I want to figure out what's going on with Jan lately.
let's do clockwork we can catch up on saekano on one of the dead days
oh Isee well let's figure out what the deal with him is first
okay we're all orange let's start!
lets go
He hasn't been particularly secretive about it. There was recently some re-arranging at the store he works at and he's got a set of different hours from when he used to have. And he's also really gotten into FFXV and that's taking up a lot of his time too.
I'll see if he wants to watch next time I See him. If not we can just clean it up on a dead day.
I'm a little annoyed with saekano anyway since we're in the part of the series where the best girls lose and cry a bunch so I'm fine with just doing our three tonight.
>>173510 I skipped last week because Stormblood launched and the week before because I had to work in the morning on Friday. I wasn't here today because I forgot. Thursday and Friday are the only good days for me now
it would be awkward if they broke up at the new place he'd be like what do i do now
Yeah it's kind of reasonable. At the same time though, the school he's applying to seems pretty high class. So going to that school is probably beneficial in itself.
Though if he's straining at the application itself, the actual school curriculum might kill him.
That might happen, but they should still try! It might be different if he wanted to go to a worse school to be with her but going to a better school is a noble goal!