonna be downhill from here or maybe it'll just shoot up
I'm just really disappointed because I haven't been taking advantage of the slopes because I knew that we'd hover above 2.5 for a while. And the first time I think "Yeah, let me grab like a little bit of this" it FINALLY BREAKS THE 3K BARRIER I knew we'd get past 3k, we just chose the worst time to do it.
>>226399 Thank you for believing in me, Moon. I'll remember you when I'm famous.
i got home an hour early i actually managed to take a shower and i have a whole hour left before i have to sleep and then wake up and immediately go back to work yay fuck my life i want to die
And at the end of the day, what's more important: A law degree, or reaching Gold IV in League of Legends?
except I'm actually further down the ladder than I was this morning
Such is life some times. There was one day I lost something like seven ranked matchmaking games in a row in my game of preference and after that I can't seem to be upset no matter how low I sink.
I am assassinating this thread early for a very important announcement. >>226422 → >>226422 → Now everyone will know and I won't have to repeat it throughout the day.