>>174285 i dont know what snowfleas are but we've got these fuckin CHIGGERS and they just ruin the neighborhood hang out on the lawn and dont have a job and just dig into your skin without even knowing first to enter
they're these i thought there must be purple mold on my wall, but the ni looked closely and it was shitloads of tiny bugs piled together they can survive at sub-zero temperatures because one of their proteins functions as an anti-freeze
>>174295 We'll see if it really happens, we're looking at just under two years from now so naturally I'm skeptical but I hope it happens I'd like to get out of this city for a while
are you going to be rowdy
I don't think I would have a choice but if I did I would get very Rowdy
>>174254 (OP) Wow I literally came onto /moe/ today about to blog about ending some friendships Fuck you /moe/
Some of the girls I used to hang out with liked to go to gay clubs. That's kinda like a strip club isn't it? I never went.
So I lost a bunch of games at Friday night magic but still got fifth place. Well, one of them was a tie. Anyways I only won 37% of the games I played but I won enough matches against good players so I got fifth place and won money.
>>174310 gay clubs are the best it's not at all like a strip club gay clubs can be pretty classy depending strip clubs are just raunchy
>>174310 Not really, gay clubs are just normal clubs where sometimes a dude hits on you if you have a dick Strip clubs are sad and trashy
>>174313 in my experience people at gay clubs aren't usually even looking to hook up they're just gay folks or sometimes not even gay folks who just want a non-judging environment to make friends they're really cool places
There is a cafe near my work. I eat there because it's kinda quick and it's close. There's a guy that's started playing guitar for tips there recently, but he sings too loud so it makes it hard to talk. Today he tried to sing space oddity but he didn't come anywhere near being able to hit the notes. So I felt a little bad for him.
>>174349 Maybe you could pay him to not play guitar and sing?
>>174361 >>174365 No no no no I mean a friend group in real life I'm anonymous here so // SPECIFICALLY so that I dont have to worry about that kind of stuff
Tonight I had ramen and a brownie sundae I feel good
Sounds pretty good. Should have shown us that ramen place when we were in Chatty Nougat.
>>>/watch?v=XfS5kBGBh00 >>174395 Yeah I should have I was worried about time though, that place usually has a fairly long wait to get in so you guys may not have seen any of the city
Ah, I see. I think a lot of ramen places in NA cities get like that. There's one I see downtown that always has its line outside the actual shop.
Also it's a bit expensive and spending $30-$40 on a meal while traveling probably wouldn't have worked for everyone
i had papa johns pizza it's 50% off right now with promo code papa
Carryout special only $7.99
/moe/ - papa john's adise adsite*
i advise you get the papa sized double cheeseburger pizza it's p dope tbh
I got a papa size 4 u
>>174393 nah no merch table but i'm gonna order a beanie if i can find one
I'm watching Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan right now.
It's very funny.
now i'm gonna see Phantogram in like two weeks maybe Valentino Khan maybe Illenium in a month maybe Chon in a week all depends on my schedule I also want to see Mura Masa and Shiba San we'll see
if you can't tell, these next couple months are fucking DOPE
I don't know anything about those bands, are they electronic groups?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
a busy man, this Bang san
I'm tentatively seeing The Avalaches and LCD Soundsystem in July.
>>174413 Aside from a couple they're all DJ's yeah are you supposed to put the apostrophe there when you pluralize an acronym probably not i think maybe not
>>174416 Not sure, I do it and I see it done a lot though.
I'm going through my old hard drives right now and deleting a bunch of shit i hooked them all up to my current PC >>174457 yeah let me hook you up real quick here's a 4 year old screenshot
>>174480 It's not really good at all. Relies on "lol so randum" humour way too much or just graphic murder violence. Or "hey look we can put nipples on breasts because we can so lets do it".
>>174482 Thanks Roger Ebert of anime, I'll make sure to get your opinion on everything first before recommending anything to anyone.
now i have like 3 image folders to sort through..... fuck,,,,,
i would need to inject myself with 3 liters of ritalin to get through sorting these image folders
>>174483 If you don't want people adding their opinion to the conversation, you shouldn't bring an opinionated topic to a public conversation.
>>174486 Fine, it's not "very good", it is however worth watching the first three episodes to decide if you shoukd watch the rest of it or not.
wait why is this anno going off about an anime
fuck dude, turn on the chill
C'mon Bang by now you should know I'm always VERY SERIOUS.
I have an image folder and another image folder from another hard drive that started out as a copy of the other image folder and there's inconsistences ies* i do NOT want to sort this ever it will kill me
i would eventually like to not have to search through so many different image folders
see each of the major image folders is from a different computer i've owned in the past now i have them all here in once place each image folder has sub folders and also a primary folder and they're all just all over the fucking place
>>174540 I see some of you guys obsess over organizing your image folders like it is a full time job. I pity you.
