i had to get out of bed to run to the bathroom so i could throw up and instead i just dry heaved for like 5 minutes and that's it coughed up a little blood now i feel fine wtf
I finalized the idea for å wallpaper I've been nursing for a few months Can't wait to get home and make it
Gonna be fun
i can't find anything that tells me why that dry-heaving episode may have happened oh well round 2
Is the guy who doesn't drink here? Maybe we talked on a different friday, 2/3 weeks ago? Now I'm only drinking once a week, and beer instead of spirits. I feel much better already.
Everything's gonna be daijoubu.
>the NZ release of Persona 5 says rated 14 and up >but the disc has two labels saying rated 15 and 16 and up How am I supposed to tell if it's appropriate for muh kids
it looks like my grandfather is going to die before I have a chance to go visit my family I really fucked this up
That really sucks Sorry to hear that man
yeah I don't have much else I want to say about it but I felt like I needed to say it somewhere and this is probably the least disruptive place I could mention it please continue with everyday /moe/
>>180790 that must suck hope no one in your family will bear a grudge because of it that does happen at times
what'd you break was it your cock did you go to one of those muay thai massage parlors by mistake it's like five dollars to have them slap your balls but they're muay thai boxers so it really fuckin hurts
Yeah. They tried to elbow my crotch but it just shattered their arm.
>>180917 why the self doubt just stick with it and don't convince yourself to feel bad about it feeling bad about things squander the integrity of the choices that we've already made sacrifices just to choose
Haha. Oh wow.
They're selling viagra on the streets outside
they do that here in the states too it's probably the single largest street drug by volume just because it's really easy to get a prescription for if you actually have ED >>180921 might be generics from india, not sure might just be people selling their own scripts
>>180920 Is it a legit thing or some guy selling it out of his trunk?
>>180935 i tried looking up info before on putting surveys on there and there are so many fuckin spun articles on "HOW TO MAKE MONEY & REAL REWARDS WITH GOOGLE OPINION REWARDS" it's like no i dont want to take surveys i want to make surveys "YOU WANT TO make MONEY THROUGH surveys?" no fuck off google
google.com "salad with tuna" recipe >did you mean tuna salad recipe no you fuck i would have put that if i meant that
Petition to make it illegal for news organizations to make videos that are actually just text, still images being zoomed in, and some either 'thrilling' or 'inspirational' music I'm talking capital punishment herre
>>180938 >>180939 Google search has been getting consistently worse for me. I wonder who we should blame.
This doujin is really good by the way. https://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/play_me Well, pretty much every comedy doujin Fuantei has done is really good.
>there was a firestorm the day before >nothing big happened >didn't think much of it >hear some weird sound >zoom out
Oh fug
OK I managed to save myself Or rather, rain showed up and put the fire out, but I have put a wall of limestone around my entire complex now, so it should be future proof
Sounds pretty Dwarfy.
Welp My prisoner died from blood loss RIP I was gonna extract his organs, but can't do that now
looks like factorio but with minions
Looks like Dwarf Fortress but with graphics that don't make everyone cringe in terror.
After many, many days of low food and basically starving ourselves, the glorious people of The Union have found a dead megasloth, and butchered it for sustenance
Now that the food is taken care of for a while, we'll be able to manage by farming We can live on rice and potatoes, I think It's not a great life, but it's life
And once the base necessities are on lock, I can start prioritizing my workers more efficiently
Food shortages is the main cause of mental breaks, so far
>>180980 It would probably take decades, depending on the lifespan of those sloths, to tame them, through selective breeding. Plus they wouldn't have the behavioral techniques necessary to train something so wild.
Just think of the amount of "passed down" knowledge we have acumulated over the millenias just the idea of taming a creature is like 10k old idea only while hunting down and cooking creatures is maybe even millions
>>180987 Indeed My Waifu>Your Waifu this is the most important lesson we as a species must learn
You're waifu a shit. Mai waifu is best.
