>>213061 Alright I got this nice as lemon lime tea Have a good day at work That's a really comfy image btw Like blade runner but it's made of wood and not dirty and disgusting
>>213128 laughing @ you do you need a cover letter too?
>>213125 that there is a Face I could never forget hello my friend
nah it's not even a real resume, they don't want anything beyond education and then my work experience at the warehouse but I'm really bad at writing this kind of shit, I'd rather just get my work done and leave it at that
>>213130 oh i gotcha does the management position pay more at least?
i bet it's a boring job too
about $1.50, not so bad I guess but not really worth all the extra responsibility I think it would be far more interesting than what I do currently though, that's the only reason I haven't backed out already I'm not sure I'll get it anyway at any rate so it's not like worrying much about it now matters
>>213143 ;__; D-doushio.. As I was trying to say, I enjoyed it for a little bit..but now I really just wanna go home. I've been pepper sprayed in the eyes and done a lot of other cool/painful things..I really just wanna settle down at a place I can call home..and isn't a tiny 6 foot bed. I hate sleeping in a rack next to so many other people. Hearing people jack off next
>>213151 Oh..you didn't know already? I'm already married, since last September I'm hoping when the tour is over she can move in with me in Virginia, she's still all the way across the states since I haven't had a stable place that I could say I was staying in for more than a couple months. >>...the post where someone introduced themselves as Rene, I can't see the number anymore That name sounds familiar..but not familiar at the same time. How surreal.
>>213183 oh dude i just fuckin remembered i was at the verizon store yesterday and i'm like yo how much is the gear 360 and they were charging $339 for it lol like fuck i can buy it on amazon for half that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>213184 1/3rd of that* what the fuck haha fucking verizon i wonder how many people fall for that
i was actually thinking of getting it too because i already knew it should be mid 100's and i'm like sure but fuck that i'm not wasting that kind of money right now when are you pickin it up i'm gonna get a cheapo headset asap so i can do market research
somebody told me I have a radio voice said I should look up jobs in radio and change my career I don't really know if radio is a good profession to be in these days
it's not
there's lots of other things you can do with a good voice like being a broadcaster in games i did that in dota 2 and it was a lot of fun but i'm a little too tourettes for it some people i knew made it preetty big though but you can do other low-key projects and have fun on // with things still or be a VA do some fandubs with nerds on IRC
it's a terrible profession that's dying yeah >>213189
>>213186 probably going to order it around august 1st plus minus a few days if i get it too early i'll get obsessed with it and ignore my responsibilities lol
>>213189 the only games I know well enough to make insightful or useful commentary on are smash and like counterstrike though
can you'll niggas text me i got a // not a new phone my same shitty LG G4 but i have never had service on it til now and i'm too lazy to port same number as before just on a different device but i can actually text now without being capped to 110 characters and slow texto mode
>>213191 aren't there competative smash and CS shit
>>213193 >competative is that some fuckin bastard child of computative and competitive you have to perform complex algorithms using smash's internal programming whoever factorizes first wins
>>213196 no i've been using CERAMIC plates that you have to CLEAN after use my life is so fucking hard
Oh yeah, someone claiming to be fish was on here last night.
>>213199 well your woes are over son you've won the plate lottery be ready though the IRS taxes lotto winnings pretty hard you'll have to mail them like at least 40% of your plates
>>213204 That little linemark of hair makes it look like her nose is squished up between her eyes and makes the picture look a bit funny.
logistically speaking, our noses are in pretty good spots on our body i'm not sure life would be very pleasant if we had noses anywhere else besides the middle of our face
i bet elephants just smell shit all day long
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>213213 Or if they were on the palms of our hands and we had to smell everything we touched or got our hands near. Would completely redefine handshakes as parts of social greeting though.
>>213216 we'd probably have really good immune systems if that was the case
>>213215 well show me then what's a fuckin kirara thought look like huh it's prolly shitty it's prolly gonna be like "man i would fuckin eat a lot more oranges if i didn't have to peel them. they just spray everywhere and it sucks"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
real shit i didn't learn how to properly peel an orange until last year
you bite it with your teeth and eat it that's what i do
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i fuckin mutilated them just tearing bits and pieces of the peel off at a time but apparently that way was WRONG
>>213222 the goal is to pretend that it's a woman's undergarments that you're peeling off and if you're not careful you'll accidentally peel away all her skin and possibly some flesh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the horror
that's why i just bite into them straight i'm afraid of the naked body it's terrifying
what the fuck is wrong with alex jones' voice anyway and every male on the show sounds that way too i literally did one entire transcript where i labelled all the male speakers as alex jones i had to go back and fuckin undo it all because i realized they weren't that cost me like four hours >>213227 i mean it's really not that crazy. you have to understand a little bit the work environment there's a lot of hype that goes into making a quality product plus their entire support structure is selling stuff to make you MANLY but like, they probably are normal all day long and then when it gets to recording time they just let loose i mean same as we do tbh with whatever we're hype about doing the only fuckin crazy part is that they all sound the same, even the skinny young guys still have his voice it's those fuckin supplements they're all pumping testosterone or some shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah he does have a really weird voice idk
i met an infowars reporter irl once those guys are legitimately fuckin crazy as shit they all sound the same too i think they're all clones of alex jones of various levels of success
Infowars is actually the front and money-providing disguise for Alex Jones' clone research program.
