The only awful thing is I don't wanna watch it in theaters I'd be fine paying for it, but I don't wanna see it in a crowded room with a ton of assholes, no possibility to pause it to take a piss, or the ability to restock on snacks and drink
>>182350 go to a showing at an odd time like 10 am
only solves one issue
There are arthouse cinemas around that sometimes air anime and japanese movies. I watched a live action Rurouni Kenshin It was pretty bad but I enjoyed how bad it was.
Oh shit I think urgfe for ratiionality saw my nnS retweet of Rasputin
You and Kirara have so much fun with twitter and I just use it to find information or see interesting Japanese tidbits
fun is just a buzzword your brain created so it can hide the fact that it's addicted to information and needs a fix constantly it tells you it's "fun" and that fun is good but it's all a manipulative lie to get high on information
>>182357 My fun mostly comes from mocking people But also I like it when things I say are noticed Dopamin release
>>182360 how is psychosocial maturation measured just curiously >>182361 that's called probing, or pinging, depending on the perspective social sonar, and you're using that rebound to measure the social landscape of whatever environment still information you've been rused and abused by your brain
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182362 by measured, are you asking about the operationalization of it or how they determined what age ranges?
>>182367 that would be the age at which the person takes on what is considered an adult-role by that society i.e. transitioning from child to adult
>scallops have eyes >no thanks >>182369 i think that novel mismatch would mostly be health related those old farmers were dying so young from doing all that work breakin their back before they're 20 gotta have the kids be responsible so young
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182370 that's one of the points made in the article and i think it makes a lot of sense, yeah the age prior to now for menarche and for psychosocial maturation clearly corrosponds with the age for when they needed to be participating as an adult
as people got healthier, the age of both increased until the last 100 years which is interesting
>menarche > Menarche is a sign you are growing up and becoming a woman. I learn a new word all the time
social responsibility these days is changing so fast though that gap's gonna go crazy i think there's so much more to being an adult today than there was in the last hundred years, with the exception of maybe the soviet scare
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the article ends with >However, the mismatch between early biological puberty and later psychosocial maturation is a recent phenomenon. It has only appeared in the past 100 years of our 200 000 year history as a species. Our social structures are largely based on the belief that biological puberty is matched to psychosocial maturation. This is no longer the case, and might never be so again. The challenge is for society to adjust its structures to this biology; adjusting the biology to society is impracticable, unethical and potentially dangerous.
thanks PDF formatting
anyway i think it's a pretty interesting and a good article with a good argument
the age of psychosocial maturity includes the age at which they are socially capable of motherhood as well, just to be clear
Hm has things changed that much? I feel like I have less responsibility than I would have hundreds of years ago. I can just sit at home and do nothing at all.
>>182376 yeah that's not at all easy today changes a lot in the environment too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182377 the difference here is that 2000 years ago, when you were ready to enter the world of adulthood, you were an adult both physically and developmentally now, people are physically becoming adults by age 14 and we are acting like biological maturation corresponds with psychosocial maturation because it has for our 200k years of existence even though they don't correspond anymore the article is arguing that we need to be cognizent of that and do what we can to work through the gap
if we let someone who is not socially mature engage in activities that they aren't ready for, it can cause developmental social difficulties and lead to people with a lot of psychological issues
Moon did you see any nightlife areas when you were in BK?
>>182379 What does biological maturation and psychosocial maturation mean? I understand that biological your body grows and changes. But I'm not sure I understand what it means to be "adult" in terms of psychosocial maturation?
>>182379 i know 14 year olds who are def capable of motherhood responsibly though the kind that have already grown
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182382 developmentally, a child doesn't have the capacity to do many of things an adult does some of these deficits are due to brain development, where they just don't have the brain that is required to do these things others are social, which means they haven't been socialized as much as needed
>>182383 yeah but what's the relevancy of that there are exceptions to everything and development is variable
I don't think I had any seriously expectations of me at 14 years of age or any of my teenage years. even now I don't feel like I have any real expectations.
What the hell I started this electro swing mix an hour ago, but it feels like 20 minutes ago It's already done
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182385 it's not about expectations/responsibilities it's about expectations of capabilities
e.g. the majority of 10 year olds can't mother a child but our instinct tells us that a young person is capable of doing things because the psychosocial and sexual maturation has always lined up - until now
>>182384 you know me, i just like to make those notes it seems relevant when someone's illustrating a point about letting someone do things they arent ready for there's a decent unmet need in how to address that socially
Wouldn't you be expected to be skilled at farming and looking outfor yourself hundreds of years ago. I would say we are far more coddled now and less skilled at those ages.
>>182390 social obligations aren't as demanding of the body, but they're definitely stressful on the body and the brain there's a lot of instability to deal with, a lot of foresight that has to go into everything a farm back then, you go and plant the stuff and you maybe catch fish at the river, keep a spear nearby incase any wolves are prowling your sheep, and struggle to eat a meal that's unsanitary but that's what our bodies were built to do tbh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182389 yeah, absolutely i think this is a good article for illustrating that
But weren't people back then more community focused? I don't need other people to survive now. I don't even need to meet a human being anymore to order food. I really need to socialise to survive.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a big issue that i see with it is that if we are sexually maturing at a younger age, then our bodies will need to reproduce at a younger age there are major complications that become more frequent after age 35 for women that sexually matured around age 14-17 right now, the average age of first-time motherhood is increasing, but what happens when our lowered puberty age forces us to reproduce at a younger age? this will be disasterous for us as we now live 70-100 years and our mental faculties decline considerably in old age as it is
and what happens when we have people reproducing but they can't actually raise their kid?
>>182395 unless there's any major complications about ovarian health without menstruation, we're probably not very far from having it be selective where you just dont menstruate unless you're ready to have a baby but i'm not sure that is okay for the brain. it'll fuck it up when the hormones put pressure to do something that doesn't happen it's like those aluminum creams people use for hyperhydrosis. they put it on their hands and stuff, and their hands wont sweat but then their whole arms become tingly and itchy because you can't sweat
This must be one of those famous all night pet stores
I can now read blur.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182396 i can't imagine that happening any time soon, especially if we're sexually maturing at a younger age
>>182401 there are meds that almost completely stop you from menstruating like 1-3 menstruations per year, and they're lighter and less painful
i know that's a long way from completely optionalizing it, but just sayin actually not sayin i'm just rambling nevermind
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182402 oh, you meant by medication i mean more naturally
giving those meds to young people can really fuck up their brain devlopment
There must big *be a big market for late night animal pageants too.
