Thread #196838
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the struggle against the crushing anime of anime continues hajimete no gal sakura quest sagrada reset nana maru isekai no smartphone tenshi no 3p keppeki danshi NTR show with ika
Everything is So good this season but i cant dl anything haha
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Make sure to download everything during your no cap time.
Thats still like 1.5 mbps
okay I dont think I'll watch Hajime no Gal Hajimete too much to watch and im sure that one is just fanservice ganguro
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well no tilde it seems that's annoying let's start with NTR and hope he shows up okay let's start!
Shall we just not nime onight
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We're already falling behind pretty badly. What's going to happen if we don't watch anything tonight?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/13 (木) 02:58 No. 196866
Then clearly you'll never watch another anime
I mean if you don't tell me you intend to start earlier, I'll just assume the starting point is as it is previously agreed on.
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Well, I said two or three times last night I wanted to try to start early. but that's okay what matters is that you're here now.
Besides I don't have any intentions of watching the NTR show so if I'm not around it's good to just clear it out of the way.
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>>196871 Well that's what we're doing tonight.
okay so the list tonight isekai no smartphone sagrada reset tenshi no 3p action heroine cheer fruits How does this sound?
Hoe many shows, Ika?
i feel dead 3 or 4
>>196873 I would expect you'd wanna watch Sakura, but yeah, that list is fine with me.
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Action Heroine Cheer Fruits looks fun. It's about girls that put on sentai shows.
Also there's another new show today to throw on the pile. Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e. I have almost no clue what it is, but I don't think it's something which is outright offensive to anyone.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/13 (木) 03:05 No. 196879
Y'all are gonna overdose on anime I'm not even sure what that'd do to you
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This episode wasn't as exciting as the last.>>196881 which one is youkoso? I don't see it on the list.
I wanna do Youkoso Smartphone 3p
>>196880 >>196878
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/07/13 (木) 03:07 No. 196884
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There wasn't even anything to comment about Time to go to bed.
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so much stuff to try to manage okay smartphone youkoso 3o cheer fruids let's do smartphone wait I didn't mean to cut sagrada so smartphone youkoso sagrada cheer fruits okay lets start
There's also another new show from yesterday which is a re-adaptation of an old manga that parodies RPG mechanics from the '90s and 00s, stuff like Dragon Quest.
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I'm hoping this will be hilariously bad.
This just looks kind of uncreative. Maybe the writing will be impressive. But all of the good isekai series lately either have a solid hook, or really funny characters, or something else.
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I'm surprised this was adapted at all.
Apparently it's doing well in Japan, sales-wise.
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He really is taking everything in stride.
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Looks like he gets to be level 100 on top of having a cell phone.
I'm more or less impartial to isekai and stuff like the magically-working cellphones. But I'm definitely sick and tired of "let's shove RPG mechanic terms and names into a fantasy world." It worked in Konosuba because that series played off it. But series that seriously think using RPG mechanics as an excuse for magic and sorcery are just lazy fucking writing.
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This show doesnt seem bad at all the eyecatches are fun
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This one really plays it straight. It's kind of interesting so far though. I wonder why.
>>196899 I'm not impressed at all so far.
its not anything great but its not bad at all
I guess he's super-excellent at everything.>>196904 It's definitely leaning on the not good enough to be good for me.
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You said it's doing well though. Maybe it goes in an interesting direction.
It's a light novel series. Those sell really well as long as they fuel self-insert fantasies and have cute heroines.
seems like generic LN stuff
MC seems gary stu-y
Seems feels like an understatement.
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He's still illiterate though.
lets do reset last ill probably sleep after 3 shows but you should watch it if i stop replying i probably fell asleep
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This is kind of a weird show. Also a rare exception where the short haired girl is cuter than the long haired one.
geez you guys start this shit EARLY
Ika's become a normal person and needs to sleep at normal person times.
Do you want to watch shows Bang?
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 640x800, vampire1.jpg )
Youkoso okay let's start!
>>196915 ive been having toruble sleeping recently as well>>196917 okay this one seems like it could be good
I've been trying to sleep at times I want to, but stuff keeps messing with me. My cat kept me up for half an hour or so last night because she wanted in and then attention and then out. All within half an hour.
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You guys are weird. I can fall asleep in 15 minutes whenever I want.
