Hmm is bit early for it to come off, but I guess since it was loose as fuck and the knot came untied it had served its purpose. Oh well worst can happen I will have a funnily shaped spot in my mouth
I don't intend to spam news links but this one is pretty funny. >In Trump's shambolic White House, staffers who can't find the light-switches literally hold meetings in the dark
What the fuck was glass steagal again anyway? Fuck, all these political ideas that are just given a fucking name based on whoever first pushed it through somehow
>>17806 Seems to be from a mall in Bangkok
>>17834 I once wrote an essay that got reviewed with "yeah this is a 5/5, but your footnotes are messed up, I can give you 1/5 and pass it or you can fix them" I was like "just gimme the 1, don't care anymore"
>Lissa >Renewal >Kindled-Fire Balm >Rehabilitate I need this girl at 5* or at least 4 Renewal 3 would be really good to have though
Corrin seems pretty strong but Obstruct is lame. These kinds of abilities would be a lot better if there was more movement and less chokepoints. ...There are two genders? Hm, is Corrin the main character in Fates? I haven't played that one.
>>18098 That's young tiki. They're both good though.
In a NeoGaf post, two character portraits were published that are based on the holiday season. The first looks to be Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates. And instead of their sword, Corrin is wielding a christmas tree. The second secret character in Fire Emblem Heroes is Tharja. The sorceress comes with reindeer antlers and more Christmas-inspired attire.
nah it just looks like that the left glove has a middle-finger as it sown thing I have actually worn clothes like that once years ago, and they don't "bend" like that actually. But then again, how would anyone know that from just looking at "medieval equipment" hard leather afterall, is HARD
also that kind of arm guard, I believe they were actually used, but during reneissance era when arming swords and such began to fall out of use and were replaced by the rapier, sideswords and such the thin blades. >>18124 I know, but she has a "basic sword" thingie right? so it is kinda mitch match equipment.
Also somehting I learnt recently rapier and the similiar "thin blade" swords aren't actually light at all they might be heavier than the arming swords of shorter lenght that look heavier because of thicker blade.
wait how do i claim my arena spoils there was a dialog but i closed it >>18129 yay sent >>18132 dammit i thought i was gonna get more, maybe i'm just confused
>>18168 Too late I couldn't resist, I am going to properly use up all the quest ones. >>18173 Nintendo rewards? I have to have a nintendou account for that right?
did you get the free ones at nintendo rewards you get like 9 >>18174 thats what you usually do in mobage i think
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>18168 should i be saving them for future events?
>>18170 How did you get all the feathers for that? I only have 1500.
>>18175 I sent some 3*s home and got 2000 feathers from arena
>>18172 yeah to play fire emblem you need one anyway so log into that one you get 10 free gems as well >>18175 >>18176 i killed everyone for 2000 feathers to up m y healer
aaauch that hurt while brushing my teeth I pulled the loose stich out, and the wrong way: the side that had still a partial knot came through all the spots the stich pierced through man that stings stilöl
I hope removing the stich accidentally shouldn't cause any issues. But then agian, if it was loose it shouldn't have had any purpose anymore. >>18265 I will just enjoy the 1gb/1gb internets in the meanwhile.
theres a way for undub if rooted maybe theyll let us choose someday
I don't really need this level *undub for this level of Japanese, I can read this Japanese nicely.
It is weird though why no option considering it isn't anything about reverse importation and you can just go to the language options and play the game in Japanese. Camilla is much nicer in Japanese
Anyway. I didn't totally freak out and start dropping spaghetti. I just kind of lost the flow of the conversation when she asked me what I liked to watch. I didn't want to say moeshit and I didn't have a good answer ready in the wings.
Redirecting to manga always works for me. I don't watch much anyway. I just read. And then talk about reading things. Then invite them over to see my mangatraders database ;)
Maybe. Maybe not. You can't tell from a two minute conversation.
Either way the afternoon was a bit of a bust. Thirty identical conversations with thirty strangers >Oh. You study X. I study Y >Do you like studying X - I hear it's got a tough workload
And nothing really to show for it. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRY TO MEET NEW PEOPLE.
>>18316 next time prepare a list with some good hipster shit that no casual has ever heard of even
>>18324 Thanks, blue. I hope so too. >>18327 Or just string a plausible sounding Japanese syllables together.
>>18330 You should have used your sense of superiority to her to fuel confidence for asking for her number. And then if she ends up being a weirdo you can just awkwardly stop talking to her. That's how these things are done.
I looked up speed friending because it seemed like an interesting concept. There's apparently one going on in my town on the 11th at the library, for the 20's-30's age group I would like to go and meet people since I know nobody in this city but I think it would be a disaster
>>18338 It's probably just luck of the draw who you end up meeting. I'd stay go for it - which is a little funny considering the afternoon I just had - but it might work out better for you.
