Like I said above, they were selling a prison-farm here at some point basically a work outpost for the main prison complex, where some of the prisoners were transferred to work on the farm it hadn't been used in ages, but it was a bargain 200k for the big building and a good plot of land too but it wasn't really "prison like" more like a farm house with bars on windows and also bit out of the way So we abandoned our horror-hotel idea had it been even 100 klicks souther, it would have good potential as an attraciton
we tried to find cool shit like that in nevada but google maps just took us to a bunch of casinos on the border to california and said there was a ghost town but there wasn't shit
I don't even mean running it like "ooo spooki ghosts haunt this place" but all actual attraciton people in costumes spooking you hidden stereos making noises in the night and projectors casting weird sights and whatnot
Like a haunted house, but you have to stay the night in it
i don't think jails and prisons are really that bad ive had family in them from time to time and always would go visit, it never had a harsh and scary environment, so i'm not surprised there were adverts around it felt to me like waiting at the doctor's office but slightly less anxiety-inducing
man you dunno what you'll even talking about next time we do a trip somewhere let me home cook yall some meals instead of goin to a restaurant i'll show you what's up
it's difficult to find an age distribution for congress for some reason nobody seems to have compiled that data in a salient and easy to view/manipulate way
like i can find a range and an average age but i can't even find a median and nobody has like, just data compiled for it for some reason that i can grab
am i gonna have to do the dataset of 600 congresspeople by my fuckin self
that's surprising i'll do it this weekend when i'm done with work if you want
i found a google sheets that i think i can work with if i delete like 90% of the shit on it it has names and birth years so i can just make calculations for their age from that to get a distribution
but like why is it so hard to find one thing like that it's like people think age doesnt matter
i want to use age distribution data for congress with recent reseach on declining cognitive ability associated with healthy aging to see if their ages might explain their behavior to some degree
>>197246 i know right this kinda shit gets on my nerves too especially regarding geographical data
it's ridiculous
a simple frequency distribution for the ages of congresspeople should be one of the easiest possible things to find for data on congressional demographics
>>197244 >>197246 I find it amusing that there isn't really a retirement age for politicians... hell good third at the very least of politicians are near or in their retirement years already
>>197249 if i wasn't pressed to provide for my own survival i would put my efforts towards a wikipedia of just stats, data, and unprocessed information
i'd worry about the reliability of the data if it were a wiki but we definitely need a public resource for data on various things
access to some data should be a right like obviously it should respect privacy but if you do a study, you should have to publish your dataset
yeah i don't mean it being a wiki, i just mean the wiki organizational format of driving information into easy access and not stuffing it behind paywalls
paywalls are fucking cancer
worse than paywalls are the other way around having to market the data selectively so you have large-scale funding because you reach a certain demographic i mean, i'm down with advertising and market outreach and i'm okay with using data to make that outreach. that's what i want to do in some respect with twitterbots but i don't like the idea of having the data sourcing itself to be the market just to prop up advertisements because then the data itself is held to a bias
>still no s3 of strain on any reliable stream site woe is life I shoul dhave watched it when it was still up
no kidding i won't get into ranting about it but that's why i see so much potential in separating R&D and analytics from the company into its own industry that thrives not through the application of data but the quality of data, so that corporations can dissolve a lot of that cap ex they're wasting on their personal R&D departments
>>197285 my amtrak was 3 hours late in toledo that one time because someone left a car on the railroad tracks in cincinatee or however you spell that wretched town
>>197287 why does amtrak seem real shit? we make a lot of fun about our national railways, but it is actually quite reliable service provider in the end even on global level
>>197292 probably because america isn't interested in updating infrastructure and amtrak is basically the biggest continental railway idk any others - they might have a monopoly so no reason to want to update
Is there a samurai around?
Oh yeah, I might be getting a sunday pitchfork ticket from my physician. Cause he has an extra one.
