>that feel when your favorite krautrock band is French
SK, you like any krautrock stuff?
Nope, never listened to any
Oh, huh. Kraftwerk is actually the only genuine krautrock band I've listened to a lot. But I ak at least vaguely familiar with a few other bands. Neu! Faust Popol Vuh The band that I was specifically referring to earlier is Stereolab.
I got a new follower in the first 3 or 4 retweets and now I'm at like 20 and not one new one Where's my exponential growth, motherfucker, I worked on this
Once a year the best distiller of finland travels around the country looking for the crop of his liking and then he buys that crop and makes booze out of it and it gets bottled as "The Master Distiller's Nro 1" now to sample 2016, on stores for the first time
>>195579 well most o the world calls it vodka but according to us vodka fags (finland, poland, sweden, russia) it isn't it is just clear booze that hasn't been 100% distilled of all flavour
In finnish there are 2 names for the clear booze vodka and just literally booze "viina" >>195580 btw this "vodka purism" is bit amusing when it comes to russia since they violate the otherwise "cognac is only made in france" and "champagne is only made in france" things on their own
Which is why when imported they are sold with a compromise "russian cognac" or "russian champagne" Gotta love alcohol industry here
Over the course of several years, slowbeef has gone from making fun of DSP to parodying him with a frightful amount of uh accuracy
I thought of a drinking game though it would work best in person
>make people who can't understand finnish listen to finnish songs >3-5 songs >one of them is a happy or sad song >rest are opposite >they have to tell the difference >those who get it wrong take a shot >host finnish person drinks per person who gets it right
I haven't watched more than like half a video of this DSP person
also an actual serious question if a kind of a need for political discussion comes due to events or it just starts to pop up what if we make a thread for it at the moment and then it is just nuked out of existence later? easily contained easily removed but still kept, hopefully, within common limits of decensy >>195607 now? you didn't have rain earlier or yesterday?
>>195641 Everything about today has been really troublesome. The only non-troublesome thing that's happened today is that I came home and got to see Fish.
I hate flies so much. A single fly gets in here and all it does is land on my face and my hands over and over and OVER. There's even fruit sitting on the counter but this stupid fly has to annoy me all afternoon. Nothing makes me angry like flies.
>>195645 So there was some other troublesome stuff too?
>>195648 oh right one of the five songs is happy one
>>195649 Yeah. I wasted a bunch of time getting the rental car because the reservation wasn't made, and my rental car is the least comfortable thing I've ever had the displeasure of entering, let alone driving. It's almost like it was designed to be terrible. After that, I went and got lunch with Fish's dad which was super exhausting. I was supposed to have tomorrow off, but I got word that I have to go to an emergency meeting at 8:30am. Also I was prepared for class and was able to remember some stuff, so I got called a computer again because apparently that's not just a one-time thing now. Today was really troublesome. I'm just glad to be home.
>>195655 I've always had good experiences with them. This one is a Chevvy Trax. The dashboard is like a sheet of crappy plastic and the radio is stupidly designed. I can't have the armrest down while I drive or I can't turn the steering wheel without hitting my elbow. The rearview mirror is really small and the sideview mirrors are located so close to the driver's seat that I can barely get any good use out of them. Also the entire car is a blindspot. If I turn around to try and see what's beside me, I get to see plastic, instead. It's a really shitty car. Whoever designed it should be hanged and whoever approved its production should be shot.
Oh yes, taking two birth control pills a day instead of one to get back on track because you've not been taking them That's a good idea No repercussions will occur from that I'm sure
>>195658 It's double the birthcontrol Foolproof anti baby plan
>>195658 kinda out of the blue also no it won't give any extra effects and most likely will just give you some side effect
It's not a huge problem for me, but it's just another not bright idea >>195664 Because I don't know And she knows it's causing a negative side effect but she just did it again and it's like what are you doing
That's because I assumed she stopped a while back when it was making the monthly blues happen more often but she apparently has done it more since she just had it happen for like the third time this month. >>195672 Yes, she has been Hopefully she's done doing that because she has caught up but catching up is ahgahwdhga
Yeah, knocking her hormones out ot whack like that could cause bleeding. She should really know better than to do something like that, but oh well. It's not your job to take care of her.