>>174542 That would be cool. They need to let her show up! It's odd to see her in all the materials promoting the anime only for her to never show up.
>>174543 I don't obsess over it I just want them to be kind of organized Mostly I don't like that there's currently a lot of duplicates wasting a lot of space
>>174549 because my room is clean? I have spent a total of maybe an hour over the last year actually organizing my image folders i'm lamenting the fact that i don't want to do it, if anything so where exactly were you going with this?
Bang, duplicate file finder is pretty good. http://doubles.sourceforge.net/ Although make sure read the instructions and prompts thouroughly during use to avoid deleting the wrong things. I used that utility a ton when I was getting rid of redundant stuff across muktiole harddrives a few months ago.
oh that might be nice
hmmm one moe called me a cuck for wanting to organize and then pitied me and the other one linked me a useful app to help
I don't really care much how unorganized something is until it interferes with my ability to actually find things. Then I tend to go full autism about making sure it works.
That happens pretty rarely because I tend to know my own systems pretty well already.
I'm just wondering why you're roasting me over wanting to organize 4 years of images and also why washing a load of laundry is a big deal among other things
I did a bunch of laundry earlier but didnt put it in the dryer because the timer on our dryer is broken (it stays on) and I had to leave. I should probably do something about it when I get up.
Now I am faced with a dilemma 1070 Or RX 570 instead
One's Nvidia, I know it's a great GPU because it's a popular GPU and people seem satisfied The other's ATI, but I don't know if it's really THAT good, but also it's new, and I think even cheaper than the 1070
There aren't a lot of games I'm interested in. Although I would like to play Nier:Automato and Prey
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh disgaea 2 is on sale
for a quid more you get well I misread for 5 pounds more you get both games I already have 1, I haven't finished it again. Not sure if I should spend money to get 2
It's always kind of an unsettling moment when you hit the retweet button, and you just get the quote\rt screen, but there's no buttons because the account is private It's like "Oh fuck, what did I do? Am I restricted or something" until you realize what is happening
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, i hate that it's so weird >>174646 D5 was really good D1 was really good gonna get D2 and hopefully play it a bit today to rest
>>174671 There are plently of poor people that don't turn out like that. I lived on the estates up north where you see all those chavs and there were plently of people that weren't chavs.
It is a weird culture of wearing Burberry, tracksuits and buy cheap 2liter bottles of shandy. Shandy being Cider and lemonade.
>>174678 I think their are plently of middle class chavs, some of them are rich. and still buy retarded shit and want chrome teeth and fancy cars
>>174674 fuck it must suck to lose a whole sales team
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>174676 maybe next time they'll think twice before crossing me
>>174675 That sounds fucking delicious tbh >>174680 Yeah you get another thing where relatively well off kids will ape the poor, too, I guess Sorta like how black culture influences mainstream white kid culture directly in the US
yeah i was just thinking that sounds pretty good too kannagi let's get some shandy and hang out at the park get on the merry-go-round and i'll spin you loads mate until we puke it'll be wicked
The middle class will always be shrinking in the US, but most of Europe we've got it somewhat under control We don't really have much of a real lower class here, for example It exists, but it's a very small portion of the population
Well I mean technically it's a misnomer Since there's nothing that's actually meant by it on its own The lower class is like, poor people and workers, and the upper are the people employing them, but the middle class is like a weird group that just fits neither and share nothing else in particular
The middle class is no longer a real thing. It was to classify all the shop owners and factory owners that emerged during the industrial revolution.
Before then the Middle Class didn't exist. It was just the Poor working class and the Rich Upper Class
>>174687 that just seems aussie sounding now i can't sound it out in my head to be brit i can do a lot of the specialized regional accents but i can't get the general/neutral british accent down very well it's too loose
Contrary to what Bernie wants to believe, the middle class can never grow beyond a certain point because the system requires a lower class to feed it That's why the middle class is shrinking, because it's a technically unnecessary class
fuck that reminds me i had a dream with capybaras in it i can't remember what it was bad i remember i was on a staircase looking down at the ground floor of a building and there were capybaras and i said, "holy shit capybaras!" i think it was a fever dream so it must have been good
>>174749 i don't like that terrorism is now synonymous with islamic terrorism because that guy was a terrorist his goal was to terrify the GOP and make them feel like their actions have real consequences he wanted to terrify people for political reasons
Yeah but why Just cancel at any time during the month you paid for, they'll still let you use your phone for the duration
I would assume that's how it works anywhere You're really just cancelling your re-up
He can just call in and explain. if he has just started the month and wants to cancel and get a refund for the month and he has barely used the phone since the renewed contract he should be able to get a refund and cancel the contract
>>174772 You will lose! I will beat you and then reconquer america for the queen. >>174773 I am super talented in that regard! I was trying to write a greasemonkey script and using stylish to do some css changes my css changes were over 600 lines of styles.