>>180989 dnno really what they were like, but giant sloth had no natural enemies, cause it killed anything that tried to eat it just like mammoth only humans were capable of bringing such a beast down
Man what I'd give to see a mammoth or a giant sloth or giant cave-bear hunt...
well the point here is, when you are the size of an african elephant weigh 6+ tons what is going to stop you from getting what you want? some even speculate they might have marched to a beast felled by sabertooth tigers and gone just "fuck you my meat" and what can they do? get killed is what they could do
We have to resurrect the megasloth through mad science programs And then we sic them on ISIS What are ISIS gonna do, shoot them? I think not, let's give them kevlar
a megasloth in plate armor would probably look really badass for a seige animal in a game
But imagine actually being a soldier some thousand to few thousand years ago and never having heard of the great beasts of far away lands and then you are standing admist your batallion and suddenly a giant shape starts lumbering toward you and it is carrying a small tower on its back and there isn't just one but 50 of them in a line and then they start to gallop
like holy shit war elephants must have been horrifying and even if you did know what they were...
>>181006 Dude imagine being ISIS and seeing a elephant sized version of >>181003 that lumbering towards you, death in its stare It's got armor plating, your gun does nothing It comes up to Achmed, Achmed is slung to the side like a fucking plush toy, and it's heading for you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Achmed is probably getting slung to the side in a few pieces
>rushes into you with reactive armor >you desperately try to get at it and it explodes on you
I mean half the time war elephants just rampaged on the battlefield scared by something at that point, you could just hope it rampaged in the enemy lines and not yours but there was quite little you could do to stop one sure enough spear strikes will bring it down but... yeah unless you scored an arrow into its eye, nothing stopped one and crossbows weren't invented when war elephants were around in europe
>>181019 This reminds me Overlord Dark Young animated W.H.E.N.
ALL this makes me think of like a song done in the style of that song about shia labeuf >>181018 Like the male voice saying this as the music plays to the atmosphere
>>181020 Holy shit too bad it will be CGI though I think that will just make them more eldritch
I wonder how aliens would look at us photoshopping the face of other animals onto different specimens of that species
image is too tall >>181035 it's doubtful they'd share a common enough infography tree to us to even recognize that we were doing that that takes a fair amount of precision to measure what's happening from an external system
Does it? It's the same cat face on a whole ton of cats Sometimes even other animals
I think they'd catch on
>>181038 They might, but it would probably take them a while.
>>181035 a better question is how they'd react to our alien media and memes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they'd think you're messing with them and get mad and kill you
>>181038 an alien gelatinous blob with five spindly appendages takes its longest appendage, rips off its shortest appendage, and deposits it inside another alien slime blob what were they doing? was he grooming himself and they use each other as dumpsters for ther garbage? was he borrowing that other blob's slime iphone? maybe he was feeding his babies who knows
>>181042 Maybe communicating Not a large enough sample size of interactions to draw any meaningful conclusion
>>181042 Well, it's hard to tell, but I imagine you'd be able to figure it out through extended study One time isn't gonna tell you anything
But if they do this nearly every time they come across another alien, it's likely a greeting You can infer some stuff
Also, Sk reading about this might make you realize some stuff about how the human brain recognizes stuff. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosopagnosia Learning about agnosias can "really make you think" about perception on a much higher level, and how humans interpret visual and other stimuli.
>>181043 or maybe exchanging whatever storage system they have instead of DNA maybe that's how they exchange immunities from disease in the environments or maybe they're super-intelligent and the one that tore the thing off is batshit crazy and it's the first time anyone ever did that and the other alien was just as confused as you i'm just sayin it'd be really hard for an alien to even have the same visual interface as us, let alone figure out that we're actually doing something specific, and then let alone being able to understand why
>>181047 Uhh, I guess. That was sort of different thoygh, since it was "can't tell men apart". That might be a bit closer to "white people who have trouble telling blacks apart".
>>181048 Naw Kashimashi was like a medical condition If memory serves me It was just only men
>>181051 Yes, that's what I said. I was comparing the two things. Also Kashimashi is fictional and I've never heard of a similar case so as far as I am concerned that character's specific perception issue is also fictional and not really worth discussing.
