Also the Touhou Crisis 3 MMD series seems pretty good so far. I'm on the second video. I miss my CRT, I need to get another one so I can play Time Crisis 3 again. And also Melee the way its meant to be played™.
actually i have been to ohio once i forgot about that it was when we went from massachusetts to chicago back to texas after Skatefest 2010 and i also remember that it was literally just farms the entire time so were most of the states actually
well i did it i finished one anime series from last season
>>181803 negative what what's it being compared against this is very deceptive data analytics include production costs and expected revenues or else it's a stale data point
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i think it's negative so that rank #1 is at the top
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
what is it, amazon rank?
it's amazing what garbage gets passed off as market research these days R&D puts mid 6-figure budgets up per quarter just for R&D to hire outside consultants to do research and it's fuckin horrid i see all this happen firsthand information is so valuable now and nobody knows how to weild it
wield weld wild
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm getting decent at mccree dem headshots HIIIIIIIIIGH NOOOOOON
hmm yes according to your username, gaypando1776, you i must deduce that you are a gay buzzfeed user that believes taxation is theft and does not support the constitution
Exactly! There must be hundreds of these people working for the NSA working out usernames.
>dogs are now banned from Antarctica.
>Annex II to the Environmental Protocol (Conservation of Antarctic Fauna and Flora) required that dogs were removed from Antarctica by April 1994. wow
Not being able to download podcasts on soundcloud is the worst I wanna listen, but while walking to the shop, damnit, you're supposed to be COMMIES
I've been thinking of downloading a bunch of podcasts. Mostly Japanese ones. Maybe there is a kemono friends radio podcast like they usually do with a numbe r of anime
>>181856 The Asian guy was getting really desperate at the end. He knew he'd lost so he just kept running at him and getting knocked down >>181855 Is youe nipspeak good enough to understand them?
There is! >>181857 I believe so. I don't really know how fluent I am but I have held conversations with some people from Japan on Skype. How are you? You are in thailand right?
>>181881 Oh no you're watching that? According to Slowbuff it has good music and visuals, but as someone who watched it we can agree it's a garbage garbage garbage show Have fun
All I know is so far this show hasn't wowed me Granted I'm 10 minutes into the first episode, but do you know what I genuinely don't care about? Whatever's in that hosue I don't care
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>181886 Slowbeef = one of the two retsupurae dudes You're going to have a bad time.
I'm gonna tell you something pastaman This first season you're watching is generally called the best one, as it "starts the strongest"
But it's all baaaaaaaaad
>this is considered strong
I fucking hate normies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
My dude, just wait until you're watching season 2. There's so many plot points that I thought Blind had watched like 12 episodes when she was on the third one
>>181889 if you want the normie experince, just watch walking dead
I've seen actual comedy cartoons be more spooky
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>181892 Yes, this show suffers the most from being not scary.
>>181895 I didn't watch consistently enough to know if season 1 is decent but I completely agree with the rest of that It just keeps going and making you hate it.
I don't remember what happened in the last episode I just know I enjoyed watching the first season, and season 2 and 3 were "I'm watching this just to have watched it"
>>181898 Same. My colleagues all talk about their normie tv shows like game of thrones and I can't keep up because I don't know anything about their shows
I used to do that with anime too Watch it just to have watched it
I don't anymore, and that's why I watch maybe 3 shows a season
Game of Thrones has been generally terrible from episode 1 though
Stranger Things is the only show recently that normies liked that was actually good
Game of Thrones' strategy is "If we throw enough quirky characters at the audience, they won't notice that they know literally nothing about any of them"
Another problem the show has that some people like is like the constant shifting of timelines. I might be thinking of uh the show with all the fairy tale bullshit Where that one is super amazing confusing and I hate it. But yeah
let's all go out to breakfast together i know a good place called the Egg and I
>>181912 What if this time the twist is they live and do something heroic
>>181916 no, it's not episodic as much as they keep showing things from different times.
Oh, it's achronological
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean I think horror story at least tells you what time it is when they're doing it. that fairy tale show just keeps fucking swapping even when it's not doing backstory so it can give MORE backstory that they didn't give before
Oh the downie is an adult now and for some reason her mother bought her ONLY clothes with the same colors and patterns since she was like 10 What is she, Chris-chan? >>181922 Ï wanna give it one episode So I can justifiably hate it, and not just assume it's cancer because it's a popular American TV show
I might have porridge with honey. Not sure what to have today!
