Thread #210320
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tonight's list: knights and magic bahamut princess principal cheer heroine fruits
new show called The Reflection came out too might be col
cool its some hero anime
nevermind it looks stupid i dont want tow atch it
It's one of those east west crossovers Stan Lee worked on it
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that was resolved quickly okay knights and magic! no everyone gets orange then I say let's go then we start the other two aren't paying attention at the moment>>210327 >>210327 okay everyone is ready let's start!
ready when y'all are
wait did we already start
>>210331 oh okay good I had a dumbdumb moment
Okay quick before my net throttles again and I lose my post.
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So far this is more about building robots than driving them.
wouldn't the weight of the robot have snapped that branch
I'm going to need a restart after the episode.
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okay, that's no problem!
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I dont understand this show
>>210351 what's not to understand
Ika just doesn't comprehend a man's romance.
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Ika is only interested in men's romance.
This girl has turned into a real shotacon.
>>210355 Too bad for her he's a robosexual
His previous life of working in a company environment probably helps with presentations like this.
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He broke that old man.
thanks for the anime
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Thanks for joining us. Tilde, let us know when you're done restarting.
the ending is not bad thanks for aniem maria
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okay bahamut! okay let's start!
Readt. Ready, even.
baha baha baha soru
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He's trying to sulk and everyone is just cutting up.
These angels aren't really good at independent thought.
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>That overly optimistic girl
Oh they at least gave Kaisa a sw- FAVAROOOO
Well okay.
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Everything is suddenly very intense.
Oh wow that was fancy.
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FAVAROOOOOOOOOO and Kaisar's missing hand.
I figured that was gonna be it.
FAVAROOOO finally got rid of that lame beard at least.
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Favaro's shenanigans are the best.
Nina you're not a dragon yet you don't have wings to flap.
So I guess you could say El is a fallen angel.
I guess this is where the angels dupe Jeanne and she goes holy righteousness.
I like the short tail off the poof that FAVAROOOO is sporting now. Or was that always there, I'm not actually certain.
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>When you know you're the most mature person in your entire squad despite having the body of a child
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She's probably the oldest too though. okay princess principal! okay let's start!
Azazel is a demon, there's no way of knowing how old he really is. But yeah out of all the "humans" she's probably the oldest.
principal princess
Obligatory I really dig this OP
Oh this is a very Kajiura Yuki sounding soundtrack piece. Come to think of it Kalafina isn't doing any songwork for this show despite Kajiura writing the OST for it. That's unusual.
Oh no the radio stole her voice.
Oh what the fuck.
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Is she a robot?
Probably more of a cyborg. I guess that's how she so perfectly changed her voice in the first episode.
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Yeah. I guess that's why Kirara was posting her.
Hah hah hah. The red-tipped ears was a nice touch.
Beato is a bit dumb though. I wonder if her robo voice lets her breathe naturally underwater.
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Does she need to breathe?
Looks like it. I wonder what the extent of her modifications are though. I guess it would make for a convenient plot device to not establish them and just bring up whatever when it's needed.
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Yeah, I imagine she'll be the asspull queen.
Man that's some real thunder sound effects.
for the queen
Pft, Beato almost got Ange killed because of physics.
>>210416 Though in honesty I kind of expect this vocal manipulation to be the extent of her powers. I'll be a little disappointed if she becomes a convenience dispenser.
This ED kind of reminds me of the first ED from Spice and Wolf.
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>>210420 I think she'll have a few more tricks up her sleeve. I think this episode established that she doesn't have superhuman strength or anything though.
She's also not super-heavy or anything or she would have doomed both her and Ange completely when she tried to ride the line. So whatever she's packing isn't enough to drastically offset her weight.
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okay cheer fruits Ika, are you still with us? You've been quiet. okay orange for cheer frutis okay let's start!
yeah i am alive
All right.
>Translation notes in CrunchyRoll productions I feel this is a bit of a coming full circle.
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Probably a sign that whoever is translating this really likes it.
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I guess this ohohoho will also play bad guys.
We've been seeing such since the OP has been playing, so yeah.
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I don't pay attention to things until I have a reason to.
What a dull life you must lead.
She just goes around with her leotard under her school uniform huh.
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I like this ohohoho. She has a bad personality.
Oh there's the Kemono Friends reference. I guess with the kind of impact it had in Japan, references like this are gonna show up a lot for a while.
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An-chan has some really strong baka power.
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Wow, this spot is even better than the one they had. Well, except that it's outside I guess.
The costumes are getting pretty good. I wonder when they're going to move on to their unique characters.
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That train depot is a pretty scenic place. Maybe living in a train isn't so bad.
I bet it would get cold during the winter. Trains aren't exactly built super insulated after all.
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It's small though, so it would be cheap to heat. You could turn the heater on full blast.
I suppose. It might even be cozy if you can get a strong enough heater.
And here comes the flood.
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Wow, they're doing it in the rain.
Oh that's some good improv on red's part though.
Pft, the ojou is getting caught up in the show.
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A train depot is a pretty good place for this kind of thing. well, I guess it's dangerous to have kids near trains though.
Once you get two proper gymnasts on the stage I guess things get nice and flashy.
thats rika
Hah hah hah. They got a cease and desist.
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>>210479 muramura?
I guess this is where they start brainstorming their own sentai team since they can't copy the other one anymore.
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Yeah, they need to get their own characters.
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thanks for anime!