Thread #206478
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 14:03 No. 206478
new thread
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>>206480 cute
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 15:29 No. 206491
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>put recorder on table >start interview >walk away from the table while continuing interview
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 15:35 No. 206493
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What a dick
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Spicer quit good afternoon
Hey Kirara do you remember that manga It's Difficult To Love An Otaku or something? It's getting an anime.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 16:06 No. 206497
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Really? That's exciting. This is a reply to >>206495 and >>206496 Although the second is more exciting.
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 16:09 No. 206499
>Spicer is vacating his position just six months and one day after he first stood at the podium and made his controversial remarks about the size of President Trump's inauguration crowd. a sad legacy
ババン! #ヲタ恋 Wow Twitter really. It copies the content and not the actual tweet. I will remember this.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 16:13 No. 206502
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>>206501 A-1 is doing it, huh. That's cool.
man is hard to play poker when you can't proper see the cards
>>206502 They've generally got a decently high level of quality of work. I can be happy with this.
Man I haven't been on the subway in so long.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 16:26 No. 206506
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I'm kinda tired. Wish I had time for a nap.
I walked past the Microsoft store and they had an offer to trade in a Mac Book for
1100 off a Surface Pro. How vicious.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 17:42 No. 206509
I actually like what ive seen of the surfaces Aside from you know, Win10 I used to know a guy who worked at Microsoft whose department got one of those original surfaces, the table sized ones. They barely used it.
I've seen a few creators eschewing traditional video drawing tablets like Wacom Cintiqs for the Surface Pro actually.
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 17:54 No. 206512
>>206511 Is that where you just came from or where you are going?
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I did it I'm a kid now I'm a squid now.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 18:01 No. 206514
>>206513 Omedetou
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 18:01 No. 206515
I just found some cheap Warhammer books on a government auction website. Somehow
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 18:05 No. 206516
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Man They have the weirdest shit on here.
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>>206513 naisu
>Pearl, your corporate shill game is on point today!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 19:23 No. 206520
>>206513 woo W O O M Y
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 19:28 No. 206521
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 19:32 No. 206522
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Beep Boop
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 19:43 No. 206525
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hi kannagi
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Greetings Kirara! How are you?
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 19:56 No. 206528
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>>206526 Hungry! But I don't want to spoil my dinner with a snack. How are you? Lookin' tired.>>206527 Hello Hxero Blue
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Today I saw fanart of the HxEros that I've seen before but now I can identify them. I can not share them for reasons that should be obvious.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 19:58 No. 206530
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I explored Onsen Musume today since it's getting an anime. I was particularly disappointed.
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>>206528 I'm pretty tired. Lots of work today. and carrying heavy boxes of papers out of the warehouse.>>206529 Because they have too much mayo everywhere?
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>>206531 No, Pearl. Because they have very detailed panties.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 19:59 No. 206533
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>>206531 Wow, I would have moved those for you!
>>206532 Pearl? Too detailed for moe?>>206533 You're hired! How soon can you do my job for me while giving me all the money!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:01 No. 206535
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>>206534 You're a capitalist at heart! I was testing you and you failed! Ah, my heart pains.
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The rewards of your labour will be the labour itself! Work hard and be rewarded with that knowledge that you worked hard! I will be sleeping and content with ruining myself with pleasure!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:03 No. 206537
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I didn't want it to end like this but I'm gonna have to destroy you to save you from yourself
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>>206534 very
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>>206537 I am fine with destruction! as long as I can relax.
>>206538 Do you have a folder dedicated to detailed anime pantsu?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:07 No. 206541
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>>206539 \ you can't relax if you're dead
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>>206540 wouldn't that be something
but no
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>>206541 I am sure I can, I'll fine *find a way. I wonder if captilist are the lazy people who are just good at manipulating people so they can live their lives as Hikkomoris. Does that mean Hikkomoris = Captilist!>>206545 Poor blue.
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>he made a poll asking which was the best >HxEro Blue had the least votes ...>I didn't like them either
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:09 No. 206546
>>206545 low self-esteem hmm
>Who even is this person drawing such high quality fanart of this new manga >it's the mangaka's twitter
>>206530 nice shigure
>>206547 The best
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:11 No. 206550
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>>206549 It's the WORST That means having the lamest panties is canon.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:11 No. 206552
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i read the newer Hero Academia spinoff today i found this character, Pop☆Star, that's basically me
How terrifying.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:12 No. 206554
>>206551 kirara is the yellow one right?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:13 No. 206556
as expected by everyone, i have the best panties
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 645x900, もずくず@こめこん地-9 - 今、貴方の後ろに居るの (57(…).png )
while I personally agree, you came in second place
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Such bad taste. The 4th one was second WORST
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:15 No. 206560
>>206557 how horrible
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how many frills does kirara have
>>206551 Wow they aren't lame. rude
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The only ones with frills are the orange polka dot one.
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Wow you are bullying that poor fireman.
>>206566 he's the poor fireman being abused.
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I'm both
>>206569 what a wild life!
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The master of foreheads has blessed me this day
okay back to work.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:28 No. 206574
>>206573 dayum
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 20:29 No. 206575
unsecured wifi? in MY hotel?
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>>206575 Become hakka and teach them!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 20:30 No. 206577
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I fell off my chair today. My boss was in a call at the time and had to apologise to who he calling because he was laughing so hard. and he kept bursting into laughter on the phone!>>206579 I had got up to pick up documents and then sat down but my chair sped away from me and landed upside down looking confused. the other team manager made me lean over two desks to get the documents! THE WORST thing was that the documents were even meant for me!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 20:34 No. 206579
were you listlessly swivelling with one leg sticking out like an anime or leaned back too far? too many martinis at lunch?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:34 No. 206580
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>>206578 It should be illegal for you to be so cute
>>206578 *weren't
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thats moe as heck
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I have never felt so embarrased. but I had so much work. I have like a small castle of boxes around my desk and papers everywhere. and I caught my usually really quiet work neighbour laughing to himself. and I feel like I was so slow to react! I was like hugging my chair on the ground for atleast a minute or two! I must have looked like a sloth!
why do you have a small castles of boxes did you make a fort
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:40 No. 206585
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>>206583 That's so cute.
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>>206584 I had to locate documents on system in their respective boxes and I have to hav e 20 boxes around me to find them all. then check if the papers are correct and sort them out It is a lot of work.>>206585 It was way too embarassing, I feel like my boss had a bit too much fun at my expense. I bet he pissed off the customer on the phone with his occasionaly explosion of laughter.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:42 No. 206587
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I'd have been laughing at you a lot, too. That's just way too cute.
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Wow mean! I would have hoped you would save me and then offer to do my work in my place!
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I would have helped you up. Then we would make beautiful sales together
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:45 No. 206590
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Watching the last episode of Kekkai Sensen with Fish Just realized that the devil in Kekkai Sensen is named Blue
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Bitch I run this city
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:47 No. 206592
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it's kind of ironic because of what Blue does to Howaito
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 20:48 No. 206593
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:48 No. 206594
we're all the architect
Did you build it on rock and roll?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 20:50 No. 206596
>>206594 no stop
I'm just a lock and loll man living in a lock and loll band
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>>206592 As you can clearly see, I am bad at romance.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:56 No. 206600
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>>206597 it's true we are>>206599 i'll teach you how to romance
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just give me blue eyeballs kthx
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>>206600 Doors must be such trouble for her.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 20:58 No. 206603
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She's the size of a skyscraper so yeah>>206601 you're gonna have to let your sister become blind if you want that
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what if I just steal it from some cute boy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:01 No. 206605
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How're you gonna do that if you can't even romance
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:03 No. 206607
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What an early Rika.
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Yeah, I left work a little early today. I also skipped swimming because my shoulder is a little sore. I've swam every day this week so far so one day of rest is probably not bad.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:09 No. 206609
wow it is an early Rika Hi there I'll be driving in like ~1.5 hours
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This figure is up for preorder now. I'm getting this one!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:09 No. 206611
>>206610 Heck, I want that one.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:09 No. 206612
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>>206610 You're such a fucking weeaboo. Kimoi.>>206609 RIP.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:10 No. 206613
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I need to try and time it a little better with PAN getting off tonight Since he has to help me carry this huge tv up stairs.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:11 No. 206614
is he gonna make your butthole hurt more
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>>206612 I think even a normie can appreciate a nice figure like that, don't you think?>>206614 Is that why his butthole is having problems?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:11 No. 206616
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>>206615 No, I don't think a normie could appreciate that. Yeah, didn't you know? ToN and PAN are a thing now.
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>>206616 You think it's cute though, don't you? You're not a normie are you? Are ToN and Pan really a thing or is this memes?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:12 No. 206618
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>>206617 It's cute enough that I'd consider buying it if I liked Shigure enough. Yeah, they're really a thing. You're not surprised, are you?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:12 No. 206619
I can't go out and do the thing that I was going to do tonight, and now I just want to go to sleep. Also Who is Pan?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:13 No. 206620
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1000x1398, 0ca94ccdff8ec365784d4ed3a3db534f.jpg )
No Rika, PAN and I aren't a thing. He's memeing at you. If I were into dudes I'd probably shoot for PAN though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:14 No. 206621
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But you were all over each other last night Talkin about how you couldn't wait to see him tonight
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>>206618 I've been waiting for it! It's a cute figure.>>206620 >>206621 I don't know who to believe!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:14 No. 206623
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 800x731, 4b3552d4371977a702ca5df112688c9c.jpg )
I'm not sure whether or not stuff like that was said but you're framing it weird. He's gotta help me with this TV though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:15 No. 206624
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>>206622 Have I ever framed things in a way as to mislead someone before? You should obviously trust me on this! Speaking of people being things, I was teasing Fish earlier and she told me that if I wasn't careful, Rika might try to steal her away.
oh boy i get to do some trump transcripts next week better get my em dashes ready
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:16 No. 206626
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>>206624 Well, I think she omitted an important part of what I said, I told her that if circumstances were different I'd steal her away.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:17 No. 206628
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>>206627 What circumstances?
>>206628 she's not a leggings with midcalf boots kind of girl or a latino in booty shorts
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>>206628 Like if I were gay or if we weren't both girls kinds of circumstances! She is feeling like she isn't a good catch.>>206629 The tastes you are imaging for me are really bad tastes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:19 No. 206631
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>>206630 Well if that ever changes and you try, I'm going to hunt you down and break your bones.
