/moe/ is so DEAD in the mornings ever since the new anime time happened
It's just you and me buddy You and me vs the world
oh no
>>196400 How long do you think we could survive if the rest of the human population was trying to murder us? What would be the optimal survival plan? How's your morning been?
We would not survive very long! We'd have to hide out in the countryside, hunting and stealing food from farms. Or we could kill some people and steal their identities and make everyone think we were them.
My morning's okay. I can't be productive even though I have work to do.
>>196402 Getting to the countryside would be pretty hard If you managed to swap identities with someone somehow then you might just make it But that'd be difficult with every fbi watching you
I had a dream i stole some guys wife and he ambushed me in the dark so i bashed him with a cinderblock It was weird I dont even like women Or bashing Stealing maybe
lock your kids hide your wife protect your belongings
>>196416 It's not about the wife herself It's the thrill of stealing
I had a dream I went to a concert and they sold gunpla for some reason for really cheap So I bought a bunch and was really happy. But then I woke up and I was really sad because it wasn't real
>>196418 i was out by the lake it was a really long dream for the two hours i was asleep i remember a little better now and i dont think it's was the guy's wife, it was his ex or something but like, i dunno jealous i guess so i punched him in his fat face then swung through the trees like tarzan and dropped his wife in the lake because i didn't really want her bullshit either
this same nigga keeps taking the floor at the board meeting and every time he's mumbling and every time people ask him to speak up and he says okay and then doesn't do it how am i supposed to work with this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
find him and torture him until he tells you exactly what he was saying during that meeting
and he's australian these fuckin australians are the worst speakers for me to deal with i can literally transcribe mongolians speaking mongolian better than aussies speaking english
okay i'll email you 100 minutes out of this six hour long file and just type up what they're saying and send it back to me that's like 100 bucks in 100 minutes that's the same as 100 bucks an hour
>>196431 I'd love to save you the time but I don't trust myself and I'd probably lose you your job
don't worry kid i'm a professionist
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
better to lose your job than your virginity
>profession: 1 : one pursuing a profession or trade. 2 chiefly Scottish : one who makes an insincere profession of religion. You're Scottish Moon? You're insincerely professing your religion?
>>196434 This. YOu can geta new job, but you can't ever get a new purity
You can get a new job but you can't get a new virgin
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how many virgins have you stolen /moe/?
>>196437 >stolen Stealing is a crime. Nice try copper. You won't get any confessions from me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
how many virgins have you taken
stealing isn't a crime theft is a crime there is a difference
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh shit the twist at the end of jikan no shihaisha
>>196439 Do you remember how many pieces of bread you've eaten?
>>196442 stealing is taking something from someone else there was (and still is) a time that, if you get something stolen from you, it's basically your fault for not protecting it theft is the legal word clumping together many forms of stealing which are illegal like embezzlement for instance but not all stealing is illegal
>character enjoys her life and does whatever she wants to without regard for what others think of her behavior >japan wants me to believe she's "stupid"
>>196472 i think it's pretty pathetic that people make a living off low-key showcase articles what's the fuckin point i mean at least this is better than the slideshow shit where it's like "THIS GUY POSTS IMAGE TO 4CHAN AND THE RESPONSES ARE HILARIOUS! " (58 images in this slideshow article)
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>196474 it's pretty pathetic that people make a living tbh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fish keeps saying the plot of Redline was bad every time she says it i laugh and then she starts getting pouty over me laughing at her opnion
tell her not to have bad opinions
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's a good opinion tbh
tell her not to have opinions in general ive found that i don't get so upset at things that way
I had to do some dumb roleplay thing at the meeting where I was pretending to be a client and the name Bob was randomly given to me but nothing else was So I said I was Bob the Builder and I built my life on building And I just made all these building jokes and inserted the word building at every opportunity I got, so the therapist couldn't stop laughing Needless to say our roleplay didn't turn out very useful for the others in the meeting but it sure was fun
Towards the end, the therapist got into it to, and was like, "We'll help you develop some basic building blocks to get things going again" and I said "I think we're building some good rapport" and she is like "Well, we need to build you back up!"