>>197293 well we had a law enforced monopoly on railways up untill maye 10 years ago it still worked
Yeah a similiar premise though thematically and in charac ters, they are completely different, but yeaht >mc can read minds >love interest has perverted fantasies about her though in kotoura the fantasies only really began once he knew about her ability
This sounds like a fun watch. Might watch it with my friends next week.
TN, have you seen the movie Repo Man? It's probably my favorite movie. For reference before I saw it, I had not been able to pick a favorite movie. >>197348 Nope
nah have you seen Severance?
>>197348 Just looked it up, sounds like it might be worth a watch.
I love gore-comedies that parody horror quite well Too bad the decent ones are rare and few
>>197350 I assume you've seen Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz?
former yes latter no
>>197352 Hot Fuzz is good too, theres also a third one in the "trilogy" but I haven't seen it. It's called The World's End. I almost went to go see it at a special event where the director and part if the cast were there. But I fucked up and forgot to get tickets before they sold out. It had a really good soundtrack too.
But I am a horror addict too bad horror doesn't do it that much for me amusement parks are quite good with some of their attractions like being shot 50metres up at over 2g or 70 metre free fall drop or some of the more insane rollercoasters
the free fall drop was fun and my new favourite ride at the park >takes about 1-2 mins to climb up slowly to the top >plays dramatical epic doomsday music all the way >the drop happens at the final durm roll >me: Hey you notice how doomsday this muuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU >sic is? I had the perfect timing for a fall interrupted line
>>197364 Just for reference, werewolf in paris has a 7% on rotten tomatoes while american werewolf in London has an 89%. I can't make you watch it, but generally its not a great idea to judge a movie you haven't seen based off of a shitty movie with a similar title.
Err, just judging it based on title similarity. >>197365 Heya kannagi Have you seen Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz?
Okay apparently american werewolf in paris is a sequel, but it has no cast or crew in common with american werewolf in paris.
House of representatives, more like House of Ancients
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
now to do the senate and then both combined
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what the fuck the dataset i am getting ages from doesn't list the ages for like half of senate why is it so hard to just find a dataset with such simple data compiled already
かんなぎ☆ I found this as I looking up about the ages
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Unfortunately, you can't take any descriptive statistics out of it Unless you manually take the info and calculate it elsewhere which is pretty much what I'm doing
like there's no dataset that just has their ages in shit like that and descriptive statistics on it no frequency distributions or anything
>>197381 Those are the reptilian politicians they don't have birth dates, cause they were born thousands of years ago
Wait, did you actually go grab all of this manually? I'm a bit impressed. >>197386 Oh nvm less impressed now Also it would probably be possible to write something in python that scraped wikipedia for it in under 10 lines.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
For the House, I found a dataset that contained their birth year, so I just used that to calculate their ages there.
I'm grabbing the birth years manually for about 50 senators right now, though.
Luther Strange, the unfortunate runt of the Strange family his genius brother graduated all classes with top scores, despite hardly ever working But Luther always worked but his path took him not to a healer of the body, but healer of the mind He took the robe and joined the priesthood however after an accident that lost him his family he lost his faith and became a man of science now hearing about his brother's exploits as the "Master of Magic" he vows to bring him down with the power of science
they write something and then they desperately search for a journal that will publish them but won't make them look bad by publishing their work
Also here's >>197429 Sorry by that I meant "do you have any ideas for which journals to send it to because this is barely science" Anyways Here's an idea Do an analysis of the ages ofsenators and representatives going bwck as far as there are records. That would be much more interesting.
My journal. I will publish everything. I will make an angelfire web journal
Journal of urology "Look how old these assholes are"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>197430 it would be science because political psychology, psychology, and political sciences are all sciences
that analysis wouldn't really be very useful i plan to go back 20 years maximum i'm actually going to write about something, i'm not just looking for data to find a thing to write about
>>197446 Reading wikipedia articles. also thinking of getting a drink. I feel a little dehydrated.
