Thread #177715
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aneim! anime too
That's even more bizarre than my usual intentional mispelling.
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My eyes aren't done adjustive to the light yet so i can't see adjusting that is
>>177719 you need to see to type?
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
It helps to see what I'm actually typing.
kill me please ive been fighting this gw battle for hours
>>177723 k
alice LWA granblue
and bang
and knuckles
Search [iqdb] (68 KB, 504x681, [HorribleSubs]_Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>177723 Are you winning?
yes we've been winning the whole time but they wont give up the score is like 460m to 400m
You capable of starting up an episode of anime in the mean time.>>177731 GranBlue.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 1(…).jpg )
That's funny. What do you guys want to start with?
give me like 2 mins to download>>177733 all of the above . and saekano.
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What do you have to watch tonight Jan?
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rip gran
Search [iqdb] (328 KB, 430x693, Djeeta_Okaeri1.png )
anime! granblue that is okay everyone is orange let's start
So did I pretty much call what they were gonna do with season two, but instead they did it for the first season finale?
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DJ's default outfit is very cute, but the in-game art for it is really bad. They should redo that.
>>177744 ikinda like it its like FFT art then the artist becomes more animu
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>>177745 Yeah, it doesn't fit with the rest of the game. The rest of the game is very anime.
Gran's still in the OP though. Not totally forgotten.
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Granwho the animation
He's been pretty much cut out of these flashbacks and Djeeta pasted in. it's really funny actually.
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Yeah, replcing him in these flashbacks is a nice touch.
djeeta is such a whale
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I feel like my character roster is about equal to that and i've only spent 30 bucks.
i didn't spend any money on granblue because it seemed complicated
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I went with DMM points. I know how to use DMM because of kancolle.
I feel this episode would be a lot more banal and inane if it wasn't a fucking event that shows up in the game every summer. Like secondaries would go "oh it's just a beach fanservice episode, big whoop". But it happens in the game.
Search [iqdb] (531 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Granblue Fantas(…).jpg )
thats a cool bird
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just look at this motherfucker
He's got little birdsunglasses. How adorable.
Also apparently Siero's seiyuu was also the seiyuu for Sakurako from Yuru Yuri.
Y'know what's even funnier though. They've got all these female gatcha characters showing up for the finale. But there's still not Vira.
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me at the beach
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No Vira and no Cag. A DJ episode is pretty nice though. I was just expecting a cameo for her at best.
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>>177770 it goes straight to her magic stat
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I wonder if DJ and Lyria share calories too.
What a mundane utility for Colossus.
jeeta strong
She's kinda unfazed by it all too.
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>>177774 super stronk
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She's acting like a real player character.
This episode is really campy compared to the main plot. It really is just like the summer event plots.
a season of whale djeeta wouldve been way more fun
Search [iqdb] (505 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Granblue Fantas(…).jpg )
this is way better than the rest of the show tbh
I would have kind of liked a balance. Keeping to the main plot a bit more seriously. And instead of the extra plot diversions just incorporate episodes of fun, campy stuff like this.
Search [iqdb] (152 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Granblue Fantas(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (613 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Granblue Fantas(…).jpg )
what is gran even doing
Taking his place in irrelevancy where he belongs.
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sasuga wa jita
gran is the hardworking F2P player djeeta is the uber whale that destroys everything
She doesn't get a spot in the last episode endcard though.
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I hope this gets another season. IT was good. what next? LWA?
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>>177789 Yeah, LWA.
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okay LWA okay everyone is orange let's start!
ok wait no
Ready.>>177793 Oh no
wait brb 1 minute
ok all good
>>177797 oink
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A magic missile!
Oh shit I hadn't even been counting. Well played, Trigger.
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Oh hey they brought back the White Mage outfits from the second OVA.
Hah hah hah. What is this even.
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Wow, just like a real rocket.
Yeah Trigger is going all out for this. It's pretty fucking kakkoii.
Search [iqdb] (355 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Academi(…).jpg )
this is so great
Hah hah hah Susie and Lotte, what are you doing. You're burning your brooms up for this. How you gonna get home.
>>177813 IN A CASKET
Oh fuck that was 4chan in the upper left.
