okay someone post the link somewhere and we'll see fireworks
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
Oh and maybe an activity notification? That could be nice.
>>173464 You sure that's a good idea? We might get a ton if *of spam on /moe/
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>173466 i wonder how many people will actually stick around
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
I did, and I got linked to /nagashi/
Also just for reference, but the doushio home page (doushio.com) not redirecting to /moe/ was a very good spam deterrent back when /a/ played /cards/ a lot >>173470 Noice, this isnt tano though
>>173469 No, but it's a similar idea. We used to have high hopes. Like being the same as /moe/ is to /a/. We used to have a /cards/ as well.
>>173471 Doushio's used to be pics of anime grill and the text "Doushio"
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>173472 Oh, I remember, because I took a while to find /moe/ itself. I just wanted to know what song played on /nagashi/ for a friend, and then I managed to stick around and annoy people. Then I went away.
But if you google site:doushio.com you'll get tons of hits. At least, USED to.
>>173475 Yeah, but google generally auto links to https versions of websites, and doushio's https used be really broken, like the website would sort of appear, but you coukdn't post Also there is/was a guy on here who thoyght that was an intentional security feature to keep /moe/ a sekrit klub
I think I just copied and pasted the board link because I recognized what was going on with the searches
>>173479 yeah you still get tonnes of hits, and the website descriptions show snippets of dead posts
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
okay fine i took down the domain index redirect for now
>>173481 Domo, I did like the old page with the anime grill a lot too Wait, maybe replace the homepage with a nyanpass like thing but instead its an audio clip of an anime grill saying "Doushio", it woukd have an added bonus of making people think that this is a singke serving site
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>173482 yeah i would like it back something is messed up with my paths
On a related note, I just nyanpassed like 270 times. On nyanpass.com
>>173475 I found a bunch of cool stuff with that Like the Rika shrine
>>173494 Okay I tried it using https://pentest-tools.com/information-gathering/find-subdomains-of-domain and fucked up the captcha a bunch of times and apparently ran out of credits.
>>173496 It looks up domains on a site. Like I remember using it before mayoichan opened and it showed a url for its beta
Oh hey, ara.doushio.com/moe/ Also redirects to normal /moe/
Err, displays It still has ara.doushio.com/moe/ in the address bar
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
tincan now rotates letters
>>173516 Noice, clockwise or counter clockwise? Or perpendicular to the plane of the screen?
r.i.p ara
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>173517 relative to whatever makes it easy to read it's text on the outside of a circle now
>>173519 I was joking about the perpendicular to the screen part, although that would be a cool feature. Oh and by perpendicular to the screen I mean the axis of rotation would be within the plane of the screen, rather than perpendicular to the screen (normal rotation). So it woukd have a sort of 3D effect.
>>173591 Yes, it is good. It's possibly my favorite this season.
>>173593 >No food at the club Very strange. What is whataburger?
the fuck kind of clubs you going to? strip clubs?
typically it's just alcohol and very loud music >>173594 oh good to hear i will maybe watch it eventually >>173595 whataburger is a hamburger chain mostly in texas but also a few other places it's really good
I've literally just been listening 5o the news and commies talking about climate change all day
Broke: brainwash yourself to associate a children's TV show jingle with horror Woke: brainwash yourself into a full blown commie by listening to obscure podcasts all day
Should photoshop a Pepe onto all might Call the creation alt-might
>BBC time again Back to podcasts
>call friend to tell him to prepare for hitting the roa and to get to a pick up spot >hour later at pick up spot >you here or soonish? >am at home fucking finns
look at this feedback i got on a presentation like im some kind of fuckin sitcom
>>173636 Wouldn't what you're saying technically decrease the gdp of not u.s countries. If NZ has a gdp of one dollar, and we express it in terms of USD, let's say 1 NZD is worth 0.5 USD, then expressing our gdp in USD makes it 0.5
Are you talking about inflation in the u.s or artificially inflating the value of the u.s currency
I'm glad I'm not in graduate school I would probably want to die.
>>173651 Wow if I got three Bs my parents would high five me
My overall GPA is 3.17 right now which is considered too low
are you feeling butter now
I wish
>>173654 That's some high standards you've got to aim for. Good luck.
