So it's a swappable body thing? I thought all the blue ones were one and the pink-to-pink-red ones were anotther
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, swappable bodies
Hello, I saw you lovely people were talking about sore no kiseki earlier and I have a favor to ask of someone who has the steam or original PC version of the game. I'd love to play this game (SC) and I have the original Japanese version of the PC release, as I want to play it with Japanese text. However there is a problem, at the part in the beginning where the boy says "my name is...." the screen turns black and the game crashes. This is because I'm missing a video codec but because I'm using linux and wine there is no way for me to add the codec now and the game is unplayable because of this crash. Can someone who has the game please provide me a save game? The steam version and the original PC release are compatible, so if you have it on steam you could start a new game, get to the earliest point where you can save (like 5 minutes in) and then upload the save for me so I can use it.
The new steam version is patched and updated and features an option to disable the cutscenes, but my old version doesn't have this option.
True dat isn't there still a punch of astronomers trying to find like a secondary star or a jupiter sized thing in the very edge of our solar system too
but there still is the "weird orbitting meteors" and whatnot in the far reaches beyond pluto that avoid explanation
But I still say it would be cool if they do find something that qualifies as a planet and name it yuggoth but most likely it will be something like "scientist name"
it was just "well we found this thing and this proves that we havn't been sprouting bullshit for the past 20 years"
are we talking about the same particle
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the higgs hasn't even been proven yet that's why nothing came of it yet it's still tenative
but the point here is that whatever caused the god particle wasn't anything that big it was just that name and cern being still new and fancy that launched the whole big media mess
>God Particle is an upcoming American science fiction horror film directed by Julius Onah, written by Oren Uziel and Doug Jung and produced by J. J. Abrams. It is the third installment in the Cloverfield franchise.[2] It is scheduled for a wide theatrical release on October 27, 2017.[3] I hope it's good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>176928 a movie about a particle that gives things mass this will surely be interesting
Cloverfield lane was a weird movie, though >90% of run time is basement creepystuff >SUDDENLY ALIENS
>>176929 >A team of astronauts aboard a space station find themselves alone after a scientific experiment turns all females over the age of 36 into a soft vaporous liquid, which can be utilized as a disinfectant. When a space shuttle appears, the space station crew must fight for survival following their horrible discovery.
>>176933 He continues his work as a ghost who you can later contract with in smt games
>>176935 I haven't actually seen any of these movies
>>176932 it prolly ties into the alien invasion at the end of basementfield
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i haven't seen cloverfield or 10 cloverfield lane i wonder if they're on netflix
I think they are they aren't that good but aren't that bad either
10 cloverfield lane was actually really good what did you not like?
>>176938 well it was bit messy especially the end, though th "wait wha" factor was a nice blow but the whole guy with the bunker is psycho was so done, though the acting was super good but I guess it was ment to be "oh just one of these movies agai... whait what?"
I'm really excited for the new godzilla anime where godzilla terrafucks earth
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i will have some time after my classes tonight i should watch them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>176940 i don't want any godzilla that isn't directed by anno ever again
>>176939 I felt like the end was the weakest part really the premise wasn't particularly original but the execution was excellent, especially MC's character doubting her own sanity they also really nailed down that claustrophobic feeling of both being trapped in a small bunker and of being trapped by this person who you need to let call the shots if you want to live god damnit I'm so tired
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>176943 the only thing he's done that i think is high quality is madoka although fate/zero is decent psycho-pass is good too, i guess
but most of his works have been pretty bad aldnoah zero was a mess his work on concrete revolutio was a mess his Chaos Dragon show was utter shite Susei no Gargantia was disappointing at best and boring at worst
i just don't like his style
>>176946 Aldnoah wasn't his fault he only wrote like the first 3 episodes.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>176947 he wrote the overall story he wrote the script for episodes 1-3 but the story was his
Man fuck Aldnoah Zero
>>176948 He wrote an outline I think which probably got edited and ruined
>>176950 Isn't the whole character arc for the mc about finding purpose in things other than war
>tease a grand space opera war against a completely alien enemy >lol nah slice of boat life also squids are people
>>176949 yes but they acheived that through completely uninteresting means I like SoL shows but gargantia's take on it was just boring, the first episode presented a setting that was far more interesting than what we were given later I would have been perfectly fine with Ledo struggling with his new life on earth if that new life involved anything interesting half the time they were just dicking around on boats for 8 episodes before literally anything happened
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
even the first few episodes were interesting, with him completely killing those pirate and everything but the first episode and the show were totally different
like Tokyo ESP
>>176952 Well that makes sense because I only watched like 3 episodes.
i bought an emergency radio for hurricane season and amazon started trying to sell me gas masks and radiation pills
>>176966 i love these villains they're like SPEAR AND SHIELD PUNCHHARD and POWER OF BONDS
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh maria here's that guy i was talking about last night
haha fuck that image of an ambulance they used is cracking me up it's a pretty shitty situation but that fucking image
Someone who I was friends with a bit has died. I know him over the internet, my best friend had introduced me to him. My bist friend and him were good friends together, I don't know how to help my friend now. He appears very shocked and his mood wasn't very good to begin with but now it will probably get a lot worse. Luckily he's not suffering from depression or anything severe, but I'm afraid it might get to that point now. It's fucking crazy, he was a big otaku and played a lot of games, was really good at Japanese too. He was troubled
>>176979 That really sucks. Just make sure to make time for your friend if he needs you. What was he troubled with?
>>176979 That's really terrible, hope it isn't too hard for the both of you to cope.
>>176983 He hated people, couldn't deal with em. My best friend and I were the only people he ever spoke to voluntarily He didn't commit suicide btw, don't want you to have that impression, he died in sort of an accident. I won't give much detail because then the news story could be found online I have to go sadly
>>176985 Yeah I was wondering how he went. Don't give details we don't need Bye anon. At least he had you two while he was here.
>>176992 It makes us even (not really) for trying to steal my blockchain verified twitter idea. Well, you didn't steal it perse, but the thing you suggested blue to make would be a subset of features if that idea which I had mentioned a few days ago.
