Isekai cellphone is so bad its good. Touken Ranbu is just soul-crushingly boring.
So which
let sdo
Uso Fate Tenshi Cafef >>212634 cellphone is like SAO but less edgy i hope it proves me wrong >>212634 fate 2nd i need to download it lets Uso
>>212630 I heavily beg to differ. It's not good at all. The plot is boring and inane. The main character is a shitty pile of wish-fulfillment. And all the female characters have the single defining factor of being shitty two-dimensional character arctypes.
>>212634 It's going straight into the garbage like it has since episode one.
The parents were going on about it being their first relationship so it's fine to be new to the whole thing. But it's also their only relationship too really.
Come to think of it, a program like this would be pretty offensive to the people in this world who are firmly and contently gay. The whole point of it is to reproduce after all.
I think it's fine if the computer finds a person who is well suited to you.
>>212655 That specific part isn't romantic in the slightest in my books. But the actual encounter might end up romantic if the particular personality aspects line up right.
can they decline the assignment?
I don't believe so. The project seems to be as much about fixing Japan's failing birth rates as it is a eugenics program. And going off and shagging whoever wouldn't contribute much to the eugenic advancement of society.
You people really don't fucking pay attention to anything do you.
>>212673 unless you get two gays and you pretend to be a happy couple but you're being gay
>>212675 The system is about fixing the declining Japanese birth rates though. So even if you were gay it would probably say "too fucking bad you gotta make babies".
I don't think so. Or well, doesn't at the moment. I get the feeling this guy is gonna have some kind of accord with Jeanne by the end of the series.
>>212684 I think there might be one or two others involved in F/GO but that might be wrong. I know there's multiple Avengers and Jeanne' D'ark is one of them. But her good version might be the only Ruler.
Berserkers are good Servants to steal. They never go down without a fight.
What's a Rider without his ride.
he's just an r
Cat-eared Atlanta is quite nice.
rip Saber
More like RIP Rider- Why did it burn two Command spells? I know commands the Servant is less inclined to obey can need additional spells to go through, but it looked like only one was burning before that blue-haired guy grabbed his hand.
>>212694 Yes Rika that is precisely what I said but doesn't actually answer anything.
Yeah, you have to burn two if you're trying to make them do something they really don't want to do.
Oh here's his ride.
Why do all these Greek/Macedonian Riders always get their rides in a lightning burst. Iskandar was the same way.
I wonder if this chubby Master is going to end up burning all his spells and falling prey to hubris.
>>212698 Black, right. Astolfo is getting a lot of focus in this series. I know he's pretty popular but even the animation they do for him is pretty nice.
blue rider is a good perosn
Doesn't having two full teams of seven Servants make it a fundamentally wrong way to begin with.
I guess the sister is going to be a part of the band at some point.
but it says 3P in the title
Feels weird to have her playing piano and have the band not having a pianist though. When you provide a square block and a square hole it feels weird to then not put them together.
that sound like OCD
That is nothing like OCD. Do you even know what OCD is.
of course not
cool poem bro
Japanese Bullying.
that's a fun thing on his wall
Yeah, an autographed Hendrix poster. Must cost an arm and a leg.
he could have saw her pantsu
Siblings end up seeing their sibling;s underwear all the time. You kind of just tune it out after a while.
>>212731 I think that's a risk she's willing to take.
can he not do this in a less criminal looking way
Calling out to her in the open seems like it should be the most reasonable way to do it. After all she should be able to affirm he's her brother if others get belligerent.
But yeah he could also just go to the school office or the teacher who should be around on duty or something.
I can't believe I missed out on the Nisaka is confirmed boy's love boy?
>>212761 I don't get why this is so surprising to people , he went in for a kiss on the MC when he was sleeping.
i still don't get how his cafe works out financially
>>212763 It runs during the week in the real world during normal hours and is probably successful. Then one night a week he gets a bunch of magical persons.
>>212762 I couldn't tell if he was actually going for that..maybe he was just getting a good look at him okay
>>212764 it so sucessful that he can run isekai at a complete loss? ah, having it be once a week is alright i guess
haha something is silly about a lizard man coming back like he's from a supermarket
>>212780 Pure copper and silver by the looks of it.
I like how grandiose they make the whole event. The door even has a fancy dais they built for it to appear on.
i wonder if you block the door from appearing or does it just move a bit
The lizardmen have this whole competition and culture of becoming the strongest warrior. And its culmination is getting food for the whole tribe.