Anyways, many of the agnosias and aphasias are terrifying (to me) on even a philosophical level. But learning about them gives good insight. Also I forgot to mention the aphasias earlierm *earlier https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphasia
the anime kinda threw most of the characters out and went with its own ending the manga fleshed out the story and the characters more but it was still jsut an average thing be it yuri or romance
From the aphasia page >Individuals with receptive aphasia may speak in long sentences that have no meaning, add unnecessary words, and even create new "words" (neologisms). For example, someone with receptive aphasia may say, "You know that smoodle pinkered and that I want to get him round and take care of him like you want before", meaning "The dog needs to go out so I will take him for a walk".
>>181059 Ehh, I mean its not good. But I wouldn't call it 100% crap, mayb e like 40% crap. They had really good VA's for the entrail animals.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
to be fair, wernicke's aphasia occurs in tons of degenerative disorders and injuries and similar symptoms are seen occasionally in schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
That's because of deficits which result from biological reasons
>>181070 I only mentioned it because I found it to be slightly amusing. Especially the example. >For example, a patient with receptive aphasia may take the expression "it's raining cats and dogs" literally instead of figuratively.
Wernicke's area is one of the parts of the brain affected by autism. The middle-temporal gyri which contain Wenicke's area, is usually smaller in autistic brains than the typical non-autistic brain.
>>181073 Really makes you think. Although my autism is pretty atypical in terms of which symptoms I have and which I don't have. Also there are several symptoms that I just no longer have.
There really isn't a typical presentation of symptoms with autism other than a few core symptoms with which you can't be diagnosed with autism //// without which you can't be diagnosed with autism There are so many different presentations of it that are possible and no presentation is really considered common Some symptoms do get "aged out" of many indivuduals though some argue that they still are there, just impacting the individual less
>>181075 Yeah sorry, I meant "typical high functioning" and also "typical diagnosis formerly referred to as Aspbergers".
There is a pretty autistic guy at my work place that is really loud, like he is constantly shouting and always talks. Like he will just go on about a topic in detail regardless of the person being interested or not.
He is a little annoying at times but I know he can't help it
Oh no my neighbors are listening to REALLY LOUD dance band music It's nearly 12 on a Friday motherfuckers Most people would be in bed right now
Y'all getting no courtesy from me in the future, I'm playing my techno fuckloud and getting shitfaced
>>181078 I can have a hard time gauging interest other people have in the thing I'm talking about, but at least with focus I can pick it out. One of my closest friends in high school had absolutely no ability to discern other people's interest in his subject matter though, so I'm sympathetic to people who struggle with it.
>>181081 I think a lot of people do but I think you being aware of it already makes you different in way. I can't describe it. Like he has no interest in if the person is interested or not just that he tells them the information he wants to tell them.
Also Kirara, if you ever need to as part of your program do an interview with someone with autism I'd be up for it.
>>181082 Rather than "no interest" it could be that "he cannot tell whether or not" the other person is interested.
>>181082 I mean you don't have to describe it for me; I lived it. I was in a program for kids that basically had ranging levels of autism for the most part. In the case of my friend, he was mentally incapable of reading facial and tonal cues for emotional meaning. So when people would start to look away or affect a more monotone response because they were getting bored, he wouldn't pick up on that and keep on talking anyway.
Some people just have social deficits due to improper socialization during childhood
>>181083 I appreciate that! If I did have to do something like that, it'd most likely have to be with a stranger, though.
>>181082 i just talk a lot it's not really effort on my part it just goes along with who i am and what i do i don't pull people out of their comfort zone just to ramble, but if we're doing something together i'm just gonna be talking if they don't like me talking they can tell me to shut up and i wouldn't take offense
I was diagnosed with aspergers. and apparently he has it too
but I am way quieter than him, I'm horrible anxious *horribly anxious about even talking to people. It pretty interesting how we differ.
I actually have been working their for months now and today was the first time I spoke to him. since he was carrying around a professional bow
>>181087 I think that some of my symptoms my have been due to iimproper socialization during childhood, I have a really good reason to think that but I'm not going to get into that here.
>>181089 As of DSM-5 Aspbergers is no longer a diagnosis.
I had pretty much as possibly normal childhood as possible really. Bit on the scrawny side, so I got bullied a bit, but that's hardly abnormal, and I had a reliable roster of friends anyway.
