>>210985 fenrir sutr just missing jormugandr also wobder how they deal with the whole, loki is father of hela deal sonxe marvel does have that as canon too *since
>>210990 I've seen some discussion that she might get merged in with the actual character of Death in the MCU, since Thanos has a hard-on for Death and having a Goddess of Death and an actual Death might get a bit clunky for the average movie-goer.
>>210995 Deadpool probably won't be in Infinity War but I wouldn't be surprised if they make nods towards Hela and him in future movies if the characters continue to persist in the MCU.
>>210994 that would make sense soo what about deadpool then? >deadpool is in avengers 3
this actually happens a lot
>>210994 yeah but is just the >death loves dp >thanos curses dp with immortality
>>211013 yo whadja get at the taco hut i've been thinkin about it since you mentioned it but the closest one aint that close
Some times I wish my desk lamp worked a little more often than it does. My room light doesn't really cast light on my desk well enough for non-computer work.
One like this. Clutter is a war I'm eternally fighting an unwinnable war against.
wow you've got a fuckin studio mic in there i'm envious i want a corner desk i've got basically an apothecary cabinet with the top drawer having a thing i can use to rest the keyboard and mouse on i see hairbands motherfucker how long is that tail
It was on sale on Amazon back when I had that bank job that paid nicely. Right about the same time my headset was going bust.
Pretty long. I trimmed ten centimetres off back about when summer was really kicking in but it's still long enough to reach my shoulders. Well when untied at least. When I put my hair back it's more of a poofball than an actual ponytail because my hair doesn't fall straight.
you even have room to write on your desk i'm fuckin jelly i don't even have a surface to write on in this house haha what's the ornate black thing by the window? that's purdy
>>211022 when i went to hang with charlie, schwenk, and indie, i had a 14 inch tail that's after the band, just the tail but i shaved it all
>>211023 It's a vase or some kind of ceramic in the same shape. I don't know where my mother got it but she passed it off to me saying something along the lines of "you can use it to keep pens in. But if I put pens in that there's no way I'll know what I'm fishing out until I've pulled it out of the vase. That doesn't seem very efficient to me.
So I just keep it around because you're right, it is purdy.
what kinda pen you got there do you have a nice fountain pen
Lots. I buy in bulk because economics.
>>211026 I've got a cheapish but decent fountain pen. It doesn't really work well with the paper in this notebook I'm using right now though, so I'm writing with a fine-point Sharpie pen. It actually flows really smoothly and the ink doesn't bleed through the paper so it's nice for writing.
I've also got some Uni-ball super fine-point pens that are great for writing on smaller margins than a standard notebook. And some Staedtler rollerballs that are a bit bolder and have thicker ink but are nice too.
>>211028 I would appreciate gifts like that, honestly. I've looked at fountain pens before but they're kind of pricey even if they're nice to write with. The one I got is functional but definitely kind of cheap.
>>211033 I've used erasable ink pens before and I can't say I like them. If I was really so bothered by errors and mess I'd write in pencil. And I do for stuff that often involves retreading work regularly. But writing is nicer with pens because once you work up a rhythm the speed gets really fast.
>>211030 oh wait there's a JFK in new york too wow haha
>>211034 i'm a fuckin sperg about fountain pens some people fancy luxury cars i fancy luxury pens plus, the really good ones, you keep that in your suit pocket and pull it out at professional settings and look so dang sharp
at the very least use whiteout fuckin erasable pens
pens are for men who don't bother looking back
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
just cross that shit out that's what we do in the database delete data? nah too much effort
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>211041 this is what i do tbh i always say i gotta get whiteout and never do
i actually use the // in writing too it's really efficient i can rewrite it if i need to it takes like a minute and a half to rewrite a page
So much of my early writing draft is filled with etched-out words and some times entire lines. Heck I've scribbled across entire paragraphs when I've realized how dumb the content begins to sound.
>>211045 I tend to use a lot of the space in my writing notebooks. I stand by that having huge sections that are scribbled over or crossed out is an important part of the creation process. Being able to see the parts where you ended up dissatisfied or writing objectively poor writing is useful in affirming what makes actually good writing.
It's like how printing out a physical copy of a draft and editing over the paper in red pen is far more productive than just reading over the digital version on the screen.
>>211034 which is why i use erasable pens i hate not using 100% space in my notebooks
i wonder if my line preference for boardposting stems from my math-writing i've always been really diligent about expanding each step out line-by-line and not concealing any details
from fountains to wives, heard of wifecarrying, moe? and ever heard of a contest done near you?
7 hour flight across the country should I.. slep? cod? drin? watc movi?
>>211047 no, but that reminds me i have a soundclip that i guess comes from a porn video, a soundclip that a friend sent me of a wedding and there's like an announcer saying "Now even the priest is getting involved! he can't fuck women because of his vows, so he's fucking the wedding cake!"
i dont know why but it kills me
>>211048 Never. I don't post personal stuff in high-traffic public areas like 4chan.
>>211053 Probably because I posted this photo to /moe/ a couple weeks back after I had finished cleaning and rearranging the desk a bit.
i can't tell, is that the sennheiser logo? those look fuckin lit man you have a fucking rig there and i'm very envious sennheiser is my shit they're the only brand i'd spend serious dollars on
Yeah they're Senns. HD 598.
>>211055 I got these for sale too. The mic and the headphones were picked up for the same reason, my previously failing headset. The headphones are super comfy and have great sound quality, but I goofed up and got the version that only comes with the absurdly long cable wire. I had to loop it up a few times and twist-tie it so that it doesn't trail all over the floor.
