the people of new york wish that they could afford to live here too
how much is a six bedroom party house in new york we can all work hard to afford new york cost of living together
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the great thing about NY is the transit is so good you can live way out and still be able to come and have fun in town real easy or so i hear
no idea if the more affordable places are gentrified yet but that's what i'd do if i got a job there if there's a subway i'll ride it all day
Ehh to be honest, transit is having a lot of problems right now I mean, it functions at like 75% expectation but that 25%... Right now, the LIRR is doing some fixes so serious that they're giving discounts for people to detour to Brooklyn rather than going straight to the city
Drink Orange Juice in New York. I used to see those Ads for fresh orange juice based in New York all the time.
It's not good for regular conversation but at least this autocorrect is good for Twitters orig urls
check my leet aim
haha erong pic i need sleep
good mornin
what's so good about it HUH HUH?
Yes, when I have a video playing in youtube and I press the spacebar, it was entirely my intention to scroll down the page Thank you Youtube for the wonderful UX design
>>>/@pfpicardi/885922401736851458 this thread is about how lack of sex ed put him in danger and the comments are all about how he's sinful and deserves HIV for being gay and he should have just innately been aware that anal sex puts you at higher risk for HIV because everyone knows that
there's some mentally ill guy in the cohort a year ahead of me that is super into jung and thinks he's going to do jungian therapy or some shit and he's legit mentally ill, he's developing late schizophrenia or something
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a few weeks ago i was talking to this petite white girl in the lobby and school and this dude comes over and he shouts something like I DUNNO WHAT YOU MEAN and we're both like huh??? and he goes "shit SORRY" and laughs and walks away
it turns out he mistook this petite white girl for a tall, heavyset black professor
>>203667 nothing really surprises me about this to be honest jungian ideology lends itself well to the schizophrenic thought patterns not in a bad way either
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
he's probably going to have to drop out of the program he's really messed up the professors haven't intervened with him yet but there's no way he can provide therapy with his problems it'd be ridiculous if they allowed him to
im pretty messed up i worry about it sometimes but that just makes me more messed up so i try to assume everything will turn out all right
>>203673 therapists need therapy because they vicariously experience the pain and suffering of every person they see pain and suffering doesn't just go away, the therapist takes a lot of it into themselves
>>203674 Is it like ptsd? I guess you have to be empathetic to be good at it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's not like PTSD at all
it's more like chronic arsenic poisoning but psychological all that stuff just builds up and really weighs down on you
of course, most therapists are rich fucks that didn't experience a lot of suffering in their own lives so they're generally not very resistant to it to begin with
Why are therapists all sheltered and unexperienced in suffering? It sounds like they're a group of naive bunnies who want to help people without understanding what they're helping with.
>>203678 Wow I can do that with friends why aren't I being paid 60k a year
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because you can't become a therapist without a lot of money and if you have a lot of money, you probably don't suffer
and also >>203679 a lot of therapists don't care about helping they want to sit there and say mhm ok how does that make you feel?? for 50 minutes and collect 60k a year
because a lot of them are shitty people that thought it sounded cool to study psych
>>203678 a lot of them refuse to take on bpd patients too because it's too much work for them yvette esprey gave a really good talk on that subject and it was pretty cool
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
to be fair, BPD is almost untreatable much like all personality disorders so the amount of work you have to put into it is insanely high and you get very little benefit but the entire time, you have to experience a lot of stress and it's so much work i think it's sad that they won't help but at the same time, i understand the sentiment
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE月
>>203681 yeah that's kind of what she was saying, and then help illuminating on the sorts of problems were afflicting them and how it's difficult in the therapy setting but that's her specialty at the same time so she still does it even though she says try not to take more than like one or two bpd patients because it'll fuck ya up
>>203680 >>203681 Are there any other types of patients they'll avoid because it's hard?
hard is an understatement when i say PDs are almost untreatable, that's not an exageration it's not a personality disorder if you can treat it, personality disorders are resistant to change by definition
>>203684 sure, depends on lots of stuff when it comes to psychiatrists, if i even really mention that i drink alcohol or need benzos and adderall they just kind of are like "yeah whatever i'm not gettin involved in this"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203683 yeah i used to have a BPD that called the crisis hotline to speak to me and she'd only speak to me one time she got someone else and asked for me and i told them to tell her i was busy and she freaked out about how much i hate her and started sobbing and my coworker was like "he's just with another caller" and BPD-chan got happy-go-lucky again and was like ok! fuckin BPD man
>>203691 I thought that was stuff like lsd or cocaine
>>203691 idk i don't think i'm actually addicted to any of these tbh they help me function though i randomly do stop too to accomodate work needs and other shit and i'll tell you, when i'm two weeks off of benzos and also not drinking and i'm 100% sober i'm so fucked up, really manic and i write things down that don't make any sense and get really obsessive over some really dumb things and it's always been like that, it's not a withdrawal response, that's how i was before i ever was prescribed anything
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
people are afraid to give scheduled drugs because they're addictive and because there's a lot of laws that put the doctor up to a lot of scrutiny >>203692 hahahaha not LSD that's for sure >>203693 i kinda get that, i need stims to function effectively but i'm not addicted
>>203694 Wanna bet? If you get addicted and lose I'll take away the lsd and QUADRIPLE the price
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i wonder if diego will show up in jojolion
When's part 5 getting animated?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hasn't been confirmed yet
I hope it does get confirmed We'll be one part closer to part 7
we could make VR videos first-person mode of getting a back massage they can look at the ground through the little U-shaped headrest and experience the visual sensation of getting a back massage
job would be nice
TN !PcAPtAiNJoKirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203703 we could make a hospital stay VR first-person you sit in a bed with broken arms and legs suspended in the air for an hour and all you can do is watch a tiny tv or look out the window
childhood trauma simulator you're on the playground at recess and all the kids don't want to play with you so you try to play tetherball by yourself but you fuck it up and get tangled up to the pole and you can just watch as all the kids laugh at you
i bet that'd be a pretty good video tbh and would get a lot of views
A 2D VR where you look from Marios perspective and everything is flat lines
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203707 how about a childhood trauma simulator where you're standing in front of the class in your underpants while everyone laughs at you and the teacher calls you a fuck up
School shooter simulator to train the next generation
VR multiplayer where one player searches the others car for drugs and the other player hides them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
FPVR of lying down while cats rub on you
>>203724 holy fuck we could put the camera under // maybe in a glass bowl filled with like herrings or something and then just drop it in a herd of feral cats it'd be like they were running up to you in a big group and eating your face
it was pretty impressive i didn't even tell him about the concept of shitposting this was in like 2011 it came so naturally to him