Sometimes you need a good disaster to get things going
>>18339 how many people did you meet, how long did you spend with each everyone's going to be wanting to meet people like them and I'll be nothing like them
>>18341 1 hour. Two minutes with each person. Just ask questions... Everyone wants to talk more than they want to listen. Have a FUN FACT about yourself to fall back on. That you used to ride bikes or were in the army or something., I // If things got a little slow I just mentioned that I'd been backpacking in India and that carried us through the time limit.
>>18342 I think I'd just be trouble for anyone even if I make some friends it'd be hanging out a couple times then like, "Oh, that person's got issues. I don't want to deal with that." i think i can only have other damaged friends like doc and jan and kirara and kannagi
Well AA wasn't for me either But there were some really good people there.
And if you were looking for friends that came with a little.. extra emotional baggage that would be a good place to start. Plus. You know.. Maybe you aren't an alcoholic but you sure get drunk a lot.
I'm done now. I never needed it to cope. The addiction was to stimulants. Alcohol was necessary to physiologically recover from stimulants -- even mild things like a few cups of coffee. It's been I don't know, the days have passed me by a week or so at least, not even interested. No real issues either. I'm suffering from something, but it's not alcoholism.
Well, sorry. I am really intrigued by the speed friending idea I just have a lot of apprehensions about it I'm not shutting anything out... see you later i guess
Does an early truck mean you get to slack off more after it's finished unloading.
No it means I get to go home after i finish putting everything away Instead of sitting here off the clock waiting for it to show up
You're not salaried though, are you? Oh I see you're already off the clock.
Man that sounds like a really shitty situation.
Yeah but tonight it got here right as I'm finishing up so i don't even need to be off the clock anymore. I was about to clock out to nap and wait and then they got here
Normally it's pretty shit though. When they show up late it's the worst
Trickster is more boring than comfy, hah hah. One of the guys I was on the Japan trip really digs the show though. He's the reason I even learned it was more than one-cour.
Oh right Rika there's also the final two episodes of Long Riders!.
>>18379 A place we stopped at for food our last night in Tokyo was pretty close to the rail line. So every couple minutes you'd hear a train just come rumbling past as you're crowded around a table eating food with friends. Wouldn't make for great sleeping, but the atmosphere of it all was really lovely.
i grew up in a home with several trains about a mile or so away they'd run from like 8 til 10, which for a kiddo is when i'm getting to sleep no rumbling, too far for that, but close enough to hear the faint train whistle and the clack-clack, clack-clack off in the distance it's one of the most soothing sounds i know
You used to hear trains in the valley rail lines nearby here. I don't hear them as much lately; I wonder if the lines have suffered reduced usage in recent years. I can't remember if you could hear the clack-clack of the wheels, but in the deep night, hearing a solitary train horn off in the distance was a bit of a comfort to me. I miss that kind of thing.
What's the point of learning magic if you can't use it outside Luna Nova anyway
There's evidence that magic can be used outside Luna Nova. The author from episode four was able to teleport, and Chariot's staff seems to act as a magical battery. In fact I think most of the magic utensils seem to act as batteries. Maybe experienced magic users can procure and maintain smaller-scale magical sources like the crystal Luna Nova uses.
They seem to be able to store magic, but they also run out REALLY fast Like the brooms have meters on them for magical energy, but Akko and Amanda fell out of the sky as the crystal took off
Well why have the battery in the brooms if it only lasts like a few seconds on battery?
I think the battery is actually the wand. If you go back and watch the OVAs there's a scene where the brats that follow Diana around stick their wand onto a mini-broom to make a proper one.
Not that there aren't also magical broomsticks, but those probably -only- work under the influence of the crystal.
>President Trump restored the rule, officially known as the Mexico City Policy, on Jan. 23. It prohibits foreign non-governmental organizations from receiving U.S. funding if they provide abortion services or counselling — even if abortion is legal in their country. Well okay.
New news to me man. Other countries are meeting to discuss what might be done to resolve what might be considerable funding issues for these organizations now.
Well it was expected anyway It's a republican thing that gets tossed in and out as the president changes
>>18511 well... why did they count on being funded by a foreign government anyhow
Why does that matter? Should the fact that it may be a struggle to acquire funding for a service like abortion within their own country mean they should deny that service?
because a government can 180% its policies every 4 years or whatever their respective term is and a government has no responsibility to fund foreign services anyhow. Actually if you ask me, a government has no business to fund foreign services, and foreign aid coming from national budget should be banned altogether. A governements' duty is to its citizens, nothing more.
I mean sure , but I've long learned that asking you about your political philosophy is just preparing myself for a headache. And asking is kind of irrelevant since you go and spouti -spout it anyway.
