>>194784 Voe of cosplay, is that all the charactersyou like are cossed by panzerwagens and crossers
>>194780 Like half of what you've suggested is on /a/'s recommended anime chart. Maybe more. Well, maybe less cause the chart hasnt been updated in a while.
>>194786 I am just mentioning things I like, a number my favourite things are on the /a/ list but there is a bunch on the list I don't like either. I don't have the charts anymore I think.
Seto Hanayome is good too! >>194790 Oh it isn't finished? I read it to finish, hm. did I finish it in Japanese? I can't remembert
clock is 404 and everything is fine
>>194788 I wish the manga would get scanlated again. It stopped a while ago. >>194789
>>194788 I don't think the scanlation is, i havent checked recently. Also I remember hearing that the mangaka died. Not sure if its true though.
What I'm doing is going through my list https://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=mylist&uid=546679 Which fairly out of date now and picking out what I liked most
>>194792 Oh, nice. I should probably sign up for that. I've thought about it for a while.
Wait hang on TN I feel like there's something more important of yours I should watch That uh trick card I made with the presumably named sakura girl you post Tell me what that one is >>194835 Want to talk about cute anime girls
>Jagen 4* Ay, now I can go +24 on my Blade Tomes >Chain Challenge There's a lot of stuff to grab orbs from now. This is neat.
>>194849 How'd you like it? From what little Haskell I wrote, I remember being really impressed with its pattern finding thing.
My university pushes Haskell really hard in some if the courses. I remember my roommate writing Haskell stuff sll the time.
Oh, also Lisp is a functional language. I'm sure you covered Lisp in school. inb4 you didn't
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what a coincidence
>>194854 Wait, you never used Lisp in your CS curticulum?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no nor haskell there was one course that taught several languages but it wanted a lot to be done with those and it was just nah so I dropped it Doing stuff in fortran version like 2 isn't my style
Well, when I say "Lisp" I mean the Lisp family of languages . Which includes Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Racket, emacs Lisp ....
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>194851 yeah the pattern matching was nice for awhile i was super keen on it until i realized how damn awkward it is to write anything but very specific programs and the pitfalls
and now other modern languages have good pattern matching and ADTs so i don't really have any reason to haskell anymore
>>194858 Ah, but are they side effect free? >>194859 Jesus Christ how horrifying
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>194861 nope that's what i mean by 'very specific programs' haskell is good at like compilers and data pipelines and that's about it
>>194862 Wait, when you say "compilers" do you mean toy compilers or real compilers?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
dude i don't know compilers in general i'm making a vague statement on how i see haskell here
It's not low enough level to efficiently produce optimized code. Err, optimized machine code. Real compilers are usually written in C, C++, Rust, Standard ML, Ocaml >>194866 I don't remember
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
what are you even talking about dude where are we going with this
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i feel like i'm on /g/ or something now
>>194867 I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.
Also, someone wrote an entire OS in Haskell.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_(operating_system) I'm still impressed by it.
Also my alarm went off, and that's normal, but I was so fuzzy when it woke me up, I thought my phone was THE alarm, playing music So I turned it off and got up, cause that's at 6AM It was 5AM I got out of bed at 5:15, thought I didn't have any time Would have been out the door at 5:30, an hour before normal, if it wasn't raining and I asked him to drive me, and he was like "yeah sure, what time is it?" So I'm like "It's half past 6, we've got like 15 min" And then like 5 minutes later I get uncertain cause I'm still half asleep, look at my wristwatch like "what... what time is this?" like I couldn't fucking translate it properly, so I checked my PC and it was like 5:35
So today I had a lot of extra time
The rain saved me from leaving an hour early at least
>>195024 The female leade from Arakawa. The character in the pictute you posted looks like her. But when I look at the full size image, I can see more clearly that it isn't her.
Did any anime this season turn out to be good? Is 18if one of the good ones?