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's no wonder that i'm so gifted
sounds like a fun person
If I showed my dad 4chan he'd just be turned off by the lewd jlist girls
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we were watching sports and bonding after my mom left and i was like hey do wanna talk to people about sports? so i showed him /sp/ and he's like i'm gonna go to this /g/ place and he worked his magic
I think my dad thought it was some sort of social media thing
My brothers are convinced it's an evil den of hackers and that they should never EVER go there
my grandma has legit talked about the hacker known as four chan
after the r9k shooting he saw me on some random board and noticed pepe and made some remark about that frog being the shooters social medias
return my smile
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ever since i showed him 4chan sometimes he's like "you still post on that weeaboo board?" and i'll say yeah and he'll be like "fuckin weeaboo" my dad is the only cool person in my family
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203762 i wish most people were still afraid of 4chan maybe 4chan wouldn't have become so shitty and reddity if they were
sounds about right
>>203767 I miss when there was an emailfield and newfags would put in their actual email and get doxxed and raided. It gave some legitimacy to the l33t h4ck3r fear and scared the underageb& into lurking
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
accidentally moved a bunch of money to the wrong account and now i gotta wait 24 hours to fix it lol
>>203776 hello, can someone explain me the advantage of real time posting to static posting like on 4chan & the likes? :'((((((( sorry brainlet here pic is me
>>203777 wew I just had trinity trips, I must be blessed, please answer me, thanks for the answer! True it seems funny. Also isn't it cool to prevent shills? As you can observe them typing & see if they copy paste shit from elsewhere!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203777 I guess the advantage would be that it's fun? It breeds a completely different type of board culture compared to a static board like 4chan or 8chan. It's like a combination of IRC and 4chan, I guess?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203778 I've never thought about that. I don't think we've ever had anyone come here and shill. Our board is too low-key for that, I think.
>>203780 Nice! Yeah I think real time typing could be a form of anti shilling as you can observe the person typing, you directly know it's genuine and not bots that copy paste shit. I suppose. Also it can speed things up for answers as you don't have to refresh the page for static posts. Good job the person that coded that! What files do this chan support? Also is it affiliated with /tea/? /magic/?
I was thinking the other day that this place must be coded pretty well, the way it works.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203781 We support the image files you'd expect, gif, jpg, png. I'm not sure if this iteration of doushio allows apng but we did a long time ago, so I assume we still do. We also allow mp4 and webm.
We're not affiliated with anyone. /tea/ is an offshoot of us. We're the first board to use doushio software, our admin is the original developer. We have low post numbers because the original server died and we moved to a test server for a while, and then eventually moved to a new iteration of our original doushio board. We've been around since 2011 or so. Well, the board has. I've been here since 2012, but most people around at this time arrived in the last few years.
>>203782 I don't know enough about coding but every time someone tries to make a doushio board, they seem to have a lot of difficulty. I think the documentation is hard to follow or something.
>>203786 you never messaged me on steam you nerd what did you want
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
putting quick riposte 2 on berkut made him a lot more viable his atk is pretty high so i think i might be able to manage with him using his skills too, water boost 2 is pretty decent water boost 3 will be good
berkut has the potential to be a pretty damn good dragon killer and he can be used to lure enemy mages as long as they aren't green
i need to get my reinhardt and YT some SP reinhardt is +attack -def so i'm thinking of putting life and death on him he's got defiant attack and vantage now but idk, i never get to make use of it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i have death blow 2 for my reinhardt's A skill life and death is good on him too but i feel like death blow 3 would be better not that it's likely anyone has a death blow 3 just lying around
i can sac my effie and steal death blow three but do i really want to
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
effie is 2good i wouldn't
besides that's my only death blow three if i was going to sack it to put on someone, it'd probably be kagerou instead of warding blow because that shit's way better
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fire boost 3 would be viable on reinhardt too but it's not like people generally have that lying around either
i have a Luke i'll never use and i'll give someone his fire boost 3 eventually but it's like shit what if i do and then there's someone else i want to give this super rare skill to
olwen would be good with death blow three two because it's four hits and her base damage is garbo even squeaking up a couple damage is the difference between 2x4=8 damage or 8x4=32 damage
>>203792 Notso was being fickle again and I was gonna update you
>>203800 yeah death blow is gonna be insane on any quad striker
>>203802 sometimes i look at her speed and i'm like "35? idk, that's really not that special" and think her stats are shit then i remember dire thunder is -5 speed and she's got 40 speed what the fuck >>203801 okay, well i'm working right now but you can send me an email if you want or message me on steam but i can't message back
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203803 feel like life and death or fury would be better than death blow for her though since the extra spd is enough to push her high enough to get like 90% of enemies
naw she really gets a lot out of her res it's a big selling point also quadstrike with iceberg, whatever the lower cooldown version of that is i do have fury but it's only fury 2. i have no hecking fury 3 units
fukkatsu man what a 2 hour powernap can do to you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah me neither fury 3 is too rare
wish there were ways to upgrade skills without inheriting them from 5* units
there's a 4* unit that has it i forget who yeah that's it i was gonna say hana but like no that's not it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, hinata
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hana is life and death i think
i never get hinatas i've only had one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i got 4* chrom the other day i wish it'd been 5* because i've been looking for aether to inherit to my Alm i'd have to make my chrom 5* to give alm aether though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
alm can be so good he's my healing tank reciprocal aid and he heals 10 hp every turn
i gotta get my green robins to 40 this week so i can plop them on my defense team and ruin these horsies that are roaming freely
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wish i got mathilda from the summon i've spent so many orbs on it but got none of the new ones mathilda's weapon and super high res are really cool >>203813 i bet people are runnin green tomebreaker on their cecilias this time
i had 6 perfect rounds of 680-684 scores in arena and on the seventh fuckin round some jackass struts up and hits my cecilia for 2 damage and gets whapped back for 35, leaving her with like 6 health left and i'm lol okay ANDTHENWHOALOOKITSFUCKINGNINIANWITHWINGSOFMERCY HERE TO REVIVE THE DEAD AND LET THAT BITCH OHKO REINHARDT i was so angry fuckin tired of dragons man maybe it wasn't ninian but azura i don't remember same shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203815 wings of mercy always catches me off-guard
that specific thing has ruined like three good combos i ended up settling on a three death score, but tbh i dont think that even holds up at this tier i'm so pissed i could have avoided it if i just didn't move reinhardt there. i did that so that he could have his cav bonus for cecilia
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah same here
but i hate when there's something ridiculous like wings of mercy on lucina or some shit and they'll like attack me with something and it causes that to get low hp and then lucina swoops in
Can you do wings of mercy?
