Just remember that ice cream is better than cake. It's the law now
I can't wait for Splatoon's full release. This Splatfest I was on opposite sides from my friend that also has a Switch, so I'll be looking forwards to a side I can actually join forces with them on.
i'm really not happy to be back in a caretaker role everyone's drama is now my responsibility to take care of all the time and these people are all drama all the time
>>202445 I don't know if you care much for joy driving, but would you happen to know any scenic drives up in the great lakes areas? i've never really been around the lakes
I'm just interested in the scenic drives. maybe you're saying it's not very scenic though i'm not on free data hours yet so i'm trying to do resource gathering without loading a bunch of pages that take forever and sift through google results
>>202478 okay there is the answer I was looking for.
now there's just a few thousand
oh yeah like 3k
that was a pretty funny misunderstanding lol >at one point there were 200k, enron of games >how many are there now? >200k >enron of games for having nothing change?
>>202477 i thought you were using "now?" at the end of the sentence like in the expressive way
BTW in case you ever want to catch flies or dragonflies alive, their eyesight is special: they can't actually see slow movement. Or rather to be more precise, if you move slowly, you register as a "static object" to them so as long as you don't place them in shade, they won't react to you at all. >>202517 Wonder who came up with that, though I doubt there is any vertibrate that can't detect motion.
The good ol' T. Rex survival strategy.
>>202516 Yeah I've got no clue. Even when I saw it in Jurassic Park it felt kind of comical to hear as a kid.
>>202513 what's a luxury car that's good for a scenic drive experience not exotic like a rolls royce phantom just normal luxury that you can rent for a day for like 100-ish
>>202521 my fly experience is to never approach orthogonally with your swatting object or hand you really want to swoop at an angle that air pressure differential coming head-on makes them move basically even if they didn't want to less so if they're grounded on a wall or something, but while they're flying you gotta swoop behind and in doing it that way makes the air kind of suck them into your hand because they're pressing against the much higher air pressure
>>202525 Well I was considering adding something like >especially a predator, predators always have... if you don't count few wird ones but who cares about snakes slithering on their bellies slowly towards their prey
Yeah but they usually hunt with their "tasting of temperatur" or whatever fucking weird ability they had.
they close in on targets that way but that isn't precise enough for them to strike generally they'll pressure their target into moving by getting closer and then striking when they target tries to flee
Is funny though, I recall hearing or reading few days ago, that many animals have trouble distinquishing snakes as a threat untill it is too late. Guess snakes are bit like praying mantises, but for non-insects
Snakes are cool. I used to try to catch them when I was a kid. I think the only one I ever caught was a coral snake.
Also I wonder how much difference is there between venomous snakes and constrictor snakes, when it comes to hunting techniques
i tried to google "how long can snakes stay in one place without moving" and one of the suggested results was "i found a snake in my house. what does it mean?" it means there's a snake in your house wtf
>>202539 constrictor snakes tend to be massive they can kind of just lay in the jungle sleeping and whenever a rodent or something touches it anywhere it can just coil around it quick they're probably still asleep while they do it tbh and don't even realize it, just a reflex to being touched
YEah wasn't that a thing too that most snake species can go months or longer without eating
i've heard years, but i don't know where i heard that from probably exaggerated
but yeah, a large boa will eat like an entire dog-sized animal, like a lamb or something, then just sprawl out and wait for several months while it digests
I guess venomous snakes are more active then and then of course it depends on where you are in more tropical and hotter places, the snakes can handle the "body doesn't produce heat" issue much easier than up north where they have to find thos esweet sunspots.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
gaaaah i hate takehome assignments H O M E W O R K
I talk to Noy sometimes, not too frequently probably not likely to show up on /moe/ any time soon but i still nudge when i can
>>202601 I'm glad they're moving a lot of major franchises to the Switch. The 3DS family are good, solid pieces of hardware, but I'm pretty fed up with the miserable resolutions we've been stuck with on them. Being able to get a lot of the fun series that have been stuck to portables in higher definition will be nice.
3DS ruins the potential of a lot of things that could be pretty by making them ugly. Fire Emblem has good environments and attractive characters. The 3DS does not to it justice.
It's gonna be so nice being able to play games with two analogue sticks and not a circle pad and a stiff uncomftorable nub
It's gonna be so nice to be able to deal with it
are you the avatar? Do I gotta deal with it?
the video of the little girl cosplaying is kinda cute though she's too innocent to realize the evil she's doing
>>202611 Letting your parents watch Korra should be legally classified as abuse *letting your kids watch *letting anyone watched
2018 is also the earliest we'll see an English localized version of the new Story of Seasons too. I figure the Japanese version will probably be out in the first half of the year, and if they push it through localization fast it might hit before the end of the year.
>push through localization fast oh boy that sounds like a recipe for a good end product
Yeah I was trying to think of a way of putting that which didn't sound as iffy. But I think XSEED could probably allocate more resources to a localization project to improve release times without forsaking quality. It's just a matter of if they would. Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon has always been a niche product in North America.
Looks like next year will probably be the year I get a switch.
I'm glad the Switch isn't region locked either
Yeah, during the Splatoon 2 test run on the weekend, there were players that were taking advantage of the region freedom to play on all three of the Splatfests in the various regions, Japan, then Europe, then North America. All in all it let people play the demo for something like ten to twelve hours straight.
>>202616 maybe we should start a third party localization team and help companies expedite that process
Expediting the localization or expediting allocating the resources to expedite the localization?
expediting the logistics of the localization process doing it internally is probably a lot of added weight and slow down the companies' pipeline motility
So pretty much outsourcing the staff role of producer? Well, producer for the localization process.
that's a bit of a narrow scope, but yeah essentially i wouldn't say outsource because it's not a supply chain, but yeah it still applies to that, albeit with some negative context it's really about allowing things that should be separate to be separate so they can focus on doing their job
a producer or localization director or something working under, say Nintendo, may not really have the right focus to do the localization efficiently and effectively i'm all about external though i think just about every department that most companies have are weighing them down and could be externalized more efficiently, but at the cost of not having so many IP liberties but i expect that issue to be not as much of a dealbreaker in the next five-ish years than it is now
I think it would be a bit of a hard sell though. Especially with large companies like Nintendo or Squeenix, they probably pride themselves a fair bit on managing everything on an internal level.
And there's already third-party localization companies that exist for the sole purpose of localization. XSEED I mentioned earlier is one such company. They do absolutely no game production themselves and just translate Japanese games.
And then you get companies like NIS America, which originally started out as a company for the sole purpose of localizing NIS games, though in later years began to branch out. Though I think they still only localize things.
it'd definitely be a build-up obviously i have no real expectation or intention of pursuing such a business but i really do take a lot out of having discussions like this and thinking about unmet needs, hurdles that would have to be overcome i'm kind of fancying the idea of even writing up business proposals for ideas just for fun and then putting them all in a big portfolio
who did recettear again i forget
Localization was Carpe Fulgur. I think they haven't done any real "large" projects and only localize more indie-like games from Japan.
>surprise maintenance fuck now what do i do with my life
>>202643 yeah i think i would have more fun with indie-like stuff large contracts are fucking stress man you have to have a company that can afford the overhead just to have someone on staff who can sort through the legal paperwork full-time it's ridiculous and you'll have to have weekly progress reports and be doing so much work outside of the actual job you're being contracted to do that you can't do it it's a huge barrier atm
it's like that with any industry, but media distribution especially is fucked in that dpm
department i forget i'm not typing in my custom editor sometimes i have keystroke shortcuts
The context was sufficient.
how's your job hunt goin anyway did you find anything i said i was gonna help you out but i ended up not doing anything i hope you didn't expect anything different from me
Nah, I even said at the time I was looking to get some help from my folks. I never really got anything. I've been looking every now and then but it's a pretty half-hearted attempt in all honesty. There's no denying I need a job but there's so much involved with it that gets me anxious and throat-notted that it's hard to push myself towards it.
I also kind of lean towards getting something full-time or at least with a rigid schedule because having an inconsistent schedule assigned by someone else is really intimidating for me. But jobs like those are generally reserved for people with defined skills or trades--of which I have none. So it's a lot of looking at jobs and bemoaning the lack of things I feel I could do.
>>202655 i worked shift work for a year plus change in a grocer and the worst part of the week was when I hadn't been at the store late enough in the week to know what my schedule for the next week was. I -dreaded- that call I would have to put in to work to get my hours. At times I figure I would have opted to avoid taking a week off work because it would mean I could still get into the store to get my hours.
