Thread #207124
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jikan x2 altair jifoku shoujo bahamut dive
Maiden Abyss 18if
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Ika didn't join us on this night last week. Rook did though.
I can't see Roc anywhere I can reach him.
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I don't think Ika is going to wake up.
I guess we ought to see if moving the time earlier on Fridays would accommodate him better, huh. Do you want to watch stuff without a third?
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yeah we should go ahead and watch. We will get way behind if we don't. let's start with altair okay let's start
All right.
The point of watching anime in a group is sort of defeated when there's only two people to watch. Kind of loses most of the charm. I guess that's why his hawk buddy didn't help him with that guy.
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It can't be helped.
Those swords those eyepatched people use are all broken at the top.
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That guy needs to lose the mustache.
It does make him look pretty ridiculous. I think it's important to have because of his position as mayor/governor/whatever the equivalent is.
Well that was kind of flashy.
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I didn't expect that guy to die so quick.
He did see kind of important because he was the leader. But I guess he's still just as disposable.
I kind of figured it would end up this way after that jerk-y guy got cleared.
This guy is a shitty kind of tsundere.
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This really isn't as good as Arslan. Maybe it will pick up.
hello anime friends I think I've only got 18if and abyss
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And jigoku shoujo. So let's do abyss jigoku 18if in that order.
We can also do Jigoku Shouko, unless there's something physically stopping you from having it.
oh yeah jigoku I did have it I just didn't see it
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okay let's do abyss okay let's start!
If Altair goes into full Persian adventure then Friday is really an Adventure Romance night. I like the romance of adventure.
ok ready
Dumb kids.
That should have been expected.
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They should give him a shovel or something.
>Even junk sells for good money in foreign countries Economical commentary huh.
Well that's lovely.
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He's a robot so he doesn't mind.
Yeah but I would be kind of grossed out even being around a girl trailing a giant thread of snot off an inanimate object.
Though I guess "inorganic" isn't --- "inanimate" isn't. But "inorganic" would have been. You get what I'm saying here.
I love tiered super structures like this.
I figure it's a coinflip really, if her mom's actually dead or not. But Nat is approaching it from a rational perspective.>>207196 I wouldn't be surprised if between this point and when they finally find her, she has passed on though.
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I think she's alive.
The "clang" of his hand reeling back in is a really satisfying sound effect.
Pft. His lie ended up being more believable than he could have expected. Though I get the feeling Leader has a notion of what's going on anyway.
Oh from the hat ears I thought it might be a different character. Also I was under the impression it was just Riko and Reg that were going down.
it is only them, the others are just helping them get far enough away so they don't get caught
These are some nice backdrops.
Dang it.
And down the rabbit hole, Alice fell.
ok jigoku right?
Yup yup.
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i went to pee okay we're all orange let's start!
You didn't really have to explain yourself.
I went to get pasta
I sat here and started trimming my fingernails.
glad we're all aware of the situation now
I still can't believe what a shitty deal this is
Short-gain victory for pain and suffering in the eventual future. People fall for shitty deals like that all the time.
yeah but this one is really extreme
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>>207208 I graciously let you know what I was up to anyway.
wow that got spooky fast
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She seems a little unhinged.
Yeah the flip around was a bit unexpected.
Yandere lesbian
Bisexual I guess.
The world of Japanese stand-up comedy seems a harsh and unforgiving world
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I wonder who the super bitter one is. oh looks like it's the pretty one.
that wasn't quite what I was expecting
Killing out of love is a really Japanese-y thing though. Especially considering it's basically a murder-suicide,
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The moral of the story is to watch out for yanderes. okay 18if okay lets start
I wonder how it will go this week.
ok ready
Something has gone horribly wrong apparently. Or I guess it's just a dream since MC is around
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I guess this one is just having a really mundane dream.
Oh no she's dying in her dream.
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Seems like more of a thing where she's not used to using her voice.
I guess she's in a coma.
Oh boy, t food.
Oh no she's dying in her dream.
We deito now. This is a nice chord progression in the music playing now.
best episode
Wow how come HE gets cell reception in the dream world.
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Do you not?
I don't even get consistent cell reception in my city.
Oh no now she's ACTUALLY dying in her dream.
Come on man you gotta open the red doors
I guess they open themselves
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So did he witness the moment of her death, or the moment she became a witch?
I think realizing that you're trapped in a dream triggers you turning into a witch the reenactment of her death was due to her starting to realize that she was in a coma or dead
The latter I think.>>207261 Probably also a heft amount of bitter and angry emotions too.
Tokyo deito
>cute deito dream >even CUTER deito dream what next?
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It seems like he may not be able to save this one.
You can't save everyone.
at least she got to be a waifu for a while
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This show is good.
And then she pulls on his sleeve and says "don't leave me alone tonight".
But yeah looks like she's about dead.
this is a really good episode
Is this just the previous night played from her perspective or the next night? Guess the latter.
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The episode has already been mostly from her perspective.
Oh it was actually the prior..? Man they're playing around a bit.
ika why
Oh no
>>207279 Did you sleep in?
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>>207279 run away or you'll get spoiled on 18if
i mean to sleep for an hourish slept for like 4 or 5
That's how it always goes. I know the pain. Do you think you would be able to watch Friday shows if we started them from the usual week starting time?
i can do 2am
this show is turning out better than I expected from the first episode
It was hard to expect anything from the first episode. But it just continues to floor any pretenses of expectations you try to make.
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that was a good episode
DId it make you get a little misty-eyed?
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No, my tear ducts are offline because I'm too tired.
well that's all I've got thanks for anime
Thanks Roc. You're my first go-to if I ever need a Squid impersonator. Also you gonna be around for anime tomorrow or are you tied up?
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Clair de lune as an insert was a nice touch. thanks for anime everyone sorry ika!
>>207293 I'll most likely be around sometimes I get unexpectedly called out but I don't have any plans for tomorrow
No sweat just keeping things accounted.
was 18if a diff theme
it was // wait I won't say
You gotta watch it for yourself Squid. Just do it.
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>>207297 Yeah, it was good again this week.
what shows did you do
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altair made in abyss jigoku shoujo 18if sorry we watched without you
its not a problrm im sorry i overslept i wouldnt have had to nap if i got more sleep yest
Don't work yourself too close to the bone, Ika! Squid's don't have any bones in their body you'll find there's absolutely nothing left of you!
i woke up after 5 hrs for no reason yest
I usually wake up after about 3 or 4.5 hours of sleep. I mean odds are I just roll over and get another 1.5-3 hours but I definitely find myself more alert after sleeping that long.
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Sometimes when you wake up too soon you have to force yourself back asleep.
I haven never had that issue. Haven't ever Have never Indecisiveness is a bitch.
My problems lie in struggling to fall asleep when first laying down to rest and getting up when I need to.