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>>206630 i think you misunderstand it's not the fashion that you like it's the girls underneath that fashion they're kind of squishy
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>>206632 Yes, and my statement still stands, the tastes you are imaging for me are really bad tastes.>>206631 I'd win that fight! But you don't need to worry!>>206634 Please don't be mean to me.
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Yeah i think so too i'm not sure why you like them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:21 No. 206635
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>>206633 There wouldn't even be a fight. You'd just wake up one day with a lot of broken bones and maybe a missing kidney or two.
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>>206635 Well you better shoot me from at least 2000 yards away with a supersonic tranquilizer dart, because I am a light sleeper!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:22 No. 206637
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>>206636 Even if you woke up, you wouldn't be able to stop me. You'd have to kill me if you wanted to stop me and you wouldn't be able to do that. I would absolutely come to destroy you if you tried to steal Fish even though you'd totally fail if you tried.
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>>206633 well now i feel bad okay i wont
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>>206637 I may look flimsy, but my body is built with the philosophy that if you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough. My bones are very hard to break. I've tested this extensively! I won't try to steal her though. I was just complimenting her! I'm sure you agree with me that she's a good catch.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:24 No. 206640
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>>206639 She's a wonderful catch, yes. Although technically I'm the catch in this scenario.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:24 No. 206641
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Something something Rika's maid
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 899x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>206640 I don't know if that's the way the gender roles work in this metaphor. Isn't the girl always the catch? She may have bit on and not let go, but I think she's still the catch!
>>206624 >>206641
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:26 No. 206644
>>206643 hmm?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:26 No. 206645
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 580x1200, Nyutou Nodoka.png )
>>206642 I don't think gender roles are important when it comes to love. She was the one that caught me!
be careful what you fish for
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Men can be catches too. It's all depending on who the fisherperson is.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:28 No. 206648
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We were watching Kekkai Sensen and Zed showed up and she was like "oh that's you"
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>>206645 This isn't about love though, this is about the metaphor specifically. Anyway, I don't think you should be trifiling with metaphors when your girl is feeling self-conscious! It's your duty as boyfriend to make her feel better.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:28 No. 206651
>>206649 no stop
>>206648 That's love.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:29 No. 206653
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>>206650 Oy, oy, I'm doing what I can. I can't just magically make her feel less self-conscious. Even if I tell her that she's perfect for me, it's pointless, because she's too rigid for that right now. I just have to support her until she figures it out.
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There is always time to argue about metaphors. t. single man But yes, even girls catch.
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>>206653 I'm sure that you are! I'm just saying that you have bigger fish to fry than losing semantic arguments to me about metaphors! I think she'll get back to feel better soon.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 21:30 No. 206656
Blind has four credit cards by the way
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:30 No. 206657
>>206656 For what purpose
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:31 No. 206658
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>>206655 She'll feel better in a day or two. Fish is someone that goes through cycles like this.
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Also, Kirara won the metaphor.
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>>206656 Is that strange?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:32 No. 206661
>>206652 haha she got really excited when zapp called zed half-man half-fish too
I'm a fucking metaphor master.
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>>206659 You're not the judge, you started out on his side. The judge has to be unbiased.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:33 No. 206664
>>206660 Not neccesarily But it often isnt a good idea.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:33 No. 206665
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>>206663 I think Blue is on Fish's side, more accurately.
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This isn't a matter of sides. This is just a matter of who's allowed to call who a catch. And women call men catches quite often. It's a statement used for when you're actively pursuing someone. Or were and then succeeded. There are also times when it's used for someone you've started dating without respect to who initiates.
I have one credit card
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:34 No. 206668
I don't have any credit cards but it's not uncommon for people to have 2-4
blind wanted to do a pypal loop atound to get the bonus points in her catd by biying like visa gift cards
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:35 No. 206670
>>206667 You should probably have two. Or are you not including the debit card from your bank that can be used as a credit card in your count?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:35 No. 206671
>>206669 >unintelligent people trying to play the system
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A paypal loop? What is she trying to do?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:36 No. 206673
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She wants to buy prepaid visa cards with her credit card, put that into paypal, then move that into her bank account, which she then uses to pay for her credit card bills, in order to gain points on her credit card.
>>206670 not including my debit
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:37 No. 206675
>>206674 Okay then yeah, one is fine. Might not be a terrible idea to get another one that you only use in emeergencies though.
>>206673 Does that actually work?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:38 No. 206677
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>>206676 Maybe if you do it literally thousands of times.
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I bet there are fees and stuff that defeat the purpose of what she's trying to do.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:38 No. 206679
Yeah, there are fees that do that, generally.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:39 No. 206680
I'll probably be getting a credit card if/when I get my driver's license.
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There would be fees in taking money out of the prepaid card. Nothing else in that chain should have a fee. Visa PPs have like ~$3 fees. The question that I have is the very first step though. Has she ever transferred a PP balance to paypal? I have no idea how you would even manage that.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:39 No. 206682
>>206681 Prepaid cards are such garbage Although they used to be way worse
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Unless you're doing some dumb excessive movements like...>go to Walgreens >spend $1 on ice cream >incur $3 fee >Cash Back $40 You wouldn't need paypal for that but you'd lose 1/11th of your balance that way. Depending on how many points you're getting, it could be worth the time.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:41 No. 206684
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>make purchase >refund
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:41 No. 206685
>>206683 They used to have monthly fees for not using the card And also monthly fees for using it In addition to the fees for using it on a per transaction basis
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If fees don't stop her, something will. Either there will be restrictions against what she's trying to do, or laws against it. Credit cards always win, they play a rigged game.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:42 No. 206687
>>206686 It probably breaks a paypal rule Even if it doesn't they'll likely freeze her account
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:42 No. 206688
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You can add a PP card to your paypal, make a purchase through PP with it, and then get a refund. And yes, it's illegal to do that. Well, not really illegal, but when your credit card company finds out, they'll come after you for breaking their terms of service.
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Probably breaks CoC on Paypal rather than the card company itself>>206690 This was the other thing I was wondering. Is her bank Chase?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:44 No. 206690
Also most CC companies won't give you points for buying PP cards
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:44 No. 206691
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I have some experience with money laundering and fraud and money crime in general so I've got a little training on this stuff.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:45 No. 206692
Man Bitcoins are friggin great for that stuff.
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>>206691 >FBI intern >mild Bitcoin enthusiast >discussing credit card schemes There are levels
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When you deal regularly with criminals, you kind of have to have a criminal mind yourself.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:46 No. 206695
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>>206694 This.>>206693 I've also got some experience with tax fraud!
i still haven't gotten to file my taxes the IRS sent me a letter and i have been too stressed out to open it it probably just says "hey there's a penalty if you don't file of up to 5%"
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>Will you be dead 3 months from now? >does that give me more money?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:47 No. 206698
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I can get away with not declaring a lot of money on my taxes if I need to. Tax fraud is so easy when you're poor.
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I had to deal with money laundering and fraud a lot at the bank I worked at. It is a pain in paperwork
anyway she only wanted to spend enough to get the bonus points on the card but i felt four credit cards was a lot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:48 No. 206701
it is for someone as bad with money as she is
she can be good at finances but she is also bad at them in other ways>>206703 budgeting maybe
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:48 No. 206703
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I haven't got a credit card. I haven't needed to.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:48 No. 206705
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Fish doesn't have any credit cards Neither do I
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:48 No. 206706
>>206704 It's good to have one just to build credit. At least thats what I hear people say.
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I'd rather use money I have. No reason why a debit card can't do what I need it to do
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I had one and it was good until I was in college and my mom would only give me like $100 worth of living expenses for a month. So I'd end up having to go credit on food by the second half of the month.
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I have two of them.
i had two but i lost them i had used them for like five years to build actually pretty good credit my old credit was like mid-high 700s or something, i don't think that's great but it's pretty good i probably could have written some letters of hardship and gotten some doctor's statements and at least held the balance frozen and kept the accounts but i didn't know that back then i was just a dumb kid
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Multiple cards to avoid suspicion from a single bank?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:52 No. 206712
>>206709 Visa and Amex or something else?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:52 No. 206713
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Teacup had like 6 credit cards she died with so much debt fuckin credit card companies get rekt
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Mine are from the same bank. One is an account I share with my mom, the other an individual card.
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>>206713 Taking the system down Respect
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:53 No. 206716
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Saku died with like $100k in debt or some shit like that He went so fucking hard
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:54 No. 206717
>>206716 What the fuck Any of it student loans?
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>banks start supporting health care because if we die they don't get their fucking money back get it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:54 No. 206719
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No, he got a ton of loans during his druggie days And used it all on drugs
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 21:54 No. 206720
>>206719 Ah
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>>206718 Debtors get to eat away at estates. I don't Saku had much of an estate, but credit card companies play a rigged game that washes out in the big picture. If it wasn't so profitable they wouldn't do it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:56 No. 206722
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Collectors still find me sometimes and call me about Teacup's debt because her name was associated with mine my mom gets calls about it too sometimes
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>having an estate when you can't afford healthcare
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>>206723 Any deceased person has or can have an estate. A lot of them aren't worth even getting into though because they have no assets and have a ton of debts.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:57 No. 206725
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I was making eggs this morning and I accidentally bumped into the pan with my tummy and I have a burn on my tummy that's rather annoying now It was pretty funny when it happened though
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>having eggs when you can't afford healthcare
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My only recent injury is that double papercut. It was hurting again today though, it hurts every time something brushes up against it. And when papercut #2 happened in the same spot, my screams echoed through the halls.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:59 No. 206728
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>>206726 I have healthcare!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 21:59 No. 206729
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>>206727 Really? My papercut was super deep, like, I got full on drops of blood, but it was healed completely within two days. Do you heal super slowly by chance?
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>>206729 I actually heal really quickly. But I got the papercut the first time on wednesday and I cut over the same spot on thursday. well I guess it was a little more complex than that. The papercut went across my ring finger and pinky on wednesday, and on thursday I got another paper cut on my ring finger. It's important to also note that these aren't nromal papercuts, they were inflicted by a manilla folder both times and manilla folder papercuts are much worst. Manilla folders are like swords. I'm pretty sure you could take over an airplane with one if you took one on one.