True I am the moral center of the universe afterall
>>176999 Yeah, cause you pay the person whose idea/whatever you stole to fuck off. For example, read about the early history of Cisco. (I think they paid Stanford to fuck off, I could be wrong)
>>177009 Opera one? You mean the william shatner one? I don't think I posted any opera.
Oh, that wasnt on youtube, but yeah. Anyways when you were talking about fish being weird as a result of autism+richness it reminded me if a song, so I posted its music video. Then later I posted a youtube link of the william shatner cover of the song.
>>177014 It was originally done by Pulp for the album Different Class. Jarvis Cocker is probably the most famous former member of Pulp. He did a song I really liked about the ghist of a man murdered by fat children, who then takes revenge on fat children across england or something. *ghost
Now that I'm done critiquing capitalists, I can get to work on some art and possibly some A+ studying later. I should also run the gauntlet on some PT jobs.
Oh yeah, I need to figure out the church conference stuff by like Tuesday too. I told Piano that I might not make it and she was disappointed.
He did some other songs for the movie but do the hippogriff is the only one I remember. >>>/watch?v=VcbGu_t8Apw >>177026 Ohio Blue
>>177025 I don't know the specifics of the company's financial info, but the 1.6 billion would not be pure profit. What the fuck profit. profit . Huh, found an edge case where the parser fails to do italics properly. I could make a pull request on github but I don't think I could neccesarily find or fix the bug. However this is enough of an issue that I might be able to convince sam to allow for escaping the text style altering characters/strings. Err, it's enough of an issue and also related.
Also that sucks that she /// you might not be able to go and hang with her.
>>177028 Yeah, probably not, but they're still getting out of this with 16 dead people and 180 injured people's blood on their hands with a profit and will never be truly accountable for it.
>>177029 I don't know if I should feel honored or not. I mean, I feel like it's a really messy placeholder. But I guess two solid colors would make it feel that way,.
Also by find I didn't just mean "find where the bug is", but find where the code that does italics is, because I know for a fact that the string literal "italics" does not occur anywhere in the doushio github.
From what I can recall it wasn't a real good way to do italics
that's fucking metal Did he ever get ptsd or anything?
>>177042 He volunteered to be one of the guys walking along side the tank, to look cool because usually nothing ever happens on those missions. Then some dinguses (probably Palestinian but not 100% sure) shot a rocket at it. He got hit in the face by fragments of reactive armor, then he shot a rocket back at the group of militants. He got tgree confirmed kills, but probably killed five. But two of them were gibbed to such a degree that it could not be determined how many ppeople there had be en.
If I go on steam sometime soon I might tell you, but basically there are a few details about this place that if more than a certain number are given out it becomes really easy to find out where it is. Oh also if I do tell you in private and you tell someone else on /moe/ or post about it I'll bully you.
As long as I don't somehow forget something's a secret, I don't share secrets
>>177075 Yeah me too, but sometimes I forget which things are secrets.
Oh yeah speaking of doxing and info, ToN did you ever remove that thing from your steam profile? The "Hi, I'm $first_name from Kentucky" thing or whatever.
Do any of you play trails in the sky? >>177080 Would you be so kind to help me out a bit? I made a post here >>176884
Connection went out Anyways, I may have received it as a gift on steam. Also the changes to steam inventory, trading and gifting irritate me. Oh also one of the *this place's founders served in the IDF a while back. Can't help also bbl ssyarting training
Christ I just feel down all the time when I'm home now And at work, but at work I'm at work so it's not like not feeling like shit is an option
It's not even like anything's wrong, I just don't want to do anything or have fun or talk to people I get agitated by everything
>>177085 That actually sounds like depression. Has it leasted for more than a month now? If you don't feel emotions other than sadness and anger, but used to be interested in stuff and happy then it might be depression and you should go to a doctor.
It's lasted for the last few weeks, I dunno how long I'm bad with time Every now and then I'll have a few hours where I get excited about something And then it dies down and I just kinda wanna just not have to interact with anything, but I don't wanna miss out on anything either and I just end up sitting here looking at my monitor, having a movie on one while not really watching it, or something
hmm do you want not-happiness, if that's the case?
I don't really want anything, I think
>>177091 I'm so proud of myself! I only have 1. Thank you for posting this video it made me realize that I sometimes have plans that are too vague and if I "concretizise" the plans they are easier to execute. Just about 3 months ago I would have said I do 6 of those things. If you waste time on the internet then I recommend you install the firefox addon "leechblock" Since december I eat really healthy and I started to ride my bike at least 30 minutes every day. Recently I also started doing some calisthenics, starting with simple yoga I do every day for 20 minutes. It really makes a great difference and you should try it too if you feel out of whack and tired.
>>177099 Realize that the instincts and impulses that your brain constantly produces 24/7 are not actually a part of you. It's just thoughts that you can barely control, if at all
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177096 I think part of your brain may be lying to the rest, if that's how you truly feel
My brain is lying to itself in a lot of ways all the time I don't actually trust myself to be honest about anything with anyone, even if I try
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177099 that sounds difficult man if you can't trust yourself then everything is hard
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I used to do all 7 things for sure back when i was depressed i went to a therapist for a while and eventually he said some stuff that struck paydirt with me
Even if I trusted myself everything would be hard because I'm genuinely a horrible person who refuses to try to improve my life in any meaningful way I have a psych appointment, I don't think it'll go anywhere I don't really think anything can help, because I think the problem is fundamental to who I am as a human being
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177097 that's awesome anon! i think you deserve to feel proud :) >>177102 so when i read this, i see it as the sort of thing my ego would try to tell me btw when i say ego i mean in the like ... zen sense or ... maybe the freudian sense not ego as in 'overinflated ego' but the thought pattern that reinforces itself um if that makes any sense
It doesn't to me Make sense
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
like my ego would say things like "this is just who i am and there's no way to change" let's see >The ego wants to stay the same, no matter how awful things have become in your life--this is where the ego thrives, in the turmoil of its self-created pain.