I totally forgot that was the Bob the Builder motto actually haha
oh no my cat's trying to poop in the litterbox but she isn't all the way in the litterbox this is gonna end badly i bet it's stuck on her fur now great
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
game over da
hey my phone is a piece of shit and so is my satellite internet can you text jan for me
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
sure, what do you want me to say?
i wanna see if he wants to come to saint louis and visit six flags here before summer's over megabus gave me vouchers for fucking up i can get him free tixx
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
alright texted him i'll let you know when he replies
i've got six hours left and like so much mongolia left to finish i'm probably gonna be late and get in trouble
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i gotta do a take-home final today, it's only like, 10 pages i have to right, and it's divided into 5 seperate questions though so it'll be easy write*
>>196517 wake up get up get out there raise your voice against liars feed your anger like fire why does nobody want change
when he's got free time and stuff yeah if jam's down i'll probably ask rook too just because, although i doubt rook could but it'd be more fun p sure you can't take a weekend either huh
>>196527 they're open until like november. if you go in the fall it's pretty dead and you got the whole place to yourselves pretty much and no bitch ass lines but then again the waterpark wouldn't be as fun in the fall but falls in saint louis are nice and there's a japanese culture festival that i think you'd probably like at mobot
hmm i might be able to find time in the fall but yeah it wouldn't be as fun i'll have to see what i can do
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
jan says he doesn't know how megabus works so he doesn't know how it'd work out if he can get there and back in like two days, he could do it, he thinks
Had to cancel my appointment due to sever westher. Severe weather even
Also my mouth tastes super bad right now.
wash your teeth
>>196534 I will Although it's my tongue that has the bad taste on it.
>somalia without internet for the foreseeable future >an anchoring commercial ship accidenttaly severed their underwater internet cable with its anchor HAHAHAHHAHA man this is even worse than nuclear french subs
>>196553 I'm actually a bit surprised that they had internet. Also I bet the pirates will attack the people who come and try to repair it.
the cable came from kenya
pork flavoured noodles with pulled pork now that was a meal
Back at aws loft they changed some things like the wifi password and the amount of space downstairs has a big event space now upstairs is the same but the room with most tables and outlets is locked... and the only area with seats is the patio outside in the heat coming to the loft late is pretty garbo
>>196595 Either the connector cable for my tablet or the actual port on the tablet has started to give out a bit. After a while it starts not picking up every penstroke I make. I think it's the cable, but I'm also hoping it's the cable. Because I still have the opposite-handed cable attachment and I could make that work. But I'd need a new tablet if it was the port.
At that point I may as well just save up for a Cintiq.
I'm sure that this is the cable itself as both the tablet and this laptop's ports know how to work unless my tablet broke on the way here.
Drawing tablet I assume?
Nvm, missed something. I know now you meant a drawing tablet.
Are you at the loft for the IoT event? Or just to find a place to sit down and work and try to be productive?
Do you just have a hat with a bunch of name in it that you draw from to ask people if they've heard of [Insert Band Name No One Has Likely Heard Of] once or twice a day.
>>196605 No, but that's a good idea. Except for the "no one has likely heard of part", since I don't generally ask people about bands I think they are particularly unlikely to have heard of.
Hey tilde, do you like the doujin music group GET IN THE RING?
So-so. I've heard a few of their Touhou albums and while there might be one or two songs off the album I like, it's generally all kind of "not bad but not memorable" to me.
>>196610 Aw I was hoping you'd like them more Or anyone would be like "yeah I like them"
I know them at least! I'm not sure about now but they struck me as a relatively unknown circle in Western terms when I was collecting Touhou music more aggressively.
I'll be honest metal and "harder" rock in general isn't a huge interest of mine. Not that there's nothing from the genres I like but it just isn't something major.
I'd put get in the ring under hard rock and pop rock I suppose. I don't know my genres 100% and I'm of the opinion that something like Nightcore isn't a genre so I'm sure some people would fight me for that.