If she's had three instances of excessive bleeding in the last 30 days, then she needs to talk about this with her doctor. She could be seriously damaging her reproductive capabilities.
Also yeah I am piecing toget her some story here but I am seriously missing some info here >>195688 I guess so But I would stil lsay "so many people do it who you can't reach, why reach just the person at hand and not every one?" >>195692 how many timezones does moe even cover atm
>>195694 I know, but I live by utilitiarism fuck I can't see even with my glasses is that correctly written yes it is 150% zzoom man i hate 1080p in 30+ inch screens
How long has she been using it? I don't know if you know how birth control works, but the most typical types take a few days to be effective once you go on it. If you miss it enough you aren't protected anymore.
I guess she is doubling up trying to get safe faster? But it doesn't work like that. She needs to be patient, or use the morning after pill.
just remind her that you can fool your ovaries but you can't fool Jesus.
Anyway TN Blind's leaving me because she's a weeb for Japan but in a way that she doesn't like anime and video games anymore and just likes their culture which aghaewhag ew Etc etc you're drunk but eh
>>195701 Actually it's even weirder since she's taking the birth control to help with her normal periods So she started her period early one time when she had forgotten to take the pills correctly so she started doubling up to catch up and also stop the period persumably but that's a bad idea for the reasons Kirara has given out.
>>195700 what is it? right chevy but what kind of chevy
>>195702 not really drunk but hey you okay? dunno bout her but you put a lot of into this relationship and all that kinda feels like she is being a bit unfair
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>195701 >just remind her that you can fool your ovaries but you can't fool Jesus. not sure exactly what to say about this but i just wanted to comment on this line
>>195709 I definitely am more okay than I was two months ago I try to put things out of mind but I am pretty down for a little bit sometimes.
I also have to move back home and stuff since I can't pay for this apartment alone and she waited too long to tell me about not wanting to renew the lease and stuff.
>>195713 She has a new overseas japanese boyfriend if that affects your opinion. Hayai. >>195712 Clearly. I scolded her twice so hopefully she stops taking them excessively. She says it's easy to forget it when she comes home but like if it prevents you from bleeding you should probably take it.
not really that much how is an overseas bf an overseas bf if you have never met
revenge in relationships when they rip apart is never right but neither is keeping it up just to "not be insensitive" or "not inconvenience oneself" you lie you lie you betray you betray you cheat you cheat
>>195717 Two of my friends were dating in an overseas relationship for close to a year before they finally met for the first time. They're still committed to that long-distance relationship and see each other two or three times a year.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>195719 Actually TN fun fact she started wanting to end the relationship in January but she kept quiet about it until May so as to not upset me so...
>>195738 I mean she does have some special problems with that particular part of the body. >>195743 about a month or so, but she's had him as a pen pal for quite some time. Like 5 months She doesn't like long distance relationships but apparently he asked and she said why not.
Sooo why does she now have a japanese bf? and how long? I kinda feel like she has some issues with human feelings and emotions especially the love part
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a month and she's fucking ton while she has the japanese boyfriend too
>>195742 If the birth control is important for keeping things regulated, that's all the more reason to make sure she doens't neglect to take it. It's not like they need to be in a special place, put them with your makeup or toothbrush or something.
>>195748 We met in Calculus 2 and then we both happened to go to an anime convention for our own reasons. She saw me there and realized I was into anime and she was already crushing on me at the time so we just started chit chatting and finally decided to go out in the summer of 2013. >>195750 It's in the bathroom but I think sometimes she just falls asleep from being so tired. She takes it before bed.
>>195747 >>195752 Right after I told Piano that I liked her and I knew that it wouldn't work out, I said "Whatever, let's go get some sandwiches." and now every time I have a sandwich or see a sandwich, I feel this awkward hole in my chest.
So I just want to say thanks.
In my experience, a decent portion of girls who are into anime are kind of nuts. Well, actually, to be fair a decent portion of any people into anime are nuts.