Well that is what a government should do take care of the people who pay taxes and the people who live within the borders of its influence. Anything else is either diplomacy or charity work >>18518 because that is the duty of a government to lead the nation and use the tax money to better the nation and her citisens.
Foreign aid and such is a noble concept and say the government has way too much money and the people want to use it on such, yeah why not if the people vote to "use budget as charity" then sure it can do it as long as it is within the will of the people
but if people vote a party that has for example a policy of "cut all foreign aid in all forms" then they have the right to do so they were elected by the people who knew their policy on such, so you knew i was coming. Besides, when talking about budget cuts THAT exactly is where you should cut first. The extra expenses that don't invest or deal with the expenses of the nation.
I mean, in terms of individuals, which do you cut first on, food or work commuting or your monthly donations to the red cross?
Why is that what a government should do? Why shouldn't they strive to do more?
Of course, in the modern western society, each time you say "cut foreign aid" you are branded a racist.
>>18517 So you think we should do our duty and nothing else more. I really can't agree with that philosophy on the matter.
And also, >they were elected by the people who knew their policy on such, I would argue pretty strongly that a massive fraction of everyone who voted during the recent election probably did not clearly know the information that concerns this.
Also any organisation working with donations, especially when their donators are large organisations that may change their policies abruplty, they shouldn't count on the "income" coming from them to be permanent, but rather "bonus"
>>18521 well whatsoe ever as >>18512 each time reps and dems change power baton, the abortion laws get tossed around which is silly as fuck if you ask me, but is just how it is
>>18520 Also this. Why do you insist on doing this. Acting like the western world is some gigantic hedgemony.
Hegemony even.
>>18525 Oh fuck off I know you're smart enough to know otherwise. Even amongst liberal and left-leaning philosophy groups that's not even the case. Not everyone is either an extreme traditionalist and protectionist or hyper-sensitive and globalist.
What, you say that in any european nation and every loud blabber mouth goes RACISMUS
>>18524 go see how many countries in europe cut their foreign aid when the eurocrisis was hottest and each nation cut away from basic services, education etc and every european nation had their national debt increase by a lot but something never got cut
There's something called being centrist you twat and I think you'll find the vast majority of people lie far closer to it than off to any one particular side.
Centrists are ust people who want to cheat the people for profit while doing no changes >>18530 that is the Central Party here
Okay maybe you're not actually smart enough to know otherwise.
Also, everyone doesn't matter at all when the politicical elite decide on a fashion, they carry on with it and force their party members to obey or get out of politics. The fault of party politics in europe.
Also, if you disobey EU, you won't get a good retirement job from them.
Dunno how intensive it'll be. I want to make a short trip to the bank this morning, but I can probably get thati -that in before the freezing rain begins. If it's rough enough, enough ice can build up on tree branches and powerlines to cause electrical outages. Fortunately it might get warm enough overnight and tomorrow morning to melt off the ice, but if it doesn't melt off and go away by Thursday there might be a lot of ice around for a while. The ice sticking around is really the most annoying part of it I think.
Hmm, if I built a model for foreign aid on government level, I would build it on voluntarity basis. Every citisen would choose if they want to pariticipate or not. Similiar how people can be part of religious organisations and pay for their membership, people could choose to have government take extra % of their income and use that money for charity purposes decided by the government.
Because it's not allowed. I can only miss one meeting per class without an excuse and I need to save those because I might need to make an emergency flight soon. >>18544 I want an icestorm.
president trump has released a list of 78 "underreported or ignored terrorist attacks" including the little-known Orlando Pulse shooting, the truck attack in Nice, etc
>>18550 >underreported That was like the biggest news story for a week Trump onegai
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>18551 this post is fake news trump says it was underreported there are terrorist attacks in europe every day and the dishonest media refuses to report on it
To be completely fair here, I don't think anything's been more reported on than Dylann Roof, who still gets time in the spotlight to this day But the Qubec thing was pretty underreported, I didn't even know about it for a long time
I didn't even catch when the assumption was islamists attacked it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the orlando pulse shooting is equally heavily reported
there was also an arson of a mosque in texas
The pulse shooting isn't near the level of Dylann Roof The Pulse thing did die down fairly quick
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
dylann roof ws like "there was a shooting" and it persisted for a while in passing, never endless coverage pulse shooting was endless coverage for at least 4 days
Oh yeah, that's true But I mean in terms of coverage total
At the time, Pulse definitely got more coverage But it hasn't kept going
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh kellyanne conway got btfo by cnn this morning she made a tweet about how she chose not to do an interview on CNN because she was too busy and a CNN official account replied something like "we had an opportunity to interview and we passed on it actually"
>>18555 I don't know about elsewhere but the assumption--at least in the news--was never that it was an Islamic attack. Sure public opinion might conclude otherwise, but the news here is professional.
