Thread #179019
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Look what the cat dragged in.
mahou no sho shuumatsu fuku noise>>179022 sorry I'm late!
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I was kind of expecting Ika to show up around now.
Well maybe he wasn't kind of expecting you to show up around now!
zero first?
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 781x720, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>179026 Nah, he wasn't down for anime until like 5 minutes ago. He kinda was ready around the same time as me I'm sorry for being late though. Zero first is fine. Let's be orange. okay we're all orange let's start!
Okay my Internet finally stopped being throttle-y enough to finish downloading it. Ready.
Being able to draw such an accurate circle so quickly like that is really enviable.
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Trying to punish an autist like that with years of feeling an emotion doesn't seem like an effective attack.
The magic users really have an absurd advantage over the Muggles here.
kill magic
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I wonder if the animal people will get turned back since this is the finale.
He's still a tigerman so I guess not. It does kind of feel like a "where does the story go from here" though, what with all the magic disappearing.
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
Looks like he's stuck as a cat.
Oh okay.
snape is a good guy hes just looking out for his daughter
His waifu more like.
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 547x661, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
I feel like he has no romantic feelings and is just autistic about taking care of her.
I guess it doesn't matter since this ain't likely to get any more adaptations but it's a shame Albus and her hound aren't coming along with their journey. At least since there won't be as much of a relevancy of the dog; he ended up being a fun character.
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
There you have it. He's just a doting onii-chan.
I wish snape were my oniichan
That's a little weird man.
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokudenashi Maj(…).jpg )
tsundere cat
Well for how futsuu that was it was fun enough. I guess. There really isn't any particular feeling I have on it.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 832x718, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
it was okay Shuumatsu next? okay let's start!
ok that show was like a 5 or 6 out of 10 felt furry zero best snape second best
Yup.>>179082 You have a weird taste in guys.
Time for it all to come tumbling down. Tumbling down
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
Yeah, this should be the tumbling down episode.
It's the last episode; for it to not be the tumbling down episode would be the worst case of blue-balling.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
It took longer than I expected. I hope that twintails girl makes it.
I kind of expected everything to go to shit at the end of last episode. And this episode would be a tying up of all the loose strings.
On a positive note we finally get to see Wilhelm acting in full Brave status instead of his kind-of retired manner before.
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Maybe not. He looks to be out of comission now.
Well he -was- for the short time he was able to.
Ctholly's Eldritch possessor has the seiyuu who did that girl from that cooking SoL a few seasons back. With the single dad teacher raising the kid.
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Looks like it's probably over for twintails girl.
They're trying their best to keep her around.
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Did he just jump after her?
Oh here we are gone full circle. At the beginning of all things again.
I really REALLY wish they'd gotten more songs into the OST with this vocalist.
Oh they bring back the Scarborough Fair track too.
Oh no.
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All that effort and sacrifice and the twintails girl died anyway.
Hah hah, I liked that>Well excuse me for having heavy hands!
Apparently there's a sequel series from this same world. Takes place after the little Leprechauns have grown up old enough to fight.
Yeah, suffocate a kid to shut them up. That's the smart way to go about things.
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I think they beat around the bush with the tumbling too much, and then rushed it. It would have been better if there were a few episodes where everything was messed up. fuku noise/
I could use like five minutes or so.
Okay ready.
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fuku noise okay everyone is orange let's start
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I knew the last two were finales, I don't know if this one is or not.
I'm almost certain it is.
Berserker singers is a pretty cool concept. I've gotta keep that one in mind.
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It must be difficult being in a band where your lead singer's talent is fueled by her drama.
yeah its probabl y a lot of work
And now it's time for a different flavour of drama.
cmon yuzu you're not the one whos supposed to be choking
Y'know their drama is dumb highschooler stuff. But the idea of two people pulling each other through their own demons is a pretty nice notion.
his moms probably like i have no son
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
She can probably only recognize him by how much of a manlet he is. Since his face is like 3/4 obscured.
>Music killed my husband and it's now preying on my son
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
She's also probably happy he doesn't dress up as a lady anymore.
This is geting -getting kind of cheesy. It's the fun kind of cheesy though.
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Yeah, he just made it cheesy.
That was a nice lead-in. I really like nice lead-ins.
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His scowl mixed with that cat mask makes him look like some kind of enemy mook.
I get the show creators wanting to end on their "big" song, but I feel the chronological jumping around they did for this is a bit unnecessary.
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yeah, I was confused for a sec.
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Are they really all going to quit though? Their band is on top of the world.
And then she died.
Search [iqdb] (95 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Renai Boukun - (…).jpg )
A girl can't just sleep in public like that!
Even to the end she's stupidly autistic.
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So did they all quit their bands or what?
is that how it ends
Not sure, but I don't think they did. Well at least, Nino and Shortstop didn't.>>179194 This series probably goes on longer but one-cour makes half-hearted endings of us all.
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 638x718, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Yeah it's a lukewarm ending after the other two things we watched.
It was a lukewarm series overall. The teenage drama parts weren't particularly fun and the characters were more annoying than endearing. The best parts were when they were doing band SoL and the serious band stuff.
thanks for anime