Thread #194875
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okay which three or four shows
isekai shoudoku youkai apartment koi to uso jikan no shihihihaha action heroine cheer fruits keppeki danshi new game>>194881 I was working my way there.
Doki also has the first episode of New Game!! subbed.
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If left to me, I would do: koi to uso youkai apartment isekai shoudoku new game
also a new show today, Tenshi no 3P!. I don't know how good it is. Also someone has subbed Kakegurui episode two.
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Aho Girl - 01 [(…).jpg )
Well we have to pick four.
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I'm kind of waiting on Ika to have opinions so we can get started.
The four you listed are probably my top four of the list anyway.
which I dont watch NG lets go though
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tsurezure Child(…).jpg )
koi to uso youkai apartment isekai shoudoku new game
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Are we all ready?
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How can you not watch new game? Is there a fourth you'd prefer to new game? let's be orange for koi to uso is tilde dead? okay are you ready tilde? did you die again tilde? okay lets start
No fourth show Starting
I'm back. My Internet doesn't like me torrenting much. I'm ready now.
If Squid can't do a fourth we can just do New Game! after he goes to bed.
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Yeah, I believe that's the plan.
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This is a good OP.
I feel education is more important for teenagers than getting married.
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Their society is a bit different though.
Yukari isn't a very male name.
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This new one is cute. He should just roll with the punches.
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She's a pretty good match for him too.
ignore her you dunce
Wow you just want him to be rude and un-gentlemanly, Squid?
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I'm rooting for the new girl.
It looks like she's not particularly amicable to the arrangement anyway.
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Yeah, she even instructed him on his bowing. She's top tier. It looks like society is good at matching people.
She's pretty tiny, actually.
He had to wait 'till they were back with everyone to point it out, huh.
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That should convince their parents that they made up.
Hah hah this guy.
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I bet that guy gets matched up with uso girl.
He's a part of the OP so he's a main character in some way. That one's the most likely, probably.
She's a bit of an airhead. No, that's not quite right. Cloud cuckoolander? She's kind of off in her own world.
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Airhead still works. You can be a smart airhead.
Normal conversations don't really involve getting punched in the face.
shes better than main
He's kind of an open book too.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 781x720, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>194930 I agree, welcome aboard the new ship.
>with the longish hair. That might be long for a guy, but that's pretty short-ish by girl standards, isn't it.
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 534x686, [HorribleSubs] Tsurezure Child(…).jpg )
I would not call it longish. I think it's probably a translation issue.
I guess Takasaki has been paying attention to him for a while now.
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It's good that his wife and his mistress get along. well future wife and future mistress
3P is always a prospect.
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This show is infinitely more interesting with future wife in the mix.
It's a more pleasant kind of show than that one from a couple seasons back. The one about scum. Kuzu no Honkai? I'm pretty sure they've got the same mangaka though.
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I didn't watch it, that seemed kind of dark. okay let's move on to youkai apartment okay let's start!
3p might be cute lets tmr or something
Ready.>>194946 It also kind of looks like it might be loliconbait. That's the only reason I'm kind of iffy on it.
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>>194946 What's it about? Either way we'll do it tomorrow.
lolis and a highschooler
A six months that turn into one year that turn into three years.
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Yeah, I guess he is Rackham.
The designs and style for this show are kind of early '00s.
This guy is more laidback and polite than I expected him to be.
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He's a walking infodump.
>Wouldn't it be awesome to watch movies in English without subtitles A line in a Japanese anime written on subtitles.
Oh is he developing PSYCHIC ABILITIES. At least take the bag with you man.
he looks kagami
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Wow he's getting a whole suite of psychic powers.
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I thought he would get a premonition or something. instead he became a spirit healer or something
Well he did get a premonition or something. He just didn't act on it fast enough.
What a nice pair of ghost hands.
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ghost handjob wooooo
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This is a pretty good ED oaky next up is isekai sudoku>>194971 if a show never gets watched because it's put off again and again, that means it wasn't worthy it's natural selection>>194971 we'll watch at least a few episodes I'm sure I wonder if Ika died.>>194971 What are you worried about not getting watched? okay we're all orange let's start
Oh right. One of the things I was trying to say when my Internet was freaking out earlier was that watching all the best shows in one day kind of feels like everything else is just gonna get put off until it doesn't get watched anymore.>>194970 Two of them we haven't even tried yet. You can't natural select things without their attributes being defined. Take it however you want to, but your word when it comes to watching stuff is pretty flimsy.
we will watch everything relax
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I wonder how he deals with people who don't want to put the knife away,
Day of Satur Saturday
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I was going to say yeah, William is dead.
I think I had that kind of soup at one of the restaurants I went to in Japan. I don't know what was in it but it was a tasty soup.
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That was a good story.
So the legend of the runner of Marathon, eh.
this is funny
Wow that's a bit overboard. I guess he's got a long way to run though.
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Yeah, he's been starving and stuff.
I wonder if it only appears in all locations every seven days, or if a set of doors appear on a certain day of the week.
Looks like all doors open on Saturday.
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This episode was even better than the last.
I really like this show
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That was a very good episode. Thanks for anime Ika! have a good sleep let's new game! okay lets start
All right, ready.
I can't believe Squid never watched this show. He never got to enjoy Best Girl Suzukaze Aoba.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 652x718, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg )
Ika should watch it. He doesn't like cute girls shows sometimes though.
Well that's a camera focus. There's a lot of parallels going on.
Hadjime-san Hazime-san Hajime-san Hadzime-san There isn't really an English consonant combination for accurately replicating that sound.
Haduki-san Hadzuki-san
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New project!
Workplace harassment
Mahou shoujo sentai game.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
>>195002 Being the boss means you get to harass your minions.
Ahagon can be awfully playful if you get her in the right mood.
Oh it broke. Guess she's learning the uphill struggle of game programming.
Also that's an Apple laptop but she's coding in what looks like a C++ or C# imitator.>cpp Yeah that's C++.
That long hair is so nice.
Oh they actually brought up the fact that they're all girls.
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
She's smart. I'm a little disappointed at the lack of new outfits. I imagine that's due to faithful adaptation though. There's no seasonal break in the source material so there wouldn't be a sudden change in outfits.
The mangaka does have a thing for fashion though. There's a lot of playing dress-up with the manga characters in the tankobons. Maybe we'll see new outfits once the new season picks up speed.
It's kind of neat to see the younger employees maturing into more specific roles. Like Hazuki there was starting to act like a decent project head--or an embryonic one at least.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/11 (火) 04:54 No. 195014
>>195007 .cpp ?
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
This episode has kind of reminded me that we need more girls posting here. We need to replenish our estrogen.
Well good luck finding them.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/11 (火) 04:58 No. 195019
>>195014 I guess I'll never know if she was writing in C++ or calling the C preprocessor in a shell.
An open gauntlet huh. I wonder if Aoba can out-do Kou.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg )
New Game is so good. thanks for anime!