Thread #179786
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「I think the other thread is fat...」 Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/29 (木) 04:56 No. 179786
Don't judge me...
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I refuse to faito I have no idea how to word this thing to my doc though I don't want to make it seem like things are worse than they are
>>179786 (OP) it's too late fuckin court date set jury decided verdict set too because why not your fuckin gay dude the jury decided they're words not mine
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#d100 (19) ehh nah#d100 (79)
I can not fly
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I believe I can fly I believe I can touch the sky
anime >>179794 →
??? ?
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becky let me smash becky
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do you want yellow ?
she doesn't want yellow blue and yellow?
hi friendos!
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Are you okay rook?
It's raining here again. I don't think there's been a single day in almost a week where it hasn't at least rained a little bit. At least this time it's getting the rain done at night.
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>>179851 \ it's been all over the place this week sunny one hour, rainy the next, back to sunny sometimes you can see the rain clouds and their wall of rain just past the sunny skies
i saw a show tonight it was fun i went by myself, i don't usually do that
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You had the day off today didn't you?
>>179856 I've been hoping it gets around to drying a bit soon. I want to go biking in the valley, but it gets really-really muddy down there because all water flows downhill. I -could- just bike as it is but I'm not gungho about exercise enough to want to bike through mud.
>>179861 yeah
next day off is tuesday and then i requested a few days off next week i'm seeing Phantogram
our work calendar runs wednesday to tuesday it's always really weird when i see normal person calendars
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That's strange. Why does it do that?
most corporate restaurants work like that as far as i know basically any industry where the weekend is the busiest part of the week
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tonight's one of those nights
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>>179871 What kind of night?
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one of these kinds
the kind where i'm bang
Did you enjoy the show you went to?
the show was really good CHON is amazing live the opening bands were kind of whatever Tera Melos gets a lot of hype from my friends but i'm kinda eh about them
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>>179879 Shouldn't you be happy? You had the day off and went to a show
I was really happy like all day It was great
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how many of those images do you have?
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A decent enough normal. er a decent enough amount
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every feeling has its time and place sometimes you're having amazing fun at a show and chatting with strangers over a cigarette and a beer sometimes you're sitting at your desk late at night kinda lonely wondering why life is life
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the dog on the left is me the dog on the right isn't realk
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listen to this song>>>/watch?v=ptr8LBCxJqM
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oh wait it's anime time nvm
You're in luck amine time JUST wrapped up.
oh good so listen
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>>179907 anime is OVER
yeah but are you listening
The piano, synths, and vocals kind of remind me of some old song and picture videos a circle did that summarized each Episode of Umineko in a single video.
This guy has a lot of material and it's all pretty good, but some of it is really good the ones i've been posting are my favorites
you'll probably recognize the sample he uses on this one>>>/watch?v=XGrSBb9VTSE
Oh yeah I saw Umineko with the PS4 sprites is on sale on Steam this sale. I might, MIGHT actually consider getting that. It's been a while.
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>>179911 nope!
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i've been really on the fence about buying Ate lier Sophie
wow how did i do that
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Sophie is okay. It's a nice pleasant game but not one of the best ateliers.
i think sophie is the cutest atelier mc
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Sophie herself is cute yeah. Her first outfit is cute. Her second one is too sugary.
there are only two atelier games on steam so my choices are sophie and firis
>>179922 whats her second outfit look like
and firis is twice the price of sophie and also the second game in the saga
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>>179926 yeah the first one is way better
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Fortunately they realize this and that's what she wears in the second game.
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and though i know since you've awakened her again she depends on you she depends on you
Help. I've falled -fallen in nostalgia and can't get out.
LEAN IN TO MY SIDE NEVER FELT ALIVE CALL THE CHANTS AND SIGH we will wait for this we will wait for this
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we will wait for this we will wait for this
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【=◈︿◈=】 【=◈︿◈=】 【=◈︿◈=】
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Are you overheating?
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【=◈︿◈=】【=◈︿◈=】【=◈︿◈=】【=◈︿◈=】【=◈︿◈=】【=◈︿◈=】【=◈︿◈=】【=◈︿◈=】【=◈︿◈=】 2017/06/29 (木) 08:00 No. 179940
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i believe the thing that belongs in that space is "the suffering and despair of being alone"
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Beautiful maidens can know what the suffering and despair of being alone is. The world is a tough place!
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>>179944 lol
Oh fuck 07th_Expansion actually produced a new game last Summer Comiket. It's a science fiction series with design motifs of Alice in Wonderland. Ryuukishi also got two of the co-writers he worked with from Rewrite on board for this. Where's Squid I wonder if this would be of interest to him.
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>>179945 IT's a big assumption to assume everything is easy just because you're attractive!>>179947 Alice in Wonderland is a top tier motif so it's fine.
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It kind of looks like Ryuukishi was taking a bit of a page out of MUV-LUV's book though. Or something I dunno. The synopsis I can see are kind of vague.
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Muvluv is way too edgy and grimdark. Do not want!
Hello have you read anything Ryuukishi has written before. I mean you fucking avatar as one of his characters. Though it looks more like he's taking pages of the "serious battle world" and "comfy slice of life world" being two different stories but secretly related kind of thing that MUV-LUV did. Or something I still haven't read it.
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>>179952 Higurashi is edgy but in the end it's hopeful.
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/r/ing a picture of watashi smiling like this while hanging from a ceiling fan and somewhere in the room is a mirror and in the mirror it's actually me hangin
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His artwork is still as ugly as ever though.
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>>179955 jesus christ is that new artwork fucking hell how does this shit sell
He makes fun characters and interesting stories and has a very, VERY high quality pool of music artists he gets music from.
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It's actually better than his old artwork.
Yeah it's even really a step up from his stuff from Umineko.
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At the least he's improving at a faster pace than ZUN is.
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i don't really have a reason to be awake except that i'm not tired but i have work in 9 hours
Nice pantsu. I was planning on sleeping a bit early-ish but then I got distracted. And then kind of excited.
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it's been a good month june was kind to me
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That's good. I guess June is pretty much over. I get some time off for the fourth of july though, that's nice.
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one of my really good friends gets back in town on the 1st, and i got the 4th off purely by coincidence no one requested it off and i just happened to not be scheduled i'm probably going to have friends over and barbeque i want to get good at barbeque that's probably a very texan thing but it's a good skill to have
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Sounds fun! I can cook but I can't use a grill at all.
the only thing i'm not good at is baking which is weird because i was a baker for a little while tonight i made a salad type dish and it was really good, with pan-fried salmon and mushrooms and stuff i'm really really good at stovetop cooking, especially things that require a skillet or a wok i'm pretty decent at soups and stews, and pretty good at sauces cold food is ezpz but i cannot for the life of me bake things and have them turn out
well casseroles i guess but those are just like heating up stuff that's already made
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i feel kinda better now good time to turn in
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It's nap time for me too. bye bye
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What it's up
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breakfast whassup wit u
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/moe/ what's the ideal breakfast? I reckon scrambled eggs and bacon
>>179976 sweet potato pancakes with sour cream or yogurt with berries
>>179977 >sweet potato pancakes Are these different to regular pancakes?
yeah they're kind of savory and firmer hence the sour cream
>>179976 depends on your mood the best breakfast is the one that makes you happy at the time of breakfast
>>179980 today's workload: adult protective services stuff this is gonna be fun
>>179981 how lovely
>>179980 Pancakes and icecream Every day >>179981 Do you ever have to transcribe anything weird or funny
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>>179983 loads of stuff generally i'd say more fun than funny i can't really share the things i run across though so that's a little souring sometimes
>>179983 you'll get bored
>>179985 No I wont they never get boring they're the best>>179984 Can you share stuff and just change the names around?>>179987 No because it's perfect
yeah you'll ruin it for yourself
>>179986 no, the aggregate data with anonymity is what is their IP in doing research so i cant do that and post production stuff, i mean i'm not going to leak unused footage. it'd mostly be boring anyway
>>179986 no you'll ruin it you'll see
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I wanna go away
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>>179976 food
fucking gross and stupid
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 10:57 No. 179993
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How nice. Guess whose graphics card is randomly detected again
>>179992 ?lang=en warning, contains an in vitro lamb
who would want that in their living room that's fucking gross
Better than carrying it around and getting fat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 11:02 No. 179997
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At least July 3rd and 4th are soon
>>179988 Do you ever see anything super interesting but you gotta hush hush
>>179998 honestly my interest is on a whole different scale now the actual content could be on a really mundane topic or really entertaining, but neither of those really come into play when i'm doing my job i spend most of my time studying the linguistic entropy and opening/closing of multi-channel conversation and how that business works it's really fascinating to me
>>179999 I still have no clue what you're talking about with that and your bots. Is linguistic entropy like the concept of language condensing and collapsing in on itself
>>180000 sick get dude uh, but yeah kinda, why not it's just like thermodynamic entropy really you start off a phone call or committee hearing or a thread on a message board and you're not going to have equilibrium people are going to open and close various channels to precipitate what they can, and the system creeps towards equilibrium in whatever channels are open it's not gonna reach equilibrium obviously cause people get tired and close it but that's a little broader-scale it's more interesting on the single-channel scale, where you're communicating individual elements -- what i call precipitates Claude Shannon did a lot of work on this kind of stuff at bell labs and it's pretty interesting>>180002 it'd be specific to every occasion any interaction is its own system, so it's more about how those interactions trend than how the global system trends and linguistic entropy doesnt really even need to be about language it can be universal language or computing language or math just any time there's communication through a medium even just a transistor sending its signal to the other side of that little quantum wall they have inside of them
>>180001 Thanks I checked your 9s btw p cool What's an equilibrium in language, is it like a steady state in which the way people talk becomes more certain? Like a market equilibrium?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 12:03 No. 180003
Ohio /moe/!
