Thread #225341
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gamers konbini kareshi sagrada reset 18if ballroom jikan? isekai cellphone
recreators too
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 550x705, [HorribleSubs] Tsurezure Child(…).jpg )
What do you guys want to start with? My list would be: isekai cellphone 18if gamers konbini kareshi
Yeah I'm fine with that. We'll be getting a new 18if tomorrow so watching it would probably be good. Or was that a Saturday show. I remember it's from one of those two days.
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18if should be a little later than that butI'm not sure. okay isekai cellphone okay let's start
this show is basically less edgy SAO with a smartphone
And a larger assortment of harem members and shitty things to be a Marty Stu about.
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There's no MMO stuff though.
Well she's completely into him now.
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Now he's going to be a detective as well as a healer.
a master detective who knows forbidden lost magic that can heal anything
As well as a Slipper.
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Wow, being able to use search for anything you want makes being a detective really easy.
What a fucking nerd.
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it cant be why would they introduce such a great character to make them a bad guy i hate this show
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Wait Is Ika gushing about the evil old man?
this girl is gonna be like a stalker princess stalker
Who needs to stalk when he's actually her husband.
>>225397 i was being funny
Four episodes in and he's gonna get a fiance.
>Mystic Eyes of Intuition That's totally ripping off the Type-MOON Mystic Eyes of Death Perception
if this show went not harem and shipped the princess and him together it'd be nice
>Polygamy is normal >>225410 Looks like your wish got sunk as soon as you wished it.
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>>225414 she looks very happy
Wow he's craving a male as part of his harem now.
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I can't tell if his excessive use of slip is a running joke at this point, or just a lack of creativity.
Some times if a thing ain't broke, don't fix it. I feel they could have him do a bit more with his stupid Marty Stu powers though.
>Touch me and pour your magical energy into me A thing that feels a like it would be a little strange if it wasn't coming from a spirit tiger.
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I don't think anyone is surprised that he summoned something super high level.
Wow he really pulled out Japanese name games for that tiger.
Okay I like this cat
It;s a tiger.
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 500x700, zoo - フレンダ.jpg )
18if! okay lets start!
Okey dokes.
the description for this show isn't very helpful
Holy fuck this guy's an ass.
Oh no.
ur kinda pudgey tilde we're friends fom now on
Nice, an improvement.
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She's having a good dream. Except she might eat everybody now.
what kind of scales are those
that man sure loves his curry
S'not like doughnuts are the only thing that adds fat to your body.
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>>225452 Donuts are especially bad though. Watch out for them!
Not much of a problem for me~.
la la la donutsu
Don don doughnuts
he is running away from the donuts a walking reminder of his incompleteness
Each episode has a total tonal shift for both the topic and the main character's attitude.
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Well, one's character usually changes from dream to dream too! You're a character in your dreams.
>>225460 yeah i love it
but is this show actually good
>>225461 >>225462 Yeah it's a good direction they take with it. It keeps things pretty interesting and hard to pin down.
It looks like the current witched girl is both one of those little girls and the obaa-sama. The young one has her face but the grandmother has her hair. Oh it's just a dream of a memory.
I want to make Japanese-style curry some time. The curry we always make here is Thai style green curry.
Has she been doing all that bulimic eating completely subconsciously. That might seriously be a problem.
sleep eating
oh no donut torture
this is kind of sad
Yeah. Putting aside the dream craziness, this has been one of the more real concerns of the episodes so far. The other ones have been kind of minor or extreme problems. But a lot of people can relate to or have suffered from eating disorders.
>when i eat i lose weight huh?
The sub timing for this episode feels a little slow.
i think it was alright until now no?
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>>225480 It is suddenly way off. The timing is all messed up. It's good that it's basic Japanese.
It's been minutely off for at least half the episode but yeah these last few episodes it kicked into overdrive.
That was a really nice episode. This one and the sick girl's dream episode are my favourites.
>The Witch of Ordinariness Oh hey I get an episode in this show.