>>213226 even when not recording the dude i met was fuckin crazy i saw him at that trump rally/anti-trump protest i was at
he was like, the JOKER is WALKin arouND here LAUGHIN at meee hahahaha! and we talked about george soros and he's like A LIBERAL THAT HATES SOROS and i said i'm not a liberal and i was there to take pics of crazy people and he just got this weird look on his face like he was having a stroke and stared at me and then he recorded me talking shit about soros
>>213230 Was he the Infowars Florida correspondent?
>>213230 like i'm not really supposed to discuss my work but idgaf so, they had a panel of three people watching the comey hearing right and these fuckin idiots just like toss out stupid commentary ontop of the hearing how is this supposed to be a transcript like, you want me to transcribe the hearing in the background, then your stupid ass comments on top of it, despite not being able to hear either you nor comey because you're talking on top of each other, and one's a recording and not comey present at the panel how the fuck do you make this clear and coherent in a transcript the reader, without context, can't even know that they're commenting on a recording i fuckin hate this shit man i had three hours of audio and it took me like 20 hours and i ruined my sleep and still did a shitty job on all of it
>>213233 and there were the commercials for supplements and crap you want me to transcribe the commercials? do you even want your anchors on the transcript? if so you'd better include their fuckin name did you know they don't even do the little sub-screen header pop-ups of the name of who's speaking? like what the fuck do you want me to do Male Anchor? i don't know if he's an anchor or a guest you've got like 60 reporters on your show
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>213231 had to look up his name i think he was Owen Shroyer
from his bio on infowars' site >I am most recognized from my encounter with AIDS Skrillex and Carl The Cuck in St. Louis, and a confrontation with Van Jones in Cleveland. lol
>>213237 holy shit you met owen shroyer haha fuck man that was like 80% of my content there was one that was literally MEME STORY TIME it was just fuckin frogs everywhere i had to literally transcribe the words "rare pepe" and kekistan
>>213195 i like the white chocolate macadamia ones but you cant eat those i bet >>213241 i shouldnt and so i probably wont
>>213242 he's a memelord and another time he was on the panel with just alex, and they had a guest, i forget who and owen was just like sitting there and alex was getting so fed up like wtf i didn't invite you to the table so you could not do a damn thing why don't you ask some questions
do you want it? i can preorder it for you and you can just pay me back for it when you have the money after you get a job
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>213245 transcribing infowars shows sounds like a really unique experience
>>213247 the content wasn't at all strange to me tbh it's just the format let's have an outro from one segment followed by a montage of a whole bunch of clips of random senator statements during some hearing but not have it related to the segment it's coming out of or going into so it's just...? what? i don't know, it looks like there's a conversation going on which it's actually just clip montages and it's fuckin dumb
the fuckin barrow alaska MILK focus group was probably the weirdest shit content-wise
>>213246 whoa dude thats kind of a thing but id feel like garbage. give me a bit
also blinds mom wants us to change the oil in the car and im shitposting at Blind about how thats not my problem.
>>213256 >>213252 i try not to comment because i try not to be an asshole, not that i don't care, i do but i just try to not do something stupid but i really can't think of anything positive to say about her whatsoever and a lot of things negative i won't say them though but i'll say that i have them
>>213261 yeah it's actually pretty cute it's out in january so preorder will probably be up until november or early december
I'm usually just happy seeing photos of the figs. There's a bit of a "well it's mass-produced so having it physically won't be anything special" kind of mindset I fall into.
The only one I've even considered getting recently is Best Girl Suzukaze Aoba.
repaying me quickly isn't a big deal since i know you're good for it and will pay me back eventually
i don't do stuff like that unless i'm financially comfortable enough to not get paid back at all i know you'll pay me back when you can so i don't mind if it takes some time
i don't think so she has some level of appreciation for like the physical quality of figures and dolls and stuff i guess but i wouldn't say she has an actual fondness for them if that makes sense
No, Fish is my girlfriend. She ended up being called Fish on /moe/ because she's a marine biologist and she's obsessed with fish.
