The Twitch E3 panel is talking about Starfield, a new Bethesda IP which apparently is rumoured to tie their major IP together.
And I'm finding it really, really hard to one, trust that as accurate, and two, think it could ever work out.
*insert garfield joke*
>>160651 I read that as Seinfeld at first and I got disappointed when I realised it wasn't a Seinfeld RPG
Though if it's a fantasy life sci-fi game in the vein of Bethesda's other major works, then that might be cool. I'm just hesistant to like something that would tie The Elder Scrolls and Fallout together.
Why do companies even bother giving a range of time on when your package is going to be delivered
4-7 business days Bitch You and I both know damn well that it's gonna be 7 days Don't disrespect me like that
>let's take a look at our already released games How about we don't, motherfucker, stop wasting my time this isn't what anyone's here for Literally not one person in the audience came to this to hear about already released games, and neither did a single fucking person watching the stream
>>160665 >oh god we have nothing to announce we need to pad this shit out somehow
DOOM VR is about the most insulting thing I've seen in years
Is Mr Sandman even IN Fallout 4?
>They better not have shot the fucking bear No shoot the fucking bears. Bears in The Elder Scrolls are assholes.
Oh cool, I'm glad they finally released Morrowind Could you imagine if they just didn't release Morrowind?
I really don't want to play The Elder Scrolls Online. That game series is really something I like doing solo. But if they're dead insistent on not putting out a new one any time soon I might cave.
I'd totally forgotten Bethesda was doing an Elder Scrolls Hearthstone/Gwent. I mean I'm still not going to play it but thanks for reminding me it exists.
The fucking video is being jolted around, too And the worst part is I can't actually TELL when it happens because the presentation is terrible, I just realize when something REPLAYS
Hah hah hah. The Link Amiibo puts the Master Sword into Skyrim. For years, modders have broken the lore and put weapons, characters, and armor from other games into Bethesda games. Now Bethesda are doing it themselves.
Are these people who are actually known at all? I was kinda deep in the CS scene at least, I never seen any of them >>160681 MOTHERFUCKER I HAVE 5 MINUTES REEEEE
why would you wear a KKK hood in nazi controlled america? You don't need klansmen anymore, all the blacks are gone
Hey SK it's your people.
Well I guess if I have to be positive, apparently Bethesda had two major games they had slotted up before working on the new Elder Scrolls. If these two sequels are those games, once they're done I'm in the clear.
I hope they release an expansion for the Doom boardgame soon.
I don't give a FUCK about Wolfenstein continuity, my friend. I don't play FPS games. Whether I can or can not play as the lady with the afro was really the extent of my desire to play it.
What were you expecting? A new Elder Scrolls? Why don't you enjoy a new Skyrim instead?
>>160707 It took me until just now for the full implications of your answer to hit me. I don't think I know that many people who are really into vidrogames that don't play FPS. With the exception of people who exclusively play up to three genres of games.
>>160712 I was absolutely not expecting a new Elder Scrolls. I went this conference wholly knowing it was not coming.
>>160713 That should tell you everything you need to know about the video game industry's state. Or perhaps just your circle of game players.
>>160717 The people who play three genres or less are acquaintances. Not all of whom have autism.
>>160713 I don't play FPS games unless it's something really interesting I mean I don't think a lot of 'weeb'ier people play FPS games very often Thought they probably don't /// though they probably aren't a high portion of the market
>>160721 A really interesting one for me would just be one that's very high quality. Let me rephrase what I said. I don't play FPS games unless it looks very good. So I'm willing to play something like Doom, but I can probably count the amount of FPS games I've finished on one hand.
None of those are useful statistics. I just want to be a lady with a fro shooting both Nazis and the KKK Or watch someone be that on a Let's Play.
>>160720 You're welcome >>160719 What makes an FPS really interesting to you inb4 waifus
>>160719 I've probably beaten more FPS games than any other genre. Or maybe thats tied with fighting games. I own over a dozen jrpgs but have only beaten one.
