>>172293 Basically every touhou gets memed one way or another and the ones that don't then become memes, because they aren't memes and then they are memes too
>>172298 Yeah, that's what I thought. Cause when really obscure ones (unnamed bosses from pc98 games) show up in doujin, the joke is always that no one remembers.
>>172287 I'm not being mean. I was hoping she was a draph, but she's just a meme. If anyone should feel put out, it's me! I don't like being disappointed.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>172315 Forte got extended mastery today if you have her at 80+ So there's that.
By the way a weapon that has an attack up skill but lower stats is usually still better than a stat stick, if you have the choice.
i had a strong dark axe placeholder in my water grid but when they gave out the free leviathan dagger I plopped it in its place and it was stronger because of the skill.
why the fuck is this GPU hanging out at 70 degrees The fan works on this thing The cabinet's open, sure, but that shouldn't fucking triple the temperature
>>172361 I can guarantee you that it did not triple the temperature. 1/3 of 70°C is -158.75°C.
>>172363 >18 and under >ask parents before consuming
Maria, what's your favorite manga?
>>172372 Kaiji I guess. Or Strongest Man Kurosawa, that one was really good. Or Yotsubato. I don't read a lot of manga. What's yours?
>>172373 Not sure, I generally don't know what my favorite "things" are because I have trouble deciding between things.
>>172374 There's too many to pick from. It's hard to call a "favourite" anime when one anime excels in an area that another anime might not even be aiming for.
Franken Fran might be my favorite, but I'm sure if I sat and thought long enough I'd be able to think of of one I like more.
I do however know which anime are my favorite if we go by genre.
>>172376 >Franken Fran Funny, I actually read a few chapters of that because someone was spamming them on /v/
>>172379 Technically the EVAs aren't mechas :) Eva's actually got some of my favourite monster of the week fights. >spoils it for people There are people who haven't seen it at this point?
Comedy: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Mecha: Neon Genesis Evangelion Fantasy: Slayers, probably Action: Cowboy Bebop Yeah, but saying that spoils it for people who havent seen it. Yeah, people much younger than you, and also casuals. "Psychological": Serial Experiments Lain Sci-Fi: uhh , not sure since I already listed cowboy bebop, SEL and NGE I'll stop here.
>>172379 Watching SEL for the first time is a real trip.
>>172381 >Lain production team made a comedy Oh wow, I gotta see that. I thought Haibane Renmei was pretty good. I liked that it left a lot of details about its world unexplained. It makes it seem way more mysterious.
>>172382 >they're kind of rare That's funny, an old dvd rental place near me has them in a boxset.
>>172380 4U, also have you seen NieA_7? It's the comedy anime the Lain production team made to get over how depressing Lain was.
I own the dvds, they're kind of rare, at least the first company to license it's release.
>>172380 I think it got reissued by someone else recently(past five years). >>172384 Gundam Wing boxed set Slayers Season 1-3 boxed set Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz Inuyasha movies 2-4 special editions Hard to find original dvd release of Princess Mononoke Escaflowne special edition box (the movie, also i bought it like five years ago and havent gotten around to watching it) First rebuild movie Random volume if Gundam Wing that is redudant because box set Oh yeah, kickstarter BD for Eve no Jikan that I never even opened after getting it in the mail One of the slayers movies or OVA That's all my DVD/Blu-ray anime stuff that I can think of Wait Uhh, Cyber City Oedo 808 Oh also the original Ghost in the Shell
That should be everything
>>172382 What other anime DVDs do you own? I've got all of Patlabors TV series on DVD which cost me about $110 dollars, Cowboybebop, Ping Pong BDs, and I also got the American DVDs and Blurays for the third gundam movie and the first Patlabor OVA >Gundam Wing Funny, I finished watching that today.
I generally read more manga than I do watch anime. Mainly because it takes less time because I read fast.
Not that I haven't seen a shit ton of anime. It's just that I've probably read over fifty times as much manga.
>>172386 how much time would you estimate you've spent on anime?
>>172387 Over 1,000 hours. I could do the actual math later to get a better low estimate, but I really don't feel like it.
>>172388 Actually if you use mal, it'll just calculate it for you MAL's no different from maintaining a .txt if you ignore the community
>making fun of people who use it Damn, I just got implicitly made fun of. Anyway, about that previous statement then
No I know what you mean. An anime episode has a set amount of time, a manga does not.
Also my previous statement about manga that >>172389 Yeah, I know But then I'd have to use MAL Anyways, >>172389 It would make me a hypocrite for making fun of people who use it Also I think I coukd do it on anidb So yeah, I
All that together does not imply that I have spent over 50,000 hours reading manga, because there is not a correspondence between time to read manga and time to watch an anime that works like that.
That what *was a shitty explanation tl;dr it will always take you at least (not including speeding it up or watching multiple anime at once) 18 or so minutes to watch one regular anime episode. But in that same amount of time I can read over 100 pages of manga.
Actually, 1000 hours of anime might be a bit high, I dont really feel like checking or doing Fermi estimation right now though.
I've actually only watched about 36 days worth of anime.
>>172391 Which was the worst show you bothered to finish?
>>172393 >someone else watched Dougram Wow who knew
For real though, probably Rosario x Vampire S2. I could probably think of something worse if I thought about it for a while though.
Also I have seen the original Fate Stay/Night anime and Tsukihime. I saw F/SN before the vn translation was finished. >>172398 Fate/Zero is really good. The light novel was better though, for obvious reasons they took oit a lot of stuff with caster and ryunosuke.