It's kind of trippy and weird but hard to put a straight opinion on. Some of the stuff that's caught my eye this season is: Ballroom e Youkoso Isekai Shokudou (this one is really nice) Made in Abyss Kakegurui
>>195044 Touhou soundtracks. That's all I ever listen to in my room. I have an old ipod touch I use for that. I listen to other stuff when I'm in the basement, which is where I usually do things that would be considered productive. Lemme think PIL Greatest Hits So Far Some Ramones live album Joey Ramone Don't Worry About Me Low Things We Lost in the Fire The Chemical Brothers Chemical Reactions I think that's whats in the five disc cd player right now. Hrrrm Wait, it's a six disc one The other album in it is Last Splash by The Breeders Which I heard performed live in its entiriety five or six years ago at oitchfork.
that's sounds pretty good there's some stuff I don't know so I might check them out
>>195046 Just a heads up about Low, their stuff is really depressing.
sounds like a good time already
i have 3 hours of sleep and in 2 minutes ned need to walk to the train station i fucked up
That coffee you swear off looks more and more appetizing, mm?
cawfee is for function tea is for good taste! also energy drinks exist!
The only energy drink I've ever come to terms with the taste of is, amusingly enough, one that is mixed with coffee.
lemon flavoured red bull is quite nice
Red Bull has an underlying flavour I can't stand at all.
Also I dunno how it is over there but a hulking, massive cup of coffee from a coffee joint is usually cheaper than an energy drink. Sure cost effectiveness when considering caffeine, energy drinks are probably better, but at that degree, I think it's pretty irrelevant.
>coffee cheap coffee is stupidly expensive from a store
i need to hurry\ !
What's expensive? Four pounds?
Oh don't mind me then, git going.
see you later, ill probably use wifi on the train
What about monster?
Monster's one I'm fine with when mixed with coffee, but alone it has this clinging taste that doesn't go away and sinks into your sinuses and even just smelling it means the smell remains with you for the following few minutes. And I don't like that smell all too much.
>>195062 I used to like monster less, but I eventually got used to it. I still dislike red bull though.
>>195064 If you can drink redbull, you can drink anything It's the worst of them all
Ok that's not true, a lukewarm green Monster is actually way worse than anything else by a mile
When I was in high school there was this brand of energy drink that had an assortment of fruit flavours. They were giving out free samples to try and get the kids hooked. I'd forgotten about it; I actually liked the taste of that one a fair bit.
But the brand was exclusively carried by 7-11 and there wasn't a store anywhere remotely near my high school so there was no getting it after the hand-out.
>>195074 Considering The Avalanches are down to two members and usually perform something more of a DJ set...
>>195076 I was unaware they ever did non dj sets. They're a really sample heavy band, so its not odd that they'd do dj sets.
just being bang and stuff
>>195078 You should've said "Me and ur mum xddddd"
that's fuckin lame dude come on
>>195080 Have you achieved shitposting satori now? Do you only see the shitposts in non shitposts now?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>195077 Back when they had a competent turntalbist, they did some of that. And before they went full sample, they were basically a punk band that sampled...
i I was going to try and exercise by swimming but the pool is closed down now. i guess ill try and remember to do some weights and sit ups or something
i was up late downloading old anime. i need to be more organised
>>195104 It's fine not to have matching socks... But it's nice to be on time...
>>195107 Hmm. I own it but don't remember listening to it...
>>195104 >and have matching socks What the hell >>195109 >it's fine to not have matching socks I mean, their aren't fashion police who go arou d arresting people for having mismatched socks, but that doesn't make it okay.
I am going to get off the train now to get on another one
>>195192 but I'm stuck at work for 12 hours and I can't get drunk there to get a hangover
I mean the guy was >we can set sail to india >uuh no we can't it is like billion miles there >no according to my calculations it is just half a billion >you dumb columbus
>>195195 i honestly don't make enough to merit working as much as i do. i dont get overtime. if i worked somewhere with overtime i'd be making at least like 40k with these hours i shouldn't be doing this to myself
>>195196 and then he lucks out cause spain is all bankrupt and needs a miracle cure for its economy and he lucks out again that there was america there
The Bigfoot of Roanoke - his feet are actually proportional to his size! coming soon this fall
>>195217 would you say you're more into filming or photography talking about alaska got me thinking i wish i had a decent filmograph
A harem anime about a rich plantation owner and his slaves
an anime about the harem of the ottoman sultan
An anime where Genghis Khan fucks a different women every episode. This is used as a framing device to tell the unique story of every woman in an episodic way.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Doki's subs for New Game!! are fucking terrible. They butchered all the names. It has to be on purpose, too.