>>160722 How do you "beat" a fighting game? Because typically it barely takes an hour to finish the singleplayer. I've definitely finished more jrpgs than I have fps games.
Also I play fighting games on the hardest or second hardest difficulty.
Devolver is certainly taking the piss out of the major conferences.
>>160723 Have you played the first three Halo games?
>And who likes sad pandas?
>>160727 I played them at a friends place but I don't think I ever finished any of their campaigns
Also the call of duty in space game is very fun. I haven't beaten it but I played a ton of multiplayer and it was very fun. You can run on walls and slide and other fun stuff.
I actually would like to play Titanfall 2. Except my PS4 is still fucked.
>>160730 What happened with Infinite Warfare anyway? Would you say it was as cool as that E3 trailer looked?
>>160731 I didn't see the E3 trailer but it was pretty cool. Although from what I played in the campaign mode the writing was a bit worse than usual. Although Black Ops 1, and the three modern warfare games had above average (for the fps industry) writing.
I've played Titanfall 1 and it was very fun.
>>160732 I played Modern Warfare 1 and thought that it was quite good. The campaign was very fun in that game, had a lot of unique and memorable missions. I hear that Titanfall 2 ironed out a lot of the flaws from the first game. There's a pretty cool interview with the director of the game where he talks about how he took the inspiration for the dialogue between the mc and his titan from that anime Gargantia
>>160736 I played those at a friends house as well. They were pretty fun.
>>160734 2 and 3 are very good as well I like Black Ops 1 more though.
Also while not a first person shooter, the Gears of War games are actually very good. Well 1-3 are, I havent played anything after that.
Geez fucking Louise Devolver.
>>160734 LOL I have a friend who will find that to be very funny.
I bet they shoehorned in that interview because of the backlash they got from that one time they said the titans in the first game "aren't mechs"
Might be fun but I don't own any vr systems, and I don't plan on buying one anytime soon
>>160745 My friend is getting PSVR when the new ace combat comes out. I guess ill get Doom VR edition and the recent DoA Extreme game when that happens.
>>160743 See if you can find the Ashes trailer, it's kind of neat looking. There'll be more on it on the Twitch E3 stream tomorrow. Overall Microsoft's conference was a solid "okay"/10.
>>160743 I literally didn't even know e3 was the haps until I read about it on moo
i've got a lot of work i needed to be working on but instead i just watched four hours of a youtube channel dedicated specifically to pointing out the inconsistencies between avatar and the legend of korra i've never even watched those shows it's amazing what your brain will find interesting when you're supposed to be doing something you don't want to do
>>160893 i've listened to probalby more than 4 hours of my little sister pointing out the inconsistencies of those two shows i also have not watched much of either but she seems to like the former and dislike the latter
Can't sleep When I went down stairs I noticed that someone had messed with the air conditioner's settings so I fixed that. It will probably help me sleep now that its cooler though.
There's a bottle of strawberry syrup that has been sitting in a cupboard in my house for...maybe a decade? Every few years or so I see it sitting there, in the back of that cupboard, and I wonder what sort of state the stuff is in. I'm not crazy enough to test it out though.
>>160937 i have some choco syrup but it says it is expired in less than one month theres so uch left i bought a two-pack and this is the second one it's in the refrigerator though come get it
honestly, that year-old chocolate syrup probably isn't even abd tbh >>160941 that one is definitely not bad and probably won't be for a while
>>160934 yeah it is probably fine honestly it's not like it's milk or perishable the only problem is that it has corn syrup and corn syrup SEPARATES so before you put it in your milk empty it into a container and mix it together again then put it back int eh bottle and put it in your milk ive done this before
>>160945 if you cut the bottle open and remove the top half of it, the rest is probably fine well it depends on how much is in there if it's almost full, there's probably very little penetration >>160947 OH EXCEPT THIS
>>160943 Maybe I'll pick some up after my stuff is done today.
Are you guys watching Alice this morning?
