Oh fuck, its after midnight. Gotta go to bed. Also fun fact, I spenrlt slightly more time commuting to and from my internship than I spent at the internship. Rly mks yuo thnk.
We've just had WAY too much fucking rain this spring/early summer. The outside weather hasn't had a chance to permanently warm up the air to trigger the humidity of summer.
Or something I ain't a fucking meteorologist. I just wish it wasn't this cold.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
swiping and found two youtube partners so far like what are there that many
>mom >what >I'm going to conference >... how much do you need I don't deserve my mom. I feel like garbage right now.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>178962 At the same time though, you paid for this in full by yourself, didn't you? Take some pride in being able to turn away your parent's charitable hand.
Turning it away wasn't the thing. It was that this whole time I was expecting an argument over the use of my time and she's just like "okay, do you need money, who are you going with, are you splitting the room, is anyone else from the youth group going, you can save that way." I should know better than to think anything else would happen. But she's been frustrated with me for days.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>178965 I guess it's just an alien experience to mine. The first thing that happens whenever I tell my mother I want to trip somewhere, she's going "who are you going with how long are you going where are you going what are you doing how are you travelling." It's a full list of the five W's to console her anxieties.
At the same time she's not really the kind of person to refuse my wanting to do something like this --her and my dad travelled a lot before they got kids. She's just naturally inclined towards anxious thoughts. So I guess it's just weird to think she'd ever be a roadblock of discouragement for something like this.
Well, i'd usually have to answer those questions too but this is conference. She doesn't have to worry as much about who I'd be with because people from my church will be around and she knows what the conf is like. It's just "are you really spending money on the expensive conference food?" and "Do you even have clothes that aren't over a year old?" Oh and, "Why didn't you look up cheap flights instead of taking the train?"
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the more you tighten you grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers
The answer to that last question is "lol 4th of July week get rekt wallet"
>>178969 I know the way I phrased my post makes it feel like that is somewhat applicable. But for all her anxieties, my mother is generally very enthusiastic about my interests in going new places or trying new things. I've been for my whole life someone that fought tooth and nail to not step out of my comfort zone, so seeing me interested in doing the opposite is probably a comfort to her. She just likes to ensure that if I am doing something risky, I have -ALL- the bases covered.
You don't get it. I already have content for a prologue. And I can't stop smiling. ahhhhhhhhh I know this is just casual hyperbole I have to tell myself this over and over.
Yeah but where's the fun in being rational and calm.
These really angry outbursts aren't very good for my health, I think, and I'm a little worried it'll get to a point where it clouds my mind too much and I do something either violent or self harming to some extent Most worried about the violence part though, I've dealt with the other end of it long enough
I have to finish a rorschach interpretation and write a 6 page case conceptualization for a guy with depression and lasting brain damage from using LSD too much It's sort of a heavy day I think but I'll be less tied up with work after 5pm
I've been trying to take it easy in the afternoons I should be a lot less busy for a little while after today though There are a lot of things I want to do with Fish that I've been too busy for
>>179122 It's totally true! I slack off all the time and just make it look like I care deeply about my work. I care enough to do my work but I don't care enough to do it really well.
>>179130 I really don't. I loathe all work although I value my assessment work because it's training in something I want to do. In undergrad, I used to receieve Cs in classes despite getting As on all the exams because I didn't turn in any of the homeworks.
>>179140 What is success? I will, of course, do a good job at what I have to do. Some days the desire to succeed and work hard and all that stuff just isn't there. I have do deal with annoying people tomorrow.
>>179139 What sorts of things do you find uninteresting?
>>179141 that varies from person to person to me, it would be the ability to manipulate my standard of living and capability to experience more to my liking which almost directly translates to some function of income vs free time
>>179141 Training in therapy, statistics I'm already familiar with, wasting class time to talk about boring things, discussion about behavioral stuff that I'll never use, etc I have to write a case conceptualization for this guy, but I have to do it from a CBT perspective I think that's really ridiculous, that I have to approach something from a theoretical standpoint that someone else came up with and I don't necessarily agree with That's boring to me too
>>179141 I do feel you in that some days the desire isn't there but my sincere is advice is to will the desire into existence
>>179150 You could say that. It's not intellectually stimulating so I don't like it past a certain point. Learning an overview of that stuff is fine because it's useful, but the amount of useless stuff I have to learn to get that useful piece of information is high, and that annoys me.