Fish takes hers every morning after breakfast, at the same time I take my medication. That way it's pretty much impossible for us to forget our medications since we'd both remind each other.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>195758 She's going back home until she gets in a program to teach over in japan, yeah
I'm not interested in revenge really. Part of me wants JP boy to dump her for the same reasons she dumped me though. And another wonders if she'll just drop him too.
I am really bad with daily habits, I have to force myself to remember to brush my hair, brush my teeth, eat breakfast etc >>195754 One day I post you a very delicious sandwich and you'll enjoy it so much that all you will remember is the taste of a cheese ploughmans.
>>195765 Like the weird thing is her sex drive is super low so it's not really that I don't think. For whatever reason she just stopped liking anime and games, losing what we had in common, and focused on glorious nipland.
>>195769 That was actually one of the reasons I always thought you'd break up to be honest Couples, especially young couples with incompatible or mutually low or such sex drives, usually don't last tat long
>>195754 100% of my romantic pursuits have ended in failure, so I'm always a sympathetic shoulder to cry on. Hoh hoh hoh.
>>195771 Wowme2 Not that I've tried since like 2011 or so.
I spent 1 hour and a bit sorting out my album art for my music player. only to discover it has be somehow attached to all the music and all the music has to be reimported once that is done.
>>195786 we still don't know all and most of people on this board will know a fragment of what people (on this board) closest to tonski, will know so their opinions are quite dangerous in the sense no need to brew hatred towards an individual even if she is 100% in the wrong and an absolute bitch
>>195780 Hey now, there's plenty of Japanese culture that doesn't have anything to do with manga or anime. Like the other literature. Or being a slave in the kitchen if you're of the female persuasion. Or killing yourself in the most bureaucratic nightmare of an office industry in the entire world. Or literally killing yourself because of all the pressure involved in life over there.
>>195792 haha Yeah Japanese culture is pretty fucked up in a lot of ways It has a lot of redeeming qualities but going from liking anime and manga to having 0 interest in it but retaining interesting in Japanese societal values is ridiculous.
I also forget to brush my teeth in the evening sometimes.
>>195800 My sister is a bit of this. When she had a pretty normal-y gamer of a boyfriend, she would get into games, albeit pretty casually. Now she doesn't like games remotely and is obsessed with cars and shooting guns and shitty country pop music and has started developing a conservative-leaning political opinion. Guess what her new boyfriend is like.
I used to think I wanted someone who matched me but I feel like I never really chase that. The people I fall for are stars. They illuminate my problems whenever I look at them. But I don't want to stop.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
im buying DLC
>>195807 you just lack will of force you can pass out if you have strong enough will to not breath
>>195808 I thought so too but then Fish started getting into anime and I started enjoying her company more Not to say that I didn't enjoy it prior to that but I think it had an impact on me
Girls are sneaky They worm their way into your heart and grab it as soon as you think you're safe
>>195814 it IS nice somewhat. I just don't look for that at all. It startles me sometimes, actually. I remember when Piano asked me if I liked anime. I lost my words.
>>195828 Yeah. I've been caught in their traps twice now. First Teacup trapped me like that, and now Fish. And both times, I said, "I'll never love this person."
Maybe all it takes for me to fall in love is living with a girl, though!
>>195829 The point is not really was it good or not but how much it affected the general "what is animated and what isn't" k-on wasn't the birth of the moeboom, but it was the bannerman of it
>>195828 I'm going to have to go around and find a cute girl I can get emotionally attached to all over again.
Trust issues suck, eh.
>>195829 >>195832 so not anything like must see be it 4koma or as an anime especially the boring as fuck s2 it isn't anything remarkable and can be easily skipped but its influence on the industry can't be ignored
>>195828 Two failed confessions and one turn down in, I think I've got this "woman" thing down. But of course, I think I fear success far more than failure.
I am not very keen on the idea of romantic relationships. I much prefer to do my own thing, the idea of learning how to interact with someone sounds just stressful
>>195836 hey atleast you have one turned in I am at "two I rejected and one I never turned in"
>>195837 It's kind of similar for me, but instead more of, I wouldn't even know where to start. I'm totally clueless about it all. I don't know how to start dating or progress dating or where to start finding dating. And since I don't have a starting point I just figure it's less of an effort to go for it.