>"American Horror Story" was created by the co-creators of "Glee," but the shows have little in common besides that. The show revolves around the Harmons, a family of three, who move from Boston to Los Angeles in order to reconcile past anguish. What the Harmons don't know is that the house they've moved into is haunted. But it's not haunted by Casperesque friendly ghosts -- it's haunted by demonic creatures. The creatures have a history of not only spooking the house's residents but also devouring them. After living in this house, family patriarch and psychiatrist, Ben, may need a shrink of his own.
>>181923 I will probably make turkey bacon and egg breakfast sandwiches
>>181929 How the fuck could they stretch this tiny story into a full season and keep it engaging? I mean I guess they don't need the second part because of the audience who will watch literally anything as long as it's advertised enough
You know what a good og netflix show is? Narcos That's a well made show.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>181931 it's a house where if you die in it you haunt it.
>13 reasons why gets enormous shit for talking about suicide >american horror story literally has tips for killing yourself in the first episode, super popular show, nobody mentions it
I wanna come up with something to legally fuck with businesses that do stuff to phase out workers Like with the amazon shops you can just have enough people in it, and the system fucks up and can't handle it
That sort of stuff Fuck those businesses hard up the ass, they're anti me
There is a chain of restaurants called Cracker Barrel. They had really good turkey bacon. But corporate pulled it from the menu because people would order it and, upon receiving it, assume it was not cooked and send it back - because they didnt know what turkey bacon looked like. The server can't educate them on turkey bacon or tell them that it's fine. If they did, they risk losing their tips and not having food.
So the capitalist superstructure got rid of the turkey bacon.
>>181959 They did. But turkey bacon and bacon are different colors.
I have never tipped over here. It just isn't a real thing. All jobs have to pay at least the minimum wage.
So many people refuse to tip because they're cunts. We have to tip here. If we don't, servers go hungry. How could anyone justify not tipping? You can't. If you don't tip, you're the enemy of the workers, in my opinion. You're literally dooming people.
>>181969 yeah, tipping is just, man that was good grup and service, i wanna give the waoter some extra
>>181971 Pretty much, if someone does a really great job at teaching the menu and the service is good it is just a way to show appreciation.
but tipping does exist in europe top, but that doesn't mean the workers get only the tip seriously travel to austria, stay in a fancy hotel an don~t tip the piccolo... you are dead man
I always tip really well. I had pizza yesterday and I tipped the delivergirl $6. I usually just tip $5 though.
Most people tip like $1-2 though. How are these people supposed to eat on that? That's not a living wage. They're making like $5 an hour without tips. If they deliver 2 pizzas in an hour, they're getting nothing. It's not enough to survive on.
We have to be there for each other. We're all in the same boat.
Actually recently some american chains have been set over here and they try to use a tipping structure. like the servers get paid regardless of tips but instead of tips going to waiters they go to the company.
>>181974 what do you do if you are poor but want to buy a pizza and can't afford to tip? Do you just not get the pizza or just tip any tiny amount you can
That is such a different thing to over here. If I moved to America I wouldn't even know I was snubbing people by not tipping. I would buy pizza for just the pizza and not pay anything else.
I once went to five guys with a friend and he had been to america and wanted us to all tip in the UK despite the fact they get paid the same as anyone else in any other food place even if it was an "american" themed place.
The law says you can pay these people like fucking $3 an hour because they get tips.
Why is that even a law.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>The American federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees that receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182003 Doesn't that mean if they take no tips they can still be paid 7.25 an hour?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182005 Yeah, $7.25 an hour is less than half of the living wage in every single state except Wyoming, but it's still $5 below the living wage in Wyoming.
And by living wage here, I mean, the American living wage - enough to afford an apartment. It doesn't include food.
There's also no regulation of it. There are stores that ensure servers don't make more than $7 an hour by doing what's called "tipsharing" So all the tips have to be deposited into a jar and then they're divided among the employees and the restaurant takes a portion of it.
That is such an evil thing to do. Seriously who thinks of a system deliberately to make people stay poor and take anything they would normally get for the company.
>>182012 Most places don't do the tip sharing but many do.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>182012 What's the point of providing good service is someone else will get my tip anyway?
I hope american don't tip too much in the UK, although it is generous, I bet they are used to the american system and automatically tip servers here.
>>182013 i always ask beforehand to check i'm okay with tipsharing the cooks sometimes, especially if it's a short-order place but most of the time i want my server to get my tip
I'd like everyone to get paid. Unfortunately, we don't live in a society where there is value in human life and people are just faceless machine parts that can be easily exchanged without consequence.
welp, no way i can make it to 16:45 bus guess i'll have to entertain myself in ikeahell until 1745
>>182022 I don't think I implied it. Value can exist because it's inherent, or because we assign value to something.