She has a lot of social anxiety issues so I was having her post on /moe/ as a way to ease her anxiety about being around people and talking to them
>>213277 haha i was watching last night when she was posting so i saw she kept panicking and stuff and i had to calm her down but she started getting comfortable eventually
i called her gay like as soon as she got here because i thought it was anyone else just fyi
>>213276 i probably seem pretty scary to someone with anxiety issues but truthfully it's all just a big mask to hide my own anxiety issues not that i've ever hid that i just pretend like things that hurt don't hurt and that everything's okay and i'm sometimes gullible enough to believe it
>>213278 it was pretty low key she was really scared to say she was Fish because she was afraid that it would attract attention she only said it because i was making her communicate with sefti for me
>>213279 she was scared of everyone she was scared to talk to rika on /moe/ even though she talks to rika constantly through email lol she was talking to maria last night and she was stressing out about maybe saying something wrong or bad and getting made fun of
maria's awfully easy to get along with i pretty actively try to offend and can't it's just a brick wall of kangaroos and vegemite
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maria is chill as hell maria is good people
the thing i'd worry about is interpreting playful behavior as being made fun of like literally anything i do or the ways i interact with maria or rin or most people it could look like pretty intense bullying if someone wasn't chan-acclimated
Yeah I would be worried about too. I play pretty freely with people when I'm being friendly with them and over-conscious people might take that the wrong way.
I went back and those sure are some fish posts
Shit, I probably scared her too, I wish i'd known..I actually got pretty aggressive when she called me Face.
Wow, you guys are incredibly terrible. Why did I go to bed so early?
>>213287 probably because it was like a million degrees dude
>>213287 I only asked her what her favorite species of octopus was. And she didn't even respond.
I hate being inherently good natured because i really want to be an asshole about the oil
>>213289 still pretty direct attention tbh when i noticed it i just made general comments and didn't direct anything you're a chan user like the rest oif // of us so you probably forget what it felt like 10 years ago when you'd have posts directed at you
>>213286 i couldn't stop laughing when you were like "who the fuck sent you" like she was an assassin or something haha she didn't really get scared by that though so no worries she thought you were pretty pleasant >>213283 yeah if fish is posting i'm probably going to be next to her to keep her nerves down for now though so if it happens again then i'd be there to explain it to her so she doesn't freak out
>>213289 terrible how could you Octopi aren't even FISH
>>213294 this is a cute image thank you based blue
I wasn't on /moe/ at all yesterday I missed my chance to bully Fish. What a shame.
>>213293 overeager though try to exercise some patience it's not easy but it does tend to pay off timing is a pretty important aspect of how i do things in my life personally
Bbl >>213294 Octopuses or octopodes are the correct form. "octopi" is only in dictionaries because people have been using it by mistake for over a hundred years
it's octopuses they're greek not latin you flat fuck
>>213305 dropped *really noisy to be in groups, but there's some comfort in it too sometimes there's less onus on you directly to do anything, you can just kind of enjoy other people's comfort until you have enough of your own i think hanging around doc was a big kick in the right direction for me when i was in pretty tight crevices
Well, I guess it's a good thing I wasn't here because I would have fucked it up. Good job Koi. Congrats Koi.
fuck koi he aint shit
>>213308 I mean sasti was like "what should i call you" and i just jumped in unannounced and was like "i'd call him gay if i were you. that's what i always do." and then right after "Well, some people call me Fish around here" and i'm like dang
>>213310 It was really funny >>213305 >>213307 yeah, i'd like that part of her thing is that she's pretty dichotomous in her classification of people so if someone bothers her she just starts thinking they're a bad person it's something we're working on but it makes it harder for her to deal with people like she thinks some of you guys are probably bad people
>>213315 i know what you're talking about i mean, i went through that at a really young age though given my circumstances so there's still some linearity there for me but i'm incredibly adaptive and good at maneuvering situations so that i never have to feel too uncomfortable i can definitely relate but i can't say i'd be helpful because so much of it was arbitrary for me
How terrifying.
I have a lot of character flaws and I'd feel crummy if someone figured me to be a bad person for them. They're just there to balance out my good character traits so I can be a perfectly normal person ;_;
she knows she shouldn't classify people like that but it's just how her mind works so she can't help it yet
like when i was telling her about our roadtrip she started off thinking blue was a bad person (i don't remember why) but then after i told her about blue coordinating our jan high tension adventure to get him to the airport, she was like "he must be a good person"
>>213321 dude i fuckin used to get nightmares from watching legend of the hidden temples because there were those dudes in tribal outfits that come and steal the kids up if they go the wrong path do you remember that show i was so fucked up haha
>>213321 did you tell her you and me are gonna go drive around with a 360 cam on // nevermind i thought i had a good joke there but i didn't quite just take it as the normal question instead it's less awkward that way
>>213333 hmm was it because of poptarts? i can't remember
>>213334 yeah she's a little worried about it but she's sort of comfortable with it because i told her how well you took care of me in nevada so she thinks you're trustworthy and reliable at least
>>213355 yeah this does make me want to play D4 wtf
>>213354 i don't remember that's the only thing i can think of that could have given someone the impression that you're a bad person i'd ask her but she's watching anime
>>213364 I can't remember the reason why she would think I'm a bad person because I've never spoken to her directly. This is my first time hearing about this.