>>174770 i am playing disgaea 2 but i'm getting a headache so i might take some ib also trying to rest
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>174774 Coffee Bean Strike Force, Assemble! behold the titans of the Third Wave and the hipsters of the Fourth can your antiquated east indian company stand up to our combined might
>>174777 I see your hand and raise you a British EMPIRE that was run on TEA. We will tally ho you to hell and back.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>174778 your empire CRUMBLES like old masonry exposed to the elements cawfee has never been stronger behold the thoughtful pourover the deadly siphon and our dextrous machinery
i will forgive you for i am the super cute and merciful aidoru
i don't drink coffee anymore because it puts me to sleep i drank it occasionally at work when i had a job though since it was free and the tap water wasn't drinkable
I must have forgotten this, there's a skip intro button on netflix That's handy for marathoning shows with really bad OPs
Ohio /moe/. Also I need to post this because twitter wont let me share the link. Or not, none of the programs I use to choise files to upload feel like working with mp4 right now.
Here you go https://www.etiquettescholar.com/dining_etiquette/tea_etiquette.html
my grandparents lived in england for a long time when they were young and continued having teatime until my grandfather passed away my grandmother still does it though
teatime is nice and relaxing
Tea time is great. your grandma is a high class lady
>>174805 I once aasked my mom to buy me a really old book on etiquette when I was a kid and she refused because she said I woukdn't read it. Now whenever she complains about my manners or etiquette(not very often) I remind her that she chose bot to buy ne that book *not to buy me that book.
>>174807 My grandparents were high class! They collected china and stuff, too. Shelley China.
>>174810 are you gonna run some tests with android?
I was terrified of that woman, when my mom was complaining about my being too hyoeractive and rambunctious when I was a kid my grandmother offered to take care of me for a month to fix that. >>174814 Omedetou >>174812 My paternal grandparents were pretty highclass. They went all over the world and bought lots of art and what not. My grandfather is taking his new girlfriend traveling a lot to many places he went with my grandma. Apparently this woman's husband, despite being super rich would never get them first class seats or nice hotel rooms.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh finally it works
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
omg it's so slow >>174812 yeah if i can get this to go otherwise ima borrow a phone
>>174813 My grandparents never really used first class arrangements unless there were special circumstances. Sometimes they did business class, though.
Also my grandfather's girlfriend's granddaughter is getting into anime, I am going to try to make sure she ends uo with good taste. >>174816 My grandparents didn't always get first class, but they did a lot for international and long flights.
My grandfather builds his own houses and has a help build golf courses in france and spoke with Clint Eastwood.
My grandparents live in france. They rarely ever come over.
Also I have a really good story about my grandfather's girlfriend's husband. So he was a doctor, but was overweight and drank a lot, one year after his *immediately after his birthday party he laid down to take a nap while his wife was cleaning up. And then he died in his sleep. When my aunt heard that story she said "If my dad had laid down after a party without helping my mom clean up, he'd be dead too".
Girlfriend feels so wrong when talking about grandfathers.
>>174833 The person who suggested it probably also doesnt into android, there's a good emulator that you can get for free as part of the dev kit. Android-x86 is unofficial and also nit well supported.
I dunno, it's a japanese song, and it was written by the japanese and I think they know a thing or two more about Japanese than you do, pal because they (kind of) INVENTED IT And then they perfected it (by including yet another language) so that nobody else could best them in caligraphy
>>174842 Heh I'm kind of bothered that that post isnt a reply to me about something I had said though.
Hrrrm, maybe I should program something today. I probably won't though, mainly because I don't currently have access to Mathematica which is my favorite programming language, and it has spoiled me terribly.
I have Mathematica on a raspberry pi I haven't used it much at all
>>174850 It's a super awesome language, well language/software package. The language is the Wolfram language.>>174852 The beautiful part about Mathematica is that its useful for people who aren't neccesarily suoer knowledgable about math who try to do more advanced stuff. Although by *it's generally more useful and easier to use the more math you kknow.
I am going to have sausage and beans tonight! It will be delicious
>>174854 Wolfram Research (or whatever its name is) does a thing where they give it to raspi owners for their raspis for free. But its a gimped version of the backend that isnt as fast, and also runs on raspi so for a lot of things won't be as fast as in a normal pc anyways.