Frankly I enjoyed watching F/Z more than I enjoyed reading UBW I liked that Fate Zero had every duo be really interesting and memorable Where I can barely remember half the teams from UBW >taking out stuff with Caster Shame. I bet it was cool.
>>172447 As in anarcho communists They're not armchair economists because communism is the abolishing of the economy
>>172450 Oh, so they're basivlcally double idiots. I bet they would get beaten up by anarcho primitivists. But anarcho primitivists can't use weapons because that violates the NAP.
I listened to one and they just verbally shit posted about Hillary and the election
But I like hearing what the fringes of politics think and what they're up to
Ancoms are fun cause they're not a legitimate political threat, unlike the far right neo nazis Not that the far right are a real threat either, but they have the potential to be, because they're pragmatic. Commies aren't, they think just being violent will be enough
>>172453 You should try to find Carl Sagan audiobooks, or like recordings of him giving lectures.
Oh, the gubermint finally decided where to have the 22nd of July Memorial
Anarchists in general are a fun bunch They often make some good points about the nature of government
But they also tend to be so preoccupied by "fight the man!" to get anything done and it's funny
>>172458 Basically the only anarchist I'm remotely interested in is Ted Kaczynski, and that's because he's a math genius and also fucking crazy. That's the Una bomber by the way.
I think the commies should work with the far right to get some of their shared goals accomplished Both want to get rid of the debt based economy for example
>>172467 Night night I learned a thing about the unabomber today thanks
I'm going to bed, good night. Also while he was there he participated in a psychology experiment where he ended up getting tortured psycholgically by a military/CIA guy. People are pretty sure that that experiment is what drove him insane.
Hectic They need everyone to stay and extra 2 hours And I'm overseeing a bunch of stuff that needs to be taken care of every hour on the hour while corraling a bunch of new starts around and making sure these pallets get stowed or replen will get fucked and my ops manager will get in deep shit which means I'd be in equally deep shit They're giving me more responsibility lately and it's kind of a bother, but it's better than doing the same thing every day I guess That's all thanks for reading my big run-on sentence blog
>>172569 Last time I went out of the country, customs didn't take very long. They asked if I had anything to declare and I said no and I went right through.
>>172587 Wow this is nothing like what people tell me
The way you deal with customs is you mail anything you want to yourself. Then you go through customs with nothing to declare. If your packages get jammed up in customs you won't be with them if you do it that way.
One of the friends I went with from Japan tried that with all his doujinshi he bought. Actually three or four of them did. For two of them it took something like three or four months for the package to arrive.
>>172597 At least they only had their hardcore loli hentai delayed I guess
>>172590 That it takes hours to get anywhere and they have like 20 metal detectors
>>172598 The guy that had the hardcorest stuff was actually probably the one who got his package of stuff arrive at his home the quickest.
>>172599 Well yeah, air travel takes a long time. You should arrive well in advance of when your flight is so you have time to do all that stuff, and time to resolve any problems that pop up.
You can also arrive a little late and rush through the airport and secure whatever seat you want because the plane is leaving two minutes ago
Or mess up the time and arrive a full hour after the plane has taken off and end up waiting nine or ten hours in the airport for the next possible flight home.
or get really drunk at the bars and get denied access to your flight because you're too far gone
>>172611 I don't think many of us could really pass for refugees.
I probably could with a little bit of work.
I'll tell them I'm albino
ah yes I'm a German refugee trying to get away from all the brown people
I've got a canker sore on the flipside of that little ridge of flesh above my top front teeth. It makes doing anything that moves my upper lip really annoying.
It looks like due to some sale, you can get a whole series for 4 bucks. Which almost seems reasonable but it's streaming only. So I guess it's not a very good deal in the end.
So Mike Rowe turns out to be an actual fucking disgusting human being Here's how he reacted to a man being beaten for staying in a seat he paid for >Here’s the thing. It’s easy to forget that we have no right to fly. Buying a ticket doesn’t change that. So, when we board the plane, we have no right to remain there. We can be legally removed if we’re too drunk, too loud, too creepy, too suspicious, or too big for the seat. We can be removed if we stink. We can be removed if we’re insubordinate. We can be removed for whatever reason the airline deems necessary.
while I do think that United's behavior was egregious, I think it's important to understand that there is no right to fly.
>>172642 I imagine the flip side of this practice is that the overall ticket is cheaper, though. If there were a few empty seats on each plane, I imagine that the overall cost of a ticket would rise.
Would you be okay with ending this practice if it meant that the cost of flying was higher? Do you think the average passenger would feel the same way?
There's no right to own a car either, but if the car seller followed you and beat you half to death because he sold the car to someone else you'd have an issue
I don't think it really matters what those unaffected think about it. "I've never been beaten for my seat, so some people being is fine because I have a cheaper flight" is sone fucked up shit
>>172647 I think in this situation, the wishes of the average customer are what matters, not the wishes of an individual. I think you are attempting to make this an emotional issue when it is not. I've already said that United's behavior was egregious, they did not handle the situation well. We're talking about the practice of overbooking, not the way United handled that particular situation.