>>203818 that flier emblem shit man that's obnoxious
they need to fix how the AI uses movement support skills
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
not having classes on mondays and wednesdays is fucking me up so bad now i feel like mondays and wednesdays are all weekends i gotta schedule something in the mornings on mondays and wednesdays so they feel like mondays and wednesdays
>>203825 nah it's a movement ability it allows a unit with the ability to warp anywhere on the map as long as it ends up next to an ally with 50% or fewer HP
hmm less HP or fewer HP
no that reviving from the dead thing was just an analogy i gave because that specific character gives a unit another turn and the unit would have been a dead unit in player phase so it wouldn't have ever had another turn >>203824 schedule some location research we still got to pick a place
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
HP is countable so i guess it'd be fewer but it sounds wrong
>>203827 i was thinkin i might take some trips down to south florida around the swampy areas and some of the miccosuke farmlands to check stuff out
>>203828 yeah i was thinking about the overseas highway from key largo to key west i know that's backwards but i'd want to aim towards the sunset, not away from it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah that'd be pretty cool you'd probably have to start it at one of the islands closer to key west than key largo though it'd be like a 2 hour drive if you were going like 100
isn't that where the bridge is key west to key largo overseas highway rather
TN !PcAPtAiNJoKirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203831 yeah but there are stops along the way not sure if the battery for an overhead cam would last long enough for the whole trip although your convertable idea would work since we could have it powered more easily
Your car btw still in the shop?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah they should call me today about an hour before it's ready to get picked up
You should make some noise to see if you can get a discount or a freebie or something
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if they didn't do a good job i'll complain but insurance is paying for everything including the rental car the guy that hit me admitted 100% fault to the police so insurance can't do anything about it there's not much i can get out of the shop by complaining
tuesday last week
today I got a bit better
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203831 the camera i've been casually looking at has like 120minute battery life while filming at 2560x1280 at 30fps
>>203833 it might be easier to catch the sunrise tbh sunset at 7:40 on a major florida highway is probably fucking packed but sunrise at like 6:00am probably pretty clear >>203840 30fps for a VR camera? err, does that work out okay? frame dragging gets fucked for turning and stuff, but that's rendering in video games. i dont know what that means for the actual recording, i think it still applies?
what about louisiana? you probably wanna get out of florida dont you
When you are sailing on a small boat and a cruise ship comes by... those are scary as fuck coming towards you all building sized
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203841 it should be fine at 30fps people are looking around in the VR so the framerate isn't as noticable, especially in a fast moving car the camera can also capture 60fps at 1920x1080
it can capture 4096x2048 at 34 //// 24fps too but i think that's probably too low for anything
the 1080p at 60fps is probably good enough but i'd have to test it out after my classes end on the 27th, i'll probably get it and start testing it out so we have a good idea of what we can do
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and yeah louisiana would be good too
sunrise from key west is probably pretty good but it turns the trip from a day trip into an overnight trip
i'm actually only saying louisiana because i am REALLY hungry right now and i would love to try some louisiana food
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i was thinking i'd check out the tamiami trail which is a scenic highway from tampa to miami that goes along the west coast of the state on the way to miami, there's the gulf on the right and on the left, farms and wooded areas and stuff for most of the it then it passes from the west coast through part of the everglades to the east coast
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i've heard that there are some abandoned run-down tourist traps along the route from west coast to east coast too with like, big animal statues and stuff that are run down
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i've actually got two national scenic byways pretty close to me too
Luxury liner from denmark for some reason 2 ships from the same company arrived back to back I think they do a "leave from german port, sail north/south of baltic sea coast, meet in helsinki, head back"
our båt at a portpool was a thight fit to get there >>203860 this space between the pier and the land was maybe 3 metres and the bridge has a 1,5 metre spot where our boat can actually fit under and even then there is maybe 15cm to spare well water was +23cm from normal levels, though
Like, fuck, it's only another twenty seconds to get it to the bin in the garage.
Apparently my appointment was scheduled for two and not noon. Which means someone on their end messed up. But it worked out fine this time, I guess.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm doing psychoanalytic interpretations of some stuff right now for a class but i have no psychoanalytic background and also i think a lot of it is pretty ridiculous i mean i think you can get some subconscious stuff but not like super deep stuff
this is really hard
it's like, a story about some people putting a towel over a girl's feet at the beach after she falls asleep tanning so that her feet don't tan to mess with her
So now im going to sitting on the couch outside the veteran's department office, cause it's more comfortable than the waiting room chairs at the office Im going to.
It's guided, too, so it's like >Figures, objects, or circumstances introduced into the story that weren't in the picture the story was based on the girl that got the towel put on her feet >Implying need for or to: wha how the fuck should i know the girl she introduced is the one the speaker identifies with
a need to exist? idfk freud please
I appreciate on some level how much rigorous the Rorschach turned out to be in contrast with some of these other things you talk about.
>>203898 idk why i am even learning some of this stuff the one i'm doing right now has piss poor validity and basically no standardization it's been around for 70 years and people didn't try to standardize it and create objective criteria with which to score it until like 2007 and they're still working on and some of the stuff they've come up with has been shown to actually be decent
but the majority of this test has no validity i can see some clinical utility in it, getting out basic themes of how someone might see things, but i don't think you can go deeper than basic themes from a story someone tells
like i see themes of rebellion or a need for autonomy in almost every picture i see in this test and i know that i have an obsession with autonomy so it's able to get at the underlying themes and schemas in my psyche but it's probably not going to give you deeper info than that
I always hated the "tell a story" part of tests. Especially the "tell a story using these objects" on IQ tests. I was too meta and ironic on the first one I did on my previous workup so they made me do another story. >>203903 Because she's Nazrin.
It's also Nazrin Day
Damn, no outlets near the couch. I miss carrying an extension cord with me everywhere.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Figures, objects, or circumstances in the picture that were omitted from the story she didn't mention this tree i guess she hates dicks
>>203905 Don't trees usually symbolize vaginas though?
