>>198306 Cause the message is "we have to learn to live with it" No
>>198307 No we don't learn to live with it we learn to prevent it we learn to cull it and restore back the status when terrorism wasn't part and parcel of living in european cities And anyhow, I can still name MORE big cities that don't have terrorism and violence as part of their normal day to da y lige *life
We should never normalize the mass killing of anyone.
We shouldn't but we do because we don't know how to prevent/cull/restore shit without fucking up the lives of citizens at the same time. That's how we live in the city. You might not WANT to sit back and say "Ah, we're just going to put up with this." but somehow there is SOMETHING that we're going to have to put up with. And it's not an either/or situation. You learn to live with the fact that terrorists want to pull shit in your city and the fact that kneejerkers living in your city are going to want to harass people who have nothing to do with it but are afraid of things that remind them of it.
But it's not normal. It's never been normal. Now that's becoming frequent, a politician that is sympathetic to the concept of Jihad said that it was normal.
So now people want to normalize it.
But it is not normal. It has never been normal. We should not allow it to become normal. The frequency of attacks is increasing and if that's the case, then there must be a reason for that. You can lower the frequency of attacks by targetting that reason, but people generally don't want to do that.
Maybe I'm just fucked up because 3000 people died when I was 11 and it's just like "yeah, this is how we get down."
But this is how we get down.
I don't know about those other cities where "terrorism doesn't exist". But there's always some shit. >>198317 I really can. It's like... Just natural.
we learn to cope i cope by stripping down power cables and replacing the female adapter with a male power adapter to make a male-male power outlet cord and trying to return it to best buy it makes me feel better
>>198313 And that's fine, but you can't say that it's normal. It might feel normal to you, but you can't tell me that it's normal with a straight face because you'd be wrong, and there's data to show you're wrong.
Also while new york had the largest terrorist and most tragic attack it hasn't had any since There is its violence and there are its problems but USA hasn't yet really seen what europe is seeing
>>198318 Disagree. >>198320 Probably. I just can't bring myself to find anything wrong with the statement. I'm not allowing it to continue. I am just pushed up against the fact that the desire to kill others is an unrelenting constant in my surrounding area.
>>198324 Hmm I guess it just hasn't been published about
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198326 there's been like 5 failed attacks in NYC since 9/11 and one real attack there was also that one a few months ago where the black guy got killed with a sword
Oh yeah failed attacks that is one you don't hear about like UK has had 60 attempts + the ones that happened just this year Who knows about germany and such Even we had someone who was planning to drive a van into a church+tourist spot
>>198320 if you let it obstruct your life's efforts by bending to its wake, then i think that's kind of a loss too there's something to be said for staying the course and not heeding every tragedy, i think
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198329 well yeah if you take an extreme standpoint, you're going to be wrong like 90% of the time
i guess i thought you were talking to blue as an individual and not the larger scope when you said "you" in that post if you're talkin about politicians that's kind of their job to heed everything
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>1984: According to Oregon law enforcement there was an abortive plot by the Rajneeshee cult to murder United States Attorney for Oregon, Charles Turner.[182][183] >The Rajneesh movement comprises persons inspired by the Indian mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh 1931–1990, also known as Osho, particularly initiated disciples who are referred to as "neo-sannyasins"[1] or simply "sannyasins". how the fuck did i not know about this this is awesome
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198331 we were talking about how a politician said that we should just get used to terrorism because it's normal
yeah sorry i should read the whole thing but i'm really absorbed in my work and didn't have the time
Well, I was talking about myself. Because he said it was part of living in the city and it's been true to me. But my definition of terrorism is also likely to be different in its application so that's a thing.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>The movement was controversial in the 1970s and 1980s, due to the founder's hostility to traditional values, first in India and later in the United States of America. In the USSR the movement was banned as being contrary to "positive aspects of Indian culture and to the aims of the youth protest movement in Western countries". These "positive aspects" were seen as being subverted by Osho, who was portrayed as a reactionary religious ideologist of the monopolistic bourgeoisie of India, promoting the ideas of the consumer society in a traditional Hindu guise.[6] oh, it's indian indian not native american less awesome
That's not "exactly that". That's a specific brand of terrorism.