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>>206728 >having healthcare when you can't affo-
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:00 No. 206732
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>>206733 holy tetris, batman>>206731 i'm gonna get like $12k soon i will be able to afford lots of stuff>>206730 Death by a thousand manilla foldercuts
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:00 No. 206733
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I'll take Gnarly Phalluses for 200
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>>206733 Wow that is one ugly looking building
>>206733 that looks like a sliding block puzzle in a video game
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:02 No. 206738
it's jenga
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damn right wow, now I really am regret I probably wouldn't have seen you though since the loft closes at exactly 6pm and I'd have never seen that post
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:02 No. 206740
Damn, that's a good Hifumi.
>>206738 >Jenga with the lives of everyone in the building on the line This is Jenga like you've never seen before
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:03 No. 206742
>>206734 what is thaaaat
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:04 No. 206743
>>206741 JENGA THE MOVIE>>206742 it's an amazon workspace
Did you buy any hotdogs from the hotdog sellers Samu?
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>>206742 It's a coworking spot where I sit and do stuff for free. Amazon shows people how to use their AWS service there. They have all kinds of workshops and stuff every week.
August 10>We’re celebrating our two-year anniversary and newly expanded event space! Enjoy a free BBQ lunch on our roof deck, cold beverages, great company, and AWS swag. A W W W YEAH GET IT
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For some reason the loft sounds like something I would dislike. I can't describe it.
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It's pretty quiet and no one really talks to you unless you're asking questions. The only annoying thing is that they have the same playlist going every day. But at the very least, it's a playlist that lasts the entire day so you don't hear the same song twice.>>206750 You don't go to have fun, you go there to do work. It's like having an office. Except it's open. Get there early, get on the corner couch , and do whatever work you got.
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It's a place people go to have fun but it's quiet?
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The roof deck bbq is something abnormal. They don't do that kind of thing often. They USED to have free cereal available but they don't now. I'm kinda bummed by that.
Rank eight get. Once I hit ten I can start ranked and REALLY get the competitive vibe going.
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>>206749 That's weird. I don't think that would work for me anyway. I have so much work that I take up a whole desk.
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most of these people are web devs or startup nerds. That's why Amazon made this a free service to start. You sign up for AWS (you don't have to use it but at the very least have an account) And then you can hang out and do your work upstairs. If you do want to use AWS, like many web devs and startup nerds, then you can ask them for help in setting up. Or if you're using it and you need tech support, you can get it in real time. So it's like being right there with the IT department.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:13 No. 206755
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:14 No. 206756
kekkai sensen s2 soon
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I guess it works for people who do all their work on the computer. I need my files to work though. I have a lot of files.
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essentially no need to carry in a filing cabinet unlike some highly paid lawyer.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:15 No. 206759
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muh files enter za red door
>>206758 >>>/watch?v=1_D7kiOR9fA
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>>206758 You don't have to be a highly paid lawyer to have a lot of files!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:20 No. 206762
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I don't like shaking hands with people who try to tear your arm off. I need my arm!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:22 No. 206764
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I don't like shaking hands with people with sweaty hands.
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It's a little gross but that's what hand sanitizer is for. You should always have a lot of that handy. Hand sanitizer can't fix it when some guy tries to tear your arm off though!
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Shaking hands.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:23 No. 206767
i am literally shaking
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I'm aching I'm shaking, like humans do.
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>>206761 But only a lawyer would carry the cabinet with him to do work.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:24 No. 206770
>>206769 well you can't work if you don't have your APIs, right? gotta bring them with you
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>>206769 I don't think a lawyer or anyone else with a lot of files would work at a place like the loft.
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oh no now I have to explain the joke
>>206756 It's a shame the director isn't returning, that director always brings a really nice feel to whatever they work on. But I thing Nightbow's original content is pretty good standing by itself too.
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>>206768 yo nags, happy friday bae i'm headin to the store you want me to pick you up some baileys we can make white russians and chicken quesadillas
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>>206769 Also his file cabinet says MATH I don't think he's a lawyer at all!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 22:25 No. 206776
>>206771 You do know that people use digital files right? As much as I love physical paper documents, much of the world has made the transition to digital documents.
>>206775 oh no, now i REALLY have to explain the joke
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:25 No. 206778
>>206772 haha my sides
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>>206774 I could do with a nice creamy baileys. I haven't had any in a long time!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:26 No. 206780
you did this to yourself blue knowing full well what would happen
I also picked up Disgaea 5 for the Switch while I was out too. That'll be fun to get into while laying on my bed. I really like being able to port Disgaea games around.
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>>206776 I don't think that you can always use digital. We still use a lot of paper. What if you're given paper printouts? Yeah, you can scan them but working with scanned PDFs is annoying, and you can't edit them. Or if you have a patient or client fill out information forms. Once again you can PDF them but they're still annoying to work with and you can't make on a PDF.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:26 No. 206783
>>206781 good choice!
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>>206780 If people were GOOD AT MAKING METAPHORS AND SIMIILES, this wouldn't have happened.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:26 No. 206785
you're legally required to use quite a bit of paper files
>>206754 i wish i had a place like that i wonder if i could just come there and work from there and then sleep on the trains new york lifestyle no insane rent
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 22:27 No. 206787
>>206782 >>206785 I am aware that in many industries people still use physical documents a lot. *some industries But in general most
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:27 No. 206788
>>206784 man i wish i had that painting of the API that was free use
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>>206781 Yeah, Disgaea 5 is good. I've been replaying that recently.
Did it have even more ridiculous customization features like colour palette changing in the PS4 version as well? I've been seeing some of the stuff you can do from a friend's Tweets. It's really crazy.
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>>206779 is it too late for you to go up and get some what time does tesco close>>206792 if i ever have to be homeless again, having a place to do my work is a priority i could probably live like that
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 700x857, DFF5q45VwAAZb0g.jpg )
>>206786 coworking is really nice. You get to be out of the house and focused. Air conditioning And the AWS loft still serves snacks they also have a fridge, so if you bring your own drinks, it's cool.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:28 No. 206793
>>206790 yeah there are like 3 tiers of color combos
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 480x640, 1379551818304.png )
>>206790 Yeah, you get the same exact thing that is on the PS4, except that all the DLC comes with the Switch version. I bought all the DLC though.
Yeah I knew the DLC was all inclusive. I probably wouldn't have picked up the Switch version if it hadn't included it. But you never know what other features NIS might've thrown in for the new edition, they constantly add random stuff.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:29 No. 206796
the MC of 18if is so cool i love this guy
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, 1482887729917.jpg )
>>206796 I like him too. He was fun in the first episode. He surprised me in the second episode. I haven't seen the third yet.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:30 No. 206798
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 232x312, 1500632992389.jpg )
He surprised me in the second episode. He's like>What does it even mean to have morals? And then he is like>This murderer is really cool, fuck off, catguy and then she gets him to //// he gets her to kill that dude and then he kills someone himself
>Yeah you should fucking kill these guys
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 511x800, DEuac7kVwAEpFuI.jpg )
>>206788 I feel like I learned a lot about language just from that one case.
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>>206799 It's a very human reaction. It's very like an anime character to be a moralfag all the time. Protagonist-kun was knee deep in the blood and reacted to the situation like a human!
I agree, but wit's -it's still a really amusing moment picked out.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:32 No. 206803
the witch in episode 3 is top tier cutie too
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:32 No. 206804
I bought a back paaack
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 22:32 No. 206805
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1000x1398, 0ca94ccdff8ec365784d4ed3a3db534f.jpg )
>>206791 A bit late and I'm tired. I wish I could magically make it appear! 3D print baileys
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:34 No. 206807
>>206804 is it cute?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:35 No. 206808
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 403x495, 1500632992689.jpg )
I got invited out to go drinking earlier I can't really go hang out with my cohort though since they're all girls and I can't drink anyway
just watch everyone else get drunk and collect dirt on them
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Search [iqdb] (886 KB, 1000x1399, BeLL - 電 (63896425) .jpg )
>Kirara, I didn't notice you got so... >dark? Yeah, I went and got a tan. >>206812 I'll hang out with them in your stead
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:37 No. 206812
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 438x369, 1500632995700.jpg )
>>206809 That would be super inappropriate! I can't hang out with a bunch of girls like that!>>206811 Onegai! I'm passing the baton to you!
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:38 No. 206814
>>206807 it's boxy and Swedish it's cuter than my last bag
>>206812 Dress Koi up like you and get him to do it
Search [iqdb] (216 KB, 2048x871, DFBreOaUIAAHtqU.jpg )
All I need are similar glasses. Everything else will be 100% love.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:39 No. 206817
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 659x267, 1500632992989.jpg )
You'll get to hang out with seven or eight chicks all night! And only two of them are taken! The blonde is looking for someone to share a bed with, you know!
You'd wish it will be 100% love.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:40 No. 206819
I misheard the salesgirl when she said her name i thought she said Pharah she looked like a Pharah too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:40 No. 206820
>>206814 oh, those ones are really good i used one for a long time they last so long
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 700x498, 1469570371747.jpg )
I have a nice leather satchel bag.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:41 No. 206822
>>206819 overnerd
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:41 No. 206823
blue you gotta watch this episode of 18if even if you don't watch any other episodes it's so good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:42 No. 206824
it's all about koi
Search [iqdb] (572 KB, 1128x1600, img000007.png )
me this is me>>206817 I see.>>206823 i will download it>>206826 I read it already but I was scrolling through my folder and saw I had it saved so if I didn't me this already, me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:42 No. 206826
>>206825 oh, you're finally catching up on that? it's so good roman is the best girl though roman or the blonde country hick
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 22:43 No. 206827
>>206825 I've done that, clearly.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:44 No. 206828
Search [iqdb] (3.2 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1836.JPG )
shut it down boo boo batman's not good enough for you
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 574x479, if I ever get a reply from Aki-Eda.JPG )
>>206826 Roman is someone I hold dear to my heart.>>206830 oh no do I jump in despite#flip (true) oh no
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:45 No. 206830
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 364x452, 1500632995699.jpg )
wait blue don't watch this episode of 18if it's got a sad ending ABORT ABORT
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:45 No. 206831
oh no
The new ketchup versus mayo Splatfest is a combined Splatfest across NA and Europe again. I think we might end up with a closer competition for popularity this time than with cake and ice cream.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:46 No. 206833
oh every episode of 18if might have a different ED this one isn't that crazy popmetal weird shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:47 No. 206834
>>206832 but mayo is gross
>>206834 Yeah but Europeans love to dip stuff in mayo.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:47 No. 206836
>>206835 why is europe allowed to exist
I mean I've tried mayo-dipped fries before they're pretty good. I just like ketchup dipped ones better.