>>213357 that's what you'd probably expect if i lived near you >oh shit blue's home >pack a bag full of food hey buddy you hungry let me cook us up a ten course meal
>>213365 hmm Now that I think about it, I think she just automatically assumed everyone was a bad or dangerous person She was worried about me so she figured you guys must be bad, I think it was something like that And then she changed her mind and decided you were a good person
I remember she was worried and told me that Rika said you were a good and reasonable person and I agreed And after we saved Jan I think she decided you were a good person My timeline is kind of wonky for life
Blue's lucky; there's no way you could get Rika to say something like that about me.
>>213372 Im idly doing some classwork and idly looking over notes basically trying to study but actually just pretending to study to myself I've got a final tomorrow but I'm pretty confident that I'll get an A
Oh it's not. That's a little surprising. How nice.
This movie always hits me in the heart no matter how many times I watch it. There's so many kinds of feelings I end up feeling it's hard to put it down right.
I haven't watched it before. I've been waiting for a really good release
how unfortunate that ill always associate that movie with blind and how she didnt understand that i enjoyed it fucj
Well if I can get up on my preachy romanticist's soapbox and somewhat spoil the movie for a moment (so don't go reading this Kirara) One of the themes of the movie is how something that feels so drastic and emotional at a time in one's youth can fade into memory with time, sometimes even to the point where you don't even remember the details of what happens at all. Maybe with time you'll be able to break the association, or the fact that it does associate doesn't hurt anymore.
I mean read them if you fucking want to, but I'm being decent here because I went into the movie almost completely not knowing what I was going to get. I knew like, two plot details and one of them is the one everyone knows. And the movie was so fucking amazing for me to watch and I would wish for everyone to possibly enjoy it in the same degree I did.
I guess now that BDs are out, I'll have to watch it soon, or I probably will risk getting spoiled.
>>213414 I don't think I'll be watching it with /moe/. It's too difficult for me with my sleeping schedule.
>>213413 theres a thread already trying to coordinate folks
The current "good" movie file is almost 25GBs in size. Even with capless Internet that is a LOT of downloading and space.
>>213416 Yeah but you got a lot more content than a 106 minute movie in that terabyte.
>>213413 I think in your situation watching it with Fish would be a much better choice really. If I'd had a partner I totally would have dragged them out to the movie when it was screening in theatres here. Instead I just brought my imouto.
why did this oil thing have to happen to too wvej its not even a big deal but its just another wrench thrown into things i just wanted to work these last days, drive some stuff home, come back, and leave everything geeehhhhhhhh
>>213420 If you have things productive you can do, just say you can't do the oil because you already have things you need to do.
Tell them that if they want to do the oil change, they can come pick your car up from work, get the oil change, and drop it back off for you.
>>213415 That's a good point. I've actually managed to completely blind myself to everything other than the fact that it's romance. I may know more but I can't conjour up those memories in free recall I guess.
I don't know if any of you know this but I fucking love mountains.
back to work
I knew pretty much only what you could get from a synopsis, like what you'd see on the back of the disc case or something. Plus one other detail. I think people could know the whole events of the movie and still get an empathetic reaction to the movie on the first watch though. There's a difference between knowing events and experiencing them after all.
But seriously don't spoil yourself or I'll be mad with you.
This is kind of nice: if you have two of the same character in FEH and one has inherited skills, but you merge it into a unit without those skills, the skills go with it to the new merged unit.
That's the good way of doing it. Forcing you to rebuild up a repertoire of inherited skills would be a pretty lousy thing.
Yeah. It'd be really shitty to get a unit powered up and then get the same unit with better IVs and have to start everything over again from inheritance.
Wait, wow. You don't even have to unlock skills that were unlocked on the previous one. Those carry over, too. That's really nice. I'm surprised FEH was so generous with that.
Made in Abyss actually starts next episode Gonna be fun
I'm really excited for things to get going in the show. The premise is already really interesting for me; I can't wait to get into the actual details and real adventure romance.
I can't wait for them to actually start exploring the cave
If they were skilled and had access to the right tools, they could. It's not something some random person can do on a whim. A big part of it is about weather conditions. To do a controlled burn properly, you have to be aware of the environmental conditions like air temperature, wind speed/direction, humidity, etc You also need to know about the fuel you're using to burn something and you need to be able to apply the fuel strategically to control where the fire goes. It can also take weeks for the conditions to be right for your burn or /// since doing it outside the window for proper conditions is dangerous.
