my mom came to ask me what the anime with the black haired girl with an eyepatch is from and said 'when I facebook gif search my name it shows images of her going like this' then did the rikka woop woop hand motion
how in hell?
eating outside. wasps are horrible
Does anyone know mathematics? i was asked to sort some data. every one was given a test to see how many invoices they could do and do them correctly so different amounts of invoices
so people who did 2 invoices and got 1 wrong get 50% and people who did more are unbalanced.
what did was average the amount everyone did and used that to calculate the percebtage accuracy. is that a good approach?
Also if I understand you correctly, no, that will give you the wrong result
If what you're doing is you're averaging everyone's %s and using the resulting average to find out how many were done correctly, you're going to get the wrong number To demonstrate, take this example TN does 100 invoices, with 100% accuracy I do one, I fuck up, 0% accuracy Average accuracy by just the %s is 50% This is not the case
You can do it if there's a fixed amount of invoices per person, that works, but not when its variable
i am not sure i understand the average of the number of invoices is 88. 0 correct of 88 is still 0%
>>211975 Right, if you also have the average amount of invoices per person, you can do >>211974 and it'll spit out the right number, I think I'm pretty sure that'll work
But not really No actually it won't
Nobody in your dataset will have more than 100% correct, right? But they'll have to, at least as a possibility, for that to work
that is what why?
it will show more than 100% but it is just for sorting so the highest scorer will preform higher than average
Well really, what you're doing is essentially a roundabout way of just sorting them by amount of completed invoices You've thrown their accuracy out of the window when you averaged total amount of invoices
I'm not sure how to accomplish what you're attempting, but this is really just going the same result as if you sorted by completed invoices directly Uh, by completed here I mean "correctly completed" invoices
it doesnt give the same result it looks like reasonable result
OH You're ALSO averaging the correct ones Yes, that's... yeah I guess that works, sorta Yeah
there are 6 beds in this dorm two people have woken up and are roaming around two people are awake and using their phones in bed the remaining beds are taken by me and an employee of the hostel so the only one asleep is the employee
i'm surrounded by early birds aaaaaaa
sounds like fun i love being an early bird 4am-10am is the most productive part of the day
What in nine hells Or well not really that much but >student living grants ended >changed to common "housing benefits" as normal unemployed/low income households >can get more than 2x previously and are also paid during summer months Weird that during my lifetime for the FIRST TIME the status of students got better.
>male cast The only guy with any kind of love interest is Logan. And fuck Logan. If he gets with the queen, okay whatever. >Rytlock I don't care what he puts ... this was about to be far too vulgar >Braham I don't give a fuck about Braham. Really, the only people I care about are Rox and Taimi. All the other characters I liked are DEAD or FUCKING UP. I am not happy with how this game is making my relationship with my sylvari sister strain. Because she's the best and the main character's all "fuck off"
>>212027 That's really good. An alternate good fourthpanel would be a photoshopped version of the chick with her forehead made to be super big. Like the Leader from the Hulk.
Adobe to stop updating and distributing Adobe Flash Player at the end of 2020.
>>212030 Good I'd rather they do it sooner though. >>212031 Honestly I'm happy enough they've decided on a date. Generally shit like this is given several years notice.
It needs to be that long. There are so many things. Now everyone can take the time to use something else.
>>212034 RIP Kirara I actually came up with a really good idea about seven years ago for a special material that allows for better cooling of cars. Hrm I have shit tons of free time so I may as well start doing research into it. Actually I bet if I wrote a good research proposal my friend's dad might let me use his lab for it. This guy is the head of materials science at one of the big universities in the Chicago area.
please save florida from hot cars
>>212036 Maybe I will. Although what will probably happen is that I find out someone already made the same thing (but for a different application) and the patent hasnt expired yet. So then I'll have to find a way to make it not infringe on their patent.
Oh yeah my favorite band (or at least former absolute favorite band) is playing a street festival with $5 entry this Saturday.
Here's your daily dose of linux cringe.
>>212046 >arch Sounds about right. Well, I need to read it, but still.
>>212046 Actually I kind of agree with the person. It wasn't really a good idea to host the mirror at in the first place, but the fact that it was accepted as a mirror means it was considered to be appropriate. This reminds me of the thing with "offensive" fortunes being removed from the official source repo of the bsd fortune utility. Which was fucking stupid because by default fortune would not pull fortunes from the offensive fortune dictionary unless you passed it a flag.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Oh, honey.
>>212049 A mirror that has been in place for years shouldn't be removed just because a few people are offended by it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Okay I'll argue with you for five (5) minutes and then I'm gone. >>212050 a shitposty domain name should never have gotten in there the first place it was thoughtlessly rubber stamped, and it doesn't really matter how long it's been around i don't want to see that domain name when i'm running pacman especially not at work
Five minutes. That's all the time I have to play with you. wesker.jpg
>>212051 Then blacklist it. If the complaint had been "users have gotten in trouble because showed up in their web history at work" would have been a valid complaint and good reason for getting rid of it. But that was not the complaint, the complaint was that it was offensive.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah or do the reasonable thing and remove the obviously unprofessional and inappropriate domain name from the mirror list and move on with things that are actually important
senate is doing health care RIGHT NOW
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>212053 uh huh I don't have the text of the complaint, but I can tell you that it doesn't really matter even if someone threw the most ridiculous hyperbolic shit fit about it (which I doubt, I'm pretty sure the complaint was a polite request)
the important thing that happened here was that arch leadership noticed this inappropriate state of affairs and dealt with it
>>212056 Fair point, in this case I guess I would agree with you (I had no idea people used Arch outside of their basements), but removing things because they are offensive to some people is a slippery slope. Also I bet /g/ is going nuts about this.
the vote is intense
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>212058 i'm glad we came to a reasonable conclusion it's coffee time
he was diagnosed with an insanely aggressive brain cancer last week 10% of people live 5+ years and average lifespan (while undergoing treatment) is 14 months for it
he's been having some brain problems for a month or two but he tweeted that he was returning to senate to vote on the debate
Found another cool thing. Giant metal dragon that breathes fire for a dollar.
tfw eclipse is the first day of the semester so i can't drive to the optimal viewing area
>>212070 Not with that attitude. I have a hidef camera that is designed for streamong so I could stream it (if there's wifi). My sister won it in a music video contest, but she already had a DSLR so I got it.
it wouln't be the same ;_;
Okay, the place with the dragon is on the way to Carbondale.