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>>206832 ketchup will win decisively.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:48 No. 206839
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>>206838 Even if it does it still needs its players to win games. Cake almost beat out ice cream for the overall competition because while ice cream smashed the popularity results, the actual game play counts were super, super close.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:48 No. 206841
girl across the way with a really short torso and is basically 50% legs dude walking by checks her out twice then looks me in the eye and says "like a giraffe that lady"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:49 No. 206842
>>206841 fuck new york sounds amazing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:50 No. 206843
i gotta plan a new york trip but i can't yet ;_;
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:50 No. 206844
everyone is so talkative it's gret
>>206843 If you wait for Elon Musk to build his hyperloop you can just pack it in to a day of the Philly trip. Half hour ride from Philly to NYC.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:51 No. 206846
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>>206845 those things are DEATH TRAPS i'm wanting to go to New York City in December though
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If he lives long enough to see that he really is a robot.
>>206846 It's a DEATH TRAP that goes FAST though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:51 No. 206849
>>206848 \ yeah but so is my car
Search [iqdb] (969 KB, 1682x1196, 1492195758135.jpg )
Oh, it looks like the hyperloop is in the news today. I guess he's actually going to try to do it, that madman.
>>206845 >top speed of 760 mph Fund it let's go fast >>206849 Your car is pussyshit compared to the hyperloop
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:52 No. 206852
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 234x615, 1500631292896.png )
I might go to NYC to see my aunt in December And Blue too obv>>206851 The hyperloop will KILL YOU
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:53 No. 206853
wow it's Cara Delevingne min an apple store uhh okay
>>206852 You gotta earn the right to ride and survive the loop
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:54 No. 206855
Search [iqdb] (♫, 41s, 4.0 MB, 640x360, 1481298325952.webm )
i wonder what this webm is oh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:54 No. 206856
i guess that's suitable for this
Search [iqdb] (322 KB, 600x680, 1459666564329.jpg )
700 mph is fast. That's almost as fast as I can go.
>>206857 how do you go so fast
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:56 No. 206859
Search [iqdb] (227 KB, 571x375, 1480074231545.jpg )
It's not even half of the speed of my mind.>>206858 That's such a rude question to ask a girl.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 22:56 No. 206860
I have a bit more cash than I previously thought I did so I am going out tonight.
>>206859 How fast do the neutrons in your brain go?
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 612x859, 1469369737875.jpg )
I am gonna crash into my bed at 700mph Nighty moe!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:56 No. 206863
>>206861 neutrons huh>>206862 wow, such a reasonable hour to sleep! i'm proud! goodnight
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 22:56 No. 206864
Search [iqdb] (1.6 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1838.JPG )
how random i only came in on a whim
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 22:57 No. 206865
>>206862 Oyasumi
>>206862 Night>>206864 That guys bald spot is really swirly
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>>206863 I am unwilling to let the day end so soon but I'm super tired! so I guess I will be reasonable tonight and sleep like a normal human being!
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stay up all night
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:58 No. 206869
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>>206868 Don't be a bad influence on people! You don't stay up all night either!>>206867 I'm so proud I could cry!
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>>206869 So what? I tell people to do a lot of things I don't do.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 22:58 No. 206871
Huh, I can name every character in that picture. That means the artist wasn't trying hard enough.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 22:58 No. 206872
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>>206870 And here I thought you were honorable and righteous.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 22:58 No. 206873
>>206862 crash into your bed like you did into the floor today
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/21 (金) 22:59 No. 206874
Oh nvm, spotted one Iont * I dont recognize.
>>206867 How can someone be comfy with such a small amount of space to move
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:00 No. 206876
how can anyone hate new game and hate Aoba
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:01 No. 206877
how can someone be comfy
>>206877 through achieving nirvanna >>206876 Through not achieving nirvanna
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>>206872 I am!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:02 No. 206880
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>>206879 Your sense of justice is all wrong if you're telling people to do things you won't do yourself!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:03 No. 206881
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg )
I should watch that sense of justice anime And also grab Cross Ange
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>206880 Sometimes they need to do those things though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:03 No. 206883
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>>206882 But you can't tell them to do things you wouldn't do! Not if you call yourself just and righteous!
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x1810, 石っころ - 黒ナズ (63948340) .png )
>>206876 My game dev friends think it's just some random moe show. That said, the only character he really did like was Aoba. So, it seems like your situation is impossible.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:05 No. 206885
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg )
What the HECK is wrong with that?!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:05 No. 206886
well it's wrong for one
I have a programming friend who said he was disappointed because all the girls were art people and not programmers
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:05 No. 206888
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 300x300, 0fed77c754eca947f2d1c50c9b3ad6d0.jpg )
my granblue senpai was like "I was hoping I'd at least learn something but no, just moeshit."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:05 No. 206889
well meat is an autistic faggot so idk what you expected man
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:06 No. 206890
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg )
I'm surprised you didn't throw lolicon in there
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:06 No. 206891
i only talked to him once so i didn't know he was a lolicon
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
>>206883 Even if it's the right thing to tell them?>>206889 What kind of name is meat?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:06 No. 206893
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 900x840, 174587b0e49802e6ddce262d8713777a.jpg )
>>206891 More so than me.>>206894 More so than me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:06 No. 206894
plus you're a lolicon so it wouldn't be fair if i made fun of him for it
>>206887 Did he not reach Ahagon and also Nene trying to become gamedev
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:06 No. 206896
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>>206892 If it's the right thing to tell them, do so, but you're not really just by doing that! You're a hypocrit!>>206897 what the actual fuck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:07 No. 206897
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1000x1400, 0d6be30bc9c5efa2b85d5d05b100178c.png )
Nene is like the only character I liked less than the rest
>>206895 probably. I don't think he watched much.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:07 No. 206899
Search [iqdb] (365 KB, 784x1280, 169be85ae56dd1da40a90a74679cb98e.png )
>>206896 I didn't say dislike, I said "liked less"
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>>206888 >learning about the real parts of the game industry >spend an entire episode harassing the devs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:08 No. 206901
they're fucking advertising persona 4 ultimax in Gamers
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 899x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>206896 It's not right to withhold advice though!>>206901 That episode is good. Really good.>>206897 Nene is one of the cutest though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:08 No. 206903
>>206901 That's some old old old shit Unless it's the new shit or they're trying to cash in on Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:08 No. 206904
>>206903 ??????? it's only 4 years old dude
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:08 No. 206905
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 739x1000, 11aa1569960441c89312d2fbb9726c73.jpg )
Really? You guys really liked Nene that much? I mean I guess I should be used to that but she just sort of annoyed me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:09 No. 206906
Nene is top-tier.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:09 No. 206907
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 317x340, 1474531934106.png )
>>206902 But it's not just to tell people to do things you wouldn't do yourself!
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
Nene is super cute. She can be smug cute too.>>206907 But it's also unjust to not tell people what they need to hear.
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 1980x2500, まなろう - 東方まとめ (61603988) 3ページ.png )
The problem is that all the girls are really good. If I were to rank them, Nene would be second from bottom
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:09 No. 206910
Search [iqdb] (520 KB, 1280x824, 1474522916147.png )
>>206908 Are you saying that justice isn't real?!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:09 No. 206911
Search [iqdb] (572 KB, 717x699, 7600c2c4308b1dd6d8a40ebd202259b7.png )
>>206909 I can settle for sharing somewhat similar opinions with you at least. Who's at the bottom for you then
>>206910 >ideals and social norms >real
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:10 No. 206913
you can't ask blue who his bottom is what the fuck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:10 No. 206914
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 396x479, f5c38bb8ba1bc1befb68381de709aeaf.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 649x649, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>206910 No, I'm saying that sometimes it is just to tell people to do things you wouldn't do.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:11 No. 206916
Hey Kirara you're PAN's dad, what donuts do I get him
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
I'm shocked you guys have such low opinions of Nene! You're such big fans of me, I'd surprised you wouldn't have a greater appreciation for smug cute.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:11 No. 206918
>>206917 Kirara loves Nene
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:11 No. 206919
Search [iqdb] (245 KB, 402x524, 1474458643798.png )
>>206917 I am too. Nene is top-tier. Way cuter than YOU though!>>206916 how many donuts are you getting him
Search [iqdb] (449 KB, 763x1100, 天三月 - 艦これ絵まとめ24 (63952162) 5ページ.png )
Hifumi top Aoba next then Ahagon Then the boss Then the lesbians then the loli who doesn't want to be fat then Nene then the tomboy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:11 No. 206921
Nene's voice is what does it for me, really. I don't like her voice very much.
>>206901 That episode gets really, really good. Be excited.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 823x651, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 02(…).jpg )
>>206919 Wow, how cruel!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:12 No. 206924
>>206919 I'm getting a half-dozen to split between me him and my mom
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:12 No. 206925
Search [iqdb] (179 KB, 558x259, 1471994925837.png )
>>206923 You told Fish that I feel like I'm not worthy of her and now I'm embarrassed! I'm totally worthy of her! I'm the best and strongest ever!>>206921 WOW
>>206920 But Aoba is Best Girl Suzukaze Aoba.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:13 No. 206927
Search [iqdb] (358 KB, 540x680, 45618846_p0.jpg )
Aoba and Kou are at the top for me
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 613x677, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>206925 You guys both get self-conscious and overly considerate of each other from time to time. Don't be embarrassed, it'[s one of those things that shows that you're a good couple.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:13 No. 206929
>>206924 all french cruellers
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1062x1600, うさ叉吉 - おなかなっちゃった (63902718) 1ページ.png )
Aoba is great but Hifumi embodies all of my personal insecurities.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:13 No. 206931
>>206929 I don't like cruellers BRACING FOR IMPACT
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:13 No. 206932
>>206931 i don't like you anymore
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:14 No. 206933
>>206930 What a coincidence. You like Hifumi Meat likes Hifumi Meat's a lolicon Blue's a
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:14 No. 206934
Search [iqdb] (481 KB, 800x1600, 1471958579181.jpg )
>>206930 Fish self-inserts as Hifumi, I think.>>206933 A fine, upstanding gentleman!>>206928 Hidoi yo. You know I get embarrassed about that stuff.