>>181092 I figured, it is said to diagnoised way too much and most of them were onsidered false. *considered.
I think I just have some social anxieties and a fair bit of difficulty holding social chitchat with people I don't know that well. I wouldn't consider myself autistic.
>>181094 It's literally not a diagnosis anymore. Unless there are secluded communities of psychiatrists and psychologists who refuse to use DSM-5.
I'm reheating some chili soon. Chili is great. You make one giant pot and eat every other day and it lasts you like a week and a half.
>>181094 >I don't consider myself to be autistic Well, I mean from what I've heard the DH oor whatever iisn't always very good. But assuming you were diagnosed with Aspbergers, under the new diagnostic criteria you would be considered to have high functioning autism.
>>181097 stew and soup are good like that too and soup can be turned into stew when the liquid starts to run out but ingredients are still left so soup is clearly the master food
Nobody accurately self-diagnoses. Especially not with psychiatric or neurological disorders.
>>181102 I know one guy who did, I was reasonable certain for years that he had autism. From when I first met him in sixth grade, and I remember in senior year in highschool the topic of autism came up and he mentioned that he realized that he might have autism after learning about it in AP Psych. And that after that he went to a psychiatrist and got formally diagnosed. And I told him "oh, so you finally got diagnosed, I was wondering how long that was going to take".
>>181098 I can fuction. Not sure how highly though!
I've always assumed that I was daignosed as a child and have since grown out of it or something like that. I'm not fond of people and socialising but thats just me.
>>181100 I just don't like the blend of solid and liquids that soups have all that much. Stews have a thicker consistency and doesn't make my texture fussiness bothered.
That said there are soups I enjoy. I just would say I like stew and stewed foods more than soup overall.
so clearly you need to make mash soup then
mashed veggies soup is pretty much best food ever
>>181104 Oh I forgot high functioning autism isn't a diagnosis anymore. It's just autism spectrum disorder.
>>181111 >High-functioning autism (HFA) is a term applied to people with autism who are deemed to be cognitively "higher functioning" (with an IQ of 70 or greater) than other people with autism. This definitely isn't the way it's used presently. When someone says an autistic person is high functioning, they're saying that their social deficits are not severe enough to debilitate them.
They don't need help with living their lives independantly?
>>181114 Not quite Yeah, Kirara got it. Also I'm sort of excited that I finally got a copy of the DSM a few months ago, but its DSM-IV. I might be able to get a free copy of DSM-5 though. Since I know a bunch of people who worked on the revised autism stuff in it.
>>181119 I'm refering specifically to Kannagi, not making a general statement.
>>181121 I'm not 100% sure as to how this works, but as Aspberger's was moved into the ASD diagnosis woukdn't tgat mean someone diagnosed with Aspberger's under the old DSM be considered to have ASD under the new DSM without neccesarily needing to go through another evaluation (or whatever proper term)?
What would be the point of another evaulation even, I'm capable enough even if I'm anxious. I've seen other people with autism and I can say I'm not as "bad" as them. I definately know how to act just I don't get any pleasure from socializing with strangers, I'll be polite but I don't like going to parties or to pub s to get smashed.
>>181122 Nah, the diagnosis would still be considered Aspberger's until another formal diagnosis is given. There wouldn't necessarily have to be another evaluation or anything, but it wouldn't be updated until a professional officially re-diagnoses the individual.
>>181124 So the updating of the diagnostic criterion wouldn't have automatically changed the diagnosis? That makes me want to ree.
>>181125 It would cause a lot of problems if it did. It would mess with people's insurance and potentially interrupt their treatments. Moreover, if the criteria get changed and someone doesn't meet the new criteria for the diagnosis they have, they would be left without a valid diagnosis, which could ruin kids' school accomodations and stuff like that.
Can diagnosis change from child to adulthood? I am guess I'm likely to have been a bit of autist as a child but I know how to conduct myself now.
>>181127 Okay I think I might be misunderstanding what the term "diagnosis" means in this context. When I
Okay so I also probably misused another term uo there So what I meant was that "The diagnosis formally referred to as Aspberger's Syndrome is now no longer considered to be a distinct diagnosis on its own, but a specific type of autism under the umbrella of Autism Spectrum Disorder."