Shit, I may as well go visit moon, while I'm down there. I'm getting my permit again so a roadtrip would get me a lot of driving experience.
McCain voted yes
Ah fuck Yeah just saw Like seriously Dude you have like two years two live You don't need to worry about reelection Not that I think people will want to vote for you after this. But im pretty sure thats what most of these guys are thinking about.
probably not even two years tbh
This is so fucked up He just got diagnosed with BRAIN CANCER how can he sit there and vote for this
>>212077 Yeah I know. Anyways if its a tie pence will be the tie breaker.
yeah, it'll be a tie this sucks
it's probably going to get passed if they're going forward ow now*
so many people are going to die because of this
Seriously though Fuck Wisconsin
Actually I won't be affected by this though. I still don't think its a good idea though.
fuck America
I'm on private insurance so I'm not effected but so many people are going to get fucked by this
i'm gonna have to sit here and watch people i know suffer because they don't have health care
>he lives in America
>>212085 Yeah but you're in New Zealand. That's like the Well Actually I think New Zealand might be the second or third best country to live in tthe common wealth. But you're still in the commonwealth.
>>212086 >second or third best high praise. Which is the first?
>>212087 Canada And then Falkland Islands But I'm not sure if I should count them or not.
>>212088 do the falklands even count as a country?
>>212089 Yeah I think so They have their own currency.
Hrrrm so I think the rankings go from the top Canada New Zealand Falkland Islands UK = Australia Cause they're both really shitty in different ways. And then uh
Pitcairn Islands
pence cast the vote game to republicans the debate is on
mcconnell is officially poised to destroy health care
Actually I have to move Falklands lower, since they're in the middle of nowhere.
Yesterday in the city there was this Chinese protest going on, and these two Chinese guys were arguing. One was really fat and shouted stuff like "How arr we gonna make china strong, make china great, you gotta make china prosperous, better!" And the other guy was like "this isn't china this new zealand wtf do you want from me mate"
>>212099 There's a LARGE difference between not having and wanting something, and HAVING it and someone taking it away Psychologically, the difference is massive
the people losing it have no power did you forget that
I have faith in the system's ability to eat itself
they will complain and the democrats will say YES GOP IS EVIL and people will say YES DEMS HAVE MY BACK and the dems wont have their back and they will get sick and lose their home
or die so their family keeps the home
>>212099 Medicare and Medicaid weren't invented by Obama.
>>212106 that's a totally different thing from what we're talking about and not getting killed anyway
The problem is he probably thought that was the right thing to do It's hard to condemn people for things their entire community instilled in them as a good and just decision
none of that stuff even matters because we dont know the truth about it
what we do know is that he's condemning the american people to die with him
i wonder how eu would react to a populist, nationalistic and highly jingoistic movement? or helö make it pro-eu, pro-eu stance etc, but highly jingo expand eu with the might of millions of marching boots
>>212134 Democrats would hug a straight up ancap voting on helicopter rides for commies if they thought there was a chance in hell they'd return the favor by compromising on some other point
I wonder if the Calories burnt is even in the right ball park. but looking up on google apparently. >Sedentary women generally burn 1,600 to 2,000 calories per day, >Sedentary men burn more calories than sedentary women because they are generally bigger and have more lean body mass. The USDA reports that sedentary men burn — and therefore should consume -- 2,000 to 2,600 calories each day to maintain a healthy body weight.
So I was completely off by idea that being Sedentary means you burn like a few hundred calories, I don't know why I even though that considering the daily recommended intake is around 2000 to 2600.
3k steps is like 20m on walking, isn't it. actually wait. 3000s /60 50m That's me walking for 50 minutes
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
so i was playing Jenga at a bar with some two other people and being slightly inebriated i was happy when i managed to remove a brick without any disturbance whatsoever so i says >ez every time immediately the others decided to forge an alliance against me and i was quickly forced to chug the rest of my beer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>212160 2000 steps is about a mile at walking pace
They're actually real chill Not reddity at all, except of course being a left-as-fuck discord, they're very militant about stuff like respecting pronouns and not using words that are considered slurs That sort of thing, they're very militant about They'll let actual fascists in if they want though, as long as they don't start talking about the jewish question or something
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
disco's will ban you if you're a faggot to other people and are pretty militant about no slurs and stuff
>>212173 That's only natural for lefty stuff I don't mind it, really, it's just different to what I'm used to, and I have a mindset I've grown up with where it's fine to call someone a faggot Though that does come from an acknowledgement in most of where I hang out that it's not meant in a homophobic way, and jokingly if so
now that you have a real phone you can DM me and talk to me anywhere
twitter is nice for just dumping out some thoughts And I've had a lot to dump out lately
I only really use twitter to find things and look at all the neato stuff from Japan. I guess I could use it for stuff but posting stuff no one will ever read feels a bit eh. I just don't have anything particularly interesting to say.
People will start reading it if you interact with people saying similar things imats and I can both signal boost you, too, I've got over 200 real accounts following
Like helicopter jokes or something I can laugh at them, but sometimes you're not sure if someone's joking, and if they aren't joking entirely, if it's not just an exaggeration for humor but something they genuinely want to take place... they want to kill me Like that's what they're saying if it's got any seriousness to it Cause I am a commie
I dunno how much sense that makes to someone else, but it's something you sort of don't fully recognize until you're a target of it I guess I figure imats understands it
Women & Leftism would be interesting I just don't think I'll listen to anything Vikky is in, and I don't even dislike her, I just can't listen to her voice
>>212187 is it when you're not sure if it's just bantz or they actually want to kill you
>>212190 It's that, yeah Like you know they're not gonna do it now, but if they had their way entirely, would they actually support putting commies in helicopters and dropping them to the ground? Because there ARE people who do want that, literally and unironically, and they can be hard to tell apart sometimes
>>212191 you just don't know how serious they are! who would shoot a commie before throwing him out of a helicopter?
sk Like it's a real thing that happened too
>>212193 this seems like an expensive way to execute someone
It is but the point is they unironically and only half jokingly, literally want me dead Even I make fucking helicopter ride jokes, it's not like I'm taking it entirely seriously from everyone, but some people it's like "they could mean this" >>212196 No I mean yeah if they actually go ahead with it I do I want to kill someone who is about to use lethal force against me, they surrender their right to life the moment that goes down But I don't want anyone dead on principle, no
remember when duterte was braggin about droppin druggies from choppers
>>212195 post some more racoons those are cute >>212199 That's it man That's what I'm talking about Look at him gripping the wheel with his little paws
imats and blue probably understand where I'm coming from Probably moon, too I've never been you know, a legitimate target of something like this, so it's not something I've given too much thought to before, but I hope it's been clear any time I've joked like that that I've been joking entirely
I wonder what /pol/tards would actually do if you just decided to give them power out of nowhere What would you do with it?