If you think about it, it's not actually a stretch to make a parallel between that sort of culture and the real life tribal culture of honing your warrior spirit to be the best hunter for your tribe.
party omlets oh he can carry it on his tail and it's actual coins
>>212800 If you keep an ear on the dialogue it even calls it "shuraipu". There was an episode involving shrimp that kind of established the meaning of the word.
oh i guess this episode is 2 smaller stories this time >>212803 yeah i hear it constantly but i thought it was the japanese pronanciation
i wonder it there's more frauds like the merchant
Also the show has had a couple episodes of two half-episode stories instead of one longer piece before. I think episodes like this actually outnumber the ones that are just a single story.
How is that barbaric. Elves are so fucking weird.
i wonder if she can read maybe they are vegetarian?
>>212824 >>212824 Maybe it has to do with the fact that bread takes more preparation and industry than rice.
Well the bread he was serving was a sort of croissant-y kind of bread, right? That pretty much requires butter. And it's not like it's reasonable for him to make up a whole loaf of plain bread when it's faster and about the same presentation-wise as some rice.
maybe she dislikes bread
how does the door work it seems like once a week they just all appear at different places so there's multiple doors leading to the same place there's some issues with what happens if two are open at the same time and the issue how do you leave to the door you went in can't you use the restaraunt as a fast travel point or at least a post office
>>212828 At a certain time on Saturday, the doors appear all over this fantasy world and link up to his restaurant's indoors. It looks like despite timezone differences they appear at a set local time.
Also it's magic dude. They return to the door they entered by because it's magic. The restaurant has actually been used as a sort-of post office before though.
>>212829 it's magic is not a very satisfying explanation oh well
>>212836 I mean maybe the actual story is that the door returns you to where you want to return to. And since every assumes that a door you enter, when exited, will put you back in the spot you entered it from, they always end up in the same spot as they left.
i guess the samurai guy could try traveling then he seems to be aware of more than one door
Okay good. My Internet hiccuped and killed my post.
the ribbon on top is new i think? aoba should decorate her workspace a bit at some point
I think the girl in human form has a ribbon.
>>212874 Yeah you might be right. Still from a game design perspective it's a good move. From a bird's eye view the ribbon is probably an identified for the main character.
i meant the for the bear form don't really remember human form
Oh no Aoba is getting too enthusiastic.
haha kinda silly looking
Yeah, they should do maybe a fifth of the amount they've got going on there. Bears realistically don't have noticeably long hair like that.
oh no her enthusiasm is dying
Her smile and enthusiasm: gone
that looks high class
The crab makes it feel really fancy.
the fork style is kinda unusual as well
I see that design used a lot for cutlery in Japanese anime. I wonder if it's more commonplace than whole-metal utensils.
Hah hah Hifumi.
having hifumi of all people console you is kinda
Hifumi -is- a 3D veteran though. She might be a pile of social awkwardness but at least in that department it's smart to listen to her.
nene quest i like ahagon a lot
Hah hah hah. Even experienced programmers will make slip-ups.
Oh they show the heroine's ribbon there.
oh no she made it engineless
nene is a uni student right haha something satisfying about the bear burning bears
Yeah. She was Aoba's classmate in high school but Aoba got a job right out of school while Nene went to university.
Hakka Ahagon
oh is aoba also gonna grow up to be a person who works pantless
Probably not. She's a different kind of person from Kou.
Rubeeru Rubell? I don't know much about programming education but I figure that's supposed to be a nod or parody of a famous textbook.
How unoptimized is her code that she's getting lag like that.
Scheming Nenecchi
i'm kinda suprised nene doesn't show up much in the ending i guess they used mostly the workplace people bt i think nene gets more attention than some of them
Yeah it looks like it's the office workers. Nene starts working for Eagle Jump at some point but I don't know if it'll happen this season. Especially if they're working on Aoba and Kou's new game the whole season; it would be kind of weird for a game studio to bring on new programmers in the middle of a game development cycle.
Anyway thanks for watching with me.
is it weird? i think they have a second team that can work on another game? they are using unity it seems, so it would be a bit easier but still hard i guess to integrate new people
I mean think of it this way. You've got a pre-established game engine and frame of codework that's already been built up by the coders. The new hires would have to learn how that is functioning while integrating into the workplace and starting on their own contributions to the game.
I mean New Game does already play a bit fast and easy with the reality of workplace culture so yeah, it is still possible. From a real world standpoint it would be inefficient compared to bringing in a new programmer towards the end of or right before the start of a development cycle.