I don't think that's my ego as much as it's who I am As a whole
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
my take is that's your ego trying to protect itself like ... i as a person am under no obligation to be the same person i was five seconds ago. it's just the ego that tries to hold on to that idea
That's possible, but there's not a lot else in my head than the ego in that case
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it sounds like your ego is quite dominant currently, but it doesn't have to be that way
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i connect these thoughts about my own ego to my aspirations to being some kind of AI programmer being all like 'if i understand how my own mind works, then...' but i haven't actually programmed any AI stuff but i have learned a few things about my own mind, just from reading one thing i have learned is that my thought patterns are like grooves in the earth... the more i use a thought pattern the deeper it gets i have to be careful about feeding bad thoughts, because if i do, they keep coming back i used to be negative and cynical all the time
It's not that I try to have these thoughts I just do Most of the time they're not even thoughts, I just feel like trash Empty And nothing makes me feel better
Alcohol helps a little, but I don't drink often
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's an exercise in mindfulness to watch these thoughts come and go i often get an old thought out of nowhere and one of two things happens either i start ruminating over it, or i say to myself "freaking brain i see what you're doing"
>>177111 if you feel empty, it could be depression
if you want to feel truly happy, i think that helping another person in some way is the best way to feel a lasting happiness
Alcohol can really be a fucking slippery slope if you have little self control like I do. Be very very careful with it, even if it's true you really don't drink much, you could end up drinking more than you want in the future. Beware of drinking as a habit. Habits form before you realize it
I don't actually have any self control But I also only consume stuff until I'm out, and then I'm out, and that's really it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
self control is something you can work on if you have thoughts that tell you "i don't have self control" i think that's ego-talk
I don't really have anyonne to help I'm kind of unnecessary in every relationship I have with anyone
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i think you are probably wrong about that, but i don't know very much about your relationships i used to tell myself "i'm an emotional vampire" back when i felt bad but it wasn't actually true
There's my dad I guess, but I'm straining that too because I'm easily agitated and jumpy
I personally would recommend going to a doctor because a lot of the things you say remind me of myself when I was really depressed
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
is there any way you could help improve the relationship with your dad? family relationships are tough though. i have a hard time with my mom sometimes.
*remind me that it is prescribed for depression as an offlabel
>>177129 There are other things that would help more Bbl
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the goal is to make your peace with these thoughts as they come up they will agitate you less and less over time
I can't I completely lose control when some of them come up It got better for a while Then it got worse Then it got better And now it's getting worse again and has been for a while
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
so it'll get better at some point with conscious effort, you can help guide it
I don't know if it will again It hasn't really beent his way before It's different somehow in just how heavy it all feels
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
trust me, it will get better it's a cliche but it's true
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
right now you might feel out of control and untethered but if you seek help, or work on your impulsiveness, you will gradually feel more in control
I fluctuate between just waiting for my appointment and thinking I'll probably not actually make it to my appointment, so I don't really know anymore If a car hit me on my way to work one morning that would probably be the best
>>177137 Please try this out. >>>/watch?v=5GSeWdjyr1c Just try to follow what he says. I'ts no bullshit, there is no spiritual stuff, there is no demons and no chakras. I'ts just about relaxing and finding yourself in your body and paying attention to your enviromnent.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177137 do you often find yourself thinking "if a car hit me it would be best"?
I've tried meditation beofre I can't do it
>>177139 not consciously, but I don't really do much to avoid it I've caught myself just walking into the road to cross it without looking to see if a car is coming a few times lately
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you can do it everyone on this planet can do it not many people actually see it through, but anyone with a brain can absolutely do it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
if suicidal thoughts are affecting your behavior, it is time to seek help
I'm not trying to die, I'm just not doing everything I can to avoid it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i don't think that contradicts what i said
I am seeking help already It just takes time
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
see if you can give a mindful exercise another shot saying "it doesn't work for me" is not an excuse it didn't work for me for a long time until it did
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i'm gonna do it right now in fact
im gonna get something to eat then go sleep i think losing control of my emoyions again
>>177149 The truth is you are never in control of your emotions. Emotions are just sensations like any other. I'm saying there is nothing wrong with your emotions. The way your emotions are right now is just fine, but the way you react to them causes problems. You can consciously docide how to react to given emotions. There really isn't anything wrong with your emotions, they are all valid and none of them are freakish or taboo. There is nothing wrong with crying either. Whot I'm trying to say is just that you should try to distance yourself a bit from your emotions. Don't shoo them away and try make them not exist, but instead look at your hands and look at how you react. Because that is what you can change.
Yeah well then I'm getting emotional then I don't know what the fuck you want
there's a lot wrong with my emotions but I'm not gonna get into it because then I'll break down and cry
I don't think that's true I don't have the appropriate emotional reaction to things at all, and I get completely fucked up in the head
The only time I'm OK with the emotions I feel about something is when I don't feel anything at all
Who defines what emotions are appropriate and what emotions aren't? Do you think this way because you used to be different?
I don't know, but there's something wrong with the way I react to stuff
I used to be different in that I used to not feel much at all about most things It was better
i tried to do some meditation but my roommate showed up after 5 min i'll try again later
not that i feel a lot now lately either normally but it's different it's a bad kind of nothing
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177156 when you were younger? perhaps your adult brain is now more developed and is in tension with the id
I was younger sure but I was still like 18 or something
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177159 didn't you just say you were about to feel some strong emotions
>>177162 Yeah, I am but I mean my normal now isn't any real emotion either It's just a different kind of nothing that feels empty rather than clear
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's not a "real emotion"?
It's not Because there's nothing there
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it sounds like you are feeling despair and helplessness
I know I sound like a broken record but it sounds like legitimate depression It's just when everything is grey and it's almost as if your head is broken
only when I think
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i challenge you not to block out these feelings, but to feel them as strongly as you can and observe your mind in doing so
until you can accept your own feelings you will have a hard time
I dont wanna I can't function if I don't avoid it
here's a good way you can improve your function: you would agree that the brain is a physical organ like any other, right? we tend to forget it because it generates our consiousness and we see it as this magical entitiy, but really it's just a regular ol' organ like your lungs and stomach. of course the way your organs behave can be affected by the things you do, such as smoking or eating bad food. Now, I would highly advice you to eat some fresh fruits right now. It probably has been a while since you have eaten vegetables and fruits hasn't it? You can end up malnourished in some aspect without realizing it because there are thousands of chemicals in food and thousands of different chemicals your body needs, if you keep on eating the same-ish stuff every day then you end up fucked.
yeah, you should actually eat fruit for / /with every meal. And if your last meal was 10 hours ago, of course that's too long.