>>212202 Yeah all of them are put in charge of the country as like a senate that can vote on bills Everyone who has posted on /pol/ in the last 24 hours It'd be interesting to see what's ironic and nonironic
>>212203 >I was just an ordinary highschooler, but now I'm the president of the united states of America?!?!
>>212201 As an entire group with equal power amongst them and anonymous voting, essentially? I'm convinced they'd ice me They'd ice all commies they could identify as such
I don't think they're a real threat, because they're not gonna get that opportunity, but I'm just about sure they would do that if the vote was anonymous and they wouldn't face social consequences If it wasn't anonymous though, they'd likely not kill commies
Suddenly gaining power sounds like a shitton of stress. I would like to work my way up to power or position of control so I know I have laid the foundations right for what I need to do.
Getting promoted at work is pretty stressful. I have so many tasks now. I have delay my lunch breaks and other breaks. and my boss off hand asks me to work out percentage accuracy on her test like how can you not know how to divide correct answer / total questions answered.
She gave me that task like it was serious thing.
The weighting the list was a bit trickier but I guess what I did worked!
I only want to acquire power over the state with the end goal of removing the state Never to rise up again because it is rendered unnecessary I want to end politics I want to end economics Completely, and finally And I am convinced, completely, that communism will accomplish this
>>212204 can you save everyone even with the power? I think I'd probably just give the job to someone else and be their rubber stamp Maybe I'll waste some tax dollars on a gundam
>>212205 >end economics you'll just be in a communist economy
I would make it so that everyone had a personal stage. everyone has their chance to aidoru to relieve stress and the best aidoru gets to be onee-san for their local town/city/village/hovel
>>212208 Let's replace elections with idol contests
>>212212 Classless, but obviously some people will excel at things beyond others, this is just natural Top aidorus wouldn't have power over others, not enforceable power anyway
>>212212 in a commie system the idols can fight to be the most popular, but they retain full ownership of their voice and image no producers or managers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
produce your own future
The thing is communism lodges itself into the system It removes private ownership, removing the true need for money, and because there is no need for money, private ownership will never again have a purpose to exist That's why you won't go back
How do you givew people the incentive to do their best?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>212217 you'll go back when the aliens invade and communism isn't responsive enough to work after aliens blow up half the planet and some jackass uses it as an opportunity to become ruling class
>>212223 What about it? Also they weren't exactly communist.
"the nation that went from starving peasants and a civil war to defeating the nazis and rivaling the dominating world superpower in a span far shorter than any capitalist society had before it is not evidence that communism is at the least as fast as capitalism"
Didn't the general at Stalingrad throw as many people into it to deal with the Nazis, I heard the body count was huge.
>>212226 Remember all those workers who died freezing to death under stalins mega industrial projects great workers paradise
And yet it accomplished it. Capitalism, too, threw death and suffering at problems to solve them, it just used a far longer amount of time
>>212232 >join us, your quality of life will basically be the same as it was under the old system
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>212232 and it let fewer people die than the soviets there
USSR didn't just suddenly advance super fast on its own it did it by stealing technology from already developed nations and mass producing it
socially, the soviet union lagged behind most of the world and the people of the soviet union were extremely poor and worse off than people in capitalist nations
>>212234 They were already piss poor, the bolsheviks were literally only able to get the support they needed for a violent revolution because EVERYONE WAS FUCKING STARVING
was war communism true communism?
>>212235 are you saying nothing changed This isn't really selling me on this
It does matter whether a problem in a system is due to the system itself or outside factors when the system is an attempt at taking over those outside factors as well
It didn't, the union fell But that is not a failure of the end result, it means the path was incorrect. It is not an argument against the system itself, but rather an argument against the implementation attempted, its strategy, and the viability of the strategy.
You can critique the soviet union for not considering thoroughly enough, and doing a bad job at dealing with, the capitalistic intternational community, but this is not a criticism of communism. It is a critique of the methods the soviet union employed to realize communism, and that is fine, but be aware what it is you're critiquing.
I can not criticise capitalism sorely on the basis that America's poor are shitty off, homeless and starving. This could be argued is a problem with what AMERICA is doing within the capitalistic framework. I can, however, critique capitalism itself on the basis that I believe America's situation is inevitable in a fully realized capitalistic system. I can also criticise capitalism on the basis that it leads to America as a part of it, or that the effects of America are not even due to America's policies, but rather the localization of the problems faced is the only thing that changes.
If you can't work within the setting then you can't work How would you implement it differently
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
with my dinner, i have 1,316 calories in today and 2000 calories out so far
i had a snack today it bumped me up i had a high calorie breakfast that wasn't filling so i needed a snack
So is there any particular reason we aren't talking about mass executions, forced resettlement, censorship, being sent to the gulag, and what not?
My breakfast was 183 calories: Sushi Pack and 1 Apple My Lunch was 665 calories 2 Pitta Bread, 1 pain au chocolate, sugar free red bull, quavers (crisps), lilt zero pineapple & grapefruit juice And my Dinner was 1091 calories 5 small potatos, half a tomato, 3 leafs of lettuce, 1 can sardines, 1 yogurt apricot
I just realized I entered potatos twice. That has to have bumped up my calories
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
my breakfast is usually 280 calories i don't eat lunch dinner is usually 300-600 calories
>>212245 So in the week you weren't on /moe/ Were you in a chrysalis before emerging as a fully grown communist ?