>>198338 but that is what both macaron and khan said
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
according to wikipedia, native americans have only done two terrorisms and they were like in the 1700s and 1800s based native americans are truly the superior people
>>198339 That may have been what he was referring to. But the statement alone is a much more simple truth.
Whatsoever, but I still baffle at people who vote a person who says that, while the bodies of the most recent victims aren't even cold
just look to the other candidates and you'll understand, I guess. Look at the people and you'll understand more. I feel like there's this thing that... no, I think I CAN explain it but part of me really just doesn't want to get into it. But when you live down the street from "terrorism", it's a part of life.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this is all capitalism's fault though let's be real here
if capitalism wasn't real we'd have world peace
I don't think we'd have world peace even without capitalism. But we'd definitely not have our current brand of false peace.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Finland list is bit 1918 heavy
Categorise people and make those divided fight each other in petty battles while ignoring the real threats
>>198351 All of those things are added to the class conflict. It's not like we don't notice. It's that we can't afford to take on "LARGE THREAT" because "ALSO LARGE BUT SMALLER THREAT" is still an issue to us. It's an amazing blindside because as long as those other things aren't threats to you, they aren't even REAL. like >>198352
>>198353 I think a lot of people don't notice. I mean, they might have some understanding that rich people are above them, obviously. But then they buy into the superstructure distracting them by saying, hey man, you're poor and unhappy, but at least you're better than those NEGROS And their priorities get messed up and the class conflict is fine to them because they have more important things to worry about. Can't become rich, but you can stop those damn negros from taking what's yours! And then they lose sight of the class conflict. Yeah, whatever, rich people know what's best for us anyway.
You're right that people think problems that don't threaten them are just ignored as if they aren't real, though.
The superstructure has really fucked up society. I think people are starting to wake up and see through it, though, even if the loudest people aren't.
Then we've got people that are totally happy living as a slave forever and serving their exploitative masters, too, though. Even on /moe/ we have some of these people.
I think they notice but don't care. Or they notice and enjoy it. Or they notice and they don't want to change it because it shows an actual path towards mild success/stability. So they stick to it. And they're socialized into it because their surroundings prove it to be normal. Much like how growing up in a city where a building collapses gives you a very normal approach to radical terrorism. Or growing up as a marginalized person gives you a very normal view on systematic terrorism. People don't grow up trying to challenge structures normally. It's really a survival thing. You learn to navigate it. You have to be taught to shift that most of the time.
I htink most are "well this is an issue and I will rant about it at home, but never actually do anything about it becasue that might harm me and my loved ones"
>cerberus minerals who would name their company "totally not evil corporation"?
>>198356 Exactly. That's more-or-less what I'm saying.
Survival DOES require challenging the superstructure, though. We literally cannot survive without doing so. But we don't do that because we're trained not to and provided with distractions.
Capitalism is a suicidal system that kills the bourgeoisie and the proletariate alike,
unless survival requires shifting the structures, and well, you can see the demographics of who attempts that.
>>198384 I just want a Round 2 knockout. And everyone goes home mad And the people watching from home go to bed mad. Yall spent a year and a half on this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198387 hahaha i really want to see them disappointed
I don't like MW either but I want him to win so I can just go BLACK EXCELLENCE and then go to sleep.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't like any of that boxing and MMA shit it's so barbaric
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198389 well you know how them blacks are they was bred for these physical fighten stuffs
MMA is cool sometimes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
blacks vs irish it's like a parody of america all the white dudes watching while the minorities fight
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198392 >>198393 it's cool because it looks cool and everything and it's very impressive but i really don't like the idea of it
I get all kinds of GWH vibes from this fight. So I'm just like uhh... okay whatever. MMA is cool because it shows different fighting forms clashing. It's not always beautiful though. I think a CQC variant should come up.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
snake vs jackie chan fight
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198396 it's cool but i still think it's pretty barbaric
It IS but such is combat. Fighting with more restrictions shows a much more elegant flow of things. But MMA opens up to more variation.
This reminds me, yesterday when I was at the jail, the people giving me the tour thing were discussing group dynamics of the juveniles and they talked about them like the juveniles were nothing more than animals. Like, "One leaves and one immediately makes a scramble to become the new alpha male" which is true but i feel like it's wrong to talk about people like they're animals Like, why can't we just say, "When there's a power vacuum, one will attempt to fill it by becoming the new leader of the group" That's how we'd talk about politicians.