I do ramble about Pizuya's Cell a bit and they're definitely metal.
I don't know squat about music genres and I'm generally hesitant to classify anything with confidence because I'm pretty sure I'll misclassify something. Especially once you get into super niche rock and electronic genres.
yeah with just a little muxing around their genes, you can awake the "dinosaur" stuff weird as shit
>>196602 I don't actually use the AWS service. I'mn just here to do work. But I can't do work so I'm just cooling down. It's honestly kind of strange to think how I don't really have a place to work that isn't absolutely hot close to home.
Yeah, I read all of it a year and a half or two ago.
http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=WoTquiz stumbled on this garbage while trying to find one quiz I considered quite legit take it I wanna see what you end up as
Questions seven and eight are a bit comedic really.
well they suit the series >rand: mat and perrin know women especially mat >mat: rand and perrin know women especially rand >perrin: mat and rand know women especially at
Yeah but it's also one of the things people kind of criticized about Jordan's writing. In terms of [peron Whoops. In terms of [person's gender] vs. [opposite gender], he kind of wore himself in repetition.
But man I noticed myself enjoying the books much more now that I am older the parts that I found "meh boring" make me laugh right now especially the >>196642 these parts
I think it just takes some form of mental maturity to enjoy them there are still parts that make you really groan and go like "WHY" but it is overall more funny as you have experienced the world more >>196645 No it actually changes from one person to the other jordan is actually quite constant in this every person has their own view of their own self their own gender the opposite gender and so on and the most amusing part is how that changes over time as the plot and characters develop
>>196645 Yeah the "the [opposite gender] is a mystery" gets repeated too many times, but isn't that actually quite reflective of reality?
I mean it's pretty funny the first couple times, especially once you realized that EVERYONE in the world thinks this way. But then you come to realize that yes, everyone thinks that way and it gets kind of bland.
>>196644 If you boil it down though, all men think women are mysterious riddles and completely ununderstandable. And all women think men are buffoons and can't look after themselves.
But realistically, not everyone thinks that way in real life.
>>196645 >And all women think men are buffoons and can't look after themselves and actually this isn't true sure they go between this and something else and sometimes revert back to this that doesn't make sense like Mattrim arriving in Salidar with his army it just doesn't make sense >to keep mat from causing trouble >every person involved has bene saved by him >and he has an army >and egwene just spent few months with him and saw his development as a character not to mention the queen rape later to happen
But still say take Nynaeve who really starts as >men are useless goes to >men are fun to have around by the end of the series there is a point to the constant gender comparison and it in my opinion reflects factuality quite well people change their opinions about things and relationships are fucking complicated especially marriage and especially marriage to three women
>>196645 Not everyone, only the people who happen to matter. Much to the world's misfortune.
But I do wonder wher e that "official fanon test" is I thought it was hosted on Dragonmount but... it wasn't there
amusingly I got nynaeve there every time I tested on separate occasions on having read 6 books on having read all 11 books on having read all the books >>196656 Yeah I can too she is actually especially now on my new read through this year one of my favourite characters just behind Mat
I can see it.
ah here is the thread wit hthe link http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/59203-who-would-you-be-in-the-wheel-of-time/ however the link is DEAAAAD
But man I wish I had a pic of my face when I first did that quizx >you are 100% nynaeve al 'meare Like what must have been my face then I hated her back then as a high schooler
Everyone hates themselves as a teenager. Hoh hoh hoh.
>closing in 25 mins ah that's right This good atmosphere won't last.
>The final GW2 Living World S3 episode comes this month woooooooooooooo It's TIME
I'm embedding album art to over 3000 pieces of music at once. I sure hope this doesn't crash and burn. >>196672 English Breakfast? Yeah, I have. why? It is quite nice.
hey nags do you actually eve r eat the soc alled "british breakfast"?