Cause that's what I remember from The Golden Bough. Which had like one and a half chapters on marrying trees.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's more like it's associated with the mother, not actually genitalia or anything
But I dunno man this tree looks kinda phallic Maybe she hates her mom because her mom didn't have a penis hmm
Nazrin procured
I might be freaking out some of these asian grad students. I bet they're thinking "Isn't this guy too young to be a veteran?" .
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
What kind of grad students are they?
>>203911 Psych and or MSw I would assume I mean not every really young person walking in and out of this department wearing a lanyard that says a university name on it is neccesarily a grad student or in a doctoral program, but a lot of them probably are.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they're probably thinking like, "this guy is pretty young to be a vet, i wonder what happened"
>>203913 I guess it helps that I didnt shave today or yesterday. I rarely go more than a day without shaving, but I was in a hurry this morning.
Man I'm gonna miss Vietnam vets. Gulf War vets just aren't the same. Same with Iraq war guys.
Ah, well actually. There was some stuff with the Iraq war that will have fucked them up more over the years, like exposure to chemical weapons that wasnt officially recorded because the WMDs we found in Iraq were sold to them by the US in the 80's.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
me on the left
>>203917 Thought you might like this.
>>203922 JavaScript is actually decent though. And I love hating programming languages, especially languages mainly used for webdev.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
here comes webassembly to kill all javascript
maybe i'll even rewrite doushio
Huh, the early US space program was cooler than I'd thought. Also I realize that about once every 1.5 months.
>>203924 I anticipate there being a lot of issues with web assembly. But im not (I hope) a good enough programmer to explot any of them. Also you could start right now, isnt a *hasn't some of it been released already?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203926 yeah it works won't have safari until fall
>boss sneaks up on me while I'm loudly singing along to Sketch Switch
Is singing along to music not allowed in your workplace?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
lol sombra what are you doing why are you dressed as harley quinn
I barely have any anime soundtrack stuff on my phone. I had a ton on an old computer but lost most of it. All I have on here is a bunch of Eva soundtrack stuff, the opening of Denpa Onna to Seishuun Otoko and that IOSYS opera covers of anime songs. Oh and maybe that metal version of the watamote OP. Now I'm curious.
Okay Watamote thing not found.
Well shit I did a very good job of not thinking about some specific things and now I just remembered them. Well, it's fine cause I need to deal with them.
For some reason when I went to Craigslist, it defaulted to Wellington.
i'm worried that the rental car agency will give me a hard time about bringing me to the shop my car is at after i return my car so i'm gonna wear my FBI shirt so they'll be a little more amicable
ted cruz on the radio tryna tell me that trumpcare is gonna save people $7000 a year
these glorious motherfuckers even cleaned my car for me
how nice?
i'd take a pic of the repair but it's storming pretty bad
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
But at least I got in before it started raining too hard.
i wonder if they have sake at walmart guess i'll find out probably not
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i've never seen sake at a walmart liquor store and i've been to quite a few
maybe i'll get some tequila then i wonder what i should have for dinner maybe chickie quesadillas
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there's this part on this psychoanalysis evaluation form thing i'm filling out where you identify the protagonist of the story and one of the things you identify during that is what abilities the person has
there's this one story where the protag killed someone so it's just like abilities: murder
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203961 Wait, they don't have a real liquor store near you?
yeah uhhh those torpedoes you told me about in your story represent dicks you wanna fuck your mom and dicks are gonna kill you for it
>>203963 yeah there are some out here but i'm out in the sticks if you want shit out here walmart's probably the most likely place to get it
i like how one has a superscript note like wtf
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the note says that the interpretive level "can nearly always be stated as a generalized conditional claus introduced by 'if one'..." clause*
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like i cant figure that shit out at all though i read this shit and jump straight to diagnostic level
i have no training in this so it can't be helped
it's the most roundabout bullshit it's like having a gps that does generalized navigation by first directing all starting locations to one centralized point int // in the middle of the country and then it can navigate you from there to the destination instead
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's fuckin common core
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
my professor was pretty much like >you're gonna do this heavy psychoanalytic interview/test thing >i know you don't have training but just do your best she probably wants to see how ridiculous the shit we come up with is
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
my classmates are so stressed out about it and i'm just like
yeah the client is a lesbian and she wants to be dominated
and then you ace it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i probably will get a 9/10 or something
thinkina bout sayin the client has penis envy too maybe she wants to be a man there's a male protagonist in a lot of her stories
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
hope i don't lose power
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
already did something stupid today
bicycling carrying a 6 pack of beer bottle empties for return went over a curb bottle fell out and smashed decided to be good and picked up the bits pierced my finger once what horrible disease will i contract, /moe/?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203976 the good guy disease because you did the right thing by cleaning it up
Turn everything into Tang then everybody will be close and friends forever
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
do you want to be tang
I would like a tango. Apple flavoured.
Oh yeah, earlier I was so into my phone that I had to drop off moe quickly as I was locked out my workplace, I had to run to get inside the building again. I forgot my pass this morning and you can't open the doors without them so I can only go in when other people go in. or ut. *out
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow you're like suzukaze aoba in episode 1 of new game season 1 that's so cute
it's my favorite nendo i bring it with me on all my trips because i want to take pics of it in front of landmarks and send them to the author on twitter but i alwats forget
Thats sounds like a fun idea, I see stuff like that on twitter a bit with plushies and figurines. I remember that guy who went to the great wall of china with a Horo lifesized cardboard cutout.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUKirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
turn around don't drown is a really bad slogan
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>203998 it's chou kawaii i think it'd make the author happy too she's super friendly
Oh it is Ahagon's birthday in Japan.
>>203999 I like how his beard is like his hair grown around his face.
I think it's Ilya's birthday too.
Oh so it is!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm gonna do classwork on my birthday
>>204005 I hope you also have fun on your birthday!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't have any plans for my birthday just do some schoolwork i probably won't do anything i'm not really big on birthday things anyway my birthday is a secret from pretty much everyone i know IRL
So I called my friend a dozen times an hour ago so he would wake up and answer the phone. He said he was trying to get in some sleep before his appointment. His appointment is at six.
I am having fun customizing my phone. I can have big wallpapers on it!
My old phone is super tiny compared to this huge phone!
>>204007 You should at least have something tasty! Like a nice cake or even just a pot of delicious ice-cream
>>204009 Get these
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204009 i'll probably just have a burger for dinner and treat it like a normal day this is the first year for a while that i won't just hang out along /// alone and get wasted on my birthday though
maybe i really just despise the idea of a birthday though or at least what a birthday is in our society
I don't like the idea of havin g to buy gifts. So I don't usually to do it or like other people buying gifts for me. Birthdays feel very commericial like mother's day and valentines day.