You're a super busy person. I should be utilizing the playbook that Teacup and Fish used because all the people I'm attracted to are super busy and have no time for no one.
>>195841 It's not really my business, I just don't have a lot of interest in others in that way. I'm a naturally distant person and I generally prefer watching people do stuff than being involved directly, or setting things up for people to do stuff so that I can watch. My favorite thing about my /moe/ trips for example is watching my friends have fun, although doing stuff with them is great, too.
So I need someone that can basically bruteforce it until I develop an interest in them.
Also I don't know if I'd do well in Japan I'm not a fan of what asian food I've really had And they don't like gaijins anyway. >>195849 That sounds cute. >>195850 I like rice But like there's all those sauces on meat and even without the sauce the meat tastes odd to me. I had a sort of bowl at a japanese place nearby and just wasn't a fan
>>195851 How does it not count? I was the one who confessed my feelings first! I just didn't know I was being overheard. I was having girl talk next to an open window.
>>195852 That's exactly what makes it different. The emotion in your chest. The person you're facing with your confessions. It's very different.
I could tell my younger cousins who came to conference that I liked Piano until I was blue (haha) in the face. Telling Piano directly took years. ...Although, there was a good bit of time where she was INCREDIBLY TOO YOUNG so I guess I can shave that off. But still.
>>195842 Just taking from kyoani how many shows have they done that aren't "k-on faces" post k-on but that is irrelevant in the big picture but yeah the actual moe boom which was beginning bad wording to lecture, but the point is that K-on and its success as an anime, was like pouring gasoline to a bonfire and that bonfire is in a dry forest
I remember I got confessed to in grade 1. It was a girl named Sabrina, I think, and she told me that she had a crush on me in line to go inside from recess or something. And then I got scared and thought that she literally wanted to crush me and I started avoiding her.
I had like three girls yhat I promised to marry when I was very young. And then I moved away. If I ever move back to St. Louis my life should turn into a harem anime esque scenario.
>Blind has special secret japanese ramen that's going to expire soon >Goes to make it >say I don't want any I got this stick of bread >she thought I said go ahead so now I have a bowl of ramen eff >>195862 yes?
I didn't remember her name until I was making that post, though, so it might not be accurate.
The one girl who's confessed to me was one with well-illustrated mental problems and a total basket case. I'm not one to exactly follow "don't stick your dick in crazy" to the T, but this one was definitely not a good idea to get intimate with.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
As unfortunate as your uh conditions have been, Kirara, thinking that she meant she wants to crush you is cute and hilarious
I remember some chick decided we were dating in grade school too, but I think it only lasted like a day or something and I don't remember any details about it.
I don't know why girls confess to me, I don't think I come across as the kind of person that would make a good significant other, unless you know me well, maybe. But nobody really knows me well.
>>195869 What do we mean by "start" and "boom" in this context?
>>195869 yes but if you look at the early 00s anime and then post 05 anime there is a clear DIFFERENCE THERE lucky star, haruhi, kon they all played their part magnificially and others did too but K-on was the international big hit in terms of just being "cure /cute girls doing cute things" LS sure was a big hit too but it also has a different art style
>>195868 ugh UGH I HATE THIS. THERE WAS A GIRL WHO LIKED ME IN HIGH SCHOOL. AND WHEN I WAS SLEEPING ON THE BUS, SHE GRABBED ME AND PUT HER ARMS AROUND MY NECK. BUT I WAS SLEEPING AND I COULDN'T TELL WHO WAS HOLDING ME. I THOUGHT I WAS JUST PULLED INTO A FIGHT. It was so incredibly awkward afterwards. She was really cool after I got to know her but it was just... a really REALLY bad foot to start on.
I was rejected once though. I never confessed, I just pined in a really obvious and pathetic way.
>>195864 There was a girl with down syndrome who had a crush on me in highschool. I expertly avoided contact with her. I would however like to add that she was the least retarded person with down syndrome that I have ever met.