It's a doctorate program so it can't be helped If I didn't have such a basically cult of personality at school, I probably would have lost my grants already
>>173660 oh no >>173661 i saw this word and it didn't click i was just thinking "dictator, somebody who does dictations?" and thinking wow that's probably a boring job
>>173662 Why not it'll be fun I bet you could use all the psychology tricks into making us persecute others. You'd get my vote for emergency powers.
>>173663 What would they do, just give speeches which are recorded? He could partner with moon.
no, like legal assistants do dictations all the time it's just a verbal form of a document that doctors and lawyers do where they read off like "patient name colon dorris westington semicolon new paragraph header comorbit conditions new paragraph" there are some kind of transcription places that only do dictations but i don't think i've done one of them in my whole life it's too boring
I think I'll pass on trying to manage the copying and pasting on this phone
Seriously it's fucking awful
The general gist is that blaming the Trumpocalypse on just one factor is retarded
I also wanna write up something talking shit about people like Kyle from Secular Talk for thinking the Democrats are compatible with social democrats like him to begin with
>>173674 What factors would you blame then? I blame >Hillary being as bland and boring as possible >poor people being fed up >memes
I'm borrowing a fair bit of this from our sweet boy Markus, but stuff like the clarity of Trump's promises, the American apathy towards the established government and politics in general, the hatred of the corruption for which Hillary is the poster girl of century Lots of factors
For example, I can't tell you one promise Hillary made
>>173685 More like all of them were vague and without any concrete legislation The wall is literally concrete "equal pay" isn't when that's already legally required
>>173693 you know what sk promises dont matter it was her turn why dont you get that
I like that she's been ranting about winning the popular vote ever since the election But nobody in the entire democratic party has lifted a finger to get rid of the electoral college in the last 8 years
What's she even doing now >win the election Get to perform an increadibly stressful and busy job >lose the election sip martinis on the beach and let the other guy worry about the country
>>173705 After the impeachment she'll make a comeback
i hate the taste of pepto bismol
>>173703 nothing sits around and complains acts like it'll be her turn soon
dear hillary maybe you didn't win the election but you won my erection send
I'll need you to read over this thing before putting it into the world by the way, so you can call any bullshit in it I have a nasty habit of mixing up vague feelings about reality with reality
Anita actually mentioned sargon specifically at vidcon and called him a garbage human He's been shitposting about it since >>173729 He's just doing it to laff at their hypocrisy, really
retarded foreigners like DAN EAGLEMAN are good too
>>173751 >muh particles Mr Bushido would win with a worse suit but only if Nils kills his friends first so he has the willpower for vengence
>>173752 I want a series about a fat weeb training hard and becoming a true samurai. Foreigners are the best. I wonder if having the American super hero in samflam turn out to be the Japanese prime minister was meant to be political commentary.
>>173754 I thought that he was trying to stop alien flamenco which is why he became president. Then Masayoshi met alien flamenco, talked about eromanga, and punched him in the face
he was alien flamenco though wasnt he
hmm i guess ill have to rewatch samumenco
ill make fish watch it with me it"ll be hilarious to see her gorilla reaction
>>173755 Holy fucking shit please do. I wanna see how my dad would react
i gotta find time for that she's low power level so it will throw her for an even bigger loop than it did us
They should have /// I forgot what I was gonna say
if i won the lottery i would rebuild manglobe and get a spiritual sequel to samumenco
What would you even do in a sequel How could you top that. Everything wrapped up so nicely.
if i won the lottery i would respect woman
kill the hypercube and use it to reach another universe where you fight the animators and writers and eventually me, the producer
>>173762 >Samflam uses the power of memes and human unconscious desires to enter the conceptual world of heroes >goes through a portal to another dimension >shows up as a gueststar in RE Creators
>>173760 every time aomething happened during samflam, we said how can they top this?
>season 2 is a performance art guy dressed as samflam fighting crime irl
oh man it starts off rotoscopes but slowly transitions into 3d
At the end Masayoshi realises that all his heroics were a work of fiction and he gets up and asks the audience to take his ideals with him so that his journey wouldn't be meaningless
and he reminds people to set their trash out at the proper time as his last scene
>>173768 Beautiful. The villain is, how can we top any villain from season 1?