I've been offered tickets to a heap of Pussy shows
>>182404 for now, yeah more naturally later on with gene therapy probably i mean ethical issues are gonna keep human engineering at bay for a long time, but with more practical data from crispr we'll learn a lot about what's possible and not it's not as clean cut as people think to snip snip and choose your own eye color >>182407 i mean they're looking into it, but it's really pretty vague stuff sometimes it's the interplay between different genes that make something, so it's not really easy just to map out the features from the genes and make it how you want they're probably looking into seeing what they can learn about it
Isn't China heading toward designer babies thing. I read that a long while ago.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai I think it was this
I think I remember moe talking about something ages ago about crime and genes and eliminating crimes etc.
>>182405 sorry man i don't really know i mean the only thing i remember is jitti's muay thai gym on some road, in the alley out back they get together and do that ball-kicking game where everybody lays down like 20 bucks and they go around the circle kicking each other in the nuts and the last person still standing gets the pot you'd probably be good at that you could probably teach them soggy biscuit if you want they'll also slap your ballsack for like 150 baht slap your cock for 75 so if you're lookin for a good time that's all i got man sorry
>>182423 Always >>182424 Culture affects manliness because manliness is an entirely cultural concept
>>182424 i had a greek art teacher // professor and i went out for drinks with him and he mentioned that, in greece, only the men on the receiving end are considered gay and i joked to him that "oh, so only half of greeks are gay then?" we were at a greek bar that's probably one of my poorer-judged moments but i thought it was really funny
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182425 implying society isn't based completely on the construct of manliness the patriarchy is eternal
i think it's that i don't look or act gay but i talk about gay shit all the time and i think people think i'm bashing the gays
my dorm mate at college got really pissed at me one time when we were hanging out in the commons i was always saying gay shit at the dorms and i think he was being polite but kind of like "wow this dude's an asshole", but he kind of had judgments of his own too so i said faggot in the middle of a conversation and he got really pissed off at me and thought "you need to stop doing that or a gay person's going to hear you and either get really hurt or really angry" and i'm like "dude i told you i was gay like a thousand times" and he goes "but you're not actually though, you're just joking and it's not funny"
he just refused to believe i was gay until a few months in i guess when a // well nevermind that
>>182431 you should have sucked his dick to prove him wrong they said on the news that gay people are like that
>>182432 women didn't really have the mentorship kind of thing going on that the men did greek culture was all about men teaching boys to be men >>182435 yeah, but that's where it comes from it's that mentorship role i don't think they have a sense of how that goes for women because there probably isn't a big culture for that there
Also definitely the pitcher is the gayer one of the two cause he has many alternate avenues The guy receiving would need to find something else to insert for the same thing, it could easily just be pragmatic
>>182441 One of them is taking something up the ass, the other is fucking a man specifically That's the gayer one
>>182443 but he's attractice // attracted to the other man's femininity, and the receiver is attracted to the other's manliness so it comes down to whether you're basing it on physical attraction or the attraction of their personality if you're wanting to say who's gayer imo, being the receiver is always gayer that's the one who's attracted to masculinity, whereas the manly man is attracted to femininity, even it happens to be in a guy's body
But the receiver has the option to not get hard Making the whole thing not gay at all.
For example, if you're attracted to femininity, but also demand it be a guy, that makes you gayer than the guy who's just attracted to masculinity, which happens to reside primarily in men One is prerequisiting it being a guy
it's a poorly fitted term anyway it's too based on externalizing things what really matters is how they want to feel finding the person who makes you feel how you want to feel kind of overrides any sense of gender or sexual orientation that's why so many people cling onto the ideology now around not being labelled by what they want to fug, but what they want to be
It's likely hotter where you are the inside measuring thing says 30, but I'm not convinced that's the real temp outside is 22
It's way too fucking hot, in any case
Oh Jesus Christ, its going to be 89°F tomorrow.
For reference, 89°F is 7.1 °F lower than the hottest temperature on record in your country.
>>182480 Wait, it's 30°C where you are? >>182484 Okay that might actually be hotter than were I am. Well, might be a higher temp "hotter" is different than "higher temperature".
It definitely was at some point at least The temp stick might be a bit slow to adjust
Keep in mind it's inside though, so there's you know greenhouse effects going on
imats I think I'm an anime character and the person I fight in the climax of the show just followed me
>>182493 Yeah But like if it was open it'd be 22 and likely never would have reached 30
>>182496 Have you considered opening your windows? >>182495 I bet the person in charge of social media is a bored unpaid intern on break from school who followed you because they think you're funny and doesn't really care about their position that much.
I feel simultaneously honored they even saw my account, and disgusted that they think there's a chance in hell I could be convinced to agree with them on anything
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they probably just follow hundreds of people in hope for a follow back their follow:following is basically 1:1
>>182500 Do a 99 bottles of beer on the wall in INTERCAL.
Oh yeah that's true >144K This isn't a real person managing it even, I bet
"Nuclear power is a hoax perpetuated by the soviet union to make us waste valuable money" "B-But Mr President we have objective truth that it works, like we ourselves nu-" "IT. IS. A. HOAX. You're fired."
>>182510 Not sure what you mean by "nuclear race". But the US was the first to make the atomic bomb, and also Oh you meant "arms race".
>>182504 >If PLEASE was not encountered often enough, the program would be rejected; that is, ignored without explanation by the compiler. Too often and it would still be rejected, this time for sniveling. Combined with other words that are rarely used in programming languages but appear as statements in INTERCAL, the code reads like someone pleading. That is a fun language
Please Spare Me My Code Is Too Young To Die
i'm trying to find consistent veins that lead into the biopharma sector but i really can't find any good entrypoints everything i can get is just exportations of generalized trends as they relate to other specialized focuses twitter is a lot of work and really hard
>PLEASE GIVE UP Ends the code wow
INTERCAL is the original joke programming language.
This one is a meme programming language.
Perl is a meme language too!
>>182525 Not as much of a meme language as Java, C++, PHP or Python.
i think i'm going to need to hire a programmer if i get this business off the ground i'm good with the algos but i can't code elegantly or do anything clever
>>182533 That's good. /mu/ has some really funny stuff sometimes. I really like the "draw an album cover in ms paint and try to guess someone else's" threads.