>>160945 growing on what? bacteria are actually kind of picky about what they grow on, we just happen to like a lot of the same things as they do i don't think flavored corn syrup is one of them
>>160974 Yes, but it can be very bad for you. Since they can have bacteria and or viruses in them.
The only reason I never end up drinking spoiled milk is because I always smell the jug before I drink from it. Sometimes it doesn't smell bad for a few days or even a week after the sell by date and sometimes you can smell the badness a whole week in advance
tamago kake with raw eggs is good
>>160980 Yeah it looks juicy but it'd fuck you up.
>>160981 this except I pour it into myhabd then smell it sometimes the rim smells bad but the milk itself it's ok
>>160981 i don't really see what the problem really is with old milk that's basically what it turns into when it goes into your stomach and emulsifies from the acid anyway >>160986 yeah the smell and taste, but healthwise i don't understand the risk
i don't like the taste of milk that smells even slightly old
>>160998 I won't say it looks weird, but Makoto's mask covers her nose and it makes her look a lot different.
>>161003 Oh yeah Kirara/Jan I took some photos of the trip up to my cottage. Just to show why a bunch of the road trip was kind of familiar terrain for me.
I know a Shimakaze (male) cosplayer. He sent me pictures too and I awkwardly ignored them in the way that I awkwardly ignore things that make me uncomfortable.
>>161037 I mean, okay, I guess. But like most boys he has wide shoulders and because of that Shimakaze is kind of a poor choice for male cosplayers because her outfit does nothing to hide boy shoulders.
I was reading a magazine up there and an article remarked on, as cottagers, we often pass by so many lakes in this part of the country that we don't even really realize it some times. Where as other countries or parts of the world that don't have as massive or plentiful fresh water lakes are awestruck by the rare one in their area.
>>161043 Making a man look like a girl is a sin and god will purge those who do it from his heaven
>>161047 If you're already marked for hell you might as well say fuck it and go all out
>>161044 I mean, you're right in the sense that Shimakaze (male) became a meme because obvious men dressing up as Shimakaze is hilarious. But since it's become a meme a lot of guys are just going for it trying to be convincing. A guy really needs to have a girl pair of shoulders to be able to do Shimakaze because her outfit doesn't do anything to hide wide shoulders.
>>161071 I only caught the announcement echoing around a few days back. Don't follow Trigger or the Inferno Cop brand on Twitter directly, so I can only hear information after it starts bouncing around.
>>161073 no stop he can't be wrong i've seen it before never wrong ever
i foudn a way i found a way i found a way back to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>>161087 Well you might be going in the middle of the hottest time of the year. But at least you'll probably avoid all the people that go in the coldest part of the year!
The conversation about it was a frightening ojou moment. We were talking about how you guys were in the Appalachians and she said she wanted to go on vacation there with you. And suddenly it became Hawaii.
hawaii's a really long flight and there's so many logistics to get fussed over i'd personally rather a cabin retreat, or like just somewhere not that special or exotic but that has great hospitality that'd be a more enjoyable use of the money for me >>161111 most definitely. an exotic trip seems nice to me, a vacation would just be like a weekend spa or maybe a cruise be pampered a bit you know
>>161107 I don't really think it's the autism. I think she's probably just never experienced what it's like to have limited funds.
I'm fine with something that's special or exotic, but I'd rather it be a trip, not a vacation. If I end up in Hawaii I'm gonna be checking out the island forestation and the volcanoes. And maybe dive if there's good diving scenes 'round there.
>>161109 Well, she wants to go to Hawaii and doesn't want to compromise on something else
>>161110 I don't think she's ever experienced that, no She's always been super rich She doesn't really understand why I am uncomfortable about her dad spending so much money on me She's like, "it's not your money, so it shouldn't be a problem"
>>161111 I want to see the island and volcano stuff she'll want to dive and she wants to fish and stuff she's been trying to get me to start diving for a long time so she'll probably try to get me to do it
>>161113 you didn't try to sell her on cancun? it's a little less heavy than hawaii ive been to cancun it's nice, really great for diving i'm sure hawaii is too though but man, hawaii is just so hawaii, you know
>>161109 I guess the bigger problem for me is, I don't really like the idea of being pampered. Like I'd rather just be able to enjoy isolation than have someone pampering and soothing me.