I've been confessed to but never actually directly rejected anyone. Like I just started avoiding that one girl. With Teacup in middle school, I hid under a table after hearing that she was interested in me and then later pretended nothing happened. In high school, there was this girl that came onto me but I didn't realize it at the time. There was another girl in high school that wanted to fuck, idk if she wanted to go out, but I didn't want to go to the mall because I had no way to get there, so I started avoiding her. I was embarrassed to not be able to go to the mall. Then in college, there was Teacup again. Then I guess there was Train, but there wasn't really a confession there and there was only physical stuff. And now Fish.
>hid under the table CUTE >>195881 no, all my crushes have been pretty one-sided I'm pretty sure.
>>195881 A few times actually. I was a bit surprised on one of them. I like to think that if we dated she wouldn't have fucked up her life as much. Although she's doing okay I guess. But before she got really into stoner culture she was on track to become a professional cellist.
>>195884 >you like someone >they like you too >never mention it >years go by >"I liked you back then lol" what pain
>>195885 Well I guess yeah I only realised it when I felt jealousy when she came to a party with her recently acquired boyfriend and I knew she had been crushing and lusting after me for years
>>195893 I just thought she was attrative woman and realised she had the hots for me but I didn't feel anything for her aside from that and I don't like to act by biological impulses or actually I never do
>>195894 He looks like the kind of NPC that you'd see at a hipster coffee shop. He has one of those super generic beards that are all the rage among normies right now, too.
>>195891 Yeah that's happened to me. I asked someone out and they said yes, on Friday. And then Monday, back at school, they pulled me aside and said that we should just keep being friends.
>>195907 Prophecy tells that world doesn't get destroyed before I die so tough luck >>195914 who dat and now you are ready to bounce back to pan I hope he is ready to accept you once again >>195917 So real lame
>>195913 the coolest fate character fuck bitches get holy
Also since there are so many moos present here gimme some pity and let me try out this drinking game I know I will use it someday even here with exchange students
>>195967 This is probably the best thing in Fate/Zero
>>195970 Hetkinen, nyt vastaan tuleen tulella, ja puhun sinulle täydellistä kirjakielisuomea, joten nauti siitä saatanan paska-aivo. Tuon äskisen lauseen google käännös saattaa jopa kääntää, mutta sitten vaihdetaanpas murteeseen. Kuules mitäs vittua sie säädät ja höpläät alas vittu avaa naamas ja kertoa mitä siu ees meinaa siu sanomil?
It is strange to think this is public board and anyone can join but floods of people in r/a/dio was a interesting feeling.
I used to disdain circlejerks a lot on /a/ but here I don't know how to get used to other people! >>195973 I was just mean the same people with names and trip making generals on /a/ but here I wouldn't feel comfortable if there was lots of anons and people I have no idea who they are as they come in.
>>195981 I know that part! but I didn't know you started it off! I didn't have anyone to trade with and then they locked off trading.
but I did have fun talking about the game and I enjoyed that moment when the game was being investigated and all those Chihaya images of her in Jail were going about
>>195985 i'd have to know you before i could forget you but i don't even know who you are anon i just call you that anon who posts punctually and puts two h's in ha
>>195975 You were not, and never have been a good source of drama. I have explained this to you in the past, but I don't think you got it. A message that is consistently annoying and negative has no value. No one ever says "I wonder what TN will think about this" because you are 100% predictable.
You were explained to me as Siztra that never shuts up, but whoever says that was way off base.
The best drama-makers are people who are cool some of the time and assholes the other part of the time. No one takes you seriously because your message is the same all the time. No one really took what you had to say seriously from the r/a/dio crew either.
>>195999 Yeah, but I can't post them because there aren't escape characters. >>196005 Uhh, I guess Lemme test them first test test #test
>>196009 A little bit. TN can be pretty abrasive, but he's not really a bad guy or anything. Just earlier, after ToN said that Blind was leaving him, he was concerned about whether or not ToN was okay. And when Teacup died, he was there for me, too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Jesus Christ Rika how many of the // some good gacha summons do you have
>>196010 The truth is that I want to TN understand what I'm saying so they he can improve as a poster. He would be a better poster if he were to break character a little more.
>>196011 I don't know! Which characters are you talking about?