They're both senators and hold opposing views on it, right? I'm sure the reason they got selected over other officials is because of their recent celebrity status, but they still have decent grounds for it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah. It's extremely unusual that there is a debate when there's no election, though. Not that I'm complaining. This stuff is important. >>18597 Cruz wanted it gone. Bernie wanted it fixed.
Oh right because it's different. If it wasn't a different item each time it would be C. I don't fucking remember the math for if it has to be different anymore.
GODDAMNIT I'm tryna help ya here, but you're being difficult to teach
Well you're doing it in the most obnoxious method possible. I already learned it BUT I FORGOT IT. Most people don't need to calculate the number of possible combinations where the choices reduce each day on a regular basis. Fuck the only reason I remember how to calculate the number of possible combinations so well is because it's a plot point in The Davinci Code.
OK LISTEN HERE You do 14*14*14*14*14 why? Becaue each day, you have 14 choicess Now how do you EDIT THIS PIECE OF MATH to represent you losing one possible choice each day?
By telling you that you don't need to fucking teach things that people already learned just fucking remind them how to do it.
I'm still sorta hopeful this is just him doing shit for a little while, and then it dies down There's no way he can keep this shit up for 4 full years
Maybe he'll be impeached anyway
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>18642 i dunno his approval rating is still 45% which is the lowest of any new president in the history of approval ratings it seems like there is some support for policies, but at the same time, you have to wonder if they support his policies or if they support what they think his policies are i feel like i can trust /// can't trust any of the polls for that at this point because the president has been spreading massive amounts of disinformation
The reason I kind of take that with a grain of salt is, I think both major candidates would have entered the office with a relatively low approval score. Even Clinton seem widely considered to be a miserable option.
How the hell did you get here.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's mostly conjecture, but probably
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
anyone else having connection issues on /moe/?
I don't think I am. I think Samu pushed something last night trying to fix a reason some people were experiencing random drops in connection, hah hah.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU >WH official: We'll say 'fake news' until media realizes attitude of attacking the President is wrong
They should have convened and come back to this later. A Vice President breaking the tie for the nomination of someone nominated by his president is ludicrous. It's technically allowed, but it's completely absurd.
>>18654 Holy shit even republicans were like "Uh, listen... naw"?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah. A bunch of Republicans were against her because she's fucking INSANE.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Like, I'm not totally against the idea of allowing a firearm on campus although I think it needs heavy restrictions. But she wants them in GRADE SCHOOLS and when arguing her point, claimed that it was necessary to have guns in all schools in case a GRIZZLY BEAR attacks the school.
There are no records of a grizzly bear attacking a school in known American history.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
She wants to privatize schools and grant subsidies to schools that teach about Jesus she doesn't believe in evolution people were like "yeah, trumps gonna get rid of common core" Well here we are
I don't get why so many government officials try to push Catholic/Christian creationism. Isn't -Doesn't the Constitution have a whole bit about the state not playing religious favourites.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah, it does. It's literally unconstitutional. I don't know why these people want to do things like establish a state religion or mandate creationism be taught in schools, especially when they scream at the top of their lungs about the importance of what the Founding Fathers' intended.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because fun fact the founding fathers were mostly not catholic or christian
>>18661 Say good-bye to Common Core, kids! It's time for Christian Core!
>>18660 what kind of an argument is that... that is like "every officer needs a bible to stop a bullet"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>18666 it's the kind of argument that our new secretary of education thinks is a valid one
Unfortunately I don't think these are the kinds of shitty choices that get someone impeached.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Steve Bannon, Trump's head advisor, has talked about how much he wants to destroy the country in the past. Now we know that Trump is signing executive orders without fully reading them, including one that put Bannon on the National Security Counsel. It's the opinion of a lot of people that Bannon is using Trump like a puppet to destroy the country.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I'm honestly dumbfounded by Pence's tiebreaker. I thought that DeVos could win 51-49 or lose that way.
>>18673 For bills. It's never happened before with a cabinet nomination. It's technically allowed, but it has never been used in this capacity.
>>18675 The vice president breaks ties, just about always in the direction the current president leans It not having happened to this specific thing before doesn't mean it's not standard procedure
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>18676 Yes, but breaking the tie for someone your administration nominated isn't something that's happened before and is therefore not standard
Maybe it would have been fine back when the vice-president was whoever the runner-up candidate in the election was. But it hasn't been that way in over two centuries.
I mean you can say it's unprecedented, but it's still just a thing the system was designed to do, that just hadn't happened before It's not going against the intent of the system
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
No, you aren't understanding what I'm saying.