Whether there is inherent value in a human life or if there is value in human life because we assigned value to it doesn't matter to me. All that matters is that there is value in human life.
If you live in a society that preaches moral values and especially a christian society it feels a little two faced or hypocritical to not give equal value to human life.
The best part about capitalism is that debt and inflation are not just inevitable, but the main mechanisms for most if not all the profit anyone in the system has At the expense of the workers who actually make any of it work to begin with
>>182037 People can decide that something is worthless. Even if we assume human life has inherent value, what good does it do? People can still claim that life has no value and act like it has no value, and then, regardless of the inherent value, it's valueless.
What's important is that we behave as though it has value. Where it gets its value isn't important.
Isn't arbitrary what you believe about the value of life? You just pick a philosophy you think will best suit the survival of the human race and go from there. Religion most preaches moral obligations that we need to observe, like not cheating, not stealing, not killing etc.
The value ascribed to life is probably a good way to prevent society being free of morals and with people killing to take property and stuff.
I'm particularly well learnt so I am probably wrong.
>>182042 I don't know if life has inherent value. I think that it does, but I don't feel like it does. But regardless of that, I know that life is valuable.
If we don't believe it has value, then it wouldn't make sense to behave like it does. This is why people suffer under unfettered capitalism. The system has an underlying assumption that human life is only valuable if that life has access to capital.
But we can observe that this assumption dooms the society that has it because if the workers die, there is no one to sustain the rich folk that worked them to death. Moreover, the rich folk actively breed hate into the workers that they exploit while simultaneously giving them tools to take down their corporate masters. No matter how you look at it, this society is fucked up and not designed to last. This system has only been around like 150 years at this point.
But a society that assumes life has value and behaves as though life has value doesn't run into problems like that. If the people are happy and able to enjoy life, and aren't being blatently exploited, they will work more productively and live happier lives, at the cost of the very rich people being less rich, which they see as unacceptable.
>>182048 It's been 150 years, you might be able to look forward to 150 more What if it turns out not all lives are worthy, or have uneven worth? Wouldn't such a society hav problems? Am I getting into /pol/zone?
>>182050 If a society assumes that all lives aren't of worth or are of uneven worth, it's doomed. We see this throughout history. It always gets shaken up and the society is restructured. It's not sustainable. The only reason it's lasting like it is in our capitalist society is because the majority of people have been bred and taught that being rich makes you better than a poor person and because we have so many imaginary divides like gender, race, etc, which are really just the classist society we live in manipulating groups of people to believe certain ideologies that suit the rich.
>>182056 I wish i did All the betting forms were in thai though. Also people seemed to be betting in the thousands (of baht). I didn't want to lose that kind of money
And i would have lost because i was going for the Chinese guy
There was also this big black guy who lost He looked so broken Just lay on the ground with his face buried in his gloves for a full minute after the fight
Rings like that just make me think of DnD Like rings of fortitude or wisdom.
There is a Now That's What I Call Disney was released under the Walt Disney Records label. I don't know how to feel about it! It has gone so far from when I was younger
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Now That's What I Call a Workout 2016 (December 18, 2015) ????????????????????????????????
>>182112 You need more jazz! I love jazz. Touhou jazz is really neato >>182117 Let do it for a premiar of some Japanese anime movie, I hear they sometimes air in america! >>182119 Wow I am jelly that you are able to travel so much. Are you super rich or something
>>182120 who do you congratulate then, the projector, the guy working it?
>>182122 They're just glad they made it through the whole movie without getting shot
>>182122 Yeah him and the ushers >>182119 did the sunrise section have gundams
>sun lamp >lets you make indoor growing area, for like the winter and stuff >automatically turns itself off at night MOTHERFUCKER WHY I NEED IT TO STAY ON SO I CAN GROW STUFF FASTER
Plants don't need SLEEP for fuck's sake
>>182121 2hujazz is too rarely played with real instruments, though
get the supersoaker that could build enough pressure to rupture and eardrum
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
we should get supersoakers and fill them with lighter fluid
and tang
at six flags saint louis there's the waterpark section and it's huge and they've got these mounted harpoon turrets on this sunken ship that you run around and blast the shit out of each other with harpoon decorated water turrets they're like the fuckin troikas
>>182199 this is an actual factual brand design by a professional how did this happen by a team of professionals, rather, doing focus group testing and everything
I need A picture of a certain airplane from DIRECTLY below it Or above it Both work equally way and it's a clean 50/50 preference here But it has to be one of the two
Do any of you know a good resource for this kind of thing? It's from like WW2
OH SHIT DUDE That's actually EXACTLY what I wanted
Data source: Kannagi M. Moe Preference: Black Additional Quotes: "I like that the man is black." System updated to reflect changes in the data environment.