>>196018 He only needs you have to water summons equipped but he can go to 120% with maximum water summons equipped which is graet great even
>>196003 True and not true Hmm well I am not gonna go into deteail or anything rn cause I am drunk not that mucb ut enough to know I am
Now yeah I never caused outright drama as in I was never the cause of drama and if you asked me what caused rama I can't relay what caused it cause either I wasnät there or even if I was I wouldn't fucking care seriously internet drama, even on a board where I care about people like I do at this point, but at earlier point where I just posted out of boredom Hah as if I could be bothered But the point is just like I find say Kancolle spam annoying or GBF spam annoying or whatever annoying, I found random human dram annoying as fuck I found no interest in participating in it, and I found no interest in watching it unfold, so I took a stance of "fuck your drama and make it stop, it most likely is petty and meaningless" and you know what even if you don't remember it IT WORKED AT TIMES maybe just because everyone taught "wow even this fucker TN is laughing at us, maybe we should think this throught"
>>196014 Well, I think he could be more pleasant sometimes, but it just seemed like a weird time to go into all of that. We were just reminising about stuff and you said some pretty harsh stuff out of nowhere!
in my imo, you're still missin out FEH has feathers flying in all the time i think i got like 50k feathers in two or three weeks and that was before the new stuff just came out you can grind SP real fast with the new stuff too it makes the process motivating to actually build up your characters and not so taxing to 5* them
But seriously, don't take me seriously I don't post here seriously I preach about "don't post on a public forum your shit" why would I ever do the same or participate on dat shit on a public forum I hate hypocrisy the most
You probably can't tell between me on my medication consistently vs when I go off it for a day and then get back on it vs when I'm off it for more than a day.
>>196075 well they do human wrong different on how I do it
>>196079 yeah i hate painkillers. i never take them unless it's an emergency
if you ever do try a drug though, do your research and do an allergy test people do allergy testing by taking a really really small dose so that it doesn't really cause a problem if there is an allergic response but they can still identify it
>>196080 sandwich is a sandwich sub is a sub wrap is a wrap and all the rest in that pic belong to the pyre of heretics
>>196088 I'm just a huge scaredy cat when it comes to all sorts of things like that.
Oh yeah speaking of allergies, I had a plastic timble thing that people use at work to sort through papers. I had to go through a lot of boxes of paper today and then asked if the timble was made of latax since I am allergic to it and they didn't know.
I put it on and a few moment later my skin was coming of my finger. I never really though much of my allergy to latax since It was when I was a kid and it caused me my skin to bleed but I thought it would be gone.
It was a surprise to see it act so quickly!
>>196091 just come hang with me and rook, we're responsible users we'll show you how it's done.
I think what I like best about the sandwich debate is that it reminds me of exactly how I feel about RPGs. Feel my dread. This completely incomprehensible hodgepodge of a genre. May it die a death from being properly categorized.
>>196095 Well, subs in the traditional sense aren't sandwiches. A sub sandwich has a different format that does conform with the definition of sandwiches.
A sub is a small german girl with a lot of doujinshi
>>196106 >bread with stuff in it That's not a precise enough definition of a sandwich. Since by that ddefinition blueberry muffins would be sandwiches.
I don't care if they get triggered! >>196113 No it is a terrible waste of money >>196115 I've never had a proper taco I don't think. But wraps and tacos are kinda different I feel
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>196106 all the sandwich autists are gonna get triggered
>>196132 first off, pizza is a flatbread it assimilates the cheese and sauce and it becomes a single unit. For it to be a sandwich, you'll need non-cheese toppings.
Oh shit. Kirara is going to bed. which means it is late. >>196137 I think just folding it is qualifying enough! better still if you put chips between the folds.
But seriously all I ask is for someone just a singular someone to listen to 5 songs and try to guess which one of them was a happy song and say that to me
is that really asking for the fucking galaxy and universe beyond it?
>>196148 Out of the three in that post, my guess is the first.
Oh there were some puush'd ones. I only listened to the YouTube ones.
Five songs feels like a long time for a drinking game interval. Unless you only want to do like the first thirty seconds or half minute of each song.
which is why I said it works best live with shots when it doesn't seem that much
>>196152 do you really wanna do like 5-10 shots an hour? for 6-12 hours?