APATHY ANDERSON he represents humanity's growing apathy and lack of love for each other we gotta go abstract
David the Dick He's just a bit of a dick but he hasn't technically done anything illegal
One stutters all the time so it's like "I saw someone with a with a with a with a with a someone with a with a with a a a a someone with a fidget spinner"
The other's voice is so nasal I want to die just hearing it
>>173804 There are several parts of this story that confuse and disturb me, and I don't know where to begin
it doesnt make any sense
they're saying a bullet ricocheted off the ground and hit the kid in the chest
>The deputy bitten by the pit bull was also hit in the leg by a bullet fragment, the sheriff's office said. what the fuck are you buying bargain bullets or some shit why are they just fucking ricocheting everywhere
I don't really think the trees one is a good example, since that's easily just a way to explain further how the hill appears Trees on a hill could look menacing, too, for example, so aren't they just specifying that it looks inviting rather than scary?
They have tiny hands at the end of their wings Someone not knowing they're TECHNICALLY called feet is like going "Oh he said BALLS rather than TESTICLES, that's INCOM2 dude" Like really, man?
I mean OK it's incom1, but even that's a fucking stretch I thought they were referred to as hands Cause they look like hands
"two women attacking a submarine" is an example of FABCOM FABCOM2 even
which i disagree with
>a man with yellow eyes What the fuck how is that THERE ARE COLORED INKBLOTS
it wouldnt be wrong if they say the yellow parts are eyes instead of the eyes are yellow or if they explain why the eyes are yellow for example if they elaborate to
there are a lot of rules for these that make classifying stuff very conditional
you could also attack a submarine from your own submarine or from a boat its so weird
Or you could just be mentally unstable and attack an inanimate object for that reason
my friend in the navy works on a nuclear sub and he was telling me that they have a protocol for terrorist frogmen where they just put the sonar on and it fucking rips them apart lol
>>173853 >There are no noise-cancelling headphones to stop the U.S. Navy's 235-decibel pressure waves of unbearable pinging and metallic shrieking. At 200 Db, the vibrations can rupture your lungs, and above 210 Db, the lethal noise can bore straight through your brain until it hemorrhages that delicate tissue. If you're not deaf after this devastating sonar blast, you're dead.
It's pretty much that no matter how much we advance as a species, no matter how much our technology advances, all it takes to fucking end us is a loud sound
Oh my god this is a "who would win" image right here "The entire US armed forces" "A really loud speaker"
I should just start shitposting on famous people's tweets Just respond to fucking everything with something mildly snarky
I need followers if my writing is gonna have a purpose Right now my followers aren't even the audience that would give half a shit about a lot of what I have to say
>An Indiana jury began deliberating Wednesday in the case of a white man who shot a black man after chasing him down to retrieve $50 that a woman willfully handed over.
Two witnesses testified that they saw Young grab Flowers, telling him “you’re not going anywhere,” and spin him around.
Then Young shot the 27-year-old Flowers in the head.
Yeah naw put this guy in front of a firing squad for all I care
>Others people who knew Young recounted that he often spoke about his time in Vietnam and his desire to kill. Gee guys you didn't think to maybe have him admitted or something?
>>173896 oh shoot i didn't mean to hit enter i was thinking about whether to comment and then i moved and hit enter and now i have a post going aaah help
>>173896 >going offline because a twitter egg insulted you Maybe you just shouldn't publish articles if you're that thin skinned, even Trump can take more heat than that
>>173898 they're gonna come to your door and write lol on it in piss everybody's waiting until you die so they can put "this person made him a steak" on your tombstone and we'll visit your grave every day with flowers but not the nice kind, like from a truck stop and we'll all laugh at you every day
holy shit its gonna be 125f/51c in parts of nevada this weekend
yeah he looks like it his linked in says he is a consultant for multiple agencies and you can't prove him wrong and says he's making america great again but then has some legit looking stuff
i wish i had someone to call comcast for me to disconnect my old internet i have to work and i can't sit there on hold with them or deal with them i have to work
I guess he's either insane or spoiled, working at his dad's company
looks like he's jobless he's got listings online asking for people to hire him to code in C for $20/h
oh wait >I am a programmer. C is my best language, which provides a good foundation for the understanding of many languages (as many of them branch back to C). I working professionally as a Software Engineer writing embedded code. I am looking to make some extra income and work on some neat projects.
That'd be hilarious Unfortunately they're not nearly big enough DC has like, what, 1500 listerners peak?