Oh I wish I could give you access to it, since you like it so much. I have no idea what I want to do with the raspberry pi yet
>>174859 I also have a raspi, and I could get access to the student version, but it woukd involve jumpibg through some stressful hoops. Such as checking my student email, I still get access right now because I'm stiol a student despite not taking classes because I'm on leave, but I need to do the crap yo get the license through email. *to
I listened to about half of it but the high notes are kind of hurting my head since I've got a headache It's an interesting take on the song
>>174875 But I am an amateur! But it would fun if it was like each letter rippled out or maybe each letter was a different pastel colour
I didn't even realise for a while that the text circled the mouse.
I'll upload a few other things from the album if people are interested. Although its more of an EP. But the premise of it is taking songs from anime and trying to make opera versions of them.
Gdoc is fun lots of cool games
>>174883 Blue I assume you know which album I'm talking about.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>174882 Sounds interesting It might hurt my head right now but if you post them I'll listen when my headache is gone
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>174881 i bet you could do it check out app.js it's the entire browser-side code nothing fancy
It's an IOSYS album.
Kannagi, is javascript the first language yiu've tried learning?
http://ran.2hu.moe/kjqbvz.flac Here's another song from the album. I wanna see if anyone can guess what anime its from.
>>174893 There was this screenshot I have on my old phone from the GTAV twitter or facebook. And they said "What do you think the new GTA needs?" And someone named Raccoon with a pucture of a raccoon as an avatar replied with "Needs more raccoon.".
Oh Rei, I feel like this up your alley http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuX9k_V0ifnPrydCDaYIM4_PxW8LIP1Y5
I try and do those google code challenges and the eular programming challenges too
>>174904 Oh cool, I don't tthink I've done any of those. Well, I may have done something sometime that incidentally also happened to be on one of those. Also Mathematica makes the Euler Problems super easy.
My experience in javascript is limited. I've written really minor things but nothing advanced.
I can only write ActionScript from scratch, or at least, I used to. I haven't used it since 2013 when I made a flash Christmas card for DameDame. I'm sure I could again if I reviewed it though.
Sam, have you ever read tthe "PHP a Fractal of Bad Design" essay? Its pretty funny.
She's bound to have some friend who can let her bum some food until like, Monday Which reminds me, one asshole owes me money at work >>174947 Yeah but does she not work with other human beings?
It's not hers she has the newest one and this one is a tinier one
Maybe it's her old one, and she was gonna take i- Oh
...I can't imagine why she has a random broken iPhone Blind doesn't seem like the kind of person to pick up a broken thing out of the fill to dig through it for stuff either
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no, I used to have her old old phone and now I have her old one. She sold the old old one I'm pretty sure
>Apple Store employees are not allowed to talk about their jobs. For instance, complaining to your friends over drinks about the bad day you had or crazy customers you encountered is forbidden. You're also forbidden to post a picture of yourself in your Apple T-shirt--or identify yourself as an Apple Store employee--anywhere on social media. what the actual fuck this should be illegal
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>174998 I mean, again, if the risk is being MURDERED
But Blind totally talks to me about that shit after work
>>174998 This counts as an America thing because there's no way that's legal here
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>174999 that's ridiculous there's no more risk of being murdered for working at apple than for working at best buy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Several of her customers are absolute subhumans though.
I'm pretty sure Apple couldn't care less about their employees and this is actually because it means it's possible for them to enforce a hushed atmosphere about how they treat their workers
They can get a new employee They can't get a new reputation
If you want to go strictly the profit angle, Apple may just want to prevent apple store employees from helping people without letting Apple profit.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>In a program called "Fearless Feedback," Apple Store employees were required to give one another, and their managers, feedback at least once a day, ideally more. This feedback could be positive or negative but it had to be specific. This was such a serious requirement that managers would ask employees at the end of the workday what feedback they'd given, and what they had received.
Yeah there's some weird quotas and stuff to meet too apparently. Like you have to encourage people to use Apple Pay and it's marked how many Apple Pay transactions you complete.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
man apple is the worst company in the united states i think
>>175010 There's definitely a law against that here There's no way that's a thing you can do here
>>175012 If you can find tthe exact law and post link to it (in English) I'll bbelieve you, but untio then I won't. This isn't super different ffrom an NDA (non disclosure agreement).