On the other hand if I'd gotten the model that does comes with a shorter cable I wouldn't have been able to get the nice colours these ones have, since the other model was the black ones.
klipsch is a good brand too
>>211056 i have a $300 pair of wireless sennheisers but the fu-- oh no they're not sennheisers no wonder they fuckin broke they were... astro? a50s it was good but they were so fucked up
I've stuck with Sennheiser headphones since high school. The semi-cheap models aren't really durable, especially back then when the cable was permanently connected to the headphones. I burned through something like three sets because I was pretty active and kept fucking up the part where the cable joins the headphones.
More modern models have detachable cables, which is nice since modular parts are easier to replace than entire sets.
headphones are something i'll happily spend three figures on but i expect them to last a long time if so
I'm a bit picky with my headphones though, I don't really like that smooth plastic, almost fake-leather texture a lot of high quality headphones come with. I like the soft fuzzy coverings. It's hard to find higher-quality headphones that use it, so I was excited to see these Senns with it.
yeah same especially with my job, i'll use the headphones for 12 hours straight and then use them for relaxation afterwards shit that gets too hot or makes your ears hurt over time or that "droop", if you know what i mean i can't do it i can work with them for a day in a pinch but i need the real deal if i actually want to be productive
I feel they're a little more firm than the fuzzy covers, which might be a plus to people. But it pinches the tips of my ears and constantly pushes against the side of my head. After long-term usage it starts to get really uncomfortable for me.
yeah it does, and it sucks and the worst issue i have is shorter/badly designed cords i hate the cords that are extra firm and you're already trying to use other cords and they yank or just get in the way of your arms while you're typing sennheiser has some nice soft cords that kind of fall like string or yarn would and not just be awkward as fuck all day long
Like I said the model I've got has a jack on the side of the headphones you can just plug the cable right into. So if it's too short or too long for you it's easy to get a different size that accommodates you better. Next time I've got a bit of disposable income I plan on getting the smaller cord too, so I can stop having all this extra cable laying about.
>>211068 Not natively, but I guess Sennheiser might have a dongle you can plug in to set it up.
does ut work wirelessly also?
>>211067 do you know how to play mahjong? i can't remember
>>211069 No clue. It's been something I wanted to learn in the past but I never got around to looking up how to.
>>211070 every 10 mins and in both ways so a doubleshot 5.30 to 24
is curious it isn't a 24h train, sibce it goes all the way to the airport
Airports may be open 24/7 but they don't receive/fly out planes for that full period. If there's a sufficient lack of traffic then there's no sense to get a driver for the train.
>>211074 Our main airport has a bus shuttle that runs from a subway station on express to all three terminals but that bus doesn't run all night.
>>211073 there are enough night traffic *is it is our main airport afterall
everyine thinls it is because of taxi union lobbying, but there is no proof
>>211073 there are also about 10 bys routes to the a-p, but those are mainly for employeed
So the insurance bullshit seemingly got worked out for my new medicine. Because they said theyd cover it. But the copay is $1100~, which is $200 less than the price without insurance.
>>211015 beef quesarito without sour cream, a beefy nacho griller, and nachos with cheese
>>211078 you don't like sour cream? man you wack that's the best part
>>211077 what did you fuckin get a provigil prescription or something
>>211081 >>211083 An anti-psychotic that has off label uses for regular depression. Err, it also is prescribed for bipolar depression (which I don't have).
>>210988 The admin accidentally deleted the DB Should be back soon
>>211084 that sucks dude ive been thinking about getting on lithium but i don't think it's nearly that expensive
>>211086 I have a friend whose memory got fucked up cause his doctor prescribed too high a dose of lithium. Well, more like former friend. We dont really interact anymore.
>>211087 my memory's pretty fucked up too it sounds chuuni but i literally forget who i am sometimes it's not that bad though it doesn't really cause a bother
>>211088 Don't think so. Is that a depression treatment? Cause I'm not psychotic, it just so happens that my Psychiatrist thinks this med will help.
>>211090 Yeah. It uses magneticism to stimulate regions of the brain. It's a relatively newer procedure but there's a pretty big body of literature on it already and it's accepted to have the same efficacy as other treatments (works about 70% of the time)
I've been on an antipsychotic before. I was on Seroquil for anxiety when I was in middle school.
>>211092 I'll look into it. It sounds familiar, I might have read something about someone building their own rig for it in a diy newsblog or something.
>>211092 can i ask your psychological advice and input
so, i really need to start seeing someone again and getting my meds i played my hand at trying to function without, and it was a noble journey but i'm not ready for it yet do you think i should go see my old psychiatrist (assuming she accepts my appointment request) or see a new doctor who might have keener insight like i wonder if my old psych was kind of stuck in the past she was like 60 years old and the kind of condition i have was viewed very differently back then than now i know doctors have to work hard to stay ontop of advancements and things but 30 years in practice actually goes pretty quick and when you've done something the same way for like 98% of your patient population, you don't just up and stop because you get another patient in who has some opinion that they're somehow different than the rest of the patient population when they seem exactly the same to you
you know what i mean but she cared a lot too so i dunno whether to go for consistency or a second opinion
I think it depends a little on your needs, but I feel like going to the old one first is probably better. She knows you so she'll be more willing to prescribe for you so that you can, at the absolute least, get yourself where you need to be
But you should try to talk to her about potential alternatives to what you've been doing as well And if she says there's nothing else to try, maybe get a second opinion at that point
I feel like familiarity between a person and a psychiatrist is hard to build so I'm reluctant to suggest trying a new one outright usually
>>211098 Since benzos are schedule iv drugs, if you don't go to your appointments, the psychiatrist is required by federal law to stop the prescriptions So she may have done it without wanting to
i'm technically a noncompliant patient for moving to tennessee and cancelling my appointments, too
Huh, I don't think my insurance will cover TMS.
>>211095 she cut my lorazepam prescription while i was in tennessee i don't know if it was her decision or something else but that fucked me up so bad i think i probably had a stroke
Microsoft is finally discontinuing MS Paint after thirty-two years of the software's life.