Uniteds behavior is what is being defended And overall I don't think it should be legal to sell the same product twice and have a death brawl if both customers show up
You or anyone else wouldn't accept this for any other transaction Nobe 0
With the automation of online ticket systems how do you even end up with two people buying the same seat
>>172644 If I purchase something from you I should be entitled to it, unless you put a massive disclaimer stating that someone else might also happen to purchase it
>>172653 In practical terms it is not the same. If I have to be somewhere at a certain time, I buy those tickets. You are selling me the right to board that plane and be at that location around that time assuming there are no unforseen reasonable delays
>>172649 I agree with the fact that United did not handle it well. THat is not what the quote in >>172632 is talking about though. It's talking about the practice of overbooking and the fact that you can be asked to leave at any time.
Forced removal is being defended on the ground that someone sold a product twice You are defending that, I think it makes you an awful human being
>>172650 If you purchased an anime figure from my anime figure website, and I didn didn't have any in stock and the fine print said "some time may be need to acquire items not currently in stock" and I acquired the figure in a reasonable time and sent it to you, would there be a problem?
It's the same situation with plane tickets. You are still entitled to the flight, you may just have to ride on another plane.
No It's not the same You are not selling an anime figure that is to be delivered at a specific time You are not paying for A flight, you are paying for å flight at a specific time in a specific seat on a specific plane
>>172654 What would your response be if I told you that you were not in fact purchasing a specific seat, and you were purchasing a plane trip, the scheduling of which was at the mercy of the airline? And that that is reflected in the fine print.
>>172656 If the fact that you're at the mercy of the airline's schedule is in the contract, on what grounds are you purchasing a flight at a specific time?
My response would be that you are.
>>172655 Yeah well what if I said no one reads the fineprint and you shouldn't take advantage of that. To qoute many great men, I would say get fucked cunt.
>>172659 Nah get fucked. >yeah we sold you this but you didn't read the tiny text too bad :)
The part of your ticket stating the specifics at the time of purchase
>>172662 How am I misleading the customer if my terms are in the contract?
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>172649 >And overall I don't think it should be legal to sell the same product twice and have a death brawl if both customers show up This sounds like a great business plan...
schera was best girl it's a shame i don't have her in chapter 2
>>172663 The part where you advertise it as something else would be a good start
Here we have a law where you aren't allowed to blatantly mislead people with fineprint clashing with advertising
>>172668 I dunno, what's the ordering procedure for tickets like? Do you merely pay for the ticket and get assigned a time with an obvious statement that they'll do what they can but may bludgeon you if their people fuck up?
>>172670 You can request and schedule your flight time on the website, but you are at the mercy of their schedule. Just like you are at the mercy of my stock issues from my anime figure website.
This is stated clearly in the purchase agreements of both businesses.
I really do feel for the guy that United roughed up, but you can't just go REEEEEEEEEEEE when you don't like the terms you agreed to. I'd beat him up if he showed up at my anime store asking for a waifu I didn't have in stock yet too.
Would you bludgeon him if the other guy who ordered it showed up and wanted the waifu? Because that's what happened if you want to go with your analogy
>>172665 i think you can choose between her and someone else for a chapter
>>172668 I don't want a ticket with a higher price, I want you to not mislead me in the first place I don't think I'll fly United anymore. I feel like you don't respect me as a customer. I'm going back to Quantus.
>>172678 *not how my country works http://www.comcom.govt.nz/fair-trading/fair-trading-act-fact-sheets/bait-advertising/
>>172674 I mean I understand where you are coming from. The problem is that your argument is essentially that fine print is annoying to read and as a result anything you might not know until you read the fine print is you being mislead. That's just not how the world works.
I support people's decision not to fly United because of the incident, though. If you want things to change, you should vote with your wallet.
>>172677 That's part of the deal he agreed to, though. If he agreed to wait for my stock issues to resolve and caused a disturbance over that, I'd have to call the police on him.
>>172676 are you playing the pc version? I think theres a way to get the JP voices also can in the psp one i used that cause im a weeb
ya im on pc and yeah i downloaded the jp voices and switched them out >using english voices in 2017
I did it pretty early on it was a nice change. English VAs are always a pian
rika is a normie reeeeee go play tits >>172680 do not use the Evolution OSt patch the original ost is real good only some of the evolution is better but its a matter of opinion
I just have to do paperwork in the morning and I made more progress on it this afternoon than I expected so I can slack off a little in the morning. I'll probably sleep in about 45 minutes, and then just rush getting ready. So it will probably only be half an hour later than normal.
I have to take care of something that's going to be a pain in the ass i n the afternoon though, so if you'd like to go to work for me that would be fine.
i wish i had designated paperwork time instead i have to scrounge to do paperwork a few minutes at a time across the day
managing a restaurant is easy probably but actually being good at it requires some tricky mental shit and a fuckload of willpower
>>172706 That's true, there comes a point where you don't have time to spend what you make. I've come to that place, although my inexpensive hobby of wasting all my time probably helps save money.
same, kind of with the money i make now, i can afford to live comfortably and over time buy some things i've always wanted over the next couple years i intend to buy a few rifles, a motorcycle maybe, and maybe get a really really good computer and VR
but in terms of quality of living, i have never had it as good as right now and i make bonus money to save up for the things i mentioned so more money would really only mean i get those things faster but i also end up just wasting all my time anyways so it's okay
my only real fear is that i end up getting bored with what i have and start wanting things like company or god forbid a relationship those are very bad things that must be avoided
my mom texted me last night and told me that my fever was because her psychic friend found out i was bullying her and cursed me apparently the psychic said she was cursing me
Though that applies to many of my rl friends too I myself am considered a bit of an oddity a weird mixture of ascetism and frugal life combined with luxury hobbies like boating, booze and expensive cheeses
Would be fun to learn to say some sentences backwars and I don't just mean saying it backwards, but to properly imitate the kind of sound it becomes when recorded and reversed.