>>195226 >Hazuki-san >Yeah let's sub that as Haduki-san
>>195228 about 20% of my clients are post-prod stuff so i'm just sitting there working with raw documentary footage or commercial takes or all sorts of stuff and being part of a film crew really seems like a lot of fun so does the filming process in general
>>195232 my love for photography and film is pretty different for photography it's about using my own skill and the camera to get what i want, it's very intimate
for film, i don't care about the camera much i like directing live shows training my cameramen to act how i want them to act and editing the show live as it goes >>195237 it's definitely about the right execution the first time for me
yeah, i agree with it being different film is more like a project, a larger effort i think editing, compiling, piecing together. it's not about getting the right execution the first time
i think it's okay for film to not be perfect it feels kind of candid sometimes that way
>>195249 ask him if he likes information >>195248 cool we'll plan for it >>195252 make it part of the negotiation
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>195251 probably won't have time he's gonna be trying to negotiate marriage
alaska still has open and thriving blockbuster video rental stores can you believe it?
>>195249 say to him if he ever ends up in that trump golf club he should always bring a real super white guy as his "servant" with him to carry his stuff and clubs and everything just to make people uncomfortable and have that guy in the joke too, so i he goes all "slave treatment" the guy knows it is part of the job and joke
the internet in alaska is too shitty for streaming so netflix never crushed them there
>>195259 do you have any idea where that is you're west of talkeetna haha >>195263 holy shit let's invest we can pool our money together and buy like 20 shares
>>195273 old folks dude blockbuster was always huge in alaska because when it's cold people would go out and rent like 20 movies and bring them back next month
>I'm glad we still have Blockbuster it can't be real
what if the locals also OWN blockbuster now and keep it goind out of their own pocket?
>>195278 oh yeah some of the isp's up there are datacapped that's why part of making it affordable there's still good internet there but it's a little pricier
alright boys time for a blockbuster run let's drive up there and rent some movies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>The Blockbuster location in Eagle River, Alaska, is going out of business, workers told The Alaska Star on Wednesday.
can you drive to alaska?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, you have to go through canada, though
if you have a passport yeah otherwise you can't get back into the US, but you can leave the US it's weird
>>195285 soon there will be only one blockbuster left in existence without a mate, it will be completely and hopelessly alone
I jusyt always imagine that no one ever bothered building a proper road there isn't there a huge mountain chain or something on alaska's eastern border?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Many Americans haven't seen a Blockbuster — much less gone inside — since the company filed for bankruptcy in 2010. For Blockbuster lovers desperately missing the store, and for video-rental virgins raised on Netflix, here's what it's like to visit one of the handful of remaining Blockbusters in the country. VIDEO RENTAL VIRGINS
>>195290 not that huge the rockies in the continental west are a lot huger and i've driven through them a ton of times
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>195290 You can drive through mountains or around the mountains
>>195296 just figured no one built a road there you can get there by boat and shit
>>195299 Yeah true that that far north you need to actively keep the sea route open and I doubt there is that much commercial shipping between alaska and whatever other us/canadian coastal cities
What even is in Alaska nowadays? People flogged there because of the gold rush, but what about post that?