I don't know what I'm afraid of. I just get this really apprehensive feeling about something that I know I can achieve. I think I just have to do it though. I can make it work.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wait i missed up it's chikara ga minagitte kuru!
>>177178 you can achieve it you are generally amazing
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
koi overflows with creative energy but he also feels the tension between what he wants to make and what he thinks he might make?
No, not that. It feels close to that but I am confident it's not that. It's like... that fear of success again. I'm so familiar with being at Square One. Square Two is just frightening. So if I fail, I can just stay at S1. But if I succeed, there's this new stage to get used to. I can't live my life at Square One though so I am making peace with my strange feelings. So rather than between what I want to make and will actually make. It's more. What I end up making now, and what the things I make create for me later.
And there's nothing necessarily wrong with Square Two. I've been there on things before. But then there's Square three and four and seven and twelve I just gotta do it
the unknown is scary and it's always waiting for you but if you know where you want to go out can help
wheni run, everything is really simple i know where I'm going there's a clear path, in one direction it's not scary because i know where I'm going, it's easier to see my path
if you don't know where you're going, everything is mysterious it's easier to get lost
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh no i am avoiding starting work on this thing okay 3 2 1 let's jam
Wait, we have multiword italics? *test sentence* Oh we don't
Anyways, when you fix italics you should add an escape character so we coukd post string literals with the control characters and spoiler tags without them doing the thingy.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yes, go on, keep explaining to me why we need character escapes
Also the girl in the overwatch tshirt left the train station.
Oh yeah found another thing on that wikipage that would make a good app name Pingo
Also if developing the app seems too easy, try adding support for inertial navigation for added precision over just GPS and it also allows the app to track your walking when there's no GPS signal.
>In a few words, can you describe the difference, from your experience in practice, between a cardiovascular specialist and a cardiac specialist and which would be better suited for a lead role in this program? >Sure >26 pages later >"in a few words" literally 45 minutes on one question
Oh cool, the train's working. It sure is a shame that it is skipping my stop because its running late.
Oh it's not skipping my stop.
Nevermind, it did skip my stop. The announcement lied. Also there's a poster in the station about a tip line for people to call if they suspect that there are teenagers hosting a party with alcohol available.
>>177217 Heya Also auto correct keeps turning Heya into Beta
Yo! my day was tiring and I've suddenly developed a piercing pain in my upper right leg. It is so intensely painful. I think I need to see the doctor in the morning.
I really need to move more instead of sitting down all day I don't want to get a pulmonary embolism from a blood clot
Yeah i need to get my leg checked out too my family's full of people with really severe autoimmune disorders and the issues i'm having are all what they had at my age
This pain was intense, I was biting down on my thumb in pain this morning. I feel like I have trapped nerve in my right upper leg
My right knee hhas been hurting and started to hurt more today.
>>177222 sounds a lot like the nerve pain i get that's probably what you did, was pinch a nerve or something
Is king kong already out on bd?
well Kong skull Island
>>177224 I was worried it might be sciatica but I'm not sure. I'm actually feeling right now, its like my legs wants to explode in short intense bursts.
that doesn't sound like "feeling right" if you ask me
The final ruling on ISP assisted exortion letters hasn 't been done yet I don't still torrent anything western
its not western
yeah but it is something that might get m e a pay 10k or 10 years in prison letter
can probably find it with xdcc
>>177227 i'm off work in about fiiiive minutes do you wanna listen to some japanese songs from the 70s and 80s
>>177235 well doesn't matter either it will pop up on stream sites or the ruling gets done and I dare to torrent stuff that ain't anime again
>finland first protest camp finally got taken down well took just 5 months for them to get a just clause to kill that movement I wonder are the "borders open" campers still onsite or did their movement die
>>177236 I'm probably just gonna game for a bit and try and relax, I feel a little anxious, I've always been a bit scared of blood clots.
>>177240 why would you be afraid of a clot i'd be afraid of not clotting i guess a big clot would be bad but i don't think that's something people our age need to worry about that much
>>177241 Strikes are terrifying. *strokes Brain damage from strokes can result in problems that are scary on a philosophical level
Doesn't a blood clot hav e a chance to cause a death quickly! I don't like the idea I could be sitting and suddenly die. It is terrifying.
>>177242 if it clots where it's not supposed to but that's not that easy to happen >>177245 i feel like my life is one big stroke and i dont realize it
a stroke can be worse than death
>>177244 fifth most common cause of death in the US is stroke scary shit
>>177246 im just sayin, unless kannagi's got a really strange clotting disorder i dont think it's a real thing to be concerned about just sitting there and having a bad clot
>>177250 haha that sounds exactly like a kannagi thing to worry about though
FormerRei@mobile >Patients can describe visual scenes and classes of objects but still fail to recognize them. They may, for example, know that a fork is something you eat with but may mistake it for a spoon.
I'll cyborgnetically enhance myself a limb at a time!
FormerRei@mobile >Anosognosia is a deficit of self-awareness, a condition in which a person with some disability seems unaware of its existence.
we're not having a discussion on ship of theseus it's not allowed on /moe/ because it's so philistine and pedestrian get that chicanery out of here and don't bring it back
kannagi of theseus
>>177260 Are you sure its not just too deep for you? I'd be fine with that rule if I also got to make one. Like "using the ontological argument is not allowed" or something else like that.
>>177260 doesn't help that it has been had for like 10 times
>>177263 that's what i mean it's so fuckin hashed out i really just don't want to sit here and watch it drag out for four hours by rei and himself
but what if someone says something DIFFERENT this time
it doesn't have to be the same to be boring and wrong it's still fake and gay no matter how you look at it and i don't want fakes and gays to be on moe
>>177265 Has any one used math in their arguments about it here? Cause I would totally bring calculus into it.