2600, it looks like
>Jane Sanders, wife of former presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has hired two high-powered lawyers with Washington, D.C., connections to defend them as the FBI investigates whether Jane Sanders falsified loan documents while she served as the president of Burlington College.
>>173941 kinda hard to tell that it's a hammer and sickle
Yeah I went for subtlety since the space left when Koume's there is kinda small I figured it'll be easy enough to see for anyone in that kind of sphere anyway
Also the hammer and sickle is fun because it's one of a few symbols of a brutal, tyrannical and mass murdering dictatorship you can wear and be accepted socially Cause it's been transferred to just be generally about communism instead of the USSR specifically
Yeah, full uniform minus the hat. I got it at a military surplus place for like $80. I bought it because it was a very good fit, and that the way stuff like that gets sold you usually don't get an entire uniform that belonged tto one person. Styff gets parted out. It has medals too. I might take some oics of it for you guys later, i had pics of it on my old phobe but none on tjis one.
Also I probably can't walk out if this house while wearing it without pussing off *pissing off the neighbors, because most of my neighbors are from countries that were part of the USSR, or were near the USSR and fucked over by them. Although the russian family next door might not mind.
>>173954 Yeah but you can probably wear a hammer and sickle without risking jail time
And you can probably even remain employed
>>173955 It's not illegal to wear Nazi stuff, its just in bad taste. Also I'm Jewish so it would definitely make headlines if I got arrested for wearing Nazi stuff >>173956 >implying I have a job
Despite communism being an ideology directly opposed to the very existence of your employer
Nazi jew arrested for antisemitism
Oh and another reason why soviet stuff isnt considered to be as "bad" as Nazi stuff is because on average, each member of the Nazi party was responsible for more awful stuff than each member of the rusdian communist party. Oh and the soviets
The main question really is, I think Do you consider starving your workers to death as killing them, or is that filed under acceptable casualties? Cause sure the Nazis probably directly killed more people per capita But the Soviet Union was a fucking wasteland and people died in thee streets
Also there's the whole concentration camp and gas chamber thing.
Also there's the strategy employed for warfare The "conscripts armed with guns they're not familiar with" strategy led to a lot of death
Also I know a Jewish guy who iwns an SS uniform replica . He's not a man though, since he never had a bar mitzvah. Also he is the only person I know who has committed voter fraud. He didn't vote twice though, he pretended to be someone else at the poll when he was 17 during the 2012 election.
>>173969 To what e- Oh, he voted a year before he was supposed to
That's... I mean that's acceptable
>>173970 I was talking about "reasons why Nazi's are considered worse and their memeorabilia is more socially unacceptable". >>173971 He stole someone else's chance to vote.
Also I guess the nazis had a more overtly authoritarian aesthetic
The commies were arguably more authoritarian, but they at least PRETENDED to be 'the peoples revolution' and whatever That certainly makes them look worse, optically
*memorabilia Memeorabilia is something else, what it is I'm not sure, but we'll find out someday.
Memeorabilia is what stuff like images of Harambe will be in 15 years
>>173976 I'm assuming you mean pictures as in photographs developed from film, and not "digital images" or printed out digital photos.
Yeah A digital file probably doesn't count
Oh fuck, I coukd make a mint selling Harambe photographs. I should try to acquire film negatives and undeveloped rolls of film from people in that area.
Also some if the example responses from the rorschach thijg reminded me of this >>>/watch?v=qLrnkK2YEcE Also, yeah I was pretty sure it was 2016. Also I am interested in how people would react memewise and what not if that kid they saved ever commits a crime, especially a major crime.
Oh yeah, he might have been now that you mention it I think the thing was like Everyone THOUGHT he was white, just by assumption, and there was stuff like "IF THE KID WAS BLACK THEY WOULDN'T HAVE SHOT THE GORILLA" And then it turned out he was black, and it was hilarious
Anyways people complained about it being sexist and how it promoted violence against women. Obviously those people did not watch it all the way through the end. What'd you think?