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That was a pretty good episode, yeah. Let's move on to Gamers. okay let's start!
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I wonder if we're ever going to get back to the gaming club. It kind of got put into the background.
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tfw the reclusive granblue girl turned out to be a slut and the gyaru turned out to be a maiden
I don't really see how she's slutty.
they cut the hair reeeeeeee
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 496x700, こうじ - あかつき.jpg )
>>225492 Sliced her hair off after one compliment from a boy she barely knew.
I don't think that's slutty. It's a lack of caution and a little impulsive but most gambles have to be that way.
what an admirable start of the day but it said before is there gonna be an after part where she stalks all day
that's a lot of letters
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>>225495 It is S L U T behavior. Especially since she already has a boyfriend wait he already has a girlfriend I got it backwards.
No it isn't. It's impulsive behavior.>>225498 How is it slutty to go after someone who is already in a relationship? It's indecent behaviour and not admirable but that doesn't make it slutty. More so did she even know he had a boyfriend when he complimented her and brought her to cut her hair?
>takes their work seriously but it's video gaaaaames
oh no oh noooo
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Is this the part where he r life has been ruined by being a crazy stalker?
the distorted music
haha pajama pants
Here's how it really goes down.
>>225504 Yeah, kind of. Except she is the crazy stalker ruining her own life.
Zero desu
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She's become a real maiden too.
oh wow she lost it
She lost it back in episode two. This is merely the result.
yeah but no she did it in front of friend verbally
Oh no being kept up at night by your fantasies and mind running a mle -mile a minute. I know this pain.
poor blanket
True gamers can't be burdened down with such emotional baggage like relationships.
was that puyo puyo
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She really needs to get it together.
invite him home to play video games
She walked herself into that one.
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She was doing well for a minute.
blonde is best
She thinks he was going with a girl but really he's been going out with a guy.
hora hora
the cats are kinda creepy
Oh no
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Mori isn't even interested in him!
wow are they gambling what the hell
>Girls won't like you if you fret over the little details! I'm pretty sure she would like him regardless of how many little details he frets over.
He's the kind of guy you can't really beat by being over-competitive with.
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Is this where he wins big using her own coin to beat her?
is she gonna challenge him to join the club
He's got a kind of luck I can sympathize with. It's only after you lose that you can win.
I get his mentality on gaming pretty well though. Winning is fun and therefore I always want to play to win. But there's a certain point where trying to win gets too far.
just like he drifts from games before he gets good he drifts from relationships before they get too far
No desu desu this episode
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Well I guess she's probably left her spaghetti phase.
desu desu
He's tainted her for good now.
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Oh, nevermind. She isn't getting better any time soon.
what an end card
>ss of the game
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konbini okay lets start
big hats oh she lost it
What a gentleman.
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wow he is wooing that nerdy girl big time
damn it
What an elegant tea set. Her parents sound a little controlling.
that's a really small looking tv
>>225555 woo
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She's a very atypical kugimiya tsundere.
Yeah she doesn't really have the emphatic outbursts you normally get from her characters. Her unease comes out more in shying away and hiding.
Oh her family is rich super traditional Japanese. I guess that explains how they're kind of on top of her.
is that a lot of manga
he had a bookcase above the table, that seemed uncomfortably high
Tsk tsk. Walking around in the dark with your phone that bright that cloes -close to your eyes is unhealthy.
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I hope they manage to resolve it!
her taste in shoujo manga changed
that was a weird conversation
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>she likes you but she feels threatened >okay i'll go to her house
oh no are they gonna skip cram school
These girls are going to RUIN EVERYTHING.
maybe it would be a good idea for him to stop reffering to her as incho
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>>225577 He won't stop even after they're married.
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Really though he might want to use her name for the confession.
cram school: skipped
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I'm sure she has time to make it.
those aren't japanese looking names
theyre finally together
Now they just have to get the other two together and we're set.
Aw fuck yeah it's autumn in the series. Time for the school cultural festival!
a spooky house
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Good epsiode!
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Thanks for anime!