It's in the google voice thing At least on my phone
I really want to write up something on the problem of the American left having stopped caring about any specific issues, but there's problems with it First of all, formulating myself is difficult in an article format because I've only ever been decent at stream of consciousness shit Second of all, it's REALLY not my fucking business getting involved
Shit's too boring here to even get involved, man, the US is wild and interesting in contrast to our sterile political landscape
>>172776 I suppose, but also these are political issues that aren't affecting me whatsoever I don't even KNOW anyone affecting by a lot of the issues I do know about
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>The ridges is recorded as The Ridges ???
>>172777 it's probably fine if you just do stream of consciousness stuff, i can help you edit and format it though if you want
That could work out My whole head is really messy, too, though Like there are connections between stuff that is hard to put into any real words, and a lot of it is derived from a general sense of how things are moving
I can't point to something like when a certain thing began, or a bunch of specific instances of whatever it is I'm talking about I think a lot of it would come off as a holier-than-thou kind of speech too, since a lot of the stuff I think seems, obviously, really basic and obvious to me
I'll see about typing some stuff down, but it's something that's gonna take a really long time, cause I'm never happy with what I've written, the few times I have tried putting stuff into a text document
There we go there we go there we go it doesn't it doesn't seem it doesn't seem to work it doesn't seem to work that well
TN writes a pop song
I don't think this I don't think this I don't think this I don't think that supports I don't think that supports I don't think that supports I don't think that supports I don't think that supports I don't think that supports speech I don't think this supports speech that exactly
It will be like that water situation in that one town/city at first it is an outrage, but as time passes everyone forgets about it except those invovled
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
to be fair, people have been arrested for manslaughter in the Flint situationnow
I found out what that law I talked about on the twitter was again In Arizona, it's illegal for sex ed to suggest there are, at all, safe forms of homosex
>national railways trains employees with escape rooms well so that is why they increased their ticket prices...
Gonna watch the rest of Hannibal I didn't watch beyond the first season, I think
>>172803 Escape rooms, when taken seriously, promote teamwork and problem solving skills in potentially high-pressure or limited time situations. Kind of like how video games can have a positive impact on a person's physical reaction time and ability to process snap decisions.
>>172809 That makes some sense I guess, but it seems far fetchd to me that it would have some purpose in railway management I'd like to think anyone in a position to manage logistics for a railway system already has enough training that the added practice of an escape room is kinda like buttering your butter
As anyone who regularly has to use a metro or similar transit system could probably tell you, to expect competence from the staff members is probably a generosity.
Oh, a faggot spinner. I hope you got a nice metal one, those ferl the best because of *feel because of the larger angular momentum. As in they push back more when you try to change their orientation while spinning.
>>172828 Wow, I've never seen one that cheap in a store before. >>172829 4U If I come across it I'll take a few pictures of it. I might put it in my hand and try to scare my dog with it.
Sam? Do you know about sleep sort?
>>172824 Oh no. Have you fallen backwards into your teenage years.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>172831 yep that's classic >>172832 i'm now hip to the new generations i'm gonna buy my favorite band's tshirts
Look at this fatty catty Uploading....................
So my mom 's knee hurts too much for her to walk right now. I knew we shouod've gotten a wheel chair. Any of you guys have any advice for taking care of someone who >>172842 She had knee surgery yesterday
Does she have ehler danlos or something Ive been taking care of my mom for like a decade what do you need
I was just wondering if anyone who had experience taking care if someone with (temporary or otherwise) mobility issues had any sort of "pro tips".
>>172843 Its hard Other than that you'll need to be more specific Look up caretaker tips on Google or quora
>>172845 Okay, that's what I thought. I was mainly thinking of stuff like "things you wouodn't consider but are actually really helpful". Okay I search that.
Although one of the other issues is her unrelated rib injury, which also makes it hard for her to get up.
>>172846 I'll point stuff out over time I'm not real top of mind kind of peeson
>>172849 That's fine, I appreciate it. Also since I might not always be on while you think of things it might be a good idea to put them into a textfile whenever you think of them.
i can't do lists or keep things organized like that they frustrate and confuse me i've got organization through familiarity. my life's too chaotic to do otherwise
Would be fun if games did have systems that allowed weirder guilds like shop-guilds bank-guilds andw hanot without it becoming full autism like EVE
I don't think FFXIV is supposed to be that kind of game I think it's the kind of game where being smart helps but mostly it's just the amount of time you're willing to rip from your soul one second at a time
Stellaris is best paradox game so far so much to do so much planning so much expanding purging enslaving >>172898 Yeah the AI is bad at colonising to empty space and their war-ai is kinda retarded it ain't challenging,j ust annoying
I spawned next to the 2 fallen empires and made my life goal to kill them both and loot their riches and when I did that I had good 3rd of the galaxy flying my colours that was fun Waving the flag of Manbunkind
I wonder what version of VEF is running now on it, though the best moment of VEF is always the "peace of black death" it isn't really peace, but there sure aren't lot of war during it
And then I once really abused that, when I played marocco and was reconquering spain to form andalusia and for somereason marocco didn't get black death made attacking spain reeal easy
In some games money is pretty much useless I wonder how trade is done in D3, gems? I would guess so though high end crafting does require huge amounts of money D2 had the gem/rune/charm economy too
But yeah since most of your mney goes to crafting gems to make high end crafting stuff or enchating or anything or just attaching them to items I would figure gems are the tool of trade
Real money or no the auction house was shitty as fuck yeah they did it long ago and actually made the game enjoyable
and then they added REAPER OF SOULS
>>172919 this girl looks like cocoas long lost twin
>>172920 was doing okay until about 30 minutes before class then got fever spike suddenly when getting out of my car, i hit my head really hard and dropped all my shit and then when i walked inside, i hit myself on the door and got really angry and tore the doctor mask off my face which actually tore the mask and threw the things i was holding on the ground
so im adding reduced spatial awareness and emotional dysregulation to my list of symptoms
You okay, hitting your head really hard sounds really bad, you made sure you didn't concuss yourself? Your school work is sounding super stressful. I wish I could help you out.