just fyi, if we did a 6-man partyhouse and all lived in alaska, we'd be getting paid money just to live there jobs pay well in alaska too rook i think you'd like workin on the docks it's super gay and pays super well >>195311 pretty good i'd imagine
Alaska is also one of the best real estate deals in the world >russia sells aslaska >less then decade later GOLD
>>195309 important question, what's the molly game like in alaska?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i will marry fish and use her family's fortune to get you the best molly in the whole world
and buy blockbuster
let's roll in the last blockbuster on earth
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>you now have direct access to my fortune, kirara, what will you do now? >gonna buy blockbuster and a bunch of molly
>>195312 >meanwhile >fishdad is monitoring moe >keikaku doori
>>195314 go down in history as the last brave souls to ever have physically rented a movie >>195318 this would be pretty legit to be honest it would be a better business than they've got now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
turn a blockbuster into a rave
take a blockbuster out to see a movie
sell molly behind blockbuster
blockbusters: bar and rental store
shti I don't hav e time to shitpost I need to watch anime
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's called blockbuster because every house on the block will hate us
I wonder could you bust a house with a powerful enough soundwave
>blockbuster drives away all inhabitants on the block >buy up all the empty houses >make blockbuster bigger >bigger and louder bb drives away neighbouring blocks >expand further >rinse repeat IT WILL GROW LIKE A CANCER
>>195328 don't forget my private R&D pipeline for developing inter-industry AI solutions
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
alaska will become blockbuster
redubbed Megabuster 1
You can see the pyramids of giza and the great wall of china from space but you can HEAR megabuster 1 from space
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the blockbuster commune
with your real estate tactics and my tech development, by the end of 2040, the entire state of alaska will be one giant LED screen so we can watch from the ISS
>>195342 Oh, you mentioned him being interested in investing and whether you'd be competent there's been a big cryptocurrency trend that circulated through the mainstream markets about two weeks ago and a lot of companies tried to ride it after seeing the bitcoin rise and etherium boost if he happens to mention wanting to do that for some reason, advise him that bitcoin is for daytrading and etherium is for long-term and not to get too eager
>>195345 Haha I doubt he'll mention anything like that He doesn't strike me as someone that would be up-to-date enough for bitcoin
I'm pretty sure this is just going to be a marriage negotiation though
>>195353 ether aether just question of spelling it
>>195354 i'm sayin it got real heavy attention recently and lots of CxO types that are normally in the back rooms that know a lot about compliance and a lot about business but not a lot about technology got a whiff and are putting it to their old models of how investing works and it makes it deceivingly appealing but without understanding the role it's playing in CHAINA right now it's misleading
>dvd of all nick knatterton eps hmmm
wat a sec you lot west side of the puddle don't prolly know of that aside from internet hearsay
>looks at a bullet shot at him >conclusion: shooter was left handed chain smoker
>picking up beards for disquise >what would be the best way to approach the client >as a bavarian >as an intellectual >a nostalgic character (hitler mustache) 70s germany had balls
Yesterday in class discussion, the topic of fate came up briefly, and someone was talking about how sometimes in stories, trying to avoid your fate makes your fate occur And I'm thinking, "Like Oedipus" which seems to be like the most obvious possible example
and someone goes "like That's So Raven"
fuckin these niggas in 3017 and i'm still in the fuckin BCs
>>195376 Oedipus doesn't really go wit hthe avoiding fate, but rather "self-fulfilling prophecy" path But it does start with it, since after hearing the "kill his poppa and marry momma" he flees is home and adopted family, not knowing they weren't his real family
>>195377 When there were still two germanies, it seems they didn't give that much about it
meat sauce chocolate parfait
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>195378 yeah, but in trying to stop the prophecy from occuring, he actually made it happen so it still sort of applies
>nick prevents a bank robbery accidentally >calls up cops >asks them to take care of the robbers >"let nick clean up his own trash" man you just miss the best show ever
So the faggot who acted like hot shit got fired cause he showed up drunk to a meeting and threatened to kill his advisor person And the phone faggot had to leave for the day because he wouldn't stop fucking with his phone
>>195428 Oh, like that I'm not gonna say anything for certain here but that SOUNDS like something that'd be illegal to do here Charging more for a service or product based on the customer's age is something I doubt is legal here
it should be haha but capitalism wins
Actuall capitalism should if workin gideally, drive that out simple as shit companies that offer the alternative service, the service that sells the product at same price to all should eventually turn the bigger profits and drive the shitty practice out but then again >capitalism working ideally so much for the INVISIBLE HAND
Amusingly, Smith actually supported government regulation to some extend
people below age 25 are more likely to get in accidents so they charge you more
I'm not fine with a system designed with the prerequisite that the majority is pushed into the fucking ground just to keep the wheels turning That is a bad system to me and I don't accept it
I think the nordic system works pretty much best in the world we have regulation to keep people and business in line but we have free enough market to keep investments and the economy running and the social security network to catch those who fall outside the system
>>195455 There is much to catch up to. I need to walk though >>195456 batoto probably I haven't read anything in a while though. Except for the new Mizukami.