Valentine's Day is nice when all the unbrought chocolate goes down massively in price when they want to get rid of all the unused stock!
i often buy gifts for people on their birthday but i also frequently buy gifts for people in general a birthday is just another excuse for it, it's not really a special thing for me but yeah i hate the commercialness of birthdays
it's like we're supposed to enjoy getting disingenious gifts from people we rarely talk to people say happy birthday but how many actually want to celebrate with you? only your close friends are really going to celebrate that you're alive there's nothing wrong with not celebrating someone you rarely talk to's birthday but people always pretend to care and it bothers me when it's done to me
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
where do we go from here?
>>204022 Are you developing a deep and gay relationship with a printer?
j-j-j-jam it in
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>204023 i'm spooling with a few different printers right now i don't currenly have "a" printer
>>204027 Are you cruising around with spilling any water from your cup as you turn the corners
Hrrm I might take another shower so I can shampoo my hair and then shave.
>>204021 i think the idea of it is that we often neglect ourselves so when you're close to people you see them neglecting themselves and not treating themselves to something nice so you remind them to do it by doing it for them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204031 By saying happy birthday and giving them a gift? That doesn't really make sense to me.
>>204032 well it doesn't work if you're really fuckin bland and not clever at all
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204033 sounds like birthdays don't work for most people
if you actually care about a person enough to put some thought into it and you're not just buying them stuff i think it works well i handmake things for people that appreciate that kind of stuff some people i might get a gift that they'd neglect themselves out of getting like a new headset for the asshole in discord with the shitty mic that nobody can ever hear
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i agree, but i don't think that's how it goes in real life you and me are different from most people and there are a lot of people that do it like that out there but by far the majority of people getting you a gift are doing it because they feel obligated to do so i think it's disingenious and it really bothers me i'd rather get nothing than something like that
instead of getting people something, if i dont have anything special to get them, i just go spend time with them take them out to eat at a mexican place and get margaritas or something just have some fun birthday experiences are pretty special and it just seems more natural anyway to show someone you care about them by caring about them instead of buying them crap
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
for me, having /// sharing an experience with someone is the best thing you can do
i don't like the obsession with material things that birthdays generally are
consumable gifts can be nice like some home-made jams or confections or even like, at least for the craftsfolk that i know, some really nice alpaca yarn or something because i know that they'll have just as much enjoyment out of using it to make something to give to someone else
my sister got me a dozen mason jars for my birthday a long time ago i got so excited about that haha it was probably the best gift i ever got i pickled a whole bunch of veggies and eggs and meats and stuff and then gave them to friends and family members and kept some for myself
I get video games from internet people on my birthday usually
Just give them money
>>204041 >here's my yearly friendship tax >see you next year
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
tfw nobody ever gifts me consumable potions for my birthday
>>204042 I would be happy to receive friendship taxes
what would you do if you had an mtf friend who mailed you their post-op testicles for your birthday
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
call the police and say that i was sent testicles in the mail and i'm fucking terrified
alright don't sign for any packages for a few weeks bud
>>204045 probably throw them away and forget about it like the rest of my mail
ive got like seven gmails and i change between them depending on what kind of research i have to do for my work so if it's pharma day in the market research firms and i'm looking up all these drug names and biomarkers i do it all under one account and the way it optimizes search suggestions is really interesting but more notably are the ads it's like suboxone ads EVERYWHERE watch a cat video, here's a suboxone ad searching for upholstery fabric? here's some suboxone ads
I have one
i do actually contact everyone with the anime avatar
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i have 4 gmails i only use three of them regularly though
>>204102 No autism bucks here! >>204101 Moe mansion sounds fun. /jp / mansion will happen someday, I am sure. >>204104 Disability benefits are really low and they sometimes try and force people in wheelchairs who can't work off it.
>>204109 hey man your options are be worked to death by capitalists or be watched constantly by your friend that's supporting you and your lifestyle for free
what if I get an itch
>>204107 you can watch us turn into a hikki all day or something, since you're gonna sit in your room via webcam
wow this is a fun game i should have done this sooner
>>204114 so that's how it is it's already too late you've been brainwashed by the bourgeois i'm gonna have to put you down, jan
If I turned into a hikki again I am sure I'll forgot what month it is or what daylight even feels like. It feels strange now that I used to only go outside at night and sleep in the day. When I had to leave in the daylight it was such a novell and unusual experience.
no wait come back i didn't mean it jan come back don't do this come home please oh God please come home i'm sorry i just want my friend back PLEASE FUCK JAN PLEASE FUCKING COME BACK
see you in five moments
pepito is out (12:33:27)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i bet if i stuck my head through the cat door it'd post me on twitter and say pepito is home
haha holy shit holy shit how has nobody tried that that's brilliant
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
let's go do it
it's in mexico or south america haha otherwise i would and make the most disheveled face possible as you go in
The hunt for pepito door
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are probably scenic drives in mexico and south america after we have billions in ad revenue we'll go there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Well Kirara I've got the fights ready for tomorrow. Good luck.
Also Jan be sure to come back for tomorrow
>>204143 i'm hoping i can build about 2k/mo residual revenue over the next five years build up from there when i can focus that's if i try to build myself up hopefully i can start some shitty startup and then some rich people will buy it so they can restart the startup in california themselves with their own engineers
and i'd get enough to do something with
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
having 2k/mo residual revenue would make me feel so comfy in life i'd probably use most of it traveling though
well quit bein a bitch and join me it's not pipedreaming
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh god almost wrote a winky face into a business email
>>204148 i wrote to one of my clients who was asking me if i could take on a project and said, "That seems kind of tight" i was talking about the deadline being almost impossible to meet and they thought i was saying tight in the youngster sense of "That seems cool" and they're like "Sweet B)" in the reply i just was like, oh god
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
one time a professor emailed me to ask if something was done and i was just like :) because i was super high after taking some percocet for my headaches and they just replied "thanks" and then never asked me about it again
>>204149 wow I would not know how to respond to that.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>204150 that seems fairly innocuous it's basically a thumbs up i bet they didn't realize anything was off
oh, my boss at the NSPL used to send me emoji and i never knew what they meant
one of my professors when i was at uni was like "Hey, you're the physics club president, right?" and i was just prescribed lorazepam like that week and i'm just like "Uh, yeah, i think so"
that was one of the really cool professors too, the really respectable ones whose whole life are their work
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh christ the emails are endless i forgot what this is like
i got an email from my accommodations with all sorts of scary warnings in BOLD LETTERING and things that MUST be done and fees that could be charged
end of email: Warmest regards,
my old boss was creepy a lot of his stuff looks chill but the context is so different when you realize he was stalking me
>>204173 oh shit, hi bear that little girl doesn't seem to mind being swallowed alive by the bear
>>204174 she ate the bear from inside out and now is wearing it as a skin
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
she actually killed the bear and is wearing its skin that's canon
Yup that game they are making is quite brutal when you think about it non stop slaughter and wearing of their skins >>204178 I wish they'd make it it would be cool
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i want to play that game so bad
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
man the OP and ED are so good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i found out recently that my ex-coworker super dislikes me for something i did when i worked with him even though he always acted really friendly towards me and i thought we were totally cool apparently after i left work, he told my other ex-coworker about how mad he was at me i guess that's why he ignored my attempts to talk to him after i left but like, he's mad that i messed with our boss a little bit because he was afraid he'd be blamed for it even though he totally egged me on to mess with our boss
he was a literal cuck though so maybe his head was on wrong
what's the psychology behind unironic cucks They seem like they have huge esteem issues
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I dunno. My coworker didn't have self-esteem issues. I think people could like it for a lot of things.