>>211095 man the protocol is so fucked up she originally gave me ritalin -- okay, fine, that's great. ritalin helped me a lot at first, but then my dad died and i got too depressed to make calls or go to appointments i got a new appointment a year and a half later and we looked at what i was on before, and suggested i try adderall, so i did but according to medical health records, that now indicates that ritalin was a FAILED DRUG and to move on to a different medication and at that point i can't say that i thought ritalin helped me more than adderall, and that adderall gave me depersonalization issues so then the record shows that ritalin was a failed first-line treatment and i was noncompliant with adderall because i only took it when i really needed it instead of twice a day daily
and that all fuckin shows up i hate EMR so much it's such a heaping pile of shit on both ends the doctors hate it just as much as me but they have legal compliance issues on their end fuck thieving parroting puppet scoundrel lowly scum of the eart rotten worst deadly gangster court judge legal bastardization fetishist pieces of shit
>>211101 The software is being succeeded by Paint 3D however, so it's not like Microsoft is no longer incorporating image-editing and drawing software into their standard package. There just won't be an MS Paint anymore to claim a piece of work took you "five minutes in MS Paint".
>>211102 I still use Win7 though, so I'll have my "five minutes in MS Paint" for the foreseeable future.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>211100 i'd definitely say go for the old doctor first then sounds like going to a new one would be pretty difficult to make it work
the legal shit around it really fucks so many people over it's insane
>>211104 i don't even have insurance it's all so fucked up man i have to pay $560 in taxes, like 51 dollars a month for the 11 months i didn't have health insurance because i couldn't afford health insurance what is this shit how is this a thing
i asked her one time about DID or maybe some other disorder because i was having those dissociative fugue states where i'd just black out and come to ttwo days later in the middle of shit and she just scoffed at me for it like "you don't have dissociation disorders you were probably just stressed out" which i can't blame her, people always be comin in with stupid ass stories but like man it wasn't helpful or supportive
Yeah, it's really easy for psychs to fall into a copypasta mindset where they're like no no ive see this before i already know what's going on
Hrrm So my insurance probably wouldnt cover TMS for depression, but the hospital my psych is associated with is one of the sites where the big study on it was carried out, and ive been in some studies there, so i might be able to pull some strings and get it at a discount.
>>211108 That'd be pretty cool. I hope that pans out.
I don't know anyone that's undergone TMS but the studies do look promising.
>>211107 i mentioned to her that my dad had suffered schizophrenia in his early 20s after release from the navy but i didn't have that on my initial patient intake thing and so i think she thinks i'm just a compulsive liar i had tried to explain the situation with my mom and she kind of stopped being a good doctor around that point either because she realized my mom was an opioid addict and classed me as the same or she thought that the stories i was telling were so fuckin out there that nobody would actually be like that fuck dude >>211111 boop nice quints where'd you find em
Now I just need /moe/ to make a tonne of posts so I can get 2111112 and make some snarky comment about needing six successive identical digits when instead you could have a palindromic number.
>>211110 people get so closed minded when they think they have a lot of experience sometimes it's a fuckin shame idk how people can live like that if i had tons of experience and encountered something new or unusual i'd be interested in actually finding out, i'd want it to be real because that's interesting
if you get shit like that and just dismiss it as unlikely and therefore not true, you gotta be so boring as a person
>>211115 it's not just the experience, but the change like she was practicing in the early 80s you can't look at what successful treatment of patients was in the 80s and compare it to now
Seeing the detailed breakdowns for anime or manga feels interesting. Like https://www.gwern.net/Death%20Note%20Anonymity I kinda want to do something like that one day.
>>211123 It is I really like it, It was when a typhoon whipped through. Soemone i follow on Twitter. Posted it.
>>211122 That's a really good picture. I love slightly flooded places.
>>211122 I read about half that essay before I really like seeing people do super detailed analysis like that
Light was such a dumbass
Ah, I remember it was posted with "Japan's Amazon River" as a caption. I looks beautifully green though.
I feel like it was meant to Light's character anyway, he was so egoistical and had presumption that he was so intelligent that he could get away with what he was doing. If he didn't have a god complex I bet he could have done a lot more but I bet the series would have become either really boring or very slow paced.
>>211132 Early mechanisms would have made capitalization in typewriters annoying to work. And you'd have less metal bits for a printing press if you only wrote in all caps.
>>211135 That's kind of the asshole patronizing way of putting it.
>>211134 Same reason people still say "I'm hanging up" when on the phone despite hanging not really being a part of phone calling anymore. Comfort and tradition preference get in the way of absolute logic and reason quite often.
>>211136 I think of it as more of an "over simplified succinct" way of putting it. I do understand that "not everyone who makes a decision that may later be considered to be a poor decision is stupid". But sometimes oversimplifying things is okay.
>>211137 The reason it's the asshole patronizing way of putting it isn't focusing the fact that you oversimplified it but because you picked the word that makes the biggest emphatic splash.
Wow you got to complete your sentence moon.
yeah have you ever read i've done it once or twice it's kind of fun
Never heard of a book with that title?
no i just mean if you've ever read
>>211142 I'll make an attempt to not do that in the future. Thank you for the feedback.
I know I was messing with you. A poor attempt at it.
>>211148 hey i'm making some chicken quesadillas with queso cheese and refried beans and salsa and sour cream you wanna come over? i don't have to work until morning, we can put on a movie and put some brownies in the oven
>>211139 Rotary phones are fucking awesome. Also I have a touchtone phone that needs to be hung up in order to end the call. Its not currently hooked up though.
Kannagi what would you call a little pamphlet that contains the arrival times of a train you're riding?
I think there's a different, slightly more old-fashioned name for them I've been seeing in Agatha Christie novels and I really liked the word. But it's not coming to me. Guess I need to go do some research.