>>161121 when i'm saying pampered i mean good hospitality, very good quality food with easy access, comfort, entertainment like shows nearby that's what a weekend vacation would be to me, to just kind of use that money on more "consumable" expenses than long flights and expensive things or a cabin retreat in isolation with a cozy fireplace
but a trip is different trips are really busy, and there's lots of fun planned vacations shouldn't be busy they're there to get away from the stress
>>161150 bye we might never see each other again bye forever
>>161148 it's not a vacation if you use the criteria set out before i think vacation=trip but apparently others here don't >>161149 no, surfing is dumb
>>161152 i use them interchangeably, but in this discussion i was referring to vacation as more of needing to de-stress and a trip being a more invigorating, driven motivation like going to a conference or convention or going sightseeing or a roadtrip sightseeing and roadtrips aren't good vacations they are great trips
Vacations (where you go somewhere else) are trips but not all trips are vacations.
>>161152 >it's not a vacation if you use the criteria set out before ? ? ?
>>161176 Think she'll be okay with the plane flight? Or would you be getting first-class or something fancy.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>161179 a plane might be okay if it's got a side with two seats to the row, or we might have to fly first class haven't really thought about it if she sat at the window and i was in between her and the other people it might be okay
do you ever use google earth and accidentally scroll out way too far and feel a sudden pang of terror
>>161181 yes except instead of terror it is excitement
it has Alice, Snow White, Cinderella, Gretel, Ibarahime, Akazukin, Pinocchio, and Kaguyahime as girls they have different versions of them that come from the gatcha and have different weapons and stuff
How do I play Is this one of those Japan only ones?
>>161214 Did you know that he's probably Jewish? He's Polish and can read Hebrew in addition to loving to kill Nazis, so theres like a 95% chance he's Jewish.
Going to bed for the last time. Hopefully I fall asleep soon. Night /moe/
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh damn there's communists in this too
Yeah, they had quite the fanciful speech.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this actually looks pretty good
Rail shooters aren't really my thing. But I'll keep an eye on it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wait is it a rail shooter? not an FPS?
Isn't that what the Wolfenstein games are? FPS --
Maybe I've got a misunderstanding of what rail shooters are.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no, they're just normal FPSes not rail shooters
rail shooter is like Time Crisis.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
a rail shooter is the kind of game you play at an arcade
Hm, all right. I use them for pretty much any kind of game you're not really required to explore. Just follow straightforward paths through stages and shoot things.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
like a linear shooter? yeah wolfenstein is pretty linear
>>161238 it's a pretty descriptive definition, but the phrase rail shooter has already been used to describe these arcade style shooting games for some time before linearity plagued the single player FPS.
>>161239 And that's not really my kind of thing. I really do like exploring in games.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
tfw no death stranding at e3 this year
That feel when no The Elder Scrolls VI this year.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you mean ever bethesda just put out ESO "morrowind"
>>161244 Yeah right before FFXIVs expansion comes to steal their pathetic player base away one week later gg Bethesda
>>161242 Sony baby, it's all gonna be here tomorrow
I'm moderately confident that they'd come out and say "fuck off you're not getting another game" if they were set on never making VI. My personal idealistic crap-shoot hope is that they're finally getting rid of that fucking piece of shit engine they've been using since Oblivion for all their games since.
>>161247 If they dash peoples hopes then they deflate hype for spinoffs like the mmo
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>161246 kojima said that there's no death stranding this year because he's too busy
Fish is a total scaredy cat but she likes horror games I don't play too many horror games although I like survival horror she got really into RE7, i just watched her play it
fish put on a gameplay thing of it to watch and it's got pewdiepie commentary and a character is like "it smells like blood" and pewdiepie says "how can you smell blood? what?"