King Crimson is definitely one of them That one by Neutral Milk Hotel, too
/mu/ is full of people afraid to tread harshly they just want to post things that make them seem like they have good taste it's the closest board to reddit there is they're so careful and so needing of praise, and all want to think their opinion is novel and special
I tried to make a may 21st joke that year when the world was supposed to end with a Powerman5K album and not a single motherfucker replied Fuck /mu/ honestly
>>182540 they're spoiled shits that just want to feel like they're cool for knowing good music but you know what, so does google fuck them idiots joshua kirk is way cooler than all of him check out his videos if you want to hear a teenager talk for 40 minutes about new albums he's listening to but damn he's really got good taste he's not a great youtube video maker though sadly i want to coach him on how to improve his vids but i dont want to make him feel bad
Oh no, i think all my poorly drawn album art is on my old phone. Oh well. I'm going to try and see if I can find Anthony Fantano at Putchfork this year. *Pitchfork
>>182548 i can still point out mistakes even if the person acknowledges them
>>182560 3 liters? i dont think ive ever done more than three liters of wine in a day, that's a ton well, if you count when you sleep as the end of a day i usually have beer and then move up to wine
>>182562 Hrrm, maybe four was too high then. I guess three. Not that I condone drinking, but alcohol is humanity's friend so ...
>>182564 wine's the best it upsets your stomach because of the allergic respond to fermented grapes every other alcohol does the same thing but you're used to them that's actually what causes the cravings to drink on the compulsive level, is craving the allergic response to fermented grains or fruits
wine's really good though, have you been trying white or red wine?
Yup anything that has the "contains sulfates" fucks up my stomach by tomorrow >>182566 I drink every kind my favourite is "bottle of reds, bottle of whites perhaps a bottle of rosé instead, fuck it all"
was looking at the ratio of number of followers to number of tweets and decided to include dril
>>182571 i used to only drink red wine but in the past year i started going to buy one bottle of red and one bottle of white because i get less judging glares that way it looks like i'm buying the extra to accomodate people i never liked white wine before but moscato and pinot gringo are actually pretty good and i've started to enjoy them i like wine because it's the middle ground between "this beer is disappointing and i'll have cramps from all this liquid before i get drunk" and "let me put a pint of whiskey on an empty stomach i'm sure i'll be fine tomorrow"
did you not get a chance to // nevermind this is a really stupid joke not even an offensive one the punchline is just weak and i don't feel comfortable compromising the quality
>>182580 What was it going yo be? *to be A joke avout jacking off or something? >>182584 I actually have OCD and having facial hair really bothrrs me. So I never let it grow out.
>>182582 i was going to make a neckbeard joke but i thought i had a good punchline but i didn't i'm pretty improv and i do my best work when i commit to it and try to make it happen but there was just nothing there this time
>>182582 nah dude i understand it's a mess to take care of too and really unsanitary unless you put a lot of effort into it i am not someone who really has a facial hair issue but if i did i would do the same
Also I've been gaining weight recently because of poor eating habits due to stress, so I really can't let it grow out otherwise I'll look like a slob
i mean fat or beard doesn't make a slob look at boogie that dude's got huge issues but he still manages to look and act so professional but i will agree that a beard or coord'ing for a plus size is more difficult and more effort and is not an easy thing to do and nobody wants extra shit to worry about
Yeah, I'm not like super fat or anything, but I weigh more now than I ever have previously except after a med change last year. I've been super skinny most of my life. Anyways I'm on the far end of skinny fat.
don't really care or judge if you are or arent dude, don't bother explaining that to me i envy people who can keep meat on their bones i have trouble keeping my bones on my bones
I have three graves in my colony and people keep visiting one It's for a squirrel I tamed that got killed by a raider the two others are for human beings
My people are walking around in 50C trying to do work it's insane
Although the example you gave for expinential sample points fits pretty well to a quartic ...
>>182618 It is slightly crooked, a bit blue/purple and painful when I put weight on it. >>182632 I don't think they can do much for a minor toe stub, if it is a fracture they can't do anything, they can't set a facture in your toe.
don't go to the hospital put some ice on it and take an anti-inflammatory you'd do more physical damage by trying to get to a hospital and you'd be so stressed out
I think it is just badly bruised. I didn't stub it that hart. *hard it was like a bump and pain.
Well also the hospital is like 2 miles away. I would have to walk there. Not willing to call an ambulance or taxi.
Okay yeah, don't go to the hospital unless it gets way worse or something.
It's illegal anyway, it seems >>182665 I've had dogs, dude
>>182667 It's not a dog either. It's a wild animal.
>>182667 >i've had dogs how does that relate to racoons >>182670 i've literally had large dogs be killed by racoons not even rabies or any of their other diseases literally drill a hole straight through their temple and bore their brain out
>have to keep it in a cage I don't want it anymore
yeah no shit you don't it's a dumb fucking idea a racoon can't live in your home like a cat does you don't have pheromone sensors so you don't understand >>182676 they roam. they're racoons. you can't keep them in a home. doing so would entail either having your home destroyed or leaving the poor thing in extreme anxiety and distress why not just let it live in the wild like it was built to do
>>182676 Fuck your shit up Open your garbage can and dig through it throwing trash everywhere Open anything and dig through whats in there They are wild animals wuth opposable thumbs that eat garbage They can get into and break just about anything you care about at your house while also making a huge mess.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182676 cats and dogs are domesticated animals racoons are wild animals
Also this discussion reminded me, I had some friends who had a cat that killed a couple of raccoons. It got hurt of course, but it was the victor. We didnt have any more raccoon problems in our neighbor hood until they moved away.
>>182682 racoons are cool, i agree but they're not friends they're clever and cool but they're more paranoid than you are >let me capture one and stuff it in an isolated room outside its environment you know how that would affect you already because you're you imagine that racoon it lives by doing what it loves and you want to take that all away and feed him it's not good pet material man
Well, seeing as I was given almost exclusively pacifists, the inveitable happened My one willingly violent colonist caught a knife, it got infected, died in bed
>>182749 You could cut it out and put it in a transparent png and use it as a mascot on the side of your browser while browsing moe? >>182752 Just use stylish or whatever for whatever browser you use. it's simple
>>182751 It's early summer in florida. It seems like that being the natural weather is a lot more plausible than someone being able to control the weather and using that to disrupt the game.