>>211152 they're homemade tortillas i've got pickled radishes and squash on the side with some sweet rice we can actually make some omusubi together if you wanna help me do the prep
Oh it was A.B.C. That doesn't quite work in the setting I've got so I'll use timetable.
>>211159 Well the pamphlet was called an A.B.C., which is where the name of the book comes from. Since the murders followed the pattern of A. from the stop in the town starting with A, B. from the stop in the town starting with B, and etc.
>>211157 i just miss having someone to cook for cooking for one's self isn't as satisfying so i just say it out loud here on /moe/ and enjoy the idea of it
i still havn~t seen the final poirot film >hollywood poirot eugj why did i remember that
>>211158 Yeah I know, I'm a big fan of Poirot. I really love david suchets Poirot.
The little grey cells! >>211163 They quite fun, I love murder mysterious like agatha Christies. Sherlock holmes novellas were good too.
I've been slowly working my way through Christie's novels over the years. In particular I've been reading the Poirot novels in order of publication. I'm down to Murder in the Clouds by now.
>>211162 he is so good actor shame marple didn't have one good actor portraying her in all movies well >old actors
I love murder mystery TV series like Murder She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder, Poirot, Miss marple. etc
>>211162 The biggest difference between mysteries like what Christie wrote and Sherlock was that in Sherlock, it felt more like we were just along for the ride as Sherlock gallantly charged headfirst into the mystery. The focus of his stories was the thrill and suspense. Where as Christie wrote her mysteries more like a puzzle with a definite chance for reader to match the pace of the detective. Though most of them also definitely keep up engaging writing all the same. I prefer the latter by far.
>>211167 you can afterall deduce the culprit in almost evert'y story
And even if you didn't, you can trace back through the book and see where all the hints and subtle tells were. Where as Sherlock, as he's rather infamous for, could uncover some crucial detail revealing the culprit by a type of mud under a person's boot. But the reader wouldn't realize this until Sherlock has already confronted the murderer.
but i love the most when he gathers everyone into obe room and grills them all, before revealing the real culprit
>>211175 I don't think a lot of people know about the Cadfael books. >>211179 I've been working through them after I was handed the fourth one, the one about the potter's field, a few years back.
It had a tv series for a short while which I watched when I was very young. which got me into the books. >>211176 Wow you are a good person. It is so good.
hmm what was that one mystery animu i wonder have nope i still remember it perfectly save for what ut was called
I wanted to watch it from episode one but the release schedule of the subbed episodes was all over the place. By the time there was something to watch I'd already forgotten about it. Maybe I should go hunt down a torrent of it and watch it some time.
I actually didn't mind Gosick and Dantalian no Shoka
I liked GOSICK's stories. They had a nice feel to a lot of them, even if there wasn't really any mystery-solving to be done. The ending of the series was kind of messy in my opinion though. I understand what happened but it was kind of this huge rush of events all at once and it was hard to process them all.
Apparently there's a new series of GOSICK novels with their descendant in New York. I wonder if that'll ever get traction.
I watched them // Gosick and Dantalian when their aired. they aired pretty close, like one season after another.
I couldn't finish Gosick cause the mc was too much of a beta ...
>>211190 oh they are both good, but just don~t really carry the kind of "viewer"' can participate" that i demand from my mysteries
>>211192 I really like the Dantalian OP too, but the full version is really funny to me. In the middle of it Daisuke Ono launches into a monologue in his character's role. Like just give me an extended version of the song, Ono's got a nice voice but it's not what I want from the track.
All of GOSICK's OPs and EDs were pretty nice in my book. I think that series was also one of -was about the time that LiSA's anisong career was really kicking off. At the least it's the first series I remember her doing songs for.
i generally like shows with victorian or georgian aestheticd's
>>211192 this reminded me i never did the "watch with dutch and ecplain all occult/mysticism references" thing i doubt i could even anymore from my memory havn~t been into occult and mystic stuff in a long while wel rather, havn't read about it. i have never believed in occult, i just find it fascinating, especially the larger than life characters tjat pop up
There are whole bunch, it part of what made the show pretty interesting.
Nijuu menso is a fun anime too. Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace was also a lot of fun
Conan is great in sense of all those classical style shows like Ranma1/2
Kaitou Kid was fun too
conan was fun for a while but... it is even more status quo is god than rumiko takeshi's romcoms
Conan feels like the kind of series that needs a highlights reel of particularly good/important arcs.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ein_Fall_für_zwei this was good one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Old_Fox and this
i have been long intending to watch those swedish detective movies, but just never have started
>>211210 Edogawa Ranpo, right? I've been thinking of working through a couple of the classic Japanese authors lately, but my reading list is still pretty sizable on Western literature already.
Edogawa Ranpo still has one of the most clever pen names I've ever seen. Like fuck I'm jealous how good it is.
>>>/watch?v=r-McmgQbee0 Kurosawa has some really good advice on the creative process. He was directing it more specifically toward aspiring filmmakers but a lot the advice is applicable to all creators. Especially where he complains about youth these days not being particularly well-read. He talks about how none of them (probably specifically Japanese here) have ever read Russian literature, no Russian literary classics. You need material in your head to be able to create, and the only way you get that material is by having life experiences, or being well-read.
And I mean after all, I sure ain't familiar with Russian literature either. I don't think many people in my generation, outside of Russia and probably eastern Europe, are familiar with Russian literature.
Granted there's probably already a vast number of Russians that aren't familiar with Russian literature, but that's part of the problem in itself too.
i'd recommend satan arrives in moscow or whatever its title, that is its finnish one translated
Oh I've actually read The Master and Margarite. Margarita even. It was part of a...some university course I took a bit. It's a really fun book to read, once all the activity kicks in and chaos properly ensues.