That's why I play phone games or mess around with Twitter in my Cognitive Behavior Models class, or why I use Twitter in my Cognitive Affective Bases of Behavior class. That stuff is really boring, although the CB Models stuff actually is useful sometimes.
>>179152 I think everyone slacks off in class from time to time. There were definitely times I slacked off in class too. It's rare to find people who are able to be going 100% all the time.
>>179159 I think you're misunderstanding. In class, all I do is play phone games and Twitter. It's not from time-to-time. The only class I pay attention in is my assessment class.
I mean, I keep my ear open in those other classes and passively scan for interesting stuff, but I dismiss most of it. It's all useless. I can barely work on homework if it's not interesting, either. Easy stuff is boring, too. School really sucks because it's like 90% boring and useless shit. If it didn't mean I'd have to drop out, I wouldn't do 90% of my work.
>>179165 That's what my professors and classmates think, too. I'm good at dividing my attention so I can make comments or answer questions while not really listening in class, so people think I'm diligent, but I'm not at all.
It's part of my charismatic aura. Everyone just assumes I'm a good worker without evidence of that being true.
Yeah, but there's no point in working hard to be a good student. It's all incredibly easy. I can float by without working hard probably 95% of the time. If I skim through the chapters I'm supposed to read, I get As or high Bs on all the exams, too.
>>179167 What do you think would need to happen for you to become a better student?
>>179173 I don't really know if it's actually really easy or really hard for me. My biggest struggle with schoolwork has always been overcoming the indifference towards actually doing the work.
>>179176 I don't think I can. If things suddenly got too hard for me, I'd probably fail because I don't have any studying skills since I've never studied before. I don't think I need to either though.
So what you really need to become a better student is to improve your studying skills? Studying is about organization and managing your time well more than anything. Well, actual really hard studying.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>179167 >Everyone just assumes I'm a good worker without evidence of that being true. >>179173 Familiar feelings.
>>179183 There's no point in studying for me. It's boring and time consuming and I don't gain anything from it. A lot of things would have to be different for me to be a better student. The work would have to be really hard and I would need to become less efficient at absorbing information. But even if that stuff happened, it probably wouldn't motivate me to study.
Nothing will really motivate me to try harder on assignments other than assessment assignments either.
>>179190 Things aren't going to get hard enough, though. I thought they did last semester, but I was wrong. I still didn't need to study. I just had to skim through a chapter in the book occasionally.
The only readings I do are for assessment and if they're boring, I skip them, though. Everything is really easy, so I don't have to work hard. I just have to work a lot.
I get everything I need just by being myself, generally. I don't have to put in effort for many things. It's really boring. I just have a different way of thinking that lets me do that, even though most people have more focused knowledgebases than I have in my program. Everyone has a speciality, but I'm naturally a jack-of-all-trades type of person, so I'm well-rounded and knowledgable about many things, which, at this point, makes me look good. But my skills are passable in all necessary narratives, so my well-rounded nature always makes me look good compared to others even if others are better at things than me.
>>179201 With due respect when you were fevered up you were particularly worried about missing work that would drop your GPA into dangerous levels. That doesn't exactly sound like your grades are "fine". I know that's not a "need" basis but the maximum possible leeway is what I would consider "fine".
>>179205 I understand that in its entirety but if you would wait for me to finish my post you would see I've probably addressed that the best I can.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>179204 Because it would've automatically dropped his grade too far. When an assignment counts as 25% of your grade, and you miss it, you can only make a total of 75% and that can FUCK YOU HARD.