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so the 1070 is apparently way better than the rx 570 but it's also like, way more expensive I guess I'll see how much money I have when the 570 actually is up for purchase here If I can comfortably buy the 1070, I'm buying the 1070
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 12:06 No. 180006
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 12:09 No. 180007
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 12:09 No. 180008
Fuck, can't find the splatoon pic I was looking for.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 12:10 No. 180009
Bbl shower and then starting commute
>>180003 wassup>>180009 oh okay bye
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 12:57 No. 180011
>>180010 Tadaimasu I saw a guy who looks like Paul Ryan on the train. Also I saw a really cool tshirt. It has a pig wearing VR styff on it. *stuff
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:00 No. 180012
Oh I think its for a hippy thing.>you're Well, not
>>180012 This is really sad But it wont stop me from enjoying the delicious bacon in my fridge
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:02 No. 180014
>>180013 >>180013 >>180013 >>180013 >>180013 >>180013 >>180013 >>180013 >>180013 >>180013
>>180014 Base wants > having a clean conscience
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:04 No. 180016
Okay, this shirt might be from a different thing about pigs and vr.
2017/06/29 (木) 13:04 No. 180017
>having a conscience
>>180017 >tfw not cool enough to be a sociopath
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:05 No. 180019
Oh wow the ticket guy forgot to ask people who got on at
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:06 No. 180020
>>180017 >>180018
2017/06/29 (木) 13:06 No. 180021
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Animal rights can be summed up with "right to be tasty"
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:09 No. 180022
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Connection cut out>>180017 >>180018
2017/06/29 (木) 13:13 No. 180023
>>180022 >pull the lever to reverse >switch tracks >drive over the one guy too >EQUALITY
>>180022 >not trying to bribe the lever guy into sacrificing five others
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:14 No. 180025
>>180023 I have a few with that actually.>>180024 You are the lever guy.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:15 No. 180026
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>>180023 Oh wait reverse? Not sure if I have one with that on my phone.
Would that little tram Wait I was about to say something retarded
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:18 No. 180028
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also have a ship of theseus one. I
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:19 No. 180029
I should send some of these to my old highschool philosophy professor.
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Night /moe/>>180032 wtf makes you think I'm neet I have an exam tomorrow
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>>180028 Depends how fast the trolley is going to begin with Also by hitting the cart, it might save the people on it, letting them walk away with broken bones maybe, but alive
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:19 No. 180032
>>180030 Oyasumi Wait, aren't you a NEET?>>180031 Yeah, no. Do you know Zeno's paradox?>>180033 Do you know why Zeno's paradox is a paradox? Like what mathwise makes it nonsense?
I do I'm just saying by adding the cart and that speed modifier, you've made it more interesting
>>180032 What if instead of aiming at the people, the cart aims at a space in front of the people. If it aims there then it coincidentally hits the cart
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>>180032 no?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:23 No. 180036
The Achilles and the Tortoise Paradox is actually just a math problem that the ancient Greeks were not properly equipped to solve. Not that it was intended to be a math problem. Anyways you need calculus (or something equivalent) to solve it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:26 No. 180037
Well, technically the "Achilles and the Tortoise" paradox and the Dichotomy paradox were stated as seperate paradoxes but they are both really the same thing.
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Everything is maths when it comes down to it
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:28 No. 180039
>>180038 Yes, but that doesn't mean that everything is solvable. In different ways too.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:37 No. 180040
Oh yeah, sorry. Forgot to post this.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:40 No. 180041
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Gonna play some rimworld It looks interesting Like a more local version of Banished
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:42 No. 180043
>>180042 RIP my morning commute fun times with /moe/
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:43 No. 180044
Also is that a spinner on Raccoon's head in that last picture?
2017/06/29 (木) 13:43 No. 180045
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A more interesting question to zeno's paradox is why would the faster chaser half their speed after gaining the first "half" of the distance cause if I remember right, the original turtle and rabbit thing had the "in /after some time the rabbit had caught half to the turtle and then after some time half once again" and so on
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>>180044 I think so This artist has a lot of great art
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:44 No. 180047
>>180045 They don't halve their speed.>>180046 I was playing with a spinner the other day and I was able to spin it and then balance it on my nose without it stopping.
2017/06/29 (木) 13:45 No. 180048
>>180047 missing the point of approaching it from a practical/engineer mind set
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:46 No. 180049
>>180048 I'm not though, read the statement of the paradoxes. I think you are conflating "Achilles and the Tortoise" with the Dichotomy.
2017/06/29 (木) 13:47 No. 180050
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Well the whole zeno's paradox is silly it doesn't actually pose any problem that clashes with reality you just describe reality in a narrative that makes you think wait a sec and that is all even as a thought experiement it is one of the shittiest ones
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:48 No. 180051
>>180050 At the time is was somewhat poignant because they did not have the tools (math) to explain why those worked, they could only refute them with evidence, >>180052 Most people yes, not most philosophers, both Plato and Aristotle wrote about these problems.
2017/06/29 (木) 13:48 No. 180052
no you think it was poignant, but most likely people just shrugged well that is funny and didn't give a fuck we attribute a lot to the people of the past, just because one or two people wrote about something
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>>180047 Don't they have like super low friction, so as long as nothing touches them they keep spinning?
2017/06/29 (木) 13:50 No. 180054
>>180051 they literally earned their living by overthinking things
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:51 No. 180055
>>180054 They were also teachers, and also like many philosophers over the years, I'm pretty sure they were able to be philosophers because they already had money.
2017/06/29 (木) 13:51 No. 180056
because they were famous for their overthinking
2017/06/29 (木) 13:53 No. 180057
cynics are the best fuck your comforts
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:53 No. 180058
>>180057 Diogenes is probably my favorite philosopher. Well, Diogenes of Sinope, I think there are a few other ancient Greek philosophers named Diogenes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 13:53 No. 180059
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philosophers should have just gotten JOBS instead of being LEECHES ON SOCIETY>aristotle taught Alexander the Great >leader taught by a leech >dies naturally
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:54 No. 180060
Also the three paradoxes pre empt different basic tenets of calculus. *practically predict different ...
2017/06/29 (木) 13:58 No. 180061
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 13:58 No. 180062
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 14:00 No. 180063
Anyways, the only real incorrect thing about those paradoxes is that infinities are impossible to deal with.
2017/06/29 (木) 14:05 No. 180064
and it is only paradox within the narrative it creates
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 14:06 No. 180065
>>180064 And also within the narrative of other schools of greek philosopy at the time.>>180066 You damn well know thats not how philosopy works.>>180066 It was a problem that had no solution for almost 2,000 years. And by "no solution" I mean no non-empirical way of reconciling it with how people believed the world worked.
2017/06/29 (木) 14:07 No. 180066
but it can exist in real life you can catch up and run past someone therefore not paradox bam so it isn't a paradox it is a problem a misnomer
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 14:09 No. 180067
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The solo Mikumo album is really good. She has such a good voice.
i wish i could listen to music
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 14:13 No. 180069
*over 2,000 years
2017/06/29 (木) 14:14 No. 180070
>paradox of enrichment kek
2017/06/29 (木) 14:14 No. 180071
how come a society becomes poorer and more monotone, despite being constantly enriched with new foreign flavours?
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 14:17 No. 180072
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>>180071 We just don't know.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 14:21 No. 180073
Heh, the loudspeaker turned on and the conductor said "I'll have the corned beef" before turning back off.
2017/06/29 (木) 14:21 No. 180074
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1200x1600, __mimikyu_pokemon_pokemon_game(…).jpg )
He just told his friend to bring him corned beef instead of melon pan
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 14:22 No. 180075
>>180074 Better idea, corned beef sandwich with melon pan as the bread.
2017/06/29 (木) 14:22 No. 180076
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 400x400, __cattleya_pokemon_pokemon_gam(…).jpg )
but some trains do have those "speak to the driver" radiothings and we might have just witnessed a "wrong button" moment happen in rl
2017/06/29 (木) 14:23 No. 180077
>okay which one was the cafeteria intercom
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 14:23 No. 180078
>>180076 Oh definitely, it was almost certainly the wrong button being pressed.
2017/06/29 (木) 14:25 No. 180079
or>oka fuck it, just using the loudspeakers
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 14:25 No. 180080
>>180079 Basically, or the guy who went out for the sandwiches's cellphone/radio died.
2017/06/29 (木) 14:27 No. 180081
>>>/watch?v=xJSey8HRUhU >>180080 >calling the driver >so what did you*click* >shit if I don't tell him quick he gets me some vegan bullshit >think think think think >oh right the loudspeakers >corn beef
2017/06/29 (木) 14:28 No. 180082
the fuck is corn beef anyhow
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/29 (木) 14:44 No. 180083
what's up doushy ohs
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/29 (木) 14:46 No. 180084
>>180082 salty beefies
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Yo wtf
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20170629_215746_1.jpg )
2/10 meal. Would not recommend
Yeah they're nothing special
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 15:09 No. 180089
I got kicked out of my internship. Well, sort of. They said I can come for the next one. I wish they would've like called me or sent an email or something. That way I wouldn't have to have wasted $20 in train tickets and three hours of my (mostlessly worthless time). Well, the equivalent of $20 in tickets cause I bought them in bulk and got a discount.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 15:12 No. 180090
Well, I will have wasted three hours when I get back. Since 1.5 hours each way.
2017/06/29 (木) 15:26 No. 180091
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 1100x828, __cattleya_and_touko_pokemon_p(…).jpg )
Quite weird to be just kicked out like that
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 15:29 No. 180092
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 15:29 No. 180093
>>180092 Reason for it, but it would be a pain to type out and also involves some personal stuff.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 15:38 No. 180094
Okay I checked google and yelp, there do not seem to be any stprrs I really want to go to within a reasonable walking distance of where I am so I'm gonna go back home.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 16:22 No. 180096
>>180092 Oh hey my post git waten twice *got eaten>>180091 Anyways, there was a rational (note that rational does not mean the ssame thing as reasonable) reason for it, but it would be a pain to type out and also involves some personal stuff.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 16:24 No. 180097
But I don't think I did anything wrong. inb4 smart ass post from TN or someone else Anyways, I did not shout, threaten, assault, damage, anyone or anything. I was late once (I'm not the only one) or break any of their explicitly defined rules. Or fail to complete any work correctly or in a *or fail to complete any work in the time alloted for it. Or be disruptive or interfere with anyone else.