Not really. But I also don't really want to do one shot every 18-25 minutes for six to twelve hours. If it's that slow I'll just lose interest in drinking.
finnish drink occassions always last long LOOOONG >>196155 yeah the point is to do this game just maybe an hour or two but anyhow with 4 people most likely it will keep its interest everyone will drink their "to quench their thirst" drink anyhow but only the loser will take a shot and with enough customation it can even work with people who share the same language
but as a proto i t is best tried out as 100% language barrier
basically I will make an universal drinking game out of this but as a test I wanna see how people recognise and fail at the finnish songs which are weird as fuck in their melody vs their message in lyrics
>>196165 I'd say "I doubt this" but it is you but I'd still find it fun and be kinda almost indebted if you took your time to take part in my little qui< z
>>196168 I doubt they'd anyhow buy into the polcor thing but how you atleast worded it SOUNDED LIKE IT
or rather the pic fuck I had a new name for him that guy posted
>>196169 That's why the joke works Because some suckers will think it's polcor and then realise they just got scammed because they didn't read the part that says it's the same thing in a pink box
Did you railroad them into murdering their boss? Cause my dm did that a month or so ago to one of the pcs. It was a secret plot by that characters brother. Who is an npc created by the dm. I never come up with concepts for my pc's family cause I know the dm will use them against me. Well, aside from the current gag of all my recent pc's being sisters with similar names.
They haven't hurt their employers lately, no. They're self employed at this point really.' They've grown up from being fledgling adventuring bumpkins and are on the way to being full heroes
I also don't come up with anything more than a simple backstory either. Cause I've seen this dm screw people over with that. Although I have a slight advantage in that its a shared campaign setting where different dms run games set in different regions. And I've explicitly stated that my last three characters are from that continent. There are only three people in our extended group that get to do that and after I got permission to run a game in the setting we agreed not to let anyone else run games in it.
I would say I've never used my characters' backstories against them except that Owl's character's being half tiefling is most of the story premise really. Whooooops
>>196190 Not much Next two dungeons are going to have at least a puzzle I like obstacles more They get to figureo ut cool ways to use their talens to get around them
>>196192 That's good too. My DM does lots of puzzles and stuff like that. I remember we had some encounters where all our movement was flipped over an axis or two. Same with where we wanted to attack. He's had us do riddles, crosswords, kenken, sudoku, logic puzzles and what not in various dungeons. Often times the results were hints for other puzzles, or hints about enemy weaknesses.
The most recent dungeon we did was very big and had a lot of obstacle type stuff too. There was a room with random holes all over it that were filled with mist, and the enemy there was a master tactician. We had to retreat and try again twice.
In the current campaign there's some sirt of conspiracy involving ancient sacred stones being stolen to break the seal on a dark god that will usher in the apocalypse.
>>196191 I didn't notice you meant >Live Tweeting Penetration Testing And not just >Live Tweeting Penetration Until just now
hell if i know frickin australians tryin to say words but they dunno how to use sounds right i had to go onto the google box and try to figure out what they wuz even sayin
i'll take the thighs i've always preferred the dark meat white meat is just too dry and doesn't have the same flavor you know. great for sandwiches maybe with mayonaisse and stuff
euphemisms for human anatomy like "limbs" for legs and arms
Crap, I have to sleep with the dog tonight
. She wakes up at like 6am most of the time.
>>196363 get out but it's thanksgiving >my family wants to have you over // wow i fucked the oldest wordplay in the world up i give up i don't deserve to finish this post
>>196370 In that case, no. Astronauts are usually all-american military men though. Or at least they used to be. Maybe that's why, since Ohio is so American.
>>196379 i just asked if you wanted to not if you would besides you could totally take a week off of work and be fine if i take a week off of work i might not be able to eat in a couple weeks
>>196379 My sister took a week off of work to visit South America in May.
>>196383 i was talking with some penpals i have in alaska and i toyed with the idea of taking a trip up there, and mentioned it to imats surprisingly someone else had apparently suggested a similar trip idea to him like the same day weird huh
work takes so long holy ship it's already midnight and i'm only like 30% through. not even a third of the way. this stuff's gotta be done by afternoon tomorrow i'm so tired