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
apparently apple managers get anti-union training
It's definitely legal in the US They wouldn't do it if it wasn't
>>175013 Trying to find a law like that would be impossible, man, without already having a lot of knowledge of the law There's SO many ways you can have a law include that in its scope
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are a lot of articles online comparing apple stores to cults, wow
I mean that's fair and all, but it definitely seems like a US thing
>>175024 I personally don't think it should be legal, also tthat maybe in terms of other laws coukd be found to in fact be illegal, bbut tthat woukd involve a lawsuit and a few rounds of appeals.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>175010 it's not illegal but my point is that it shouldn't be it's ridiculous and it takes away the person's autonomy
idk why anyone would want to work under conditions like i'm seeing online
>>175026 Because capitalism isn't voluntary You need to eat
>>175026 They don't take aaway the person's autonomy, the person agrees to the contract that takes it away. Have you ever signed an NDA?
It's actually one of my main issues with ancaps Because their whole deal is "VOLUNTARY AGREEMENTS BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS" as though there's anything voluntary in someone holding a gun to your head and telling you to pick one of several options
It doesn't matter how many options you have, if one of them isn't to abstain then it's not voluntary
>>175028 you don't seriously think these contracts should matter do you? yeah i've signed NDAs, i work with the FBI i have security clearance working with the government is different than working at an apple store though
Speaking of the horrors of capitalism www.abc.net.au/news/2016-10-22/young-workers-launch-class-action-against-appco-marketing-giant
>>175032 I don't think that tthey should, but until iit ggoes to the courts tthey do. Also you shoukd ttake the time to read some ToS agreements and EULAs sometime, you might be surprised at what tthey contain.
>>175040 his point is that other people are violating the NAP though which is why almost nothing in capitalism should be considered a legit agreement >>175036 What part?
>>175042 Gimme a ssec, need to ggo ddo something first. e
>>175042 Also I am aware that I hhave probably agreed to thibgs like tthis previously, but for tthe past year an a hhalf or so I've been very particular about signing up fo r things because I was affected by oone of tthe user account login ddetails leaks a few years ago.
>>175053 So does this mean they record voice chat?
>>175055 It doesn't mean tthat tthey do or don't (that would be mentioned elsewhere), but tthat if they did you gave them permission (for brevity I am disregarding tgeir privacy policy in this statement aas i dont rrecall its terms of tge top if my head) to use your voice for whatever they wwant and tthey don't have to pay you, this also applies to any text based message you ssend to anyone tthrough the service.
>>175053 But isn't this clause present in everything now because, by definition, a service can't function without using your data/content in such a way?
>>175057 Some of it, I guess, but it can certainly work without some of it IT doesn't technically need to be able to license out "your content" to other companies, for example
>>175059 I don't think they do, and I'm not sure that needs licensing
although now its about music and choreography
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>175060 Without that orange part, Discord loses current functions and potential functions.
>>175064 They could have a similar paragraph tthat grants them less rights. I do see what you mean though. But "perpetual" and "royalty free" "license" set off rred flags for me, also at the end note that it does not ssay >
All the stuff they're allowed to do with it is understandable, it's mostly their ability to license it out to other people that's weird to me Weird in the "this isn't strictly necessary, I think" way
>game devs of color >but the host is white Come on, guys, you could have found a minority for that if you were gonna make it an exclusive thing anyway
Fuck disconnected Anyways it does not say >in connection with operating and providing the Service to you. It says >in connection with operating and providing the Service.
>>175065 Royalty-free means that I don't have the right to receive royalties for my content when they reproduce it (when I hit enter and SK sees a picture of a capybara I just sent) Perpetual is completely standard. They need it or it's annoying for them. Allowing them to sub-license means that they can potentially use your /// use a third-party service to handle the data you send.
>>175070 Yeah, but you violated the ToS if you don't own the rights to that specific picture of a ccapybara.
The wording they use is mirrored by nearly every service that provides similar functions including nearly every social networking site
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later developed). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. You agree that this license includes the right for Twitter to provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. Such additional uses by Twitter, or other companies, organizations or individuals, may be made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services. Twitter, for example.
>>175074 That doesn't make it good thing, also I wouod post examples of things tthat don't have terms llike tthis but you already ssaid "nearly every" so I already kknow what your rreply would be. >>175075
It's a shame that we have to allow them to use those rights so we can use their service, but that's just how it is. If Discord dropped some of those terms, people would try to sue them for "misusing" their content.
Not needing those terms works on places like /moe/ because none of us are going to start trying to sue Sam because he's redistributing our text data.
I'm not going to sue Sam because one time he ran a script or something that displayed my phone's resolution. But something with as many people as Discord has, they'll definitely get sued by moneygrabbers.
I don't like the fact companies use my data and don't give a fuck about privacy outside of violating laws. but I can't do things without agreeing to their terms except us services that people I talk *using don't use
Atleast when I talk to my single friend on discord, his girlfriend's mic gets fixed. she usually leaves it to echo and have huge background noise. It is horrifying but discord fixes that
I just use discord because I don't have any form of content on it they even could monetize
Good luck monetizing me shitposting with a few other people about antifa and swedish politics
I am not a personal person so they won't get anything personal from me. At the very least I like to keep as little of my real life self off the internet.