@-moz-document domain("") { body { background: url(" ") #eef2ff bottom right no-repeat fixed; background-size:50%; } } That is all you need. like swap what ever image you need to use
They're actual rules. You can be removed from the APA for breaking them, I'm not licensed or anything so I can't be removed from the APA, but if something bad happened, I could be barred from being licensed.
I think it's a really stupid rule. I understand the intent of it and think it has a good point, but the way the rule is implemented prevents people from aiding those that they know even when they aren't overstepping their boundaries.
It's there to protect people from their psychologist friends going in and eliciting information about them that a friend or associate could use to take advantage of something.
>>182775 It's like any protected class, dude the difference is that the mere knowledge of this enables you because the entire thing you do is verbal and nonphysical
>>182785 Oh, I guess you guys talked about it. I hope it works. VR exposure therapy is still experimental but preliminary findings show that it can be as effective or even more effective as in-vivo exposure therapy, especially if combined with social skills training.
>>182788 You're probably /// you'd probably find it boring. She'll basically be in a public area (in the VR) and people will show up and walk around. The people don't even look that realistic. There's evidence that it works well though.
There are other VR exposures too, like for phobias and stuff. Some for fear of heights, spiders, flying, etc.
Well there actually wasn't anything after the \\, I just wanted to see if you'd react to it
dutchfriend's discord account got bannu because he was in a nazi discord that did raids and stuff so now he's Punished Dutchfriend A shitposter denied by discord
>>182798 I could just get a headset and do whatever with it! Like you said, the software is nothing impressive, it's just blobs walking around. I don't have social anxiety so it's not like I'd need stuff for treatment anyway.
>>182804 You'll need a pretty good computer to run anything better than this kind of software! Being like, "Oh, I can just buy the equipment!" is super oujo
>>182807 I think most of the VR sex games are for guys. I don't know of any actual VR games though. I thought most of the VR stuff was just weird weeb stuff you see on 4chan.
they had one at e3
also yteah there's like MMD but you can move the camera so you can just lie on the floor like a disgusting degenerate
Rika is a giga weeb if she doesn't know of any vr games.
>>182816 It stubbed it on the side of the sofa earlier and it is pretty painful and bruised. I don't know if it is broken but Says the treatment can be done at home and usually you only need to go to hospital if it is poking out the skin or bleeding internally.
Lots of horror with vr support and many games with vr support but there aren't that many VR games out yet
lots of shooting stuff and that kind of, but nothing solid really >>182822 Only if it has better control scheme than the initial VR demo man that was horrendous
>>182824 From what I understand, the majority of VR content right now is 3DPD pornography. Aside from that, it's used often in simulations for training - many police agencies and some military forces use it for training. There is limited use of it in the treatment of PTSD for combat vets at the moment, too. And it's eventually going to become a good tool for therapy as well.
>>182831 When I used to have a job, one of my coworkers wanted to be a sex therapist, so he was always telling me about sexual stuff and he was also a big techie, so he told me a lot about how much VR porn there is out there.
There is that custom maid weeb porn game, that's VR compatable. That's the only VR porn game I can think of, although that's not really my area of expertise.
the res7 vr demo was nice but... you couldnä't really turn instead of fluidly turning, you took like 30 degree chunks at a time it was really jarring you could move your head around easy but you couldn't turn made moving around really weird but you played it just normal wiht the ps4 controller
>>182836 Their is some dark discolouration at the base of the toe nail. but I'm not sure if that means much could be just bruising right?>
>>182840 but yeah it was just a tech demo not the final product
>>182841 Yeah, it might just be bruising. Just keep an eye on it! What did you do to it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If you buy a VR headset you should probably be prepared to spend money or get a reliable brand. Don't buy the cheapo one you find at the dollar store for 10 bucks
Yeah, you can get Cardboard for free. There are a lot of companies that make Cardboard, too.
There is also a Google-brand and Samsung phone VR headset.
Those aren't very useful, though, you can't really play games with them.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>182845 that's a reliable brand if it's google. But other cheapass ones are clearly bad as they can make it so your eyes aren't close enough and you just get eyestrain and nothing good comes of it.
oh man I'm suddenly reminded There's this show on TV, I THINK it's this show anyway, where there's like 2 economists help some family with their finances each week
ANYWAY one week it was a family of 2 Man, woman But ALSO, Roger, the man's childhood friend who had cosigned the loan for the house Roger makes more money than the other two, he just hangs out in the basement and doesn't deal with anything around the house because without him the fucking house falls apart
> Emotional avatars will be able to display six basic emotions (happy, sad, angry, scared, disgusted and surprised) next to the neutral emotion and many combinations of emotions. The intensity of the facial expressions is influenced by the emotional state of an avatar, whose mood can be dynamically altered by certain triggers or events. It can combine any of the six basics.
>>182859 You probably don't have problems if you can't identify them. It's probably better in motion.
The show's called the luxury trap, and it's basically the main cause of loss of hope in humanity in this fucking country These people are like "I'm using $1500 a month on online gambling and I don't know why my finances aren't adding up" I'm not joking that's an episode
"Cheonyeo Gwishin means virgin girl ghost. They typically are seen wearing a white hanbok called a sobok, usually worn during death. They are also characterized by their long black hair, due to the fact that tradition stated that single women should always wear their hair up.
In Confucian Korean tradition, it was a woman’s role to serve her father, husband and sons. If she died before being able to fulfil this goal she would be cursed to walk the earth for eternity. Because of this, most cheonyeo gwishin carry with them strong bitterness and anger and often haunt the villages or towns of their former families, hoping to cause hardship for them. Interestingly enough, villages in the past thought to host angry cheonyeo gwishin would create phallic statues to pacify them. Haesindang Park in Samcheok is an example of this.
Another method to pacifying the rage of a cheonyeo gwishin is introducing it to an eligible ghost bachelor. Chonggak Gwishin are the male equivalent of a cheonyeo gwishin, male ghosts who died before marriage, looking for someone to marry so their soul can be at peace. Ancient shaman rituals would have try to unite both ghosts, allowing them to become happily married in the afterlife and able to move away from the mortal realm."