>>202652 it's not that bad i've been doing it for like a year
i've learned that i'm completely incapable of working an employment position i've always been entrepreneurial and opportunistic since i was like 15, writing articles for money
i think any advice i tried to offer would be steering you off the course you want to be on, so that's why i never really was able to do much
The nice thing about rigid hours is you know they're going to be that way. And you can plan things around it accordingly. Being unable to plan things more than a week or so in advance can become a bit stressful for me.
>>202657 i couldn't do it. i hate routine, and i hate being constrained if i have an emotional day and want to stay up til 9am watching stupid videos, i'm gonna do that if i suppressed it and just said "nope, gotta be at work at this time in the morning the same as every single day" i would get so depressed there's instability in what i do, yes, and it's stressful but i need that stress. my life was always consumed in stress to be somewhere that i dont have to stress out about stuff, i just feel weird and i get kind of crazy being too caught up in "Do the same thing all the time and there's nothing to worry about" i dunno what i'd do if i didn't have stuff to worry about
>>202656 In the end I don't really know what course I want to be on. I've lived my whole life kind of being like that missile guiding system that knows where the missile is at all times by knowing where it isn't.
>>202658 I mean I think I'd be happiest if I could schedule myself. What I was saying there was strictly between shift-work and rigid expected hours. The uncertainty of assigned shift hours is really stressful on me, and even if the monotonous of a 9-5-esque job drags on my soul, I think I can survive like that far better than I can on unpredictable assigned shifts.
Your demeanor and people skills are really good if i ever had a large enough business to afford a respectable staff and payroll, i'd happily put you on board in dealing with people, either receptionist type of thing or client relations communication stuff receptionist sounds shitty but it's one of the highest skill ceiling jobs in the business of business they're the oil that grease the cogs of the machine
i wouldn't hold out on me finding any kind of success though just sayin' though, if i do become a tech billionaire i'll make sure i hire all of /moe/ to be on my staff for an entire dollar above minimum wage
I would put you all on as consultants actually i even know what job you'd all already have but it wouldn't make sense because it's a job that doesn't exist today
its getting a little complicated for me feels like i'm reading james joyce
turn it into a story
i'll turn you into a story
oh no
it will be a picturebook its ok
this fuckin .mov file that a client sent in is just an audio recording where they set the camera face down the entire time i downloaded an entire gigabyte when it could have been like 4 megs what in the fuck man
yeah i get a lot of mov files not sure why. i dont really question it
probably recorded with an iphone modern iphones record the standard h.264 video/aac audio format in .mov containers i didn't even think anyone still used that crap leave it to apple tbh
lol it's an NA/AA meeting that i have to transcribe okay i've had 11 beers tonight and i've got two more in front of me
Oh man This mega dungeon thing I bought is really good And now I feel like I'm not a good enough od of a dm to run it.
Also I found typos and formatting errors in it. I actually know a rep from the publisher so I might let him know about it.
It has also kind of being inconvient that I haven't been able recieve or send texts to the person who gives me a lift to work. I'd rather get it quickly and be not have to worry about lifts or if I need to get the trains quickly
>>202746 >“The United States and its population are increasingly exposed to substantial harm and an erosion of security from individuals and small groups of motivated actors, leveraging the confluence of hyperconnectivity, fear, and increased vulnerability to sow disorder and uncertainty. This intensely disorienting and dislocating form of resistance to authority arrives via physical, virtual, and psychological violence and can create effects that appear substantially out of proportion to the origin and physical size or scale of the proximate hazard or threat.” You had some pretty sweet riots lately with antifa and stuff didn't you?
>>202758 Expecting things like "admisssion of fault" is too high a bar. Clearly all these things are done on purpose. And without feelings of regret. My biggest problem is that the Pentagon is among the first to wake up. Which means they have time to figure out what they want to do. Everyone else is still sleep.
>>202761 What scares me the most is how candid this is. They're not mincing their words or hiding behind platitudes. They're straight-out saying, "This is how it is, these people are against us and it's threatening our dominance, anyone that wants to rival us is a threat and a danger to us"
They know that nobody is going to care. They can say anything, do anything. They're all-powerful.
That's because of the audience. This is to the DoD. Not to the American people. There is no need to sweeten the story. This is the game that they play. If anything, it will behoove people to understand the very place they stand in all of this. But of course, the average will likely do nothing. I need to read the actual report. I hadn't gotten to do that yet. I just went through the article. Then I went to sleep.
It was to the DoD, but it was published where normal Americans can see it. Government agencies are obsessed with PR. Something like this would never fly in most agencies. The fact that they're being so candid is worrying for that reason. If it required a clearance to see, the candidness wouldn't be surprising at all.
I think everyone has generally recognized that /// observed that the US has lost primacy and that its people are becoming resistant to authority but it's surprising that they're so willing to say that they can fix it by snuffing out opposition opinions and training people to be more respectful of authority.
They're waking up, but they're too controlled by corporate interests to actually be woke. They might realize that people are resistant to change, but they don't know why and they don't realize that it they're making it worse.
>>202766 The African Union isn't too bad. They're making big gains. They're trying to turn Africa into a manufacturing state and are going to start pushing for an industrial revolution soon.
An industrial revolution is the best time to go somewhere like that. That's when the bourgeoisie forms.
Anyways, Kirara there is a significance in having a proper Jewish burial. I don't think this is neccesarily the right place to discuss this, but I will at least say that I think you should ask your rabbi about it.
I fucked up. My new phone needs a nano-sim card and my sim card is micro-sim Goddammit, I didn't even realise there were nano-sim cards. My microsim card can be big sim or micro but not nano.
Are you with a big provider that has their sims everywhere or do you have to send away for one?
I have to send away for a sim. I might try and find one in town, not sure if they'll stock them though since they are a minor provider
Arggh Our shitty router keeps dropping its connection. Well, I have reason to believe the problem yesterday was specifically on the provider's end since our cable was also out. But usually its just the router that has issues.
Time to fancy up and get out. make another post I dare you. Y'all really let me have this post open for nearly 12 hours. >>203114 No, YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP. I have HAD IT with your CLOSED-POSTEDNESS. ;____; okay
there are about 5% sweden as their first language speakers in finland, and the swedish party gets about even 5% representation in every election *swedish Not like they all vote it, but it just is a thing
It was a rhetorical question, I skimmed tthe wiki article. It makes sense in the context of Finland, but it just so happens that I don't know much about Finland. The main reason it stood out to me is that modern Sweden is a cucked country.
Also the party is 111 years old it is older than finland and back then swedish was much more common amongst us. Fuck, finland hasn't been an officially used language but jsut maybe 120 years or so if you wanted to deal with officials you spoke swedish or russian
>>202851 Now why it actually still exists same reason as Christian party they are small parties that are easy to deal with, if you promise them some minor, but to them major and vital concessions on forming the cabinet for example >we will guarantee swedish to be taught in schools and you have 100% of hte RKP behind you or >we won't touch gay marriage and 100% KD is behind you I mean swedish party has been in cabinet just for THAT reason since 1970s untill last elections because usually the two major parties forming the cabinet don't have strong enough majority or even lack it or like 2011, when the cabinet was formed of just one major party and ALL the minor parties that cabinet lasted maybe a year
it was amusingly called "rainbow cabinet" and they did also make gay marriage legal, so quite fitting
But in terms of their main policies, they are quite swedish indeed which is weird as fuck, since like 80% of swedish finns are actually conservatives but I guess the 20% living in the capital are the loud minority dictating things
It's kind of like how the Bloc Quebecois, the pro-Quebec independence party, exists on the federal stage here. Sure they'll never actually get Quebec independence, and the considerable majority of Quebec doesn't even really want independence, but in existing on a federal level they can ensure the French-cultural peoples gets representation.
Though even within Quebec they've been progressively losing seats because the things they stand for aren't entirely relevant for the populace anymore.
Hrrm Might go back to sleep, im out of one of my meds so ive got a headache.
can't wait for next elections 2019 Hitler-aho will have his own party then
>http://globalriskinsights.com/2016/03/china-blacklists-winnie-pooh/ >china banns winnie the pooh hahahaha
Whinnie the Pooh encourages the youth to be lazy and greedy Thank you CCP
>>202861 Yeah this is really pathetic I wonder what other memes the Chinese have
It's actually because people were drawing visual comparisons between Winnie and their president for humour.