What about you? How are you?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>197449 i'm basically going to be applying research on neurology to the real world it's not social science
>>197450 Recovering from yesterdays work before i start back up tonight Might have a bottle of wine
>>197451 In the article about age distribution of senators and representatives?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>197453 in an article in which i use data containing information about the age distribution of congresspeople
i want to make an argument that recent neurological research shows that after age 60, the brain goes through significant degeneration even in healthy aging which is reflected in substantially lower scores on measures of working memory, sensory memory, and long-term memory as well as processing speed to argue that electing such an old group of people isn't a good idea because their brains are literally 75-50% the size of a 40 year old's brain and their cognitive capabilities are considerably weakened older adults also display a severe deficit in ideational inhibition
i think that recent data shows that our elected politicans can't possibly be competent to do the job we elect them to do and argue for the use of regular neurocognitive exams as part of the screening process for electing officials in any capacity
>>197454 Ah, okay. I was mistaken about what the article was about.
>>197454 That's actually really interesting. It might not be a bad idea to put the preprint on arxiv while you shop around for journals.
I didn't have any context earlier other than "age distribution of elected officials" so that's why I thought it was like a sociology paper or something.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>197458 yeah, sorry i'm a little irritable right now so i kind of just got defensive instead of explaining things better
>>197460 No problemo Anyways arxiv is a place where people post articles in various stages for peer review. Well, in certain fields. I'm pretty sure this would fall under their umbrella of quantitative biology though. Cause I know they have papers on cognition.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
an understandable reaction, rei was being a little confrontational
>>197495 There is almost a 3x older politician than the youngest one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah i mean
current research suggests that by age 80, your performance on an IQ test drops by 2 standard deviations that means if you got 100 before, you IQ at age 80 is around 70 that's legally retarded (technically)
why are we allowing an 88 year old to run a country
>>197498 Oh hey, that means I'm finally smarter than my grandfather.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
technically, your grandfather's IQ likely hasn't changed from when he was a child, but that's because IQ uses age-based norms
since the decline is standard in all older adults, the age-related norms get normed back to 100 despite the decline, so it looks like their IQ hasn't changed
if you don't use age-related norms for older adults, you can see the decline pretty easily
Age-related norms are important because we have to compare people to their peers. Without age-related norms, we'd be saying that we should expect a 10 year old to function at the level of a 30 year old.
For example, if a 10 year old is measured using age 30 norms, he'll probably get around a 70 on the test. That makes it extremely difficult to see if the 10 year old has intellectual disabilities.
>>197509 Cause IQ isn't absolute, its measured intelligence relative to peers.
>>197510 I think this would be cuter if nico played the game
>>197510 What is wrong with say that a 10 year olf will *old have a IQ of a certain amount o hm.
I never thought of it like that. So how can you reliably talk about a decline in mental faculty with the elderly?
>>197513 Decline of raw scores when tested compared to when they were younger.
>>197513 You can just use the norms for a younger age like 24-30, I think is the age range that would be used.
That would compare elderly people's functioning to the functioning of young people directly.
You could also >>197514 compare their scores to previous scores, but this is difficult to do because most people don't take IQ tests multiple times in their life and it's hard to find an IQ test someone took at age 10 when they're now 80.
Don't the tasks they have at congress and so on rely on mostly experience and learnt response to situations rather an any ingenuity or problem solving? I feels like they spend years building the knowledge and experience to become good at their jobs. *feel
>>197516 the problem is that by age 60, their ability to learn begins to decline steeply
they literally have trouble learning new information so they aren't able to respond to new stimuli in any way other than a response they've used before for something else their working memory is the first thing to decline, which means they start being unable to store information long enough to commit it to long-term memory
additionally, older adults are significantly more likely to remember only positive emotional experiences from the past which makes them even more resistent to change because they feel that the way things used to be stimulated only positive emotions and must therefore be good
these people probably aren't fit to rule but everyone declines differently which is why i want to propose neurological testing and specific benchmarks that need to be met in order to hold office
>>197518 having politicians be only 20 or 30s would be equally bad in a way too But yeah people in retirement age, shouldn't hold those posts.