2017/06/29 (木) 17:12 No. 180098
Search [iqdb] (988 KB, 1351x934, __ibuki_and_kotone_pokemon_pok(…).jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 17:12 No. 180099
Almost almost home.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 17:31 No. 180100
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FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 17:32 No. 180101
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Ran into a red cross person on the way to the shop I'd be somewhat interested in donating but dude I'm on a tight enough budget myself here
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 17:45 No. 180103
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 953x923, 1482318541075.jpg )
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 17:50 No. 180104
Almost and a half home.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 17:53 No. 180105
Oh cool, the train stopped for no reason in between two stops.
>>180102 Give them your blood
I'd be willing to do that, but it's so far away cause I live in fucking nowhere, whocares
>>180101 I like this
>>180101 The soviet one depends on whether the second group knows they will die or not
I tried clubbing sober I felt like such a fucking mong
parent's guide to texting slang know what your kids are up to "let's go get lit" lit, as in literature these juveniles are obviously seeking to find literature on socialist ideas
>>180110 >social thing >sober Why even bother
>>180111 Hit me up with some dank Class Warfare, brah. >>180112 To see if I could
Anyone can be sober around people The question is who would want to
Yeah, but the idea is to engage with people and not just look at your feet or play with your phone
2017/06/29 (木) 18:03 No. 180117
>>180103 switch volume to max hit all stars take microphone karaoke it as I ride the tram
2017/06/29 (木) 18:04 No. 180118
>>180101 this actually answeres the theseus problem accidentally the idea is, that "Ship of Theseus" is something specific not just a ship or the ship but a named and particularly important ship but here it is just a tram with no particular identity attached to it so you can easily say "it isn't the same tram anymore" as the tram wasn't anything special anymore of course if once diverted to its road trip it is given some particular identity and peopl ehold it in value then it becomes identical to the "SoT problem"
>>180111 Someone put a full shot glass and a lemon slice in my hand and I still turned it down. Who's going to give me a fucking medal?
the lemon is your medal
2017/06/29 (木) 18:07 No. 180121
>>180107 ask when and if a blood bus comes to the town
>>180120 Shit i gave it away
2017/06/29 (木) 18:08 No. 180123
I want someone to give me a full shot glass also lemon, was it tequila then?
>>180121 I can tell you right now that the answer is never
2017/06/29 (木) 18:08 No. 180125
>>180124 nah they tour practically everywhere
They don't come to tiny towns with less than 10K people dude
2017/06/29 (木) 18:09 No. 180127
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 900x908, __natsume_pokemon_pokemon_game(…).jpg )
Do here
>>180123 No. It was clear. Probably vodka. I dunno what the lemon was about
2017/06/29 (木) 18:09 No. 180129
Search [iqdb] (384 KB, 600x800, __cattleya_and_reuniclus_pokem(…).jpg )
So why lemon... maybe he was going to mix you some drink, but needed you to hold the 2 other parts of the drink
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 500x500, DDVBevvVYAIxkII.jpg )
What's wrong with lemon in vodka? Lemon is great in anything really
Well, anything without a really distinctive and different taste In whiskey or something it'd likely be awful
I used to mix vodka and cask win... Goonka
It didn't taste great but it got the job done
>.if ‘transgender' is, to many of us, more of a ‘system of obligations' than it is an emancipatory term, can its grip be loosened by the producing of other, maybe less realistic truths?" ...hold on>"My being neither a boy nor a girl but rather a hippopotamus is neither a fully performative act of self-constitution nor a socially insignificant, negligible attempt to claim abjection, but a fictional, therefore political, form of resistance to the (trans)gender policing of my body. It is an embodied metaphor, a patronus, a daemon, a childish dream, and the most precious gift that was ever given." There we go, there's the full one
2017/06/29 (木) 18:17 No. 180137
>>180136 is this a very elaborate satire troll or
Follow your dreams
2017/06/29 (木) 18:18 No. 180139
also I wonder does he have noodles on his back
>>180137 I can't tell you because I don't know I don't know anymore
So if you don't drink, don't have the budget for hookers, and drugs have the death penalty, what's there to do in a party town? >>180137 Art.
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 500x500, DClILi0VwAAlJ35.jpg )
>party town >drugs have death penalty These don't work with one another
2017/06/29 (木) 18:21 No. 180143
Search [iqdb] (192 KB, 897x1300, 12.png )
pick your neo-stone age waifu/husbando
2017/06/29 (木) 18:22 No. 180144
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>>180142 The solution is to get fucked up on helium balloons
>>180143 >>180144 Kohaku > Suzu > Berry In that order The rest are whatever
2017/06/29 (木) 18:24 No. 180147
quite good pick monga is btw dr stone something I just began reading because of its ridiculous setting need to have something to read weekly from shounen jump
>>>/watch?v=mRSKEcgH9Ck Oh fuck.
2017/06/29 (木) 18:57 No. 180149
don't stop me now fit too well
>>>/watch?v=gvxNaSIB_WI Also more Death Noteflix.
2017/06/29 (木) 19:13 No. 180151 PANIIIIIIIIIIC
2017/06/29 (木) 19:15 No. 180152
>>180150 oh god it looks bad
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:29 No. 180153
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:30 No. 180154
>>180150 Oh god what the fuck is this?
>>180150 >bullies dropped
>>180154 It's a westernised take on Death Note. Which is kind of interesting to me, since it seems like a bit of a different take on the "let's take Japanese character tropes and act like they make sense in a western culture world".>>180155 Really? It looks like to me that he's standing up to bullies, not actually being bullied. Which is a noble and idealistic characteristic for some of western society. Like how outwardly, Light was a model of idealistic characteristics for Japanese culture
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:33 No. 180157
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 224x240, 5798.png )
It's fucking horrible is what it is Is this what is going to happen to all anime now Ghost in the shell, All you need is kill and now this. White washed and explosions everywhere and shitty hollywood plots
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:35 No. 180158
>>180156 I feel like they just went "this is popular" and then went to bastardise it to make money
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 19:36 No. 180159
>>180157 All you need is kill wasn't an anime. It was a novel with a few illustrations.
>>180158 I feel you're kind of liable to jump up and make snap opinions about things without looking at them critically.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:39 No. 180161
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I am not a fan of many tv shows or movies to be honest. The western tropes are too obvious not that the Japanese tropes aren't the same but I atleast find it amusing but with western shit treating things serious is just eh. like that hacker tv show that /g/ loves to rip into, that guy is such a horrible cringe but he isn't intended as a cringey fake portrayal of 4chan/hacker culture. He is actually serious, like they actually think the scripts are good. The scripts for most movies are horrible to me. SO I'm probably super baised.>>180162 No they are way more crappy but they are treated differently. except for a number which are ego jobs. Anime is fun though, so are some cartoons.>>180163 The one with the evil megacorp and the drugs.
2017/06/29 (木) 19:42 No. 180162
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 800x1132, __lila_pokemon_pokemon_game_an(…).jpg )
japanese tv shows most likely are as crappy as ours, though and so is most anime too
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 19:42 No. 180163
>>180161 >that hacker show that /g/ loves to rip into There's actually more than one.
I just assume she's talking about Mr. Robot.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:44 No. 180165
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Well you are all welcome to enjoy that death note netflix series. I find it cringeworthy as fuck
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 19:44 No. 180166
>>180165 I'd probably need brain damage first to enjoy it.
>>180165 You haven't even seen it though.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:45 No. 180168
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 236x228, 1912.png )
Well a trailer is supposed to be designed to sell the series, to show off the best parts and get people into it. and what I have seen is really not for me
If a trailer showed off the best parts of a series or movie, why would people then go see it?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:46 No. 180170
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>>180169 Explain that to batman versus superman or most movies nowadays. They reveal nearly everything now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 19:46 No. 180171
>>180169 Movie trailers actually do that sometimes though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 19:47 No. 180172
I'm try going to sleep. I might actually be able to fall asleep since I've been getting so little sleep lately.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:48 No. 180173
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>>180172 Rest well. dream of an american kira and black L and explosions
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 19:48 No. 180174
>>180173 I wish I could rest well, but I know that in the event that I do actually fall asleep someone (probably my dad) will wake me up either to have me go do something or just because they don't like it when I sleep during the day.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 19:50 No. 180175
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Wow bullies, sleep somewhere hidden. in a cupboard or underneath the bed
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 19:51 No. 180176
>>180175 No room in any of those places, although hypothetically if I cleaned off the couch in the basement I could sleep there and they probably would not find me for a while.
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2017/06/29 (木) 20:18 No. 180178
well not bad omurice just failed in making it look nice
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Rimworld is fun The managing aspect is really nice It's pretty difficult though, and in a way it's a bit slow
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 500x500, DDceDJFUMAEM4qB.jpg )
Gotta manage people's priorities too, that's probably the hardest part Cause you only have 3 people to begin with, and there's so many different things you need to do
2017/06/29 (木) 20:44 No. 180181
oh od whole of sexy commando is uploaded on youtube
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 20:57 No. 180182
>>180181 Noice Also like thirty minutes after I decided to try sleeping I was kind of close to falling asleep, and then my mom started yelling at me to come downstairs.
2017/06/29 (木) 21:02 No. 180183
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>>180182 stay awake treat
remain aroused
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 21:18 No. 180186
>>180185 Sounds like a good idea. I'm probably too irritated for thst though.