>>177268 uh, excuse me it's actually only the rational numbers and discrete structures that aren't real
>>177271 math isnt real its literally stuff we made up to explain things like religion although religion is based on observable stuff
>>177271 I have a friend who is really into physics who claims that the universe is actually discrete, but because he doesnt know the math for it he can't disprove my argument about why the pythagorean distance formula working when
ship of theseus is just a question to determine do you lean on the empiristic side or idealistic side on ontology and such if you believe it no longer is "the original ship" you aren't spiritually aligned at all and vice versa there is little more to it than asking "does a tree make sound if no one hears it fall?"
>>177272 if we make something to explain something then isn't that real it's existence may be contingent on the availability for it to be received into the conceptual realm, but that's just an issue of complexity of the environment i'm not saying that applies to math, because it doesn't fit only that description, but even if it did it still would be real >>177276 you're not introducing concepts we weren't taught about it // in school regarding math it's not a new question and there are lots of explanations that make sense that doesn't really change the conversation though. you can just pick a point anywhere on the conversation and it'll make sense because it's math the question isn't really the problem, it's the availability of the axiomatic logic which can't be discerned through math that really is what any conversation about the description you made or any other description is going to come down to it'll take you a long time and a lot of effort to narrow the scope of a broad statement and find where the two points actually conflict, and you'll find it buried in the axiomatic assumptions of the mathematical model that we use
if you want to say math doesn't exist, then that's a pretty valid argument simply by saying "math" refers to that axiomatic model that we use whether or not that exists, such a language we created, doesn't change that it models well the architecture of some real-component structure that lies underneath the axioms of math -- which, we know from goedel that we can't know through math
Math is like language a bird isn't a bird universally we ascribed that meaning to it and to us it is a bird now changing or removing that title doesn't remove the bird from existence or alter it any differently
similiarly math is just language for the world that we came up with so in some way, it is as real as any language or description math as it is doesn't exist it exists as much as the word bird but the subject matter math describes is as real as the animal
>>177275 when i say math isnt real, i dont mean that it doesnt exist math exists as a representation of something
>>177280 Okay, so then geometry which was developed by the ancient Egyptians to properly fix the borders of fields after the annual flooding of the nile doesn't actually describe measurements of figures in a flat plane?
>>177281 i know what you meant i was just having message-board tier conversation i dropped a post up there if you actually wanted to read it but that's why i don't like really having thick discussions on /moe/, even though i love them there's just so much compulsiveness lately that the board doesnt lend itself to longer, meatier discussions if you can't hinge your argument around two sentences or so then it's probably gonna be off the main page by the time you finished they'll just see six posts by rei that he's on a bus and missed it and think there's no conversation going on
that's not me whining about you rei it's just a fairly honest statement no offends
>>177291 that's true the nature of the board is one of constant stimulation and endless introduction of new stimuli so by the time a post is completely sometimes, the people seeing it have already moved on to the next thing
we are become BIRD BRAINS
speaking of brains and the next thing, fish got my fever rip
not surprising, tbh I find it honestly weird when a household has someone come down with a disease and the other members don't catch it not to mention when you are the sole person not to get it
yeah i mean she didnt distance herself from me much
but when i lived with my mom/stepdad, i never got sick when they did so i dont think its weird for something to not spread to everyone in the household
>>177295 it works well for me usually. Like i said about transposing before and stuff, it helps me think clearly to just have a jumping, responsive discussion where it's changing that's why it gets me really annoyed when that gets too derailed and becomes a four hour time sink where everyone's going to leave irritated and frustrated because nobody's listening to anybody you know shid
>not wanting to watch rika and i argue about something inane for four hours in an attempt to show our dominance
>>177298 it dies down to intimiacy, you know but luck and what exactly is passed around is a factor too you might already be semi-immune to some diseases your say sibling catches
oft happened in my childhood I catch something and have a cough for a day and within next 2 weeks everyone else is dying of influenza
>>177300 well that's different i don't really want to watch it but it doesn't particularly bother me it's on a rolling conversation like we're doing now
it's different just to have a conversation grow organically in whatever way it does it's... not very interesting to me to have a conversation with a pre-defined aim "Hey /sci/, let's have a discussion about whether encryption will be safe after quantum computers" I mean, i enjoy those discussions, but i don't really want to be constrained to a topic here /moe/s too freeflow for that it's like trying to masturbate with sandpaper, but against the grain instead of with the grain like normal
>>177329 im getting into workaholic mode again my tweeterbots want me to distribute information about censorship in indonesia i feel like doing some investigative journalism and writing a short article it sounded like something fun to work on with somebody else but i guess you don't have time to be a workaholic anymore i gotta get my workahol fix though man
>>177335 i honestly don't know sometimes i know i'm fuckin crazy but i think i partitioned my whole brain into bots and then went to sleep and i've just got like eight bots running on my brainOS while that selfish fuck snoozes away and leave // leaves us with all the work
>>177335 It's pretty good It's about the little man
>>177345 you'd know if you'd felt it there arent words for it
>>177349 I barely remember much at all, I remember the song though really well Have you heard the word about the bird and the spider! It wiggled and wiggled inside her!
a no-casualty run is not enough for me to get to rank 19 in FEH I'm not even in the top 50%, let alone top 40
>>177359 yo jagen's on the banner get yourself some fury stacks
hey moe, somewhat serious question here let's say you had to move a whole bunch of furniture or you just went on a several mile run, or did something really that makes you sore in all your muscles during this time of soreness, would it be somewhat normal to get a sharp pain spike from your lung? that's probably just diaphragm muscles being sore right?
>>177380 If you like the "bigger than life" tales feel to Forrest Gump, I feel you'd really like Big Fish. It's also my favourite Tim Burton movie, hands down.
Piano can sing but there's another girl who hangs out with us that sings SUPER good. The two of them are best friends so we all hang as a group. She's pretty cool.