Look the point I'm trying to make is just that if you criticise communism for having flaws, the soviet union is a good example, you can show that it had problems with its implementation, but it's important to recognize that many of its problems were directly caused by capitalism's influence on its economy You can argue whether it would have the problems inevitably as a result of communism, but then you can't just say the soviet union did.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
DC is gonna do an infosec ep
>>212256 I don't think the mass murder of political dissidents and random groups of people was because of capitalism.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
many of USSR's problems were caused by the USSR and the fact that it wasn't actually communist it didn't want to be communist the workers didn't matter they were replacable gears in the machine just like in capitalism
Right fixed/ No wonder my dinner was so huge it is now just 553 calories
You'll be a replacable gear in communism too The point is the machine is now explicitly for the purpose of benefitting humanity as a whole rather than whoever owns private property
You are still just as small
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>212261 in communism theoretically, you're not just a gear you're a human being with a job that does something you can be replaced but you shouldn't need to be replaced
Oh, OK, you mean that all people in communism only exist for one purpose, to work Rather All people in the union did While communism argues that people work to exist instead Or should
Is that close to what you mean?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
basically yeah
people aren't supposed to be gears in communism they're supposed to be people
That's a fair criticism of the soviet union, but it's important to remember again that it as a fledling commie state, knowing what anyone who is a communist knows, that capitalism will seek to tear you down to protect itself, it had to get its military on track, and fast, and this required trade with the very capitalists it sought to defend itself again st I'm not saying what they did was morally right, I'm saying there is an argument to be made that their actions were possibly necessary for the ideal system to ever exist Perhaps they were too early, maybe it wasn't realistic for such a thoroughly underdeveloped nation to go through it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
which is why i always say that USSR wasn't communist - it wasn't and didn't try to be
it did try while lenin was around technically but after that, it didn't try and didn't want to be communism was the fartherest from russia's leader's minds
the workers didn't matter they were cogs in a machine that existed to make stalin powerful that's not capitalism's fault, it's stalin's fault
There's literally no reason to try to actually be communist until capitalism ceases its interaction with socialism permanently Because it is not possible It can not be done, period >>212274 Yes, they were socialist But when defending communism, I think it's valid to point to socialist states who, despite the influence of capitalism, have managed to accomplish something >>212275 How so? The workers owned the means of production, and while the state certainly did trade and act in a capitalistic fashion, this is necessary to move towards full communism
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
which is why USSR wasn't communist and didn't try to be
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but they weren't actually socialist
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the workers didn't own the means of production the state owned the means of production and the workers were considered means of production
The workers did through their ownership of the state Ostensibly, anyway, whether you agree they even had control of the state isn't that relevant here. >>212279 Only workers ate, yeah
if you can call it "eating" they were poor and left to rot and die they didn't get what they needed they lived in complete and utter poverty as they worked for // worked themselves to death for the glory of mother russia
the GDP of the USSR in the 80s was $2 trillion yet the people barely had bread to eat
Yeah I'm hardly saying the union was perfect, I'm not even sold on it being as good as one could have expected But it definitely did make moves towards communism
The problem is money will need to be in the system until you get rid of capitalism, it's just how things are I think the soviet union could have been much better if the nation had already been in a good condition to face international reactions to its move to state capitalism\socialism But I don't think any nation will go socialist before they're in a really rough spot. It doesn't take much to make people accept the oppression of capitalism. Capitalism will be ended from the bottom up, just like Marx predicted, and I think there's little we can do to hasten it, but I think what commies can do it spread acceptance of those socialist nations that do crop up to reduce the suffering of them while the process is ongoing.
I don't expect the revolution to be a bed of roses, and I don't expect it to be quick I expect it to fucking suck the whole way through
Florida is an interesting place
no matter how bad capitalism is i can't understand how anyone could defend soviet russia soviet russia was tyrannical, corrupt, rotting from the inside out its people were poorer than the poorest people in capitalist countries and most people didn't eat FOR OVER 60 YEARS that's not just "we gotta get goin before we can take off" that's "we don't care about the people, they are garbage"
my grandparents visited the soviet union as soon as it was open for travel from the US, in the late 80s, i think they were in moscow, staying in some of the nicest hotels, drinking the nicest vodka and all of it was terrible because the nicest shit in moscow was like the cheapo poor people motels that people stay in in the US, with like, bedbugs and shit
despite the fact that the soviet union was wealthy, that's how it lived a bus driver begged my grandfather for vodka and some food
like it's indefensible it was not capitalism that did that to the soviet union the soviet union did that to the soviet union because the people did not matter to the soviet union, only the rich oligarchs mattered the USSR was worse than the US in generally every way and it was mostly their fault
My mom went to over to Russia not that long ago and she said it was amazing how much a different the rich and poor were. Like some of the places in Russia look like they are from the middle ages.
>>212285 Yeah I don't pretend to know a lot about specific nations I know what I hear from everywhere, and try to figure out what's true on my own
My support for communism doesn't come from the soviet union, I hope at least that much is clear
>>212288 If you don't know much about specific nations, then don't spend like thirty minutes defending them in an argument just because they happen to be "communist".
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>212288 you should do some studying on your own instead of listening to what people say everyone has a bias
of you see a rusdian outside of russia, he is a thief or rich as fuck
>>212301 when germany went through eastern europe the population dropped when soviets pushed through poland and germany 9 months aftrr population boomed by millions
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>What else do you think the President needs to know about the real America? We’re listening. oh boy
>>212299 Wow that film would really not be sitting well someone of the critics at that time. but I bet it has a bit of a cult following.
>>212327 I think it does taint their character, though You can definitely criticise it If the discussion is whether a country was overall good or bad, war crimes are very valid
>>212327 I never said that, hhowever the large amount of warcrimes and lack of discipline and prosecution within their military over just four decades. Oh and not to forget the absolutely horrendous death toll.
>>212327 I think you can criticise the institutions put in place by a country that lead to warcrimes Some countries have more blood on their hands than others
>>212326 Like I said, I have a lot of time on my hands now, and I intend to research a lot about this stuff Mostly for the sake of knowing history, but knowing the specifics about criticisms of those who have tried to implement what I believe in is valuable
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm obviously talking about countries that were involved in the war you fuckin losers
>>212348 Do you judge the guy who stole some bread the same way you judge a guy who stole a million dollars? If a institution allows unreasonable amounts of warcrimes to go on you can totally criticise it
>>212351 no, the guy that stole a million dollars has some ambition
this is different you can't compare judgment of a person to judgment of a country
wgen it comes to war crimes. there is a clear divider when judging countries morally: how they treated their own war criminals during and after the ear, especially so if they were the victor
>>212351 Wow Javert would disagree about that bread
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>212351 there's no such thing as a reasonable amount of war crimes
>>212356 Actually yeah that's a pretty messed up phrase
how about a reasonable amount of work rhymes
"a national hero becomes a war criminal on defeat" is a thing afterall
what's some anime with juicy warcrimes
>>212362 isn't that the one where their whole economic system is a sex offense
also another clear factor is, did they allow it, say it isn't allowed but turned a blind eye or actually enforce rules. good old looting of france and germany
>Once confirmation of the Gundams securing control of the planet has been received, and Earth has been rendered uninhabitable by the colony drop, the survivors of Earth would be forced to immigrate to space under the control of the colony government, and the Barton Foundation will assume full control of the Earth Sphere, with Dekim as the leader.