>>181127 Wait hold on Can the mere fact that you have a diagnosis affect how your insurance operates from that point on?
Like you get insurance You get diagnosed with a mental thing, something chronic and from-birth like autisms Will that change your insurance package and pricing now? Is that legal?
>>181128 Yeah, of course. Diagnoses aren't written in stone. Someone diagnosed with depression that goes through treatment and no longer meets the criteria for major depressive disorder will have that diagnosis dropped. Sometimes psychologists disagree on a diagnosis as well, so if someone changes to a new provider, the new clinician might revise your prior diagnosis or update it.
>>181130 You typically can't get treatment through insurance without a formal diagnosis given. So if someone automatically changes diagnoses due to the manual being updated, for example, going from major depressive disorder to dysthymia, then whatever treatment the person is receiving for MDD might be interrupted if the insurance company doesn't agree that the treatment works for dysthymia. That's what I meant.
Being diagnosed after you have insurance won't generally increase the price of your insurance, though.
>>181129 Aspberger's would still just be considered Aspberger's until formally updated. It would be treated like it's just an autism diagnosis generally, though. A clinician would probably immediately update it.
Well I can atleast say that I'm not so incapable as some people. some of my office mates at several of my jobs are incapable to being polite and piss off people and doubt they had autism. I can atleast work well and not rock the boat.
I wish I was a genius though! If you are going to be autistic I should atleast be an idiot savant.
>>181131 Okay, I'm just thinking of this in a taxonomy sort of way. Like lets pretend there's a bird called Aspberger's Wren, in the genus Aspbergus Syndromus, there are some variations of features of this bird species but none so different that they would be considered to be of a different species. It is the only species of bird in it genus. Then some biologist does DNA tests and realizes that this bird actually belongs in the genus Autismus Spectrumus
>>181141 What I'm saying is that the symptoms havent changed, only the taxonomy.
>>181135 It's far more blissful to just be a plain idiot.
>>181136 Your analogy is so complex that I fail to see how it simplifies things
Anyways the rest of the example was going to be "would each bird have to be DNA tested in order to be considered to be part of the genus under the new classification" and the answer is no because its just taxonomy. Although its slightly different.
Yeah, but that example is pretty different from categorization when it comes to diagnoses. If one bird has this DNA and the entire species appears to, you can easily just move that. The DNA is something that's objectively there, and all of the birds with that DNA are going to be the same species.
With a mental health diagnosis, it's different. People have different symptamologies for the same disorders and the same disorders present differently.
>>181144 But if you have someone who meets 5 criteria for diagnosis x and then diagnosis x is absorbed into diagnosis y, then diagnosis y may have different diagnositic criteria, or the 5 criteria that were met for x may not be sufficient for a diagnosis of disgnosis y. If we automatically transition people, we face the danger of people having labels that don't correspond to them or losing a diagnosis completely.
>>181143 The symptoms are objectively there though, its how we interpret them that starts to get fuzzy.
>>181142 dnno what this is about, but common swift was long thought to be a swallow bird, but later was found to be of no relation just appeared to look the same in some languages it is still confusingly called a "swallow" nonetheless despite not being a swallow technically.
>>181143 If diagnosis x can be diagnosed with five criteria, after it is absorbed into diagnosis y, shouldn't those five criteria bydefinition be sufficient to be diagnosed with y?
I'm not trying to say you're wrong, because I know you know more about this than me, I'm coming up with these examples for me to figure out why *what it is I am missing in my understanding of this.
>>181146 Maybe it will help if I give you a concrete example of what I mean. The DSM-IV had a diagnosis of Major Depressive Episode. In the DSM-5, that diagnosis was absorbed into Major Depressive Disorder. The DSM-5 criteria A-C represent a Major Depressive Episode. However, meeting enough of the criteria within A, B, and C to get what would have previously been a diagnosis of MDE doesn't meet enough criteria to get a diagnosis of MDD. So if someone is diagnosed with MDE and then automatically updated, they don't necessarily meet the criteria for MDD, which would mean they either become MDD which isn't accurate, or they lose the diagnosis of MDD, /// of MDE, which means that whatever treatment they were undergoing would probably be stopped by the insurance company immediately.