That's the thing, we're "The Makeshift Choir" We all met around the piano that one day years ago. Just playing and singing and sometimes a person has a guitar and we're jamming LAST CONFERENCE HAD A MARIACHI BAND AND THEY PLAYED WITH PIANO AND IT WAS GREAT But yeah, those guys are the whole reason I want to go.
oh where oh where can my baby be the lord took her away from me
the advertisement for this song on youtube is for eyeglasses it makes me think that some old person was trying to google where something was at but kept typing it into youtube instead because they couldn't see because they didn't have their glasses
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i wear my sunglasses
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
at night
>>177396 do you have yellow sunglasses i want some yellow sunglasses they make your eyes feel soooo good it's like lifting a heavy weight off your back except the heavy weight is high intensity light and your back is your eyes
>>177400 hey i know it's a huge pain but you'll give me the rorschach sometime won't you i really want to have it done and learn more about myself
imagine if you had a subject with that recurring amnesia that kicks in every day or every five hours or whatever and you coul // could just perform the rorschach on them every day and see how their results change under different influences like a million ethics issues there probably but holy shit that would be really good information
>>177401 rorschach isnt a pain Of course I'll give it to you sometime
>>177403 when will you give it to me ive been waiting for you to give it to me for a long time you can't make someone wait forever
why not?
that's not fair to make someone wait forever just give it to them and give it to them good
if you take too long, they'll end up giving it to you instead whether you want it or not just saying
you can't give me the rorschach though
wow didn't expect a king kong movie to also be a vietnam movie... kinda unexpected
>>177409 sounds to me like the only hard part about it is the transcribing and GUESS WHAT NIGGA i do that better than you do
>>177411 well yeah in terms of administration you have to be trained in interpretation though gotta do about 50 interpretations before you can even be considered accurate
yeah i made sure that i didn't read up on interpretation i saw a bit of how the thing works, but i wanted to make sure i didn't prep myself for it i know you say it's something that wouldn't be changed by prep but for me i want it to be a novel experience and not something that i had already seen sample experiments and results for if that makes sense i want to be immersed in that activity itself and not my outer mind that's thinking "Oh, how can i look at myself as a market research subject right now" and play background analysis on myself because then i won't be able to feel what i really should feel and it's just encouraging that backdrop curtain from staying closed
I'm back home, I ended up crawling back in bed with no pants on and the fan on full blast.
>>177414 interest meter sligtly twitched and then fell back to negative -500
Oh, and this place does a lot of quality assurance on websites, so I might vet a chance to *get a chance to convince people into not using php. Mainly by finding bugs in their code that literally can't be removed because they are bugs in the language itself.
>>177417 sometimes i just feel like i'm my own research subject something terrible happens and i feel terrible but the back of my mind is just like "Oh fascinating, let's see what data we can collect and then parse once this X event is over" and i feel like i've been doing this for a long time i wonder if that's why ive had so many dissociative episodes
Well I dont technically find bugs in their code because this is black box, so it would really be bugs in their implementation or some other word I can't think of.
>>177420 this would be a pretty cool movie or actual study i guess two researchers that go to explore the depths of psychosis, one the subject and one the measurer and compare how self-measurement under psychosis compares to neurotypical external measurement a measurement from a system under psychosis and a system not under psychosis on the same subject that'd be a datapoint connection that there's really not a lot of
>>177402 >amnesia every 5 hours Keep reminding them of crimes they didn't actually commit and watch as they go insane forgetting what they actually did
>>177424 That sort of rrminds me of "A Scanner Darkly".
>>177425 They won't ggo insane because they'll forget what they were trying to remember in the first place.
>>177424 it would be particularly interesting which standard reporting protocols the one under psychosis ignore out of feeling unable to express the result properly under those conventions that could either be looked at as an unmet need in the diagnostic criteria of things, or as a flag of some of the thought processes get disturbed at that stage of development like, are these unsound thoughts kirara? from a market research thing i'm just thinking how useful that could be not that it could even be a controlled proper experiment by any standards just that it would be really... cool
>>177451 People are naturally buyoant. The first step to doing well in the water is to relax. People really only have trouble swimming when they're too panicked.
>>177452 I'm okay. I'm tired because I worked out. I'm also tired because work was full throttle all day today.
>>177454 Swimming is just floating and kicking. If you can float you can at least doggy paddle.
>>177453 Oh, I can float just fine... I just can't get anywhere
there's about four dozen feral kittens living under the shed what in the heck am i supposed to do >>177456 it's a sign that you should toke it up with me sammy we can jam out with our clam out
>>177460 i bet i could find some farms that would be happy to have them farmcats are a huge demand, strangely all the strays are out in the city and stuff
>>177462 In primary school my best friend was a chicken and one day it wasn't there so the school told me they found him a nice farm but really he was murdered by a fox.
>>177461 bop bop WUBWUBWUB bumbop bop you don't know what you're missin out on bud let's get fuckin rowdy
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i think i'm using too much hair product it's an affront to my roommate >>177465 giggity i should make it clear i don't swing that way but giggity
>>177463 that's a layered question, depends on the farm mostly pest reduction in storage areas for things like corn farmers who find storage crucial to their business so mice and other critters that would get into the storage for cucurbit farmers or soybeans or crawdad farmers, they mostly go after the moles that destroy the ground
Well next seems to be all out kaiju war with godzilla and ghidorah and I think the final movie in their thing, unless they choose to make a lot more will be Kong vs Godzilla
I wonder will that get the 2 ending treatment as the original did with japs having godzilla as the winner and americans kong
>>177500 yeah even this big kong is smaller than zilla though he was said to be "still growing" but still big ape vs radioactive lizard... the one with IMMA FIRING MAH LAZOR wins
>>177506 yeah even in this kong movie, bunch of marines nearly managed to kill him by setting him on fire with fuckton of napalm but nonetheless
and he took damage from just helicopter blades
>>177506 if the next movie is monster fun time royal rumble, I guess the natural plot would be for them to try to have Kong kill the Godzilla threat and prolly juice him up so he can do it my guess is early to mid movie kong gets powered up after getting his ass kicked and then kong beats up godzilla but becomes even bigger threat and godzilla is final hero or >>177509 would satisfy everyone
shin godzilla vs 10 1954 godzillas who wins?