Yes, it is allowed. I am saying that.
That does not mean it should happen. It's grossly unethical.
Well I guess it is bit iffy in a situation like that here a cabinet is formed by the prime minister and then the parliament gives yai or nay to the whole picture and not just individual nominations However if switches are made, those need parliament approval too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the republicans have done some really fucked up shit for the nominations just recently, they suspended the rules so that they could vote without democrats to confirm someone
they did all the shit democrats are doing now to obama nominations throughout the years too the only difference is that democrats actually have valid ethic concerns it's crazy
>>18695 Obama amassed quite much power for the president, didn't he And repus whined about it right? It is always ironical, when the oppositin whines about stuff like this and the nwhen they are in power instead of removing them or stuff, they instead abuse them equally bad as the previous people in power.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>18696 not really he did overstep his boundaries in my opinion quite often but he wasn't particularly powerful it's just that his administration was powerful and had a lot of influence
I wonder how soon the 7 country ban gets revoked, though. Shame, that the idiots flying "refugees welcome" will think of it as a victory, when the actual issue is the legitimate visa travellers, tourists with double-citizenship and green carders
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's already suspended
No it is a victory for "refugees welcome" . Even if you don't like them you can't deny that.
Yes, there is ALSO the issue that legitimate travellers with legitimate documents were being suspended. But that doesn't deny the legitimacy of it being a problem of refugees too.
Well, the issue was largely about refugees, too. Because the ban appeared to be directed at Muslims and Trump's past ideology involved banning Muslims.
>>18700 I don't have an issue about refugees and I don't have an issue about people moving to get jobs in other countries I have an issue about moving to to a country, claiming you are a refugee and then trying to at the same time hold a job and get refugee benefits and then whining when you can't do it, because the system don't work like that. >>18704 Afghanistan sure is a hot war zone now in 2015, getting 10x more "refugees" than back when it was actually an active warzone, am I right.
>Typically used to order household staples like detergent, garbage bags, or macaroni and cheese at the push of a button (which is kind of depressing in and of itself) What's depressing about this? Those are useful items
finnish gov is actually being bit passive aggressive in the refugee handling those that have found jobs and were clearly coming here to work, and most likely might have migrated here anyhow even if there wasn't a war, but ended up applying for the refugee status as guided by the various facebook and such social media instruction site, are now getting bit fucked over. Ya see they get a work permit to some level, so they stay busy and it helps them to integrate or just gather money for the jorney *journey back trip, well anyhow if you are in the "temporary residence, untill refugee status is processed" limbo and have a job. If it so happens that the state decides "meh, you no refugee go back" you fucked. State has had enough of disappearers, who are then few months later found in a refugee asylum in germany or sweden, after their refugee status is refused or revoked. So nowadays they give a was it 30 or 60 day grace period to leave the country, or in some cases apply for job-residence which is a possiblity. However, the problem is that we don't TELL them anything. We just say "welcome, you can live here and apply for this much income per month etc while we process you." and then "hey you have 30 days to leave the country" and the just grab them if they are still here in 30 days and place them in a "storing facility" untill they are deported back to their country.
What we should do, in my opinion, is for those who have clearly begun the integration process, supply them with information about the proper procedures if you want to stay here as a worker-resident and thus get the useful people to stay here. Not giving them any help or guidance and then having them be stuck in the facility-limbo untill their country of origin agrees to take them back. Which they don't usually I mean Iraq for example is all "no nonono, we no take anyone back"
But when around every third or fourth person whose refugee status is denied or revoked ends up vanishing into thin air, it is clear
that some better control is needed even if it does end up hurting the innocent at times. Also helps to lessen the waves of people arriving here, when they hear the news of our bureaucracy hell.
Came to mind, when in news some were criticising Hungary for grabbing everyone arriving there as refugees and storing them in facilities with limited freedom as human rights infringments and such. Well, practically every EU country does that already, they just have dressed it more nicely Even here, a refugee has to report daily to the refugee centre they are posted and can't leave the area without permission. and people without proper papers, are of course instantly detained, as they should be.
I just don't really believe that a refugee is in a great crisis when they have travelled through not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven, not eight, but NINE safe countries to come knocking on our door. I have my issues about "sharing the burden" decision lobbied by merkel through EU, but atleast those were the proper refugees who were moved mainly from greece.