>>179203 I don't need better grades. My GPA is 0.03 points under the threshold which is why I'm on academic probation. It went down too far because I miscalculated the minimum amount of work I could do last semester - they counted a class that I couldn't use in my GPA for my GPA hours. So instead of 15 credits with 15 credit hours, they looked at it as a maximum of 15 credits in 16 credit hours and it would have been impossible to get a 4.0 for the semester because of that. That extra point is something absolutely ridiculous so I assumed it wouldn't be factored into the equations, but it was. After this semester, my GPA will be above the treshold again without having to put any extra work into it.
Military coup maybe in venezuela
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>179204 But that's not really a matter of leeway, that's a matter of "this assignment matters, period".
>>179208 It looks like something at least, is happening there. Something unique from what they've been dealing with recently. Military coups are generally touchy things, but the people of Venezuela need some kind of change. Hopefully this might be fore -for the better.
>>179212 I'd like to, but they release assignments in a way that forces people to become overworked. They tell us there's an assignment due but won't give us the assignment until a week before it's due most of the time. Since every professor does that, it's like suddenly getting a hundred assignments in a week.
That's a common plague across any assignment-based course in post-secondary education really. But it must rear it's ugly head once you get into masters and doctorate programs.
>>179217 Well, it's mostly because professors don't communicate. They usually don't know they're doing it and some adjust their assignment schedules to account for it if we complain and they have leeway to adjust the schedule.
But it's pretty much whatever since I have it under control. Although being in control can be annoying too sometimes
I wonder if programs ever incur pressure from the heads and upper echelons of programs to keep the status quo that way. Like it wouldn't be hard for deans and heads to encourage the staff to cooperate. If a problem continues for an extended period of time you have to wonder if there's more to than just coincidence.
>>179219 I think everyone thinks the same way, so when they try to work out a schedule, they put things around the same time. There are so many classes going on at once sometimes that you can't really expect them to work out their schedules together.
>>179223 Yeah, but I'll always be okay, and I have Fish here to make sure I take breaks and stuff. Or to make sure I stop taking breaks if I'm not doing my work.
>>179224 There's nobody that always okay. You're an at-risk person because you assume you'll always be okay! The people who are most consistently okay are those that worry and make plans for when bad things happen.
Blins are what Russians call thin pancakes er let me rephrase that. Blins are Russian pancakes.
>>179234 I'll be okay. If I could fail, I would have done so by now. I've been self-sabotaging for years and I'm still here. I have contingency plans to make sure that everything will be okay.
The F/GO game probably have the cruelest gacha there is. And the localization is absolute shit, it's full of mistranslations, and the team failed to use basic terminology for the Nasuverse.
>>179237 I can't help it. It's not something I do on purpose. It's just a manifestation of my risk-taking behavior, probably.
>>179239 Yeah but Granblue gets updated because it's expected to bring in considerable money F/GO is just a bait project to see if Americans will bite F/GO in Japan brings in 1.5 million USD daily, sometimes up to 3 million during special gacha events, so they can afford to do this kind of stuff haphazardly.
oh i heard it was bad but granblue was pretty bad at the start too
F/GO has the cruelest gatcha there is because you're guaranteed a 4* in a 10 roll, but it's not a 4* character you're guaranteed. It's usually a Craft Essence.
>>179240 I think I'm fine. I've made it this far, haven't I? Once I stop having so many classes and start going out for my clinical experience practicum sites, I won't have opportunities to self-sabotage. Plus I have good coping strategies and social support now, which I haven't had for the past two years, so everything will be a lot easier.
>>179251 Noice, my problem is that I went to bed a little after midnight. Well, there is still the possibility that I fell asleep, did not dream, woke up sometime around four, looked at the clock, fell asleep again then had a dream, then woke up. But I don't think thats very likely.
My bus was just sitting for like six minutes at tge stop before mine. I could see it, it just didn't go even though there were tgree green lights. I don't quite know how long it takes to get to the train stop from here. But knowing my luck I'll have just enough time to sprint up the stairs to the platform to see the train doors close.
Oh hey, that was fast. Although the train is early so it still could have happened.
Yeah, the train is early, according to the schedule it is supposed to get to the stop before mine in one minute.
Also I want to reeeee at this version of android. It's missing some very useful features I had on my phone that ran like 4.x or something. Such as selecting a time range on the data usage graph to check how much data you used during that time frame.
