Thread #181551
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Do we even have a Squid?
He should be around somewhere. we have demi-chan OVA tsuki ga kirei bahamut
also me
You good to go Roc, or do you need a moment.>>181582 Demi-chan OVA.
What is rook watchinG??
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Since rook is here we should start with demi-chan.
ok I'm ready
Rodger dodger
wait ok ready
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demi-chan okay let's start!
Satou is still best girl.
super best
A succubus in a yukata would be a terror.
Oh no
Third time's the charm.
the power of autism
No one's putting up with his shit.
Oh no
children are the real monsters
She got seen by her crush and her dad. How embarrassing.
Himari's sister makes good expressions.
what a recipe for shenanigans
They're all converging on one point.
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This is going to end with almost everybody getting spooked.
Hikari's like a wild animal pretty much. That light must have been really rough on her eyes.
Oh this is nice.
That was a really good scene.
Summer really is the best.
Oh wow.
wow you can't just do that
Poor sensei.
Oh no he's getting carried away by SCIENCE- What. What?
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She's too cute to be invisible.
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never to be seen again
I wonder if a season two is in the talks or something. Feels awfully weird to pull something like that.
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This is a good expression.
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okay bahamut? okay everyone is ready let's start
agreedo anyway that's all goodbye anime
Okay bye forever Roc. Enjoy your food. Ready.>>181652 Okay see you in five minutes.>>181665 See you were so dogged to prove me wrong you got everything tied up nice and quickly. You played right into my hand!
wait like 3 mins
ahh hah .>>181652 >>181650 >>181650 >>181650 >>181650
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The war machine springs to life Opens up one eager eye
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This is two cour isn't it?
>>181667 wrong thread what does that even mean
Goddamnit samu needs a sticky
How the hell have you not heard 99 red balloons?
>>181668 It is, but it is looking pretty climactic here, isn't it.
Hah hah Jean's son is thirsty for blood.
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when your keikaku doesn't go as keikaku'd
I really wish they could get FAVAROOOO a razor though. He needs to ditch the beard.
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I like Jeanne a lot more now that she's just a normal girl. She's less of a bitch without super powers and/or being edgy evil.
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djeanne is best I can see the angel child dying for the season finale
Y'know, despite what we're told, Rita really feels like the MC of the show. She's there for pretty much every important event in some way or another. Oh no King Jerkass is now half-blind.
>Where's Favaro? Asking after your husband the moment you get up, huh.
That thing on his wrist really doesn't look healthy.
I feel though, that in transforming to give the king a distraction, she's kind of gone a bit askew of her goal. She's spending more time tearing through his own forces.
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She asked him to help her. I don't know why he agreed knowing she was probably going to attack his men.
Though at the same time, he does have fairly little concern for his people. Wow he's copping a feel here.
See? In almost every scene Rita is playing some important detail. It's weird.
Hah hah hah. It's practically like he was taking a page out of Favaro's book there.
police brutality
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The angels really were beat badly even though the king decided to self-destruct a bit there in the middle.
I guess we've got our plot threads for season two. Favaroooo and Kaisaa and Rita, and Jeanne and Nino.
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okay tsuki ga kirei okay everyone is ready let's start
this might be my aots sorry for the delay
I think mine is still Alice.
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I liked Hinako Note.
I thoooouuuught he wouldn't make iiiit~.
Bookstore-san is a good person.
Oh she sent him the picture. Hah hah hah.
go away loser girl
She's gonna doroboneko now that she's got him all to herself.
Already sinking her claws in.
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She should have waited for their long distance relationship to fall apart.
They're really throwing a bunch of stuff at us in the finale.
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That's true. I wonder how they will tie it up in 15 minutes.
she didnt just confess she tried to steal her man
>If there is such a thing as a god of fate, he must be a troll Keep working at it, kid.
I'm kind of envious of Japanese writing culture. They have a bunch of entry points like that for aspiring authors. Western people don't quite have the same advantages.
Some times being the absolute gentleman isn't the best course of action.
run after her fool
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Wow, he didn't follow her.
She left her squeeze toy behind. It's all OVER.
Wow the story he wrote was autobiographical. No wonder it didn't get published.
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What a normie. I wonder if they're going to stay broken up. He should have studied harder.
Oh she took it with her in the end. All is well I guess.
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I dunno, you don't call someone your first love if things work out in the end.
Yeah but look at these LINE messages. Wow they keep up a relationship from middle school until their working adults. Oh well I guess that kind of settles it all, huh.
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Looks like I was wrong. It's rare when you see a series follow through like that.
A bit of that stuff at the end reminded me of Kimi no na wa. Now I want to see it again, again.
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I wonder if this was an advertisement for Line.
That was the joke in the threads when the show was starting up. It really feels like LINE in some way was sponsoring this show. But at the same time it has its own standalone merits so it's fine.
The LINE messages between the two of them have the names they've got for each other change as time goes on. It's kind of really cute.
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If you use line you'll get hitched with your middle school sweetheart.
that was a good ending great series like 8/10 or better
>>181773 I didn't have one. I was using LINE a bit in Japan because my friend are weeaboos and wanted to use it instead of the other communication methods we already had. It's not a bad piece of software.
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I'm glad they went with the complete happy ending.