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 21:36 No. 180189
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers -(…).jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 21:52 No. 180190
Search [iqdb] (550 KB, 1595x885, 51528225_p0.jpg )
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Gotta start a new rimworld game The old one is so poorly managed I dunno where to begin fixing it, but I've learned some stuff from it
2017/06/29 (木) 22:07 No. 180192
Search [iqdb] (724 KB, 1000x1400, 1387906535598.jpg )
There is quite little sillier than the moments in 2hu fighting games when you are sitting on the ground below your enemy in the one blind spot of their attack pattern and going "soo, how exactly can I hit this bitch, I got no moves that I can do fast enough and can hit her. Guess I will just jump+attack cheese this"
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no ragretz
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 22:14 No. 180196
>>180195 did you get feena she's cute
I think I had her for a while
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:17 No. 180198
>Boku no Hero Academia 143
2017/06/29 (木) 22:21 No. 180199
excluding one piece hero academia is prolly the biggest thing in wsj, aye?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:22 No. 180200
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 22:35 No. 180202
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 689x1050, 002ba659be0de05b5ebc6d5c1f84f4e2.jpg )
hi rika
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:36 No. 180203
Search [iqdb] (439 KB, 700x964, 54446345_p0.jpg )
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hello hello
>>180198 Fatgum got f i t>>180201 is that expired milk you're drinking
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:41 No. 180206
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 800x800, 1415632998674.jpg )
>>180204 Hello.
Search [iqdb] (378 KB, 1280x720, 1498116584421.jpg )
How are we all doing today?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:43 No. 180208
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 600x667, 1431998884059.png )
I am okay. I got thrown up on today. How are you?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 22:45 No. 180209
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>>180208 Oh nice, I remember the last time I was thrown up on. How is she doing?>>180209 I know how that feels!
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:46 No. 180212
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>>180210 It was kind of like that scene in Me!Me!Me! but a lot less erotic. She is doing okay. I let her use some of my nausia medication so she's not throwing up right now. nauesa even
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 635x699, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
Where di she get you? Last time I was thrown up on it was on my shoes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:49 No. 180214
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 555x378, 1441312087719.png )
>>180213 It was like that scene in Me!Me!Me!.
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 770x716, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
I don't remember that too well, but is the answer that she threw up all over you?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:50 No. 180216
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 170x192, 1441598952353.png )
The answer is that she vomited into my mouth.
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>>180216 Was it tasty?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 22:53 No. 180219
Search [iqdb] (♫, 42s, 7.6 MB, 854x480, 1419695109808.webm )
>>180216 Oh I was thinking of how me!me!me! was relevant
2017/06/29 (木) 22:54 No. 180220
haha it had its short boom
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:54 No. 180221
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 4000x2820, MEMEME.png )
>>180219 Me!Me!Me! is so good.>>180218 I would have to say no. It was really disgusting and almost made me throw up.
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 500x500, DClILi0VwAAlJ35.jpg )
How does this person who's blocked like 750K people have 65K followers? Who IS THIS MAN
2017/06/29 (木) 22:55 No. 180223
those are the only people on twitter who he hasn't blocked and everyone wants to follow him just because?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:56 No. 180224
Search [iqdb] (♫, 6s, 2.2 MB, 1280x720, vomit.webm )
This is what I was talking about
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>180221 I'm surprised you didn't throw up. Just the smell of puke makes me want to puke.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 22:56 No. 180226
Search [iqdb] (7.9 MB, 480x360, 1420507673651.mp4 )
>>180224 Oh yeah I was watching it in full right now to find it
2017/06/29 (木) 22:57 No. 180227
>>180224 take that moe anime
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:57 No. 180228
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x720, Japan Anima(tor)'s Exhibition (…).png )
>>180225 I almost did. I swallowed some of it. It made me want to die. I still kind of want to die because I can't get the taste out of my mouth.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 22:58 No. 180229
I thought that this isn't the first time that this has happened
>>180217 this one is good
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 22:58 No. 180231
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1500x1061, 48795543_p0.jpg )
Me!me!me! is fun to watch. Animation done to a beat is kind of addictive.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 22:59 No. 180232
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 600x800, 1851944.png )
>>180229 Fish hasn't ever thrown up on me before. This is the first time I've ever seen her throw up. This vomiting session, at least. >>180233 I don't think so.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 22:59 No. 180233
>>180232 This is weird because I swear this is deja vu Has someone else vomited into your mouth before
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>"My becoming a hippo is as real as a metaphor can be real: it is an image that I hold in my mind and project onto the boundary between myself and the (sometimes inhospitable) world I inhabit. It is my patronus."
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:02 No. 180236
Search [iqdb] (934 KB, 252x292, 1498365954973.gif )
Wow. I don't think vomitting in mouths was so common it would elicit feelings of deja vu
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 689x718, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>180228 I've never had a person vomit in my mouth before. You're very impressive.
how about those christmas cakes
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:05 No. 180239
Me!Me!Me! reminds me of that lewd miku animation. I can't remember what it was called.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:05 No. 180240
Search [iqdb] (268 KB, 831x700, NitroniC - メメさん (47238435).png )
>>180238 Pretty good when not throwing up on you. >>180237 Please. That's not impressive. If anything you should be impressed with Fish.
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gochuumon wa Us(…).jpg )
>>180240 I'm impressed with both of you. It takes two people to have such an incident.
>>180239 That doesn't really narrow it down!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:09 No. 180245
Oh, images are dead again.>>180241 My life is an endless sequence of impressive things that apparently taste like vomit, I guess.
2017/06/29 (木) 23:09 No. 180246
watch me make this>>180247 post disappear
2017/06/29 (木) 23:09 No. 180250
2017/06/29 (木) 23:10 No. 180252
oh noo I made too many posts disappear
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:11 No. 180255
>>>/watch?v=WJfKzYdhEOs This wan.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:11 No. 180258
>>180255 Not avaialable in my country.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:11 No. 180260
Well that is a strange feeling usually what you americans post gives me that message
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 23:11 No. 180261
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:12 No. 180262
>>>/watch?v=qcc4cma5gDs This is the official link behind an age sign in thing
2017/06/29 (木) 23:13 No. 180263
well that was a disappointing pack of rumraisin Never had this bad concentration of the "tasty thing" in an ice cream package before barely raisins, barely rum a bad roll was that ice cream pack #d100 (47)
Search [iqdb] (219 KB, 701x1200, 05.jpg )
2017/06/29 (木) 23:16 No. 180269
Search [iqdb] (743 KB, 733x900, 1388003946545.png )
Wonder what causes that it fixes itself in about 30 mins or so or by a mod doing something that shouldn't fix it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:16 No. 180270
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
>>180268 You did it.
Search [iqdb] (267 KB, 900x625, 1442632387732.jpg )
>>180270 Yeah, I'm a genius.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:21 No. 180272
Search [iqdb] (203 KB, 348x430, 1405169492780.gif )
I have no idea what happened, I was too busy listening to music.
2017/06/29 (木) 23:23 No. 180273
Search [iqdb] (298 KB, 362x943, 1388386113229.jpg )
a zero decided to become one and images went boom
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:28 No. 180274
Search [iqdb] (533 KB, 1129x1600, img000001.png )
Well I didn't see any images go boom
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:28 No. 180275
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1115x1322, 1485394756897.jpg )
>>180271 You sure are.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 23:28 No. 180276
It keeps happening. I told her "please don't bother me" and she keeps bothering me.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:29 No. 180277
Search [iqdb] (869 KB, 1000x1427, 1483239494591.jpg )
Maybe samurai needs to fix something if it happens often.
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, noukome162.jpg )
>>180275 \ I'm glad my genius is appreciated.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:29 No. 180279
Search [iqdb] (340 KB, 2048x1152, C46p8QHUcAA0hop.jpg large.jpg )
>>180276 That is how you get people to bother you. Just tell her Gomi ha gomibako ni.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:30 No. 180280
Search [iqdb] (3.9 MB, 828x467, 1496791180073.gif )
>>180278 Oh, you know I always appreciate you.
2017/06/29 (木) 23:30 No. 180281
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 800x800, 1388846953737.jpg )
>>180282 just say i slep now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 23:30 No. 180282
>>180279 >ha Also no, she was asking me to take the dog out because its hard for her to do that right now because she just had knee surgery.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:31 No. 180283
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, 1471251331367.jpg )
ha wa whatever
2017/06/29 (木) 23:31 No. 180284
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:31 No. 180285
I already posted waha, should have get it *kept it for this moment.>>180272
2017/06/29 (木) 23:31 No. 180286
then post wasa
Search [iqdb] (278 KB, 1511x2048, 1496480351769.jpg )
>>180280 I feel that you don't always recognize when I am being a genius.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:33 No. 180288
Search [iqdb] (126 KB, 785x878, 1469807375420.jpg )
>>180287 I said I always appreciate you!
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1116x1577, 1497138450213.jpg )
>>180288 That's different than recognizing my genius.
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 500x500, DDDVwkqUAAIHSZf.jpg )
going sleep now latte late night
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:34 No. 180291
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 986x1447, 1470476514186.jpg )
>>180289 I appreciate you so much!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/29 (木) 23:34 No. 180292
>>180290 Oyasumi
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:36 No. 180293
Search [iqdb] (386 KB, 700x994, 58799374_p0.jpg )
Friday! and then the weekend! just one more day to get through!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 23:37 No. 180294
Search [iqdb] (678 KB, 1133x1833, 0325ff131f7c375d1d66d21e3a7254e9.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 1930x2608, 1498599724732.jpg )
>>180291 but what about my genius?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:42 No. 180296
Search [iqdb] (358 KB, 1024x911, 1470656827449.jpg )
>>180295 I really, really appreciate you, Rika.
Search [iqdb] (357 KB, 957x1200, 1347405454515.png )
>>180296 I can see what you're doing. That's because I'm a genius.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:46 No. 180298
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 820x800, 1470931588310.jpg )
>>180297 Rika-chan dai-dai-daisuki!
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:47 No. 180299
Search [iqdb] (500 KB, 1080x1080, 1482641408800.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (559 KB, 1000x1414, 1490502192024.jpg )
I really am a genius though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:51 No. 180301
Search [iqdb] (452 KB, 1910x1894, 1472117159764.jpg )
I think you have around average INT but high WIS.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 23:52 No. 180302
what a coincidence I also appreciate Rika
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
Wow, my INT is above average, you know! My IQ is 130!
I bet you're the kind of person who'd brag about an online IQ test
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:52 No. 180305
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 686x734, 1472478890574.jpg )
>>180303 INT is different than IQ.>>180306 IQ has correlations with things that matter in real life, like job success, for example.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/29 (木) 23:53 No. 180306
IQ doesn't really matter does it?