Montreal metro is like the cleanest metro I've seen in NA how agréable
eating a pastry from a convenience store and sipping an energy drink for breakfast damn it feels good to be an american
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh hey I'm gonna be in LA for two nights in a couple weeks for an interview i think they are afraid of me using the interview as a free trip so they won't give me any extra days GRR
aaaaaand you're gonna stop by austin and see Phantogram gotcha
if you got the job, would you live in LA?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>174021 all of my previous speech would indicate no grr traffic, commutes, car culture
however if I could live near work there could be a chance
i would imagine that LA is a lot less nice than Montreal
i mean LA has a lot of cool stuff in it and you might be able to live in some middle-class security bubble if you're lucky but I just get the impression that you're not nearly as likely to be mugged in Montreal as you are in LA
Bang are you aware you've lost your mind
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>174023 true it's probably much safer thats one variable I would be paid like three times more in LA though
And probably spend four times as much.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Also true rip idk it's a long shot and I haven't gotten an offer or anything yet soo who knows
Having a job would probably be better anyway. Having a job makes it exponentially easier to get other jobs.
>>174026 oh well fuck montreal get that fuckin money dude
>>174051 yeah maybe but like if you're sitting there shitposting on your phone and come into contact with something you've never heard of, the reasonable thing to do is google it
Plenty of people lack that inquisitive spirit! They want to be told what something is, not discover it themselves!
this is why society is FALLING APART
>>174053 if you're already shitposting, the reasonable thing to do is keep shitposting and ask to be spoonfed
>>174056 im being unreasonably upset with insignificant things and you're really making it difficult by pointing out my logic flaws
A wetsuit is a diving suit isn't it? like for frog people
HOW does someone not know
>>174060 They might know it by sight but not by name.
idk maybe they live in the desert
i am afraid to eat real food because my stomach is an unpredictable portal of chaos right now and i have no idea if it will make me feel better or worse
Always drink more water
yeah but if you drink too much water it makes your stomach feel a lot worse
Sure, but I always advocated for the deletion of his lewd images and so I don't think it's weird that I'd advocate that one deleted. I am just completely surprised that you looked at it and deleting it wasn't common sense since it was literally >>174105
Today I was walking back from lunch and I saw a girl wearing a shirt that said STAFF across the back. But we were just on the sidewalk and she was looking into a shop window. STAFF shirts don't really make a lot of sense once you leave where you're working.
>>174138 I'm not going to be resting that much. Like I've been saying for days, I'm really busy. I have too much work to do to waste a significant amount of time relaxing.
there's somebody on my facebook doing a "IF U GET WEIRD MESSAGES FROM ME DONT CLICK IT IVE BEEN HACKED" but i know the reality is that she just got really drunk and said something stupid and wants to blame it on other people and that it wasn't her facebook is such a strange land
>>174145 not shit for now, killing time before going to the bar later is this moon? this seems like moon >>174149 she looks comfy and smug no matter the situation
you'll naturally want to replace those with SSR light weapons eventually but be careful since Light and Dark are the biggest grinds. Don't wear yourself out too much
>>174216 You keep saying, "oh, you're being so mean to me kirara!" And then I say I will leave to avoid doing that and you tell me to come back, and then you say welcome back with a happy reaction image face which will annoy me and make me want to leave so I'm actually not mean due to my altered cognitive and emotional state. You're messing with me.
Well it's not making me feel welcome. I feel like you're taking advantage of my brain problems to have fun and I really don't want to get mad and explode and say things I don't mean. So I'm going to go now.
>>174223 Wow, you're so suspicious of me! If I wanted to take care of your br wait If I wanted to exploit your brain problems I wouldn't be trying to give you advice on how to fix them! So you should come back!
>>174228 sure why not they keep the pesky rabbits away and the mice i'll be planting soon i don't want no floops getting in my crops and ruining everything for me
i love this video so much i think it describes /moe/ in a nutshell >>>/watch?v=UbQgXeY_zi4 jan and rook are the crocogators
>>174229 Just think of lazing about as doing something. Then you'll be so lazy that you won't want to laze and you'll end up doing something.
>>>/watch?v=QUhNXt0Sn3c Maybe I should just get a cd player to replace my dying one instead of some fancy portable music player. It might be nice to buy some doujin CDs at some point for a collection.
Uh oh Last time i had an AC in my room after asking for one with a fan i got into a big fight with t He reception when i checked out because they wanted me to pay the difference.
I could just not turn it on. Then Id have moral high ground no matter what. But its so tempting
Are in such a backwater part of the world that AC is considered a fan?