>>211231 I'll keep it in mind. There's a lot of books I some times see at the bookstore but don't have the freedom or funds to buy at the time. I'll look out for it next time I'm there.
i have eight beers left out of a 30 pack that i bought last night i don't think this is okay
That is a particularly fast pace to be working through beers. It also means the pack won't last 'till morning which means restocking won't be easy.
it's one and a half beers an hour
>>211235 my mornings are like 1am so it probably will
Oh yeah I wasn't taking sleep into account.
DangaRonpa was a fun PSP game but anime wasn't as good and the fandom exploded.
I watched the prequel anime for that franchise with Rika and Ika while it was airing. Avoided the sequel anime that wraps up the plot of the first two games though since I haven't played either. I'll probably get around to it some day.
>>211239 green bean casserole or tuna noodle casserole
That is tricky Hm, I wouldn't mind tuna noodle to be honest.
>>211240 It really fun to play the game. before all the spoilers got everywhere. I really hate when spoilers are unavoidable There is a fun experience of playing something and building up with the tension to whatever end. without knowing where it is going.
I loved G-Senjou no Maou and I'm glad I didn't get spoiled about it.
What I need is an inverse dictionary. Something that helps me find an appropriate word by inputting a definition.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
something like google
Tried Google, didn't help.
I'm pretty sure there's a word for when it's difficult to draw conclusions on something because you are too far removed from the topic you are trying to draw conclusions on. But I can't remember the word or phrase.
Hm, I'm thinking more like, trying to observe an astronomical phenomenon. But you can't draw conclusions on what's actually happening, because you are too far away from the phenomenon and your instruments can't relay sufficient information to form an understanding.
>These Biocosmist-Immortalists, as they were known, believed that socialist scientists, freed from the constraints of the capitalist profit motive, would discover how to abolish death and bring back their comrades. Lenin’s corpse remains preserved for the occasion.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like you have a correlation but you can't show causation?
You've heard of socialism You've heard of communism You've even heard of FULL COMMUNISM
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>They also help maintain the preserved bodies of three other national leaders: the Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh and the North Korean father–son duo of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il, respectively. what's lenin gonna do when he wakes up and sees people calling the kims commies
He'll be upset about their methods but ultimately happy about their anti-imperialism
Another way I'd put it is being too far removed from the subject matter. But I feel there is another way of phrasing or wording it and it's bugging me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like all you can do is make inferences
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
idk of a good word for what you mean
Well if it's too obscure a phrase that's probably a bad choice anyway.
My Fitbit says only 3500 steps, 53 minutes of active time, and 10 floors of stairs. 2.41km walked over the course of the day.
This is just me in my own home. It's just hard for me to understand what someone's lifestyle has to be like to need to reduce calories.
>>211283 I walk around and go up and down the stairs frequently. I pace around and talk. If I'm in my study and I need something, I have to walk downstairs and around the house to get it, too.
>>211282 how did you walk 2.41 km in your own home
You Rock and Roll You are a lot more active than me to be honest. I'm sitting down a whole lot and haven't had exercise in ages so my metabolism very suggish *sluggish
Kirara I want you to understand something I drive to work I then sit in a chair for about 8.5 hours not including walking the maybe 50 feet to the break room where I proceed to sit. I then come home And sit in a fucking chair If you amnage to walk 2 kilometers IN YOUR OWN HOME you are NOT inactive. I envy your metabolism
Well, I didn't know I was walking that much in my own home. You guys probably walk a lot in your home but don't have a tracker telling you how much you do.
>>211291 10 floors over the course of the day, not all at once.
I need to do exercise like something I can do at home. that won't be too difficult for someone so out of touch with exercise, I am super inflexible. and probably can barely do a push up
One thing you can maybe do is find a cardboard box and fill it with things of weight. Just fill it with as much as you can lift, and then lift that up and down. It's like having lifting weights, only super ghetto and using stuff you already have.
Also there's half-pushups you can do, using your knees to pivot on instead of your toes like a full push-up. They're far easier to pull off than normal ones, and you can use them to build core muscles so you can transition into proper ones.
Each one tick is like going up or down So I went upstairs before 6, came down after 6, went back up around 8, went back down at 8, etc I think it's missing one or two times I used the stairs
>>211292 depends on size of house i can say that walking past even 500m when just crsscrossing between bathroom kitxhen and occasionally pacing in a small onefloor apartment is quite a feat
My flat is super small. and I'm not a very big mover, I sit down. I do wiggle my feet a bit
I think you are just very healthy. I'm terrible. I slouch, miss breakfast, go with out a lot of sleep. barely exercise
I tend to fidget a lot even when I'm sitting down. Like my feet are perpetually tapping or drumming. Or swinging in the air if I'm sitting in a way that makes them stop touching the ground.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>211306 huh about 2000 steps is a mile and 2.4km is 1.4 miles
tell me how did you check and measure if it is accurate
I'm going to use my weedly arms to lifts some weights a 100 times.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>211312 because my phone measures steps seperately with a different program and lists 2275 steps for today, but i don't carry my phone around all the time when i walk the days before my fitbit in my phone are between 1800 steps and 2400 steps considering that i don't always carry my phone around while walking, i'd say it's safe to assume that the fitbit has accurately recorded my steps, more or less
but i always do wonder when they start recording steps, say how does it measure it while eslking hands in pocket
i once got 200 steps while driving apparently i got pissed off emough for the watch to think i was active
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>211315 uses a combo of movement and GPS if it's connected to your phone
hoovering btw fucks it up
well your thing might be more accurate since it is designed pnly for fittrack
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it might confuse movement like hoovering for walking but the movement in hoovering is more or less as energy consuming as walking, probably a little more, so it's probably fine
It doesn't take much to do >>211309 1.4 miles I've had devices say similar to what Kirara is saying
>>211319 yeah hooverimg a house does still make you take quite many steps
but atleast on my eatch, if it says 10k steps, i doubt i have walked much more than 5km
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently this fitbit underestimates distances fairly often too hmm
i can't imagine i did more than 3500 steps so far today though
I remember the Pokemon Go app was really wonky some times with distance measuring if you kept to retreading fairly small areas. It might just be a common problem with devices that use cross-referencing between a pedometer and GPS to measure distance moved.