Usually an entire team of firefighters and uhh, i can't think of what they're called, sometimes forestry people, sometimes shit what are they called well, land management people basically for the area And they all coordinate to make sure everything goes smoothly.
It's also a matter of the scale of a fire. A large blaze that covers considerable surface area will need the skills, equipment, and training that comes with being in the profession.
But at the same time, pretty much anyone that puts together an open-air campfire is producing a controlled burn. The difficulty of keeping the controlled burn as a controlled burn scales as the intended size of the fire increases.
I would like to burn the world in a controlled manner
>>213459 so anno up there would have a difficult time achieving his goal
Usually controlled burns are pretty small in regards to the area they're used in.
Controlled burns are pretty much necessary in Florida. We have them pretty much all the time. If we stop, then we'll start getting horrible forest fires that can't be controlled. Controlled burns protect us from fire and they also help the forest/scrubs/woods/whatever survive.
>>213461 Probably. It's not impossible that you could establish a burn window and start the burn during that period, but doing it alone would be a considerable risk.
If the house is considerably distanced from any other incendiary material then it's probably not impossible. But houses are usually built alongside other houses which are huge piles of incendiary materials.
We've got one of those culinary knife sets with a wood block for storing them in our kitchen. But for some reason lately people have been putting the knives back in the block upside down. Sure it's not bad for the knives or anything, but why do this? It's not even every knife, some go in right side up, others upside down. It makes the whole thing look uneven.
1839 calories today and apparently 1674 calories burnt. Although I haven't actually done much, 2294 steps feels like google fit app is pretty unreliable
>>213478 I don't know, I will play it safe with Trump will say something dumb.
>>213479 only 280 calories consumed? What have you eaten all day?
>かんなぎ refers to mediums shamans and oracles What do you foresee happening today?
>>213477 I'm at 1332 calories burnt and 280 calories consumed. I only have 2091 steps recorded so far today, but I did get up 3-4 hours later than usual.
He's actually going to be really good. He has low speed but he's basically a blue Xander without distant counter. If you throw Killer Lancer on him, he can shit out like 90 damage every couple turns.
And he's a Cavalry unit, huh? Blue Eldigan I don't really NEED a Blue Eldigan but I won't turn the option down. Would be nice if I can snag myself a Leo. So I can swap Eldigan/Ursula for Leo/Cline if necessary
>>213553 >no citations l o l I bet this is what ameriburgers actually believe >some farmer on a forum claims McDonalds deserves more credit >THESE FARMERS HAVE DEBATED THAT MCDONALDS IS ACTUALLY FAR HEALTHIER THAN YOU'D THINK
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's true that junk food feeds the poor more cheaply
but that's also why the poor are disproportionately obese
> Blake Hurst, president of the Missouri Farm Bureau, said: “The biggest unreported story in the past three quarters of a century [is] this increase in availability of food for the common person.” yeah he probably said that sure but not about fucking disgusting mcdonalds burgers lol
>>213562 >generally speaking, food has become more available for the common person. (this could be due to a range of features such as importation of food, better logistics driving down prices, more effective farming methods) >GUYS THIS IMPORTANT FARM MAN SAID THAT MCDONALDS SOLVED WORLD HUNGER
/moe/ what's the best soda And you can't say "soda is disgusting" you have to pick one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
double cola
>>213565 >double cola is this an American thing? We don't have that. >>213568 damn mail me some
>>213589 Because it is called pop over here, not soda.
>>213594 Really? Huh, that's weird. I had thought it was an upper midwest thing.
As far as I was a ware most of american used soda and only a few called it pop. but pop is what is called over. Can of Pop, Fizzy drink, soft drink. Carbonated drink;
>In the United Kingdom and Ireland, the terms "fizzy drink" and the genericized trademark "coke" are common. "Pop" and "fizzy pop" are used in northern England Well It shows I'm a northerner. and we use coke for other cola flavoured drinks. Doesn't matter if it is a coke cola
>>213605 Its not particularly a bad way of calling it. There are many things that are // sharpy cutter could refer to but fizzy drinks would pretty much bring to mind flavoured carbonated drink. >>213608 >>213612 How hoften to do people see fizzy non-carbonated drinks, a fail to see that people would be confused by what was meant by fizzy drink, It serves it's purpose
>>213608 no since the bubbles aren't what pop them If you invented a tool to pop them I'd call it a bubble popper
If it can be understood across cultural lines, it's a good descriptor
>>213609 You can make non carbonated drinks that fizz. >>213610 Yes, but bubbles do pop.
>>213609 It's not that they would neccesarily be confused, I jjust feel like its a bit of a silly term. Also I generally dislike it when people refer to carbonated beverages (a completely unambiguous neutral term for them) pop. I however can't remove it from the lexicon so it doesn't matter.