I think I'm going to skip tomorrow
now im dropping everything I guess I'm getting much worse
Your health is really important so make sure you get healthy again. You are super smart so I am sure you'll be able to work things out once you recover.
The key about going outside in fever, is to have some kind of medicine that drops your tempt o near normal levels weird how ibuprofein doesn't do that to you, we as a nation use that to guts through colds and flus
>find movie I have been wanting to watch for years >yesterday stream site is down for the night so can't watch it >now it is back in action but that movie >just tht movie is unavailable on their servers clip related
>>172935 I'm applying to a PC Support Technicican position. technicicicicicician. It's for a company that works with former inmates? Helping them get jobs and the support they need.
Dutchfriend found these elsa and spiderman videos on the youtube, right And they're... uh, they're not very innocent There's themes of abortion, sadomasochism, general abuse, the whole shabang
And I'm just gonna paste something here
There's videos that teach colors But then on the other channel they'll occasionally upload a color video where they have a blue background and blue text that spells yellow and a voice that says yellow This fucks up the childs mind since they get punished even if they have the answer wrong if started early enough you can create a mind chism in the child's psyche and condition them from a young age that bad things can and will happen to them and they are powerless to stop it
>>172956 Yeah, I know. It sounds good. Thanks for the help. I've been trying to monologue what I want to say and hoping that I craft some sentences through it that sound good. My brain gets distracted though.
I could paste you some of his shitposting in discord or something if you wanna It's not really suited for moe conversation, but you might be interested
I'm thinking about getting a portable music player. All the fancy nice looking ones are expensive.
My phone is a piece of garbage and also my work doesn't allow my phone near my work desk it has be put in a locker. due to the sensitive nature of the documents we get >>172990 I get files from NHS, various city councils , care home psychology reports, police reports etc as well as all the business invoices of loads of businesses.
I tried using my kindle but my boss didn't like it since it was too big. and she didn't know but it did have a camera and wifi but I was hoping being a kindle she'd not think it had those features
I wish I could just get a tape player like Shinji. >>172995 That is kinda what I am looking for but I even though I know beggers can't be choosers I still don't like the design. But thanks for using your sickly aidoru body search for me!
What kind of design are you looking for?
Hm Well this looks super nice https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01BBWU73K/ref=twister_B01CHV3QFA?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 but it is pricey
And he got INTO legal trouble, but he also got OUT of legal trouble
>>173014 Depends on the jurisdiction. Also technically laws against drawing pictures of children doing sexual acts are unconstitutional as they violate the first amendment. But it takes a while for cases to get far enough uo into the court system that the law gets removed.
It was a copyright issue not a law issue
Drawn children are explicitly not children in the US
>>173025 Surely you can get those sentences overturned though, even in the red zones? The first doesn't just cover making it, right, but also people's ability to access your expression? Otherwise you could just go "Oh we're not restricting your speech, you just have to do it from within this padded, soundproof cell"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't claim to know anything.
this lolicon talk reminded me of the blackmail episode in Black Mirror that episode was one of the best
>>173077 Where did you hear that? I think it's a little bit of an overstatement.
>>173080 >really good writing I mean it'd be new and different but it'd piss off the audience
>>173082 Nothing wrong with pissing off the audience. EVA did that and its the Madoka of ananime. >>173085 Not really, Saw started because he had cancer.
>>173083 Yeah but even if Eva didn't resolve the stuff about angels and stuff in the TV show it still provided thematic conclusion to Shinjis character and themes >madoka of anime When I first saw Madoka Rebellion I compared it to EoE like a retard
well idk man that post is after rikas so theres literally no way i could know that your post came first
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't know man I mean I was typing that post right in the middle of Rika's so it's clearly your fever causing you to be hallucinating or missing information.
>>173113 They think they're going to teach me something even though I probably know it better than the TAs that are teaching tomorrow though. But there's a chance I might learn at least one thing.
>>173112 I know, but I'm a distant faggot and generally keep my true status away from my friends.
>>173127 No, notes aren't really helpful unless I write them, and then they're only useful as they're being written. After they're written, they're useless to me.
>>173126 I feel this model of answer is how I go through a lot of things. >Do I know how/what X? >No, but I know how/what I don't X
Maybe. I try sometimes. I fail most of the time. If not, I am going to just collect my money, buy some cool stuff, and make some internet content. And open a Patreon.
I'm leaving the NEET life on Monday. Unless I manage to fuck things up terribly.
...This cover letter was very meaningful and still took me a while to write. I can't imagine how long it'd take for a not-meaningful cover lett- oh wait, I can, I've wrote those before.