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gochuumon wa Us(…).jpg )
I'm definitely super strong. You're underestimating me. and by strong I mean smart. as in a strong brain
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:54 No. 180308
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 900x600, 1472726176633.jpg )
You're treating my love like it's worth nothing!
Search [iqdb] (240 KB, 453x660, 1468886388859.png )
I appreciate it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:57 No. 180310
Search [iqdb] (833 KB, 1917x1695, 1473184816573.jpg )
Wow. You totally don't appreciate it.
2017/06/29 (木) 23:58 No. 180311
she doesn't get the tsun with the dere so she is disappoint not that there is any tsun there, but imagined
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/29 (木) 23:58 No. 180312
Search [iqdb] (375 KB, 541x624, 1483216925199.png )
Moe feels like a kirara and Rika futarikiri world
Search [iqdb] (184 KB, 423x489, 1498700562767.png )
>>180310 I said I apprecaited it! Are you saying that people shouldn't be trusted when they say they appreciate something?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/29 (木) 23:59 No. 180314
Search [iqdb] (376 KB, 1131x489, 1473355200738.png )
>>180313 You should be ecstatic about my love! Also did you hear Mikumo's solo album yet?>>180312 oh no
Search [iqdb] (306 KB, 460x460, 1433538583660.png )
>>180314 You didn't answer my question. Mikumo's album?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:01 No. 180316
Search [iqdb] (142 KB, 314x355, 1474732685621.png )
>>180315 You won't be happy with my answer so I didn't give it to you! Mikumo's VA, JUNNA, has a solo album out. It came out a few days ago. It's 6 original solo songs, not affiliated with Macross, it's just her solo work.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:01 No. 180317
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Yuyushiki - 02 [BD 72(…).jpg )
>born 2000 wow they had more than 1 new talent? I thought just the heart hair was a youngster
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1280x1010, 1490044950528.jpg )
>>180316 I'm sure your answer will be fine. Go ahead! Oh, I see. That's pretty interesting! Is it well recieved so far?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:02 No. 180319
Search [iqdb] (522 KB, 700x1000, 1477011267155.jpg )
>>180317 JUNNA is 15. She was born in 2002.>>180320 That's not possible since she's 15 right now.>>180318 Sometimes you should trust people and sometimes you shouldn't! It is pretty well recieved. It's really good.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:03 No. 180320
17 this year
It's totally unfair either way. Having that kind of voice at such a young age.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:03 No. 180322
>>180319 birthday novermber 2nd 200 0
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:03 No. 180323
>>180321 Steal it from her then.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:04 No. 180324
Search [iqdb] (40 KB, 605x700, 1477502345828.jpg )
>>180322 I'm pretty sure that's not her real date of birth. During Macross Delta, they claimed she was 13. Then they said she was 15 right now.>>180325 I'm aware that it has that on her website. She's a minor, so her personal details aren't allowed to be released in this content.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:05 No. 180325
Search [iqdb] (1 KB, 157x63, ss (2017-06-30 at 03.04.57).png )
In that case she lies her age
Search [iqdb] (107 KB, 812x825, 1383858171845.jpg )
>>180319 Yeah, you should trust in my genius!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:05 No. 180327
context, not content
2017/06/30 (金) 00:05 No. 180328
>>180324 well macross waas started in 2015 when she was 15, production atleast so...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:05 No. 180329
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 622x839, 1477573154410.jpg )
>>180326 You should appreciate my love more!>>180328 Yeah, but they said she was 13 during Macross Delta's airing. After airing, they said she was 15.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:07 No. 180330
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 603x572, 1389164883402.jpg )
Would be weird to lie about her age Either way she is minor 15 or 17
What if they lied about her youth and she's actually really old.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:07 No. 180332
Search [iqdb] (360 KB, 500x375, 1429518827329.gif )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:07 No. 180333
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 900x2167, 1477572026889.jpg )
>>180330 Idols that are minors usually have false information provided about their age and stuff. And they rarely use their real name.
Search [iqdb] (56 KB, 1280x720, galilei2.jpg )
>>180329 I do, now appreciate my genius!
2017/06/30 (金) 00:07 No. 180335
>>180333 >>>/watch?v=niJ9O0LlxuM doesn't look 12/13 though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:08 No. 180336
>>180335 yeah but she doesn't look 17 right now either
>>180335 I think it's the way the camera is positioned looking up at her from below. If you met her in person she'd probably look younger.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:08 No. 180338
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 534x402, 1390599596676.jpg )
Dnno I havn't met enough asians live to be able to judge their age especially at teens people develop way faster nowadays with the added nutrition in the food especially middle-easterns man 12 and sprouting beards imagine that
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:09 No. 180339
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 470x349, 1307898144708.jpg )
I'm 16!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:09 No. 180340
>>180338 I have a friend who has had a full beard since the age of 12, he's not a middle easterner though.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:10 No. 180341
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 3640x2384, 1488252613932.jpg )
I kinda doubt that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:10 No. 180342
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 240x286, 1478406899534.png )
>>180334 I appreciate everything about you!
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:10 No. 180343
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1600x900, 1312877076787.jpg )
This should be a no flirting zone.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:11 No. 180344
Kirara and Rika flirt all the time
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:11 No. 180345
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 600x600, CkrJHvkVEAAioF2.jpg )
It's not flirting. You guys just don't get it.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:11 No. 180346
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 600x600, 1309928840477.png )
I get it, I'm just jelly of such dedication to these displays of affection.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:12 No. 180347
Search [iqdb] (3.1 MB, 2508x3541, 1488253140427.jpg )
I've known people who were madly in love and are married now who flirt(ed) less
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 754x693, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
I'm not flirting with anyone!
They're probably Finnish though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:12 No. 180350
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png )
Would you like me to flirt with either of you?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:13 No. 180351
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 850x850, 1472792565327.jpg )
I don't flirt. Especially not with Rika. I'm in a committed relationship, you know.>>180352 Wow, what the hell Go flirt with Rika, ToN
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 322x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
>>180350 Yeah, flirt with Kirara.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:13 No. 180353
Search [iqdb] (422 KB, 768x1024, 1307894869889.jpg )
wow it is all falling apart. The beautiful relationships.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:13 No. 180354
I don't know what to do I've been given conflicting information
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:14 No. 180355
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 372x371, 1472336687959.png )
Flirt with Rika. You don't have a lot of experience flirting with Rika. You already know you won't get anywhere with me, so obviously, you have a better chance with Rika than me, potentially.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:14 No. 180356
>>180349 well yeah
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>180354 I told you to do it first. He just stole my idea.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:14 No. 180358
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, 1307935085661.jpg )
I'll flirt with you all. You are all adorable.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:14 No. 180359
Search [iqdb] (599 KB, 798x1124, 0990681d83b747254186d87886611d2f.jpg )
Kirara makes a strong point Your counter argument rika?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:15 No. 180360
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 578x555, 1309109337338.jpg )
I don't think just anyone can do the back and forth that rika and Kirara get going. It is an acquired and high developed skill.
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 412x615, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
>>180359 You won't get anywhere with me. I will probably just bully you. It was my idea first so you should flirt with him.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:15 No. 180362
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 600x706, 1475580924460.jpg )
Rika is probably just trying to use you to distract me so she can get Fish to throw up in her mouth Don't give into her
>>180360 They should become a comedic duo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:16 No. 180364
Search [iqdb] (233 KB, 852x1200, 0a01813595c31aa0e8df3786224b1711.jpg )
Wow that's a darn shame. How depressing.>>180362 Does Rika absorb power that way?
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 781x720, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>180362 I told Fish that what happened is moe, but she doesn't agree.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:17 No. 180366
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1900x1200, 1476745417551.png )
>>180364 Yeah! Rika absorbs power threw vomit!>>180367 Rika was clearly jealous when I talked about it happening to me. She said it was impressive! And wanted to know if it tasted good!>>180365 The aftermath was kind of moe in a pitiable way.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:17 No. 180367
>>180362 entschuldigung was why would someone want that?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:17 No. 180368
Search [iqdb] (257 KB, 1024x768, 1303041294552.jpg )
Rika has a strange way to react to being told that someone vomitted in someone else's mouth>was it tasty
2017/06/30 (金) 00:17 No. 180369
>power threw vomit this is somewhat hilarious and gross word combo sounds like some weird flash fighting game special move
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 364x579, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
>>180368 It's really amusing, isn't it?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:18 No. 180371
Search [iqdb] (239 KB, 660x794, 1309411064024.jpg )
>>180370 Yep.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:18 No. 180372
Search [iqdb] (21 KB, 380x300, 1cfbe4e6a0026c0f249dbde77c7e7f26.jpg )
Flirting with Rika is dangerous anyway Flirting with Kirara has no negative consequences
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
>>180366 According to her description, the aftermath was very moe.>>180372 You've made a correct decision. Now flirt with Kirara!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:19 No. 180374
Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 812x1200, 1158d49e8a1d7cab2d80ffaf31b30650.png )
Hold on now Rika, I didn't say that I don't mind // double negative. I didn't say that I'm against living dangerously.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:19 No. 180375
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 500x468, 1296392819369.jpg )
Sorry ToN, my choice of topic put you inbetween to moes pushing you between each other! *two
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:19 No. 180376
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 700x979, 1478987043675.jpg )
>>180373 It was moe in a pitiable way. Like, I felt so sorry for her because she was clearly mortified, but the way she was crying was really cute.
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 504x681, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>180376 That's one of the most potent forms of moe
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:20 No. 180378
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 400x400, 1307815106567.jpg )
Vomitfish.png now
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:21 No. 180379
>>180378 Let's commission Blue to draw it.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:21 No. 180380
Search [iqdb] (501 KB, 625x850, 1394029715245.png )
>>180375 as an apology, you now need to flirt with ton for 10 posts.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:21 No. 180381
Search [iqdb] (284 KB, 455x725, 1470765785817.png )
>>180377 I just wish that I could have been in a better state to appreciate it.
>>180378 Brings a new meaning to "every day until you like it".