>>179265 ah, I totally forgot I keep forgetting to do the ones that I beat in full long ago Is it over already? >>179267 probably not
>>179272 Yeahhh, but I know he does it to her, so she might be doing it without knowing the origin.
>>179272 It just started It's pretty hard I think Everyone has like 30 res and the boss decreases atk/spd by 5 for all within two spaces of her attack target
Also, on the subject of the Nolan trilogy. That hospital that got blown up in "The Dark Knight" was actually a candy factory, and my dad went by it on the train as part of his commute, so he was talking abiyt how weird it was to see it going into work, but not see it on his way home.
>Infernal oh boy. >>179278 not particularly a fan, no
>>179283 He's friends with this guy. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=warugaki_%28sk-ii%29 Also by "not particularly a fan" I cant tell if you mean "no, I am not familiar with their work" or "I am familiar with their work and do not like it".
I know how to beat Infernal now. I just gotta do it. I ran out of Stamina though so I'll bother with it later. >>179284 I've seen his stuff before I am just not too fond of it. "Good but not appealing" >>179286 I should get a haircut today and probably work on my project stuff.
>>179321 wait untill a sysadmin or your boss gets anal about it
>>179321 By the way there's now a R/a/dio app for phones. I know it doesn't help with your work but in case you wanna listen elsewhere. I always found getting the site to operate on a phone was suffering.
>>179326 depends really long time is basically a "period of time that lasts for a good while" basically a period that has a clear beginning and an end but since forever never ends and never began it isn't really a long time as how we have,
forever can begin
beings that can't even comprehend eternity or fovever beyond abstract concepts, don't really have the vocalubary means to describe it correctly >>179332 in the sense that time begins
though I guess if you magiced a prison that keeps the prisoner inside and alive forever from now I guess in that sence it has a beginning *sense but in term too the prisoner hasn't been ever inside forever they have always been inside since they were locked in there and the prison hasn't existed forever just as long as it has been created so
Though I guess since forever is a measure of time still or rather tied to existence of time forever too in a weird sense neither is forever it began when time began and ends when time ends if it can go poof that is
Fuck, I had to wait in line for half my break The pizza only tooke three minutes to make thoygh.
haa haa that is why I never use the cafeteria or something
>>179338 I went to a pizza place >>179339 No, they really make it in three minutes. It's their thing or whatever, you pic your sauce and toppings and then they put it on the pizza dough right in front of you then put it in the oven. It's like their thing or something.
can't be that good shit then
nah places like that are pretty good like that personal pizza place i go to is pretty similr and ts get
>>179350 It's decent. Ive only ordered from there once, so I don't know if they're >>179353 None of their stuff is precooked excluding the meats. I literally saw the woman take the pizza dough and flatten it.
>>179353 Also basically any dough can be cooked in three minutes if the oven is hot enough. >>179357 It's pick your own cheese >>179357 That depends on the size, shape surface area, cross sectional area, specific heat and thermal conductivity of the dough.
so if you take a steak that has been standing on the table after you cooked it and throw it back into the grill are you reheating it or grilling it anew? and does it become tough as fuck and lose all of its moisture or be as good as it was when you first time grilled it an hour ago
"it is as good as it was an hour ago t. rei
>>179367 Depends what you did with it and how long you cooked it each time.
>>179386 doesn't work against half of the spell cards in the storymode
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
story mode is weird so
seriously what do you do against floaters that spam way too fast and with colours that don't really show against the background >>179390 how alice lacks instant firepower and her meele just doesn't hit anything >>179391 lol that results in 3 patchouli metal lazers killing you in one long combospam
I've gone from thinking it'd be hilarious if she won to thinking it'd probably actually be a good thing, too The world is a wild place
>>179406 >It'd be a good thing Not really, already some of the stuff she proposed woukd be bad, such as changing the financial disclosure rules for people running for office. Err changing them in a way to reduce transparency.