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 529x687, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_02_(1280x72(…).jpg )
Ranking New Games is hard. It's one of those shows that is too good to create rankings. I'll do it since everyone else is though. My favorite is Shizuku. Then Hifumi, then Aoba, then Nene and Yun tied.
>>206934 That's pretty completely unsurprising.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:14 No. 206937
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 700x900, 44937648_p13.jpg )
>>206935 Right? I basically just have Kou and Aoba Everyone Else Nene
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 481x551, DE35yoZVoAA81cJ.jpg )
Ranking NG!s is actually really easy.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:15 No. 206939
i want to meet the new characters in New Game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:15 No. 206940
Search [iqdb] (631 KB, 1075x1518, 0d3489ad4144baa1573ed87b98912c50.jpg )
I should get ready to go and drive and get donuts and also get dinner what do I get for dinner #hot food #dinner #what do I do #doushio #moe #Kirara
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 1200x1600, リーリン - 「…おやすみ。」 (63890336) .png )
>>206934 Fish is a good person. There were just lots of points in New Game where everything is positive and happy and Hifumi is there to remind me of the reality of game design and deadlines and stress and feelings of incompetence and all my other insecurities.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:16 No. 206942
Search [iqdb] (261 KB, 551x536, 1469446648743.png )
>>206941 I'm looking forward to seeing you and her interact someday. It's gonna be so good.
Search [iqdb] (926 KB, 1192x1402, W18@3日目東Z35ab - 何枚٩( 'ω' )و (6(…).jpg )
I don't know how well it would work out but it will probably most likely be fun and okay. I believe in myself.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:18 No. 206945
Search [iqdb] (708 KB, 749x999, 1462555284010.jpg )
>>206944 i should put you two in contact and see what happens
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 690x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 02(…).jpg )
Having someone new to talk to may help her come out of her shell a bit. Someone male like Blue may be good too. Blue is male but he's still pretty safe.
Poor Blue.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:21 No. 206948
Search [iqdb] (3.2 MB, 2150x3035, e48e94b8489c2442af5388a8c4e4d254.png )
What does safe constitute does ToN constitute a safe male
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:21 No. 206949
Search [iqdb] (105 KB, 600x697, 1458573673640.jpg )
I don't think she's ready for direct contact with someone like you yet.>>206946 Yeah, Blue is super safe.
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 02(…).jpg )
>>206948 I don't mean to offend, but you probably aren't safe!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:21 No. 206951
Search [iqdb] (897 KB, 1075x1518, 12bf0e5c51ab741b47dfb86d98c6762a.png )
Probably not.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/21 (金) 23:22 No. 206952
>>206950 I figured don't worry haha
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 23:23 No. 206953
still can't believe I saw Cara randomly i want to find Keanu
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:23 No. 206954
>>206953 if you find keanu, you should get a pic with him on a bench, looking sad
>>206953 You gotta ride the subway for that to happen.
>>206954 I wonder if it would be possible to convince him of this. He's got to know of the meme to some degree.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 23:24 No. 206957
perfect i will arm myself with a sandwich oh god it's so hot clothing was a bad choice
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:24 No. 206958
kyaa, keanu, eat this sandwich on a bench with me!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 23:26 No. 206959
I wonder if I can get my neck bones fused to be more like him *swivels shoulders dynamically*
>>206957 Just wander around New York City completely naked. You'll still probably be boiling hot.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:27 No. 206961
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 1000x852, 1458620972007.jpg )
If you were in Florida, you could just take off your shirt
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_02_(1280x72(…).jpg )
There was a shirtless guy walking around downtown outside my workplace today. It was really hot here today though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:28 No. 206963
Search [iqdb] (814 KB, 830x720, 1456576016524.png )
It's a shame that chicks can't just take their shirt off like men when it gets super hot. Where's the equality? Well, I guess it'd be better if nobody could take their shirt off. I don't wanna see tits everywhere.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 23:28 No. 206964
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 23:29 No. 206965
girls can just wear sun dresses and stuff
>>206961 He probably can just take off his shirt either way. Unless you want to go into private establishments I think guys are free to go topless. Here in Toronto there's also no laws prohibiting women from going about public spaces topless either Though naturally you don't really see them, ever, taking advantage of it.
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 680x720, [Doki]_New_Game!_-_04_(1280x72(…).jpg )
A low cut neckline can give you plenty of air circulation while still mostly protecting your dignity.
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your boy ton is about to hit the road
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:31 No. 206969
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 699x1021, 1456069033624.jpg )
I'm kind of self-conscious about wearing v-necks and stuff. I use them as undershirts usually but I don't wear them as my main shirt because I get subconscious about people seeing my chest for some reason. People will probably think it's weird if they see I don't have chest hair.
I do the same. wearing them as a main shirt would uh reveal the um nayure of my true form
I don't have the ideal genetics for v-necks. Maybe if I get more fit it would matter less.
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 2620x3624, 榊葉ミソギ - 最近の落描き③ (63868225) 2ページ.png )
>>206945 >>206946 >>206949 ... OF COURSE 100% SAFEforwork
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 550x800, fig3.jpg )
This Shigure is CUTE.
Slippery slope
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:32 No. 206975
>>206973 true
top tier shiggy
>>206969 It's kind of funny really. You're worried about people seeing your chest with its lack of hair. I'm worried about people seeing my chest with its lack of lack of hair.
Search [iqdb] (279 KB, 708x1000, 07.jpg )
>>206974 It's not a slippery slope if it's Shigure. I declared my intent to buy Shigure figures from the beginning.
>>206977 same, was what i was getting at
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:34 No. 206980
what the fuck the MC in Gamers is fucking INSANE
>>206980 Isn't it GREAT. Just wait it gets better.
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This angle looks really good too.>>206980 It's a very good episode.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:35 No. 206983
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 888x1203, 1455738409754.png )
>>206972 Maybe I'll tell her to email you sometime without warning you first
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:36 No. 206984
tusk sure is chill after almost getting killed what a cool dude
I really like riajuu-kun. He's a good character.
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I found it. That part where I was just yeah that's it fuck
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>>206984 The first episode made me think he was an asshole but he may be my favorite after this episode.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:37 No. 206988
tendou is really cute though
>>206988 Yeah she's completely broken after this episode. It's pretty great.
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1800x2100, 綾樫 - カリオ.jpg )
Let's be careful because he probably hasn't seen to the end yet. I bet he's just past the overpass scene.
I loaded up the episode and jumped to about where he should have been. Just to make sure I wasn't spoiling anything. And also because the second half of this episode is so good.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:39 No. 206992
wow a real otp
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 645x900, もずくず@こめこん地-9 - 今、貴方の後ろに居るの (57(…).png )
If there is ever a real game dev manga, I'd love to see it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:40 No. 206994
>gyaru-poi translated to girly girls
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:41 No. 206995
man tusk is the best boy
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1281x722, PASSION.PNG )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:42 No. 206997
Gamers is surprisingly good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:42 No. 206998
fish doesn't like amano when he was pushing tusk over the side she wanted tusk to punch amano in the face
Does she normally get entertained by physical slapstick?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:43 No. 207000
she likes seeing people she does like experience misfortune at least she wants to see the bad guys lose
I assume that should be doesn't like, right?
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 850x850, cag shopping.jpg )
>>206998 Why not? Just because he's a wuss?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:44 No. 207003
>>207001 correct
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/21 (金) 23:44 No. 207005
what do you mean I used all 2GB of data this is outrageous warblegarble guess I'll suffer the choke
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:45 No. 207006
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 278x245, 1455633085983.jpg )
>>207002 She thinks he's an inconsiderate asshole that takes advantage of people without meaning to >>207005 oh no
I can kind of get it. I don't quite think he takes advantage of people and more just doesn't invest himself much. But he is pretty tactless and not that considerate.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:49 No. 207008
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 707x1153, 1455391185160.jpg )
I wish I could skip to Sunday
>>206920 >tomboy that low
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:51 No. 207010
>>207009 for me too she's bottom
Search [iqdb] (614 KB, 1280x720, anya.png )
>>207008 Why would you do something insane like skipping the weekend!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:52 No. 207012
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 733x919, 1455260641260.png )
>>207011 Because tomorrow is one of my least favorite days and I'd like to skip it
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I'll stop you! I need Saturday to happen.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:53 No. 207014
Search [iqdb] (533 KB, 627x819, 1453459222801.png )
You can keep your Saturday. I'd like to skip it for myself, though. Go to bed tonght and wake up on Sunday.
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 614x943, 1414572136385.jpg )
Make sure to drop in and let your granblue characters wish you happy birthday! That's a nice touch.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/21 (金) 23:54 No. 207016
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 173x164, 1453327024893.jpg )
Ehh. I've done that before.
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 2000x2000, 榊葉ミソギ - 最近の落描き③ (63868225) 1ページ.png )
>>207009 She's not bad. She's just not as interesting. Although, the last chapter I read with her was pretty nice. She doesn't get much space to be interesting.
Search [iqdb] (251 KB, 847x600, ぢせ - twitter log (63787594) 4ページ.png )
If there was anything I'd change I'd probably swap Yun and Nene
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:00 No. 207019
the dynamic is perfect as is
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:00 No. 207020
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1280x720, 1453847616673.jpg )
maybe i should set up a special voicemail for tomorrow and it'll tell everyone that i'm too busy to answer their calls
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 676x718, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 02(…).jpg )
Yeah, Yun is important. Yun acts as a foil for everyone else because she's not driven. Everyone else is very driven.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:02 No. 207022
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Wow, don't be tsundere!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:02 No. 207024
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 438x369, 1500632995700.jpg )
Huh? What am I being tsundere about?
Search [iqdb] (461 KB, 847x600, ぢせ - twitter log (63787594) 3ページ.png )
no I mean swap on my ranking. Yun is driven to lose weight.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 680x715, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 01 [7(…).jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:08 No. 207027
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:09 No. 207028
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 376x588, 1500632992388.jpg )
guess i'll just take my leave
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Koi to Uso - 03(…).jpg )
Are you leaving?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/22 (土) 00:09 No. 207030
guess I'll just flash my naked BUTT
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:10 No. 207031
Search [iqdb] (201 KB, 330x422, 1500631292086.png )
>>207029 Isn't that what I just said I was doing? Mou, try to keep up!