Oh yeah you should see if the entirety of the Devolver conference is somewhere you can watch it. It was something absolutely inspired. And fucking insane.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
That sounds like something likat might interest me
wtf she starts shooting off a gun and everyone's like HAHAHAHA
>>161263 I played little bit of it but it wasn't what I was hoping it would be I wanted re4 sort of survival where there's a decent amount of combat but your ammo/weapons are limited but it's not like that From what I could see you either sneak everywhere and oneshot stab enemies in the head or you just go crazy with all your guns because you can not run out of ammo unless you try It seemed alright if you know what you're getting into
>>161267 Did she ever play System Shock 2? That game gives me the heebeejeebies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>it's sad pandas and suicide watch for the accounting team oh man
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>161274 she hasn't played it she's not really a PC person though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>161273 oh that sounds really not survivaly she's watching gameplay of it now
It's a horror flavored 3rd person shooter The story/setting felt like a mix between Fear and Allen Wake
I once made a presentation that got rated "font choice and colour choices in slides and text were disturbing and irritating to read" and I just went YEAH! cause I had planned the whole thing that way
Hahaha the two other cabinet parties are now trying to come upw ith an excuse to kick the third, true finn party out Long time no government breaking up
>>161338 >In its announcement, EMT also noted that idea to ban manspreading came from a proposal made by the Madrid women and mothers group, Mujeres en Lucha y Madres Estresadas. I swear it's always some group of bored harpies who have nothing better to do than inconvenience someone for the sake of it
>>161336 No idea, it was just mentioned in an article talking about in our public transit and some people think apparently that hanging NO MAN SPREADING signs on our trains and buses and metros would be a good idea you fucking dolts
I seriously love how sitting comfotrably is now offensive, if you are a man that is and also no one really sits in the wide fucking attack wing formation they always say is actual manspreading or does it consciously to take space for their ego... or if they do they arre a tiny fucking minority and all around dousches anyhow.
>A sign will ask passengers to be respectful of others' space and will be posted along with other rules, including not putting feet on seats, using headphones and not smoking. Woah, hold the fuck up, you can't even listen to music on their public transport?
>>161343 It's actually the train they use to cart you to concentration camps
That's how the rich pay for most of the shady shit they do pay for Oh, you happened to pass a law that makes my shady business semi-legal? I wonder how your "charity" just got those $500K Certainly no connection
You decided to legitimize my brutal dictatorship by speaking positively about me? I happen to be a humanitarian as well, so here's some money for your charity
It also makes it easy to make folders for anything and everything If you want a folder for just erica hartmann reaction images it's ez That was a feature I suggested actually, the automatically synced export folders
Perhaps sorting wasn't the right word I autodownload lots of stuff and throw out the garbage pictures Right now I'm whittling down 16,000 Nagato Yuki pictures It'll probably end up being ~1,500
It's super handy for wallpapers You just tag a thing wallpaper, set up an extract folder, and set your wallpaper changer software to use that folder and boom And you can even make separate wallpaper folders so you have all the wallpapers with Konata in one or all the images with Lucchini in another
It allows for a lot of control
i wish there was milk delivery
>>161413 It used to have an experimental ranking function that let you just get two images from the selection thrown on screen, and you clicked on the one that fit whatever you were rating based on the most The end goal was to have that then be something you could sort by
But that didn't go anywhere and I think he removed the feature It never worked properly because the ratings were forever tentative and you couldn't actually sort by them
It took fucking years to do, cause it had to make sure everything was rated properly Each image needs to be compared to a ton of other images potentially Cause if image x is better than image y, and image z is better than image y, you still don't know which of x and z is best And that's just 3 Imagine thousands Tens of thousands
Well, depending on how this recovery thing goes, maybe I won't need to update and I can just do a fresh install with the newest version and sock in the databases
Wasn't that the point? >>161426 I don't know. Tempest is tiring. I want to hit like 5k a day on it.