Unless I'm drop-dead tired, it takes half an hour or forty-five minutes for me to fall asleep. It's a little easier with the melatonin though. But it's still difficult either way if I have a cat meowing outside my window or meowing at the foot of my bed.
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
If I had to lay down for 45 minutes to go to sleep, I'd probably just give up and play games.
There's a reason I don't like sleep.
I feel this seiyuu is trying a bit too hard at the deadpan though.
kuro HATES society
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befriend everybody!
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I think the voice acting is good. He is trying hard to be deadpan, but it leads to him being deadpan in a way that is jarring rather than generic. That's probably the way it should be.
the MC is funny hes not like the reset MC even though hes as monotone
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He seems to like to be alone too. I guess he's about to get befriended.
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I know I'm also the type that tries to befriend everyone but watch out as er watch out for the ones that want to befriend everyone they're dangerous
I'm happy to just do my own thing. I'll talk to the people who talk to me, ignore the ones that ignore me. I guess I can strike a chord with the MC but I'm at least good at being polite and not dead beat.
mc is imats rika is friendgirl tilde can be black
>>196954 I'm not -that- testy with total strangers. I'm only curt with the people I'm friends with.
There's gonna be a hook with these points at some point. Wonder what it's going to be.
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Wow, he managed to get a deito with the bitchy girl.
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Wow she's like a detective.
What was it, 10,000 points? Or was it 100,000? I think it was 100,000 since assuming a direct conversion, that's 100,000yen, or ~$1000 dollars to live on a month. If you had your living accommodations arranged already, do you think you could live on a thousand dollars a month?
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 1280x720, ak17.jpg )
This really is borrowing heavily from hachiman so far.
The pathetic fallacies in this scene are kind of funny. All this overcast doom and gloom.
>There's two students with 42 and 28 points respectively They must be in a PANIC situation.
I liked this show quite a bit good designs
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 661x1000, 1492551813526.jpg )
seems like a hachiman knockoff so far okay action heroine cheer fruits okay everyone is orange let's start
>>196972 I do nt think their personalities are close
Hachiman was self-absorbed and prideful in his self-isolation. This one definitely feels more like he just doesn't give a fuck.
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I previewed this one a little bit. I started a little slow but the premise may lead to something fun. Also the protagonist is a Kotori clone and that's always a plus.
Desu no
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She even sounds a little bit like Kotori. Not so helium-infused though.
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
Yeah, she seems like a deliberate attempt at a Kotori clone.
i wonder how fun this show will be seems okay so far
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I like the premise, I hope it will become something interesting.
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I think that was the least ecchi pantsu flash ever.
So unnoticeable I didn't even notice it.
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Putting on a hero show is a lot of work.
It's pretty bad.
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I wonder why her imouto is sulking.
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haha what is this hero show I'm laughing too.
Hero shows are generally pretty lame. Like sure, this one is extra bad with the nil-budget. But they're all super corny like this. Usually they stay in one piece though.
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Kotori really had a tough time.
>A watchtower from the Sengoku Era Wow that wooden structure was OLD.
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Kotori is an unlucky person.
Wasnt bad I liked t it
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I'm glad we finally got around to watching it. I enjoyed it. let's more on to sagrada reset looks like it do you want to continue? okay then let's watch then! we're both orange so let's start!
It was good enough. Better than Smartphone. Time for risotto. I'm still orange if Squid gets back but wait 'till I say something about being back. Okay I'm back. I guess Ika really wanted to make good on his "watch Sagrada without me" huh. I don't really care either way. If don't watch it, there's five shows in the pile If we don't, there's four. I think we can get that all done regardless.
Hospital environments can do so much for making someone look sickly and frail.
If you can't be properly dishonest when lying, I guess the only choice is to be honest about lying.
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I never know what's going on in this.
I can generally figure out what's happening in the plot arcs but this one has been a bit too twisty. I know Kei is trying to get Honkers to wake up and stop dreaming. But I don't know what all the other elements involved are supposed to do. And why Sumire, the girl he resurrected, is tied up in it all.
Kei has also unexpectedly turned into a shounen protagonist.
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he's a liar though
That's fine, I'm empathetic to liars. Robot-chan is being awfully protective of her boyfriend.
Hah hah hah. Shut down.
She's really bullying him hard.
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Looks like he got keikakued.
Well Haruki is still being territorial about her place next to Kei. So given enough time she might be able to come to another epiphany.
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thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.