>>196671 no real reason just a question and it is quite nice
I quite like the whole holy grail one. The Hitler in a hotel one. The holy grenade of antioch The knights that say Ni The spam spam spam spam spam spam spam one
also of course the parrot sketch
you can quite well find it on youtube and goodle if you hav e an inkling
>>196699 I have an email that is six hours old from her that I just replied to. I just sat down for the first time today so I don't have any info other than that.
I was looking forward to punching my players with a strong character but Jan doesn't want to leave Kirara out and I would rather not but also value progress.
A penpal sounds fun, I kind of wish I had one. but I don't think I'd be organised enough to stay in contact!
I've been on and off thinking of getting a Japanese penpal I talk to few Japanese people on skype but it can be tricky to align the times for when I can catch them
And Kirara won't be making it tonight. It seems he had an allergic reaction to something and is resting. I think he's okay though, just resting to recover.
Can't companies just host overseas where laws enforce net neutrality? It literally makes no different to them if they serve the rest of the world *difference.
I don't know if american ISPs can trottle companies abroad? or do they just trottle everything pending a payment from a company to be unthrottled for americans.
I can just imagine it would lead to the web being shitty for americans and advancing for the rest of the world.
>>196729 local American servers would probably be an expensive and annoying process.
Also a problem with this is, if America does away with net neutrality, it may become a precursor for other parts of the world to follow suit. For example, here in Canada, we already have our data neutrality on shaky ground. Combined with the fact that our ISP and data providers are totally monopolistic in the first place, if they wanted to force a lack of neutrality on us and were given the greenlight to do so, we would have nothing to do but shake our heads and pay whatever extra fees they put on us.
I am not sure how well it'd go with all the different ISPs we have in the UK we only need one major ISP to provide untrottled internet as a selling point and the rest would suffer for it.
>>196733 Yeah but why would any ISP do that when the profit from forcing extra fees for additional web service is so evident.
Also this isn't just strictly a consumer-ISP dynamic change. Think about this. An ISP could go to a service provider, like Bing, and say "we like Google more, so unless you're gonna let us charge customers more to access you." No instead, even.
Doesn't that happen a lot in business and real life though, fine or not.
Well how about this. Bing goes to some big-name ISP provider and says "hey, we're gonna give you A LOT of money so expedite all access and searches on our service, so do us a favour and throttle any traffic that goes google's way, all right? Under current net neutrality rules, that's an illegal action.
BT owns most of the cabling in the UK. They charge other ISPs rental for those cables.
In any circumstance where business can own something others use they will take advantage of it. >>196738 I'm not sure if that is same thing. I don't think you can collude with another company to deliberately damage another company. Doesn't that break anti-competition laws
Under current net neutrality rules, yes. Internet traffic is handled a bit different from "real world" traffic to stores.
I am fairly sure there are a bunch of anti-competition laws that prevent the scenerio you mentioned though. You can't just block off another company in a deal like that
You're not blocking off another company, the ISP is restricting traffic. Under current net neutrality laws, they are forbidden from giving a specific domain special preference in traffic. Doing away with these restrictions would allow them to freely pick and choose favourites.
Yeah but on the basis that the ability to get unrestricted acess //traffic is accessible to all the companies. Not one company saying they will pay for another companys traffic to be restricted.
also I think the big ISP will be subject to a lot of anti competition based on how accessible the unrestricted traffic, they can't just charge through the roof fees for unrestricted traffic. >>196744 yes, that is fine, they can do that and they have to charge a reasonable price for expedited transit and it can't be hidden price.
>>196743 There's trickery that could happen though. Such as, giving all traffic that moves through the Internet a lower base transit rate. But only allowing companies that pay extra to have expedited transit. That way they're not discriminating against one particular brand, they're just being nice to those that pay out.
Is something going on with net neutrality? I see everyone talking about it today.
I admit to a very limited understanding of the American federal law-making process, but I understand that a short while back, a bill to eliminate net neutrality regulations cleared the first hurdle it needs to go all the way to being signed into effect. So there was a large campaign from a lot of websites today to make a protest against the removal of net neutrality.