Yeah but she's also running on universal healthcare And that's the kind of policy that, once it's in place, isn't gonna go anywhere because people go "Oh, this is actually 500 times better than the terrible system"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>179409 yeah right people will just get tricked again "these FAT PEOPLE are the ones YOUR TAXES are paying for why should you pay for someone WHO DID IT TO THEMSELF?"
Dude even our FAR RIGHT parties are like "we wanna keep the welfare state around" At most they want some private hospitals
Removing universal healthcare isn't gonna get you elected once it's in, man
>>179411 Ideally yes, we may see. I would not put it past the US public to fall for that in large enough numbers.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>179411 it will raise taxes and you can make it look like everyone is paying for stupid people's mistakes and then people will be upset and freak out and want it gone
>>179416 But it ends up costing less for everyone, both in total and MASSIVELY per person
>dumb fuck crashes on his degenerate motorcycle and breaks his leg >I have to pay for it with MY taxes instead of him taking responsibility for his stupid Universal healthcare is theft okay how's that for selling it?
>>179421 But you can't predict if you'll ever get sick, so you get insurance anyway if possible
I fucking hate Americans, oh my god
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>179424 you say that like people care they're happy to pay for their own shit but if they have to pay for other people's shit, it's terrible and degenerate and it's evil and it's communist
>>179447 It's not like it was a bad day. I spent most of the day working on a file. I had some people to see but they didn't show up. I ended up babysitting a little girl for a few minutes. I guess it was a kind of busy day because I didn't get to lunch until 2.
>>179446 Making people pay for other's healthcare is not a good way to be, I think.
Then we ain't gonna agree to begin with I'm too red to consider letting people die because they lost their job to be even a little bit of a moral option
>>179453 No, but we'll be taking that issue on in a minute.
I kind of dispute the notion of "letting people die" If you spend a million bucks to keep someone with terminal cancer alive for six more months, the choice not to do so is not letting them die. The outcome for some diseases is death and we shouldn't subsidize people's denial.
If they have nice insurance or their own funds or something they can feel free to keep all that going, but I don't think it should be state funded with the threat of the IRS behind it.
>>179456 That depends very heavily on quality of life. Do you think even if I did want to spend that extra time with my family member, I should be able to do it on my neighbor's dime?
>>179457 What kind of different Rika aura do I have right now?
>>179458 Yeah, I'd be willing for my taxes to go towards your family member I'm somewhat biased because my family has had experiences with cancer. We're fairly well off, so we'd probably have been fine without universal healthcare. But if we weren't well off, I don't know if my mum would have been able to afford treatment.
>>179460 If they want to fight in denial then that's their choice. I'd rather spend a million on a 0.1% chance of life than just letting someone die.
>>179459 You should understand things like quality of life and inevitability, then. We waste a lot of money letting people go on with terrible quality of life, fighitng in denial against inevitability. I don't think we should spend an unlimited amount of money fighting these things.
We're not on the same starting point in this, anyway Why should the cops even have to investigate a burglary if you didn't bother to lock your door, that's theft
>>179458 It feels like you're duller than usual. Not like, boring, but less colorful.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>179459 1. Rika did say "terminal cancer" and not "cancer" 2. She's making a point of someone else's money going towards it and not the relevent party's
>>179462 Hmm, I wonder if I am. I guess I kind of get that sense but I can't really say why I'm duller than usual.
Maybe it's because I did a lot of boring paperwork today.
>>179463 That's correct. If people have the means or the insurance to fund their denial, that's fine with me. I'm just saying that the state shouldn't subsidize it.
It's not oversimplifying anything. The government should let sick people die because if they can't afford the treatment they need, they shouldn't have it.
>>179470 Where is the line for letting people die?
I agree that it's kind of letting someone die if you leave an easily treated thing untreated. The problem is that a lot of the people screaming that you're letting people die by not paying for them think that you should spend a billion dollars to keep someone who is absolutely fucked alive for six months longer.
Laypersons have a terrible concept when it comes to medical outcomes.
>>179463 I understand and I can see where she's coming from But if I was voting, I'd vote for the party with universal healthcare even for the illnesses that most likely won't be survived I'm not working at the moment though, so it's not my taxes.