My heart beat is super low. my doctor used to joke that was dead
*that I was
That is some calorie loss considering you didn't do any exercise? I need to make my days more active but it kind of hard when I work in the middle of nowhere and I get delivered from my door to work and from work to my door and then sit in my room for the rest of the time
>>211330 I guess it depends on what you consider exercise but I didn't like, engage in any explicit exercise activities.
Also, I burn more calories doing normal things due to my tachycardia because my heart has to /// heart works harder. You'll notice that it says exercise zones 3hr 41minutes. That means my cardiovascular system was working as if I were exercising for 3hrs and 41 minutes today even while I wasn't really doing anything. When I'm in that "exercise zone", I also burn calories more quickly.
i don't really count fittracks a good way to measure how much you exervise, but rather a good way to remind yourself to move a lil by showing how little ypu have on that day
>>211330 The average adult male needs ~1800 calories a day to have the energy needed to get through a normal day. Not that averages like that should be taken as scripture since each person has a unique body and a unique set of activities they do to get through the day, but you have to remember the body is perpetually burning calories just to do basic functions like organ processes and thinking. Burning calories is also how your body maintains its temperature.
>>211336 It calculates it using data I input for my bodytype, metabolism, etc compared with aggregate data from everyone's exercise and stuff It uses those together to come up with an estimation of how many calories I'm burning when I'm doing things
According to my fitbit, at least That's how it says it does it
Fitbit is fairly pricey, Would be neato to have though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
This one is a Fitbit Charge 2 I don't really know about pricings I got it as a gift yesterday
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Apparently I can get a medical plate for it too Which is good because if I got hurt and went to the hospital, my vitals won't come back normal due to my heart conditions I'm weird on EKGs under normal circumstances
I have a bike that can measure my pulse while I'm using it. It is pretty good
Medication that lowers my heartrate, actually. Although it's starting to wear off around now.
My heartrate fluctuates wildly through the day due to my heart conditions. My heart medication lowers it considerably, though.
>>211344 My pulse was like 86bpm when I measured it last night. Though my pulse is also really weak unless I'm worked up a bit and it gets really hard to actually feel properly.
The Fitibit also has a fair bit of field testing by now too. Sure, the device and its software will likely be best applied to people who fall more in-line with normal human bodies, but there's enough people with abnormal conditions out there that it ought to be able to take some weirdness into account and still produce reliable data.
the road warrior is back i bet the cops join the party soon thankfully i wasn't asleep when this is happening i'd be reaaally pissed off
What exercise can you do at your desk without looking like you are slacking off at work?
holy shit i googled excercise ball workout desk to see how much exercise it is and google offered me a video and "suggested clip: 19 seconds: and it highlighted part of the video so i don't have to watch the entire video
>>211384 You might be mistaking me for someone else. I only have three images of her, and one I posted as a spoiler, and the other, I posted for a joke.
Maybe I am just imagining things then. Sometimes I can see the inner workings of the universe so sometimes I make connections that other people can't see.
>>211390 Wow, you don't like her? I Think she's a cute little robot chipmunk. I'd kidnap her and take her home. I think she's my second favorite, hime is my first.
>>211392 She might grow on me, but she hasn't really impressed me, yet. Although I guess it'd be more accurate to say she's my second least favorite. Ange is my least favorite.
>>211395 I want to do some games but my computer likes to // graphics card likes to crash spontaneously and I don't know what will or won't trigger it sometimes. And then there's several 3ds things I either want to redo but that would not clear my backlog, or I've lost interest in for the time being. And then there's being productive in grind games I guess but that doesn't really do anything. So I just end up sitting here debating what I want to do until I run out of time.
Note that this note is written by Ange but signed 'yours truly, Charlotte'
>>211397 Try find games that don't need high graphics I decided to replay Yume Nikki a few days ago. I get bored a fair bit. So I try to find things but often enough I just sit trying to figure out what it is I want to do
>>211402 Yeah, but the premise of the show is that everything is a lie, so it's pointless to actually consider it. It wouldn't be very in-character for her to just expose it like that so easily.
>>211403 Skyrim runs fine on my laptop yet it manages to do it on this big boy now. I have to wonder if it's something else that triggers it, but sometimes the graphics card will just keel over even when I'm not games. Very very rarely, usually after resetting as a result of it crashing from something else.
>>211405 Perhaps, but at the end of that episode, the Princess welcomes her back, rather heartfelt too, as Charlotte. It's possible there's been a swap going on longer than the series more obviously lets on.
>>211407 Sure, but that would just be a matter of a name. It's obvious that the two are sisters, and quite possibly twins, meaning they'd both be royalty. Since they were separated at such a young age, I doubt there's a lot of significance in it.
I think the show is probably giving us a red herring.
>>211420 Have spent all this time making tuna noodle cassarole? I'm a fan of tuna so just thinking about it is making me hungry. Oh potato salad is nice. with spring onion. Potato salad with spring onion is so nice.
i mean i made potato salad too redskin potatoes with mayonaisse
That is still a fairly uncomfy dream. I don't usual remember my dreams. I've had some dreams where I have really realistic events but they are usually like doing what I usually do but something unusual or dramatic happens in my everyday lift
I think my dream this morning was browsing moe and everyone was telling me to quickly escape my building since it was on fire but I wanted to gather all my things. >>211433 Nighty! Sleep well! >>211434 You are a disturbed individual to think the the incarnations of evil are cute.
>>211432 A dream where everything is on fire is a disturbing dream too.
>>211434 I don't usually mind wasps but I don't like dreams where I am stung by them. I have been stung before too so my brain was able to replicate the feeling in the dream pretty well.