By not automatically updating, that person with MDE is able to complete their treatment even though they don't meet any criteria /// any diagnosis according to the DSM-5.
>>181155 Okay, I think I sort of get it a bit bbetter now. Also I don't like that I'm wrong, but I guess it isnt neccesarily as simple as I would prefer.
>>181157 A lot of people would play just about anything that's "X but it's Pokemon Snap". There's a surprisingly large number of people that want another Pokemon Snap.
>>181159 Unfortunately it can't be as simple as it should be. Well, I mean, it could be, but it'd require a lot of reform that psychology isn't ready for.
ARMS is pretty fun. Definitely a bit of a workout if you use the motion controls though. My arms were feeling a little heavy after half an hour or forty minutes of playing.
>>181203 The game supports four control schemes aside from the standard one you see people using. The only one that actually uses the motion controls is the standard; the rest are some combination of traditional button controllers.
Maybe? I've only used the motion controls; I don't know how receptive the game is to button mashing.
Either way, you can't exactly spam punches for the most part. Once a punch goes out it takes a moment to reel back in. The game seems to really like placing emphasis on reading your opponent and predicting their attacks/movement.
If you can't button smash it isn't a legit fighting game
There is a rush mode or something you can trigger which is literally "throw as many punches as you can in a short time frame." I guess that would facilitate button mashing pretty well.
ok but tell me more about twintelle
She's the one I've used the most. Pretty nice arms on her too. Even though her ARMS are her twintails.
good taste, as expected
I like the Chinese girl too, but I went up against a really infuriating CPU in the first stage when I tried playing her.
The CPU AI is actually pretty tough even at lower levels. On a scale of 1-10, by 3, they already can react pretty quickly to incoming attacks. Apparently by some upper level they can also expect certain strategies and combos from you too.
>>181214 I mean they can react, but it's still within the mechanical limits of the game. Nothing they're doing, a human familiar with the game couldn't. I consider an AI cheating once they have more health/deal more damage or can react in superhuman ways.
cheating AI
>>181205 if you button mash you just leave yourself open to counterattacks while your arms are stretched out
>>181215 Just like what happens when you button mash in traditional fighting games, so.
>>181216 >>181215 'deed but fighting games are fun, when no one playing really has no clue what to do but as you play and play during your session each one of you starts to pick up some tricks and then by the next session good time later none of you remember any of those anymore.
I let my mom borrow my car because she was driving out of state and it's new, and she gave me her truck to drive today. It turns out the tires on it are really bald. So I was turning onto a road and I spun out. I don't really know how many times I spun but I was lucky and I spun left into the other lane, which no one was in, and into a little striped line area. If I had spun right I would have gone into a ditch that was full of drainage water.
I called her angry and lecturing her about how she needs to replace her tires before they get so old.
>>181220 I'm not the type that gets excited by near death experiences. It was not exciting at all. They just mess with my head. I was unsure all morning if I was really okay or if I was laying half-crushed in a drainage ditch hallucinating before my death.
>>181222 Wow, you start to doubt your own existence!
Near death experiences are so exciting. If that happened to me, I probably would have sat there laughing for a while and I would have had a really good day after that.
>>181219 holy shit Was it scary when you span out?
that s spookie i woulda walked
I probably would have needed a couple minutes to settle down after it.
>>181224 No, it was scary when I stopped. It happened too fast for me to be scared. I have never spun out before.
>>181223 Well, that's one place that we're different. I don't think things like that are exciting at all. I could still be laying in a ditch hallucinating. My stomach hurts, maybe that's actually the feeling of me being impaled by the steering column.
Mostly I was just scared and mad. I'm very lucky that there was no oncoming traffic, that I spun left instead of right, and that I was able to regain control before spinning off the other side of the road. I'm mad at my mom for not taking better care of her truck too, driving with tires that bald is dangerous.