Why do we have to talk about these black kids in jails like they're animals?
Oh all the films that were free in tha zygote thing were by Blomkamp interesting
>>198403 Wow, why would you assume that all the juveniles there are black. Check your privilege.
Oh god cooking with bill this is like one of those "weird tv show creepypastas" but actually made into a series of short films and vol1 maybe there will be more
>>198422 Pitchfork Music Festival As opposed to Pitchfork Paris or another one.
(The one in Chicago that starts in two and a half hours.)
no clue maybe not I haven't seen him mention anything about it
>>198425 Yeah that's what I thought. I just checked his Twitter a d he didnt mention it. If I really cared i would tweet at him and ask but I don't feel like trying to remember my twitter password.
>>198436 Yeah, that's what I thought when I saw the price.
it takes a lot to make a stew TOO MANY COOKS
I think I'm starting to have a panic attack. Or at least starting to get super anxious.
oh no please calm down
>>198440 Working on it right now. I'll probably have calmed down most of the way in like 20~ minutes. I'm just really excited for Pitchfork and really anxious about after Pitchfork. Cause that's when my mom cuts me off until I find a job or internship or volunteering gig. Well, I have no intention of doing a volunteering gig.
oh,I thought you weren't going to pitchfork, you changed your mind? have fun then
>>198442 Nah, I scrounged up the money in time. I thought I might not be able to get the money but I did.
Damn I'm sure I'll encounter him again eventually. >>198449 There a person *they're a person other than you with whom I've discussed math with. They probably exist unless someone (such as you) was posting as anon and was pretending to be a math grad student.
i think you're imagining people dude i don't think there's such a person
Or a shirt with this on it but without the last three lines of text?
probably the one that's from the music festival the gray one has nice neutral tones
>>198463 None of them are from the music festival. >>198465 I actually didn't go to that festival, my friend is friends with the organizer so he gave my dad and I the shirts.
not the same one just any it's at least a talking point should you have the misfortunate of having to talk to someone "oh you were in saint louis, blah blah"
>>198464 you worry so much about the irrelevant details who cares if you went or not nobody's gonna know you could even lie and say you went there and went backstage and gave the singer a blowjob
was thinking about that age research i have been talking about recently and realized that i could use it to argue for increased regulation on older adults in the domain of driving
it's kind of fucked up with people that have significantly declining processing speed are allowed to drive normally
Regulating age groups feels a little distopian i don't want grow .. i guess we do. young children get regulated
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we already do it pretty heavily the reason we don't regulate older ages is because 50% of the people writing laws are over the age of 60
a person at age 70 driving is significantly more dangerous to themselves and everyone around them than someone at age 40 or 50
older people should have to take driving exams more often to show that they can still drive and if they can still drive, that's great, good for them, they get full driving rights like anyone else
if not, they should fail their driver's test and have to not drive
but you can still fail because shit luck, like young people fail all the time and are capable of passing but eh
>>198489 are people over there fored to retake tests at 60 somehting?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no you never have to retake a driver's license test (in florida, at least) and you don't even have to get your license renewed in florida for 8 years
so we have 80-90 year olds that can barely function driving around
here you cant drive if your ryesight degrades too fa r
Here you have to atleast once when it expires though I wonder how it goes now that the new EU rules are enabled
Jesus Christ The line to get in is over a block and a half long.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198495 here, too but there's no way for the government to know that your eyesight has been degrading because they only require you to prove you aren't blind once
>>198497 what festival? >>198498 i think they need to do mandatory retests and holefully for anyone who is in situation where tnere abilitirs have declined
>>198498 In saner states they give a rudimentary eye exam as part of the driving test for acquiring or renewing your license.
>>198498 haha if you get your eyes examined and are deemed to have bad enough eyesight you automatically get "must wear glasses when driving" mark onto your license and then you can actually be fined if you are driving without them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198500 they do here too but there's no renewal test
>>198503 never heard of it? is it weeaboo or normal!?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like, you can literally renew your license in florida by MAIL
>>198507 No I don't go to weeb music festivals LCD Soundsystem are playing tonight.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198506 Yeah, it's a big problem. I was thinking that the age-related memory and processing speed decline research I've been talking about could be used to argue for it, though.