look at this retarded fucking dashboard with this plastic volume button
what a fuckin idiot i bet they had to make a special ed class at dashboard school just for that fuck and all the other dashboards laughed at him
the armrest, if down, literally blocks me from turning the wheel because my elbow bangs into it
it's a chevy trax i hate it
HAHA holy shit i was just working on something a couple days ago about the chevy trax they were talking to people who, over long periods of times, considered buying a trax but went for a different vehicle instead
not surprising this car is SHIT
the rearview mirror is fucking miniscule the side mirrors are placed terribly so i can't get good views of everything
the entire car is a blindspot
that's what i figured out after driving it for 10 minutes
also there's a panel that opens up that has a usb port and aux port if i want to use an aux cord, i have to close the panel ON the wire or wrap my phone in the wire and close it inside the panel so that i cannot access it or leave the panel open which is then a distraction
do you see why i want to go into privatized R&D? what you're feeling with that car is what i feel with everything everywhere i go i feel like complaining about bad design but because i'm not a whiny shit, i get excited instead and think about what would be better
whoever designed this car and whoever approved it for production should be hanged tbh
you should fix the design of everything
that's what i plan on i'm gonna design a better world fuck this old one it's kind of really shit anyway
i feel like there has got to be some sort of collection of tenats of design and the trax ignores all of them
imo i think it's a little ingenious that, for a business that's attempting to detach R&D from the product and service companies and privatize it as a standalone, unaffiliated service, that the first proof of concept platform is to address concerns within the industry itself that causes high markup and entry barriers to R&D so that it can be affordable and manageable as a standalone i think i'm really clever for it but maybe that's just obvious and 18 year old business students would be telling me i dunno what i'm doing
i get what you mean but the trax is really just an unforgivable nightmare
that's kind of chevy in general tbq honest family
yeah you're not wrong
why hasnt the free market selected them out yet
GM is fucking crazy dude they want to own Lyft and have an entire fleet of self-driving car service through lyft and eliminate the lyft drivers after their shit back last decade, they just take all that money and pour it down the R&D pipeline and if they even get one good thing out of it they'll be hailed as successful for it and everyone will have restored faith in GM like they're not the only ones who have that idea either, but they're just so deep into it they can't see past it it's like when louise was digging into russia and thought she'd be getting a journalism award or some shit for busting the administration wide open that kind of crazy
and chevy is gm's sandbox brand pretty much
i'm not sure if you've ever seen the adverts but lyft advertises heavily that they'll pay for you to rent a car to be a lyft driver. i'm not sure the rates on that but supposedly it's an alright deal and that's part of GM's thing, they'll rent out all these chevys like for free or subsidized or something to lyft drivers so all these nerds that dont have jobs and wanna drive with lyft are driving all these random ass chevy pipeline products like the bolt or the trax and gm just uses it as their big sandbox to try everything out and get their leg up in that market by producing that consumer interaction without there actually being any consumers so many fuckin chevys out there because of lyft and they get all that large-volume data about what's wrong with them out in the field and not in their testing centers
koiran ilma - dog's weather, a weather so bad that only dog owners are seen outside
I am getting better. The abyss only lasts for a few moments. I wish it wasn't so humid today. I want to go to a place where I can work and concentrate.
Also I want to go do stuff in the basement today, but can't. My mom had a cracked tooth extracted this mmorning, and is laying in bed on the second floor. I need to be able to hehear her if she needs anything.
Ah, I should charge the other battery. I am able to use my phone's port now. Although, it's still in a "must bend cable in a hard to hold position for hours " situation.
Oh right I was supposed to be not drinking till my bday oh well
The subs choose at seemingly random whether to translate stuff It's really annoying, cause you just have to hope whatever it doesn't translate doesn't turn out to be important later
so I bought a emmental+edam pizza from the same manufacturer who made the popcorn pizza cause damn they had good crust, sauce and cheese for a frozen pizza and then I added some cayane and nutmeg on it and bacon and MAN is this good
I was half asleep for like an hour or so, and I wwas thinking about things. My mind was making all these weird connections, and now I can't recall them. Some of the stuff was /moe/ related though.