I mean in the end most of the time, when the server asks "do you want a coke/soft drink/pop/fizzy drink", the follow up from the customer is usually "yeah sure, what do you have?" Making the whole argument of what falls into that category moot anyway.
>calling it a rin >not calling it a wibbly wobbly waggly faggly
>>213613 It is fairly simple. It is an informal term used by people when their *there is no need to overly clarify what they are refering to.
>>213613 You would prefer if everyone spoke all proper and posh like.
>>213614 Referring to a wide variety of them as "coke" is dumb though. >>213619 Most people if aasked "do you want a coke" would assume (on first thought) that you are being asked if you wanylt a Coke™. >>213619 Do you tell people "yeah I like playing Halos" if you mean "I like playing first person shooters"?
I don't care if you find it dumb. It functionally works; practically no one in a restaurant will not understand that if the server asks if they want a coke, they are asking if you want any kind of non-alcoholic drink.
>>213615 >calling it a moon >not a sun >because he's a brightly burning faggot
>>213618 No and that's a dumb analogy since there isn't a pre-established concept of lumping FPS games into a category called Halos.
But there IS a pre-established concept of lumping any kind of non-alcoholic cold drink into the word coke.
>>213619 By that logic "water" is a "coke" since its a non alcoholic drink. >>213623 I guess in some places. But thats like when oold people refer to any game console as a nintendo or a PlayStation.
>>213629 >>213630 I don't think it is, but if their argument is correct, then it is.
>>213631 Okay let me ammend their argument If you say coke at a restaurant, it means they're asking if you want any sort of nonacloholic carbonated drink
I think word are fluid, that have more than strict definitions, they have social meanings and usages. People use them popularly and they work to illustrate the intended meaning.
If it works and is very effective at delivering meaning, I would say that is a very successful usage.
>>213632 Or non-carbonated too. Iced tea is considered part of that family and you don't carbonate that.
Also here's another reason it can't bbe a generic term. Coke is a trademarked term by the Coca Cola company. Another company would get in legal trouble if they referred to their for example orange soda aas "orange coke".
>>213634 People consider Iced Tea a coke? I guess I'm the retard here then
>>213636 I mean it's always listed on the part of the menu that has the soft drinks and pops and cokes and fizzy drinks, isn't it? So when the server at a restaurant asks you if you want a coke (a drink from that list), coke therefore includes the iced tea right, right?
>>213635 I don't think the average person gives a shit that the Coke Cola has the word coke trademarked. like I said it is pretty damn common to find cola flavoured drinks and sweets refered to as coke or coke flavoured sweets.
>>213638 It's all right. I always feel it's a bit underwhelming by the time you get to the bottom of it. There's barely any flavour anymore and you're pretty much just eating water and ice.
>>213641 What it also means is that if a restaraunt chain labels the soda section of their menu as "Cokes" and it contains non coca cola brand products, they would get in legal trouble.
>>213662 Hm I see. I'm pretty sure I saw places selling water ice but the product looked like slushies though. I wonder if there's word leakage going on.
> Water ice is not shaved ice that is flavored; rather, it is made by the same process by which ice cream is made: freezing the ingredients while mixing them. Italian ice is similar to sorbet,
>>213666 i think luigi's italian ice is one of the more stocked brands in grocery stores it's just lemon or cherry
>>213665 i dunno when i was trying to leave bensalem, my GPS brought me through the fuckin center of philly and i ended up getting water ice on the way out of philly it was just italian ice
>>213642 >water ice is a real thing It sounded like a joke term you made up
I remember when you used to post those fancy sorberts and ice-creams moon. They looked super nice.
Oh right. >>213678 Kirara I was in a 7-11 here the other day and I thought you'd get a kick and bemoan about ice cream prices here.
>>213674 remember the blorange drinks you got they're like those but some places will have like a little hut with a bunch of flavoring and they mix it up and spray seltzer water into it
>>213679 I wouldn't choose to eat it every time I get ice cream but I could enjoy it every now and then. By far the worst part is the raisins for me. They don't mix well with cold.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow it's 5.19 USD at the publix i shop at
I fucking love macademia nuts Haagen-dazs >>213684 Oh? Is it bad for you?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i can't eat macademia ;_;
i like vanilla bean
>>213680 do do you not see the big 4.99 thing oh you said usually well they probably marked it up before they had the sale to make the sale look bigger
>>213682 5.19 USD is 6.46 CAD though. So it's really only an extra dollar here. Which when you consider I live in a fairly high priced standard of living part of the country, doesn't seem -that- far-fetched.
>>213706 haha really i thought everyone knew i was an S
>>213703 Soooo. How about the weather, Kannagi? How has your day been going? What have you done with your hair, it's gorgeous. Have you gone anywhere nice lately?
>>213710 That just doesn't work, there is no pressure, I'm not trapped into a situation with someone where I can't remove myself without being rude.