>>179471 But that... doesn't happen Like that's not a thing that happens in reality
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>179467 "I don't agree people deserve to die for being too unproductive" T. Man who believes he deserves to die for being too unproductive
>>179473 You'll need to be more specific. In reality, there are a lot of people who are absolutely doomed that linger on needlessly and with very poor quality of life because they cannot accept the inevitable.
>>179478 It's just a feeling, really. You're usually colorful in a more energetic way than you are now. I guess it feels like your energy is there but more tame.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>179478 I don't know, but yous eem to do it a lot.
>>179491 You can leave the country then. Being born in an apartment doesn't entitle you to live there, and it doesn't make the rent theft
>>179491 >what is the social contract Our society wouldn't exist without government and taxes. The computer you're using is an indirect product of taxation as a system.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I make 11 and hour 40 hours a week 80 hours means 880 a paycheck I get 580 a paycheck ??????????????????????????????
>>179470 here in the US we have treatment options that involve funding the actual development of a potential technique which requires a bunch of gene testing and dna replication so that they can train the drug to your bioenvironment you guys have healtchare systems in place because america has the capital to spend on the development of life-saving drugs because the research has gone so far that it's very cutting-edge and experimental it's not logistically possible to provide life-saving treatment without restraint i mean, we have clinical trials that are a pretty savvy option for treatment for people unable to afford, but seriously we have to engineer these drugs and then take a few years for them to be cost-conscious and then you guys soak it up and offer it to your people -- that's great, we do that too but it's just not the cutting-edge garbage what you're really talking about here is a difference in availability of care. we have things that are available dependent on cost. you guys have that if you want to travel to the united states for care and pay for it. there's really no big difference there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
My health care coverage by my job is like80 dollars That's 220 going towards taxes
Though my response to both your argument and >>179494 is that Americans hate the idea of paying for other people's stupid shit and that's why we vote this shit down and you can't really judge us from your smug european hellhole for doing so.
I don't think Americans are actually opposed to it, I think it's your fucked up election system where you only have two parties, one claiming "we'll never get that done", and the other claiming "that's COMMUNISMS" forcing you to stay without it despite a 60% support for it in the general population.
>>179500 Well, there is a deeper issue here that you aren't seeing.
Things like the welfare state tend to have battlelines that are split between people who work and pay taxes and people who don't. It's easy to be for the welfare state when you're sucking the teat of the state. But as you've seen in the past 10 or 20 posts, people who work their asses off every day hate it when a lot of that income is taken away for no reason.
The problem here is that end the end, you need productive people. You don't really need the unproductive ones. If the unproductive ones win too much, the system collapses because the workers no longer want to work.
>>179503 i was taxed almost 40% if you consider the raw self employment tax and the healthcare penalty ft. b. obama it was like a flat 2,000 dollar tax just to be self employed like what the fuck america
>>179507 Insurance is different than state welfare. Insurance is something you buy into. I'm for insurance regulations. I am against the state taking your money to pay for stupid stuff.
I tend to be realistic when it comes to illness though, as a result of my experiences. If I ever get a horribly painful terminal disease, I plan to go quietly.
tbh i wouldn't mind paying for taxes if they went to useful things and the government used money properly
All the taxes I've ever paid have been returned to me.
>>179512 i spent so much money paying my mom's rent and bills last year and it's not like i can deduct that fuck man, so if i paid $800 one month it was actually over a grand because of the tax
>>179509 Do you know what happens if you don't pay your taxes? The IRS comes to your house and demands money from you. And if you drive them away, they come back with guns.
yeah but like you're being taxed for no reason it's literally the government just asking us for money because we exist well, demanding our money, because we exist
>>179515 i didn't pay i didn't even get to file yet i don't think smallfry like me are really on the IRS's radar. it's those fat salaries they have to investigate they'll probably start hollering at me if i spend a // pay for a few years, but even then it'd just be "hey you owe us this much please get it to us"
Solution was simple learnt the moment to spam all the shanghai dolls
>>179532 yes that's not really different from a vigilante gang charging people fees for handling issues that everyone represents themselves on actually that's exactly what taxation without representation means
Alternatively, we could recognize taxes as valid because it funds the state, and stop only considering it theft when they do a thing we don't like with the taxes
>>179532 The difference here is that police do something instrumental to the preservation of society. Society falls apart if law and order is not preserved.