Although I think moe is the only place I regularly talk personally I guess
thank you, i've been working hard the hormones left me a little thin and frail for some reason so i started drinking a ton of milk to put weight on and like all the weight went to my boobs and thighs, it's perfect i'm glad someone appreciates the effort
Lawyers are too powerful, I feel like they all have stands and have invisible battles of stands in their defense and ... whatever the other side was called?
>>175108 Maybe a little better. My fever is down to 100 and I think my cognitive/emotional issues are gone, but I still have a lot of muscle pain and my head hurts really bad.
>>175109 Rather than being in the past, I think it's a matter of me being a sleepy head. I usually sleep all day on Saturdays to pay back some sleep debt.
>>175110 That's good! You were kind of cross with me yesterday!
I like the new sleek twitter design. >>175116 Doesn't sleeping very long hours make you feel icky? I can't sleep too long or I feel like I have a huge headache
This coming kancolle event i'm going to have no choice but to do on kuso mode becaus I don't have resources. Maybe I should get the app set up so I can do expeditions while at work.
>>175139 Maybe. Since I'm probably a kuso teitoku for the rest of my days, I don't really need to level anything. Even if they're low level, it will be fine.
Was it Tink that joined? Disgaea 2 has a really good pair of protagonists but the supporting characters all kinda suck. Fortunately 90% of the story is about Adell and Rozalin. You'll probably just end up using Adell and Rozalin and a handful of generics you like. That's what I suggest doing.
>>175142 I really want to play the arcade game! It looks so good
I wish arcade machines were more popular, even small towns have an arcade center in japan here you find smelly old machines run by no one and dirty as all hell
>>175139 It's my least favourite of the ones I've played. Some of the characters are all right, but the plot is kind of all over the place. It's a more polished game than the first and has some cool new mechanics that became series mainstays, but it didn't quite have the same charm.
D2 is about revenge too Adell wants revenge on Wakamoto for turning everyone into monsters
I don't think I would have gotten as much playtime out of D2 if it hadn't been the second Disgaea game I had played after D1. Going back to it after seeing where the series had gone in D4 and D3 would have been pretty dull. At least D1 is consistently fun because it's pretty simple and the characters and story are really, really good.
>>175153 He's trying to turn them back. Anyway, you can trust me! The themes of the two games are very different.
my favorite part about D3 is when dante turns around and says that really witty line it's really cool
Right now I think I'd put the games at D4>D1>>D3>>>D2. I'll be getting the complete D5 for Switch at some point and check it out on that. Still don't know what I'm gonna do about DD1 though.
>>175155 I'm sure I'll finish it eventually. I think I'm done with it for now, though. It's really not interesting me right now.
I never actually beat the main plot of D2 I think. I got a hundred hours of gameplay in the game and figured even if I didn't care to beat the story I'd played worth out of it.
Disgaea 5 may be the best one in terms of gameplay. Disgaea 1, 4, and 5 are all pretty good. Disgaea 1 is the best example of the zany kind of story and Disgaea 5 is the best at being serious.
Disgaea 2 is notable because it was the first game that was really good for autism.
>I would eventually regret what happened that day! >ED plays Fuck you anime you could have waited with that one when you know DAMN WELL THIS IS THE LAST ##EPISODE OF THE FUCKING SEASON
>>175160 Yeah, like I said above, Disgaea 2 is quite a bit more polished than D1, and a lot of the mechanics that got introduced in it became series mainstays.
The first half of the new Hero Academia episodes had me super excited for TODOROKI SHOUTO: THE ORIGIN. But other than that the sports festival is just okay.
The second half will have some more interesting plot developments.
The sports festival is just there because every shonen needs a tournament
Pretty much. I think it's a testament to a writer's ability if they can make a tournament arc engaging though. And I think Hiro did a pretty solid job of that with the sports festival.
If it wasn't, they'd have gone with "up to x% off" like every other years They've changed it this time for consistency, is my best assumption
No I'm pretty sure it is still the case that it is not the intended way it was supposed to display.
>>175180 Yeah, they changed the UI, and this -0 is a bug with the new way it works.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
can you not buy a game to give as a gift at a later date anymore
Dunno I've never bought any gifts on Steam.