>>212389 I have a few friends who are kind of obsessed with it. While I find it to be somewhat amusing its just kind of obnoxious when they put it on all the time while we hang out.
>>212394 yeah you do, you just don't know the name >>212396 i was at the phone store today for a lot of unpleasant reasons that were stressful but i saw an S8 with the infinity screen and i was so envious that price tag though
>>212415 are we doing utah instead of the keys i'll probably purchase a ticket on payday >>212422 yeah i was just wondering whether that's where your mind was at
Yeah I might go see it, the best place to view it is in southern illinois. I also already found a bunch of weird tourist attractions near it.
>>212425 did you go to laramie there's this spot i know jan would really like where there's these long ass railroad tracks you can go up and get good photos from the crossing bridge but you can also just walk down the rails for days it's something i could imagine jan wanting to do
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah laramie is fuckin great i was only there for a few hours though
what i wanna do is road trip from cheyenne up to the indian res
i can introduce you guys to some fbi dudes that won't care that you are a bunch of fucked up druggies we can go shoot at the fbi shooting range
>>212428 i wonder if the res you were at was the same one that my sister was doing her thing at >>212431 wow that's pretty neat we had to drive this like cliff-side path to get there and the water was like up to the rocks, it'd be so scary if it flooded she did like greenhouse stuff at the reservation and was doing something with crops she's like an anthropologist/humanities kind of thing i don't know what she really focused on in grad school but it's neat stuff
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there's only one reservation in wyoming so yeah wind river
i know a ton of cool places in wyoming between lander and cheyenne
there's a big statue of abe lincoln's head and split rock and we can go to Jeffery City I'll introduce you to my man Byron he's the guy I told you about at the hotel, moon, with the 9 fingered friend that had the dog that caught the ceramic pot in its mouth
America is so huge, it looks like you guys could have a whole bunch of adventures there.
>>212437 that's the plan hopefully one day you can join us but in the mean time me and kirara will make some VR videos you can enjoy from across the atlantic
>>212450 I guess you can gather your Florida men and insurrect florida
>>212450 stubbs passed away it's very sad >>212455 he was too pure for the world of politics >>212455 he was 20 i think but there's a replacement lined up >>212455 i think it's one of his offspring that's replacing him, but i dont remember
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>212454 WHAT fuck how old was he i thought he was only like 13 oh damn how can anyone ever replace him
Someone pulled out in front of me on the way home. I was like wow that's cold but I guess if you go fast it's fine.
but she didn't go fast she changed her speed randomly and was all over the lane and almost swerved into those little plastic sticks meant to keep you in the lane I was like wow is this person drunk driving but no, she was just on a cell phone.
She has dog parts, grandpa, and the camera. Those are all pretty big ones too. Chino has some really nice stuff too. Chino's run is a second run though so I knew what to expect from her.
You don't feel a thing in your sinuous head. No love. No pain, and no fear of dread. Your apathetic dispassion has made you distort, And your savoir faire is to kill for sport.
You'd wound a small creature and watch it wiggle, And lust to feel so bad that you'd force a giggle. So crooked and curled is your point of view - There is no other creature more malicious than you.
You're ruthless, and savage, and sadistic, and vindictive - And you find that human flesh is incredibly addictive. But the longer you live, and the longer you kill.. There's a void that gets harder and harder to fill.
The void that you feel within would suggest that a canyon has opened up inside your chest. And whatever you do, there is no turning back. You've reached the end of the cul-de-sac.
an innocent child sheds a tear, i can feel her fear im this world gone insane she needs someone to hold her near you can meet her by your doorstep in belgium france amd greece everywhere in europe there is always need for peace~
>>212537 Do you like studying that? I have not seen Shirobako. What is that about? I do not have a job right now. >>212538 I liked Aoba and Hifumi the most.
My favorite is Shizuku! I like Hifumi and Aoba a lot too.
>>212539 5 women working in the anime industry and their troubles with coworkers and stuff. It's a straight up 9/10 Econ is okay if you don't mind lots of models and some calculus. Stuff like policy development is interesting. 7/10, would study again. Do you like gundam? I reallylike gundam.
>>212540 I liked that show a lot. I am excited to watch the new episode when it is available. >>212541 That is a high rating. It must be a good anime. I do not know a lot about economics. What do you like about policy development? I have not seen any Gundam shows.
>>212542 I think it's interesting to see the economic reasoning behind governments and their market intervention. I think that in a society where everyone votes, people should at least learn some econ101.
Shirobako was my favourite show of 2014. It gives a lot of insight to the anime industry. It's nice seeing regular office drama when we have so much highschool anime. There's a lot in there about chasing your dreams
>>212543 Do you live somewhere that everyone votes? Is Shirobako an animated documentary about the anime industry?
>>212544 New Zealand. *many people vote. Where do you live? Shirobako isn't really a documentary, it's a fictional drama with some real insight
>>212543 That's an interesting idea.. So, what do you think of the idea that in order to vote, people were required to take a class or two on economics/policy..Like a pre-requisite list or something..
>>212545 I live in the United States. That show sounds interesting. >>212546 They look cute. I know someone that ordered them today as well.
>>212547 I don't think there should be a requirement to vote. Especially not classes because whoever is running it would possibly alter the material to favour their party. I just think people should generally read a textbook or something before an election. Not because they have to, but because they should
>>212547 Hm. But if there is no requirement to vote, then won't people just be voting uninformed? More people than informed, I might even imagine.. It is quite easy to cast a vote, after all.. You just need to register.. at least in US terms. I'm not familiar with how New Zealand does it at all. However, I feel like people will always have an influence from somewhere on which party to choose as well.
>>212550 Ideally people would research before they vote like they'd research when buying a car or a house. I haven't voted in an NZ election yet. In Australia though voting is required. It sorta snuck up on me and I was like "oh I have to vote now? I didn't even know we were having an election" so I just ticked which parties I thought had a general reputation. Having required classes means that whoever is running it will have a much more direct influence though. Maybe just have a short econ class be mandatory in highschool. Or even a basic civics class so people can learn about the economic and legal systems of the country before they grow old enough to vote. In HS we had that but it was in optional econ and laws classes.