>>161429 it's a crapshoot if i even clear the 5 stage lunatic. i have literally no 5* greens in my barracks i have YT for julia but she's -atk IV i've watched some people do the 740 point grind, but man it's just impossible with my army. i don't have enough resources for that to happen. most specifically i don't have enough inheritable skills or sp to go around
>>161428 No I'm pretty sure he's an actual normie Well "normie" He's the "pretend to do something as a joke for long enough and you'll find yourself in the company of people who aren't joking" person we were all warned about
pretend to do something as a joke for long enough, and you'll find yourself in the company of subroutine twitter bots pilfering your data
Well a bot he isn't, I think
some of my SR tweeterbots already seem less strange that the actual people of twitter
Yeah but he's responding to stuff in a consistent way for his.... kind of person
I'd softblock him if I didn't need the follower number padding to look more legit for future potential followers
>>161430 I don't have a team comp where I can beat it with just one team. Well, I DO, but I also want the 1.4 Lucina Bonus I can do the whole thing with just my cavalry but it's worth more points to do it with a team that has Lucina and then swap to Cavalry halfway through.
>>161436 you also get a bonus (50% i think) for not losing your first team and for how few turns you spend so that's something to consider
And also he's likely gonna gain followers rapidly because he's full blown ideological
>>161437 the 1.5x Survival bonus becomes 1.4x if you lose one team. 1.4 * 1.4 is better than 1.5 * 1
oh i didn't know that either of those are better than literally not being able to clear the 72 hp hector with vantage stage and getting no bonus points and getting like 160 points
Ursula/Cecilia/Eldigan/Clarine is pretty great. On the final boss it takes some effort to not fuck up. There is always a Cavalry Mage on the right. Usually Olwen or Leo, which Ursula or Cecilia can take out by baiting and then attacking next turn. Armored up front is can be beaten with either mage unless it's Hector, in which case, Eldigan. The only unit that's SERIOUSLY dangerous to my team is the one mage with the anti-cavalry Red tome. I have to get a clean shot with Eldigan/Ursula on him or die.
it's a crapshoot sometimes you luck out and hector has smite and uses his turn every time just smiting the back-end mage/dagger that just moved up to him
>Hector >Daggerbreaker >Gordin Yeah, I got this.
>>161441 the sweater says cozy the scissors and that glare do not say cozy at all
oh whoops. It wasn't survival that was 1.4 that was speed survival becomes 1.15 hm which is... still more that 1.5*1
There isn't anything live on youtube's E3 thing, and that is literally the only thing I know how to watch E3 from because E3's marketing department is a dead otter and the fleas on the carcas
I mean sure, their inactivity is a valid point. But have you tried getting resourceful and looking at other major streaming services.
Googling "the pc gaming show" will get me 500 thousand meme streamers
What I'm saying is, you obtuse, uncreative, dork. --
>>161464 They've been doing an E3 stream since at least yesterday? That's where I've been watching it since I started.
I CHECKED TWITCH earlier and they didn't have anything E3 at the time So I assumed Youtube had a fucking monopoly or something
>check twitch for E3 at any point before it's already live Here's 5 channels with 5 viewers talking about E3 possibly being a thing that happens in the future
I dunno where you went wrong man. i was able to find the main Twitch channel with their personal stream right off the bat.
I know it has loot and levels and bosses, and that's about it Apparently it's also a dead game
Well it's getting a sequel. The sequel's gonna be on PC through, so I might check it out if it gets cheap at something. I really like the design aesthetics of the game and the story piqued my interest.
Intel really should have found a better speaker to get up on stage for them.
I'm disappointed this guy doesn't pull Yoko Taro shit and wear a welding helmet >>161494 The entirety of the Bethesda presentation was this shit, man Every video skipped back and forth at random AND IT WAS SO BLAND YOU DIDN'T NOTICE UNTIL IT SKIPPED BACK
I didn't notice that. And I'm pretty autsy about stuff like that. Might just have been on YouTube's side
Do you remember what was said after they went "IN NINETEEN NINETY SIX"? Because what they said after that for me was nothing and the lights went off and it went to the next game trailer
I don't remember what but it wasn't a cut-off either.