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:21 No. 180383
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 592x600, 1296388590347.png )
>>180380 I can't do that. I'm not capable.>>180382 Wow I didn't think of that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:22 No. 180384
Search [iqdb] (973 KB, 1000x1270, 38501070f39ed1259fd459b0e82dfe20.png )
How will I ever circumvent my endless loneliness if flirting leads to nothing
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:22 No. 180385
>>180383 Wanna flirt with me instead? (°ω°)
2017/06/30 (金) 00:22 No. 180386
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 420x248, 1388561815151.png )
>>180383 In that case you get the death sentence
2017/06/30 (金) 00:22 No. 180387
in form of 2 weeks of HEAT WAVE
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:22 No. 180388
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 200x210, 1296389302494.png )
>>180386 I wasn't aware I was still alive
2017/06/30 (金) 00:22 No. 180389
>>180388 ressed you just for this
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:23 No. 180390
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 302x324, 1308995509847.jpg )
>>180385 If I flirted it would probably cause me internal cringe I might give myself organ failure from the pain of it
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 514x553, rika22.jpg )
>>180381 What happened to you is funny too.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:23 No. 180392
>>180390 That's not funny, my brother died that way. Also typing that emoticon made me die a bit inside.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:23 No. 180393
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 599x650, 1470922975015.png )
>>180391 I was late to class because of it, too. And I totally smelled like vomit when I got there too.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:24 No. 180394
Search [iqdb] (221 KB, 1050x850, 1388836482774.jpg )
>>180392 now type it untill you are fully dead
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:24 No. 180395
Search [iqdb] (381 KB, 700x900, 1307845679374.png )
You should buy Fish the madotsuki t-shirt now
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 507x584, fluffy bitch.jpg )
>>180393 Nice, that's very funny. You guys are great.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:25 No. 180397
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 845x1250, CodWEniVIAALgV6.jpg )
>>180396 It was a little funny. It's not funny that my mouth still tastes like vomit, though! It was like, mostly liquid, too. ugh>>180395 I'm not going to bully her for this!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:25 No. 180398
>>180395 If you do buy it, buy it from perplexitees.
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Granblue Fantas(…).jpg )
>>180397 Yeah, I wouldn't want it to happen to me. it's funny when it happens to other people. I had a pen explode on me today. Miracously none of it got on my clothes. My hand is still blue though.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:26 No. 180400
Search [iqdb] (825 KB, 462x1000, 1389708800918.png )
does any of you have a heat tracking missile that you can send me some asshole is driving around with a motorcycle in no-driving parks for shits and giggles and it is annoying me
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:27 No. 180401
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:27 No. 180402
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 170x170, 1309410838730.png )
It isn't bullying! I
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 00:27 No. 180403
>>180400 String up piano wire at around where you thinknis neck would be. *his
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:27 No. 180404
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 600x959, CsOtRHcUEAEDNFr.jpg )
>>180402 It's totally bullying!>>180399 That's funny that a pen exploded on you.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:28 No. 180405
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 600x600, 1307825858776.jpg )
>>180404 I wouldn't mind getting a madotsuki t-shirt for vomiting on someone. It can't be bullying! I'm a no-bully ranger.
>>180400 I'd send a heat tracking missile, but he's way too cool it wouldn't hit him
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:28 No. 180407
wow this is cute
Search [iqdb] (157 KB, 1280x720, oreimo6.jpg )
>>180404 Is it really that funny?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:28 No. 180409
Search [iqdb] (219 KB, 1500x1909, Coq6LMYUAAAJp1G.jpg )
>>180408 It would have been funnier if it got on your clothes but it's still kind of funny.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:29 No. 180410
>>180406 his bike is hot as in engine heat
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 218x572, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>180409 You're just wanting to get revenge because I'm amused by your puke!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:29 No. 180412
every picture of junna is like her doing finger guns
>>180412 She's got one hell of a trigger finger.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:29 No. 180414
Search [iqdb] (203 KB, 439x550, 1308212669504.jpg )
Finger guns are powerful!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:30 No. 180415
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 600x707, 52310433_p17.jpg )
>>180411 Wow, I'm kind of offended that you would say that.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:30 No. 180416
Search [iqdb] (251 KB, 500x500, 1378122491494.jpg )
>>180405 She cried because of it! She cried for like 20 minutes!
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:31 No. 180417
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 411x411, cute okuu.jpg )
I hope she feels better now. vomiting can be pretty painful, the last time I was vomiting I was unable to sleep and had stay in the bathroom. I ruined by bedsheets with vomit and it was all terrible.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:32 No. 180418
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1079x1400, aa3225b59483d23a355363760ddf3f5e.jpg )
Pukey Pukey Fish
2017/06/30 (金) 00:33 No. 180419
Vomiting is firing your main cannon
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:34 No. 180420
Search [iqdb] (507 KB, 480x270, geroko.gif )
>>180418 That just makes me think of Pukey from D-Frag
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:35 No. 180421
Search [iqdb] (3.6 MB, 4472x2384, 0a3596f8fa[1].jpg )
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:35 No. 180422
I was expecting her to finger gun to a picture of her finger gunning
2017/06/30 (金) 00:36 No. 180423
Search [iqdb] (♫, 42s, 4.0 MB, 800x450, gets.webm )
>>180421 what if she is not finger gunning but GETSING
Search [iqdb] (253 KB, 1200x1800, pokemon41.jpg )
>>180415 Isn't it true?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:38 No. 180425
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 480x480, 1451594304477.png )
>>180423 Or it is the Osaka bang!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:39 No. 180426
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 600x570, 1431059985566.jpg )
>>180424 It's not true at all. I would never attempt to get revenge on someone I appreciate so much.>>180423 >>180425 I sent her a tweet complimenting her finger guns so hopefully they're finger guns. Poor girl will probably be confused though.
Search [iqdb] (1004 KB, 4381x2863, 1491966872536.jpg )
>>180426 Then why would it be more amusing if it had got on my clothes?
2017/06/30 (金) 00:40 No. 180428
>>180426 you should've send her "nice gets"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:40 No. 180429
Search [iqdb] (183 KB, 600x667, 1431998884059.png )
>>180427 It'd be moe!
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:41 No. 180430
Search [iqdb] (571 KB, 1120x1080, 1451587443254.png )
I feel like Rika makes so many posts that can be taken out of context.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:41 No. 180431
Search [iqdb] (388 KB, 490x490, 1437135667535.png )
JUNNA is currently in Los Angelos apparently
2017/06/30 (金) 00:42 No. 180432
Search [iqdb] (771 KB, 800x1000, 1388588893526.png )
Weird place to visit
2017/06/30 (金) 00:42 No. 180433
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 800x473, 1389127074113.png )
What even is in L.A.?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:42 No. 180434
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 125x125, 1307803584664.jpg )
>>180433 Los
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:43 No. 180436
apparently that zoo threw out all the kemono cutouts except for hululu they're letting grape-kun stay with hululu that's so nice
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:43 No. 180437
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 644x694, 1307174104322.jpg )
Wow thats kind of sad. All kemono friends are equal but some are more equal than others.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:43 No. 180438
>>180434 But I have angels on my side
>>180436 If they threw out the cut out I'd kill whoever was running the zoo
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:44 No. 180440
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1269x956, 1439166630658.png )
I'm definitely going to work on making some bootleg cutouts.>>180441 Because it's an international sensation and also it would probaby be bad for the penguin's health to get rid of it since Grape-kun loves her so much.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:44 No. 180441
>>180436 Wonder why?
2017/06/30 (金) 00:44 No. 180442
>>180440 No I ment throwing away
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:45 No. 180443
Search [iqdb] (286 KB, 480x360, 1306807084870.gif )
I want to make someone as well. I wonder if I can see if any are up for auction anywhere
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:45 No. 180444
they were just there for a promotion
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 932x1200, 1489289439586.jpg )
>>180429 It's moe without being damaging if you don't get it on your clothes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:46 No. 180446
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 480x411, 1439392626319.png )
>>180445 No way, clumsy moe is pretty moe!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:47 No. 180447
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 555x378, 1441312087719.png )
wow you made fish ask me if her situation was moe
Search [iqdb] (450 KB, 752x904, 1384607211204.png )
>>180446 Isn't me having a blue hand enough for you?>>180447 Answer truthfully!
2017/06/30 (金) 00:47 No. 180449
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:48 No. 180450
Search [iqdb] (315 KB, 684x618, 1442461852112.png )
>>180448 I did and she made a really cute sound kind of like "mmmrrr"
>>180433 I think Anime Expo is this weekend. Largest anime-focused convention in North America if I remember correctly. Pulls a lot of attention from Japan. Trigger is going to be announcing a new project there, I believe.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:48 No. 180452
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 254x374, 1442514620375.png )
>>180448 It's not enough for me!
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 500x408, 1386831853530.jpg )
>>180450 Wow, that just makes it more moe!