Not that it'd matter, since 90% of Florida is old as dirt so nobody will try to regulate them
>>198509 i have never been tk a music fest hope you have fun
>>198511 One way that might work is if you get insurance companies to lobby for it or something. Or try to add something onto it insurance related.
Being poor and surviving on ramen is the cuck way Canned soup and rice is the real way to go
make it profitable for insurance to support regulating the old >>198517
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Young people pay more for insurance for the sole reason of being younger so it's a pretty good idea, hmm
>>198515 Yeah, you've been talking about the problem of old people driving on and off for a while. I thought of this a while ago. I could describe it in more detail later but not right now.
you sound like a spy with top secret info
Also I think I saw a woman who was my camp counselor like 13 years ago.
this is just one study so it's not representative of the decline necessarily together with other studies, the decline isn't really significant until age 60 or so
VC is verbal comprehension WM is working memory FSIQ is what is usually called IQ PR is perceptual reasoning (spatial intelligence and stuff) PS is processing speed
Also for the record, everyone in Florida with car insurance (done properly) already pays more on their insurance because of old drivers being a risk. Since that's how actuarial science works.
i dont want to decline with age
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>198522 hmm, i knew they did it for young people but i didn't realize they did it for older people too
>>198524 I don't know if they actually do charge older individuals more. But in *because there are many older drivers everyone there with insurance pays more than if there were less because of the calculated risk.
the older you are the bigger your potential no claims bonus can
>>198579 LCD Soundsystem Thurston Moore band Parliament Funkadelic The Feelies Avalanches (if I get that free sunday ticket) A Tribe Called Quest Uhh A few others There's not much space to use my phone up ahead
i don't know any of those bands
>>198581 Thurston Moore is from Sonic Youth Also Parliament/Funkadelic were really really popular in the 70's
>>198548 that other idolmaster nerd i told you about really likes Mayu
George Clinton (of Parliament Funkadelic) is one of the three creators of funk.
>guy orders packages through your job to see you >paintsa creepy picture of you as a "birthday present" >starts snapping pics of you I'd be flying out of the window if I was her if this guy isn't a serial killer than... why?
>>198619 You should get some well deserved rest. It sucks that you need to work so hard, I hope you can get a better job in marketing or something. Those hours straight of work sound pretty tiring.
you just lie there and look out a door at some trees while it makes sounds if you look up at her, she complains if you sit up, she complains you just lie there and look at some trees
>>198643 Boring although I'm not really the target audience
I feel like it can be easy sometime to forget things are hot or really cold and do things that aren't smart without thinking. I am always spooking myself by touching things.
>>198664 oh my god it's the fucking fifth element pattern
recently whenever i tease fish too much she gets back at me by putting a single finger in the middle of one of my glasses lenses and it fucks me up so bad
>>198765 No way. I know the cops here so they'll side with me.
>>198762 If they do it again tomorrow I'm going to make a big deal about it and complain very loudly and demand to see their boss. Also it wasnt meds that I needed to take tonight. I generally carry a bottle with a full dosage of all my meds at all times. In case I stay the night somewhere, so that way I have my meds. If it were meds I needed to take at the festival I would not have thrown them out and I would have demanded to see their supervisor.
Wow I actually typed that in Japanese in google images and red spot sama was there
>>198769 Not all my meds, but yes. I was breaking the festival rules by bringing them though. But theyve never enforced it before. Tech ically per the rules you can bring prescription medicine as long as it is in a pill bottle from a pharmacy with your name on it. But I had nine pills in bottle I brought with me. There were five distinct varieties of pills in the bottle. So per festival rules I would need to bring each pill bottle. And it would be stupid to bring all my pills to Pitcgfork. So I woukd take all but one dose out of each bottle and put them all in my bag. Which would also be fucking retarded.
officer 1: he said WHAT about the great red spot? officer 2: just look at the image, it's clearly red officer 1: we'll have to go have a chat with him, you're free to go
I just looked it up. They would maybe let me bring it in. But I'm pretty ssure it would still break the rules. Also I dont think they have those in the US. Whether or not it breaks the rules depends on if you pack it yourself or not.
