Thread #172460
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Yes, amine.
tonight is sagrada reset machiavellianism sakura quest
And also a late Squid.
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There he is. Let's start with Sagrada Reset. oh I see that machiavellianism is very heavy tonight. Either it is encoded bad or something or they decided to blow the entire budget this episode okay everyone is orange let's start
Ready. Also the Machiavellianism episode is a gigabyte even at 720p. The fuck happened.
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I never noticed before but the OP for this show is kinda cheap.
It's got some pretty bits but there isn't really much animation. Feels like a VN opening almost.
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It was mostly stills that they kinda trick you with zooming.
Doki doki suru
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Oh it's Honkers.
She's even got a Kotoi.
Kotori even.
my net is dead have reset and sakura busou was 700mb finished only
Well I guess we can cross fingers and hope your net comes back on before we get through the rest of this show and Sakura.
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>>172487 Oh no. Does it usually come back after a bit?
who knows
This guy has some really feminine legs.
I think it's more than east and west being reverse. The entire town is mirrored.
Wait the Honkers knock-off here is actually called Honoka. How strange.
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At least Haruki was sent with him.
He was trying to be the gentleman but she was having none of that.
my net is back
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She's a deep sleeper/
And a fast one. I'm envious.
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Oh she actually was woken up for it. That's probably a good thing, that's the sort of thing you want to wake up for.
Let's wait for Ika to finish the Machiavellianism download.
reasyd ready
why is this episode 3x bigger than usual
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Oh, your internet came back. You were able to finish/ machiavellianism we're all orange let's start!
No clue.
empress sucks i thought she'd be a cool and collected person who likes to fight green is the best
on the other hand white had a surpisingly cute personality Green. > White > Empress = Rapier > Bear > Oni
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Empress is extremely yandere.
She surpasses yandere and has gone yangire.
>>172511 Yeah once she actually got the spotlight she was surprisingly entertaining.
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Yangire is kind of something different, though. I'd say she's extremely yandere. Resolving to kill the object of one's affection is just a very deep yandere behavior, it happens in a lot of bad ends.
whats yangire again
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>>172516 Super messed up, but not particularly dere. Rena is an example.
like if i cant have you nobody will or is that yandere
I'm of the opinion that the outburst that drives someone to thoughts of killing them leaves yandere territory.>>172520 That sort of thing is where it splits for me, depending on how they act on it. If they go and kill the others, it's yandere, if they kill the target of their affections for it, it's yangire.
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>>172520 If I can't have you nobody can is a yandere thing.
Was that supposed to be a concussion-inducing punch of hers?
Her auto-counter is still a load of bologna.
okay this episode so far has made me like empress a bit more
ACTUAL last boss.
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He was expelled for beating up all the girls on campus. Not really very surprising when you think about it.
he's going to join the sister school and then arc 2 starts!
im 2 minutes behind that sour face was funny
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She's dressed really cutely for a psycho killer.
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white is a bully
A cute bully.
she got what she wanted
wew that was smooth by empress
Chouka finally got her wig back.
Well that was a pretty futsuu series.
I think empress might be the same level of white for me
You really can't keep a consistent opinion can you.
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Empress is cool so Ika just revised his opinion in a good way. Let us know when you're ready for Sakura Wars Ika.
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okay sakura wars okay let's start
Tryhards. Oh Riri's wearing a full-on mask.
Pft. Sandaru never gets old.
Dreams come true!
Like imagine being a total stranger somewhere. And some person who isn't even the same ethnic background as your entire country comes up to you and starts spouting stuff you'd expect from a fortune teller or horiscope.
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It's probably easier to tolerate it from a foreigner.
Riri's grandmother is an exhuastingly annoying person. Oh no Riri.>>172566 Yeah but everyone else around you takes it in stride. It's so absurd.
>>172564 that'd be amazing
A trip to a foreign resort country feels like a really extravagant prize for a rural town's trivia contest.
Hah hah. That name did make me thing about Ptolemy.
Oh he lost his temper.
I wonder if, when they parody these kinds of shows from real Japan in anime shows, if they realize how unrealistic and phony the real ones actually feel.
It's all gonna come tumbling down
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Here comes the end of season drama arc.
Well this show is two-cour so they can play around a bit with arcs.
Oh no band followers.
Marionette Marionette Teacher's pet
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thanks for anime!
good epsiode
>>172470 >>172566 dddd dd d d
>>172847 This is a. Test his s. I'd a test . This is a test
>>172857 This is another test