It's like the Turkish head of state being compared to Gollum.
>>202860 they also banned skeletons and panda bears from their video games
>>202863 I remember they couldn't release the new Ghostbusters there because it had spooky ghosts Why Panda bears though? I thought they liked them.
>>202865 Yeah but what if it's like, nintendogs but for pandas
violence in video games can't have violence against pandas or pandas in a game that includes violence including stuff like kung fu panda >>202864 no violence no problem if it has the violence rating for the chinese equivalent of the ESRB, then no go
Many blockbuste rmovies nowadays go through chinese censors first as hollywood greedoes have finally seen how much money a movie can make if it hits big in china I mean take warcraft movie as an example it barely made any money, but it was really big in china big enough to fund sequels
>>202866 merchandising options explode when china has access to something
>>202866 I hear the only reason why they keep making Transformers movies is because the Chinese love them I should thank the Chinese because they basically funded Pacific Rim 2
But that is the thing in china if you get 1% of the population to watch your movie you already make at the very least your budget back in comparison, you'd need something like 5% of USA or about the same in all of europe
Of course in comparison, the amount of population who can afford and have the time to watch movies is smaller but once again, with a population of what nearly 2 billion >>202872 cause I do Why do you like any girl you post?
Yeah you only need to capture a small portion since China has like 2 billion people. Is Chinas middle class expanding still? If it is then it could get even more lucrative as a market.
>>202874 Can you highlight some traits about this girl that you enjoy
i was just kind curious if the character was important to you or if you were using it because there's a lot of reaction images >>202871 that's kind of hard to say it's expanding in some fashion, and some of the middle class are getting squeezed out too it's really hard to say what trends are playing into it to determine where it's headed though probabilistically, there's a good chance it will increase a lot of wealthy are trying to squeeze money out of china though which is something china doesn't really want people doing e.g. buying real estate in other countries but a lot of companies are starting to use bitcoin to make that unenforceable and to have real estate and operations (and foreign legislation, where applicable) in foreign nations i'm not really sure how that's gonna change the economy over there would probably improve it if china just loosened up and let them do it would probably worsen it if china has a war on cryptocurrency and flushes all that chinese upperclass money away
>>202876 KKK is one of my favourite animus and she was my favourite character of the show so I got a lot of caps of it also another factor is ,that i simply don't have that many pics on my laptop
also >e Culture and Education (CULT) committee of EU atleast they are honest
>>202884 >europeans have to pay a levy to make legal copies of files they already bought fair and square Lol
haha here you can see the lobbyism in action >The EDRi post points out another extraordinary feature of the move by the CULT committee. Earlier this year, it adopted an amendment to a different EU directive. In that case, the amendment prohibited the use of upload filtering as a method of restricting hate speech and terrorist content, including “for the most harmful content”. In other words, CULT thinks that censoring terrorist content is an unacceptable infringement of personal freedoms, but is fine with doing exactly the same to “protect” the copyright industry from people uploading legally acquired material. man I should sometime look into the actual amount of lobby groups in EU they don't acually lobby the parliament members that much they lobby these comities and the pen pushers who aren't even elected
>Unfortunately, the previous “rapporteur” – the Member of the European Parliament (MEP) who is tasked with shepherding the directive through the legislative process – Therese Comodini Cachia, has left to go back to her native Malta. Taking her place is the German politician Axel Voss. His political group, the EPP, has just published its views on the copyright directive, which largely back the European Commission’s original proposals, unsatisfactory as they are. how coincidental
But on the bright side I was super productive today. And maybe I'll be productive tomorrow?
I wrote a really good report today. I think it's my best one yet.
https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/2017/07/the-mere-existence-of-the-net-neutrality-debate-is-a-symptom-of-a-much-much-deeper-rabbit-hole/ huh this was an enlighting article >>202892 holy shit what shouldn't that be a day long job at most?
>>202887 >CULT Why pick the most evil sounding acronym?
no rook don't >>202893 nice jobbu there's a bunch of random crap on those google docs but there's no rush to take a look you can do it weeks from now if you want
>>202894 no clue but I'd assume so they originally said 4 days though
>>202898 i watched a VR youtube vid today and it was like the camera was mounted on a pole on a jeep that was driving through salt flats in a middle eastern country it was only for a minute but it was pretty bizarre to look down and be floating most importantly though full 360 degrees is kind of miserable for that kind of video because you have to stand up or something and quickly turn 180 degrees to see something happening i feel like two cameras and you can switch between views might be ideal
>>202899 Like I once did >get car for inspection >drive to repairshop for required fixes >get it fixed >drive back to inspection >get int inspecte on the same day
>>202916 heh this jsut pretty much means, they use more money well quite dead give away being further in their carreers and generally having a family to feed for that matter
>>202924 i just love the boomer that is told they ruined everything and should fix it and he's like no you do it
I love it, though I wonder was there a "fuck this guy" by the construction guys who were doing insulation work on my previous place few years back cause seriously they seemed to do extra much drilling and loud shit behind my window
Btw this is bit random, but I kinda have a feeling I failed a random quest on sunday Like do you know those kind of adventure games where some side-quests or sometimes even main quests required you to pick up some item along the way, but there was no indication of you needing it
I had a moment like that and I didn't pick the item up an dthen I kinda bailed out of the quest line entirely by leaving home early well on the last bus
but do you ever get that kind of feeling that "wow I wonder shoul dI just pick up this item, cause I might trade it for something else"
item in question was a pack of pipe-filters an old guy just suddenly flagged at me and went "hey lad do ya need these?"
btw is curious how the fist is now a communist symbol or something since it really was a fascist symbol even if not originally but it got hijacked by them quite successfully in the 20s
>>202960 I wonder could we turn Ted Bundy into some kind of social justice icon or something it shouldn't be that hard if you have the right connections and spin it right enough people afterall are lazy enough to not research it proper a good slogan there a misquote there and a motivational meme poster there and rest should be up to internet and like minded trolls
Hmm I guess general natural fibres lik wool or cotton would absorb most heat summertime socks tend to be artifical fibres mostly, though and I kinda think those would make it just worse
It soaks through, but by that time it has lost a substantial amount of its heat energy heating the sock so yeah you now have hot socks on but they are good amount colder than the original hot stuff
I got my new phone today. I can play mobage on an actually mobile now!
>>202998 It pretty good and also huge. I haven't had a new phgone in ages so I didn't realise all the new stuff that comes with them! >>203000 Yeah I am pretty pleased with it! I can play mobage anywhere now!
>>203008 Yeah. I don't think he's even workable without inheriting skills from two 5*s.
Im finally tier 19
>>203009 There's a Lich that really likes comedy and has comedy themed spells. He can curse you so that you fail at things spectacularly and then a laugh track plays in the background. He is also immune to all non comedic damage. The only way to deal damage to him is for the player characters to attack while also maling the DM laugh. *making
>>203009 Oh, I was contemplating starting to care about the game again. Maybe I won't though. At least there's no reason to care about this hero battle.
>>203011 this sounds amazingly annoying thing to do especially if you have a real stone faced stoic dm
>>203030 Yup He's not an enemy you're supposed to beat. Also you dont tell them thats the way to deal damage. Incidentally it happens to be very difficult to make me laugh.
>>203029 clive is tanky, camus is strong in pretty much every way other than res
I don't know. And there's a chance that she'll be a weak character.
That happened with Elise. Elise is really good in her game, but she's typecast as a healer in Heroes because that's her starting class in Fates. Flonne is kind of the same way, she's typecast as a healer even though she's a good mage.
>>203048 It'd be a little ridiculous to not allow good character customization in a Disgaea game. If you can't turn Flonne into a FISTS user then the game is doomed from the start
I'm trying to find news on it but can't seem to find anything? >>203060 Oh I didn't know when it was being released I have preregistered already though http://magireco.com/
The spin-off called Makai Wars (魔界ウォーズ) was first revealed as a PSP title in the 2004 E3, but it was later decided for PS3. The PS3 version again never came out
>>203063 huh that would suprisingly work quite simply be it witch hunting or ghost hunting though witches would be more interesting foes
yeah basically and you can so easily add in dlc stuff from the main series or spinoff series like >pay 5 to unlock rebellion homura dungeon or >pay 10 to unlock main series witches and so on
So thats makai wars? http://twinfinite.net/2017/07/makai-wars-mobile-platforms/ >>203063 I miss that game, it is a shame it closed down. I really liked the music.