>>212548 Yeah, you might get to see them in your home too! I really like them. Cocoa is my favorite gochiusa.
>>212552 I think I may see them. Those figures can be fun to pose. I like Rize. I have not finished season 2 of that show yet.
>>212551 It would be nice if people did that.. Wow, i'm sorry that Australia force you into voting..whether or not you felt a certain way about it. I think it might even out however if the classes were mandatory, since different districts would most likely hold their own classes..There will an influence, but at least that influence won't be all centralized, should that be the case with people running the classes. My high school had the same thing..However, I did have a history teacher that tried to educate us on modern history and politics, so that was pretty interesting..Not that I was paying that much attention back then. She seemed to try and keep an unbiased opinion, but even opinions slipped out from her sometimes, which I don't think was entirely intentional. I preferred my literature teacher because he was more of the kind of person to want us to form our own opinions, rather than just feed us information. I can't remember the name of this one book..I think it might've been called Paradise Lost..we read a lot of poetry from the 1600's at one point, I think..he also showed us some articles on things that were going on in the middle-east..the guy was all over the place.
>>212554 Maybe it's better than a system like America where only 20% of the people vote. You can just scribble on the ballot and say fuck you if you don't like any parties. It's just mandatory to throw a ballot.
>modern history and politics Do you think he was very biased? I had an excellent history teacher, bless that mans soul. He managed to cover controversial topics like the USSR and commie china without coming off as biased at all. You could argue whatever you want so long as you had the sources to back it up
>>212554 It's hard not to let an opinion slip out occasionally Interpreting evidence can be an opinion
>>212571 Ohh..I wish I could watch stuff in realtime with you guys too, that sounds fun. Unfortunately i'm in the middle of the ocean right now. I'll definitely have to try on land.
>>212574 Are you on a boat? /moe/ watches anime every night and tano sporadically watches stuff when they feel like it
>>212575 I am on a ship currently..I hate it too, rough seas ruin me. I definitely want to join in eventually, i'm hardly up to date on any anime past 2014.
You are on a boat! I am jealous. What are you doing on a boat?
>>212577 Don't be jealous.. It's cool at first but then you get tired of seeing the ocean all the time. I hardly even look out at it anymore, haha. I joined the navy because I wanted to have a house super quickly and I didn't wanna do college. >>212581 The rocking does feel nice..wait do you mean coming back to land and sleeping in a bed off the ship? And it still rocks? ..It does that?
>>212576 Are you in the navy? I like sleeping after a day at sea. It makes it feel like the bed's rocking.
>>212578 wew congrats i luck 'd some bars so i dont knwo what ill do with them maybe Sarasa 5* or Song 5* >>212584 i got 2 from hosting Baha HL the second a week after
>>212588 Elephenor I // false alarm they're not on the "who will MVP ultimate Baha" like you are.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I also should sleep
>>212583 We have a bunch of antennas around the ship that connect to satellites and then we receive internet from them, its very slow though. We even have backup antennas that are even slower than the primary antennas if the primary ones can't reach anything..its like having internet and not having internet at the same time when that happens >>212585 We have all sorts of jobs on board..I mostly just work on keeping our network going so we can access files, print stuff, and use the web if need be. We were planning on chasing pirates a while back but nothing happened..We haven't fired at anyone..And I likely won't be firing at anyone, they have other people for that.
>>212580 Yeah coming back to land it feels like the bed's rocking Probably because you get used to it over the day
>>212591 Do your captains let you download anime over it? >>212591 That sounds like an office job but on a boat. Next time you're on land you should download a tonne of anime.
i think im leaning towards sarasa 5* more dont got enough bars for though
>>212592 Ahh, that does make sense I of my friends that came back to land after being out for a few weeks actually started wobbling side to side while he was just sitting in his chair, it was pretty funny because he had trouble making it stop. Hmm..i dont think my captain knows i've downloaded anime on our government computers, but i don't think he would like it. If he found out though..actually if he found out it might be pretty bad. The people I work directly under would probably give me a slap on the wrist, however. It is mostly an office job, until they make us do something like scrub down the antennas or something. I definitely will have to if they send me out again. >>212594 Do not live life on a boat, you won't have fun..well maybe a little fun but it will get old.
>>212596 >wobbling side to side kek that sounds funny.
>>212595 sarasa was my other choice had i not gone for nio but nio is cute
i need to punch rose queen and get that axe I want it
Also need to punch Apollo and stuff a bit for when i flb Apollo
apollo is like the easiest 6-man HL
>>212596 I was asked to relay a message to you: "Hello face."
>>212633 Kirara knows more than one someone who has been on a boat..well I guess that other someone wasn't really on a boat..more of a submarine..
how am i suppose to literally ever get any sleep at all non-ironically
>>212622 He said that he wants to catch up with you eventually. I am his friend.
>>212638 Yes, definitely!! I actually came here because I just heard something about Cinderella Girls and I thought he would already have the scoop on it. Also yes I know you're his friend, but which friend are you..or have we not met yet?
>>212639 He wants to know if you have his email. We have not met before. Sorry.
>>212647 not have his email, regrettably. Does he know google hangouts? I could contact him on that easily if he's used it Also, nice to meet you then! Do you have a name anno
>>212643 how's he supposed to hear his alarm to wake up if his eyes are closed
>>212648 He says that you can contact him on Google Hangouts. I have not posted on this image board before with a name.
>>212650 Okay, but i dont know his email.. mine is my first and last name separated by a period in the middle, @hotmail if he doesn't want to share his email through here And oh..then what should I call you?
call him gay that's what i would do
>>212653 He says he will add you in the morning. I am referred to by posters as Fish sometimes.
>>212786 send yuu five dollars to prove you have five dollars actually send it to me since I'm a neutral third party
>>212789 i can't, she's afraid i'm going to mail her a bomb
oh ok i'll send you 5 bucks
>>212792 thanks bang I can always count on you >>212794 look just drop around the public toilets down in the train station and slip it under the first stall I'll find it
do you have a paypal? or if you have wells fargo i just need your email address don't post it here
>>212854 It means that if you were going to try to perpetrate a ruse upon me, you would do a better job than what just transpired. It's disappointing enough that it can only be the real thing.