Of course, had we just done what the centrists and right proposed at the begining of the crisis "fund turkey, neighbouring countries and greece and build the best possible temporary refugee camps possible" and then actually launched the smuggler catching campaigns that were proposed to take care of the libyan smuggling rings, there wouldn't be an issue. I kinda wonder what happened to those proposals altogether, they weren't even shouted down by the usual "racist nazi" crowds, as they were legitimate and human right respecting solutions to the problem. In case of turkey it ended up happening, but only because greece shut its borders to turkey, so the people were stuck there And then Erdogan did his "pay us or we open the gates"
>>18719 oh and if memory serves the refugee camps would've involved using the european "peace keeping" corps to also keep them safe
European politics have just turned all weird in the past decade or so you have the loud parts of the left shouting one unreasonable thing, and the loud parts of the right shouting count-unreasonable thing and in the middle you have the carreer politics trying to get the best posts and retirement assignments as they can. And the reasonable people are stuck in the system, forced to follow the crooks and the idiots, who for some reason hold all they keys.
Oh yeah, french president candidate Le Penn, has said "out of EU, Euro, Nato" f she wins. If Frexit happens that might be it for the EU tbh
I suffer from pretty easy paranoia, so that sort of shit really gets to me. Even though it really is usually just people forgetting and/or taking unintentional advantage of my hesitance to be pushy about this sort of thing.
>>18726 Duck tales should win, it is disney and scrooge is richest duck in the world
Yeah I haven't fully processed how it makes him a white supremacist, I legitimately can't think of how they made that work But I guess he is now Welcome to the nazi party, Trudeau, glad to have you with us
I think if you understand the thought process, you are too far gone >>18737 We should send him his party-armband
Islam may be the fastest growing religion, but the fastest growing ideology is apparently white supremacy How to tell someone is a white supremacist: They don't like immigration They like immigration
Either one
And, as discussed earlier this year, assaulting such people is not only OK, but encouraged
I'm still not actually seeing a big problem with it The presidency being a tie breaker for something doesn't seem like an issue to me, even with their own nominations
It's an odd way to do things, but I don't see it as a problem
It's not a tiebreaker. It's a "House Wins" rule. If "in the case of a tie, you choose to whether to do the thing you wanted to do in the first place", you're going to do it.
>>18755 It's a conflict of interest. To defer the decision to the entity who put the option forward in the first place is nonsense because there is no reason for them to ever choose no.
I mean, I guess? But that would be the same no matter who nominated the candidate The one nominating has no reason to vote no, and the VP's vote isn't actually worth any more than anyone else's It's just not a vote that gets cast unless it comes out 50/50 from everyone else
>>18758 Sure, but then you should be against the idea of having the tiebreaker at all Not this particular instance
If bernie had nominated a candidate for something, his vote would be exactly as biased as the VP's, and worth exactly the same amount
>>18757 This is the very first time that a tiebreaker has ever happened in the history of a nomination. There's no precedent of bias. Having a tiebreaker is necessary but it's not the fact that it's a tiebreaker that's problematic, it's WHO breaks the tie. The Executive gets checked by the Legislative and the Legislative fails to decide and so who checks after? The Executive. Why is the executive checking itself? >>18762 That is within the Legislative bounds. He gets that right. It makes sense to have your vote on the thing you worked on in the legislative. The check happens when it gets passed to the Executive who gets the right to say no on it.
>>18760 Which is irrelevant because someone puts forwards the bills, too
Like if Ted Cruz puts forward a piece of legislation, should he refrain from voting on it? His vote is worth the same amount as the VP's, and it's equally biased
So who would make a tiebreaker that can be relied on? The legislative clearly can't, since they're already at a standstill The executive isn't good, since they're the ones putting forward the thing And the judiciary are appointed BY executive, so they're basically just an extension of them
There are multiple judiciaries and while appointed by executive, they're confirmed by legislative, and they stay around for a long time. Assuming the judiciary would simply 'serve' the executive is a stretch. That said, this isn't really within their scope as the judiciary's job isn't the will of the people but the will of the law.
>>18765 Who should? Good question. We don't have a committee to do such a thing (since this never happens). There's no one you're going to find without a political stance that is human. Leaving it to a coinflip would be hilarious. I don't know why this is breaking news. I thought everyone already knew trump wanted to the pipleline in place
But then the system would just be an elaborate way of making it "house wins" anyway, since it got to the senate by the house voting yes to begin with You haven't really solved the problem, you've just altered a step that leads to the same result nearly 100% of the time
Like you can't go "If the house says yes, it goes to senate... And if senate ties, it's up to the house" That's a tie=yes The house already said yes It's gonna be yes
Introduce puerto rico as a state but with only 1 Senator
>>18781 Senate Majority means holding the most seats of a party the people of that party choose the leader And that's Senate Majority Leader. There's also Senate Minority Leader which is the opposite
Coinflip and SML are currently best options >As the president of the Senate, the VP only votes to break a tie So this is what happens when Senate ties in general. But this is the first time for a confirmation?