>$2500 PC I can get a 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance of winning this if I just give you all my personal information to sell to marketers? Cool
Hah hah hah.
>>161502 There was only 130,000 viewers on the stream just now though. Even if there's enough viewers elsewhere to push it up to 200,000, that's still a 0.000005% chance--assuming all of them sign up for the draw.
Honestly I think people would be more excited if they dropped the faux excitement
Just be the cynical corporate shill you are and people will probably enjoy the honesty for a change
>>161502 real nigga words right here sweepstakes are such a scam
I tend to think they are too. Even if the odds are even reasonable I avoid going for anything that involve me putting down an address, digital or otherwise.
Well that's probably not as impressive as it sounds. Since PCs and XBOX is pretty close together nowadays.
Oh this was one of the trailers I really liked the aesthetic feel of. I wonder if we're getting proper information.
>>161513 we should start a business of undermining sweepstakes operations by offering the same sweepstakes without compromising the information of the participant, that they only need a redeemable code when using our platform instead of the sweepstakes directly until the companies pay us to stop sadly people would still apply anyway because they don't realize the companies would happily pay about $200 per head on the information filled out in the application for a sweepstakes but get away for pennies worth on a calculated chance and total $2500 expenditure it's so offensive to market research as a whole
Oh he's just assuring us that the modders won't get any of the money? Thank god That'd be awful
>>161525 Y'know you could really do with trying to understand what people are saying instead of just turning on to another concept entierly.
No what the fuck is he saying WHAT is a paid mod if it's not something you PAY FOR
Are they saying you don't have to pay to UPLOAD mods?
>>161527 The question was "Is Creation Club paid mods?" and the answer is "No (Creation Club is not paid mods). Because it's not modded content, in the context of how mods have functioned previously for Bethesda games.
...then what is it? I don't understand what the fuck
So it's workshop WORKSHOP IS MODS
It's a platform provided by Bethesda for third-party developers, I imagine.
open source modding instead of proprietary i imagine what
>>161519 It would need a bunch of initial capita though, even if it was to work. We'd need to be able to actually provide the possible prizes before people start paying us to stop doing it.
>>161533 No i mean hijacking the sweepstakes and blocking // bottlenecking their information collections go through us, don't reveal your information, still get a ticket to win it >>161535 then they didn't really get anything out of using our service because you can mail in multiple entries to sweepstakes anyway >>161537 no they didn't. the same effort could be used on an additional entry in the initial sweepstakes
>>161534 What stops anyone from registering both with you AND the sweepstakes holder to fractionally improve their chance at winning?
>>161534 Oh I see. That would be pretty fun to fuck around with. How would you continue to provide them individual chances to win though? Would you have a database of meaningless addresses and emails to pull from to supply the sweepstakers for entries?
>>161534 They did though They improved their chances
Well I mean I'm talking only about sweepstakes where you aren't allowed to enter multiple times
>>161537 those // sweepstakes laws are weird you have to allow people to be able to mail in entries and there's like a minimum limit for max allowable entries >>161539 may not be a law it's just how every terms and conditions ive ever read was written out for sweepstakes believe me ive read a lot of them because i do that for some reason
What the fuck Why What kind of idiot made that a LAW
Oh neat they found a way to make VR work and also let you move That's cool
>>161536 i dunno i just really like the idea of telling people "Okay, run this through us and all your information remains confidential and won't be sold, including your usage data" and then just holding on to like 85 thousand dollars worth of customer data that the sweepstakes holder now can't have >>161543 i'm aware. i don't think it's a real opportunity i just wish i could do that because i'd like to hold hostage all their precious consumer data from them i could sell it to them for a ton, but i wouldn't. i would encrypt it and destroy it. i would hold ransom my presence and they'd have to pay me a buttload just to stop my operations
>>161541 Everyone who's fine with giving the company their info will have a leg up by also registering with you though 500 people are registered with the company, you're one and so are they 1000 people are registered with you If they register with you also, EVEN if they lose, they have a second shot through your diceroll
VR games that are capable enough to understand hand gestures open up some HUGE new areas for person-to-person communication. There's so much communication you can do with your hands alone. That would actually be really cool.