Good luck you both! Become rolling in dosh and be CEOS
>>173139 This internship is unpaid, unfortunately. They might hire me afterwards though.
>>173138 really hope you get this one It's exciting to see a friend have an opportunity to do something meaningful
Demand to be internship as CEO PAID gotta make those deals like TRUMp
>>173142 I'm thinking about trying to get a job with one of their clients, since I have some connections with one of them. Also because that woukd be a much shorter commute.
>>173138 Sounds like this one means a lot more to you Good luck out there
The position itself is just tech support but CASES is an organization that works with convicts, addicts, and people with mental health issues to help them with jobs and keep them from slipping back. There were some personal feelings written.
It's also $15/hr and part-time So good money, moderate hours so I can still do personal things, probably much less of a chance to end up gaining 30+ hours consistently like I was doing at Samsung. And it's temporary so I can end employment without getting fired and be fine.
>>173191 No, she didn't take it seriously until recently, but she's had it just as long as you have.
>>173150 The route from my bus stop into my neighbourhood home would some times have this person who'd do that in the warm weather too. It was always a little nostalgic for me to walk past that house.
>>173209 You're being ridiculous. You dragged the goalposts really far from their initial spot and never even defended why you're saying things that aren't memes are memes. Are you doing it so you have somdthing to argue with me about?
>>173212 It was a popular phrase on 4chan long before /vg/ was around and long before 4chan was around. Moving the goalpost has been a term used in philosophy for a very long time.
>>173218 I don't have to do anything and I don't intend to let you continue trying to distract me in hopes that I will forget the primary concern of this discussion.
I am trying to avoid acting in ways that aren't representitive of my usual self. My cognitive and emotional capabilities are clearly altered so I'm trying not to say things that I wouldn't usually think.
you're like a frail little bird i just wanna put you in a nest and take care of you that's all it's not weird i wouldn't even mouthfeed you, you can get your own worms
>>173249 Yeah, just a little. It was only three days expired though.
There's no point in being okay if everyone is worried about me anyway. I don't want people to have any reason to worry about me under regular circumstances.
i want to worry about you it's easier than worrying about myself and it feels better >>173251 indoors very bad hygiene, very bad manners everyone is disappointed in her after meeting him i wasnt there but just the stories
>>173253 I'm almost always okay. Everything is always okay in the end. No matter how bad it gets for me, it'll always be okay in the end so there's no point in being worried about it. about me rather
everything will be okay i hate these words but they're all ive got sometimes >>173256 he does things that would make one smelly and in inappropriate settings yes
>>173254 lots of things aren't okay in the end but not being okay and me not worrying are two different things. Nothing is okay, but I'm not worried about everything. Just some things.
People need to learn better ways to care. Like with excitement and jubilance and confidence. >>173263 only the infamous roketto panchi can accomplish such a thing.
>>173259 Everything will always be okay for me. I've been through so much but I'm still here. I'm okay. I won't lose because I'm okay. Even if I lose everything, I'll still be okay. Everything is okay.
In a few days I'll be healthy again and it'll be like I never got sick. It doesn't matter how bad it gets right now because I already know how it ends.
>>173261 how about i excite your face with my fist
>>173269 You say that like it's easy. I can't just up and make time. Clearing my schedule has serious consequences. I am probably not going to class tomorrow but that doesn't mean I get to stay at home all day, I still have to go and drop off an assignment at school. And I have to do the assignment in the morning.
I have to generate about 20 pages of case conceptualizations and rorschach interpretations by Tuesday and I have to redo that 10 page paper.
I have so much work that if I skip class, it's irresponsible for me not to do work.
>>173270 I'm not saying it like it's easy. I'm sayign it like it's something that needs to be done.
One of the things about being a professional is that there is always going to be a lot of work to do, and you haev to manage things properly so that you don't run yourself into the ground. You will be managing a workload like this for the rest of your life, so now is the time to learn. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do your work, but you do need to find some time to rest.
>>173272 Real life is forgiving. You can take time and manage your schedule in real life. If you do that in school, you lose your grants and drop out and never reach real life.
>>173267 Being okay is the first sign of being not okay. The first step to becoming okay is admitting unokayness. But being okay is a mistake. So I can understand your ideals.
okayics anonymous 12 step program lead the way bloop
is /moe/ already an okayics anonymous is that why we're all here i think it is
>>173276 No, I'm really okay. Anytime I'm not okay is just a short period of time before everything is okay again. So it's okay because I already know the ending. I've read the script so I know how the episode endz. ends*
that tfw when you dont know if you'll live long enough to finish your life's work so you start thinking about training bots to do the work after you die
>>173274 I understand how grad school can be demanding, but you still need to squeeze in some you time. How long have you had that fever? It's going on about three days now, right? You should at least go get looked at and get some meds.
>>173286 Well, I'd sure like to, but I have to prioritize my work! I can't really help it if I happened to get sick at coincidentally the singlemost busiest time of the semester. But I still have to deal with it and do my work.
I've had the fever since Monday night/Tuesday morning. I don't know when it came on. I'll be okay. I don't want to waste money to have a doctor tell me to rest.