Yeah That's the game Rika means
>6x5 grids ugh
>>203067 magical girl costumes for armour, special costumes for holiday events and gatcha stuff
Yeah I just found that https://makaiwars-sp.jp/comic/ep01.html Looks interesting.
No release date yet but preregistration starts a month prior to release
>>203040 Nah, it's actually only that Lich. There are other liches, they arent as funny or as interested in humor. He's in fact only a lich because of an unintended legal/magical loophole in his employment contract from like 5,000 years ago for a government position in a long dead empire. He's interested in humor cause he doesnt have much to do.
>>203080 That's what Cygames does They sort of just hop from game to game They had Bahamut and then hopped ship to GBF and let Bahamut go to shit Now they've got a new game in development and will probably do that to GBF
>>203094 Huh didn't know that aired on 18th >>203092 and it works like an asshole genie right?
>>203094 Heh, I actually had Tang today witgout knowing that. >>203095 Even better It swaps the person making the wish with the version of them in an alternate universe where that wish was already true, and so then the person from that universe was also making a wish which has come true by them being in the one the game takes place in.
>>203096 So if you say was a dirt to hero, publicly hated guy wanting to be loved and to be wealthy why would anyone wish the exact opposite of that...
>>203102 So logically you then end up playing as an alternate you who has had exact opposite life ot wish the opposite thing and who most likely is drunk and/or high off their ass
>>203103 There are some examples given. One of them was about like a party member that is alive in this universe isnt in the other. Not all of the things have to be exact opposites. Like it could be that they wish they were rich >>203105 INFINITE MULTIVERSE
>>203104 Yes but counting on human greed and stuff, any wish most likely would be "to gain something" or even if the party tries to use it to wish plot advance then following that logic the exact opposite would have to be rid off to advance plot in an alternate universe but that still wouldn't make that much sense, say the quest is to gai nthe macguffin why would anyone want to get rid off it
I'd actually love a game where there is an item called MacGuffin and it does extra damage to lions
People don't actually get how it works. It just looks like your buddy goes over to it, activates it and then suddenly starts acting really happy and weird for no apparent reason.
Also the hell poison is cool. You come up with something really terrifying, like a story or something, and then elements from that story appear in the character's life every day until the die 90% of the time its an illusion But 10% of the time its real and brought forth by the powers of hell
so horror movie th epoison especially drag me to hell
>>203112 I guess Iirc this is from the stingers of the hell bees who are trapped inside the goatman and flow through his blood vessels instead of bloid. Well, they would if not for the goat man and bees being petrified I think its the goatman, its the goat something, and I dont tjink its the goat pope.
I found a cool thing on warehouse23 http://www.warehouse23.com/products/off-the-wall-armies-snakes-of-wrath-snake-infantry-with-axe It's a figure of a snake, holding an axe with its tail.
huh 3 times more people won the 4 correct bracket on lottery, than who got the 3 correct how is that possible #5d50 (5, 30, 6, 36, 30 = 107)#2d10 (5, 8 = 13) #5d50 (42, 24, 35, 20, 44 = 165)#2d10 (8, 10 = 18)
NYS? uhh I dunno. I know there's the Kittatinny area. They have a river separating the state of NY and ... somewhere else. And there's a road above it so you can drive past it but that road gives me anxiety. not directly above it but next to it. And it gives me anxiety because it's high up and the edge is like "right there" And there are at least three memorials for dead people along it. I don't know if they were suicides, road accidents, or completely unrelated, but it bothers me.
i was watching some freshmen cadets in their basic training today ans they were reacting to direct fire and i recorded the snapchat hotdog to them saying incoming to a mortar sim
snapchat hotdog wtf are you meaning
theres a snapchat filter that has a dancing hotdog id upload. pic but service is worse than usual today
why don't they make tiny little fidget spinners and them circumscribe them into a metal ring and then use those for the fin fillings that's like four times the fidget
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you didn't like that is gross
>>203219 Wait, you drilled the holes yourself? That's hardcore.
Also I was just woken up.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
not sure if i should hostel or hotel it up lookin at the reviewss
>I booked a night at that this hostel. When I arrived, I was EXTREMELY disappointed. I was not allowed to stay there because they do not allow New York state residents to stay there. Besides this being discrimination, they should post this information WAY more prominently there is at least one idiot out there
do you guys ever wonder about the next war like it would be historically significant if we endured peace as we currently do for longer than a couple decades more
>>203286 I'm gonna hit you with some metal gear shit The invention of nukes has changed the dynamic between nations and made open warfare too dangerous and unprofitable to be worth it. So it already is historically significant, but that's largely because times really have changed.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
past performance is not indicative of future performance
sure sure, but that doesn't mean there won't be another vietnam i mean iraq was big but i don't think quite so big and then what about the potential for collapse
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i guess we are basically in cyberwar right now
i mean what if militia types and protester types started upping their game and what kind of legal ramifications might that end up imposing on the common citizen wouldn't stricter controls (the almost definite response to local terrorism) lead to more local terrorism? wouldn't that make some kind of civil unrest self-propelling were it to begin?
>>203292 Terrorism won't really make anything collapse. Terrorism is kind of a meme anyway. I mean a meme in the traditional sense and not the internet sense.
There is nothing that really differentiates terrorism from a bad day in downtown Chicago other than the label we place on it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
terrorism is a distraction
the real question is, how badly can americans be treated before they rebel? maybe really, really badly
Much more badly than they are now, I would think. People are fairly comfortable.
We've already seen what happens when a nuclear power collapses though, the Russian Federation isn't all that different from the USSR that preceeded it. Nukes are the glue that hold a nation together. That sounds really Metal Gear, too.
>>203295 >>203296 >>203299 but i don't really mean like traditional terrorism as we often assume it like islam allahu akhbar kablam i mean like potentially really crafty things that could be done by people within our country to our infrastructure
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I don't know if it's true that people are comfortable! Perhaps this is just a cyclical thing. Right in power, left thinks world is ending, and vice versa.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203300 what kinds of things? hackers are doing some crafty shit, that's all i'm aware of
>>203300 That sort of thing just doesn't happen very often. People need motive to do things. A lot of the people who are smart enough to do really destructive acts of terrorism, like the Oklahoma City Bombing, generally aren't motivated to do such things. It's rare when you get someone who has the intellect and the patience to commit acts like that while still being unhinged enough to actually want to do it. And that's how you get Oklahoma City Bombers and Unibombers and whatnot. They've existed for quite some time, but they are rare.
one-off attacks are flashy, but they don't have sustain. an all out war seems unlikely to spark unless there is already an underlying tension it could inflam.e
well maybe the media sensationalism is just getting to me but it seems like our country is really not so united at the moment and there's a lot more people in militias than there used to be
>>203306 And terrorism is powerful because of that. If it became more commonplace, it would stop having the strong mental impact that it does.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203307 there is an uncertain future for a lot of young people sooo i expect rocky times ahead
i also feel like a lot of people are more vulnerable to propoganda and mass manipulation than ever before i mean just look at people on both sides of the political media and there's like this fetish for ignorance and one-sided thinking has it really always been this bad?
>>203311 there is so much garbage out there it's why i look down on shitposting more and more these days we need more signal, less noise especially when we are seeing propagandists having their ability to broadcast garbage multiplied by social media
>>203311 on the other hand people also have the access to more free information than ever before as for mass propoganda/manipulation think of the RED SCARE damn commies out to get us
>>203313 Yes but try not to flatter me too much, it's intimidating.
oh yuu
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203311 it's more on display than it ever was, mainly but who can really say, right? i don't have the data, who does all we can do is call out sloppy reasoning and sensationalism
i have been wondering what communities exist out there who are good at calling out bullshit
>>203318 I think that depends on how you define bullshit.
I think that for people to be able to discern things that are legitimate from those that are not, you need a good underlying system of rules. You can see when people are doing math properly or improperly because of the rules. I imagine it's the same in coding. In stuff like law, there is a code so you can know if someone is right or wrong.
A lot of issues stem from the fact that nowadays people think of debate as two people just saying what they think and trying to talk louder than the other person. Debates are supposed to have rules.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203320 not sure i agree with that last one if you mean academia, at least because academia x handwavey BS
>>203325 That's a problem I have with a lot of people these days. They believe the point of having opinions is to destroy people that don't agree with them, and that the ends justify the means if it's in the name of what they consider good. Acting in good faith is one of the pillars of society.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203329 well, if it makes any difference, i think it's always been that way just a base human way of arguing and we all do it to some degree
I think it all comes down to education. Education is really important. You have to teach people respect for the rules and respect for common decency.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i don't think there's any clear path the incentives are largely twisted in the other way we can champion and elevate people who act in good faith but there's not an official incentive for that...