What if you just host a sweepstake and then sell the information yourself anyway Just host any sweepstake and make dosh
>>161545 an actual business opportunity would be, provided we could form a loud enough voice and spread throughout the social media, to do aggregate sweepstakes basically "enter through us and we'll hunt down every applicable sweepstakes you can be eligible for" either directly or indirectly using their information to submit for the sweepstakes, or through internal lottery to determine who wins the sweepstakes prizes >>161548 yes that is one of the two options i just described
where's the part where you don't see money being made i don't follow you >>161552 no. no charge at all what's your hangup with cash money this isn't 1980 >>161552 you've got a very large voice and a very large stream of information those two things serve as a very useful tool through which you can accomplish much >>161553 what are those cheese tactics? i guess you could you're so interested on CASHING OUT but yeah i suppose you could i'd rather hang on to the POWER instead of getting cashed out because cash money is fake and gay information is the real deal
Your mind's all backwards SK you want us to charge the people for the service we're providing them, which we're not who's benefiting from a sweepstakes? we already established that it's the company holding it that 2500 pc sweepstakes will pull in 100 grand worth of consumer information >>161559 yeah, and we're the middle man who controls the potential for them to gain massive new troves of data why charge the customer when we can charge big data directly we sell them all the sweepstakes entries we can just choose not to because of a clause in the T&C that we're a company with a discerning eye for sweepstakes no data dumps play hardball with these nerds who've been taking advantage for too long
not only are you still gonna have to pay out the original sweepstakes, but we also want a five percent cut on your data sales of this trove -- or, if for personal use, some fixed value -- in addition to also sponsoring the sweepstakes hunter team with a free whatever you're sweepstakes-ing away it's a win-win-win
Oh FuckleChish.
Wargroove does look interesting to me though. It's super Advance Wars-y and I kind of miss that feeling from my childhood.
>>161563 part of the deal with the sale is that a complementary sweepstakes prize is included in the sale (or, ignoring that part, just use the cash generated to buy one) and therein we can hold a separate sweepstakes of our own which is open freely without the sale of information
so then we can offer the same sweepstakes to people who don't want to divulge their information and try to pull the demographic shift over so that we control the market share after about 20 years >>161565 there are so many sweepstakes. it's an effort to go looking for them. this is where the point that having a voice and userstream is relevant the companies want that data, but it's actually hard to reach people to get it >>161566 im getting to that, because it's hard to reach people. they have to spend money on advertising for giveaways (usually a lot), and it's got a very weak reach this alleged company is basically filling the unmet need of trying to connect companies to their demographic, but under the guise of connecting consumers to free shit and both operations are a little deceitful because we're actually trying to swing the demographics towards the private information side over time
No I understand why someone would sign up I don't understand why a host would want our information when it's not filtered or discriminatory at all, since it's just every person who's seen our thing and wants in
So we basically ask them what kind of demographic they want the information of? Dude this could be a good idea
I could see it working
>>161567 No, there's nothing about target demographics in the information being sold. that's bad market research to bias your data in such a way i was talking about the demographic of people willing to participate in a sweepstakes we've got potentially tens of thousands of participants who signed us their consent to enter >>161569 no no no that's for applied things, like advertising yes, you have target demographics for trying to advertise something but they want unbiased information in the first place so that you can glean this information and understand "Oh, there are connections here, here, and here among this and this, so we can use that knowledge for advertising strategy" there's a big difference anyway i gotta get back to work i wasted too much time
Whoah, I just realized. I haven't worn my KGB uniform for over a year.
I'm sorry what
>>161584 I bought a KGB uniform for a really good price a few years ago. I usually wear it in Halloween or for something. But its been over a year since I last wore it.