I think you can buy it as a gift, and they can reject it or something, and that MIGHT put it in your inventory
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's telling me that i have to send it to someone but it used to let me keep it in my inventory
I keep forgetting that 1. Comrade Pupper is following me 2. Comrade Pupper is not a very large account 3. Comrade Pupper is actually a commie and not meming
you can buy these nuts as a gift to give at a later day giftwrapping options available
i really didn't want to make this post, /moe/ like i really didn't want to make it and it feels so terrible but i just wasn't able to not do it
It's okay.
There's actually quite a few things from my wishlist that are decently on sale this time around. If I can get employed before the sale ends I'll probably buy a bunch of shit from things I've filed away in there. Otherwise I'll just pick three or four of the cheaper/more interesting ones.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow looks like they removed the ability to do it
>>175190 man i wish i could get that done i buy myself something every few months or so and i never even get to play it just busy working or too tired to get into anything can you just play my games for me and mail me back like 33% of the enjoyment i think i could get by on that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
> Steam Gifting will now be a system of direct exchange from gift buyer to gift receiver, and we will be retiring the Gift to E-mail and Gift to Inventory options. why this valve a fucking shit
well that's retarded i was going to buy a bunch of copies of a game to give to people that want it but i don't want to be like >who wants it and then too many people want it and i'm obligated to buy more copies than i wanted
yeah it's fuckin garbage so dumb that they're doing that they're gonna lose out on so much sales team now
shit like 100% orange juice, i wouldn't have even bought it for myself if i wasn't able to also buy like 12 copies of it for so cheap and then hand it out to other people so i have a group to play with i did that with a couple games i think
>>175193 Probably related to scamming and other bullshit
Since it was used a lot for that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's so frustrating
yeah it's related to people buying fraud info on muh dark webs and then making credit card purchases for something that will last longer than temporary info that's about to be wasted so they'll spend like a whole bunch on steam games then sell the redemption codes fuckin brazilians man they'll do anything apparently my credit card one got used in brazil for a digital purchase for Fifa 2010 the bank closed it up before i even knew and said "yeah no this is common"
Well there's also people buying cheapo games on sales and flipping them for a slight profit, except often times never actually providing the game to the guy buying it
>>175232 the bots are going crazy i jumped in on the tail wind of all this but the bots are fuckin goin mad ive got bots following my bots just so they can learn how to be better bots is that fuckin weird or what
>>175237 i dont have learner bots i just have databots i don't really have a use for learner bots because i already have a developed neural network in my own head that learns better anyway
>>175244 It's hard to get into a story when the protagonist changes, isn't it? As soon as you get a feeling for how the protagonist is, they pull the rug out from under you.
In the third part of the game, you switch between two protagonists all the time. In fact, the final boss area is played while fluidly switching between characters at different points. It was really amazing.
But if you are so opposed to switching characters that MGS2 gave you trouble, you definitely will be bothered by Nier.
>>175246 i mean no since in this game you get their parts of the story that are separate from each other to fill in the gaps >>175247 tbr final boss area was my shit oh my god aaaaaaa it was amazing I almost exploded
>>175245 I figured the fun part would be seeing what a bot turns into if you give it selective stimuli
>>175249 nothing interesting tbh if i actually wanted to do that in an interesting way, i'd pull up selected conversations where you guys spoke to each other at some length and take some rough linguistic entropy measurements and feed that through as information because it's really not enough to just make a tweet you have to train it to be responsive, not just dumping everything out if it's not taking in and processing, then it's a shitty ass bot
>>175253 i mean you can feed in something that's already been trained in audio to output in something tweeterbot-language it's generally simpler to just divide labor up between bots instead of trying to make one do everything i've got one for each of the audio-processing tasks i generally do -- adjusting the filters and envelopes to make the sound more suitable for human ears and stuff like that it's really hard to make one thing do a lot of things it's easier just to make a lot of things and then later on make one thing that manages that lot of things
>hey >hi >what's up? >not much >cool
am i fuckin datamining 12 year olds on AOL instant messenger
>>175255 Oh I see So instead of having a bunch of threads in one program doing stuff, you have several programs? I guess that makes it a bit more manageable
>>175257 yeah that's really been the story of things i made some bots back like in 2011 and then came up with new ideas and did random new things as time came along i never would have really been able to plan something cohesive out from the start. i just did what interested me
>>175266 sure i'll come by and make you one that you can pack in a little baggy and take with you to lunch tomorrow oh wait tomorrow's sunday okay, i can make you one when you get home from church tomorrow afternoon, along with an over-easy egg that isn't an anglerfish and a pot of coffee with just a splash of bailey's
>>175269 oh good i drank it all anyway that's a relief i'll head up to the store and get some turkey bacon real quick while i'm at it. do you want me to grab some acetaminophen for your fever or anything
I couldn't really find anything I liked on steam. Metro 2033 and Last Light remastered versions are about 7 dollars for both of them, those are good if you haven't played them. I wonder if there's anything good on vita to play right now.