I think it's something that will pass in time. PArt of the issue is that culture is currently in a place where everything is relative and there's no up and down and there's a billion different viewpoints, all of which people want to say are equally good and legitimate.
There is truth in the idea that open mindedness is good, but there are still good ideas and bad ideas.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I think there are agents who would love if that were the case and are actively trying to create such confusion, but it's not really the situation. But maybe if they repeat it enough, people start to believe it. False equivalence is a favorite trope of people sowing chaos.
Maybe there's some problem defining to be done. I don't really agree with Bang in his thought that things are particularly unstable. There are a lot of upset people at the moment, and I think a lot of what we talked about has something to do with it, but I don't really see major problems right now.
>>203311 The more I learn about the past, the more I find that the only thing that's changed is how many people you can hear. And how many people actually have the desire to speak.
damn this toast is fucking dope i'm glad that every time i post about stuff that isn't a shitpost or blogpost it gets a discussion going moe needs more discussion
>>203343 How many of those have anything useful to say
Anyways the answer to what I had for "dinner" was Frozen raspberries (not defrosted before eating), a slice of sharp cheddar, raw pasta that was dyed different colors using vegetables and some pretzels
>>203342 I don't know, but that scrabble game is all messed up. I don't think the image creator understands how to play scrabble. RL is not a word. When you put two words parallel to each other like that, every line needs to be a word.
Also, the rules are that if it's not in the dictionary it's not a word for the purposes of scrabble.
>>203348 It's Scrallbe, not Scrabble. It's a version of scrabble where anything counts as a word. You woukd know this if you at least read the label underneath the image of the board.
>>203347 Frozen raspberries are pretty nice Shame fresh raspberries are so expensive
>>203330 Acting in good faith is easy. Even an idiot can act in good faith. All you have to do is believe in what you're doing.
>>203349 What is scrabble if anything counts as a word? You're just slapping tiles down on a board randomly at that point.
>>203352 It was created as part of an experiment to determine what things ought to be words. http://tom7.org/papers/sigbovik2011tom7whatwords.pdf It's actually a very good paper.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203351 uhhh wait isn't that the opposite of good faith good faith is willing to admit you're wrong
"Good faith" is just being sincere and honest in your intentions. Being willing to admit that you're wrong can be in good faith. But that is only in "good faith of debate". What the debate is about, however, is a different story.
A lawyer who says "I'll do anything to make sure my client walks free" and then a week after that lies to the court is not acting in good faith. His heart may be in the right place, and he may truly believe that his client is innocent and that the right thing to do is to lie to get him freed, but he is acting in bad faith. The rules exist for a reason.
>>203359 Everyone. The rules promote the well-being of everyone in the widest scale. Without basic levels of fair treatment, everyone is worse off in the end, even though there will be specific situations with seemingly better outcomes.
>>203352 Not nessecarily. Made up words still have to follow rules and have syllables that flow together in a way that can be pronounced. If I just mashed letters on a keyboard, it wouldn't be a fake word, it'd be a mess. For example whxtpynm cannot be pronounced and is thus not a fake word.
>>203363 Do you at least agree with the notion that the lawyer who lies to the court is acting unethically?
>>203264 yes, not with drill but drill it I meant to do http://www.webmd.com/first-aid/how-to-drain-blood-from-under-a-nail but it was too painful so just used them as starter holes
>>203366 That's not really what I meant. That implies that rules and fairness are just one of a myraid of loyalties a person might hold. Do you agree with the notion that people should in general have some degree of loyalty to the concepts of fairness and the rules that hold society together that should, to a large degree, come before their personal desires and moods?
>>203370 Oh, that's good. I agree! I think one of the problems with people in this day and age is that they think that the ends justify the means when it comes to morality.
>>203378 You could fall down a mountain with marsh or chase sheilas with beta.
>>203381 That kind of thinking has always existed though. hardly a "this day and age" thing. "Good faith" to the rules is a funny thing when you're in charge of making them. >>203385 doubt.
You can actually hear, see, and experience the joys, sadness, frustrations, and miseries of others in real time. We live in a time like no other in the past in terms of communication in that you can carry your voice across the world anonymously with relative ease.
We also live in a society that is mostly unparalleled in terms of comfort and wealth. Maybe you could find people like this in late-stage Rome or something.
It's hard to care about as much stuff when you work 12 hours in a mine somewhere. People right now are less beaten down by reality than most humans that have existed.
>>203387 >unparalleled in comfort and wealth You do know that about one sixth of Americans can't afford to eat right?
>>203387 You are trying to give people comfort in the fact that they aren't experiencing the pains of the past in order to placate their pains of the present but that solves zero problems. Things have gotten better. Yes. But for many people, they are by no means good. Real life does not grade on a curve.
>>203390 I would say most first-world people. I understand that there are a lot of people even in America who have fallen on hard times. But generally speaking, even people who are not well off right now are more or less fed and have some luxury goods.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203391 america has some unique problems it is facing at the moment due to america's divergence from the rest of the first world on policy
>>203392 I think most of our biggest problems exist independent of short term policy. I think most of the problems people these days face relate to unemployment and drugs. I only see what I see though.
I still don't think most people these days have lives as difficult as those that came before them, though. I was reading the other day about kids who worked in mines in the mid-1800s and their job was to sit in the dark for 12 hours a day and listen for the little mining carts so they could tug on a rope to open a little door. Squatting room only!
You live in the rust belt, you more than anyone should know how shitty life can be for people in the US.
It's not about being "as difficult". It's about being "good". What point is there to any of it, if it isn't "good"? You see unemployment and drugs I see paranoia and discrimination Life's got all kinds of problems.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203393 that's a distraction, though there are some unique policy decisions happening in america that people understand // well perhaps do not understand, but potentially. potentially understand they could actually have a different outcome
like kids in mines, that's all they knew and they liked it. they knew what was possible for them. but I think it's different when there is real potential out there, a real tension can actually exist.
>>203396 I don't really undersatnd the foundation you're working from here. What is the point of anything? I think the goal at least is to ensure that people are more or less comfortable and to give them a chance to be successful and happy. I don't think we always succeed at that, but I think we succeed at that more often now than has been the case in the past.
>>203397 Do you mean short term policy or long term policy?
My point is that to compare living conditions of the past to living conditions in the present is pointless except when trying to understand how progress was made. That things have been improving is a good thing. That things are okay for more people is a good thing. That things continue to remain stagnant or deteriorate for various groups of people is not. Employment and health and safety are all part of the general welfare of current society and we fail many people in it. A large and continuous problem in that is the passiveness in many people to address those shortcomings. That is one thing that never really changes. And one thing that you will continue to see come from that is a lack of respect for the rules. Because when a person can not trust society or rule of law to protect their well being, they lose the reason to stand by it.
>>203399 I often wonder if long term policy is actually a thing, or if we just make it up as we go along because we're in untreaded waters. I think I messed up that metaphor. It's untreaded path or uncharted waters. Anyway, I think society now is kind of unprecedented and that the increasing complexity of the world makes it hard for people to deal with on a planning level.
>>203401 I think long term policy is a thing, but it's more like a set of very broad strokes since we have to account for changes in the future. You can't make assumptions in your long term keikakus
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203401 I don't think it's as confusing as you're making it out to be.
>>203403 Well, maybe more specifics are necessary to really understand the general concepts. For example, I think the refugee crisis in Europe is a consequence of the world being smaller than ti has ever been because of technology. It is a hard problem to solve because nothing like it has happened before.
>>203397 Your second paragraph reminded me of this.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203404 refugee crises can't be entirely blamed on american foreign policy and climate change, but those are two big players how do we deal with them? not an easy question to answer but something related to fighting inequality is a start
>>203406 There are easy answers to both climate change and refugee crises. Eliminate like 50% of the total world population. Carbon emissions woukd go down quite a lot. Solve the refugee crisis the same way. Not that those are "good" solutions. But they are solutions.
>>203400 I don't think I agree with the notion that people can solve problems. Well, at the very least, the masses cannot solve problems. They are too disorganized. It is hard to talk about problems in general though without and specificity. I think that the solutions to most societal problems lie in making the system more fair, though.