>Within the various virtual worlds the therapist has the possibility to alter the virtual environment. The therapist is able to change the expressions on the faces of the avatars (virtual characters with dynamic emotions) and to modify their behavior, make them friendly or hostile and even dictate what they say. The ethnicity, the number of avatars and the number of male and female avatars can also be altered. The patients are being exposed to a controlled (virtual) social environment. The complexity of the environment and the level of exposure within a social (virtual) environment can gradually be increased or decreased by the therapist. The idea is that patients will become less anxious, learn to cope with their feelings of paranoia and will ultimately stop feeling the need to avoid social situations. These VR treatments are performed within the safety of a therapy room, so privacy should not be an issue. The therapist is able to observe in what circumstances certain behavioral patterns develop, so a more effective treatment will be possible. It's pretty neat software. It's a shame the graphics aren't better.
so not only will you become a wizard, but you turn into a VIRGIN GHOST
I guess But still there's gotta be a better word, it doesn't properly encapsulate the meaning ALL efficient capitalists are by nature petty That's the WHOLE FUCKING POINT
but I think in general petty is used when referring to like petty conflict petty rivalry petty argument something abstract rather than a solid thing
saying petty house would be bit weird a petty person is used, though
To maximize your profits, you have to minimize costs as much as possible, leading to petty shit like cutting any and all expenses that aren't strictly necessary
1. of little importance; trivial. "the petty divisions of party politics" synonyms: trivial, trifling, minor, small, unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, inconsiderable, negligible, paltry, footling, pettifogging; More informalpiffling, piddling, fiddling; de minimis "petty regulations" antonyms: important, serious (of behavior) characterized by an undue concern for trivial matters, especially in a small-minded or spiteful way. "he was prone to petty revenge on friends and family" synonyms: small-minded, mean, ungenerous, shabby, spiteful "a petty form of revenge" antonyms: magnanimous 2. of secondary or lesser importance, rank, or scale; minor. "a petty official"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
pe·tite pəˈtēt/ adjective adjective: petite
(of a woman) having a small and attractively dainty build. "she was petite and vivacious"
Do you know what you can do by controlling language?
Oppress every minority group in the United States.
Do you know what will happen if you control language? Those minority groups will all be oppressed. You'll be restricting their culture, their thoughts, their freedom.
We got more oppression and all we did was argue the morality of punching nazis
That's actually a political ideology It's called accelerationism
Like how many people do you think would really rise against the government because the word literally is enforced to only and always mean literally instead of figuratively. lmao, stick to a real issue
Language needs that we learn the context it is used in. it is hard to understand what a word means if you know its definition but not what it insinuates or whats behind the lines meaning at the time.
In fact, Left is an interesting way of how language is controlled.
Actually I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I doubt anywhere in the middle east rammed the capitalism throttle to max and left it there for 20 decades
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>182965 hahaha yeah right half of america is literally middle eastern corporate interests
saudi arabia's corporate intests are like cancerous tentacles slowly working their way around the entire planet
>>182967 Is it the jews or arabs controlling America pick one
>>182967 >saudi corporate interests >nobody's even heard of them I dunno outside the media nobody seems to be owned by the sandpeople
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
saudis own large portions of most american large corporations anything related to petrolium - saudis have their hands in they have their hands in most R&D for tech they have their hands in the media in VIDEO GAME DEVELOPERS
>>182971 I always agreed to some extent with Chomsky, but I also thought he was nuts for being an anarchist Now I'm closing in on full blown anarcho communism and I legitimately don't know how to stop
It's okay to have varied thoughts on how government should be, but it's important to always keep in mind that political violence is one of the most evil things a person can partake in. It's directly contradictory to the concept of civilization. One of the major functions of government is to give people the means of making societal decisions in a way that doesn't involve putting people one disagrees with to the sword.
The other major function of government is to recogize a person's individual rights and not curtail them.
I have literally in every single instance on moe been against political violence and if you can find one instance of me not being against it I'd like to see it
>>182986 To be more accurate, once communism is established, political violence isn't part of it. I'm not a communist, though, and I don't think any of us actually advocate that we forcibly seize the means of production.
>>182988 That's completely setting aside the fact that one of the major tenants of communism is to violently overthrow the government that preceeds it. Even if you do, there's never been a communist regime in history that didn't kill a lot of people over politics even once they were in power.
>>182990 That's not setting it aside. Once communism has been established, there isn't more political violence. The political violence is over because the means of production have already been seized.
It's essential to realize the traditional idea of communism, but once communism is realized, the theory is that the violence isn't necessary anymore. Communism is impossible anyway.
Wait, aren't you just talking about "revolution"? Rather than any specific political agenda. >>182995 It CAN be but when does power ever cede itself? The whole reason it gets violent is because status quo rejects change. Installing capitalism also requires violence.
>>182992 Well, in practice there's never been a communist regime that didn't kill lots and lots of people even when it was past the revolution thing and actually governing.
That's why communism is so dangerous. It promises you nice things but in the end it's just horrible and lots of people die.
I don't know if communism is dangerous. I think if communism was common compared to capitalism things might different. I mean captialism isn't its deaths and bad points but it is everywhere and established.
Depending on how you define it, there's never actually been a communist regime, but yeah Historically, pretty violent ideology
>>182998 I'm not really sure why you're trying to tell me that communism is bad for that reason when I'm already saying that I think communism isn't good for that reason.
Everything is dangerous. Capitalist regimes kill as many people as communist regimes, though. It's just that they kill different people. They're all terrible and dangerous and murderous.
>>182999 This is really the big difference here Communism is "violent" because it's the minority If capitalism, using force to protect private property against the working class, wasn't already the status quo, capitalism would be easily the most violent ideology ever conceived on planet earth
>>183001 well that thought that was more of just government and state collapsing
>>183005 You don't think I'm going to become a communist, do you?
I'm against almost all regulation other than mild economic regulation. I can't really become a communist.
I don't really believe there is a perfect system I mean if you try to perfect a system it feels like you take a lot of control from the citizen to the state to protect everyone. and if you give people too much decentralisation things can get polarized and uneven.
Main difference between communism and capitalism, is that capitalism has so far been able to exist in a democratic society without a totalitarian system in place.
>>183006 I think that you're right in the sense that there is no perfect system and that there will always be some friction that you lose people to. But certain idelogies are more dangerous than others.
Communists and (actual) nazis seem to come hand in hand with widespread genocide.
>>183010 We went from the East coast to the West coast with manifest destiny in our hearts. Removing indigenous people from existence. The only real difference is that we succeeded.
>>183013 Well does it matter to the death were they purged because they were of the wrong race or capitalist pigs and enemies of the revolution? >>183012 don't really know that many capitalist genocides.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>183013 It doesn't officially, but you have to seize the means of production somehow.