But yeah the movie had giant lizard thing vs kong and kong nearly lost or prolly would've if the human cast didn't help him a little and that creature(s) killed all the other Kongs so... yeah a non radioactive lizard can kill a kong what chance does a kong have against godzilla?
Or maybe it will be KONGS vs godzilla >>177514 amusing enough it wasn't bad
Was it a good movie? I liked Peter Jacksons Kong
>>177513 That's good I'm glad monster movies are gonna be a thing
that was boring as fuck and just bloated cgi remake of the original which too imo was bit boring
>>177515 It's been a while since I saw it but I rememberthinking the romance was cute and the bits where kong teared shit up was cool. But I was 9 when it came out.
>this nigga thinks she's less weird than i am when she be the one rollin out to saint paul minnesota to check out all them thicc girls in midcalves boots and leggings with a blue top and brown scarf when that shit was in style like straight up how you even gonna pretend at this point it's also them latinos with the ipad armstrack and them adidas dont think i dont notice and you gonna say you're the not weird one around here lmao
yes but that's only because he loves arctic monkeys so much he thinks anything that attempts it is just soiling it so he doesn't want to hear it he might be right, i dunno but i like the change of sound
Sam, I found a website full of good programming quotes.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
have you got color in your cheeks
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
hey rei what are you coding these days
>>177556 Absolutely nothing. The closest thing I do to that is try to come up with algorithms for things and then one of two things happens, I find out that the algorithm works but takes too long, or it works fine but someone else already invented it.
>>177556 i just code semen these days i really don't see much need for anything else
>>177557 >someone else already invented it >i would never cook myself a spinach casserole because it was already invented it what do you think coding is, an achievement system? it's what you do to do what you have to do
>>177562 The algorithm constructing part isn't "coding" Also it's still useful, its just a little bit disheartening. Anyways I rarely do actual programming, I mainly just think about it.
>>177563 and putting the pepper on the mashed potatoes isn't cooking it's just seasoning i don't really know coding for garbage but i do what i have to do to work with algos basically the bare minimum i can hopefully hire someone soon to make all that magic happen that i never bothered to learn how to do
Oh but I'm going to be writing test scripts for QA stuff later this week.
Don't you hate it when you use a knife to open a box and then put the knife up only to remember that there's tape on the inner packaging that you have to deal with?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i bought a pair of scissor s a few days ago
i realized that i don't feel complete unless i possess a pair of scissors it is one of those Platonic entities of the universe
Scissors are a basic necessity so that sounds like a good purchase.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
now i can cut tags off shirts yay and if i were to receive a package i could snip it into submission but alas my mailbox is dry
>>177587 you're gonna be waiting and waiting and then you're gonna get a coupon mailer and you're gonna be so excited and grab your scissors to cut the coupons just to find on the front page that there's a coupon for scissors and you already bought them
im being invited over to a barbecue with long island iced tea but it's like 8:40 and i gotta be up at 3am to work samurai i need your words of >>176848 (OP) op image
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177594 how do you see yourself today are you an adult
Fuck, I need to get up at like 6:30 tomorrow. And I would have to get up at 5:30 if I wanted to get a ride to the train.
>>177595 no just someone struggling to try to be one but not die inside on the process
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>177587 Don't most shirt tags tear off rather easily?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177597 if you are trying to be one then you should skip the party
i feel like i need to expand my social facilities i think that's adults are able to do, probably?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>177598 that sounds violent i don't know if i could do that to my shirts it would be cool if i could like unweave the stitches at the seam but >>177600 but there is a time and a place for that also what the heck, you, not social? c'mon you modest fellow you
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
what's the best thing that could happen at this party
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh no i need to go get food wasureta hep byee
it's some lakeside folks so it's family [sic] i'm worried mainly about whether i'm going to have to try to work tomorrow on a hangover or whether i get up early and have time to spare as long as i get it all done tomorrow i don't care, but i don't want to fuck it all up and both sound equally viable
So I have two terminals open, on firefox window with one tab and one file browser window open taskmanager says I'm using 38% of my RAM.
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>177601 It doesn 't seem to damage them. It's just a matter of doing it right.
>>177650 I made it in like 2016, you probably don't
>>177651 yeah then I don't have it on here might have it on my old phone though though everything on there may as well be lost forever because it has a broken charging port
>>177654 I finally finished all the individualized lessons. Looks like the Japanese course they have isn't set up to trigger the "Achieve 10% fluency in a language" achievement they've got going on.
Or they just figure the language is way too complex for the lessons they've got to be 10%. I don't know how long the other lesson plans are in relation though.
Either way I figure I'll still stick around until I'm not making the same routine mistakes I make, mostly with the particles and some tense conjugation.
>>177662 Yeah, their Japanese thing doesn't go very far. I finished all of it in less than four days
As far as I recall you were just hitting up the check tests at the start of each module though. I ran through each test and all their lessons without jumping around.
>>177664 some of them, I went through about 6 or 7 without that also I testedout of the first third orso just with the proficiency exam
At its core though, Duolingo falls into the same pitfalls of most other "learn language" apps and programs. They teach all about the "how" of speaking a new language, but they don't really ever go into the "whys". There isn't anything on "why you use this particle here" or "why you conjugate this verb/adjective this way". It shows you how and then expects you to remember that's the case. And that's not terribly effective for internalizing language nuances.
not to be rude but maybe a dump thread could be used for stuff like this? that's what we usually do for manga dumps and other random things people do look at the front page
>>177674 I;m actually done now, if I find a bunch mire good stuff I'll make one though
>>177672 yeah but you cant use it at all if youre not doing a bunch of tedius memorizing and shit also it helps to have someone who understands the nuances of both the language youre trying to learn, AND your native language
Also as (relatievly) mature human beans, knowing the gravity behind the way something is can help with understanding something. Rote memorization is frustrating if put on its lonesome. But understanding the reasons why things work together can really help you think more about a topic. Like knowing the nuances of the Japanese particles can be a lot more rewarding to work with them in practice than just knowing when to use them in stock phrases. Sure eventually, you'll probably grow to understand why they're used in a sort of reverse engineering of the language. But by then I think a lot of prospective students will have lost drive or interest, like how a lot of students in education tune out of fields of interest because of the rote memorization so heavily used in those fields.