>>203406 American foreign policy is also an issue of us being in uncharted waters, I think. Great powers have existed before, but no great power, not even Rome, has been able to project military power all over the world. The world is so much smaller than it used to be!
As for climate change, I think that the first step to taking meaningful action is to de-politicize the issue as much as possible.
>>203408 Organizing is a thing that people do. And when it is done, they solve problems. it is EASY to talk about problems. EASY. It has become EVEN EASIER. People have become EVEN LOUDER and there are GROUPS that have gotten together to organize that which wasn't previously organized so that such problems can be very easily seen, understood, and categorized. The problem that comes afterwords? Convincing other people that it is a problem to begin with. People want the system to be fair but they don't understand what "fair" really looks like. And when they come face to face with "fair", they often choose power instead. It is hard to right social problems when said society was built on unfairness.
>>203409 It's like the thing about asking the AI super intelligence "how do we eliminate cancer forever?" "eliminate all human life, no more cancer"
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203408 it's more an issue of the military industrial complex doing what it does
>>203412 That's true, but the way that the military industrial complex is interwoven with the world economy is so complex that I don't think I can even speak intelligently about it. I wish that we would stop bombing people for seemingly no reason, but I don't really understand the whole picture.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203413 it's not really that hard dismantle gradually resources will be reallocated
but how to actually get political will to do so? beats me
>>203411 yes well the obvious bugs would hopefully be noticed instantly leaving us the much more interesting obscure AI bugs
>>203414 Economy and war as so tightly interwoven. A huge part of WWII's significance is that it served as an economic reset.
Would the US ceasing to be a superpower cause the petrodollar to collapse? What would happen to the world after that?
Those are questions I don't even know how to approach the answer to.
>>203410 I think it is hard for people to organize meaningfully in a lot of situations, especially when they can't agree on what the problem is. Actually agreeing on what the problem is is a huge undertaking.
Oh shit I just thought of a new type of guided missile Thanks for talking about the military industrial complex.
no problem glad i could help
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203415 I think this is a very American perspective reallocate to the other things america is good at it will be fine sustainable energy is happening, too as much as oil is trying to stop it oil has to go
>>203415 When organizing meaningfully isn't a problem, the problem of convincing others that the thing your organization called a problem is actually a problem still exists. This isn't an "organizational conflict" issue. This is an issue with people who have power not wanting to cede said power. This is society clutching to its edges because if one thing changes, other things might erode.
>>203414 It's actually an open problem. https://intelligence.org/about/
>>203418 Yeah, it is probably a very American way of looking at things. There's probalby a fundamental fear of change going on there.
I don't know if I am confident in sustainable energy quite yet, though. I have no faith at all in wind power, and I would like solar to be a little better. I like hydroelectric and nuclear, though.
I would like to see oil become less of a thing, but I'm not sure that it's time yet.
>>203419 Agreeing about what the problem is is the problem though! Everyone is trying to sell a problem these days.
If we get rid of petroleum based cars Does that mean I can get a Ford Nucleon?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203422 what was that famous american quote something something fear itself
about wind, wind is huge texas especially is like going to be the wind energy capital solar panels get better every year electric cars on the rise all the FUD of yesteryear is washing away
>>203424 "There's nothing to fear except fear itself, and bears"
>>203424 the only thing to fear is teddy roosevelt
>>203424 My current reservations with wind power revolve around the upkeep. Upkeep on wind generators is a huge problem and it's very expensive. I think for wind to be able to succeed, these issues need to be dealt with.
Maintenance is also dangerous and often requires gas powered helicopters, which kind of defeats the point. They also require some rather unclean manufacturing processes. I just don't think wind is anywhere close to being there!
I think solar will be there in the next few decades or so. It just needs more efficiency and maybe a cleaner manufacturing process.
Though solar has an ecological impact too since it takes up so much land. I always liked those ideas that involved collecting solar power in space and beaming it down.
>>203422 I don't know if you're misunderstanding me or just rewording what I'm saying to be very loose. But in either case, if you want to understand WHY "people think of debate as two people just saying what they think and trying to talk louder than the other person", it's because the debate is less important than the actions that come afterword. The big downside to having more voices capable of talking is having more "gatekeepers" to the doors of fixing a problem. So rather than wasting time with words, it's far more imperative to just take action. And in the cases where a person's general welfare is at stake, rules are more likely to be broken.
>>203424 idk man ever since american superconductors dropped the los tres amigas project i kind of doubt it that was supposed to be a game changer because of the ability to store energy cheaply and without residual waste to bolster the market for sustainable NRG but they fugged it
>>203427 what is "very expensive"? like, they're unprofitable? this sounds like FUD tbh
maintenance requiring gas helicopters... how is that defeating the point? compare a helicopter running to a carbon-negative power plant burning 24/7
i've talked with solar startups and they are seeing some very favorable crossing points coming along one in particular doing solar installations in Mexico, ideal conditions i mean, it's not like this stuff is going to get worse over time. they're already practical and will continue to chug along compared to the alternative...
>>203431 They require a decent amount of maintenance and regular upkeep. Not so much that they're unusable though.
>>203431 Cost per kilowatt hour for wind is still relatively high once you add production of the turbines and maintenance together. Nuclear is a lot more efficient. It's also difficult to scale well because you have to be somewhat picky about where you can actually put them because super high winds will break them.
I am optimistic about solar power but I don't really like wind too much.
>>203428 What do you think the action should be, though? Talk is really easy!
>>203433 The one that is just. There are lots of problems. I'm not about to name examples. I'm too tired. I also don't know any of them particularly intimately enough. I just know that I understand why people are ready to go off their hinge about issues. Because society loves dragging their feet when those who are worst off are concerned.
>>203437 There are several within a hundred miles of me. Also
>>203435 I think people need to get honest with themselves and come to understand that we need nuclear to bridge the gap between coal and better sustainable methods. Wind and solar isn't to the point yet where it could meet our energy needs.
>>203440 i'm not saying like we're gonna be 100% sustainable anytime soon but absolutely wind and solar are worth it, and they are happening, and will continue to encroach electric cars too
>>203438 Can you expect society to get off its butt and just fix things? I think problems are fixed slowly and incrementally and that we're making progress!
>>203442 I just don't have a lot of faith in wind power, is all. I think solar will get there.
Electric cars are something that will definitely happen, yeah.
>>203443 There's a threshold at which the value of fixing things becomes inherently profitable rather than remedial i think with the way we're using information these days, it's getting close to a point where society will be motivated to fix a lot of things like using genetic algorithms to determine better wind turbines there's a video where a guy does that it's kind of neat, but it takes a long time to get things like that into a product pipeline
>>203443 Social problems are fixed by the death of old people clinging to former things and the willingness of the young to accept its terms. And also by the organizational efforts of those suffering from said problems constantly shouting of the injustice. I can't expect society to just fix things because I have no faith in people to enact UNcommon decency. They pine for the common decency that will let them get by There's no incentive to extend more to those who aren't covered by that. Us making progress by "literally dying until people who are okay with the people on the fringes come around to support them" is a very shoddy form of social progress. May our grandchildren live in uninteresting times.
>>203446 yeah but that's what i mean about thresholds we're at a point where individuals are able to dedicate about the work of a couple fiscal quarters and develop and demonstrate efficacy themselves and what you're saying about the medicine being more valuable than the cure really applies because of consumer retention with an individual company when you break that apart and have people openly demonstrating efficacy of something, rather than in the private chambers of a company's R&D pipeline, then it's out there for all the companies to see and they have to either adopt or fall to the wayside to the companies that do
in the case of more efficient wind turbine design, i dont really see that as being a loss for anybody besides current wind turbine designers holding onto patents but tbh such a slight shift forward is going to bolster a new wave of designs anyway so it's going to put them back to work they just won't be sitting on the royalties
so i don't really understand i phrased this in a way to show my basis for why i don't understand, not to argue against your point
>>203446 You sound like one of those people who believes that both HIV and cancer have been cured but that big pharma is hiding the truth from the world.
>>203445 No one gets to live in uninteresting times.
I think that those who turn their backs on society because of their percieved problems will find that society turns its back on them. That's just reality.
Nothing gets fixed overnight, it's always a grind.
>>203453 Society has already turned their back to many people. That's why there is a problem to begin with. Because society is not looking at them.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203449 man how can i put this as much as i appreciate you pinging me with all these /g/ memes i don't know i used to be the one who would like treat programming as a spectator sport but that's not me anymore
>>203454 That's a dangerous attitude, I think. To think like that, you might be ignoring people who are trying to help. That's how change happens, people grinding to make it happen.