>>198788 It's kind of in the family of reds. Perhaps a brick color.
Those images are edited by NASA anyway. Don't blame the great red spot, blame the guy at NASA who did the coloring. He was probably a diversity hire anyway.
Yeah aren't all space pics black and white and then coloured how we guess they would appear?
>>198787 It's not tgat they took it It's that i was not allowed to bring it in So I could A: dump the pills in the trash at the security check in thing Or B: take the train back home, leave my pills, take the train back then wait in line again for an hour And get searched again
>>198800 These aren't meds i needed to take at the festival, theyre a single says supply of meds. They have a rule about meds that they have in my experience never enforced before in the past ten years this festival occurred. See >>198774
>>198803 it's like you don't hear anything i say you tell them to fuck off because they're your meds and you need them if you didn't need them you wouldn't be prescribed them whether you need them there isn't relevant. you need to carry them on your person when you need them they won't deny it to you they'll just give you shit hoping you'll cave in
>>198809 ive dealt with plenty of authorities security aren't authorities you're really overestimating these dudes they don't get paid enough to hassle your shit they'll tell you not to bring meds in and that's enough to make some people nervous and just leave tell them to fuck off because it's not anything abusable anyway and you just need to keep it on you they don't know whether you live nearby or six states away and just came for the festival they're not gonna make you dump all your meds out, that's dangerous as hell you took their lowest level bluff man
That would probably work. But I do know that employees of tgis security company allegedly almost got into a gun fight with a rapper's posse a few years ago. The people up front werent armed though.
>>198827 just gain remote access to his PC and play it through his speakers whenever he goes to sleep >>198830 yeah they can but they're not gonna do it unless you're really seeming suspicious seriously man i know what i'm talking about when it comes to smuggling, security, and the wage to patience tatio
Can they legally throw your own possessions away? Why can't they just hold it for you or let you take it back and store it somewhere else.
Why be so aggressive and throw them
>>198832 Bringing in things that arent allowed right in front of them >>198835 Do you have any idea how stupid and time consuming that would be? Also no, because my prescription papers were dropped off at the pharmacy. I would have to bring five pill bottles with my name on it to comply with tge rules.
>>198834 like i said, you're overestimating them you act like they're gonna kick you out if you give them some lip i know that's the image they try to sell but that's not how it works man
>>198837 I've snuck them in before This is the first time ive seen them try to enforce it. But they can and will send a guy after me to get me. I've seen people sneak in and get caught.
alright you put the meds in a little baggie and then tape that to your inner thigh up by your groin it's easy
>>198840 They are actually patting people down this year. I'll just put them at the bottom of my bag, cause they didnt search ut very thouriughly. My pills just gappened to be near the top.
ok grow your hair out super long then hide the drugs in there ez
>>198853 i'll buy you this mask and outfit if you come visit saint louis we'll visit all the best buys i'll bring spoiled milk with me into the store and pour it on their carpet while they aren't looking
>>198859 she's not even expecting to pay them rich wasp rika wants free labor from the black kids
>>198862 dark dreams dont die >>198865 shit you should play it i dont remember if it's good i want to say yes i watched doc play though all of it while i was on a lot of benzos like three years ago it was a magical experience i loved everything about it but i dont remember any of it
>>198864 I'll check it out >>198870 They are pretty creepy either way! >>198869 Does your phone let you go full 3D on starlight stage? My tablet can't use the max 3D setting. I kind of wish I could see the 3D aidorus
>>198874 you just lie down IRL with your head turned to the side and watch leaves fall outside while it makes sounds in your ear if you look up at her, she complains if you sit up, she complains she gets upset if she cant clean your ears
>>198876 In her defense, it would be kind of annoying if a guy asked you to clean his ears and then wouldn't lay still.
>>198881 the story is that you fell asleep during a visit to your cousins house after not seeing her for many years and then she decides to clean your ears for you she forces it on you
Also I've seen dozens of people wearing tshirts with random hiragana and katakana stuff on them.