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 509x719, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
>>207031 Oh, well have fun doing whatever it is you're going to do! I'm going to go look for food soon I think.>>207030 She's wearing a mask so it's fine.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:10 No. 207033
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>>207032 It's bedtime! There's only one thing I'd be doing at this time!
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
>>207033 Oh, well have fun sleeping!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 00:11 No. 207035
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y-you too
>30 minutes after
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sometimes I think they're heart pupils and that really gets to me
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I just spent the last like 7 or 8 hours talking with dutchfriend about a lot of things and I think it's safe to talk to him abotu the things in my life granted like 3 or 4 of those hours was me ranting about TEH CAPITALIZTS, but we both enjoy talking politics so that's fine It's weird to be so close despite our worldviews being so vastly different It's rare to see Though usually it's the faggot leftist who'll end the friendship with someone over politics, and I'm not that person Also I'm alcohols so excuse this onehai
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/22 (土) 00:59 No. 207042
>>207033 9pm Friday is bedtime?
Kirara is an ojii-san.
>>207041 ohayo
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 500x500, DEfckKbVYAMvz0v.jpg )
hey sk
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/22 (土) 01:34 No. 207047
i booped a feral cat on the forehead today and freaked him out he was snoozin and didn't know i was there
Ranked Splatoon here we go.
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 600x698, 88_are_you_a_kid_or_a_squid__b(…).jpg )
>>207049 oops
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 652x718, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
You messed it up!
wow how do you mess up yourube links what a loser
oh yeah I guess it's a sad day for sugoi
>gummy burning crusade >4 years in the making >best scripted server yet >C&D letter at his front door within hours of launch JUST
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/22 (土) 02:05 No. 207057
>>207049 good luck kill some e-shots for me
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/07/22 (土) 02:07 No. 207058
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>>207056 It's getting shut down, huh?
>>207060 >getting already done
>>207056 sasuga blizzard
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 899x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Wow, waiting until launch to do it even though they obviously knew about it. That's cruel, even for blizzard.
so cold
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170719_085300.jpg )
>300 million dollar court >four convictions Good job UN
shit ass raccoons what a shitty animal i hate these bastards
>>207066 You need to fight back
i dont want rabies i will shoot them though they fuck everything up
Search [iqdb] (281 KB, 2100x2100, DFMdyNsUMAAFkQ6.jpg )
my phone's got the browser address bar and the top status bar of the OS burned into the screen it's not like the icons are there, but they appear as discolored lines
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My Big Antagonist Can't Possibly Be This Authoritarian
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one of my cousins is an antivaxxer lol
rip <awoo> only lasted an hour
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>>207074 cucked hard by blizzard
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how's yuu're friday going
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i wish i could play splatoon everyone sounds like they're havin a lot of fun
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>>207076 You've shitposted at me a good bit today, haven't you?>>207078 I don't have it either.
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 600x935, deev_by_vashperado-dawy1uj.jpg )
>>207079 a good bit? it was just those two little things and they're not even new shitposts they're recycled i've barely been on other than that! i guess it bothered you more than i thought, gomen
Ah man. I could get addicted to this.
S+ soon
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
>>207080 There have been at least two instances of shitposting!
>>207082 Probably never. I only just broke C-.
Search [iqdb] (249 KB, 1280x720, _w_a_k_e___u_p__by_vashperado-d5wykrk.jpg )
>>207083 were there others? am i missing something
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>>207085 My tsun-meter feels charged, that means you've been shitposting at me.
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i mean i shitpost at you all the time though it's like a lot of fun to do and i don't think it's always in bad tastes just like an "ugh, okay moon" i'm not really sure if i did something different this time that struck a bad nerve or whether your patience for it has worn out or whether it's just been a long week
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 388x695, [HorribleSubs] Idol Jihen - 05(…).jpg )
Yeah, maybe it's that you've been shitposting at me a lot this week.
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1191x670, 88__b_l_a_c_k___v2_by_vashpera(…).jpg )
i guess i didn't notice it probably extends to a lot of people, not just you. i dunno i'll try to be less annoying
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I'm not really mad, but I am feeling a bit tsuntsun.
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1600x900, _c_o_d_e___b_l_u_e__by_vashper(…).jpg )
well i left all my dairy at home and i wouldn't have enough for you anyway sorry
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at what point does tsuntsun become deredere
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>>207091 don't shitpost at me
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come on that one was pretty good
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I'm starting awakening but I have an important question first mrobin or frobin?
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i vote frobin
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male robin is a good out of the box takumi killer but female robin is cuter.
I'll count riki's vote for frobin since she'd pick cute over utility so it's unanimous
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Last name? DeBank First name? Mrobin Mrobin DeBank No, I am.
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>>207099 Yes, cute is more important than utility.
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tfw you are too depressed to care and just dip tostitos chips into dehydrated potato flakes and wash it down with rum life is hard
>>207103 >not even any dip to go with the chips You need serious help
i do but i dont even want it
the dip i mean
>>207106 >>207105 You've had a hard life friendo
yeah i'm really tired
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 500x631, 1500691571218.jpg )
>>207108 does this help
>>207109 >tfw you'll never be that cat
>>207109 raccoons came and killed off like two dozen feral kittens tonight it just makes me sad
damn that sucks raccoons can be pretty bad pests
i have to clean up all the mess too fucking raccoons man if i catch one i'm going to kick the shit out of it
about half the colony was affected by a respiratory infection i was going to go get antibiotics and take some of the worse off ones to the vet it's surprisingly inexpensive, i could get a group of them taken care for for like a hundred bucks but i guess the weak ones got left alone and the fuckin raccoons trapped them in the shed and it's terrible i am really angry about it
Search [iqdb] (344 KB, 555x609, 1493838956181.png )
raccoons are really dangerous
i needed those cats to control the moles and rabbits
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It sounds like a number of them survived so they'll be back at full power soon. Cats breed like rabbits.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 600x777, 88_head_shots_by_vashperado-d70bun9.jpg )
rook it's almost one any interest in playing dicks 4
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/22 (土) 05:49 No. 207119
>>207116 You can get rid of moles with dry ice
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is tilde around?
I am now.
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I'm trying to find Ika.
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i guess infowars is now a client this makes my life complicated
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anime >>207124 → >>207123 Those moes obsessed with news will be amused by that.
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not like haha don't click this like rika you're not allowed to click that please don't you don't like it
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really rika
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Really. I have to look at all the pictures, I'm a mod! If you could just say "don't look at this rika" and spoil stuff, you could post lewd things! I don't really understand the appeal of posting that image anyway. It has no value other than showing people something horrible.
yeah i was like 80% sure you were still going to loook even though i picked a spoiler that lets you discern the image before clicking it and sincerely warned you
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 899x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
That image needs to be destroyed wherever it is posted anyway. You should delete it off your hard drive.
can't upload images but can watch youtube videos in full go figure
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 720x720, 1494214748975.jpg )
>>207153 germaphobes make themselves weak to the very germs they fear
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 527x702, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
That is kind of a faulty metaphor since I looked at it. It's a horrible gif though. You should delete it and apolgize for ever saving it.>>207158 Are you interested in watching some anime instead?
Search [iqdb] (♫, 1m21s, 8.4 MB, 640x360, Nihonbashi Koukashita R Keikaku.mp4 )
watch this instead
>>207157 if you watch it enough times you will be strong enough to endure
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 550x705, [HorribleSubs] Tsurezure Child(…).jpg )
>>207159 I will never like it. I don't have to endure it, I can destroy it. I don't understand why you feel the compulsion to post it in the first place. It isn't cute.
Choosing to endure something bad for the sake of enduring it is just a stupid kind of masochism.
>>207158 soDOPE
>>207161 shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm just arguing for the sake of it
yeah right? it's a wario ware anime
>>207163 Oh that's the best kind of masochism.
>>207164 ummmmmmm explain
I can't you either understand it or you don't
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsurezure Child(…).jpg )
You should endure driving a nail through your hand. And do it while your hand is on the mouse deleting that image.
>>207167 you're making it sound like it was an anime that originated from the game warioware
>>207168 why would i delete it?
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg )
so that you can't post it anymore.
>>207172 no it's an anime video that has the same pacing and quirkiness as wario ware I lied I could explain it
>>207179 oh
>>207176 it's not that bad
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 652x718, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
It is that bad. I'd rather look at gore. You just want to be edgy or something.
what was the image
this dude chips his teeth with a nail clipper
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 800x717, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg )
Though to be more precise it actually is gore.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/22 (土) 07:28 No. 207212
So the guy whose house we are doing D&D at is passive aggressively sabotaging the game He'll let us come over for D&D, but refuses to clean off a table for us to play D&D on. And won't let us clean it off either. He says its because he is sick of D&D 3.5.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/22 (土) 07:30 No. 207216
Oh but I can't tell the dm that because then he'll get pissed at the other guy, and that guy will start making a bunch of self destructive decisions and basically shut down for at least a week.
goodnight /moe/ catch you next time
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/22 (土) 07:37 No. 207222
>>207221 Oyasumi
Search [iqdb] (9 KB, 262x206, 1494578920784.jpg )
oh wait i have to post the image>>207224 i don't gain anything by deleting it
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 625x696, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>207221 bye bye make sure to delete that gif!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/22 (土) 07:37 No. 207226
>>207223 You gain free space on your harddrive.
>disabled woman selling books >see one I kind of want >it's pretty $20. Pretty steep but I figure it's for a good cause >open the packaging >all the pages are photocopied. Blurry. Spine falling appart And I've also seen other handicapped people around the city selling exactly the same books in exactly the same style. It's a whole ring operation. >>207230 I've bought heaps of books that come in plastic packaging and they're fine. It's meant to show that it's new amd untouched
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/22 (土) 07:44 No. 207230
>>207229 The fact that there was "packaging" around the book to prevent you from opening it should have tipped you off that something was off.
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bootleg books?
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The moral of the story is that a soft heart is a weaknesses and you should never do anything nice for anyone ever. >>207232 Why not? It's a product tourists buy that you can produce cheaply and charge at a massive markup
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I guess book nerds are less likely to shoot you for selling them fake product.
Mate, Wheelchair or not, If I see that woman again we're having a punch on in the street
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/22 (土) 07:58 No. 207245
How much longer will you be there? Also have you gotten a chance to go to a gun range yet?