America actually pays a lot of attention to anti competition stuff. A lot of companies end up making shell companies to try avoid it when they approach levels of being a monopoly. lots of ways around it but none of them blantantly abuse monopoly control to give preferencial treatment against different companies.
>>196749 It would nice to have all domains to have free and equal access but I am not sure if that is a ... I don't know the word. NN allows people to have a lot of freedom.
Oh on a separate topic, are you doing either of the dogo events, Rika?
>>196743 That's not -fine- though, that's still an obvious picking favourites. All internet domains should have free and equal opportunity for access by civilians, and not risk ISPs being able to arbitrarily restrict traffic. There are many small-scale start-ups for example, that rely on being able to get free Internet traffic in order to flourish. If they were forced to pay extra in order to handle the incoming traffic they need for the start-up to take off and survive, they might not have the finances to start up in the first place.
>>196747 I don't know how it is in the UK, but in North America, under net neutrality regulations, ISPs are not allowed to give special preference to specific domains. Any traffic that flows through them, from your PC to a domain our -or from a domain to your PC (such as Netflix streaming), is given fair and equal treatment. That's where the neutrality is, the data is treated the same one bit to the next. To remove that regulation would allow for ISPs to take advantage of necessity, popularity, or any other arbitrary reason, to increase profits.
And being an ISP, you can sure bet they will take any safe opportunity they can to increase profits.
>>196750 you could get Cerb as a dark summon If you get enough of her, which could be hard, she's a better ATK power summon than cag for you (Cag 25%, Cerb 40%) She also hase // has a dagger you might want and a gun you might not.
Alright that works pretty well. If you want the summon because it's Cerb or want a decent dark weapon, you could punch her for the dagger. Other than that, you could get crystals I guess.
I've had a sore neck for a few days now. I wish it would sort its self out
>>196759 me too i had to work all freaking day and night with just a couple short naps since like 4am yesterday a couple times i didn't even have time to take a nap but my neck hurt so bad i just had to lay down i couldn't even sleep because of it i really hope i don't end up with a fractured neck vertebra and need a neckbrace for life
I am worried that I'll turn my neck and break a blood vessel and die.
Well I'm certainly more dire than you! I keep getting worried about everything is going to kill me. like the knuckles on my toes are darker for whatever reason and I'm scared that my feet aren't getting enough blood and I'll die of a blood clot
>>196761 That's a pretty reasonable fear Sometimes I get scared that people will break into my house and shoot me
>>196764 I'd be scared it was a water borned infection or a that I had water trapped somewhere it was going to cause problems. My brain instantly springs to fear of something being painful or not normal and I think I'm going to die.
I am really prone to trapped nerves and nervous pains so I get sharp pains in my joints and everywhere. But it is hard to not think it could be somethign sinister.
I sometimes can't sleep because I can feel the blood pumping through my body and vibrations through the mattress and It scares me
>>196807 i've acquired a taste for piano I bought this cheap $50 casio off facebook and it was cool but then at my workplace, there's this noticeably expensive grand piano sitting in the middle of the cafeteria/sitting area and it's so much nicer. Your fingers are less likely to slip than glossy plastic keys, and the keys have weight and a nice springy bounce back effect when you lift your fingers off, and since it's actual acoustics, you can feel the vibrations on your fingertips as you play have I convinced you that I'm cool yet
>>196813 after the first two lines, my tag search turned into komeiji_koishi knife
>>196813 If you're in the US you could probably get an electric organ for free off of Craigslist. I see them on there all the time. Not sure about other places though.
It won't feel exactly like a real piano, but there will be much more weight on the keys, and they should also have better grip.
>>196813 real pianos feel really good to play I mean hitting the keys actually feels nice the tactile feedback makes a big difference
>>196815 That's one of the things that made me glad i got into piano and not BROKE BOY guitar they're surprizingly available Like, a lot of public places use them sort of as decorations even and you can just waltz up and diddle them
>>196818 Yeah, mainly because they're a huge pain to get rid of. So people and buildings keep em for a long time. >>196820 Define "nice"
oh that one I like that one too. It's nice. wow, this post is still open and no one told me. >>196996 put some clothes on >>196998 You missed free slurpie day
>>196935 that's coming from someone who doesn't understand the joy from it in the first place though how would you know what the type is if you havent felt it
All gothloli girls seem like they are somewhat vain. I don't think Fish has an ounce of vanity in her. It's hard to imagine her as a gothloli kind of girl.