>>180450 did she mrgrgr
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:49 No. 180455
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 645x595, 1296388305985.jpg )
I'm not sure how to react to moeification of vomitting. We can't stray too far
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:49 No. 180456
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 600x699, 06dbb0bad65970d87626f9fc35cb60f1.jpg )
yall are weirdos
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:49 No. 180457
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 600x700, 1442976883325.png )
>>180455 The moe part is that she sat there and cried beause she was so embarrassed.>>180453 Yeah, it was a moe response.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:50 No. 180458
>>180451 explains might be a guest of honour or just attached to some gorup
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:50 No. 180459
Search [iqdb] (280 KB, 638x638, 1306806215512.png )
Well if it makes her feel better, I know pelicans feed their young by vomiting food into their youngs mouth.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:50 No. 180460
Search [iqdb] (363 KB, 700x990, 1387918579130.jpg )
And with their blood pelicans also feed their young their blood which is why they are by some considered a christian symbol
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:51 No. 180461
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 400x400, 1307722267703.jpg )
2017/06/30 (金) 00:51 No. 180462
>>180461 now you know
Search [iqdb] (278 KB, 1511x2048, 1496480351769.jpg )
>>180455 It's not about the vomit! It's about the fact that she was so embarrassed she cried!>>180452 I had to rush to the bathroom to control the blue hand situation before it got on my clothes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:51 No. 180464
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 620x874, 1442779345799.jpg )
>>180460 This is false, pelicans do not do this in real life. It's a made up story.>>180459 I don't think I'll relay that to her. That's a little too mean.>>180463 I guess that's cute enough but it could be cuter.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:51 No. 180465
2017/06/30 (金) 00:52 No. 180466
>>180464 well never looked into it just have heard the story
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:52 No. 180467
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 103x123, 1308088085263.jpg )
>too mean Pelicans aren't cute Penguins do it too. They are cute.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:54 No. 180468
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 700x851, 1443074989422.jpg )
Penguins are necrophiliac baby killers too.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:54 No. 180469
Search [iqdb] (772 KB, 848x1000, 1388435688958.jpg )
Hmm seems like it just comes from the pose the mother pelican takes and some european pelican having red spots there but anyhow the "pelican feeds with blood" is over a thousand year old thing and even if untrue, a permanent part of christian symbolry
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:54 No. 180470
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 400x400, 1309929281834.jpg )
What wait what
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:55 No. 180471
Search [iqdb] (397 KB, 1230x1752, 1443166915800.png )
If a penguin's chick cheats, they'll kill all of the other male's kids And many penguins have sex with the corpses of their mates if their mate dies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 00:56 No. 180472
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg )
that's fucked up hululu?
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:56 No. 180473
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 450x606, 1307897541396.jpg )
I'm not sure I wanted to know that about magical sea birds.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:56 No. 180474
Search [iqdb] (412 KB, 1280x1280, hululu2.jpg )
You guys are being really bigoted right now.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:57 No. 180475
Search [iqdb] (188 KB, 850x992, 1388435885647.jpg )
So that bird would fuck dead hululu
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:57 No. 180476
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 600x600, 1307043302063.png )
Actually that particular picture of the penguin kind of scares me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:57 No. 180477
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 720x479, hululu7.jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:57 No. 180478
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 728x545, Hululu4.jpg )
>>180476 I think it's cute.
>>180478 why do penguins like this anime
2017/06/30 (金) 00:58 No. 180480
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 850x1020, 1388898971632.jpg )
Penguins are weird how they go from FROZEN HELL to TROPIC HELL quite adaptive species.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:58 No. 180481
Search [iqdb] (66 KB, 500x631, Hululu5.jpg )
>>180479 Grape-kun fell in love with Hululu. Hululu and Grape-kun are Humboldt penguins.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 00:58 No. 180482
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1003x747, 1307422384019.jpg )
Penguins can have 2D waifus.>>180478 All the other pictures are cute but that one for some reason makes me feel freaked out a little.>>180484 WOW he was kept away behind a fence from his waifu.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:58 No. 180483
So could you make a raven fall in love with a 2hu? this requires scientific experimentation
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:59 No. 180484
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 728x546, hululu6.jpg )
>>180482 This one isn't cute.
2017/06/30 (金) 00:59 No. 180485
could you make a cat fall in love with a cat-animugrill?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 00:59 No. 180486
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 640x480, hululu3.jpg )
>>180482 He was so obsessed with Hululu that he refused to eat or socialize so they tried to keep him behind the fence to see if he would eat also >>180487 haha but he actually did refuse to eat or socialize for a while
>>180482 They kept him behind the fence to stop him from drowning in the pool area while the park was closed
>>180486 >refuse to socialize He's socialising in that picture right now. Just with Hululu
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:00 No. 180489
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 500x281, 1308072274971.jpg )
Is he okay now?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:00 No. 180490
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 853x640, hululu.jpg )
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:01 No. 180491
He made a fanclub?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:01 No. 180492
He's the one with the purple band on his wing.>>180491 He taught everyone the joy of waifus.
after 3 days and 3 nights of fasting in honor of his waifu he became enlightened and returned down the mountain to educate the other pengos
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:02 No. 180494
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 439x480, 1307895514379.jpg )
He is serious business. I think some anons could learn about how to honour their waifus from him.
2017/06/30 (金) 01:02 No. 180495
>>180493 10 commandments of hululu
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:02 No. 180496
you could make a religion out of this
2017/06/30 (金) 01:02 No. 180497
Search [iqdb] (44 KB, 720x500, 1389085069894.jpg )
§1 you can't listen to jappori op enough times
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:02 No. 180498
>>180496 Maybe in the future all that will preserved of humanity will be pictures and drawings etc of grape and his waifu.
2017/06/30 (金) 01:02 No. 180500
i'd like hulluism more
2017/06/30 (金) 01:03 No. 180502
I am already a hullutherian, though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:03 No. 180505
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 960x350, japari cafe.jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:04 No. 180506
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:04 No. 180507
hululuanity>>180505 I want to go! Lets go!
why did that show become popular
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:06 No. 180509
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 569x365, kaban.jpg )
Because it's a really good show.>>180507 Yeah, let's go. I also want to go.
>>180508 because it's fun
2017/06/30 (金) 01:07 No. 180511
Search [iqdb] (415 KB, 1200x600, 1389468642903.jpg )
it still would've been better if it had been you know traditionally animated
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:07 No. 180512
>>>/watch?v=SCyzH-n53L0 >>180509 I wonder what will be on the menu!
>>180511 nah it wouldn't look as unique. The bad cg gives it a strange dreamlike quality to Japari par.
2017/06/30 (金) 01:09 No. 180514
i guess so well not that it is that bad... compared to your ronjas or berserks...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:09 No. 180515
Search [iqdb] (3.1 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-06-29-11-01-29.png )
>>180515 help
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:09 No. 180517
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 334x334, 1296389505638.jpg )
Well there are loads of tickets being sold on yahoo auctions for the Japari cafe already
>>180514 Beserks animation is embarrassing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:09 No. 180519
>>180516 probably to avoid being double hit in tempest
>>180519 it was a training arena bot but 18 attack at level 32 what the heck
>>180520 >>180520 >>180520 >>180520
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 752x861, 1912a95e5d5b31248c7c09e4608e19(…).jpg )
what the hell is that It's got 18 attack WITH a weapon attached
i know haha that's like 9 base attack i'm so confused how this happened
2017/06/30 (金) 01:11 No. 180524
Search [iqdb] (507 KB, 600x743, 62260971 eng.png )
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170629-054211.png )
i got this today in voting battle
>Desperation For what fucking purpose
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:11 No. 180527
>>180526 and draw back over reposition
Draw Back is okay. Depending. Honestly, I'd go with Swap or either of the two. The thing about Eldigan is that he's high Def so having him in front is good. And Reposition has a lot more positions that it can't be used in.
>>180509 I dropped it 3 eps in gomen
draw back is legit i'm thinking about trying to actually utilize obstruct now that panic ploy and the other ploy are on the deck i want to make a 4-lance to set as my defensive team with panic ploy and obstruct
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:12 No. 180531
reposition is better than draw back usually
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:12 No. 180532
did you guys see the new skills that we're getting? there is some LEGIT stuff like holy shit
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:13 No. 180533
I am a bit behind on FE. I need to install a new emulator to play it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:13 No. 180534
>>180529 pick it back up
>>180534 why
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:13 No. 180536
>>180535 because it's good
>>180532 barely slept a wink and super busy gimme the breakdown
>Clarine lost ...well, I guess Priscilla IS cuter.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:13 No. 180539
Its fun.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:14 No. 180540
all the new weapons are basically this If unit has 100% HP at start of combat, unit gets Atk/Spd/Def/Res+2. If attacking, unit will take 2 damage after combat.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:14 No. 180541
Grants HP+4, Def+2.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:14 No. 180542
If unit survives, all lance users on team get 2x SP. (If similar skill effects also used, only highest multiplier applied.) SP INCREASING SKILLS
>>180538 who needs cute when you're 86% of a clarinet
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 948x720, 1331198985402.jpg )
>Choose Priscilla >She's losing to Lissa PLEASE
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:15 No. 180546
If unit is attacked by foe using sword, axe, lance, or dragonstone, unit receives Def/Res+6 during combat.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 01:15 No. 180547
If unit // why not // oh that ac tually isn't every ability in the game
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:15 No. 180548
At start of turn, all foes in cardinal directions with Res 1 or more lower than unit suffer Def-5 until the end of foe's next action.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:16 No. 180549
i think that's all the new stuff that's interesting but >>180541 that's +6 stats and >>180546 is insanely good
Search [iqdb] (669 KB, 1368x768, bleh.png )
I still bleh at it until the gacha improves
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:16 No. 180551
we are aware
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 600x700, 9b3426a47b1071ce1856e4c347582a(…).jpg )
>My rank was high enough to scrape 1.7k feathers I'm at 20k now kya kya who to upgrade
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 600x627, tanks2.jpg )
>>180551 Just keeping you posted.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:17 No. 180554
Search [iqdb] (369 KB, 532x692, ppp-img.png )
I kinda want to really go to the cafe! It has a lot of neat stuff!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:18 No. 180555
Search [iqdb] (589 KB, 1200x800, main_1200.jpg )
>>>/watch?v=MhKn46XVdVw >>180554 let's go
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:18 No. 180556
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 331x400, character-food-04.png )
It must be done.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/06/30 (金) 01:19 No. 180557
Search [iqdb] (374 KB, 1280x2500, noodles.jpg )
woo let's go speaking of going i'm going to bed
Search [iqdb] (249 KB, 1280x720, _w_a_k_e___u_p__by_vashperado-d5wykrk.jpg )
>>180550 you'll come around
Search [iqdb] (219 KB, 1920x1080, sayaka.jpg )
>>180557 bye bye have fun sleeping!>>180558 I won't come back until the gacha is less mean!
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 613x646, 00a1c3e2ebcdd9ff0b2cdf30bf25e6(…).jpg )
Welcome to 5 star town Camus>>180557 bye bye night I've got max score in defense already so a Level 1 Camus won't ruin anything. Time to unlock Gradivus.