And a lot of people die during that seizure. That's what Rika is calling genocide.
>>183013 It doesn't preach or lead to genocide Communism hasn't caused a single genocide as far as I know
But can't you just take power and slowly absorb companies into the state and shift things gradually over time? Nationalization of things gradually
>>183017 How can you say that when every attempt at communism has led to mass suffering and death? Saying that capitalism is bad is fine and all, but communists have killed sooo many people every time it's been attempted.
>>183023 Yes. Americans and their allies regularly commit genocide for the sole purpose of filling the coffers of capitalists. We can talk about imperialism or whatever, but the fact of the matter is that it's happening because we make money off it by selling the Saudis 110 billion US dollars in weapons that they can use to kill Yemenites. We go to Iran because we profit from it. We go to Somalia because we profit from it. We overthrow South American nations because we profit from it. It's not imperialism, it's capitalism without morality.
>>183019 Mass murder and genocide are not the same, and if they were, the US is literally the most genocidal regime to ever touch the surface of this planet
>>183022 yup stalin starved good half o f ukraine's population to death intentionally and then had russians move in
communism will never work because it literally is necessitated by the entire world becoming communist
any communist revolution that occurs without a world communist movement is just a person that's looking for power and profit and since communism will never work, every comminist movement is people looking for power and profit
>>183024 Hmm true dat profiteering out of suffering is indirectly and sometimes directly causing suffering and taking down governments and causing chaos is pretty much causing mass death while different from commie or fascist bloodshedding, in the end the result is the same people dead for no good reason, except to further the goals of the ideology, in this case profit
>>183029 So were Mao and Pol Pot. That's just how these things go.
You have to kill pretty much everyone who opposes you when doing the communist revolution thing. Then you have to kill all the intellectuals. And then all your political opponents. That's just how the communist playbook is.
I think if a good state nationalised key services while maintain a good economic market structure that might a good thing. as long the state wasn't motivated by anything other than the welfare of it citizens.
Communism was established in Russia in a time where the capitalists were all laying on scorched battlefields in Europe bleeding out. This is just another stupid oppression narrative. The capitalist world was still involved in WWI at the time that most of the quality violence was happening in the proto-USSR, there was no meaningful way for them to oppress the poor communists in Russia.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>183034 But the actual communists know that they can't establish communism unless there is a global proletariate revolution.
>>183030 and even then you need control over people's lvies to keep them living according to the system even if 99% of people would embrace communistic ideals, the 1% would be a problem and thus they would either be actively purged by the rest or the whole population would be stomped and whipped into obediance
>>183036 Well yeah, that's the ideal But I don't see the inherent issue with having a single nation be communist and just cut contact with the rest of the world If they were left alone, there wouldn't be a problem >>183040 That's true, but that's a problem caused by the current situation Nations existed as separate entities in the past
>>183037 and to continue, as the central government or whatever body either purged the dissentious or kept stomping on the populace to keep them in line keeps existing it would naturally start cesspooling corruption and such and they would start to just gather more and more power to themselves and it would just become a totalitarian society where the elite benefit and everyone else is shitty
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>183039 Yes, because if they are in contact with other nations which are capitalist, then the communist nation must take on capitalist traits in order to trade with the capitalist nation.
So if we advanced in the future techonologically that we could be self-sufficient would that make it possible?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>183038 The current situation according to communist theory has only existed for 200 years. It began to exist in an environment where globalism and trade between nations was already necessary.
>>183050 The communist revolution happened in 1917. At that time, the rest of the world was still engrossed in WWI.
If the argument is that communists are being oppressed by capitalists, why were they not living in a utopia from the time that Russia went red to the end of WII?
>>183052 the moment it ended, everyone poured millions of pounds nad dollaroos to the white russians and even sent acive personnel to combat the reds in the ensuing russian civil war also communist revolution happened late in 1917, before that happened the general revolution where russia became "democratic"
Communist nations historically haven't worked because they were just powergrabs. There was no real dedication to communism and they didn't care about the workers.
Just like under capitalism, workers, under all the past communist nations, were just parts of a machine to be used and replaced as needed. The only difference is that instead of faceless fat cats exploiting your labor, it was a faceless fat government.
I sort of feel that communism was used by people with other agendas when implemented. It seems the type of people that enforced it weren't exactly looking at the interests of their people and weren't exactly benevolent people.
It's a very easy way to get the majoirty on your side Just say you're for the workers and wow so much support And then you go full authoritarian and welcome to the soviet fucking union
More over, pretty much all communists have been middle-class anyhow sure some workers would be whipped into the fray eventually but the people working in the party and movement and holding the keys always just middle-classers wanting to be /surplant the current elie
I don't really know all the much about this sort of stuff. But I don't think communism is inherently worse than any other kind of ideology.
If you suddenly had a group of people come into existence and they had someone tell them to become capitalist I am not sure it would be treated any different from the concerns that people have with communism
Ideologies are horrible in the sense that people stick to one and abhor another , I don't really know how to say it but I feel like it isn't treated objectively. s
>>183057 That's because people don't know anything about communist theory. They buy into the ideas of the bourgeoisie and think bourgeoisie can lead them to communism, but they can't.
Nothing can lead them into communism.
But eventually capitalism will die, just as feudalism died before it, and something new that oppresses people in a different way will arise.
Almost all revolutionary movements start from people who are disillusioned with the society, but have enough time and power to start doing something about it >revolution of the proletarians HAH
>>183064 human nature is to try to profeteer and to get what you can for you and your own be it you alone, your family, your clan or your town competition and such would exist and that would breed traditional conflict and people would start owning things again
thus people would always have to be policed either it is oppression of the few by the many through violence faux democracy or just outright open dictatorship
I'm not GONNA do anything I'm gonna keep chipping away at the oppression by the corporations through legitimate democratic elections until the day I die
But IF someone else decides to and manages to rouse enough people, I'm grabbing a gun
Communist theory says that proletariates will be easily fooled by the capitalist superstructure and if given a chance, they will work for the bourgeoisie in order to further themselves.
Yet at the same time, it puts forward that the proletariate will not just try to become the new bourgeoisie after a revolution.