IT's not about being predictable. You set yourself up so well that of course I was going to do it.
It's like if you stood in the hallway holding a pie an inch in front of your face and waited me to give it that last little push just so you could yell "WOW RIKA YOU'RE SO PREDICTABLE"
In that situation I think most people would just walk past and look at him funny.
I'll give you something better to think about. Check out this ultra-cute figure of my wife.
>>212917 I'm sure there's a black market for little girls (or boys) you can then dress as you please. And make them LEARN. Not that, you know, it's legal.
I can't really get into physical merchandise enough for it. If I've got a bunch of disposable income to throw around I guess I might as well, but it's hard to see myself getting into it elsewise.
>>212968 I still can't believe they got Miku into that ova
But it wasn't Miku it was Kagami. Hoh hoh hoh.
Japanese copyright laws are pretty generous with stuff like that usually.
>>212978 The doujinshi market would never fly over here Thank you Japan
Yeah. Japan in general does a lot pretty right in the creative industries, in my opinion. The way they accept a lot of content and provide a lot of platforms to market that content on does lead to an oversaturation. But at the same time that saturation is a side product of the freedom and ability for the people to produce and make a living on creating things. So I consider it a bit of an acceptable loss.
>>212980 I think that there's a lot of variety in anime because of the sheer volume of content that gets produced each season There's a lot of trends and stuff like isekaishit. But because there's like 40 shows there's always a probability of there being something that's fresh
>>212981 Well with anime, the vast majority of stuff is just adaptations of other work. Not that an adaptation can't be fresh, but it does make creating something fresh more of a struggle than something purely original.
But in general, yeah, when you've got the sheer amount of creative content and freedom to create like there is in Japan, it drastically increases the likeliness of the content being fresh and interesting. Or well increases the odds of such a content appearing.
>>212983 I guess it makes it seem more new if you don't read many mangas or light novels But anime is the only industry where something like Kemono Friends could happen I hope the west does more things like that Castlevania show. That was really good
I wish there
was a parallel to the written/visual art
I guess Western media is just too engrossed in television to consider the creative freedom of animation Most just see it as too childish
>>212986 industry in Japan in the west. Cheap, short-form media that the public picks up, reads, and moves on to the next volume or big hit on a month-to-month basis.
Like, the west used to have fairly well-read literary magazines that would publish short stories. And hell, even stuff like Dickens was published in papers as serialized stories. But those got squeezed out of common reading and now no one reads stuff like that anymore.
>>212988 I guess it's easier to get published as a webnovel or whatever in Japan At least the west has more quality control I guess The way I understand it basically anyone can publish a webnovel so you get lots of derivative stuff There's amazon self publishing but I don't think anyone pays attention to that
>>212987 A lot of people sorta just pin animation as being only good for comedy
>>212988 I think it helps in Japan that lots of people take public transport So you can sit in the train and read on your phone Or some small ln you can fit in a laptop bag But in America everyone's driving everywhere
Like, LNs often get ribbed as being cheap, shitty writing. But the books themselves are literally physically cheap. Even up-to-date volumes can go for less than 700yen a pop. When was the last time you spent ~6 USD on a newly published book? The actual novels are made with cheap paper, the most expensive physical part of a book is probably the laminated cover. The whole affair is so cheaply made that most people probably don't feel bad chucking it if it ends up being as badly written as it is made.
>>212991 If you applied a bit of thought while reading you would probably be able to infer I'm talking about new content.
>>212990 Newly published aa in new content or as in newly printed? Also most contemporary novels are garbage. Even more so than previous eras, primarily because it has become so much easier to get published do to the industry being larger and printing a bit cheaper.
>>212990 I can't remember the last time I bought a newly published book
>>212992 A reprint of a book published from maybe a decade past rings me about 15 or 16 CAD. New hardcovers hot off the presses can be upwards of mid thirties CAD or even higher. The most recent Christie book I bought, an author who is literally dead and doesn't benefit from
>>212993 can't you just read that online for free? I bought the MSG novelisaiton about a year ago and that was like 20 dollars including postage
I see what you mean though. When there's so much competition from Netflix, the internet, video games, tv, social media, etc, most people probably won't drop 14 dollars on a book. >>212998 how is walking into a bookstore and paying money easier than googling agathachristie.pdf
>>212994 I don't read books online when purchasing the book is as easy as walking into a bookstore
a copy. I'd even resort to going on Amazon or a book e-retailer before looking for a digital copy.
>>212997 It's not about it being easier, it's about it being -easy-. I don't
to pirate books if I can help it--to a point. If obtaining the book is too complicated then I won't. But walking into a
>>213005 Why? Your money isn't going to the original author. She's dead. >>213007 well if it works for you then it works for you
>>213005 bookstore is super easy. Money isn't a part of the breakdown here for me.
>>213006 I did say that myself more or less earlier, but she still likely has a family that once relied on the income of her books to live. An author doesn't just sustain themselves on the income of
their written works.
Also I do want to be a writer. I like stories and I like writing and creating. It feels like it would be a bit of bad faith to refuse to participate in the industry if I intend to take advantage of it in the future.
>>212997 But I completely agree with what you were saying here. Books are so expensive for the amount of content they provide that I can understand most people not being interested in getting them. Which is why I brought up the point of how LNs in Japan are so cheaply made. A cheaply-made book can be sold for cheaper.
I also feel big house publication companies in the west take far too large a cut of the book's retail value. Preferably
What about pirating books that are out of print, not available to purchase as an ebook and prohibitively expensive to get a physical copy of?
>>213010 >>213005 >If obtaining the book is too complicated then I won't.
>>213011 Searching ' "book title" filetype:pdf' isn't that complicated. For example, mathematics made difficult costs $200 and has not been printed in decades, but searching "mathematics made difficult" filetype:PDF on google has it as the first or second result.
>>213013 >>213001 >It's not about it being easier, it's about it being -easy I think If it's a relatively easy process I think he would purchase it even if pirating was easier, why not give to the author otherwise some things can't be helped
>>213009 Preferable I would like to see a cut distribution more in favour of the authors, but I also think lowering the retail value of books so that the publishing house gets less off one book would encourage more people to buy books.
>>213013 I'll preface my answer by saying I'm talking about this situation from more of a fiction and novel sense of books and less about academic textbooks because there is a whole other can of worms in that department.