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:20 No. 180561
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 1920x1080, 1482634726528.jpg )
Sweet dreams Kirara
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 01:20 No. 180562
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Legfes in granblue soon enjoy not rolling Rika Summer characters hopefully soon
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I won 850 crystals from the betting thingy.
i bet 48 tickets and won nothing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 01:22 No. 180565
>>180564 how did you fuck up I wont 1500 crystals
>>180560 do you have any better suggestion for the slot than ardent sacrifice for reinhardt
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Your support slot really depends on your team and tactics. The movement ones are great. I prefer to have at least one person with Swap on most teams. Ardent Sacrifice is kinda like a skill you'd put on someone who'd benefit... oh yeah, so you are doing that. He indeed does have Vantage 3. What's his HP though? Well, his speed is trash. Vantage, while nice, sounds like something you don't need to put effort in reaching. I'd rather invest in ...well, technically I only put Swap on the physically offensive. Rather than mages I still think it depends on your team and what you need for it. Like without giving my Cecilia "Reposition", I would never have beaten Clarisse's Infernal stage.
ive always favored positioning skills, especially on cavalry but that free vantage also i have, what's it defiant attack 3 on him
he's a garbo IV though 38 hp but 37 naturally i think? s slot
no 38 nat sorry
>>180567 yeah, but dire thunder he's not olwen he'll never get a four hitter
i have enough feathers to five star something green i'm doin either anna or julia probably
sorry, not julia. robin (f) the real green tome queen
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But definitely think about your team makeup and what kind of manuevers you feel you need to do as you play. You'll find the Support skill you need that way.
>>180574 reinhardt, effie, roderick, and another effie with obstruct
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 01:44 No. 180576
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 01:48 No. 180577
scotch, whisky, bourbon and another whisky with rye
Kannagi@Ganbaranai 2017/06/30 (金) 01:48 No. 180578
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 01:48 No. 180579
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meow, meow, and meow>>180578 bye bye
2017/06/30 (金) 01:49 No. 180581
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Huh House Romanov still exists
>>180577 it's so good dude for a defensive team people just run into it over and over and nobody plans for a four blue team
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 01:52 No. 180583
if you sayy sooo i haven't played in months
your mixture sounds pretty good too though i might try it out
2017/06/30 (金) 01:53 No. 180585
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Hmm so basically putin could legally name himself emperor of russia if he plays his cards right and even continue the direct line of succession
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 01:53 No. 180586
what does reinhardt do i forget
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 01:53 No. 180587
there's a rick and morty stream on twitch right now i guess there's a convention or something>>180588 oh yeaahhh
>>180586 puts up big shield and swings his hammer
>>180586 hits medium hard but with dire thunder and huge move units>>180587 that sounds cool i wish i knew how to get there
2017/06/30 (金) 01:53 No. 180590
>>180586 conquer the universe
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 01:55 No. 180591
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it's gettin lewd
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 01:56 No. 180592
>>180577 Drinking hard or hardly drinking, eh?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 01:56 No. 180594
all i've got is a ballatine's finest also i have two beers but my roommate doesn't want to drink because 'he already had a beer today'
Sounds like a responsible, strapping young lad. How deprave.
>>180594 congrats you have two beers to drink
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>>180594 >i dont want a second PBR or i might get a hangover and miss work tomorrow lol
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 02:00 No. 180598
Live action Japari Friends opening>>>/watch?v=oi5RJB-LRv0
2017/06/30 (金) 02:04 No. 180599
you could easily throw kaban into a pokemon game as the player character, when you think about it.
Search [iqdb] (76 KB, 650x650, aXm5847xjU.jpg ) oh boy i can't wait to show kirara this
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good stuff
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real shit
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>>180601 wait not this one dangit
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here we go this one
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 02:10 No. 180605
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the continuation of the species
these are too real
oh no did you get pregnant rook
don't tell anyone
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i'm probably not sleeping tonight then fuck i love bots
2017/06/30 (金) 02:13 No. 180612
hmm I think sk once had fun with those for a week or so
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 02:13 No. 180613
>>180611 I'm sure they llove you too.>>180612 Yeah, I rremembet one it was "You can't change the world through talking, you can only do it through brainwashing" or something llike that.
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i think this is my favorite so far
that one is really good
the inverted text scaling where it gets smaller as it approaches the punchline and the car holy shit how does a bot do this
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 02:14 No. 180618
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really makes you think
here you go rook>>>/watch?v=6gX27Q2PtFI
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>>180621 arigatou
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/06/30 (金) 02:49 No. 180627
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guess whi is probably going to sleep
>>180629 is it all of us
FormerRei@mobile 2017/06/30 (金) 03:00 No. 180631
>>180629 Wowme2 Oyasumi /moe/ If it turns out that I have even more trouble ffalling aaslep than normal I'll probably be back in a few hours and then stay up really late.
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a person on twitter drew the Koume in my avatar
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 04:25 No. 180640
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Laughing in the face of near-death. I like her.
>>180640 >damn that shit almost got me fam
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/06/30 (金) 04:34 No. 180644
>>180642 >good thing i didn't wear heels today
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Alright Who's coming with me to the maid kissa
>>180646 hell yeah
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 04:56 No. 180648
>>180646 Oh man, I went to one of their cafes. I still have the picture and charm. Enjoyee.
>>180646 Loser.
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All my favorite anime foods Love live music playing in the background. I'm home.
The waitress told me to give her a Nyann~ when i was ready to order
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 05:00 No. 180652
>>180651 The amount of enthusiasm they seem to have was always so charming.
DREAM SET here we come. Go hard or go home. My maid seemed upset i wouldn't put on the nekomimi though
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 05:04 No. 180654
>>180653 WHY WOULD YOU NOT!?
>>180650 >moe potato
>>180653 What, you didn't? Loser.
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We cast a mahou spell together to make it super Oiishii
Oh hey there's a Demi-chan OVA episode or something.
>taking your inhibitions to a maid cafe
Jesus. Fuck . Fine. Ill wear the cat ears
You get coerced into things so easily.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 05:08 No. 180662
>>180660 Hell yeah!>>180661 I mean, he is at a maid cafe, they make you so happy to do silly things.
>>180661 C'mon My maid gave me a little round of applause for doing it
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They brought out the profile book Time to pick a waifu
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 05:13 No. 180665
>>180664 Misaki seems mysterious. Inori seems cute.
>>180663 I'm honestly proud of you. Loser.
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Shit which one is my maid I can't tell from the pictures >>180666 Let me tell you, friend I stopped giving a fuck a long time ago
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 05:14 No. 180668
>>180667 That's racist. :)
>>180667 does cinnamon's type say oppai?
>>180664 >>180667 Misaki she's cute with the dorky glasses>>180669 Yeah she likes cute girls with oppai Shit I meant Cinnamon not Misaki>>180671 Girls who are jealous of girls with oppai
well who doesn't?
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Tell me that's not the cutest rice ball you've ever seen I fucking dare you
I've seen very few riceballs so yeah I guess it is
Our magic spell must have worked This os pretty oiishii
>>180672 such a poorly formed rice ball it is falling apart at the hinges i would have the head of whatever insipid wench dared serve me such horrendous garbage disguised as food
Cunt Chiyo-chan worked hard to make this onigiri I won't have you talking shit
>>180672 that meaty stuff looks good
>>180676 your insults are as flaccid as chiyo-chan's riceball
You just wish you had youe own maid to cast spells on your food
You don't have your*
You just wish you don't have your own maid to cast spells on your food?
All this kawaii is getting to my head
It's so weird to hearvmy ipod music on the loud speakers
For an extra hundred baht the maid will play a game of pop up pirate with me
>>180685 DO IT
that's only like 3 bucks dude
fucking worth
4.. I think in AU dollars
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 05:43 No. 180691
>>180690 About 3.83 AUD
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This one fights the sun Just for a hobby
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 05:51 No. 180693
That's a fun hobby.
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Was it worth paying three times the normal price for a cup of coffee? Absolutely It has a cat on it
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I know what I'm doing on the 7th. You're all invited
>>180694 Latte art is pretty cool. I follow a guy that puts out at least one or two cups of latte art a day.
>>180696 Unless he's a cute maid it's irrelevant
It's not about the sex or gender man it's about the SKILL.
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As part of my dream set i got a lottery token I won this photograph
Lucky duck.
It's a Rare
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Oh my god I can live out the dream And punch shinji right in his beta, whining face
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Asuka is coming with me though
Shinji did nothing wrong
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Why Is this shit all Sunshine? Where are the real lub livos
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Looby- chan is sold out At least thais have good taste
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Luck of the draw and i get the worst one. What a gyp. I could have played 2 games of pop-up-pirate with the maids
>>180706 Sunshine is getting pushed super hard. Since u's in-universe has disbanded. Also because Sunshine is getting a season two soonish probably.
>>180709 But what about ARTISTIC INTEGRITY
They chose to retain the integrity of the art they had produced by disbanding after they weren't all SUKUURU AIDORU anymore.
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>>180711 Want a free keychain?
Sure, I dig redheads.
I'd totally give it to you but postage would probably cost more than the thing is worth
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tilde (and others), do you want to watch the demi-chan OVA? That's the only anime tonight though.
I would, but I'm a bit tied up tonight. There would be time to go at it tomorrow anyway.
yeah its fine
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okay, that's fine.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
2017/06/30 (金) 07:18 No. 180720
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Hello Yuu.
Rika on a scale of 1 to 10 how jealous are you of the idol photo i won at the maid cafe?
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>>180720 hello!>>180721 Can I pick 0? I am mildly jealous of the love live merch, though. Even if it's the second series.
>>180722 You can pick zero but We would both know that's a lie
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I'd consider buying some Zura or Yoshiko merch. Or maybe some (you) merch.
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hello friends my time here tonight is brief
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good luck, bang!
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i guess i could always use some luck thsnk
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did i just barely miss marsh on his adventure
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>>180729 Looks like maybe you did.
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i'm sorry marsh, i'll catch you next time....
the only time i ever forget to put the cap back on the water bottle is also the only time i ever knock my water bottle over
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well that was fun goodnight /moe/
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bye bang
>>180734 have a banging night
>>180737 →