My coworker wanted a girlfriend/wife that was a sex therapist and would teach people how to have sex because he thought it was a great deed and he could be proud to have a lover that does something so valient There are all kinds of people out there
We only dislike cucks so much because society tells us cuckolding is wrong though well, in general at least
I hate it because I'm an extremely jealous person and the idea of my lover having sex with someone else is extremely anxiety provoking and painful to even think about It makes me mad to think about it
Really cucks do a noble deed by sacrificing their pride so that superior alphachad males like myself can breed their women with my superior genes
>>204183 I don't think anyone hates cucks. It's a meme. They might look down on them but I don't think they feel seething hatred
>>204184 well that is beneficial to the general gene pool, though
people like to make blanket statements like that but the people saying it don't actually know what they're saying e.g. alphas are generally expected to be tall
if being tall is beneficial, why do shorter people live longer than taller people on average?
the whole idea of genetic superiority is honestly ridiculous other than genetic diseases, it's all crazy
>>204187 people are naturally living longer anyway >>204190 i said i hate i said people dislike i didn't say that i hate cucks, though, i said i hate cuckolding
>>204188 That was such a good show I am so hype for the movie
>>204191 I thought you said society hates cucks. But really I just can't read
How are we all doing today? I'm recently out of the pool.
>>204204 things overall aren't bad but i've had a really miserable day i'm just everyone's drama dump and have to take care of everyone it's so tiring
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204204 I'm getting pretty tired. I didn't sleep much last week. I was thinking about going to bed like 30 minutes ago. err sleep much last night, even Today's been kind of weird, too.
How are you?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm doing okay but I need to pick up some small food things so I'm goint to the dollar store since I only need some to last the next week or so
And a burg Because Kirara said burg
do you eat everything kirara eats he gets a pizza, you get a pizza if he ate a cock would you eat a cock
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also farming xeno vohu is a pain >>204208 coincidences!
>>204215 It was really stormy all day. Fish didn't really sleep last night so I didn't either. Fish has been kind of out of it all day, too. I got my car back, though, that was nice. I've also been doing psychoanalysis mumbo jumbo today. Watched some anime too.
>>204258 Wakaranai. She's been kind of obsessive for a few days. There's something on her mind but she hasn't been able to tell me what it is. She can be kind of rigid like that sometimes. She's probably worried about something but is too embarrassed to talk about it so I don't want to force it out of her until she's ready.
Maybe she is boiling he rnoodle trying to invent new ways to make anime romantic?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204261 Nah, that was part of the obsessive thing she's stuck on. She probably is worried that she's not doing good enough in our relationship. She worries about that sometimes and obsesses over it for a few days. She did that before we were officially going out, too.
I think she'll probably work her way through it in a few days.
Oh yeah mats have you ever read king in yellow?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204264 Yeah, it'll be fine. She's not mad or irritable or anything. She's just a little weird. It's not a bad thing, it's just part of how she deals with anxiety.
It'd be kinda fucked up if I got bothered by it when she deals with my bullshit all the time.
Fish read Teacup's diary a while back so she thinks that I'd like her more if she were more like Teacup Fish isn't really good at understanding interpersonal dynamics that don't involve her directly so she doesn't really get it even though I've told her that I like her the way she is
Things are different now though This time, I'm the Teacup in the relationship
Oh, that probably is where some of that is coming from.
>>204270 king in yellow is a book or a play that drives whoever reads it insane it is kinda like lovecraft but it actually predates his work
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204272 that does sound pretty neat i'll check it out when i get a chance
>>204272 >drives whoever reads it insane That sounds like a century old creepy pasta
Fish and I met a few months after Teacup died and I used her as an emotional crutch in some ways, so she kind of heard about Teacup a lot from me. Or at least how much I liked her.
Life is really funny. It's kind of exciting to see the consequences of something that happened two and a half years ago show up like this. It's almost like something out of a manga.
Isn't that almost normal? almost
People definitely do bounce off of other people in ways you wouldn't expect!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204277 I don't think it's particularly common for this situation to occur so I wouldn't say it's normal, but I don't think it's particularly bizarre either. It's a marmalade sugar song peanuts and bitter step kind of thing
how nice
TN !PcAPtAiNJoKirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I think she'll figure it out eventually. She genuinely believes that she can't understand people easily so even though she understands me really well, she thinks she's missing something because it can't be that easy. That's the impression that I get from her, at least. She'll figure out that she gets me eventually.
You just have to keep telling her. is about it I think maybe WHAT DOES KOI KNOW ABOUT WOMEN
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She has to figure it out on her own, I think.
My own personal belief is that you'll never really understand yourself if someone else tells you how you are. You have to gain that insight on your own. I'll of course be there to help her gain that insight but if all I do is tell her that she understands me, she'll never actually believe it. That's my philosophy for all people, not just girls.
Fish is really strong and very smart so she'll figure it out.
insight to have eyes gazing deep into ou brain filled with eyes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I love bloodborne!!!
I think she needs to turn it over in her head a bit too.
I can get the feeling of not understanding people easily.
>>204286 >three exclamation marks ToN is everything alright?