>>173287 was it yugioh oh dang where's that webm i dont think i have it anymore
there's a herd of feral kittens outside jumping around and crabwalking at each other it's so cute i wish i could take a picture but it's too dark mom and pop kitties are sitting on a flatbed watching them they got spooked when i went out and mom and pop ran off and left the kitties behind but they came back >>173299 lots of coyotes around here they're more indirect predators though. foxes and wolves eat the same thing as the feral cats, not the cats so the population drops a bit because all the momma kitties can't keep their babies fed it's sad but it's for the better i dont know what i'm gonna do around all these cats though i'm going to start falling in love with the little feral kitties that get left behind and i'm gonna be the crazy cat lady archetype
You don't see feral cats 'round here. Probably because we get feral foxes and other mid-sized predators.
>>173301 You know the nee-san argument only works under certain conditions. You also know that three days is about the point at which you need to get a fever checked.
It's misleading when phrased like that. I'm below the poverty line. I don't have that much money. I just don't have to pay rent and I have investments that provide me with some money and I do odd jobs and stuff sometimes. I think I have more money to move around than most people my age and I often have money to spare. I can afford to go to the doctor but that doesn't mean I should.
It also costs more than money. It costs valuable productivity hours.
ive got 100 dollars til payday and i'll have a 1300 payment then this is my life and i'm gettin pretty used to it it's not bad
quarx's family met someone from my family while i was moving for the first time i got to see that interaction outside of first-person mode and realized just how incredibly neurotic my family is and how much i actually take after them despite thinking i was totally different from them my family is fuckin looney toons
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
sorry to hear that dude i'm glad you gained some perspective
nothin' sorry about it it wasn't a negative by any means it was just a huge realization i always tried to get away from my neurotic family and then found people to accommodate that but when my family comes back around i think "hm, this explains a lot about why i feel uncomfortable around here" and then going back around other neurotic people like me i feel a lot more confused and chaotic at times but it feels a lot more familiar at the same time this is a chaos i can function in. the other one, not so much
it made me feel less bad about being this way too even though people around here don't share any of the academic ideas i do or know what i'm talking about when i'm talking about work their brains work in the same kind of way mine do they might just be talking about farm equipment and stuff but i can follow their train of thought it's kind of nice to be in such a slow-paced area, at least for a bit it's a lot of work and i dont want to live here forever, but it's a nice place to retreat from the arena and heal up my nerves
i can kind of relate, so maybe i understand how you feel a lil i think my mom's somewhat narcissistic and my dad somewhat enables her and i understand it now and can see those traits in myself it's nice to interact with my roommate's parents and see different traits in them
>>173330 my dad was a fella who never looked at the negatives of things, just forged through it all to make sure things got done it made him pretty stressed and he had schizophrenia problems, but that's not what i'm about to link into my mom was always very victimizing and "everything is terrible," very needy
i feel like i took half and half from that and got "everything is terrible but no use in complaining about it" attitude fmrei captured that pretty well the other day in some post to me
as a result i end up very diligent, but hesitant i don't like exposing my ideas to the world because i always feel they're unfinished and i feel generally unprofessional so i try to overcompensate in perfecting everything first
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ah the gotta-get-it-perfect impulse is familiar to me too it's dangerous
I sort of get that, I generally don't get around to doing things because I know it would take too much time and effort to get them to be aas ggood aas i want.
i come from a family of hillbillies and/or veteran psychosis (literally two uncles with agent orange issues) i feel like trying to step into the professional ring, i'm around all these people who have their shit together and i, for some reason, am the only one who ever struggled and worked hard so i feel like i have to work so hard that i look like a good professional acquaintance and i'm sure i really overshoot it
My family is so ridiculously normal it's kind of weird. There's absolutely no psychological abnormality anywhere in it.
>>173335 *to this point ive been scolded for overworking more than for the things that i'm actually worried about being scolded for i screw up deadlines sometimes and feel terrible about it but it's like nobody notices or cares >>173339 my dad was incredibly smart and developed some psychosis issues at some point i dont want to toot myself but i think i am working on a lot of progressive things and i worry about the same fate i don't want to dissolve into psychosis or being comatose that's why i kind of worry about stuff i try to keep really grounded but it's hard; i'm not even really at the point where i can communicate what i mean well in text i feel like the bridges of separation are already forming
My dad's side is full of geniuses (literally, I'm not memeing here) but they're the kind of geniuses who have trouble controlling themselves so a lot of them are really messed up. My mother's side of the family is very respectable but they're the kind of people who are so respectable that they don't talk their problems out and it causes them problems.
I'm pretty smart but I'm dumb compared to a lot of the really smart people on my dad's side. I'm good at being stable where a lot of them aren't though.
>>173339 i feel that way my uncle is probably more neurotic than i am -- he's the only one that's comparable to me and the rest of that side of the family is kind of slow i try to play mediator between them but it always ends me in a net of trouble i think he's slipped a little past neurotic and into mild psychosis but i'm the only one who seems to understand him everyone else gets blockaded by feelings of being complained at or whined at or bitched at when i'm the only one who sees his perspective really and that it's just casual discussion with little emotion involved i try to relate that to them but they're not very receptive they give up on trying to understand and say something like "well, live and let live" or something stupid like that i sure am talking a lot about things i probably should chill
>>173348 i dunno we gotta figure that out what happened to the moe discord it's gone on ho i wanted to hear you are sexy france canadan accent
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
ouaaaiiiiiis >>173349 i don't remember us having a discord uhhhh can you jog my RAM
i have one i'll mail it to you i cant find the moe one it's fugged bang made it and bang can destroy it
Bang made a /moe/ Discord like half a year back but I guess he shut it down since the actual use of one is kind of non-existent.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
idk about voice chat thouuughh
it's fine i file all my proxies through the tor vpn network api while drinking the cybersec kool-aid with only the best practices in my paradigm shift
Fuck discord We should have an irc channel instead
An IRC channel would be even more irrelevant than a Discord.
would be cancer don't even bother finishing
>>173357 Discord's terms of use and privacy policy are both very anti consumer. Also what's wrong with irc?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wait i just came up with the ultimate communication system brb
>>173359 And both those things are entirely irrelevant to the fact that you're talking about making a text-chat channel for a board that already has the primary function OF TEXT CHATTING.