>>197521 20's is too young Kirara should explain why, cause this is not my area of expertise
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, 20-30s would be bad no life experience and significantly more likely to view things negatively (in the same way older adults are with positive emotions)
ages 40-60 are probably ideal well, 35-55, i'd say
after age 40, there's a cognitive decline that begins, but it's not one that significantly impacts anything but the most complex tasks and wouldn't get in the way of a job
Coincidentally, if we ever are attacked by the evil yellow enemy from the east that is totally not russia the first age group to be pulled into frontlines is 30-40s why cause they have family they have CAUSE to fight after that they pull the 20-30s
Nabe yarube >>197523 Coincidentally, some of the more famous historical rulers actually accomplished their bulk during their younger days Though they usually just waged wars and weren't that big on actually ruling the country
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'd say that the tendency for younger people to become "greater leaders" or at the very least, more famous, would be due to their propensity to see things more negatively than positively it gives them motivation to seek change and people that bring about change always are famous if they succeed
>>197526 Also passion of the youth you are more likely to take risks and go to a war at later age you just are contend with what you have and rule it to the best of your ability
Warrior kings rarely live long afterall I can only think of maybe two Old Fritz and Peter the Great
Wait Sunking but I don't think he spend that much time on the front lines
But my favourite warrior king Charles 12th of sweden guy was brought up to be a warrior king and all dat shit painted like alexander and all dat shit
Well the guy didn't disappoint when he was what 18? 20? he began the Great Northern War and led his armies in the field and kicked Norwegian, Danish, Prussian, Polish, Russian and few others asses all in succession but then he did the mistake of taking his armies to russia during winter and well... That ended well He finally took a bullet fighting the danish in norway and died and his successor then sued for peace the war lasted just 18 years
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU here's something i wrote about memory decline in older adults yesterday it's just a short blurb
>>197542 Yeah I was thinking about this Cause Cromwell would count since he was a military man since his youth and took power in his older days And even stalin served in the red army in his youth during the civil war
But all of them, including mao, didn't get any substantial power untill they were way older
>>197544 What defines a warrior king though Because Mao got a susbtantial support base during the long march when he took over from the guys the soviets set in But he didn't really win until like the 60s.
>>197546 I think the point is to have power equilevant to a leader of a nation at an early age warrior king is basically a war mongeirng ruler, who doesn't just wage wars but also leads them on the frontline and atleast does it somewhat successfully
basically an older person could be a warrior king, but usually when you start to gain on the years, you don't anymore lead the battles personally.
I need to get my youth back! I've wasted too much time!
>>197546 umm wat mao led the communists to victory in the civil war that continued instantly after ww2 ended and soviets gave the commies the territory they ahd taken form the japanese in the war, but that didn't really affect the civil war since mao had garnered huge support from the chinese who had grown tired of the previous government that had failed so catastrophicalyl against the japanese
I have like three books on Mao and or the Chinese revolution. I haven't read any of them.
>>197551 No it was atmost 75 cause they begfan to get their shit together by 80s Mao was a huge detriment to china He never did anything right But no one dared to oppose him, cause that ment death
>>197554 The North Korean rule is pretty much modeled after Maoism
>>197554 Mao did a few good things. I'm pretty sure he ended foot binding and he told the Chinese to take a bath every now and then But other than that he was a shitter
>>197559 Yeah, I guess. I slept like 12 hours but I feel like I didn't sleep any hours at all. I guess I was really messed up. I guess you already know the details.
>>197558 But most likely people still did it, so it could be said his "killing of the old traditions" campaign achieved this but it also killed good amount of china's cultural history and millions of people
>>197565 His great leap forward is my favourite, though >everyone makes iron at their own houses >result: pure crap iron or >kill birds to make better crops >insects eat crops
>>197567 My favourite is the hundred flowers campaign >Yeah go ahead say whatever you want :) Great leap forward was comical though >we can't let the world know we're starving >let's ship our allies the grain our peasants need to eat it'll look good
>>197572 Wow, don't change your habits just to appease me!