I mean, there's no point being really upset over something that is probably over, but I probably used up a good bit of luck to make it out of that without any damage to me or the vehicle. I'm going to make sure my mom gets her tires replaced as soon as she's back.
When I was lecturing her on the phone about her she just told me to accelerate slow when it's wet and it will be fine. I checked the tires though, they are way overdue for a change.
Also it doesn't help if you tell me I'm not hallucinating because that's what a hallucination would say.
>>181232 It seems like common sense that a hallucination would do its best to convince you that you're not hallucinating. The only way I'll know that it's all clear is when something happens that defies my expectations. You can't hallucinate something that defies your expectations.
>>181245 Yeah, but they're not sentient. They're the results of brain dysfunction. They aren't capable of looking at your reality testing abilities or anything like that.
>>181250 Yeah, but that's because they're experiencing brain dysfunction. Hallucinations aren't going to be trying to convince you that they're real unless you're schizophrenic, most likely, and even then, it's unlikely.
>>181252 It depends. Many people that hear auditory hallucinations don't even notice them for a long time. People generally believe their senses, though, so mild hallucinations generally go unnoticed. Hallucinations are typically indicative of psychoticism, too, which means reduced reality testing capacity, which means that their brain won't interpret information in a conventional way. So things that are obviously unreal to us, might seem possible to a psychotic person.
>>181251 If I were going to hallucinate, I would definitely do it in a way that was the kind of hallucination where I didn't know I was hallucinating. I'm not really saying that my hallucination would be trying to convince me that it was real, but if I were hallucinating while bleeding out it would be realistic to the point where the people in my hallucination would dismiss the idea that it was a hallucination!
>>181253 The fact that you can make these great absurd statements should be proof that you're not hallucinating. A brain impaired Rika could never say something so Rika.
If you were severely injured you wouldn't have presence of mind anyway.
A feel so Rika.
the thought that i might be hallucinating rarely comes to mind until i'm no longer hallucinating i imagine it'd be different if it were drug-induced because you'd be expecting it
>>181255 It's not really absurd when you think about it. Hallucinations before death are supposed to be really trippy. My head hurt just a minute ago too, I could be really injured in the real world.
>>181259 Wow, you rolled well. I didn't roll even though it's leg day because I'm trying to save.
>>181266 I guess that is true! I'm still having trouble staying awake at work it is a pain to avoid mistyping because I fell asleep for like 5 seconds.
It never happens in my everyday life outside of work except many exceptionally rarely but once at work somedays are a super struggle for conciousness!
>>181267 Do you think so? I'm usually not surprised at stuff. It has to be outside of the realm of things that my brain could come up with to prove that I'm not in a near-death hallucination.
>>181270 Wait, that doesn't make any sense. That means that something would have to be so unreal that it's likely to be a hallucination in order for you to believe you're not hallucinating.
>>181264 First thing I do walking into a lecture theatre is fantasising about taking down a school shooter there in front of the class
I used to and sometimes still try to imagine things and see if my brain can make them realistic like trick myself its real it never works.
I like to try to imagine colours with my eyes closed and see if I can summon colours into the darkness. It is pretty hard to actually do but I can sometimes make colours appear like reds, blues and purples.
>>181272 I t has to be surprising but not so absurd as to be unreal. If aliens invaded I'd know it was a hallucination. It has to be shocking truth level of shock but not something crazy.
>>181272 no the brain can't hallucinate something it can't come up with on its own
>>181285 There are ex-presidents. I think you meeting Trump is within the realm of things my brain could come up with. It would be ironic since you don't really like him. Life is kind of storybook like like that.
>>181293 Fishdad got another invitation to Mar-A-Lago. He turned down one that he got a while ago but he got another one the other day and he half-jokingly was asking me if I wanted to go in his place I guess that's one of the perks of being rich , you get invitations to fancy places that want you to become a member
>>181300 I probably won't, but you saying that you bet I won't go really makes me want to go.
i pulled swimsuit robin but they changed her illustrator and it's all fucked they messed up her eyes her beautiful droopy eyes and cheerless expression, gone
Also drawing Robin in a swimsuit kind of ruins the moe. Robin is moe because she wars a huge jacket.