In the case of that textbook, is the value of it in particular far better than another book that covers a similar concept or field?
>>213014 It's out of print and can only be bought used, aside from the fact that the author is probably dead, they still wouldn't get any money from it. >>213016 It's not a textbook, its a math humor book.
>>213017 then the process is not easy go with option b pirate it
>>213018 Yeah pretty much. If I -really- wanted to read something and obtaining it fairly is made difficult, then I'm not beyond pirating it.
But the real world result would probably be me just not reading it. I don't really enjoy reading extensive paragraphic text on a screen because it makes my eyes go all wobbly after doing it long enough. Unless the material is engaging or short enough to overcome that barrier, there's a good chance I'll skip over it.
It's for this reason that I purchased a complete collection of Lovecraft's horror fiction in physical. There's absolutely no money from that purchase going to him, and by now his bloodline is likely diluted enough that no one except the publishing company is making money from the sale. But reading in physical is much easier for me, was in the bookstore I stopped by on the way home from work at least once a week, and I really wanted to read the stuff.
>>213021 I own hardcopies of a decent amount of his stuff. He had no bloodline descendant s also uts in public domain. Although most collections labeled "Lovecraft's complete works" are usually incomplete. I usually buy shit tons of books but im really strapped for cash right now.
If I'm strapped for cash I'll just put off buying new books. I won't die if I can't read the latest book from my favourite author.
Err, I generally only buy old fiction though. I mean most fiction i buy is old, most books I buy are science/math/programming The rest is comics/classic literature/history/philosophy
I'm a niche though. Most people get turned off buying new publications because the price is so high, and like Maria said earlier, people don't really have time to read unless they're at home, at which they'll probably turn to something that's more worth the money you pay for it like television.
But these -But the aspects of life that create these situations aren't so in Japan, and the media publication industry flourishes over there. Even if much of the content is kind of cheap, it's cheap to obtain and not a huge timesink to consume. And many authors and other media producers can make a living still off their content. I'm envious of the situation they've got going on there and I wish something similar could exist in the west.
I actually have a Japanese bookstore near me. My Japanese is pretty rusty though, and I was never that good at kanji.
It probably just an easy scrapegoat for me but I think I have I'm like my father in that I have a hard time
wow fuck you too wifi
playing out stories in my head so whenever I read a book it seems kind of empty to me.
Yeah I get that. Even though I love reading some times I hit a story that's got so much going on I can't process the events well. And that makes it hard to get into the book.
Also in other creative mediums there's stories and ways of showing events that work so much more smoothly than the same events in a book. Fluid action will always be more engaging for the viewer when there's a visual component. Music and sound can boost a viewer's emotional connection to a scene in a huge way.
I think it's fine that so many kinds of creative mediums exist and that people engage in them in different ways. But I wish there would be a revival of interest in the written medium. Because with due respect I don't think many people are the way you or your father are out of sheer nature.
>>213030 The thing I like about the idea of a novel is that you can do whatever with no budget if you're a good writer. Doing a mechascifi epic in animation can cost millions. But if you're good at writing in a way that conveys movement and weight, you only have to spend your time.
>>213032 Yeah. And anyone can afford to become a good writer. All it needs is time to git gud. I posted a video from Akira Kurosawa about this time last night where he said that in order to be a good writer, you need good material in your head. Now you can get that good material from your own experiences, but you can also get it from being well-read. And anyone can be well-read if they want to.
I feel like you can only get good material reading if you're writing about fantasy or sci fi but if you write about real life you gotta go do the thing so it can be totally expensive depending
I don't think I can agree with that. It's definitely easier for fantasy and sci-fi. But I think being well-read on fiction and historical fiction and other genres that set themselves within the "real" world can still help greatly with writing for those genres.
Also personal experiences are powerful writing resources, but they're also still personal resources. An additional benefit to reading from external sources is that you see experiences from viewpoints that are not your own. And that is invaluable in creating characters that are diverse and stand apart from yourself.
You could write about being a shutin if you're good enough
>>213039 I think if you don't understand the real world, you don't understand fantasy or scifi. Both are concepts that link back to the real world. If you can't write interesting characters, your story probably won't be engaging no matter what.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
but like when you write about real actions you end up omitting all this stuff that goes without saying, that anyone who's been there would know about like there's a huge difference between doing and knowing
historical fiction you can mostly get away with cobbling it together from ideas, all that'll happen is the nerds will bitch
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
imagine a sex scene written by someone who's read a thousand sex scenes you just know there's goign to be some weird physically impossible shit in there
Man, there's some things so intricately detailed in Kimi no na wa that I never caught at lower resolution. Like in the heat of the day there's even the shimmer of hot air just above the ground. Like you would see shimmering over hot asphalt in the middle of summer.
>>213043 This is what I wonder some times reading G.R.R.Martin's sex scenes. Though his are fanciful but more or less possible.
>>213042 The problem I have with this is, there are some things I will never experience. Being a woman, is flat out never going to happen. I will never understand the fear and uncomfortable life people who are minorities in racist or otherwise discriminatory communities face. I will never experience growing up in poverty as a child, and how that shapes my adult mental state. I can only understand what it must be like, from reading. Or watching or listening, yes, but I will always be a third-party observer when trying to be that person.
I don't feel that I should be obligated to not strive to write characters in these demographics, or the events they would experience, because I can not ever experience those events and feelings myself.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>213046 i'm not saying you can't, just that there's like an adversarial thing going on like if you could write your book to an fairly good standard such that 90% of women on earth would be fooled, as in they wouldn't be able to detect that it was written by a not-ever-woman, then that's OK I guess but like it's super expensive to go and get into people's minds it's not something you can do by only reading, I think there's field work and revisions and a lot of conversation
Well like I said, I don't agree with it. As long as you're a conscious reader and can properly digest what you read, I think that can take the place of field work, conversation, and getting personal. Though importantly, it's not just about being well-read, but widely-read. Even if you only ever have the interest in writing a specific genre or notion of fiction, reaching out and reading material from other genres and topical subjects will provide you with understanding and basis to build a more real world and more real characters.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I think some subjects, more narrative based subjects, like the series of thoughts that run through one's mind, are going to easier to transmit through paper universal emotions as touchstones whereas like a sex scene or something, the sheer mechanics of it, is just awkward to put down in ink or like sailing a boat i bet there are technical writers out there who are good at extracting every salient detail but it's a hell of a skill and it's not going to come naturally out of nowhere