I have no idea how to respond appropriately to those sort of questions in person with people. >>213715 I don't particularly give damn that you are sad. well I do a little but if you are using it to make do something.
>>213714 Kannagi if you don't talk to me I'll be sad. Now you can't remove yourself without being rude.
>>213721 Well if I was going to go through the trouble of restraining someone so they can't cover their face, I would put their hair up or something so they can't use that. If you're going to do it, you have to do it properly.
I would probably try and bite you if I wasn't scared of having blood in my mouth! >>213727 I forgot you were smaller than me! I could just pick you up if you tried to bully me! All the problems solved!
>>213721 I think I almost had it down to my shoulders once That was because I got lazy with it It's a shame guys don't look good with long hair because having it to play around with is fun
I'm going to have a lot to watch on Thursday evening/Friday.
I still neneed to wwatch the ffirst OVA and s2.
>>213754 Hey now, don't get your hopes up. I didn't say anything about a new season. Particular details have no actual information regarding what it is I think.
>>213756 S2 was pretty good. I don't think it was quite as funny as season 1 but still really good.
>>213773 Not sure I tried sleeping but had stayed up too late so I didnt have time to fall asleep before the dog wakes up and barks in the morning and that makes it even harder to sleep and then I have to get up before noon (today I had to get up at like 10:30 cause noon appointment) qnd then I take my meds four of which have insomnia as a side effect and then I can't fall asleep for like ten to fourteen hours after that so ill be in bed not being able to sleep so ill use my phone (this does not always happen) and just end up not being tired enough to fall asleep fast enough
Although some of my more recent sleep trouble may be due to anxiety about my new medicine costing $1100~ Although, incidentally it is supposed to fix my sleeping problems.
From the deep darkness of the waves, Rika Emerges!
Well, it actually costs like $1300~, but our incredibly generous and helpful health insurance company changed their mind from "won't cover it without a letter from the doctor" which is basically whay a prescription is in the first place to "we'll cover $200 ;)"
>>213786 Oh fuck I can't do the wink caret smiley because the caret symbol is the thing that gets parsed as "supertext starts here" DAMN YOU SAMURAAAAAAIIIIIIIIII
>>213801 I thought the only reason you didnt want to swim was because you'd have to take off your glasses, and that you don't feel safe without them (which isnt entirely unreasonable)?
Oh, I just pressed back on one of those credit card payment thingies that says don't press back. I hope that doesn't cause problems for me.
>>213801 I was saying that the water is bad for some of your components!
>>213805 this lady called panera saying that she refreshed the page you aren't supposed to refresh after going back to it she ended up with 4 pending charges to her account, each for 128 bucks
>>213806 I should be okay, my adblock was stopping the credit card site and I told adblock it was fine and it auto-refreshed once I approved the script. So it should have hit it only once, probably.
>>213808 Okay, then what about going snorkeling or scuba diving? Also if you have one of those things on you wont get chlorine water in your nose. >>213811 Rika is talking about your glasses being the primary reason you dont swim.
>>213811 its a gaymen laptop as you can see by the black and red
Oh I was worried he was doing screenshot. I have to work on photos of screens of excel spreadsheets from people who have no idea how to printscreen It is beyond annoying.
>>213814 Only a real gay man laptop would be as sleek and stylish as that one is. Have you had a chance to test out if it does the 4K upscaling stuff yet?
>>213826 I don't fucking know man but I'm not going to call it units because that shit's lame. I'll call it points until someone corrects me and then keep calling them points to spite them.
>>213827 It might be points, ill go look it up. Although you should know this since you are playing the game, generally people who play RPG know the rules. Maybe you should read them.
I just use the components I need and update them as they update. MPC-HC + Lav Filters + eh I will copy and paste: Filters currently loaded: - ReClock Audio Renderer - XySubFilter (=> madVR) - madVR - LAV Audio Decoder - LAV Video Decoder - LAV Splitter Source
>>213838 I don't have a Saori nendo yet but I will in 1-2 weeks!
>>213839 What shipping did you use? I wonder who will get their Saori first.
yeah they're background points you can use them to reason why your character would be able to do something Texas Ranger is actually a background called "Tracking" that I renamed for fun
I am sure there are people use CCCP because commie
>>213846 I haven't been playing the game though so why should I have read the rules.
Oh by everyone saying to use it I thought it had updated. It hasn't updated in a while
>>213849 Wait I might be mixing you up with someone else Are you or are you not the person who had a digital character sheet on their display in the pic posted earlier?
>>213872 There are some nice yuudachi figures but there won't be a yuudachi to go with that particular shigure. That outfit was a standalone one and yuudachi wasn't with her in the images.
>>213881 >>213882 That figure also came about because a sculptor saw the casual Shigure drawings and fell in love with it. Ichiso doesn't like drawing Yuudachi as much as he likes drawing Shigure.