I read that in dream language, dreams about wasps stinging you symbolizes people having wrathful thoughts towards you. Maybe someone is hating on me out there.
There could be some out there associated with work. They tend to get mad sometimes if you don't do what they want, or don't do what they want you to do fast enough.
>Dreams of incurring the wrath of wasp can signify you need to be careful. It is likely a betrayal or tragedy will occur close to you. Becareful Rika! Sounds like you need to keep your eyes wide open to anticipate the event!
3:30 do we still have beer? halt the funeral the deceased is missing a crow flew over a field and fidn't cry once today in traffic someone's steel body dies
>>211449 It hasn't been too great of a day. But it's alright. Busy making it better
Those of you who play Skyrim, the few of you especially in these modern times, don't play the Enderall mod. Uninstalling it is extremely painful it's basically a cancer that refuses to let go.
>>211486 yeah i wasn't even gonna try i tried infernal a lot last time but i didn't have a path i didn't have the skill inheritance fodder i needed to get the right skills on the right heroes to get through it it made me a little sad ive never even gottan // gotten a fae, even 4*, to inherit renewal from
>>211500 Uhh, okay. >>211497 Just for tonight. It's because Fish fell asleep so quickly tonight. We usually talk until I fall asleep but she fell asleep before me tonight so now my brain is going too fast for eyes and there's nobody to stop it.
>>211501 yeah there's a mayo clinic it's really helpful to have here in the states because a lot of people here really like mayo
>>211515 i'm not sure if they have an addiction center or not >>211517 no i actually have a snoop dogg transcript (actually closed captioning file which is even weirder, why are deaf people watching a snoop dogg concert?) his telling a lullaby comment reminded me of it
>>211513 you think blue likes snoop dogg because hes BLACK
>>211523 Is ... I guess it's a whole concert. I don't think I'd have anything to do with a CC of a concert though.
>>211527 i've been trying to anchor more lately it's helpful but a little stressful but it brings me back to a place where i can think straight and do what i need to do, like sleep or take care of important things
>>211528 this was a long time ago it was just weird to be having to provide closed captioning for the hard of hearing for a concert i can't imagine what enjoyment they'd get from just reading along i was kind of mocking the idea of telling a lullaby but exaggerated, there'd still be some use in reading a lullaby >>211532 -- that wasn't gonna be my guess dang
>>>/@codykeenan/889656526453055489 meanwhile the liberals are stuck in their fantasy world completely uncaring about the fact that millions of people are about to lose health care
haha, holy shit. McCain ran for president. >>211552 I don't know why I always forget this. Like I KNOW but I just don't connect that dot. It's like how I had this one uncle and never actually UNDERSTOOD that he was my grandfather's brother.
hillary is continuing to have hissy fits and blame everyone but herself for her loss and also shilling for money
>>211550 he didn't have a chance against obama that election cycle that was a particularly shitty election season, almost as bad as 2016's people were really freaking out about mccain
>>211556 Bernie's already a bit old for that ain't he? He already looks like a skeleton. I hope Jeb runs again he was so cute.
yeah he's old as dirt dems will try to push biden through
>>211569 nobody is allowed on the beach >>211570 i dunno man every time i go there now i get like a four-day migraine i think my brain doesn't like being around there
>>211571 you fuckin dumb man theres already a thread
>>211630 them interpreting that as a criticism is a terrible mishap
i can't play feh lately i just get overwhelmed at how much WORK i have to do in-game i need to farm like 2k SP on a couple different heroes have to grind SIX ROBINS to 40 i just dont feel it
>>211663 do the keys still seem like a good choice i bet i'm gonna book a ticket and fly there during hurricane season and the highways will all be closed and an evac order
>>211670 is there a hurricane or something hitting the keys
>>211672 no i was just speculating, since it's still hurricane season until november i hope we get good weather but tbh i'd totally break past the blockade and drive it in a hurricane
vr hurricane driving simulator would be cool
>>211676 on a fucking overseas highway too like i don't care how many laws i'd be breaking i want that
>>211604 whoa I forgot about this thing entirely this one looks good and isn't confusing I like it good job
>>211671 cruz denied it sometimes they leak rumors to test public response i don't even understand how that's a consideration though is cruz even an attorney
>>211717 chicken chicanery, proudly serving the north coast delicious chicken and chicken biproducts since 2012 i didn't even get to build up initial rapport down in two days
>>211732 >you know what we should do? >let's find a way to milk the next generation for all their money, then spend it >then retire and leave the industry a mess with no money left
>>211749 give me a minute and sure go make a gamenwatch thread? >>211750 who thought this was a good idea >travel advertisement >advertise danger >associate getting away with GET AWAY! this is like, so bad i'm losin my shit over it
>>211752 okay cool I'm gonna take a piss we'll hijack one of the existing threads
>>211766 Sometimes you have to be kind to other people.
>>211767 i'm going to add a document to the google drive for stock photo tags if anything occurs in your life that's particularly obscure and you think there should be an obscure stock photo tag that has that available remember it and write it down i'll keep track
>>211776 it's not like that just a little embarrassed i guess i don't want to make any more misunderstandings by being spastic i was having an exercise in embracing my compulsion this week for therapy and it seems not as smooth as i'd hoped
>>211794 yeah! well it was mostly drinking i was staying with this alcoholic I met 2 years ago when I visited so we got pretty drunk then we went for brunch in the Frying Pan and I became super nauseous overall I would have liked to explore and see the sights more but oh well with any luck I'll be moving in
Hrrrm Maybe I should go make a rreally big sandwich.
>>211801 i'm a big boy and i want a biiiiig sandwich go do it man
I'm a bit over weight these days though, so it probably woukd not be the best idea.
uh, can you do stir-fries? try to cut down on the carbs and just have like veggie and meat stirfries it really boosts the metabolism
I have cut down on eating between meals. Not sure how much its helped. But I often have erratic eating habits. Cutting down on carbs might be something I could do, but I'd probably get sick of it pretty quickly. Hrrm, I might try just eating one or two meals a day. Wait, nvm I usually only have two meals a day. Looks like the easiest way will be to starve myself.