>>173364 get better sone sony sonny saloon soz SOON good i am good at english
thank you papa
>>173363 And that's the main reason the previous /moe/ Discord ended up going away, no one used it because there was no point to using it.
Discord does offer the option of voice-chat though, which is something /moe/ does not.
>>173367 IRC also offers the option of voice chat, and unlike discord does not require you to make an account
You can voice chat without an account.
>>173369 Discord is not as usable without an account. You can still use it, but its not as good. Also using it without an account on a mobile device is suffering. And irc is less resource intensive.
irc also breeds the worst kind of people
Oh man I just thought if a ggreat idea A /moe/ MUD
It's also pretty unpopular outside of niche groups that still wank it.
/moe/ is already considered elitist and obnoxious to the other boards tossing an irc on top would just be fuckin cherry
>>173374 >to the other boards What other boards? Oh wait you mean other imageboards. >>173371 >chat protocols I don't like are bad and make people bad Also I'm not saying we absolutely need an irc channel, I'm just saying that it would be a better idea than having a discord channel
>>173375 that's a swathing greentext and not at all what i said
>>173375 Discord is more intuitive, and most people already access it in some form or function. Saying it would be a better idea to move to your niche program because you don't like Discord is ludicrous.
>>173376 Okay fine >>173371 [citation needed] >>173377 >most people IRC isn't a "niche program", its still used bby mmillions of people. Also its not "moving to" because wwe aren't mmoving from an existing discord
>>173378 there's a difference between saying discord has no use and saying // irc* has no use and saying /moe/ needs an irc channel for what purpose having an extraneous attached thing only causes problems
>>173379 And having a chatroom on *for an anonymous imageboard on an account based service isn't a terrible idea because????
and saying moe doesnt* need one
>>173378 You could poll pretty much anyone else on /moe/ and ask them if they still use IRC as a regular communication method. And you'd get maybe one, two people tops. That's what makes it a niche program in our frame of reference.
>>173380 what the fuck are you talking about how is this imageboard in any way anonymous
>>173382 shrug i use it for programming discussion
>>173382 People still use xdcc for anime and manga >>173388 Fair point
>>173387 That's why I was very particular about the method of use.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
man fucking irc is such a weird protocol though it's cool because it's established and oldschool but the text protocol itself is bonkers and the extensions good lord what was it, DCC? or CTCP one of those had the most insane encoding scheme ever omg what was it
Anyways, you're acting like I said "telnet bbs" instead of "IRC channel", irc is easy to use.
irc has uses why would moe need one
>>173391 I don't think wwe nneccesarily need one, I only think it would be a better solution for whatever non-issue that someone thought a discord woukd solve.
Yeah all I'm doing is standing by my previous statement. That a /moe/ IRC is almost entirely useless and less beneficial than a Discord.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i don't know what this argument is about
howdy howdy
so what were we talking about anyway basement life
>>173394 legend of whorra and you said something about a communication system
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>173395 oh yeah i was knee deep in websocket docs ok back to it
>>173405 Daily reminder that Poincare thought Cantor's set theory was nonsense, and convinced him tthat he was wrong and Cantor died before being vindicated by ththe mmathematics community.
>>173412 not off the top of my head really ive watched some videos on it but if i really grasped it fully it'd still be in there somewhere, which it isn't there are tons of youtube videos that would cover it better than me anyway
>>173414 I actually don't know if its even possible to do an elementary proof for it, that's the main reason I asked.
even though it seems like a topological concept, the proofing for it really tends not to deal with topology too much topology is a great system for developing tools to model other systems but topological systems don't really fair that well in their own field
it's like the shittiest method too i dont know why that video became a meme it's an okay introduction but there are other methods of doing that which are a lot more elegant -- which is mathematically significant
i didnt know there was a nutshack version but it doesnt surprise me
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Could not connect: Connected. Disconnected.
>>173422 are you still working on it we should just discord fam i wont tell everyone that you're actually a grill
Shit, I kknow I shouldn't But really want to go downstairs and have a big bbowl of chocolate ice cream.
Also, on the subject of math, the Euler-Mascheroni constant is really cool.
oily macaroni constant i'd just get fat
I alalsoike this one a lot. *also like https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hearing_the_shape_of_a_drum I would put it in the category of "really makes you think" solutions.
no offense but i'm not going to look at it
>>173428 Okay, anyways tthe answer is "no, you cannot hear the shape of a drum"
i don't doubt it's fascinating but i have my own obsessions to be fascinated by
>>173430 I can't tell if you're moon or math anon.
I assume that I'm math anon but that's not me
>>173432 If there were to be an SOL about cute girl versions of historically significant mathematicians, which nineteenth century mathematician do you think woukd be the most moe?
>>173446 Telnet support would actually be kkind of useful because if I have an open terminal the onscreenkeyboard stays oopen Not that I actually expect you to support telnet