Shimakaze is still hayai
>>213887 I wonder if WW2 historians ever google Japanese ships and wonder what's up with all the skimpily dressed anime girls >>213891 They're probably playing it themselves >>213889 Maybe some kids will be doing an english project about King Authur and refer to him as a female because they just copy pasted from the fate wiki
Raita should design a Kancolle. >>213888 I wonder if matter of france historians ever Google Astolfo and wonder whats up with this girl(male)?
>>213890 Yuudachi seems a bit old and busted in terms of popularity these days. Most of the Shiratsuyu focus seems to be on Shigure, Yamakaze, and Kawakaze.
my room is really bare, i don't have a bookcase
i say bare, but that's a negatively connotated word simple might be a better one >>213896 i read a lot, but not books, no also internet i just don't think money spent on books would provide much in the way of quality of life that's money i could spend on making memories when i can read so much for free
You're not really someone to buy a lot of books though, are you?
>>213913 You can sortie them, and you can put them as your secretary. When they are sortied they are just a little icon that shoots the enemy. When they are the secretary, you can poke them and you'll get one of like four voice lines.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Tabletop stuff
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>213915 ehhh if he got into it late then it's better that way because the game is utter shite now
>>213918 well i guess i'm saying the game but i'm not meaning it quite like that i guess i mean the fanworks surrounding the game more those are actually what got me into it but i can't watch the anime it makes me feel bad inside
>>213931 Yeah, that's true. Even though that's true, I'm happy that there is something still driving the popularity of the series. If it were left to the flash game I would be really worried. I'm happy that there's something keeping the franchise moving forward even if I can't play it.
>>213936 no i only play robotniks mean bean machine
why is warspite in a wheelchair
>>213935 Especially since Adobe is intending to completely phase out Flash by 2020. Not that Kancolle will probably exist in its current iteration or at all by 2020 but that does put a somewhat finite window on the Flash game's lifespan.
>>213947 My boats will forgive me! I got the app on my phone recently so I can do expeditions at work though. I think my resource income will still be bad though because I'm not doing weekly quests.
The quest interface is so bad, I think I would do weeklies if it wasn't such a pain.
Rika's boats, much like her Neopets, are dying from lack of attention
Masshu is really right up your alley, isn't she.
>>213954 Real talk Like I'm not even shitposting right now I have not heard anyone say that the Kancolle anime was good. I never saw it, so I can't know for sure, but no one I talk about anime with (aside from now) has said it was good.
>>213959 It's funny how many westerners found out about her recently
I was kind of aware of her for a while but I think I beat out the recent popularity rush. She's a good girl.
>>213960 I watched a few episodes of it because I thought the girls were cute and thought it had potential for some interesting action. It was shit. Every time I've seen Kancolle fans talk about it they said it was shit. Okay Kancollefags on this board, tell me, as honestly as you can, what would you rate the anime out of 10
I've got like six at most >Matthew I don't post this one because it's just pretty much butt Even though the butt is like 8% of the image, it's 50% of the image
>>213989 I really don't have that many at all. I haven't grabbed any of the r18 ones. I haven't even specifically searched for her ever. She was probably RT'd a lot by someone I followed and I pulled it that way
>>213990 Yeah but they also fucked with Arturia too didn't they. Not that Arthur really has any proper feminine parallel that I can recall off the top of my head. But they could at least go with the one they've called the character before.
I don't Fate anything. Not the games, anime, manga, VNs, LNs, etc I haven't looked into Prisma Ilya at all except for that one chapter that had that rewritten page saying I JUST REALLY LOVE SWORDS SO FUCKING MUCH oh two chapters, the one with uh... Pandora, I think?
>>214008 I generally don't touch things that originate from VNs. Not as a rule or anything. It just seems to happen. Like me not getting past half of umineko. >>214017 I've only played the Zero Escape series. And probably like one other thing.
>>214015 Do you play VNs? I won't spoil myself for anything that I want to play. so I can understand not touching anything so you don't spoil yourself when it comes to playing the VN.
I don't really care if you use play or read. but I probably over reacted to being asked if I had read tsukihime, It feels like being asked if i've read Actually I can't put into words.
Yes I have read Tsukihime. I've read the whole the Fate Series. and all the of the Type Moon visual novels Mahoutsuki no yoru included.
>>214040 People legit rremoved it from most of the cast members' wikipedia articles under their list of works
Well, you guys enjoy your VNs I'm going to... not enjoy your VNs.
>>214042 Ryuukishi might've exhausted his creative potential for sci-fi with that three-part VN he put out with Tanaka Romeo and another author a few years back. But who knows. I still want to read that VN though.
I don't see why it would be bootleg but it could be. I know it matches the contents of what is // Rather it would have to be non-bootleg if it was sold by mandarake.
I think. Mandarake are an official store after all