>dangerous IT'S TRUTH There are people who will help them. And they will join them in trying to fix the problem. That's the heart of organization. But society at the grand scale still has to solve said issue. How can they "turn their back" on someone who they weren't even looking in the direction of? All they have to do is not turn around at all
>>203451 Do you think that wind power is on the verge of a breakthrough? Most of my reservations with it are based on current designs, and I am a layperson so I wouldn't know about the field. I think they need to become a lot more efficient and easy to maintain, do you think that sort of thing is right around the corner?
>>203457 Society is really too disorganized to act on a grand scale.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203460 would you care to comment on the helicopter argument? in good faith
>>203460 I'd say the small ones are i don't think the big honkin windmills are breaking anything through at the moment but you know those small ones that spin about the vertical axis instead? there's a lot of neat design about using that inner chamber space more efficiently and how to lower some of that air pressure to generate more drag and some of the genetic algorithm designs are worthy proofs of concept with initial simulations the problem with simulations in those kinds of things is that you can only simulate with enough accuracy to show that something's worth taking the time to simulate with full detail which takes incredible amounts of processing power for air dynamics
>>203461 Well, I agree with the notion that a helicopter pollutes less than a gas power plant or something, but aircraft like that are still gas-hogs. I wish there was a way to maintain them that was safer and easier. But they're high off the ground so they're hard to maintain.
It's just hard to imagine wind generators as ever being as easy to maintain as something like solar panels.
>>203460 society has governments for that purpose to act and enact for the welfare of the people It is not that we are too unorganized. It is that society refuses. People refuse. They have reasons to refuse. They, "in good faith!", work hard to make sure that things don't change. that's not being unorganized, that's power recognizing power
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203463 But we can admit that specific argument was bogus, if we think about what's actually happening.
>>203465 If it were the only issue with wind power, yeah, it would just a minor thing.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203466 I believe the helicopter is unnecessary anyway. It could be replaced with a ladder.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I also doubt that if we look at the overall impact of wind turbine maintenance vs say oil or coal effects on the planet, it's going to look very good for the fossils.
Well, I don't think there's any argument that coal is abhorrent in terms of impact on the environment. The stuggle is to find something clean that can carry a good bit of the burden in terms of producing enough power. I think the answer for today is nuclear and the answer for tomorrow is solar.
>>203464 I don't think people refuse out of malice. People generally have their plates full of things they need to do, and they think that they're too small to change things. And that's why it's always a grind to make good things happen. It doesn't mean that people aren't trying, though.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Nuclear power is on the way down, unfortunately... they are being disbanded faster than replaced. There's no short term anything for nuclear.
>>203470 I don't think nuclear will really come into wide use until it is forced by circumstance. Peak oil seems to move back and back and back. There's no real reason to go nuclear.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203473 but even if there's a circumstance like an oil shock or something, we can't just turn a new nuclear plant on. it takes way too long to set up
>>203474 I think that if nations realized that their choices were between using less energy and building some nuclear plants, they'd choose the latter. There's no pressure to do this though, maybe there will be after peak oil. It would have to be the kind of thing that happened over a term of years though.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203475 it would take some serious forethought current US policy appears to be doubling down on coal I don't see a situation where a political party is going to take the burn on promoting nuclear
>>203476 Nuclear is in the unfortunate situation of having really bad PR due to poor reactor designs in other places on earth.
I don't think anyone is really going to go there unless they're forced to. If years down the road, though, and fossil fuels are not viable due to cost or environmental reasons, I think that policy makers wouldn't think twice about choosing nuclear over turning out the lights. I guess there's some question as to whether that will be necessary or if renewable energy will be ready by that time, but I think it's reality that renewable energy isn't ready right now!
>start conversation >go do other things >come back >still conversation
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203478 i think we are trying our best to be civil about it, so a nice slow burn is possible no explosions in the carbureator
>>203482 Well, we can't get off oil and coal until we have something to replace it. We need to replace it!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203486 I think "replace" implies a 100% solution which isn't something that's probably ever going to happen what would be a reasonable goal? I can imagine sustainable energy being the baseline energy needs met, with other solutions handling peak consumption, for a long time
>>203487 I think that replacing it is the only way forward. Society will need more energy going forward, not less. The general trend is that the more advanced we get, the more energy we need.
Moreover, I don't think "use less energy" is ever going to be something that people will accept.
>>203487 i think a reasonable goal is to see how much of it we can replace and then working backwards from there to reduce energy needs so if we can replace 10% of it with sustainable energy and then hit a deadwall, time to start looking at how to be // how to make a little bit of energy go a long way
>>203469 >I don't think people refuse out of malice. No, see, you are looking from the side of someone who is probably able but not willing to help. I'm talking about the people who are actual obstructions to social change. Active, constant obstructions. Those people exist. Many out of malice. Many out of Good Faith™
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203489 I'm not sure that's actually necessarily true! early technology is more power hungry CPUs get less power hungry as they miniaturize
as more people enter the first world, overall energy goes up but as that levels off, and if people congregate in cities like they currently do, economies of scale also come into play
a sustainable earth is totally possible everyone plugged into sword art online in their basement is a fixed energy budget after all
>>203492 Well, I'm a layperson so I am happy to hear that that is the case. I still am not sure if we can get to a place where less power consumption or higher energy costs is going to be very easy to do. So that's kinda my main concern. I think we need something that can at least carry most of the burden that dirty fuels are doing right now.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203493 there's only so much energy an average first worlder will use in a given day there's a natural cutoff unless we all decide we want to laser jetski every day
>>203494 Well, I use a ton of energy. I run my AC all day and drive my car to work and I don't even carpool!
Government entities and businesses probbably use energy on a scale that I don't really even come close to, though. I was kind of thinking of energy consumption from that angle.
Though people will be upset if their power bills get higher.
>>203491 True malice is usually pretty rare. Most of it stems from fear, or from not wanting people to mess with you.
Social change is mostly an issue of people not wanting to know what direction to change in!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
once millenials start getting into office they're going to tax the absolute shit out of single occupant cars well i guess maybe we'll actually be able to head that off if self driving cars become practical first
>>203495 That's the thing about the "fringes" That "rarity" is a day to day problem. These things seem rare because they happen to those people with those problems and those people aren't a majority. But for those people, it is merely a part of their ordinary life. To deal with that rare "problem that might not actually be defined as a problem to other people" and the rare "malicious people that make a sport out of bothering them". The truth is that it isn't that rare, and it's a ... well, it isn't easier in every case, but there are easier methods to malice. GOOD FAITH™ just has to make sure that status quo isn't changed. And wouldn't you know it, that's easy when you're in the majority.
>>203496 Self-driving cars is another one of those things that is super scary because of the economic impacts. well needing less people in general for work is super scary. What's going to happen to all those people who aren't necessary anymore?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203498 it is a big question either some kind of socialism needs to come into play, or it will get very ugly
Basic income is scary. Dependency on the state is a stone's throw away from slavery. but the alternative is scary too. Organizations tend to be very sociopathic.
The sociopathic solution is to see too it that all those unnecessary people are disposed of.
It's going to be a rocky road.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203500 >Dependency on the state is a stone's throw away from slavery. this is a disingenous refrain government benefits and slavery are worlds apart
>>203501 People lose a lot of their self-determination when they can't support themselves, though. It probably is hyperbole or an overstatement.
But you can't bite the hand that feeds you, you know? What if felons get less basic income than everyone else? That's a big threat to liberty and stuff.
>>203500 >>203501 >you better follow exactly what the state wants or you'll have your basic income cut off :) >also good luck getting a job elswhere if the state runs half the economy People who are brought up on the teat of the state could become reliant on it
A leopard can't change her spots. We worry about these things in America!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
these ridiculous equivalences are FUD, plain and simple often bandied about in America
>Jobs are disappearing so people won't get money >just giving them money for nothing is slavery! Now they'll have a hard time getting employment in all those jobs we already established are gone
I don't like basic income because basic income doesn't stop the price of housing from increasing. >EVERYBODY GETS $1k/mo UBI yay >Landlord: So we're increasing the rent by $1000/mo lol nice
>>203506 Distrusting our government is just in our blood! Our government can be pretty shady so it's natural.
>>203497 I think people want things to be better but don't know how to get there. It's not so easy.