That's what they say
For comparison, more tie-breaking votes were cast by the first seven vice presidents (84) than have been cast by all of the Vice Presidents since the turn of the 20th century (67). John Adams with the record of 29 TB votes
In any case, i think this was foreseen by the people who came up with the rule of having the VP be a tiebreaker, and the system's working as intended I mean I can see you're disagreeing with the way it is, but still
I wish I could show you the full match, or at least that full round it was intense that was the final, absolute final round and this dude was up 60k
>last round all green lol get rekt
it was the LAST DRAW too the literal LAST DRAW of the round he could have played anything else but he didn't want to break his tenpai, or else he thought the pins were dangerous
Removing diplomatic immunity from Saudi Arabia to allow citizens to sue their government. Specifically people who were affected by the 9/11 attacks. Which is why it got enough bipartisan support.
I remember when the thing with that was people going "But then the rest of the world will sue the US for our countless atrocities. We should probably let this one rest"
>>18810 Yeah, but the really serious problem was that some people did not read that from Obama. Obama told them that and sent it back to them and they still said "yeah, let's do it wait what was the opposition again?"
Like that time 90% of our drone strike targets were the wrong person altogethere Or that time we tortured and killed people, and 20% were completely innocent
Or that time we invaded a country that never did what we invaded it for, and we're still hanging out there now
Apparently some guy running for office in... I think it was Kansas? is a sheriff or something, and in one of the prisons he's responsible for, or maybe it was a holding cell, fuck if I remember, someone died of thirst >>18819 What, you think they left?
Like up until recently, the gold standard for the anti-government part of \\\ Anti-corporation part of american politics, in terms of healthcare, was to force everyone to use the services of at least one of a list of corporations, at the penalty of a fine
Some of the stuff in US politics, you just gotta shrug at and go "Eh, that's... that's just the US doing the US again"
In any case, some of the shit pulled by both the right and the left in the US has gotta be just seen with a smug smirk from the outside, or we'd all get loopy from trying to figure out why you're doing all this crazy shit
>>18832 It's a lot more complicated than just having the majority
If being in the majority makes Trump able to become a fascist dictator, then surely Obama should have been able to force through a single payer healthcare system in his 8 years
I'm getting mixed messages on what exactly having a majority in congress enables you to do, is all Like when Trump was elected, it was the fucking end of times because oh god, he's got majority and now he can just do anything and everything But Obama struggled to push through... the fucking ACA >>18838 And republicans have voted against Trump And we knew they were GOING TO already
Obamacare took almost 20 years to pass
>>18836 Democrats voted against Obamacare for your information
>>18836 What's your point Republicans have generally voted WITH Trump Which means his majority is going as planned
Sometimes things don't go as planned and your guys vote against you
I guess my point is twoofold in that Obamacare was a really poor solution from the left side of politics, and Actually not twofold Two separate points The second being the ability of Obama with majority seems to have been insanely restricted, but with Trump, people have been predicting zero resistance in anything he does
Because besides being a fascist dictator, he generally provides things Republicans want.
And, assuming people actually pay attention to how their senators and congress members vote in the upcoming 2 years, Trump will be kept in check by the balances and checks Daijobu All you need is a people paying attention to their nation's politics
>>18848 you should slime if you can >>18852 oh smart 2x exp and half coop is real good for it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>18851 I'm gonna unlock Swordmater and use Djeanne sword
>>18857 I'm not really up for anything tonight. Today was the most stressful day I've had since 2015. Sorry. I'm just trying to destress. >>18858 That's good.
>>18866 Yeah, everything is okay. I spent all day worrying that one of my friends had died and I couldn't reach them or anyone who knew anything. But I got in contact with him an hour ago and he's alive. I'm just still all riled up about it! I appreciate the concern.
does anyone have advice on whether i can cook chickens in a skillet i have no pots, no big pans with covers that i can steam them
just a skillet like i'd make eggs chicken leg quarters, to be specific i'm not sure if there's enough there to cook it the whole way there on a skillet
>>18879 Yeah, I had a very close friend say she was going to down a bunch of vicodin, like a whole bunch and while that's not the most potent killing thing, i said i was gonna call an ambulance and she said if i did that, that she'd go grab a shotgun and blow her brains out right then and there so i had to sit and wait not knowing what the fuck to do heard back almost three days later, and she was fine but very sick
i spent the whole time so nauseous i wanted to throw up
>>18878 yeah cut up is totally fine, but i dunno about a whole quarter and i don't have a cutting board, or a cutting knife really i don't have fucking shit in this apartment
>>18882 it was only like 14 hours for me today but I couldn't concentrate in classes at all I got a text from someone at midnight telling me to call someone because it was urgent but I didn't get up until 6 I saw the text at 4 but fell back asleep And then everything was terrible and I got scared and my mind went wild
>>18881 do i need to cover it like with a pan cover to make sure it cooks through or is the heat from the bottom enough to reach the middle >>18887 i'm glad it turned out okay, or at least not what you were worried had happened
holy moly does this update live? WTF.