Bloated socialized healthcare isn't necessary to the pursuit of society. I think wasting a bunch of money on people with no hope is actually detrimental to society, as is subsidizing people's bad choices.
I sometimes get letters to government at my work place and one of them I saw a few weeks ago was about this guy saying he was outside of the law. he claimed he was a ... I forgot what they call themselves
>>179538 i'm not saying things go wrong, but that's a pretty big difference between the conceptual police force and the conceptual vigilante policies are in place that people who backed this particular force through representation put in place there's a firm but // (conceptually firm, in practice flawed) liability trail there whereas a vigilante might do some things that are in-line with those commonual concerns but they're free to just do what they want when they want, and nobody voted their confidence in an individual 's // individual vigilante's judgment, but into the larger system
>>179545 It's not social darwinism. This is one of the issues with this whole environment.
er argument
wow don't sit there arguing with me before I even finish my post.
This is exactly what is wrong with you people. You're making it an emotional issue when it is not.
It's not letting people die. People will die anyway, no matter how much money you throw at them. You are living in a fantasy land where you think saving people about money.
>>179547 It is literally social darwinism What the fuck is social darwinism if it's NOT letting people who aren't productive enough die off so only the successful ones remain?
>>179552 If there were not viable treatment options, I would either choose to go quietly or be overcome by denial and linger on for awhile in my rotting diseased soon-to-be corpse of a body. That's generally how people do these things.
>>179552 i would make a bunch of bots to preserve what flavors of my consciousness still exist and then ask someone to put me down once my nervous system was too far gone for me to function and i'm clearly suffering
The problem is that the political debate is often boiled down to an issue of "letting people die".
Medical outcomes aren't so simple. You have to carefully consider 1) costs 2) chance of a favorable outcome and 3) quality of life. These are hard questions and generally need to be answered by people who are qualified to make these conditions.
Paying a ton of money so someone can live six months with an absolutely horrible quality of life is not using your money or effort effectively. It's not even doing right by the patient, because every day for them is really just an exercise in waiting to see if their suffering becomes so profound that they'd prefer to be dead.
if they're already on palliative care, giving them one more month of expectancy by rotating out the steroids under severe discomfort isn't life-saving, and the alternative isn't letting them die at that point it's palliative care of how quick or how long and how comfortable
at the very least, i think i'd rather my money go to keeping people alive and suffering horribly in my own country than have it go to killing innocent kids in a brown country though
>>179559 yeah but aren't you guys making money off of bombing that country
>>179559 it's such a waste children in africa could have eaten those innocent kids
>>179559 Yes, confiscating my money to kill random people is even more immoral tha confiscating it to waste on dying people. Two wrongs don't make a right!
>>179559 >>179562 who are you bombing right now anyway I lost track
>>179569 I wonder if you could make money off of a deepweb assasinate me service You pay someone money and they assasinate you at a random time quickly, painlessly, and professionally
>>179566 I saw in the news today that he took time during a call with the irish prime minister to tell some lady she had a nice smile. Eveyone present was horribly offended.
>>179570 yeah sometimes people put hits onthemselves to frame another group or sometimes they're just super depressed and feel they'll never be able to do it on their own
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>179570 i don't want it to be quick >>179571 why can't they get us both together?
because i want you to wrote lol on my grave and // in piss and make sure that the headstone says "this person made him a steak"
>>179577 I think you're overestimating how much control we have over our government. The overwhelming majority of Americans are completely against this sort of thing.
>>179579 they'll also do things like, if they've got a good cover identity, they'll order one on their fake info which might not even be a real person but then you've got someone trying to dig info out of places and it makes it look like someone is after you or anyone else for that matter the dark web isn't very clever about that stuff yet they'll just pretend they're other people/groups all the time and just try to stir shit up to benefit from it
>>179583 I didn't say we have no power over our own government. The ruling class is pretty upset about the fact that we're rejecting health care but has to begrudgingly go along with it.
