Thread #203164
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Wonder if Ika is dead or not tonight.
tsure children isekai cellphone aho girl new game nana maru x2 keppeki danshi x2 isekai shokudou
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My suggested list is: isekai cellphone nana maru ep 2 tsure children aho girl isekai shokaku
I'm fine with anything.
lets aho girl last in case i wanna sleep beofre
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It's only four episodes worth of content. I'm sure you'll be able to last. Let's start with Isekai Cellphone.>>203173 I have faith in you. okay let's start!
yeah but thats 2 hours more or less
how does his smartphone have i nfinite batteries
I'm pretty sure literally magic.
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Yeah. It's charged by magic now. And Kirito-kun is like the best at magic ever.
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A spell to give you instant drills isn't that useless.
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I was wondering when the underwear topic would come up.
That's a bit of a silly but useful spell.
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>all powerful mage who can use every magic school >decides to specialize in magic that makes enemies slip and fall down
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>you're in luck we have a guy right here who can use any magic
I mean when you're such a Gary Stu like that it's pretty much par the course.
Holla holla get dolla
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I guess that blonde girl joins the harem later.
I kind of expected her to be hidden in the wagon or something.
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well he can gate everywhere whenever he wants. So he can just go back to get her whenever. nana maru ep 2 okay lets start
All right.
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She only wants him for his brian. brain too
this show suks
Brians are pretty invaluable.>>203192 I don't think it's that bad.
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>>203192 Maybe it won't be bad. I think it has enough potential to at least apply the 3 ep rule too.
i dunnnoooo theres like nothing going for this show
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when the girl you like quizzes you on parts of her body
Oh there's an extra i in ther.
There even.
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He should have asked to inspect it more closely.
Oh we're already seeing her junior high rivals.
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Why did they applaud after the button check?
It was kind of a fun show to watch.
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Wow, he failed the button check.
Premature button-pressing.
Wow he knows all these random trivia questions by heart.
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I wonder if it kind of against the spirit of quizzing to memorize the questions rather than the facts.
Oh she choked.
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Yeah, she buzzes and gets it wrong. Not he'll win!
Hah hah hah. Are you kidding me.
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say ZR you know you want to!
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Now he looks like a ZR fiend.
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I don't think this show is that bad. okay tsureze children okay let's start
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They're having trouble.
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They're having big trouble.
Some stuff just got delayed in translation.
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They resloved that more easily than I expected.
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This looks like one Ika will like.
Personification of spaghetti
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okay Ika are you still with us?
Well that doesn't bade well.
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How is your energy? Can you do aho girl and isekai?
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okay then isekai cafe oka let's start
All right.
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He stole cooking techniques!
Cooking techniques are meant to be stolen!
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None of the humans have really commented on her being a demon.
I would be rather rude to the shop master.
It would be, even.
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I guess he supplies the guy with foodstuffs.
Everyone really likes sharing the restaurant amongst friends and families.
the store opens to non-humans at nigh right
Oh yeah this was a parfait episode.>>203262 Yeah I think the after-hours on Saturday is when all the doors appear.
And then she fucking DIES.
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I'm sure they'll be fine. er she'll be fine>>203262 Yeah, there were lizard people in the first episode or something. And the dragon too. They haven't given any focus to non-humans yet though. well other than the demon girl but she doesn't really count.
Yeah that was a joke.
There's even a lizardman in the ED.
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Looks like we get some non-human stuff next episode.
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was looking for some musquito for a while i thought i got it but the body isnt anywhere\ i am dead
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bye ika you almost made it aho girl no let's just do aho girl that will put us done right at time i do like new game but we can save it for another day we need a super comfy show okay we're both orange let's start
Oh you still want to do Aho GIrl. Would you rather watch New Game instead?
New Game's something I'd rather not have to wait to watch though, hah hah.
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well I understand but Ika will probably die early tomorrow too so
I do like how this OP is changing. The ED is doing small changes too. I guess that's something that's easier to do when you're running a short.
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Her mom is stupid too.
Stupidity is genetic after all.
This mangaka really likes pantsu.
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Maybe her mother is something other than stupid.
Oh the kids return.
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The dog lost.
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 803x646, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 01 [(…).jpg )
Her life has become really difficult. s
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That went places.
It always does.
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well thanks for anime!