>>181304 green tome robin f is adorable i dont know what youre talking about i think she's my favorite i really wanted bikini robin and at least i got it but i'm not sure i like it very much i couldn't not get her though
>>181330 Why would we annex mexico we don't like them
>>181334 that is how genius I am >>181335 why, to fix the problem of illegal immigrants no more immigrants and illegals, if they are citizens of your nation? If people so much want to live in your glorious nation, then your duty is to bring your nation to them if muhammad can't come to the mountain, let the mountain come to the muhammad if jose can't get into USA, let USA come to him
>>181336 I thought complaining about illegals was just a cover for our dislike of mexicans They eat lots of beans and smell bad
>>181355 depends on a lot of factors i stay hydrated and kind of do steady drinks and take some stuff to reduce oxidative stress and help regulate neurotransmitter levels though ive always been a supplements person so i don't usually have a hangover headache just the hangover
>>181355 yeah basically any weird kind of feeling post drunk is a symptom of hangover the headache is just from dehydration, if you didn't drink non-alcoholic liquids too
I am btw of the "save one or two beers" to easen up the hangover type though I never take them when I wake up, but rather when I make my first decent meal
>>181389 do you have plans? thunderstorms here, but I'll probably go into town anyway
I don't really know anyone in the city any more. So nothing to do here. Plus I'll have our Cthulhu game in the evening anyway, so things kind of conspire against me.
>>181394 Oh I'm not canadian haha, I had spoken to a bloke who was though, he had just come back from Montreal >>181393 At least he's not salty
>>181411 you might want the gun if you didnt get a water dagger from the idol event. inly if you fully uncap it though summon is kind of okay apparently walder is walder
>>181413 if you mean gun then yes it should be possible just rare/lucky
i havent done the event yet >>181417 is there a dagger this event? if there is an sr weapon then the bisses shoild be ablr to drop itnyeah and yes they should drop the ssr weapon too
>Opportunity at <mispelled startup name>!!! >email body is white letters on black background
where did this guy even get my email it's also sent from his personal gmail so i have no idea if he's actually with the company
one minute later, another email
><mispelled> w/ Salary up <unrealistic number> >exact same email
>>181442 prolly fishin fo a commission randomly misspell different words so that gmail's flaggers dont go off when mass spamming
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>we are looking for creative engineering /superhero(in)?es/ to join question mark
i want some super heroin that sounds great what the fuck
those kinds of adverts are a good laugh
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the weird thing is the opportunity is sort of realistic for me if it weren't so ridiculous he must be trolling one of these job sites and going rogue
>>181447 when i was a teenager i used to post really disparaging craigslists ads for bestbuy recruiting that was a different time you can't do that nowadays or craigslist will fine you a thousand dollars
>>181450 first they gotta find me idk whether they even really can i imagine it's just to ward off people wanting to say "LOOKING 4 BIG DADDY TO GIVE CUMMIES TXT ME AT (bang's phone number)" and screwing over someone they don't like sorry bang i wish i could undo that damage
he probably never even noticed cuz his phone's always blowin up with that shit
>Rin, a 17-year-old girl, lives inside a futuristic simulator in infinite, beautiful loneliness. Each day, she awakens in virtual reality to create a world for herself, yet in real life, Rin's comatose body floats through the universe, forever trapped inside a virtual simulation she will never wake up from... me irl
>>181515 You can get a flight from the north for only a couple hundred bucks. All the shitkickers from the mining industry come here for cheap booze and sex. >>181512 Link?
>>181511 >>181516 I thought the bogans all went to Bali But there you go I guess
>The man tripping on ice stripped naked and leapt at the crocodile, said the friend. It seems, he soon started trying to have sex with the giant. >"We were still a fair distance back, but I reckon he just about got it in." >Of course, the croc wasn't having a bar of it, and it started thrashing around like crazy." Where was he trying to fuck it? How'd he know it was a female croc?
>>181575 she said you should stop flaunting it then and also she said wow i can see all of your images you should be careful i might see something you didnt -- you don't want people to see i think she's had a drink or two she's watching me type this out
always keep your porn and your regular images in separate folders that's internet 101 my dude