>>211812 don't eat less man, it's a bad approach because you're getting fewer calories and slowing down your metabolism it's a lot better to eat more calories but ones that are easily metabolized
I'm mainly irritated about gaining weight because its a side effect of one of my meds. So I can't just lay * do the thing where I would eat whatever I want (within reason) and not gain weight anymore.
Diet and exercise. Calories burned need to exceed calories taken in. If you don't exercise you will never lose weight.
>>211818 You can lose weight without exercising, I've done it before. Hell I've even lost weight without changing my eating habits. >>211822 Generally all my weight gain has been caused as a side effect of medicine.
I gained a few pounds recently I'm 149 now
>>211819 yeah but you're not working hours like me or rika do no offense but that changes a lot, you really have to work things into the routine
>>211829 That's kind of important to know if you want to get a membership to a gym have you been to a gym? and are there planet fitness gyms around where you are?
i just saw this GOD SIZED mouse run accross this floor
>>211830 Not this year but I have previously. I think their might be. *they're I'll probably join whatever gym my dad uses. Either that or the one my best friend goes to. I can't remember the name of the one my dad goes to though
ugh the hostel host guy is so bad at small talk like worse than me bad random questions out of nowhere with no context or follow up maybe he thinks I'm a serial killer and is trying to establish a rep
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Anyway! It's all good. Monday night so dead though, missing NYC already
>>211843 couple of job interviews And seeing friends >>211842 that sounds like my personal Vietnam no my personal uh whatever i bet it's pretty chill and relaxing
>>211844 it's a lot of work it's kind of nice in a way though but yeah i get you a lot of it rubs me the wrong way there are some cute girls out in the country though
Sam, you gonna go to DEFCON?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>211847 never been maybe I should go but I feel like I'd be a poser i'm interested in security but I haven't done anything cool are you goin
>>211848 Nope Don't have the money Also I'd feel like a poser Anyways it starts on the 27th and is in Vegas. Costs $260 Goes through the 30th
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah company sponsorship would be nice that's not too too bad though
defcon's good about releasing most of their content publicly i usually just attend that way
>>211850 That doesn't include the hotel room though. Although usually tech conferences cost like $1,000 or so for entry, so its good on that end.
really I was implying you can stay up all night gambling and skip the room or drop 10k and get one comped yay
>>211860 I bet if you try that and fall asleep in the casino they'd charge you for a room anyways. The stay up all night thing I mean. At Acen the hotel the con is held at charges you for a room if they find you sleeping in the hallway or whatever. At least they used to, or at least they used to threaten it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
falling asleep in a Las Vegas casino sounds like a Herculean effort they pump aerated meth into the air conditioning
>>211861 naw they'll ask you to leave if you're not a guest at the hotel i've done it fell asleep on their couch waiting for a friend to show up security got me and told me i need to leave if i dont have a room so i got a room
>>211864 ....i don't know if you understand that there are always events going in at every las vegas casino
>>211865 Oh, didn't know you meant at a casino, thought you meant at like some random hotel.
they're the same thing in vegas there was a bodybuilding event going on among many others i was waiting to meet up with my friend who was participating in the bodybuilding event
>>211869 i've visited doc in vegas at least half a dozen times
I wanna go to the Pawn Stars place if I ever go to Vegas. I'd ask them a bunch of questions about coins before finally asking them if they have Battletoads.
why would you bother it's just tourist garbage you won't even get to talk to the owners probably
>>211872 They really dislike it if you ask them about Battletoads.
>>211873 it's a television show it's all dramatized
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I'm just a bit curious if I can do that I will be a little bit more like this I will probably never be a bad thing but it's not that I don't know if I can just do you want it again sometime soon I'll just do it
>>211874 I'm not talking about tthe tv show. I'm talking about prank calls people make to the place and record.
>>211885 Apparently moon didn't, at least in the context of prank calls/ in person pranks on the pawnstars store. Also they do have a single copy of battletoads in their store now. Near the top left.
On the subject of prank calls, this one is very good. >>>/watch?v=15tnqRGz9OA I would probably call these guys and mess with them, but they're in Illinois and in state prank calls actually get investigated sometimes. So I just consider it to be too risky.
Investigated..? How seriously do they take that kind of thing..? Would they check cameras if you used a payphone? Also hi long time no see doushio
>>211887 that said unless you seriously want a copy of battletoads, it seems like a drawn out joke but whatever, do as you please >>211889 Hi, first time caller, long time listener
>>211890 Salutations, my possible friend..Unfortunately I haven't listened in for a long time so I have no clue who anyone is.. Are Walker and Wulf still people here sometimes?
Going to bed Oyasumi /moe/
>>211891 They're on tano usually Well I don't know about walker but I hear about him
A cool thread popped into my feed on Twitter. It's about how ISIS instructs Jihadis abroad. Someone pretended to be a potential terrorist and contacted ISIS instructors for it.
>>211945 she is 20 something, quite reliable while atbtimes headstrong and stubborn, but really sturdy and will float through any trouble likes fishing and fishes, but is bit attention needy. we can discuss dowry later
it changes from region to region apparently but in europe and states amongst commoners it usually was a bride price
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Makes sense. You're taking away a male worker from the family, after all
>>211951 as in price to the bride's family aristocrats did the opposite however
in uurop whennit was from the bride's family, it was oft thought of as her share of the inheritance from her parents. bit complicates as in some regions even in europe, women couldn't own shit so...
but in general >if paid by
god i hate trains >>211953 >if paid by bridefamily->went to groom to be used to found the new family, could even be a plot of land >if paid by groom/groomfamily, went to parents of bride