I understand people. Understanding people is overrated
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204289 Sometimes people that feel like that refuse to trust their instincts when they actually do legitimately understand someone.
I wouldn't even consider dating someone that I didn't feel understood me. I can't stand people don't understand me. I wouldn't have been willing to let her stay in my home for so long before we stated going out if she didn't understand me.
I like /moe/ because pretty much everyone here understands me.
How'd you meet Fish in the first place? I feels she very closed off so it would be rare for her to be out looking for a relationship.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
After Teacup died and I started drinking copious amounts of alcohol all the time, I met her through a drinking friend. We got totally fucking wasted one night and I woke up at her home in the morning. After that, I started spending a lot of time at her house and we got kind of close but then I felt she wanted to go out and I had just lost my fiance so I freaked out and pushed her away and we got into a big fight and didn't talk for like a year and a half I guess She experienced a traumatic event in October last year and ended up staying at my place forever
She's more closed off now than she used to be She had always had social anxiety to some degree but after the traumatic experience, she started having a lot more trouble dealing with people and is generally afraid of people and then there was a setback that caused her to become even more closed off But she's making really good progress at being able to be around people again She's super strong
Wow, thats a pretty lucky and fateful encounter!
wow this is so anime now. >>204294 She is pretty lucky to have met you then too!
月Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204295 Haha, I dunno about that The way cause and effect works, that traumatic stuff probably wouldn't have happened to her if I hadn't been so fucked up when we first met or at least i would have been able to prevent it And it probably wouldn't have happened if we hadn't met either But all of that's out of my hands and what happened happened
I'm the one that's lucky to have met her She helped me deal with a lot of my emotions in a healthy way although I don't think she tried to
>>204298 She was, but after the traumatic event, she had trouble even looking people in the eyes or making an order at a restaurant and stuff
I didn't know she suffered a traumatic event, I assumed she was a bit like me and always a shut-in and super wary of people. >>204297 You both seem to fit well! I think she gets a lot of strength from you and you get lot support from her.
also you really enjoy her company it is super obvious from how you talk about her on moe!
>>204297 >trouble looking people in the eyes or making an order at a restaurant shit ive never been able to do my whole life
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Well to be fair, she had training to do that stuff like legitimately was trained to look people in the eyes and talk to waitresses and stuff
i had gotten over that looking-people-in-the-eye fear when i was like 19 or 20 but then i had that accident where i couldn't recognize faces and i just never looked at people's faces again it's so uncomfortable to do
Doesn't looking people in eyes feel super intimidating. I have never had to need to do it though, its not like you need to look people in eyes!
>>204303 You'd save her bread from burning at the very least you have to admit!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204298 No way, she's super strong without me. She's really smart, too.
>>204302 oi, oi that was our bread I needed that bread for my sandwiches too
>>204299 Do you just get other people to order for you at restaurants?
I look at people in the eyes while they talk and then look away while I'm talking.
yeah, looking people in the eyes is a healthy social habit making good eye contact is important for having a meaningful interaction with somebody
i can do it in an extremely professional setting, or in casual settings around people i'm extremely comfortable with but engaging someone new is really really uncomfortable to me and my eyes dart about and people think it makes me seem shady but actually i'm just incredibly nervous all the time
I always have a strong impulse to look away the moment I catch someone's eyes. or //and I start worrying that they saw me see them and then I keep looking back at them and if they catch me again. I panick.
Humans interacting with each other with eyes is weird.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fish is autistic so she's always had trouble looking peple in the eyes and talking to them which is why she had training as a child to do those things
Lock their gaze and stare them down untill they avert their gaze
>>204308 i have some hunch that my lack of looking people in the eyes, especially as a child, really inhibited the development of that facial recognition skill and that's probably why it was so easily damaged, because it was weak in the first plac
I usually look at people's mouths. It makes it easier to understand what they're saying.
you can actually make people bit uncomfortable, if instead of eyes, you look at their ear
that's gross
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
That's not gross, mouths are top-tier.
I look at people's eyebrows though.
I'm actually with Rika! It can be hard to hear people so I often find it easier to lipread
>people who look at mouths near me
Yeah Rika's got it right
But it is always said "look at eyes" but you can't focus on two eyes if you are at close distance
i've gotten pretty good at looking at eyes nowadays the biggest issue i had with it before was feeling intimidated the biggest issue i have with it post 2012 is intimidating other people but my market research skills kick in and now i just look interested in what they have to say and receptive and unjudging
Your uncommon koisual reminder that within most mouths lie TEETH
and you know what they say about teeth
Having had to be polite and engaging to earn your bread makes you good at conversations even if you then always use fake expressions
>>204320 the bigger they are, the harder they fall right?
>>204344 No. You can't just bite a dick off. You can chew a dick off. That's happened. You can't bite a dick off with just the strength of your own jaw.
>>204346 Depends on what part of the finger you bite, and fingers are also made of different stuff than a penis.
>>204340 Blowjobs aren't really that great anyway.
>>204340 LEWD. I guess your eye sight will not be leveling anywhere on the face with your lewdness
>>204342 You sound so confident about the inability of biting dicks right off. Did you do research on jaw strength vesus material strength of average manhoods?
>>204343 I look at eyes sometimes noses ...sometimes blemishes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>204348 If you could just naturally bite a dick off, I'd know about it. My area of expertise is sexual crime.
When I judge a person's face I pretty much start at the nose.
>>204342 You could disable a dick You don't need to totally lop it off
Remember , the problem isn't so much that it'll be bitten off. but it'll be bitten. and you have to trust people not to bite
>>204350 Oh right I forgot about that. Maybe it requires a certain type of person to bite a dick off?
>>204349 actually now that i think about it, ive never really had a problem looking blue people in the eyes maybe they're just more communicative and less of judgmental assholes than those peach people
>>204363 is it because they don't have teeth in WV? That's also scary for different reasons.
>>204373 yeah it's banned no teeth in west virginia well, soft-banned there's a hefty tax
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they pull out your teeth at birth there, i heard
it's called the tooth tax look it up
what wow what a teef
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just make sure they know that if they bite you, you'll bite back
Try to think about things from the girl's point of view for a moment. Why would you want to bite someone's body part off? Especially one that is engorged with blood. It would be easier just to bring a knife into the bedroom, and cleaner too.
i certainly wont dream about i t ill dream about other things
>>204411 I should head to bed too You act as a good bedtime alarm! >>204414 I meant more like Kirara going to bed when he is hours behind me. I did appreciate you telling me! I am just terrible at doing what I am told
>>204404 good night don't let the cockeaters bite >>204413 good night yo wait what's that i remember tellin you to go to bed every day you always ignored THAT RUDE
>>204411 ...I love you but please don't be in the room if I'm getting that kind of treatment.
i dreamed i was on a space station that didnt look like one and stuff
>>204419 We should do something at somepoint. I didn't catch up much last weekend and had to do a lot of stuff.