>>196944 well, lolita fashion all people in lolita seem to be a bit vain people who have no vanity just wear t-shirts
>>196946 ive been wearing track pants because all my denim doesn't fit anymore and i've got like two pairs of pants after moving but i really like making lolita fashion stuff iunno
i know you've got a lot on your mind lately really, that's the biggest killer of sleep you need to be able to keep the main brain channels self-contained because that's how they relieve all that pented-upness throughout the day but when you're thinking and intersecting them the messages all bleed over to the other channels and keep the internal discussion occupied like a committee, it won't adjourn until the discussion is over. you gotta let the discussion be over and let everyone go home to their apartments and self-reflect so that the aggregate consciousness can dissolve into its components and signal the brain stem into sleep modes
>Valerian could interact with some sedatives, narcotics, antidepressants I'm currently on three anti depressants. I'll be down to two in a week and a half though.
its interaction with antidepressants might be added stomach cramps in the case of SNRIs or drowsiness with SSRIs in regards to sedatives, it's mainly talking about things like benzos, which increase drowsiness and will probably make you feel hung over in the morning even worse from two CNS depressants how about milk or 5-HTP then just something to calm your stuff down
if you can't reduce the pressure in your mind, raise the viscosity add an extra neuroactive chemical in there for an extra variable to slow things down and localize the component focus
I'm on an SSRI, an SNRI and an NDRI. Although one of my more common sleep issues is that I feel depressed but am not tired but I attempt to go to sleep anyways. Which is what happened an hour and fifteen minutes ago.
Firm. I said I would sleep hours ago and now I'm not as tired. but still tired
Also I know I missed free slurpee day. I didn't go because I was too depressed.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh no i hope you feel better
>>197007 Wowme2 Maybe I should bring the dog with me to 7/11. Cause I have to sleep with her tonight, and if I put her in my parents bed while I'm gone, she'll growl when I try to pick her up again later. Hrrrm
I've gotten to the part of Hollow Knight that involves spiders. I have been expecting this the whole game, considering it's a game that entirely revolves around bugs.
It has not helped one bit though.
That reminds me, a few weeks ago I was at my friends' house and I saw one of them playing elysian tail or whatever. So I handed him some cash and insisted he buy a better game and play it instead. He bought Hollow Knight.
I was gonna say yeah but actually work is alright there doesn't seem to be a reason for all this overtime
sometimes we just feel suffering
oh was Prime Day not as big a deal as they thought? i read news articles about it being kind of whatever this year
I'm not sure if it was successful or not,the thing is I work inbound so we geared up for prime day over the last two weeks with a bunch of overtime so we don't really need to be here aside from the few people on labor share to outbound functions I guess I get more money but I'm good enough at budgeting to do without overtime pay and there are other things I'd rather spend my time on
I was wondering what that one cute girl was doing on stage with all those traps.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
soundcloud is going to die probably they laid off 40% of their employees last week and said they only have enough funding to last until the end of the year
oh no time to download all the future disco/funk weeb tracks
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently they didn't plan with their money at all like they were hiring people and immediate laid them off and canceled jobs people were hired for and stuff
Just then >British guy walks out of the room in front of where I'm sitting >nods at cigarettes on the table in front of me >'can i bum one' >'They aren't mine' >oh >grabs the packet and walks off
>>197131 same >>197130 maybe if they're dicks but i bet they'll be pretty chill there won't be any serious offenders there though so it'll probably be boring
don't forget to shank the first guy that talks to you to establish dominance
Well they are heavenly peaches, so it might be just magic but it would be amusing she ate the old ones daily as a night snack and replaced them in the morning