>>182232 they're so fuckin good we'd always keep like 10 bags of them in the freezer i would sometimes start cooking eggs in the morning and would just decide whatever and put a pot of water on and make a ramen or other soup and drop the half-fried eggs in there with fish balls
>>182235 If you like balls bangkok is a great place to be.
pfffh. bangkok.
bangkok makes me so anxious it's so hot there and it's so chaotic the traffic and those motorcycle taxis give me a heart attack just about, and that's coming from me who used to ride mine in storms but it's so nice there and the fresh fish is so cheap it's like, what, 50 baht for some fresh pomfreit from the fishmongers
Twitter is dangerous because you'll see stuff with like 500K retweets where someone's replying to a famous person like "says the man who paid a tranny hooker to suck the hooker's dick", and you don't think about it, but your brain internalizes it as possibly true You don't even look into it cause it just scrolls by, but the next time you see that famous person's name you're like, "He once paid a tranny to suck her dick"
Man, i had one of those Bike taxis today. The guy was driving on the footpath Whenever the road ahead wasn't clear. And he was singing 'West Virginia Mountain Home ' the entire time. Cool guy
>>182236 there wasn't a specific bomb type used by the Po-2 since it could only carry very small bombs, they just used generic 50kg FABs without a specific designation as far as i know
Space Dandy had good music
the mocha mountain killimanjaro track was my favorite
i guess they were called FAB-50s according to this
>>182242 if you find a chance to get steamed pomfret with sour plum get it, it's so good it's one of my favorite meals and ive never had it fresh, like real fresh, and i'm really sad about it
Also is that... who's the guy in the background going "The demands to do something about this outrageous man grew louder and louder"? I feel like I've heard his voice before
>>182270 SUGOI It's a friend that can go really fast
>>182262 not really, his death was just tad odd, cause rixh aristocrats are bad at doing their own dirty work most of the "immortal" stuff was just added to further demonise him
Ah, I love how Rimworld is, through my lack of current steel, forcing me to be benevolent The ONLY reason I'm not harvesting organs right now is this: I don't have the resources to make a freezer right now
Speaking of, I just got the resources Say goodbye to your organs, motherfuckers, I need shit for future proo- Wait no, I need one of them to be on my side cause I have 2 pacifists right now Out of 3 people
I can't make it too long with this setup
OK ONE of you get to live, and the other one can live if he feels like going on without a heart, kidneys or lungs
I read about some plant that basically can recognize when it's impacted with some force, and will even broadcast a signal to others to brace for it like when it's dropped from a height or something
It was pretty cool Plants that do animal things is really cool
Back from my shower. I stubbed my pinky.
Holywow.. I thought i was going to get the shit beaten out of me
>>182299 Because i knew it was a scam. So i just stayed cool and polite and refused to budge. It's harder to hit a guy who is sitting down and asking to talk things out.
Holy fuck i was worried though A trip to the hospital to save $8
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh made in abyss i'm like 90% sure that's CG still i'm going to wait to see other people's response to it
yeah that one
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182302 better to go to the hospital with your dignity than to go home without it tbh
My current colony, because I always start a new one when i realized a thing I did wrong from the start, is gonna be walled off with sandstone This accomplishes two VERY important things 1: it allows me to make it very hard for attackers to actually attack me, by forcing them through a shitty killbox 2: fire, not a real problem
>>182305 Well that's what they're counting on... People just handing over the money to avoid confrontation
seriously though steal rimworld it's a great game but don't pay for early access
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Fate/Apocrypha will be streamed exclusively on Netflix
I wonder if these big companies will buy so much anime that japanese studios will start making anime catered to western tastes
f/a aired like an hour and a half ago but i can't find it yet mou
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i wonder if there will be TV rips or netflix rips hmm netflix is 2 days after TV i guess there's no official licensed english streaming though so i have to watch RAWs or wait for subs
There is as far as I can tell only Ohys raws out right now. Which are alright. >>182330 No BS11
>after 10 years, not a single serious malware case on the iPhone excuse me That seems wrong I can remember many indidents of serious iPhone malware
Though "there's never been a SERIOUS x" is the most fucking safeguarded statement you can make in any context "but what about this thing" "well that wasn't THAT serious"