I'll be going to bed in a sec. just download FEH on my mobile.
>>204421 okay. that'd be fun i'll catch ya' around
have fun catchin up on feh a lot has happened while you idled out
I couldn't play because my emulator broke. but my phone is now good enough to properly play it!
Anyway, it is downloaded and I'll be off to bed. I might wake up early today. >>204424 ? I dunno, I think it means old lady, or something. Google it you numpty
kannagi wait what does bint mean
good night i might catch you if i am up late like i plan to be
I used "naka" because Rika might not immediately recognize dokkan Naka from kancolle has the same seiyuu
ohhhhh i want bother gisla or ayer or fire sochie
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Clarisse is a win/win sort of thing where I get a cutie who as long as I grab Fire is someone I can also toss in a team
I have Christmas Clarisse but bleh I don't have Light Clarisse but ehehehghhghghghhgh >>204442 Yeah but Iw asn't sure you'd immediately recognize just dokkan
>>204439 I know who she is, because she has to do with Cag.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The most practical decision would be to grab a wind character With Nio I'd have a full SSR set
That or water but even with Varuna and two FLB Varuna bows now I don't really play water.
Is there a surprise ticket coming up or something?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you never know since it's a surprise ticket but >>204446
This is my anti-vohu squad
people think tonight
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
my wind grid needs skill levels and uncapping.
vohu is annoying
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes, vohu is very annoying.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't even know what her one-turn debuff removal is for It just prevents you from debuffing for a turn and never comes up again It's just annoying.
I dunno if I want to spend money though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I shouldn't spend money really but I probably will
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If enough characters die and Shiki comes out her buff mixed with Korwa's is some shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
sturm is strong
summer medusa
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that'd be hella rude and deja vu
July has been a horrible month
so far
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
how so
>>204459 two heartbr8ks 808s starting to hate my awesome job and it's hot as hell out
I love July and August. It was pretty hot todat though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yo squid have you fought new celeste
I met this nice girl but she has a kid which is really unfortunate for her
I mean once we split up I'm gonna be single and lonely for a while but WHO KNOWS how long its gonna take her to find a cuck to raise another man's kid
tilde please check in when you're here.
Already here.
can you stop fucking tildeposting everytime i come to /moe/ you >>204465 piece of shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh right it's anime night
>>204467 Are you logging on around the same time every day?
>>204476 It's good taht you've seen the error of your ways.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
spider lady
One eye shy.
17KBps download how am i supposed to work like this
I hate trying to get my dad jobs Trying to make his shitty resume and job history look good knowing that he's gonna walk into this godly american business as the little homeless man he is with his broken english and old age
>>204507 My internet used to have really crappy upload.
I have never really lived without Internet with crappy upload. Even now it's okay but relatively bad.
>>204513 i would normally be taking sleepytime meds right now so that i could sleep happily and be up by about 6am and ready to do a bunch of work but now i have to be up at 1am otherwise i might not be able to download my work to do the work meaning i can't take sleepytime meds because i'll be scared i'll sleep past 6am and miss the window to be able to download my work and then i'll still have the work due that day but i won't be able to do anything about it and that's a terrible fate
>>204528 learn to sleep one hemisphere at a time while the other hemisphere does work geese can do it i'm pretty sure humans can too, though nobody seems to believe it
>>204531 what kind of autistic shit did you just spew at me you dirty oooooohhhhh
i was only lashing out because i feel so shit about myself and my own life that i want to drag others down with me i'm the real dirty oooooohhhh here, spewing autistic shit
Maybe your quality of life will improve a bit if you work on improving your personality!
My personality is too shitty for me to work on my personality
That just means improving it will be really easy.
banguNot So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUYAnnoRinSamurai !KW2DbpWwls
time for a D I P
Don't dip ya dip.
Colbert is really good tonight.
coal bear
this bitch is specifically the kind of person that welfare and government assistance and food banks were invented and designed for but she wants to be able to say that she dug herself out of her rut what if you never get out of it
basically every pool in this neighborhood has // basically every house in this hood has a pool because it's too hot in the summer so i'm living the yuu life
it's a hot night so i went for a dip i can hear some girls splashing and playing in the neighboring pool this is just like my japanese animes
>>204620 Montreal feels like a bourgeois city. Almost no one in my neighbourhood has a pool.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>204626 this is a suburb full of families i freakin with i were in montreal proper wish*
>>204627 My neighbourhood is the closest you can get to a suburb while still being in the middle of a metropolis city! Choc-full of families, though mostly Greek.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
neato gyro
i remember visiting a college roommate's baller house in uhh was it oshawa something hill? idk somewhere near TO markham??
bah i don't remember
Oshawa's got the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. And Trent University. I checked out UOIT once but I didn't end up applying to anything there.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
apply apply reg reg *gestures playfully like a clueless freshman*
I don't really know what a clueless freshman even looks like.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm just reminiscing don't mind me ah, those salad days
A clueless freshman is a freshman that doesn't know what's going on!
AnnoYuuNot So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUYAnnobangu
beeepity boop boop badapapada
how is your week going i thought i was going to work forever but we found coverage and i have tomorrow off
It's going okay but I'm looking forward to the weekend.
grumble groan waking up just to spend an hour working on not-work, just things let me do my work tomorrow fuck mai laifu
it's been like 30 minutes fuck this gay earth fuck this gay blood
I'm rewatching Kemono Friends at my friend's house. We were gonna watch Darker Than Black on his PS4, but its not on youtube subbed (or youtube is hiding it from me in my search results) not on Crunchyroll and not on Netflix. Black Heaven subbed was also not found and was not on netflix or crunchy.
idk fam i think beer is better room temp than ice cold
I like it around 45-50 degrees room temp is too warm but if it's ice cold you can't even taste it
my mom always puts them in the freezer to make them ICE COLD BC THEYRE GOOD THAT WAY and she always fuckin leaves them in there and they explode lol 60-ish isn't a bad temp as long as you're not drinking like milwaukee's best [sic] or something warm can be good as long as it's not flat
I have it from the fridge. i like it cold because. it doesnt taste too much of alcohol.