A couple of other guys in the group we're saying there's a range outside the city near the airport. I haven't been to one though. I'm in Cambodia for another week.
I'm getting bored with Phnom Penh though. I've been here like 8 days And there isn't a whole lot to see in the first place
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Are you headed somewhere else next?
Yeah. We go to Siam Reap on Monday
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/22 (土) 08:10 No. 207273
Hrrm Gonna go to bed. Oyasumi /moe/.
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The biggest problem with physical purchases is having to swap them in and out of the player whenever you want a different one. While I do like having a physical copy on hand just in general I do wish I could do without having to swap stuff. Especially with Nintendo's e-shop I think I would prefer particularly so having the physical proof of purchase. Though I've heard they've gotten a bit better for the Switch.
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Wow, you're all super dead! Mou.
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Check out this HUEG dog!
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it'd probably hate me
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>>207319 a cat is fine then?
the leftover tea is always the most bitter
Another crash?
maybe just me
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went to bed early woke up late and still tired
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Dead moe?
>>207325 she needs to clean her room those books are gonna get ruined if she just leaves them around like that
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Dutchfriend and I drank and watched Attack on Titan last night, followed by hours of politics and then talked about various life stuff Was a good drinking night
>>207330 Which part would you elect if you were surrounded by titans?
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Like, if I was put in the walls of SnK?
sounds like a fun time
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Id go with whichever party will tear the two inner walls down Bet your ass efforts to make that outer wall stronger will get a fire lit under its ass when the BOUSHIES in the middle are in the same boat
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vote for the guy that wants to make everyone a titan
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That guy would be a good second But tearing those walls down would not itself fix everything, but force the ruling class to do everything in their power to protect their people from the titans
equal proximity to the danger didnt do that in kabaneri hmm
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I didn't watch Kabaner
the poor workers gotta build trains while the rich watch and barely pay the workers but when shit goes down its the glorious worker that saves everyone
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>>207339 I may not agree with that power dynamic, but at least they're forced to actually get it done through some mechanism The (literal)inner circle in SnK has no incentive to do anything to protect their people other than making sure they have the tools to kill the titans and repair the wall before the second\third wall is breached That's all they need to care about
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Which somewhat makes me wonder If communism was actually realized, globally We're commies now, everyone is What the hell happens to all these cool media we have? They'd be so foreign to us, they wouldn't make sense after a few generations of global communism "What the fuck, why aren't they just rising up?"
>>207332 yeah>>207334 >putting all your humans into one basket I dunno man>>207343 Now we're talking Defending against titans must be extremely difficult with guys like the armored titan If they actually wanted to just wipe out humanity, they probably could have done it already
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>>207342 You can have more than one basket You just let none of them be objectively better to be in You can divide the outer wall like a pizza 4 baskets All equally at risk
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>>207344 We must preserve capitalism so we can get all these cool TV shows
And all the shitty celebrity culture that goes with it?
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>>207347 We must destroy capitalism after all I'm sorry GoT fans
turn the celebs into workers
>>207348 >sorry
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I am fine with a post apocalyptic scenario. Just everything in disrepair and small communities but freedom to travel the world. no passports, just lots of radiation and buildings over taken by plantlife
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>>207342 The intelligent titans probably could Definitely could I haven't kept up with the manga though, so I don't know what their end game is
>>207352 Just pop up in front of a wall, transform, then rinse and repeat.>>207351 Wouldn't you get new hierarchies formed by those small communities I really liked the YKK apocalypse
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>>207351 id like that
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>>207353 But it would take a very long time or never happen to gain the same level of global and outright control. and if the population is devestated there would so much land empty of people. also I just like the landscape of towns and cities covered in veins, trees and flowers. cars covered in long grass and people who never knew what cars are or buses learning them about them like they were magical.
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>>207353 >take a pickaxe to the wall until you've chipped out just enough to force yourself into it >bite hand rip wall
>>207356 >punch wall >run away and transform back into human in the chaos >LOOK THE WALL IS MADE OF TITANS >Laugh >>207355 I love places like Chernobyl because they have that nature taking over man aesthetic.
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What if the wall isn't titans What if the titans are walls
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hello blue
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>>207360 Did he forget to close the door and turn off the stove?
>>207359 No one gets past the wall
>>207361 maybe he wanted to die
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i was talking about communism yesterday at school we were looking at a case of someone and their scores on tests and i joked that their test results indicated that he was a commie and he wanted to seize the means of production and this chick thought i was saying it because she was from russia lol
>>207363 Maybe he wanted to see if he was ever truly alive
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>>207364 Is that a thing you can actually infer to some degree?
>>207366 not actually but they hated authority and were super worried about money
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Huh I didn't expect it to be possible, but I figured maybe there were some things that commies have a higher tendency than others to tick
I should do like a masters and write a thesis on the EVE economy>>207368 It shouldn't be that hard if you can outright ask about money
>>207368 you probably can but unless we can study commies enough we'll never know there's no research on commies because they have had to stay in hiding for 70 years
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I think if you were able to study commies, you'd find a higher than average incidence of mental illness of various kinds Or at least abnormalities
Which political ideology has the most mentally ill supporters?try and justify your answer and erase as much bias as possible
>>207372 Ancaps
>>207372 Which has the most supporters?
>>207374 Congrats you solved the trick question
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Naw actually I think it's probably somewhere on the left, though not outright commies The people who are like, a little bit left of the mainstream liberal view Those people have a LOT of mental illness
>>207372 communism you gotta be pretty fucker in the head to resist the brainwashinh maybe the alt-left actually, not real commies
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>>207377 Yeah Actual commies do have a fair amount, and they've got a lot of trannies and stuff, but they're not like... almost exclusively mentally unstable people The group that's commonly referred to as SJWs is like 70% completely unstable
yeah alt-left is pretty fucking bad and SJWs are too yeah
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Isn't the super conservative pretty fucked up too
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Really conservative people are usually abnormal either because they're suppressing their own homosexuality or they went through some shit as kids that made them more cynical, but they're rarely really mentally ill
>>207380 yeah but only due to brainwashing
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>>207372 The one that's least aligned with eugenic practices.
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Dead pundits had a guy on last episode who criticized black leftists for being way too caught up in race It's an interesting episode
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That doesn't sound interesting at all.
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>>207385 I actually agree with this white dude, I think keeping your history around is a good thing Russia still has a TON of hammer-and-sickles and stars around the country, despite Putin not being able to stand communism
monu monuments are one thing i dont mind that stuff in mueuems but maybe monuments arent really good
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I think monuments glorifying slavery in parks and shit is unbecoming. Well, not "unbecoming" because we're already there. Removing them sounds nice. Replace with better monuments. There are so many better ways to exemplify parts of history.
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Removing mouments isn't the same as erasing history. I don't get the argument that it is history. besides they cost money for maintenance. put something useful in their place.
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>>207388 If they were erected afterwards, that's one thing I guess But it's a part of what made your country what it is today, and I think it's important to keep that around to be seen Though statues you can probably remove yeah
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That's what they are. Statues and monuments literally praising traitors and "white supremacy" In public spaces.
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>>207390 d... don't maintain them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 12:52 No. 207394
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>>207392 Yeah, this. These monuments are terrible things. Keep the history in the museums.
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I guess I can't actually understand it too well, because really we don't have anything like this here The closest we get is we HAVE churches and our government still exists
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 12:53 No. 207396
like nobody would want a statue of stalin in their park, right? except tankies
Search [iqdb] (561 KB, 900x900, CORE - ハラショー中お見舞い (63877795) .png )
You want to see erasure of history? Here's what it sounds like
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All the statues and momuments we have are super old. American's momuments are so modern in comparison.
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>>207396 Yeah that's how I changed on such short notice a bit earlier, I realized we're talking about statues of people, not symbols of ideology or something, and the two are different Cause I think ideology is one thing And people are a bit different Though even ideological symbols I can see the problems with so I dunno I don't like the idea of tearing down every statue you can find because there was SOMETHING the man or woman in question did that we have now decided was bad
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I see a statue of king alfred the great nearly all the time.
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I wouldn't want a statue of white supremacy hanging around either But that's what they were protecting. Literally engraved into the monument
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 12:55 No. 207402
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>>207399 Sure, but we're talking about statues of murders and rapists. These Civil War leaders that are being commemorated by the statues went from town to town, razing the towns, because they dared to support the Union. They're not just slave-owners, they're mass murderers. The Union has people like that, too, who massacred people for daring to support the South. We don't need that shit.
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Yeah, I'm mostly talking about this generally because I don't know the specifics involved here For example I hold a different view if you put Lenin or Stalin as a statue Lenin wasn't perfect either, he did a lot of fucked shit But he did so as the leader of the revolution, it's a BIG part of what makes russia what it is Stalin, on the other hand, was a fucking tyrant and really not much else unless you believe tankies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 12:58 No. 207404
yeah but in that case, it's actually commemorating the history, i think "this person played a big part in our history" the people whose statues are being torn down here are fucking nobodies to literally everyone but white supremacists i study history and i don't know half of them they did nothing
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>>207404 ...oh Well fuck those statues I thought they like, had a big role, like they were generals or something And at least ostensibly did what they did to protect MUH STATE RIGHTS
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 12:59 No. 207406
well like, there was a statue of jefferson davis that was town down he was president of the confederate states but he did nothing he's not interesting he barely played a role despite his position during that time he as a person isn't significant to the whole of history that is the civil war, if that makes sense
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It doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I understand the words you're saying I dunno, man, this is stuff I shouldn't have a lot of opinions on because I don't really know the details, I think
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:02 No. 207408
i personally think they should just put these monuments in museums
Yeah putting them in museums would be fine
Search [iqdb] (215 KB, 600x570, 0d7b93591afd5f9fbde41aaedc8e3f(…).png )
Failing that? Drop them.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:02 No. 207411
what if we fly over KKK meetings and drop the monuments on them
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 600x420, 91f87b6bda931bedd93eda419dd9e4(…).png )
What if we dropped KKK meetings on the monuments until they fell over
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:03 No. 207413
let's shoot KKK meetings out of canons at statues
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:03 No. 207414
another thing to realize is that there aren't that many civil war monuments being torn down maybe like 8 countrywide? we've taken down more 10 commandments monuments than that
>mouse FUCK
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 446x676, c83032974282a3a4105e63c5cecec7(…).jpg )
I swear I need to cement off this side door. They keep getting in through the alternate entrance. THERE'S NO FOOD HERE.