Even the wet dream of anarchy, V for Vendetta novel didn't hold any illusions that the next society would be better it would just be somehting new something that wasn't the old fascist regime
V wasn't a hero he caused as much if not more death as the party in the end, by bringing down all faces of authority and control and plunging england into total anarchy
And even if you did somehow convince people that disbanding the state was a good idea
your neighbors, who have an army, would see your country laid bare to them. It's contrary to human nature. Contrary to every little bit of history as far back as you can go.
>>183082 No? I'm talking about a completely different topic.
There have never been anarcho-communists. I'm not even talking about communism anymore. I'm saying that anarcho-anything is completely untenable because you can't just disband the state. That's insane.
>>183119 No, in this case the problem is, that woman's position was to run the home direct the slaves and servants and whatnot not speak politics and philosophy he wouldn't speak to you
>>183119 So what exactly would you predict "in 100 years this happens" "in 10 years this happens" >>183127 most likely he won't see it happen and also plato barely was a name untill AFTER Socrates' death if Socrates even existed.
Imagine the amount of people burnt as witches and whatnot and thrown into looneybins, because they travelled to the past and tried all "I am from the future, Behold!" that is if time travel is possible
hululu humboldt pengin
>>183132 I'm gonna guess that number is a hard zero
>>183145 The glorious KALASH will impress them, or at the very least they'll feign interest cause you can clip down 30 of them in one spray if you wanna
>>183148 excuse me that is someone else's gun, I'm not interested in that I want to see the gun you make no following guides either it's easy
Basically >you go around saying "this will happen" or "that will happen" will either backfire as you deemed as witch or messenger of gods or having even caused them or our knowledge is wrong and things happened quite differently or simply said, you don't know anything so accurately, that it won't be dismissed as "good guess" >wave around modern tech WIIITCH >>183157 now at what ratio?
>>183158 I don't know the exact ratios, but I could play around that. Given that gunpowder is mostly black, I'd wager that the charcoal is most of what it is.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>183161 It is a shame that you will have no method of getting saltpeter
>>183166 You do it wrong, it will blow up or you do it wrong otherrway it will just hiss also okay now you have a pipe and gunpowder what next? where will you find something that fits just enough into the pipe that it actually launches off when the gunpowder goes off and al lthe other steps
>Chip clip breaks but it still works so I continue using it >Fish: that's broken, why don't you just throw it away? >it still works >but it's broken >yeah but it works see? >is this because you are a poor person? >what >rika said you are weird with money because you are poor
I think chip clips are the kind of thing that most economic classes wouldn't bother replacing until they're absolutely broken and don't hold together any more.
>>183222 are we thinking of different things? You mean those things on bread bags or bun bags right? The little things that are there just to keep it tight until you get home and open it
>>183220 Maybe, but my point is that chip clips are the kind of thing that WOULD go in that group
I have a pair of chip clips that are monsters. They are little round monsters with feet also and big teeth. And when you pinch it the mouth opens and it bites down on the top of the bag.
>>183226 def chip clip is also an item the working class wouldn't even get most likely I for one wouldn't seems like a useless good
>>183225 It's a clothespin man, not a bread bag clip.
>>183230 Oh it's... that's just the top part of a clipboard
>>183228 I mean I wouldn't be against getting some if they were cheap. But I like chips a fair bit and having something to reliably seal the bag isn't a terrible idea.
But like I also said, I'm usually more likely to just use an elastic. We keep a few elastics in the cutlery drawer for this explicit purpose, really.
>>183234 I didn't call you poor. I was try ing to explain that she was the one with abnormal attitudes towards money but i seems like she interpreted it the other way.
>>183239 She's autistic so she has difficulties seeing things from other people's viewpoints That's why I said that thing a while ago about making her live like a poor person for a while
>>183238 but the only person here talking about not buying them is Finnish ? ?
She's smart, she's just autistic and lacks basic social competencies and has trouble empathizing
>>183241 oh wait no there's also a Canadian very American
I've got some really tasty leftover lamb skewers my mother brought back from an end of school year party. They're super good but really narrow and it's hard to get a good bite into them to rip them off the skewer.
>>183240 Well it seems like the conversation helped even if she called you poor. It sounds like she at least understood why you were being weird about the chip clip.
>>183247 Well, she was born into a very rich family at least. Her dad was a Nigerian oil baron. They're rich enough to get invitations to visit Mar-a-Lago despite her dad being black.
I guess rich people just throw stuff away and replace it even if it works.
>>183253 Yeah. >>183265 ??? There's been a petrolium industry in Nigeria since the 50s. It was privately owned companies running it until the 60s or 70s or something before the government took control of it all.
And I probably am less likely to date a black girl than a white girl, just because I don't get exposure to black girls and would be less likely to socialize with them.
Or maybe today. I still haven't dismissed the idea that I might be hallucinating.
>>183284 i sometimes wonder how this does I kinda wanna test it on mass cross breed skin colours and see what the pattern is but would need some kind of time accelerator for that
Wouldn't it be really appropriate if Fish was a mermaid? >>183356 You dont' want to watch a man's descent into madness? >>183357 My boy you watch Retsupurae just like me
>>183346 hey it doesn't extend to just people i just dislike how my obsession to have a solid "thing" for every kind of thing gets so easily demonised, when I apply it to people.
Pastaman, if you've watched a Retsupurae video, you know who Slowbeef is Because you've heard his voice Because he's half of the duo that is retsupurae.
>>183379 I know lots of Asian people. I can not name any mixed with White. Most Asians I know mix with other Asians. Many are specific to their own country (I know lots of Chinese/Korean beef happens). I have never heard anyone bring up Hapa in my life before now.
did I black out? I can't remember the first one I remember n+1 of the videos you watched, cause you were like 'here's another' but I do't remember the first one
>>183393 I failed to make anything either. I wanted to do something too! What are you playing?
>>183411 Most guys have short hair and short hair doesn't really need as much maintenance as long hair does. It's perfectly fine for someone like that to go to sleep with wet hair.
>>183408 I was thinking about swimming. It's kind of late now though. I swam yesterday and my body was sore when I woke up though. It was kinda weird sore though. It's probably just a result of this being a hallucination.
you'd be surprised on the inside I may be considering which of the 150 wheels of the train I want to hit my cranium, but on the outside I'm as bright as the sun itself
>>183437 I don't think normies are really confident I think they're faking too The difference is they're not self conscious about the faking, so it doesn't bother them
>>183446 I just don't mind feeling dirty if I'm going to be sitting around at home, shirtless, all day anyway. The only one that's going to see me has seen me dirty before so it's not like I have to look good for anyone today.