>>197575 well is easier when they are "soft" but I just cut em when I feel like it
My nailbeds are starting to get a little misshapen. Especially on my toes. But I have really good looking fingers so I might look into doing something to fix them.
Lots of things happening, suddenly lots of tasks I have to do at work and my Grandad is in intensive care at the moment. I haven't seen him properly in ages.
I also haven't properly had time to relax, I really need to get enough sleep. Even when I get enough sleep I don't feel refreshed I still feel tired.
>>197597 Which is nice! I've been waiting for it all week. It has been a really long week for me. >>197599 wow How did you know I had a raspberry cheesecake mini pot.
>>197601 do you have any weekend plans ive got like 14 more hours of work to do and then my weekend is // week is hecking over i screwed up my back and shoulders so much this week by overworking i want to relax hard this weekend
>>197621 I'm going to get my glasses fixed in the morning since they are wonky. I was also thinking of getting sight test because I think my vision is getting worse.
But I'll head home once that is done since there is a noisy carnival going through town on saturday and sunday. >>197623 You should get new glasses if your vision has changed, it can't be good working so hard and having glasses that don't match up.
i think i'm starting to get an astigmatism my glasses are like 8 years old too i'm pretty past due
I don't need to get new glasses so it is pretty cheap. I can just get the lenses replaced with new ones and keep the frames which is the real costg. since I have nice frames I am fine.
Why do frames even cost so much as they do? I only ever get from one store my glasses, as they don't ask an yextra for the lesnes, if you have "stock" ones which are the ones I am using
>>197654 yeah cause is cheap as fuck and unless you have double strenght glasses, the prices are what they are listed on and not frames+lenses and all dat other shit in other stores
it's fine with working random hours like i do i would be inconsistent anyway and that's just trouble
>>197661 what? it was just so bad like so bad it was good so gay so all over the places so wrong in so many places 10/10 if you want to just watch something drunk and laugh at it but really a 0/10 anime
I wonder should I watch lovelive at some point I know I have twice began to watch it and maybe even finished it but both times by that point I began watching I was drunk off my ass an dby the time I woke up passed out on my chair I had a horrible hangover
>>197674 I doubt I will either But it did similiarly tickle my funnybone as every shitty "possession" movie ever made does I just find that shit hilarious
I'm gonna go shower and then mmaybe clean the basement or something. Bbl
Lik Exorcsi ist 2 "I will touch you with my wing" that is the worst horror movie ever but it is so random so all over the places and so unintentionally funny
I think only Unborn or whatever tops it fucking transform and roll out
>>197697 it's just a little independent animation project, not really any story behind it >>197695 I don't really like waterparks that much but it could be fun
>>197700 well it's an amusement theme park but there's also a waterpark do you like theme parks i think six flags saint louis is the only one still owned by warner bros
wow 12 3 of them were hand me downs, but still
and since I got my first when I was 6 or 7 that is like one phone every 18 months
I think I might finally buy a pixel >>197708 theme parks are great yeah I only have six flags georgia near me though so that one has gotten pretty boring even though the superman is such a fun ride >>197712 I had some unexpected expenses back when it came out so I couldn't get it then
>>197720 Yeah I already guessed it was a phone, but I expected a >a phone by X
>>197711 it's weird but it's actually a shorter drive now for me to get to chatt than from memphis i wanna try and get jam out here for a weekend and hit the theme park it'd be cool if you could come
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's the google phone are you living under a rock
I am disappointed that no one gave me the REALLY BLUE response. yall need to exercise
I've been playing with the VR stuff I watched this video with a bunch of people like crawling over to me and it was horrifying like the beginning of bloodborne, but only actually happening to me
>>197733 I have Samsung Galaxy 7 I think most modern phones support VR
>>197723 that sounds like a blast >>197725 please be patient I jjust woke up >>197729 what do you have?