The Shabbos candle is supposed to represent my soul Every week for the past two months, my candle turns into a monster like this instead of burning cleanly
my candles have all been burning out quicker too they used to last 4 hours but now they last 2 hours and look like that they're from the same box i've been using for a year
>>198951 that sounds like fun actually it sounds like something I would have done in primary school
it's not for me because i have to write everything they say verbatim but it's interesting
i took it and gained insight
>>198952 million live is just a card game like CG anyway that screenshot isnt real, i don't think, unless a new ML game came out and i didnt hear about it
That's okay, that is how we agreed to do it after all. I'll just be doing my thing around here tonight so whenever you guys are ready to watch, I will be ready.
did we agree to do 2 am last week i th ought we decided to stick to regular time for everday
We said we'd do an earlier starting time for weekdays (Sunday night through Thursday night) and then start at 02:00 like normal on weekends (Friday and Saturday night).
Back from the festival. LCD Soundsystem was pretty good. Also I'm at the burrito place again.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Fuck me i left my computer somewhere probably a coffee shop gonna try them first thing in the morning
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
welp shouganai I guess there's nothing to do but get wasted until then >>199011 LCD soundsystem eh
>>199012 oh no hope you get lucky and its still there i know someoen who left a laptop on the bus rip them
I almost left my phone on the subway a couple months ago. I'd slipped it into a loop on my bag since I was kind of nodding off. Got off the train and walked all the way up to the buses with it still hanging in that loop.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>199014 wow that's pretty bad not that leaving at a cafe is much better I'm probably rip, but there's a chance >>199015 floop da loop >>199017 oh god that reminds me, I have a takehome assignment due monday R.I.P. that job app
>>199016 RIP Samurai Well, I hear canadians are nice so you probably have a better chance of getting it back than I would if I left a macbook in a cafe here.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I'm at a punk bar that contains a skate bowl wtf I've never seen this before this shit cray
I've been really, really thirsty all evening. No matter how much I drink I can't seem to quench it.
>>199107 You have been afflicted with a terrible curse Not even the finest liquids will quench your thirst
You guys i found the best way to get a free feed in the third world Just donate blood Then the red cross people give you a whole bunch of snacks AND a t-shirt
It was mostly for the t-shirt tbh
i can't donate blood i'm gay [insert story of them throwing my blood in the dumpster here]
Have you tried being less gay?
why would i do that
To get the stale danish and the can of Fanta from the red cross
Or you can stay gay and learn to sing musical numbers from the 50s. One of the caberai shows will take you on. How confident are you in a bikini?
I haven't sucked dick in two years can I still donate I'm not gay anymore
you need moderate to severe bikini confidence
Now off to watch more bloodsport.
Maybe one of the fighters will need a blood transfusion and he'll end up with my blood in him
That's the dream
Although i wish you guys were more excited about my free t-shirt
what's on the tshirt
'White hero'
wait really?
Heh. If only
Then I really would wear it in public
I was going to ask for a picture that would have been hilarious
It would also be the perfect attire for when I go out to the genocide fields
AND Nobody wants to take Cambodian Reale But I keep getting given it as change So I'm just collecting a thick worthless wad of it
If you think about it then, they're kind of ripping you off then, isn't it? They're effectively giving you money that's worthless to them and any other retailer, while keeping the full worth of your money.
limbo was so good. It was one of those anime episodes that felt like you'd watched a movie at the end of it.
Dandy was a really hit and miss show Some episodes were really special 10/10s And then some were just like "eh"
I really liked the one where he goes surfing and catches a giant space whale. That was a lot of fun.
>>199256 You never know what you're gonna get That makes it more exciting when you're watching it week to week and wondering what crazy animation style they'll try next time.
the fish episode and the wacky gay race episodes were also good and the one where he had a daughter
I liked the episode at the finale of the first season. The one where the robot found his love. The self-contained story it had was really nice for me.
>>199261 Yeah daughteru episode was an interesting thing to do with Dandys character
with the vacuum cleaner right? that one was nice >>199267 >>199261 that one and the ramen episode are the ones that kept me going near the start
The daughteru one episode was really charming. The insert song for it was really nice too.
I think I remember season 2 having more hit episodes than season 1, but it's been ages since I watched either.
I still haven't watched the second season.
what you should absolutely do that, it has the best episode and maria is right, it generally has higher quality episodes in general I really liked the first one in that season
It's on the to-do list.
they start playing more with the artstyle and the tone of the writing in the second season