Or maybe I just have a particular venomosity for rote memorization.
rote memorization provides a person with functionable elements that they can use in understanding the function of a language and how it processes its elements after being learned, it's organic to the development of language that you go back and refine the elements it's a taxing process but it's the one we were built for you can get by on less just because language is a fairly forgiving thing
i promote rote in mathematics i've noticed with the calc class i TA'ed that the people trying to grasp the chain rule conceptually instead of rote had a really hard time figuring out when to use it appropriately the azn (jk not math asians just premed) would memorize the rule and then understand, through using it, what its purpose was
>>177679 you ever TA a calc 2 class? >>177681 cause Ihad something to suggest The sin and cosine definitions based on Euler's Formula were probably the most useful thing I ever learned in regards to doing any nontrivial indefinite integrals involving trig stuff too bad I didn't learn them until after I took calc 2
>>177680 no it was the premed version of calc like calc 1 for business and premed students i mean i've taken all the calcs obviously i wouldn't be TA'ing them so i get what you mean but even then it was so longer ago i couldn't suggest it to shit now
FormerRei@debian's_formula >>177682 but have you taken a course in fractional calculus? or multiplicative calculus?
>>177683 why are those separate courses calc is a two semester subject tops
>>177684 they probably aren't courses anywhere and by fractional calculus I mean taking the 1/2 derivative of a function by multipliative calculus I mean also it should be three, since multivariate+vector calc is usually referred to as "Calculus 3"
only for the business folks if you're on a science path you're supposed to be taking trig calc as the second half of calc 1 multivariate+vector and either linear algebra or diffeqs second semester depending on your path
I would've tried to explain multiplicative calculus, but doushio doesn't support TEX or LaTeXso it would be a pain most schools do Calc 2 as a seperate course where calc 2 is transcendental functions and integrals and shit also do you happen to have a copy of Gradshteyn and Rhyzik? its a very good book
what's the name of it my digital archive just includes titles
Table of Integrals, Series and Products
nope i don't really need integrals for what i do anyway god bless the n-ball
>>177690 What do you do? ALso I didn't buy it becauseI needed it, I bought itbecause I wanted it oh topology right?
don't really need to, no i consider most of that wolfram fodder >>177695 i don't know what i'd need tensor calculus for if it's n-dimensional topology
tensor calclus? category theory? >wolframfodder what did he mean by this? just because you don't need it doesn't mean you can't study it
i just study what i need to know to do the things i need to do
I try to ( at least while I'm in school) study as much different math as possible, beause sometimes problems in one branch can have unexpected solutions from another, also when it comes to physicsthere have been many problems over the years that turned out to have solutions in the form of old previously rarely used mathematics such as grassman algebra, poisson brackets, linear algebra (barely anyone knew it when it became relevant again in the 20's as part of Heisenberg's matrix mechanics formulation of QM), and group theory wasn't exactly irrelevant but no one thought it would be important in physics
if you're talking about the 1920s or 1820s etc, you would put the apostrophe in front of the '20 '20s, not 20's that's to clarify that you're not referring to your 20s, for instance, when you were 20-30 that's the only thing i feel like commenting about tbh math is just what i use to do what i need to do i dont really care about every branch of it it's just bureaucratic garbage i'm not taking part in that academic circle i fucking hate those people
>>177698 I mean, I get what you mean by "what I use to do what I need to do" but just learning something from a different branch isn't really "taking part in that academic circle" unless you are also writing papers about it
>>177699 my work load's pretty full it's not like i have a lack of things to learn about i'm writing papers but they're just business proposals instead of academic publications grothendieck was right fuck those idiots just find market applications and release it directly to market at least there's funding there to refine it
i feel like i'm living out the epilogue right now like my struggle to get here was the story and now i'm just floating along all nice and comfy everything i've really really wanted - a comfortable stable home, reliable transportation, a fairly paid job, a feeling of belonging i feel kind of like i have it all now everything else is just going to be extra it's kind of weird because i worry that maybe i'll get bored of it or maybe something will happen to ruin it but in these moments for now, i'm just comfy
>>177841 you'll find something new to set your sights on
only now the goals you can pick from are more varied
>>177841 This is just the intermission, that happy floating period at the end of a series volume and the start of the next volume before all the troubles pick up once more. And this time they're bigger and more thrilling and the STEAKS HAVE NEVER BEEN HIGHER.
>>177869 isn't 3.5 billion women a large number, though? i'm sure there's at least several thousands you would enjoy spending time with out there somewhere.
well it's not all about the other person in my eyes, either it's about me in their eyes so out of this theoretical several thousands, there would also have to be one that thinks i'm worth their time as well and if they do, they're inherently flawed from the get-go
and to top it all off i don't want any of that complicated shit i would rather be comfortable
>>177904 It's a gacha simulator. You don't actually spend the money. It just gives you an idea of how ridiculous the gacha is. You roll over and over it and it tells you how much money it would have cost if you'd seriously done it.
Blue was getting really excited too since the Yumekui Merry mangaka was teasing over Twitter that his characters might make an appearance in this game too. Or something that was really subtly possibly hinting at that fact.
I'm hoping that her fever won't get as high as yours because she is resting properly. She probably has a stronger constitution than you do so I'm hoping that will help too.
>>177954 >implying you can do that after I've banned all the guns
>>177960 I think her immune system is probably weaker than mine. She's a sheltered rich autistic girl that's always spent most of her time away from other people! There's no way to develop a strong immune system like that.
>>177977 You have Trails in the Sky, right? Some anon has been looking for someone that can give them a save file so they can get around some bug that stops them from starting the game properly.
my crew has been fighting for hours vs some other english crew we had to win cause its basically 4chan vs reddit >>177976 yes uhh thats a weird bug do they wnat one at the start?