>>197731 What phone do you have btw? and which phones support this vr? I kinda wanna try it I have a sony xperia some model so it should have enough juice to run it
>>197731 I got to mess around sith gear vr a while nackt back not as good as the vive but it's still really impressive for a phone. it was much higher quality that I was expecting
So... what does // How does it make you feel like that only english has a "simple [language]" version of it? just curious
>>197744 I think gear vr is the same as cardboard for the most part, just gear has a much better headset it still just uses a phone for all the hardware >>197743 wow you and kirara are almost phone buddies
>>197746 I don't care about big phones and such I want slide keyboards I hate typing on a touch screen worst invention ever
>>197747 you're gonna have to explain what you're talking about
>>197747 Sometimes we just gotta dumb down our gloriously complex language so dumb foreigners have a chance of learning it.
>>197757 okay yeah i know what you mean then it's just because so many people know basic english but not advanced english that it is pretty much its own language >>197748 i'm stripping down a power cord and i'm going to put a male adapter on both ends to make a male-male power cord and then take it to best buy and ask to return it because it didn't work
Yeah but, usually I see an article translated in 1000 languages before having a "simple" version of it so chances are it already exists in your primary one so why would you read the simple foreign language one at that?
Though simple is bit misleading since, english articles also tend to at times be OVERLY COMPLICATED AND WAY TOO LONG TO GET ANY INFORMATION OUT fucking wikipedians
I think I'd use "short english" or "summarised english" simple just kinda feels insulting to me moreover there should be a "summarised [language]" for practically every language man do wiki articles sometimes become way too long and complicated messes
>>197762 wow I thinking of this and then thought it was a too dumb a joke.
>>197760 it's there because of global need, not out of efficiency it was needed so people made it you could put work in on a simplified finnish one if you want, and people can jump in to help
>>197769 He played so much final fantasy he forgot to eat.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>197770 Holy shit I'd pay so much money to combine that with VR Except keep the crazy huge controller Just using motion controls with the vr doesn't have the same physical feel of pulling a joystick
build your own vr room that's just a mech cockoitr
cockpit too
fuckin cock otters
little whores
>>197775 >>197776 Build a custom cockpit with the seat and stuff and use a giant 360 tv screen for panoramic view
Yesterday I saw one of those Osprey VTOL aircraft flying around. It made a really scary sounding noise. I didn't expect it to sound like that.
how the weather i was watching the weather channel here today because i can't CHECK ONLINE and they were talking about landslides and stuff crazy stuff
sounds cool why would it just be flying around though?
TN !PcAPtAiNJo I just remembered this exists
>>197786 just a local airport? you're not near heathrow if i remember ive always lived right next to saint louis lambert international and a bunch of train tracks when i pick people up from the airport who aren't used to saint louis they lose their shit because i hop on the interstate and it's like airplanes 50 feet off the ground taking off above us and i don't even notice it
gonna get out of bed and do something with my life sayonara
Also how did the guy exactly get a pic of the cat coming home through the hatch? was he stalking there the hwole time? or live feed and screenshot?
>>197799 what does the twitter account look like? >>197801 mechanism on the hatch that snaps a pic when he comes home or leaves that's all the account is pepito leaving and coming home i watch it every day though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's a bot dude it takes a pic when the cat leaves and enters
>>197797 I will think about, I'm not really courageous enough to meet people, I'd probably being way to anxious. >>197809 Well I've wanted to see st louis since you mentioned how nice the buildings there can be.
oh i thought you were actually asking what it looked like haha i didn't get the sarcastic tone i forgot that was a saying for a moment
Fuck beating around bush I WANT SOMEONE TO DISCUSS THE STORY WITH no one of my rl friends listen to them like I do and I don't have any other contacts that do as fervently I wannnaaaa discuss abou t iiiiit
And internet hasn't reached good enough outcome for me on the story not even blind guardian forums >>197833 Yeah and it is connected to the loose story told in Imaginations from the Otherside >>197833 >>197831
>>197830 I didn't know but that's pretty cool What is it about though?