Search [iqdb] (429 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Academi(…).jpg )
facebook and dailymotion and twitter and youtube and BBC too
>>177818 That's not Dailymotion it's Nico Nico Douga I think. The comment UI on the left looks familiar.
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Well, 4chan has been a big supporter of the series from the start.
Also Tattun, an actual employee of Trigger in Japan, is a regular poster in the threads for the show on 4chan.
>>177820 oh yeah you're probably right
Search [iqdb] (500 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Academi(…).jpg )
I'm a few minutes behind. There was a huge fucking spat outside my room in my backyard between a raccoon and...something.
>>177822 was he the guy who did an ama
Yeah, well, he was the one acting as a translator and intermediary for one of the actual directors of the show. The director was the one the questions were directed to, he was just the mouthpiece.
WHERE DID THE magic broom come from oops caps
>>177834 it's just been chilling but it heard akko needs help
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>>177834 That's the one that likes to go fast from an early episode. I guess it heard someone was going fast.
>wow people think this measly rocket is fast
>>177834 Last we saw it, it was flying about the stratosphere, being free. It's poetic that it would show up for this moment. Chekov's Gun and all.
Search [iqdb] (322 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Academi(…).jpg )
Trigger really knows how to pull out all the stops for the grand finale.
;_; RIP Shiny Rod Your purposed was well served.
Aw shit yeah. Chariot finally embraces her red hair again. Full Chariot is best Chariot.
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>tfw your dad finally understands why you like weeb shit
Search [iqdb] (450 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Academi(…).jpg )
me watching this episode
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Hah hah hah. Constanze finally had a SINGLE line of dialogue right there at the end. Two words. After an entire show of communicating in grunts.
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oops hit done it was a good episode for sure.
I really like the ending song
Search [iqdb] (363 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Academi(…).jpg )
10,000 out of 10 i actually believe in magic now
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okay alice It seems like Alice is not going to be able to compare to the last two episodes we've watched. okay everyone is orange let's start
probably not
Vunderland I don't think anything can compare to the finale of LWA from this season.>>177858 I mean it's still probably gonna be a comfy feel-good ending. But they all can't win as hard as LWA did.
it's okay they can't all be winners
Kagami o kagami
Dumb girl a rabbit can't answer a phone.
oh shit naisu catch
For a moment there they were following the white rabbit. OH HERE WE GO AGAIN.
Hah hah hah this is getting pretty Wonderland-y. It's great.
>mailboxes that open from the back thats fucking genius why are mailboxes in america so fucked up
You all gotta do everything bass-ackwards.
This is a really good arc to end on for many reasons. This series in general has some pretty solid writing.
I say as were treated to s -a shot of a pig spinning in a shower head spray.
Oh yeah I'd forgotten Ichijou was also stuck in Wonderland.
Hah hah hah Zouroku please.
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Wow, did he fix it by yelling at it?
He gave it a stern talking to and it wizened up.
wonderland just didn't know it was upsetting grampa ok
so are her parents not dolls anymore i dont get it
They're not. Because a child disappearing is enough for almost any parental union to overcome their demons and strive to work together.
Search [iqdb] (585 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zourok(…).jpg )
i liked that ED fade in
Yeah the zoom-out over the city into it felt really nice.
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so is this alice
he died of old age ;_;
She grew up into a lovely young lady by the looks of it though.
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>>177929 thats the good way to die though
That final monologue is really heartwarming too. It's not just something particular to Sana too. Any child will dream up some fantastical world when they're young. Remembering that sort of thing can help a grown person retain their childish love of things when they're older.
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That was a pretty good series, too. The pacing was kind of weird but it was good.
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can we all agree that senpai is best girl though
maybe equal to alice
Search [iqdb] (516 KB, 1280x720, [Asenshi] Little Witch Academi(…).jpg )
>>177937 im not counting her because she's the MC but if i were i would agree
Best character was Zouroku for voluntarily coming out of dadtirement to be a dad for Sana.
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zouroku unironically deserves a #1 dad coffee cup
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okay im going to hit myself in the head with a crowbar until i pass out from blood loss good night moe
Good luck with swiftly falling asleep.
goodnight snape