>>18888 Thanks Yeah it's not really ok but he's alive so it can still be made okay
>>18888 The heat from the skillet will be enough. You can cook them fast or cook them slow, how you do it will change the nature of the meat. You can also cook them in juice or sauce and that will change it too. It wouldn't be bad to cut it open to make sure it's done when you're finished cooking since you're new to skillet chicken.
There are lots of recipes and videos of it online you can check out.
I like to sear chicken and then throw it in the oven, it makes for cooked chicken with nice sear on the outside, I really like that.
>>18895 Do you have a cast iron skillet by any chance? You can put those in the oven.
im used to chickens and all, but i've got no pots or pans or oven plates literally just one single skillet it's awful i hate it >>18894 no it's a shitty skillet with a handle that's plastic or something and wouldn't go in the oven well i could unscrew the handle and do that but even then this thing is so tiny i've got one leg quarter on it and it barely fits i wish i had real cookware. i couldn't bring any of my stuff over because i had to move fast
i'll see how it goes they were super cheap so if it turns out awful then it's no big deal thank for tips it seems like the thigh's cooking fine but the leg bone isn't getting done man, i don't like this i wish i had a big pot and i'd toss these niggers in there with some garlic and onions and carrot sticks and some of those tiny gold and red potatoes and a little basil and curry sauce and some poblano peppers with cheese and queso mix and ground sausage and oops i got sidetracked to a different meal
it's actually looking pretty crispy, this might not be too bad i wanted to buy some of those giant flour tortillas and some white cheeses and i was going to make chicken quesadillas but whole foods has no fucking tortillas none that i could find, not a single one and they only have like the fancy cheeses it seemed, like blue and parmesan stuff, not like a bucket of queso fontina cheeses
>>18902 My spear user situation is not good. The best one I have other than Sully is three star Donnel. I would like someone tanky or a good caster in that spot. Or female Corrin would be good too.
>>18913 There's another girl named Takanashi Yuuna I think she's the one on the left in that image. I remember asking the Yuuki Yuuna thread on /a/ and not really getting an answer. She looks exactly like Yuuki Yuuna
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>18915 in the image you posted >>18911? the other one is just yuuki yuuna it's the same character
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yuki yunna's hair is pink when she's in her super mode remember?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh wait you're right she's from a different series though
rika can you give me a nice mix to play on my stream
thanks ive been doing those melodic dubstep mixes, and they're actually kind of nice but i am not super big on the dubs or the steps drum and bass mahjong here we go
>>18922 There are a lot of episodes of a state of trance up on youtube now. I've been listening to a lot of that lately. The mix I just linked is pretty good though, I like a few parts of it that I think are really good. The part that starts around 3:33 is really good.
armin is great i used to listen to asot every week, but nowadays i just stick to the yearmixes have you checked out the 2017 yearmix yet? i haven't 2-11 is still the best
I think the ASOT albums are like yearly collections of the best tracks played on the ASOT broadcasts. There's ASOT 2009/2010/2011 etc, and then there's ASOT episodes one through like 700 now
then you've got yearmix 2009, 10, 11, 12, etc; and then there's the universal religion chapters
there's a lot of crazy stuff. Armin is a cool dude. He works hard to put things together for people
is there some rhyme or reason behind the "SP+3"s mid battle
skill point + 3
When you kill something, that character gets skill points and you can learn skills with those
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I know what SP does wait does it always award those? I haven't noticed it happening every time
most of the time. Depends on if your character isn't leveled too high from the opponent it killed Which is something I have learned that the AI will exploit. In a situation where the enemy will die no matter who it attacks, it will target the highest level character and you end up with no SP. ;__;
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
>>18999 wow they programmed suicidal spite AI interesting i will stay the course with not overkilling then
Two enemy healers and enemy archer All I have is Ana and a healer Ana is too weak to kill with all three of them after she leveled and gained an extra Res point. And whenever she hits one of them, they opt to heal the one I attacked So now it's just >get hit, enemy heals >heal Ana, hit enemy >repeat until Ana's attack gets high enough to kill everyone
>>19074 makes sense, emphasizing the two-state aspect sounds better too
It's because depression needed to be differentiated from bipolar So depression because unipolar depression and other bipolar manic-depression Now both are officially just called depression and bipolar
>>19092 You must be grateful, that the great and mighty me has chosen to slay you personally!
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
er whoops it's a support cry really tootin her own horn
That was a really nice wait setup, damn
it's like third turn riichis every single round i don't know if it's a long string of luck or if i've stepped into the realm of the gods but i came dead last playing my damnedest