oh about gimme a moment to calm donw
Basically the first two songs the Ninth Wave and Twilight of the Gods tell the story of the Fallen Son, named Mordred by fans and also since Imaginations has a song "Mordred's song" that kinda fits into the overall story when he, with his followers from I don't know where maybe the world of the main character maybe some other world Invade the "Promised Land" also known as "Discordia", or renamed that by them
They take it over through violence and seal up most of the Nine Gods ruling the world Not all of them, especially not "The Crow" all the 9 gods are btw named after animal aspects
>>197835 Oh and the world or whole of universe is cyclical that gets reset in 9 waves the 9th is the final wave that resets everything, or atleast does so in the Promised Land/Discordia and Mordred and hteir followers aimed exactly for that so they can make their pefect world
M's goal is to basically make a world without gods and believes and fears like that that is what the second song Twilight is about killing the gods and like sang in the first song "creating a new age"
Anyhow M and his people succeed and take over the world mostly and they seal most of the nine gods, but no the crow
So in the 3rd song the story kinda kicks in We meet the Hero of our story, The Chosen One, whose imagination this whole world might possibly be, if Imaginations is believed so Also one theory, which I believe in too, is that in Imagination when the Chose One (Arthur) was tried to be lured through the Epitomical Red Mirror door to the Promised land so he would start the Ninth Wave on the Nine's terms way before Mordred and his followers ever arrived in that world but however he didn't cross into that world through a mirror
so the album's story was allowed to happen Right umm So in the song Prophecy "We will bring you back to a moment of time, we will reveal and detect what you are. Precious truth in a cage, it has been captured and saved, we will blind you and bind you with lies" Basically the captured Nine(but not acutally nine) contact the Chosen One, who is then tasked to finally cross over to the Promised Land and set the Nine free and set forth the Ninth and Final WaveTo do this he has to find the Red Door (Red mirror) and the
And the Holy Grail
In the 4th song he searches for the door for a lifetime but always doubting himself so he never finds it untill he actually starts to believe in his quest and then the door appears before him and then it starts to get muxy
Both ashes of eternity and holy grail are bit sketchy for me and the interlude extra song Distant memories mixes the story even more
But in the Holy Grail the Chosen one finds the Holy Grail and announces his intent to cross over into Discordia and thus the people of Discordia rebel against Mordred's rule
This leads us into the song Throne "get him off his throne" The people dispose of Mordred but not through violence just disobeying him Oh right, Mordred turned out apparently to be a tyrant but also the people kinda failed him too in the Distant Memories the final line is "Now let it begin they've found a new god" and in throne there is "All I am is nothing esle what you have made me nothing more I am. Your vision of another god" basically The vision of a world with no gods failed as people just replaced the old gods (nine) with Mordred
>>197840 Anyhow they dispose of Mordred and break the seals of the Nine and release them and in Sacred Mind Morderd just goes insane and starts destroying the world and also confronts the Chosen One This and the next song Miracle Machine are theorised to be the Album cover Red figure being the Fallen Son and the blue figure being the Chosen one Basically Mordred gives the Chosen one a piece of his mind, while also trapping him for a time in "his pleasure zone" and then in Miracle machine they have a more calm discussion and the Chosen One gives his answer and finally crosses over And in Grand Parade, we have the actual Ninth Wave happening The Gist is that while Mordred's vision fails, the Nine's vision neither happens which they tried to cause but something of a mix but still "We're so sorry to say, it's all the same you will see" basically while the lord changes, be it nine, the tyrant or the people itself the overall outcome is the same, as in my theory "serving the fire" as in serving the confilct And the final extra bonus song doom Is the Chosen One visiting the Promised Land much later Now sealed off of the rest of the world, and its only inhabitant being Mordred and the song is basically about their exchange though we the listeners get the mordred's side of it And apparently he cursed the Chosen one and his children and it seems the curse was true
Cag and another old man had a conversation in abar
>>197850 and that is how I view it as stream of consciouscness as you lot call it it is a lot deper and would take quite a while to actually write it down especially every thought I have about it and all what I have read about it, especially the album material I don't own like physical booklets and whatnots that have pieces of the story