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We just need to keep breaking them until they decide to front their own money to protect them in a museum.
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:05 No. 207419
Search [iqdb] (424 KB, 470x1968, satan.png )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:05 No. 207420
>>207417 agreed
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:06 No. 207421
just had a training session in the spirit world i'm going to tear the feathers off the enemies
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I have this really bad... "loading vision" thing going on. Like I'd see things move in the corner of my eye but when I focus on it, it would be something like a knot on wood or something that doesn't actually move. So seeing that mouse shift around was like oh that's probably noth- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't know what's worse though. The mouse, or me putting off the fact that my sight is "lagging" on loading details at times.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:07 No. 207423
>>207418 so cute
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:08 No. 207424
Search [iqdb] (5.3 MB, 6000x4000, ron paul.jpg )
how to make a real monument
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I want a holodeck. It could be super comfy
Just sitting i n a room where a universe of stars above drops slowly down as raindrops. that feels so peaceful!
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 511x800, DEuac7kVwAEpFuI.jpg )
Now, I have to figure this rodent stuff out before it ruins my laundry or something ugh.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:10 No. 207428
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 355x343, semiramis soldier.png )
>>207426 you can do that with a VR headset
>>207428 Yeah but it doesn't emulate the temperature, or sensation of the wet rain. or the cool air from the rain. Star Trek holodecks need to be real!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:11 No. 207430
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 140x366, sugoi is impotent.png )
haha i have this file called "sugoi is impotent" for some reason>>207429 true
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Also I really want to play Splatoon 2
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:11 No. 207432
>>207431 me too
I haven't played splatoon. I don't actually know anything about the actual gameplay.
me neither
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:13 No. 207435
me neither
I didn't know the squids had their own language
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 1000x782, 1469345103279.jpg )
Should I go outside today? or waste time thinking of doing something useful. ah, I feel like I have massive deja vu suddenly.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:14 No. 207438
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let's stay inside all day and appreciate a terrible day
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>google search: cost of rabies shot without insurance
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My days go by thinking of how I need to do something and all I do is end up reading manga, watching anime, reading twitter and generally thinking I can't do anything else or I won't be productive!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:16 No. 207441
Search [iqdb] (508 KB, 1350x758, 61531917_p0.jpg )
daijobu>>207439 did you just get bit by a fucking mouse
>>207439 I didn't know mice could have rabies
Search [iqdb] (436 KB, 707x1000, ミイル - オリキャラまとめ (63985561) 5ページ.jpg )
No. But I need to know the risks.>$500 to $1,200. This feels like such a low ball somehow.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:16 No. 207444
good because rabies shots are insanely expensive and insanely expensive>>207443 yeah uhh per shot right? because you need 7 shots
>>207444 >7 ...this says 3
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:17 No. 207447
really? you used to need 7 5-7 you'd have to go in every day for a week and get a big-ass needle put into your stomach
For example, at the Michigan State University Travel Clinic[1] , the cost of a rabies vaccination is at least $35 to $95 for a consultation, depending on how long it lasts; $20 for shot administration ($15 for each additional shot) and $200 each for the three required shots for a total of at least $685. And at Baylor Travel Medicine in Texas, an initial consultation costs $85 to $150, depending on the complexity of the patient's travel itinerary and medical history; a follow-up appointment to administer the vaccine costs $25 to $85; and the vaccine cost is $325 each for a total of at least $1,110. Price may have gone up though You know those fucking pharmacists and their shit
because I won't get bit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:19 No. 207451
if you get bit, i'll marry you so you can use my insurance
Is it common for mice to have rabies over there?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:19 No. 207454
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>Fish's face when i get married to blue
>>207453 Uh, I don't know but the real question is are you going to wait for rabies symptoms that usually show up after it's too late?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:20 No. 207456
mice rarely get rabies it's incredibly rare but it's possible if you catch the rat they can test it but yeah it's a risk
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All I can find online is it is super rare for mice and rats to have rabies. and mice die quickly if they have rabies for some reason.
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>only gay people even get AIDS to begin with, so why doesn't the government focus on something that has actual victims instead? Steven "I care about my country's people" Crowder
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Also I really need to make fanart of this one over here.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:22 No. 207460
of Flow?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:22 No. 207462
would you cuttle with her
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There are already 17776 cosplayers wow People are fast.
¥32,400 for a water melon. The squares are pretty expensive but the this is pretty pricy!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:23 No. 207466
>>207465 it's a decorative watermelon so it's fine
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hearts are expensive
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The heart of a watermelon creature.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:25 No. 207469
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>>207467 That's why you have to steal them.
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ugh its starting i should take some drugs and sleep all day until its over
good idea, I think I'll do that
Wow so many emoticons. and exclamation marks. That is terrible.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:26 No. 207473
>>207471 sasuga mai buddy
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:26 No. 207475
anyone can grow a square watermelon with a proper box
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 800x600, 1469485634449.jpg )
But where can you find a box not already containing a cat.
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Anyone who owns property on which to do it can grow a square watermelon*
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:27 No. 207479
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1200x1600, 1489977000697.jpg )
you can steal property to do it just do it on someone's property where they aren't aware
hell just cut out the middle man and steal a square watermelon
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:28 No. 207481
yeah good idea
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:28 No. 207482
you can also grow a watermelon in a pot though don't need much property
You can? I thought growing a watermelon required a bit more space than that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:29 No. 207484
yeah you can do it in a container but it'd have to be a biggish one my dad has grown them in containers before
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this is love
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:31 No. 207486
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ai I want to eat a buddha
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:32 No. 207488
>>207488 >building your floor on top of people and not just on the ground Dumb architecht
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>>207489 >dumb Fuck off leftie, he created jobs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:34 No. 207491
>>207490 >>207490 >>207490
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:35 No. 207492
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>>207490 >wanting to pay more mexicans
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:35 No. 207494
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>more happy birthday texts time to shut off my phone
>>207494 Would you prefer sad birthday texts?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:36 No. 207496
I hope you have a real shitter of a birthday Kirara!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:36 No. 207498
thanks at least we're being realistic now
You have come one more year closer to your demise! Congratulations
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:37 No. 207500
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last year at this time i was in my room at my mom's house with the door closed getting wasted and then i went to work and drank there
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:38 No. 207502
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i'd like to be drinking right now>>207501 beautiful
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:41 No. 207505
>>207503 nice
Is that Oprah?
Yes. Planeswalker Oprah Blue White Green
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:47 No. 207508
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I'll be back but you should totally check out this article about football.
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I think I might go out for a short walk. It can't hurt. I don't have anything better to do and I need to let my legs do some exercise!
>>207511 fighton
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:54 No. 207513
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>>207511 good luck out there
fucking Nine, man
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 13:57 No. 207515
>Nine, you are a space probe
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This is the coolest football future ever
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rip lunchables
why rip kirara get yourself a burg
>>207519 You gotta read about football 15k years into the future
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Maybe I should go get a burg
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:05 No. 207522
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people have been talking about this for a while but i haven't actually tried to read it until now>>207519 no today i must suffer
but you said you wanted a burg
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:06 No. 207524
when did i say that
a couple fays ago you said youd be getting a burger today
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:06 No. 207526
oh today it's fuckin 10am dude it's too early for a burger
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the early burg catches the worm
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Apparently someone at an event TotalBiscuit is doing asked in some Q&A something about traps, likley like "are traps gay?" And he was indentified, found and thrown out for transphobia
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:11 No. 207530
>>207527 haha what the fuck
>>207520 this is pretty creative
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:14 No. 207532
>>207529 good riddance that shouldn't be a question anymore it's 2017 ffs traps aren't gay
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It's a dumb question because traps are definitely gay, but it's not transphobic Traps aren't even trannies If they were, that'd remove the whole point, man>>207534 THEY HATED SK BECAUSE HE TOLD THEM THE TRUTH
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:15 No. 207534
traps aren't gay dude
Search [iqdb] (623 KB, 892x638, DEXzLEbUQAEq4qO.png )
>the state of New York wow the future
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:15 No. 207536
no dude traps are traps it's not gay trap is a gender
I'll accept that
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 535x625, DFGlq1KXoAAQkc4.jpg )
>>207535 New York City will straight up fine you if you agree to watch someone's dog for a weekend and they give you any amount of money for it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:17 No. 207539
new york city will fine you for existing or so i've heard
The mouse is trying to escape my room. Okay. That's good. I know what to do.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:19 No. 207541
are you gonna kill it with a knife please don't mice are cute
I'm going to trap my door. agh, but this is difficult>>207543 what the fuck kind of shit this is why the black plague happened, isn't it
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Dude Just grab it, it's a mouse
what if it gives him rabies
First off that was a rat Second of all nobody had any idea how to not spread disease
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:20 No. 207546
yeah that was the fuckin rats dude
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 1024x768, DDj-2erXUAArUmk.jpg )
It's not gonna give him rabies, I grab the mice my cat drags in all the fucking time dude
See, here's the thing. You're expecting me to be able to tell you the difference on sight. This can very well be a rat.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:20 No. 207549
they look different they act different
It's not a rat If you think it's a mouse, it's not a rat
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:21 No. 207551
yeah it's not a fuckin rat
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:21 No. 207552
google rat vs mouse you'll see the difference
You're a rat
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 750x944, DDMqkB-U0AAVDp-.jpg )
>>207553 Wow Goebbles chill out
you'd know if it was a rat are you sure it's not a bat?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:21 No. 207556
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:21 No. 207557
if it were a rat you'd be dead by now dude it would have eaten you in your sleep
Rats are straight up savage
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 750x305, mouse_vs_rat-min.jpg )
This mother fucker swallowed a god damn Dusk Stone to evolve.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:22 No. 207560
probably the most brutal motherfuckers alive
>>207560 fuckin raccoons man way worse
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:22 No. 207562
>>207559 haha
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:22 No. 207563
>>207561 raccoons don't eat houses and shit at least
>>207559 See? You wouldn't consider the possibility of it being a mouse if it was a rat
I guess I'll take it from the EXPERTS
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1080x872, Screenshot_20170722-102310.jpg )
hate this shit so much
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/22 (土) 14:24 No. 207569
>>207568 → >>207568 → >>207568 →
>>207567 just tell everyone you're jewish so you don't have a birthday