If you can't even stop your government from bombing civillians, you've lost control
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>179584 i'll just have a heart attack then i'd rather bleed out
>>179587 One of your issues is that you turn everything into a black and white issue.
Do you dispute the fact that most Americans are against bombing random countries? Or are you just throwing up a smokescreen?
Your ruling class is the one who did everything in their power to keep Bernie out of the general election, I don't think they're for universal healthcare
I bought a brand of cookies I don't usually get because it was buy-one-get-one-free, but they're not very good. Now I'm stuck with a ton of crappy cookies.
>>179593 You mean people with jobs? Yeah, like I said earlier, these issues tend to be fought between people who contribute and people who don't. People who don't love the welfare state.
>>179594 Throw them in the trash and get your fish to make some better ones.
>>179704 Her buff at level 100 is now a unique buff so it'll stack with other buffs instead of just being ATK up and stuff And her AOE heal also gives refresh (regen)
It seems like the only way to get some super good characters like summer zooey.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>179712 Summer Zooey is now a legfes limited and not a summer limited so you have more chances to get her, but sparking is a nice guarantee. Since you might just get to roll them during your 300 rolls and then you can save up again
THanks to the anime though I have like 50 premium draw tickets.
That makes this kind of a unique opportunity to use the sparks, because premium tickets are kind of worthless because you can't get the sure thing SR/SSR character with them. But 50 tickets is like 1/6 of sparking a character.
I spent a lot of those on light up because I have no self-control I have 12 tickets and almost 2 10-rolls in crystals right now
Cog is getting buffed she might be not bad
you should definitely save for spark spark is like rolls + free choice dont rely on rng i didnt get orchid during her rate up in 300 rolls so i was forced to spark
Unless you have some equipment slowing her down >>179726 DA/TA = Double Attack/Triple Attack So she should get 10% per swing like everyone else so she should only charge slower if she isn't getting as many attacks in
She's slow because everyone else is fast. The other people in the party are Lucio, Amira, and Sachiko.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Sachiko builds meter using her skills like every idol, and Amira steals meter from everyone. Does Lucio have a multi-attack skill that's buffing his DATA rate?
Anyway DJ will eventually get some passive buffs to DATA and there's skills you can use and such What class are you using right now anyway, Dark Fencer?
>>179731 there are people out there with top-ranking arena teams and that can take down the inferno challenges with only F2P heroes and only F2P skills it's like sk's welfare dream for people that actually like to strategize maybe you're just not that good at it??
>>179735 Yeah, but I like collecting cute characters. As a character collector, cruel gachas are like kryptonite to me.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Fire Emblem requires some very specific autism that I don't really want to do. Granblue requires grinding autism which I'm already done with partially so I'm find. fine even
>>179736 Oh I think I see your grain now yeah when they're just pumping them all out it makes it a little hard to care and you still want one specifically and they're just adding more probability fodder onto the mix too it's not really the arena whalers or that that did you in it's that they devalued what you did crave and sullied it
>>179738 My problems with the game mostly revolve around the gacha and how cruel it is.
I also hate how every new character they come out with is five star exclusive. A good example is Faye from the new Echoes game, she is 5 star exclusive but she's just some random mook. They lock nearly every new character behind five stars even though they aren't lords or anything special. So you're stuck getting 3 star lon'qu for the rest of your life.
The gacha rates are pretty bad in general too.
And IVs throw another wrench into things, half the time when you do get a good character they are completely ruined by bad IVs.
i lucked out really crazy on the bridges and then on the NEW HEROES i got two in 9 orbs, kirara was super envious but i dont know what to do with all of them like they're not great for arena really it's either relish that i got three out of four new heroes or just take the only skill that makes them good and put it on someone else, killing them and i wanna collect em and i wanna make em good but what good is being good when there's no good to be done
Oh Rika on an unrelated note, I've been playing Shadowverse and haven't done the trick to switch to JP voices (which will soon not be a thing since they're adding that option intot he actual game), I've been listening to some dub voices. Some of them are alright. Forte's is not Forte's is abysmal.