Like stuff I ignored is the world where the Chosen One comes from or I forgot to mention "why fallen son" well he said "I am their fallen son" basically so called "mordred" is the son of one of the nine >>197854 Nah I practically still feel sober which is bit worrying
I mean it just means I am at my normal level of tolerance now once again took just 2 days of drinking straight to reach it but it just means i will fall DOWN DOWN DOWN when i finally hit my limit
but it is fun o drink since I havn't done that in a good while
i read all of your posts but i'd have to listen to the album again to understand it i think what you said about the first three songs makes sense to me though i don't think i've heard the song mordred comes from
Imaginations from the Other Side Bright Eyes And the Story Ends form the main story of the album in terms of connecting it to the Beyond The Red Mirror
The mordred is more of a "fanoN" thing no one ever has said that the Fallen Son is Mordred however I think I read that one mention in one of the Vinyl releases of Red Mirror says that the Chosen One
's name is "Arthur so it would fit also one theory, I can't confirm how much material supports it that one of the Nine Gods was Arthur "the bear" who was killed and reanimated to fool the people of the Promised Land as a machine and the Chosen One might be related to that god reincarnation or child Anyhow the point is that Chosen One and Fallen Son are somewhat related just like the King Arthur and Mordred in the Arthurian legend the chosen one is literally referenced as KING several times in the story afterall but so are several other things like ruler of the Promised Land who is the Fallen Son at some point and before him all of the Nine or just the Crow
The Crow is also mentioned in terms of "My Friend" the album material reveal that the Crow was the party contacting the Chosen One in Imaginations and who wanted to get him on that side back then and Crow is one of the Nine who escaped instead of being captured "Delete the Dying Old Crow" is even sang in the Ninth Wave song
>>197874 She will. She'll have to be able to do at least that if she wants to function at a normal level.
AAAAH I can't tell you that much more because it becomes then "TN Music Theory" and you will jsut go "oh that is neat" I want someone that forms their own theory of ht estory their own complete form of it
I don't want to rant about it I can do that with a mirror if I want to just hear my own voice and opinions and theories I want to hear some other ideas of the story
But anyhow happy listening to the album I hope more than just you listen to it now and my quite important observation is "my friend" is always said by the Chosen One and to one of the Nine, whom I presume to be The Crw Crow
>>197884 I'm super nice so they rarely ever get that close to death. Owl's character is basically a blood-berserker and dies // enters "dying" state a lot though.
>>197948 I don't have that problem but I do miss a lot of news. all these moes follow the news so closely and I don't know anything that's happened when I get home.
>>197950 all my work is alone here in my home office thing so the closest thing to contact i have during work hours are when i get an email or twitter notification that makes it a little easier to follow the news but i can't really even do that now with the sattelite >>197955 yeah i would totally be okay with my job if i could do music but since i need my ears to work i can't music i don't really need my eyes, so i could watch videos while i work, but it'd have to be something without sound or something
>>197981 I actually just got a text about that. From someone who barely knows anything about Unix. And just about everything they know about it they heard from me talking to them or one of my friends with a cs degree.
Its a clock you don't need a cs degree to understand clocks
Blessed ahmed thanks for inventing the clock for us what would we do without you
>>197985 Yeah but he knows like jack shit about Unix.
>>197988 The kind that ticks up as time passes Wtf
>>197990 He probably knows more about how atomic clocks work than digital clocks. Also I think you might be confusing what a clock does with how it works. I Must go My burrito needs me.
>when you click on a cute twitter image and reveal things on the bottom that wasn't visible before of course >>198004 yes phone port is bad external batt charger blew out on the last day of my vacation.
>>198005 I know that feel About twitter images, not breaking chargers
i have work now i want to sleep but i dont know if i have time i think it's pretty cool that you're diligent about your work schedule i keep screwing mine up
I'm clearing out crap on my phone and moving stuff to the sd card. I have to use the samsung filebrowser for somestuff because of dumb hard to override permissions. Anyways I thought this was amusing.