SK knows what's up >>175289 Because it's common sense
>>175288 My skin has been sensitive and my muscles have been achy which are just related to my fever. Also some stomach pain but that was probably related to the milk. Other than that, just headaches.
>>175302 I would have told you to go to the hospital if I'd known it was 104. That's dangerous close ot ice bath territory. You really need to get checked out. I'm sure that on some level you understand that you're being ridiculous.
>>175303 >>175303 >>175303 104° is in permanent brain damage territory >>175305 If it gets above 104 you shoukd orobably go. I do vet why you aren't going tthough.
>>175307 What if I get admitted? My school will suffer and Fish will be stuck at home, completely helpless. What happens if she has an anxiety attack? What happens if she runs out of food?
>>175309 You can refuse to be admitted against doctor's orders. As long as you aren't like homicidal they have to let you go. She wants you to go get looked at too.
If they tell me I need to stay at the hospital and I refuse, you're just going to tell me that I need to go to the hospital so I get better. She wants me to go because she doesn't mind being alone like that, but I mind her being alone like that.
>>175311 Yes, I would tell you that if they try to admit you, you should stay and let them check you out. If your symptoms are what you've told me, you probably won't be admitted. Although, you should have gone and have been admitted when you had a 104 fever but it's too late for that now. Fish is troubled because you have not gone to the doctor, so I don't think it's fair to use her as an excuse!
If they aren't admitting me, they're just going to tell me to rest and maybe prescribe an antibiotic that I probably don't even need. I'm pretty sure this is a virus anyway because I got it when everyone in my class was getting the flu.
I can use her as an excuse. It's fair. She wants to sacrifice her health for mine.
They can give you medicine, yes. If they just tell you to rest and let you go, you should be happy that that's all rather than mad because you think you wasted a trip. Some fevers will not go away on their own, some stuff the body needs help from antibiotics to get rid of. While it doesn't sound like you have it, strep throat is a good example. It will not get better on its own and will progress to scarlet fever and can cause lasting damage to heart tissue. You're still over 100 after almost a week, so it's time to get checked out.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>175309 gotta take care of yourself before you can help others or so i'm told i'm still a child after all
I hope that you gusy make up properly! I'm a little worried that you're so hesitant to see the doctor. You're not afraid of there being bad news, are you/
>>175336 I don't know. Usually when people avoid the doctor so doggedly it's because they are afraid of finding something out that they don't want to know. I know you have some health issues, but have you been feeling really sick lately?
hmm As long as there isn't some underlying thing that is going on, I guess it's okay. I mean it's none of my business anyway, but still! It's natural to worry about your friends.
Well, I'm going to get it looked at in the morning.
Unfortunately, that means I have to cancel the game for tonight, otherwise I won't have time to do my work and go to the doctor tomorrow. Sorry that the game keeps getting messed up.
I was wondering if you'd need the time or not. Unfortunate coincidences have a bad habit of always happening in succession.
That's okay, I had a feeling we probably weren't going to be playing tonight. It's better that you rest if you can. I'm sure you can remember that my game had a number of weeks where we didn't meet due to various scheduling issues and things coming up, too. I think your game has managed to convene more consistently than mine did.
Reminds me of when I got really fucking sick with something in Japan. I was feeling it before I left for Kyoto but it reared its ugly head in the heart of Kyoto. I don't think my temperature was ever as high as yours has gotten but I probably definitely didn't help it by constantly going out into the city and walking around for like ten hours a day. There was one night where I had to stay in my capsule at the hotel because I felt I had just gotten too sick though.
>>175347 That's true. We had several volatile players. We also had an unfortunate flare-up of drama revolving around Saya in the middle of my game. Your game is doing pretty well by comparison. I think it's possibly the most consistent online game I've been a part of.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Speaking of games that convene regularly, we haven't played in three weeks in my game. ;-;
You might want to talk with them all and see if a time shift is feasible. Some times people get shit in their lives that make them re-adjust their weekly schedules.
>>175350 Unfortunately, one of the players will never agree to be there anymore, so we never know if he'll be there or not. And Pan sometimes gets called into work.
>>175352 I thought you could do a little bit without me at least.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>175351 without you? Nobody replied and you're vital to the next arc
>>175351 That probably complicates things a bunch, yeah.
Shift-based work is the fucking worst. I hate having unpredictable schedules like that.
> I dont know if I want to go to this weeb party. > Cowboy Bebop remixes LIT
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>175351 I'm basically skipping all of that except a conversation and a fight.
>>175354 Are you gonna three, two, one, let's jam then?