I work with a lot of disadvantaged people as part of my duties at work, and their situations are hard to come up with good solutions to.
>>203507 >stones throw away It's a possibility that should be kept in mind.
>>203512 Depends on how it's used. If the government can discriminate who gets it and the economy restructures so that people are reliant on it, then it can be used to enforce certain thought. Of course that's a different kind of slavery to the kind that forces you to work.
>>203514 In an ideal world it'd work like that all the time.
>>203511 It's literally the polar opposite of slavery
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203510 I think this is still FUD government does something shady, news exposes it doing shady things doesn't come for free
>>203510 There are equal, if not more, numbers of people who want things to stay the same. That's the thing with social problems. It's not something you solve with taxes, it's something you solve within people. Well... SOME things can be solved with taxes, but there's a breadth of problems that exist simply because >I don't want to treat those people with the respect that they ask for Welcome to uncommon decency.
>>203513 I never deny my sense of fear. It keeps me safe!
I think these issues are worth thinking about. Felons in the US do have fewer rights than everybody else, and a lot of times people are convicted where they probably shouldn't be, either on stupid charges or for things like draconian drug laws when all they really need is help. I could very easily see the system being too hard on these people if they end up making less money due to these things.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
They are worth discussing in good faith. >>203518 let's be civil, or this thread won't last
And the dependency argument is horseshit You're already dependent on someone to survive, the difference is you have absolutely no say in how a business is managed
>>203518 There are many businesses but only one government
>>203516 i think the solution would be a lot more interesting than basic income basic income is too boring for such a complicated thing i think there are more appropriately complicated alternatives but i gotta be careful because this is the kind of stuff i really sound schizophrenic if i start talking about
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
actually sorry i'm not really that offended by the word horseshit
>>203521 I know a horse He's very offended by your foalplay get it? It sounds like foul play?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203516 Felons have a very hard life in the US, yes. But that doesn't really cancel out the problem of jobs going away, though. It's not really reasonable to say "we can't provide services because felons might be mistreated." They are already highly mistreated. Fix the felon situation and fix the other problem too.
>>203520 I see it as something that is either going to be basic income or fewer people. And I think the solution that is chosen by the people in the drivers seat will probably be the latter.
When automation really gets into full swing, things will be very interesting.
>>203524 information will always be at a premium and because of the nature of information, even with automation, there's always going to be guided probing/datamining and people to train machine learning through tasking it creates tasking jobs that would really have never existed without the opportunity for machine learning
i'm gonna use my industry as an example, because i'm working on something that's trying to drive down cost of service let's assume we can learn a machine to do my job as well as me, and in a quarter of the time now the cost of the work is lower and i can also do a lot more of it at the same time. there's less human work for the same production output, and it seems like lost jobs there when brought out to scale but, being a service industry, the lowered cost of that makes datamining and market research stuff like that way more affordable, when those are areas that are exponentially growing because of our growing affinity for information
>>203523 I think that it's a more deep issue, something about taking people's self-determination away and making them dependent on the state. I realize it's a very American way to feel, but I'm very American!
>>203519 Good luck getting a job in another business when the only reference you have from the last 20 years took issue with something you said publicly, someone you associated with, or a place you went to on your spare time
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203522 NEIIIGH >>203527 there are some ideological conflicts that stand in the way of what needs to be done, for sure it's not an easy thing for America to just change tomorrow
>>203515 Well, fixing stuff is hard. I just think it's important to focus on the people who do the grinding for it, rather than the people who want to make it about us vs them.
>>203533 I see it a lot in modern culture. I think it's currently playing out in a bunch of different areas.
There's the battle between the people and the fake news, anifa and right wing people duking it out in the streets, criminals vs the police, and so on. There's a lot of people in America who want to paint problems as black and white and you're on one side or the other.
>>203537 haha, that's a funny way to think about it. I suppose that is boiling the issue down somewhat. I guess my issue is with the way things are so polarized though. I see a lot of polarization and I think that the things I listed are examples of places where people are polarized.
The thing about sitting in power is that you really are just for or against something. When it comes to changing an issue, it's either "we do this" or "we don't do this".
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203536 HEY DADDY-O! >>203538 there is a lot of sensationalist BS out there trying to polarize things also trying to muddy the water and establish false equivalencies it's not an easy thing to unravel but I'll call it out when I see it I think that's all I can do for now
well that's actually false I could organize something but what
>>203543 Depends. Quite often, that's "we do this". Other times, "we don't really want to do this." >>203541 I misread the post. Yes, there are many like that. Although, really, the decisions you make towards helping them are essentially political.
>>203539 what about "we do this, but this isn't the right way for it to be done"
>>203542 I don't think helping someone is political, especially when you are trying to help them to help themselves.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203547 patience is good for those well off but i don't know about the people at the bottom they can only be pushed so far the trend is pretty bad for them
Let me just engineer the immortality elixir so all the marginalized people can outlive the old. I guess that'd probably fix police brutality too so there goes two birds with one stone. We bout to inherit the earth yall.
goodnight /moe/ i'm going to sleep too all the cool kids are doing it
night yuu two
oh wait is only yuu going to bed i thought this was the part where everyone bails maybe i can stay up a little longer
You know how there's always a terrible story for every Disney movie? Well, I found myself on wikipedia one day and got caught reading about the actual Road to El Dorado and it somehow blew my mind that people really died and killed other people and destroyed towns looking for this fabled gold city. I got so mad. Actually angry.
>>203565 i have to catch up i've been doing 4 hours a night for too many nights
i can't officially go to sleep until i post the image though
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i hope that didn't include sunday night what's toda wednesday? >>203570 rip >>203566 we must destroy the disney hegemony
>Disney: El Dorado is with these two dudes finding some lost city, banging a hot chick, and playing hip ball with an armadillo. >Real life: We fucking ended people
Canarsie? uh I haven't heard of any problems from there in a while. ...I'm not usually in that area honestly. I think Canarsie remains ungentrified. Yeah, it's really hard for me to say because the closest I ever get to Canarsie is the Footprints Cafe and that's right off the border of it. You're close to Brownsville though. Which is probably not an okay place to stay
It's a Caribbean spot that's very well known for their... RASTA PASTA ...I'm not a big fan of it. It's OKAY. My brother is in love with it I've gone there like twice. Outside of that, I don't really remember being anywhere close to canarsie
It's a shame Rika already went to bed because she might be interested in the fact that Ballroom's second episode literally killed its episode director.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203580 the rasta pasta eh i'll give it a taste >>203581 japanese work culture pls
I think it's just one of those things where everyone was excited over it and I had it and I was like... "Why did you hype this super basic plate to me?" It's good. If you're not familiar with it, you'll probably appreciate it more than me.
>>203582 He was at the studio, working, and took a nap he never woke up from. At the age of fifty-two. It's a fucking nightmare, man.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203583 I appreciate the tempered recommendation! Maybe I will appreciate it. >>203584 fucking japan man i always had an idea of trying to get a job there but these days I'm just like "nooooope"
Oh, and as far as general things go, as long as you have decent transportation, you should be fine in the area. Are you looking for a job here and thinking about staying in Canarsie? Or are you just in Canarsie for your visit?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>203586 just visiting I don't even have an interview lined up i did apply to some nyc companies but no one has gotten jiggy wid it sorry i don't know why i typed that uh well one company i guess is now evaluating a takehome, so maybe i'll get to meet them early next week
what lames But have fun. I actually might be busy this weekend, since a friend has her "kitchen warming" thing going on. But if there's time, we can hang.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
coolio, thanks blue yeah maybe we can catch coffee on sunday or something like that i'll be on here but I totally understand if you're busy super last minuuuuuuute
i wonder if the library reopened also i wonder if i should go see avenue Q
i have a friend who works at a maid cafe in new yawk sammy you should go visit her uh, iunno if she still works there that was like five years ago that'd be neat if she did
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
five years hmm
well i'll need a friend for this moderately awkward venture
>>203602 their twitter seems to be four years idle applekissa.com expired riiiip
i reckon they don't have a physical location anymore but just do events or something or maybe they're completely dead that's a shame it brought a lot of people a lot of happiness
>>203607 are you thinking about working there? i have a lot of market research clients in new york i don't really know all what's up there but i know some have you checked out BAWSTON too i bet you'd like BAWSTON
>>203609 i've been to boston once it's cool and there are some really smart people there but i'm looking more for the big metropolitan feel in terms of lifestyle uh but the right job could still bring me there