Right now I feel a little gross because I'm getting pretty sweaty though so I might shower.
The only person that will see you has literally covered you in vomit. There's a certain different frame of reference being dealt with here.
speaking of is codeine, like 30mg gonna fuck me up if I take it now as a preventative measure against tomorrow's after effects of alcohols?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>183470 maybe if you've never had an opiate before but 30mg is like nothing so at most you'll probably get sleepy
you probably shouldn't take one if you're drunk but you probably won't get too fucked up i've been on percocets while wasted which was stupid and i didn't die
I've been taken these for a while now mnot like regularly but iv'e had them in my system before for tooth pain
The Umineko version on Steam has achievements for reaching parts of the story or something. They're mostly standard fare but this one is really funny to me.
Well if you think about it then yeah, it could in a weird way you say one wrong word and your kids will rat you to the government so you could imagine people becoming crafty and witty over time due to having to sidestep around the rules, but still live without fully submitting. >>183498 I am just thinking why it could be maybe if you took average IQ ofc NK would lose but take the people who are the equilevant of 1984s "lower party members" in NK and they might actually have surprisingly high IQ, but doubtfully anything that high or higher than the SK average
IQ and submissiveness aren't correlated I think
if they were the middle easy would be at like 200IQ points above us
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the middle easy
fuck i'm wy too drunk despite only having a six pack in the span of like 12 hours
>>183507 i would throw up so fast, I'd emerge victorious by the time you guys are ready to call it quits, I've already woken up from my rest I'm ready to go again motherfucker lets go
>>183510 Wow I thought you were gonna say it's a scam
>>183512 no we wouldn't even be drunk just tipsy but the thing here is, that while you don't drink much during basic 3-6 hour sauna sessions you only drink beer so you dehydrate yourself like fuck and hydrate with only alcohol so even relatively small amounts like 10 beers or so hit you lot harder than usual
sauna drinking surprises many seasoned drunks, who aren't used to that kind of drinking quite oft.
>>183511 I bet the fucking kanji would help your pattern and shape thinking
>>183514 They're mostly stuff like, "I found x result to be interesting because it reminds me of something we read in our IQ assessment class that said the same exact thing" Either that or they're asking questions about really basic stuff like >>183461 They're not generating any discussion, they're just regurgitating points that have been made before.
>>183524 Well, these people aren't very smart, but providing therapy just takes training and doesn't require anything other than the regurgitation of techniques that they were taught. They're fully capable of providing treatment even if they can't understand the theory behind a lot of stuff.
Tjhey're dumb, but mechanically they function as well as a smart cog would
>>183526 if you don't wound up 106 miles from chicago, with 3 police depratments after you, the national guard, the illinous nazies and an angry country band after you I will be disappoint
im unliklely to get a terrible one cause really, they're not emplyng a lot of thinking, but rather systems they've had drilled into them
Also odds are the psych you'd be seeing would be someone more mature than a person in a graduate program, someone who has years of experience and maturity under their belt. Give the people in Kirara's program enough time and they have the chance of becoming more well-rounded individuals.
>>183534 Somethign about Illinois shutting down its government Which is a pretty bad thing to have happen because social services become a fuck in those instances
>>183526 Oh, I heard about all that. You're going to Illinois at a potentially interesting time.
This is just all a part of the big picture with Puerto Rico seeking statehood. If they collapse Indiana, they won't have to replace every American flag with a new one with an extra star on it! It's genius!
>>183539 \Yeah, government still ~exists~ sorta but they have no money >The Illinois Budget Impasse is an ongoing budget crisis in the state of Illinois. Since July 1, 2015, Illinois has been without a complete state budget for fiscal years 2016, 2017, and part of 2018. As a result, many state agencies have had to cut services or continue borrowing to operate. This has adversely affected Illinois' economy, its credit rating, and public confidence in Illinois' state government.
>>183547 State governments get some aid from the federal government, but raise their own taxes and stuff. Illinois is having a budget crisis at the moment.
But surely they don't let it get so bad that things go in trouble, doesn't the federal funding step up to make sure people are safe and shit functions still
>>183553 The federal government will probably step in if things get so bad that the state's ability to maintain order is threatened. Which is possible, because one of the things that the state can no longer afford is welfare for the population of Chicago.
>>183551 hakumei to mikochi but with alice and marisa now I want it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>183553 >surely they don't let it get so bad hahahahaha
calling them inalienable rights is fucking retarded anyway because the government doesn't even recognize that you jail motherfuckers all the time, more than LITERALLY any other nation that's a violation of at least a few of the supposed inalianable rights
It's already hoarding all the capital (in the alphabet) to itself. GREEDY MOTHERFUCKER.
I am bewildered, how do they let it get to this point? They should be able to see it coming right? unless they suddenly lost money? set up a contingency plan asked for more funding from fed and made sure everyone wouldn't be affected in a bad way
yeah it'll get a bandaid put on it when it needs stitches
and maybe a transplant too
>>183596 People are gonna fucking die before a fucking thing happnes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this problem has been snowballing to this point since like 1980 people were aware it was happening people predicted this, it was the main prediction nobody fixed it because it was hard
>>183637 showers are filled with warm wet comfort that invites long introspection which leads to rabbit holes of thought and then I miss my train by five minutes Also Never use Head and Shoulders on anything other than your head or shoulders It will burn burn a burn that you can't scrub away
>>183654 Not this time. This was not good soap This was an attack An attack on the future generation
>>183653 i already got the quote i'm two hours from that place i'm right next to illinois i'm gonna drive out there and tell her you don't exfoliate, first thing the second thing i'll say is that scallops don't have eyes then i'll drive home
scallops have eyes* not don't why did i type don't i fucked up the joke now
>>183660 They keep hiding the bottles every time they clean the shower One day we'd have everything, next thing, there's no soap other than the one bar.
>>183659 just steal her pumice stone from the bathroom she's def used it on her feet just pretend like you didn't do anything strange >. Sales of bar soaps, though, slipped 2.2 percent from 2014 to 2015 as younger consumers and women snubbed the traditional bar in favor of liquid soap.
>>183671 you use it to clean dead skin some people use it on their face, some on their feet or back if they're sunburned w/e it's not dedicated, this is a basic i bet at least half of moe has a pumice stone
>>183664 NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bar soap is like "man I wanna skimp /save on somehting, oh right soap is cheap"